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personal growth, John C. Maxwell - Law Of Explosive Growth!

John C. Maxwell - Law Of Explosive Growth!

law number 20 the 20th law is what I

call the law of explosive growth and the

law of explosive growth says to add

growth lead followers but if you want to

multiply your growth you've got to lead

leaders there's a difference between

followers math and leaders math let me

give it to you

followers math is addition leaders math

is multiplication and you and I in the

law of explosive growth have got to get

in the vein of multiplication and 90% of

all leaders gather followers and not

leaders and there are three reasons for

that number one

leaders are hard to find number two

leaders are hard together and number

three leaders are hard to hold that's a

fact and because of those three reasons

often our tendency is to leave followers

instead of leading leaders so what I'm

going to do in this lesson this is a

very important exercise I want to share

with you the differences between

developing leaders and developing

followers now let me give you the

background of this for some time I have

known that some leaders you just look at

them and you go to some organizations

you go to some businesses you go to some

companies you go to some churches yeah

you just got leaders who are they raise

up leaders and then you go to other

organizations and you got leaders and

they're good leaders but they don't have

any leaders you just say okay why do

some have leaders and some not so over

the process of studying people I came to

the conclusion that there were some

distinct differences I would watch

I would study and I would get on my

legal pad and write down my thoughts

there are some distinct differences

between leaders who develop followers

and leaders who develop leaders and this

is going to be this is going to be

highly helpful and very practical for

you so let me give them to you and and

some of them I'll talk about some of

them I'll just have to have to give them

to you to write down here we go number

one is the desire the desire is

different between leaders to develop

leaders and leaders to develop followers

let me illustrate it to you here here we


leaders who develop followers need to be

needed and leaders who develop leaders

want to be succeeded and there's a world

of difference between those two the

desire is is as far apart as east is

from west leaders who develop leaders

who develop followers need to be needed

leaders who develop leaders want to be

succeeded in other words one wants

people needing them and the other one

wants people succeeding them one wants

to keep a job and have people saying oh

we need you we can't make it without you

and the other one wants to be able to

equip somebody to the job and walk away

from it now now what I want I'm going to

ask you to do something in this section

because this will be very helpful as I

give you the differences between leaders

and develop followers and leaders

develop leaders I want you to put a

check mark by the one that you favor now

I'm not coming back and look at your

notes so don't worry about it okay

here's a thought have an honest moment

I don't want to press you too much but

do your best

in other words which camp are you in are

you a person that you like to be needed

now by the way I want stop it from one

there's nothing wrong with this I just

want you to settle in where you are are

you a person that likes to be needed are

you a person that you would like to be

succeeded for example and I could give

you a classic example that people asked

me when I resigned skyline and Margaret

and I left they said well how hard was

the adjustment of leaving the church

well it's a typical adjustment you got a

you leave people that you love do you

leave people that you're with for 14


but if you really want to know the

honest truth it wasn't a very big


now you say Oh Chun you're so callous no

no I'm not cows I love them dearly

laughed with them cried with him worked

with them but but but you have to

understand my wife in me first of all my

life isn't my church here's the thought

I have a life and my identity isn't my

church and my ego fulfilment isn't my

church see my best friend is my wife

Margaret we're best friends we happen to

be lovers and a few other things that

are none of your business - but the

bottom line is she's my best friend and

so we've never thrown ourselves into

church like well this is everything no

no church has been wonderful but it's

something everything

I mean there's going to be a day when I

don't have the enjoy group enjoy groups

not everything I love the enjoy group

but it's not everything there's gonna be

a day when Margaret and I are sitting

out on the porch of life in a rocking

chair gumming ourselves to death

and you you know and she's gonna look at

me and she's gonna say that well you

know I you know what's your name what's

your name I know you you see when you

really get boil everything down the only

thing really is going to count in life

is when ever life is over she looks at

me and says John you've been a great

husband and I look at her and say boy

the best decision I ever made was to

marry you and my kids look at me and say

dad you've given us all the advantages

of life you taught us to love God and

we're gonna try to carry your legacy on

I mean when you think about life isn't

very complicated and my wife never let

the church make her the first lady she

isn't the first lady for the church

she's the first lady for me now she

happens to be a lady that's in the

church but she ain't the first lady so

we don't have pedestals and we don't

have scepters we don't have crowns and I

never let the church put me up on some

kind of a pedestal and boul down and say

Oh your holiness how are you today my

name is John I don't take myself

seriously love the church but I can say

goodbye and not turn back in fact the

whole time I was there I was working

hard to equip the church so I could work

myself out of a job

and I'm still doing it today as I'm

building and developing the enjoy group

as soon as I get good leaders and train

them I turn it over to them and I quit

doing that I love I love I love to give

other people responsibility I'd like to

play more golf in the name Jesus

if you have a strong need to be needed

you'll never grow leaders because you'll

always want them dependent on you oh I

got to have you could you give me this

answer what do you think Oh could you

please pray this prayer for me if you

have that strong need you'll never grow

leaders because you'll want everybody

depend upon you

you know I love my kids but I don't want

my kids dependent upon me my son Joel

now he's a sophomore in college my

daughter Elizabeth

she's a seventh year senior I think

she's made school her life work now

let's say something elegant I love my

kids and they're both great kids but

Kent is something I'm glad they're

growing up you know one I wanted to get

going I want him to enjoy their life I

wanted to have their own life and I

loved being an empty nester I'm sorry

but I suppose I should feel guilty but

Margot and I like being alone I now I

can chase her in any room I want to this


this is wonderful I better get to number

two before I get into deep weeds

probably already am there's a difference

not only in the desire there's a

difference also in the focus let me

explain leaders who develop early

leaders who develop I'm sorry followers

focus on the weaknesses of people this

is a fact you can go to the bank on this


leaders who develop followers focus on

the weaknesses of people and leaders who

develop leaders focus on the strengths

of people now this isn't going to thrill

all of you but we've been together long

enough that you know my name is John and

I'm your friend okay

I would consider that a proper response

right there that is so much fun I love

by the way Pastor just let me stop when

something funny like that happens in

your preaching stop and just enjoy it

laugh with your people it's truthfully

it'll be the highlight of their morning

I learned a long time you don't fight

that ride with it yeah ten years from

now when they remember your church

service they'll remember that not what

you said now what I talked about the

differences in the focus leaders who

develop followers they focus on the

weaknesses now now here's what I want

there's one what you catch beside that

that statement put counselor you're not

going to like this but go ahead and do

it and beside leaders that develop

leaders focus on strengths of people put

equip er I've just told you right there

that most counselors do not develop

leaders because most counselors are

always dealing with the weaknesses where

is if you equip people what do you do

you equip them according to their

strengths now I'm not going to do

either/or on you because that's too

dogmatic and I'm certainly not going to

in any way slam counseling because I

think counseling is very helpful it sure

has helped me in my past it sure helped

my wife and I and our marriage it sure

helped them our kids so I'm not anti

counseling here all I'm going to say to

you is this if you are a counselor type

pastor you almost always are dealing

with the weaknesses of your people if

you're an equip or type pastor you

almost always are dealing with the

strengths of

people one develops followers the other

develops leaders in fact I have a minor

in counseling and in the first few years

of my ministry I did a lot of counseling

until I realized that it was quite

worthless for me I'm not a good

counselor in fact I would always tell my

congregation if I needed help I wouldn't

go to myself for counseling I wouldn't

the day that I in the day that I went

from a counseling pastor to an equipping

pastor is the day I went from a leader

who had followers to a leader who had

leaders and you spent an awful lot of

time in counseling working with

weaknesses my suggestion would be find

out good counselors find out good

psychologists find out good social

workers psychiatrists those wonderful

people in your community Christian

people that can help and do referrals

all to them and just look at people and

I know pastor said well by people they

just want me it's because you want them

to want you I know what your problem is

don't come with that stuff to me because

all I can tell you how you can get rid

of your counseling load just tell people

you're not any good at it you know just

just to the people say I just want you

to know I don't even follow my own


and the moment that you begin to make

fun of yourself they'll quit coming or

they'll make fun of you see when we draw

people to ourselves it's because there

is a deep need that we have okay the

third difference is in the area of

priorities leaders who develop followers

devote attention to the bottom 20% and

leaders who develop leaders devote

attention to the top 20% does that make


remember the pret dough principle if you

have if you if you give the top 20% 80%

of your efforts you'll get an 80% return

but if you give the bottom 20% 80% of

your effort you only get a 20% return

number for abilities leaders who develop

followers are good leaders but leaders

who develop leaders are great leaders

one of the reason many leaders don't

develop leaders is it takes a higher

quality of leader it takes a higher

quality of leader to do leaders and let

me go back to an illustration I've used

but this works so well in all the laws I

can almost give this illustration all

the laws let me give it here though

what's this if from a 1 to a 10 I'm a 9

or a 10 as a leader in other words I'm a

very good leader if I write at the top

as a leader guess what if I'm a 10 I can

have a lot of tens and nines right

around me isn't that true so therefore

I'm developing leaders but can I take

some if I'm only a six as a leader that

now all of a sudden I've cut out the

best leaders because eights and nines

and tens aren't going to follow me so if

I'm a six is the leader I'm going to

have a bunch of fives and four and so

therefore I'm not going to be able to

develop leaders only because I'm not

dealing with people that have the

qualities and the characteristics and

the gifts and the abilities to be

leaders does this make sense now watch


a 10 if you're a 10 which is tops as a

leader if you're a 10 as a leader you

will hire other tens around you you're

very comfortable with 10 you're 10 you

want tens so if you're a 10

you'll hire tens if you're an 8 you'll

hire seven now watch this if you're a

six you'll hire fours if you're a four

you'll hire once the lower you go the

wider the gap you want between yourself

and others I wish I had time to teach

that because I want to promise you I

just gave you some incredible leadership

wisdom when it comes to developing

leaders around you the better your

ability the better leaders you're going

to raise around you and again here's the

challenge because you can learn to lead

if you're a six or seven get up there

another not so good every time you go up

a notch you increase your capacity now

oh-ho I always had time for this one

watch this one every time you go up a

notch you increase your capacity 10%

does that make sense if I was a five and

I go to a six I increase my capacity 10%

if I'm a six I go to seven I created I

now have a capacity 10 more percent now

watch this but it's not really true you

don't increase your capacity 10 percent

because every time you go up on those

higher numbers you get better people and

now isn't a 10% because all increments

and all numbers aren't equal so when you

go from an 8 to a 9 although you go a

10% number you may increase your

capacity 20% because now you're getting

a higher quality person who I wish I had

time to teach that number 5

there's a difference in attitude leaders

who develop followers lift up themselves

and leaders who develop leaders lift up

others total difference if you want

followers you're going to want to look

good if you're lifting up leaders you

want them to look good it's goes back to

the old Mark Twain scene it's wonderful

when the leader of an organization

doesn't care who gets the credit

number six time leaders who develop

followers spend time with people and

leaders who develop leaders invest time

with people a lot of difference number

seven expectations leaders who develop

followers ask for little commitment

leaders who develop leaders ask for much

commitment a lot of difference number

eight leadership leaders who develop

followers lead everyone the same leaders

who develop leaders lead everyone

differently in other words leaders have

developed leaders they don't try to lead

everybody the same and by the way quit

trying to be fair this fairness stuff

it's killing us it's just killing us

what what do you woody and well I got to

give well I've got to get everybody in

my organization in equal amount of time

why would you do something that stupid

when the Lord teaches the lesson of the

talents he gave 1/5 gave 1 to it and

gave 1 1 in game all the same equal

amount now you say why don't like that I

don't care if you like it or not talk to

God they didn't all have equal amount of

it get abilities they don't have and by

the way they not only didn't have an

equal amount of abilities they didn't

all have equal amount of responsibility

either so it

that's exactly right the ones who had

the ability got the more responsibility

now now this is this is a powerful truth

quit trying to to church people a lot of

times though they'll talk to a pastor

and they said well pastor you're

spending more time with those folks than

with us and I don't want it too often

often I want to say well of course I am

you're a wimpy whiny person why would I

want to spend much time with you your

spouse doesn't even like spend time with

you what do you have to do pay people to

do it

just a thought it's a thought we have to

understand you're not supposed to treat

everybody the same I mean when the

Chicago Bulls were playing Utah and

there were five seconds left and let's

say that Utah was ahead and this is the

deciding game of the world championship

in basketball and Phil Jackson stands up

last year and it calls timeout and he

brings the team around him and they got

the ball at half-court they got five

seconds they got one shot and so he got

his clipboard out there and he is

drawing an X no and he is designing the

blast plan that's going to determine the

world champion and while he's doing that

20,000 people are standing on their feet

in the United Center and they're

clapping and cheering by the way while

while Phil Jackson is mapping out the

last play everybody in the entire arena

knows what he is singing because when he

gets that X in an Owen he's going to get

the ball to Michael this is an IQ test

can't just seem done Texan Owen has the

play he's going to have he's gonna have

a double a double pick out there on the

top of the key and Michael's want to

slide around and one guard is going to

bounce pass it to him and I was going to

go up about 21 feet from the bucket and

do that wonderful patented jump shot and

I mean he's just getting ready I mean

they're ready to break the huddle he's

call the play Michael's going to take

the last shot which is the person you

want to take the last shot if the World

Championship is in somebody's hands you

wanted to be in

Michels and they're ready to break the

huddle and just right before they get to

break the hold on can't you see one of

the other players on team going excuse

me excuse me coach excuse me can I say

something yeah what do you what do you

want what you want will you hurry up we

got it we got to get it what do you want

well go giant I don't know how to say

this there's some something something

that's troubling my spirit coach um

coach um I think this is just an

oversight and it's okay coach it's I

think it's my turn to shoot the ball

what well coach um Michael shot the ball

17 times and I've only got it shoot it

for and in and all in all fairness it

really is it really is my turn now can't

you see coach Jackson kids team looking

at this wimpy whiny person catch him I

just go I am I am so sorry

can can you forgive my insensitivity

towards you

of course it's your turn Michael throw

the ball to him

are you kidding no Phil Jackson's no

look at this wimpy whiny guy and say

shut up sit down not idle say I'll go to

the locker room you're fired you're off

the team

don't come back why I'll tell you why

because the coach the leader realizes

that he's got a selfies person who is

now putting his interest above the

interest of the team if old Phil Jackson

lets that kid shoot that shot and he

misses it the next day and the Chicago

Tribune on the sports page it will say

Phil Jackson is a stupid COO here he's

got Michael on his team and he doesn't

let Michael shoot the ball everybody

says that's the dumbest thing white Lemm

cash you question why is it the 20,000

fans of the United Center can figure out

when the coach is stupid and people in

the church can't figure it out about

their leader just a thought

you're not supposed to be fair as a

leader you don't treat everybody it's

not now now now that you treat them all

with love you treat them all the respect

but you don't spend an equal amount of

time you don't give them all an equal

amount of of resources no no no you've

got it you've got to run with your

leaders again one more thing number nine

the difference this is the difference

between leaders who develop followers

and leaders to develop leaders is in the

area of impact leaders who develop

followers impact this generation and

leaders who develop leaders impact the

next generation and that's what we're

trying to do impact the next generation

and in the questions I want to encourage

you I'm not going to read both of them

but the second question you really got

to do some work on this I want you to

review the nine differences between

leaders and develop leaders and leaders

and develop followers and I want you to

ask yourself which side do I usually

fall on you might find that six times

you follow on one side and three on the

other I don't know but you've got to

find out where you are strong where you

are weak and if you want to develop

leaders you've got to obviously get on

the side of leaders who develop leaders

and I have the resources for you there

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John C. Maxwell - Law Of Explosive Growth! John C. Maxwell - Gesetz des explosiven Wachstums! John C. Maxwell - ¡Ley Del Crecimiento Explosivo! John C. Maxwell - Legge della crescita esplosiva! ジョン・C・マクスウェル - 爆発的成長の法則! 존 C. 맥스웰 - 폭발적인 성장의 법칙! John C. Maxwell - Prawo eksplodującego wzrostu! John C. Maxwell - Lei do Crescimento Explosivo! Джон К. Максвелл - Закон взрывного роста! Джон К. Максвелл - Закон вибухового зростання! 约翰-C-麦克斯韦--爆炸式增长法则! John C. Maxwell - 爆炸性增長定律!

law number 20 the 20th law is what I

call the law of explosive growth and the

law of explosive growth says to add

growth lead followers but if you want to

multiply your growth you've got to lead

leaders there's a difference between

followers math and leaders math let me

give it to you

followers math is addition leaders math

is multiplication and you and I in the

law of explosive growth have got to get

in the vein of multiplication and 90% of

all leaders gather followers and not

leaders and there are three reasons for

that number one

leaders are hard to find number two

leaders are hard together and number

three leaders are hard to hold that's a

fact and because of those three reasons

often our tendency is to leave followers

instead of leading leaders so what I'm

going to do in this lesson this is a

very important exercise I want to share

with you the differences between

developing leaders and developing

followers now let me give you the

background of this for some time I have

known that some leaders you just look at

them and you go to some organizations

you go to some businesses you go to some

companies you go to some churches yeah

you just got leaders who are they raise

up leaders and then you go to other

organizations and you got leaders and

they're good leaders but they don't have

any leaders you just say okay why do

some have leaders and some not so over

the process of studying people I came to

the conclusion that there were some

distinct differences I would watch

I would study and I would get on my

legal pad and write down my thoughts

there are some distinct differences

between leaders who develop followers

and leaders who develop leaders and this

is going to be this is going to be

highly helpful and very practical for

you so let me give them to you and and

some of them I'll talk about some of

them I'll just have to have to give them

to you to write down here we go number

one is the desire the desire is

different between leaders to develop

leaders and leaders to develop followers

let me illustrate it to you here here we


leaders who develop followers need to be

needed and leaders who develop leaders

want to be succeeded and there's a world

of difference between those two the

desire is is as far apart as east is

from west leaders who develop leaders

who develop followers need to be needed

leaders who develop leaders want to be

succeeded in other words one wants

people needing them and the other one

wants people succeeding them one wants

to keep a job and have people saying oh

we need you we can't make it without you

and the other one wants to be able to

equip somebody to the job and walk away

from it now now what I want I'm going to

ask you to do something in this section

because this will be very helpful as I

give you the differences between leaders

and develop followers and leaders

develop leaders I want you to put a

check mark by the one that you favor now

I'm not coming back and look at your

notes so don't worry about it okay

here's a thought have an honest moment

I don't want to press you too much but

do your best

in other words which camp are you in are

you a person that you like to be needed

now by the way I want stop it from one

there's nothing wrong with this I just

want you to settle in where you are are

you a person that likes to be needed are

you a person that you would like to be

succeeded for example and I could give

you a classic example that people asked

me when I resigned skyline and Margaret

and I left they said well how hard was

the adjustment of leaving the church

well it's a typical adjustment you got a

you leave people that you love do you

leave people that you're with for 14


but if you really want to know the

honest truth it wasn't a very big


now you say Oh Chun you're so callous no

no I'm not cows I love them dearly

laughed with them cried with him worked

with them but but but you have to

understand my wife in me first of all my

life isn't my church here's the thought

I have a life and my identity isn't my

church and my ego fulfilment isn't my

church see my best friend is my wife

Margaret we're best friends we happen to

be lovers and a few other things that

are none of your business - but the

bottom line is she's my best friend and

so we've never thrown ourselves into

church like well this is everything no

no church has been wonderful but it's

something everything

I mean there's going to be a day when I

don't have the enjoy group enjoy groups

not everything I love the enjoy group

but it's not everything there's gonna be

a day when Margaret and I are sitting

out on the porch of life in a rocking

chair gumming ourselves to death |gumming|||

and you you know and she's gonna look at

me and she's gonna say that well you

know I you know what's your name what's

your name I know you you see when you

really get boil everything down the only

thing really is going to count in life

is when ever life is over she looks at

me and says John you've been a great

husband and I look at her and say boy

the best decision I ever made was to

marry you and my kids look at me and say

dad you've given us all the advantages

of life you taught us to love God and

we're gonna try to carry your legacy on

I mean when you think about life isn't

very complicated and my wife never let

the church make her the first lady she

isn't the first lady for the church

she's the first lady for me now she

happens to be a lady that's in the

church but she ain't the first lady so

we don't have pedestals and we don't |||pedestales|||

have scepters we don't have crowns and I |cetros||||coronas||

never let the church put me up on some

kind of a pedestal and boul down and say |||||boul|||

Oh your holiness how are you today my

name is John I don't take myself

seriously love the church but I can say

goodbye and not turn back in fact the

whole time I was there I was working

hard to equip the church so I could work

myself out of a job

and I'm still doing it today as I'm

building and developing the enjoy group

as soon as I get good leaders and train

them I turn it over to them and I quit

doing that I love I love I love to give

other people responsibility I'd like to

play more golf in the name Jesus

if you have a strong need to be needed

you'll never grow leaders because you'll

always want them dependent on you oh I

got to have you could you give me this

answer what do you think Oh could you

please pray this prayer for me if you

have that strong need you'll never grow

leaders because you'll want everybody

depend upon you

you know I love my kids but I don't want

my kids dependent upon me my son Joel

now he's a sophomore in college my |||estudiante de segundo año|||

daughter Elizabeth

she's a seventh year senior I think

she's made school her life work now

let's say something elegant I love my

kids and they're both great kids but

Kent is something I'm glad they're Kent|||||

growing up you know one I wanted to get

going I want him to enjoy their life I

wanted to have their own life and I

loved being an empty nester I'm sorry ||||nido vacío||

but I suppose I should feel guilty but

Margot and I like being alone I now I Margot||||||||

can chase her in any room I want to this


this is wonderful I better get to number

two before I get into deep weeds

probably already am there's a difference

not only in the desire there's a

difference also in the focus let me

explain leaders who develop early

leaders who develop I'm sorry followers

focus on the weaknesses of people this

is a fact you can go to the bank on this


leaders who develop followers focus on

the weaknesses of people and leaders who

develop leaders focus on the strengths

of people now this isn't going to thrill |||||||emocionará

all of you but we've been together long

enough that you know my name is John and

I'm your friend okay

I would consider that a proper response

right there that is so much fun I love

by the way Pastor just let me stop when

something funny like that happens in

your preaching stop and just enjoy it |predicación|||||

laugh with your people it's truthfully

it'll be the highlight of their morning

I learned a long time you don't fight

that ride with it yeah ten years from

now when they remember your church

service they'll remember that not what

you said now what I talked about the

differences in the focus leaders who

develop followers they focus on the

weaknesses now now here's what I want

there's one what you catch beside that

that statement put counselor you're not

going to like this but go ahead and do

it and beside leaders that develop

leaders focus on strengths of people put

equip er I've just told you right there

that most counselors do not develop ||consejeros|||

leaders because most counselors are

always dealing with the weaknesses where

is if you equip people what do you do

you equip them according to their

strengths now I'm not going to do

either/or on you because that's too

dogmatic and I'm certainly not going to dogmática||||||

in any way slam counseling because I |||desacredite|||

think counseling is very helpful it sure

has helped me in my past it sure helped

my wife and I and our marriage it sure

helped them our kids so I'm not anti

counseling here all I'm going to say to

you is this if you are a counselor type

pastor you almost always are dealing

with the weaknesses of your people if

you're an equip or type pastor you

almost always are dealing with the

strengths of

people one develops followers the other

develops leaders in fact I have a minor

in counseling and in the first few years

of my ministry I did a lot of counseling

until I realized that it was quite

worthless for me I'm not a good

counselor in fact I would always tell my

congregation if I needed help I wouldn't

go to myself for counseling I wouldn't

the day that I in the day that I went

from a counseling pastor to an equipping ||||||equipador

pastor is the day I went from a leader

who had followers to a leader who had

leaders and you spent an awful lot of

time in counseling working with

weaknesses my suggestion would be find

out good counselors find out good

psychologists find out good social

workers psychiatrists those wonderful

people in your community Christian

people that can help and do referrals ||||||referencias

all to them and just look at people and

I know pastor said well by people they

just want me it's because you want them

to want you I know what your problem is

don't come with that stuff to me because

all I can tell you how you can get rid

of your counseling load just tell people

you're not any good at it you know just

just to the people say I just want you

to know I don't even follow my own


and the moment that you begin to make

fun of yourself they'll quit coming or

they'll make fun of you see when we draw

people to ourselves it's because there

is a deep need that we have okay the

third difference is in the area of

priorities leaders who develop followers

devote attention to the bottom 20% and

leaders who develop leaders devote

attention to the top 20% does that make


remember the pret dough principle if you ||pasado|masa|||

have if you if you give the top 20% 80%

of your efforts you'll get an 80% return

but if you give the bottom 20% 80% of

your effort you only get a 20% return

number for abilities leaders who develop

followers are good leaders but leaders

who develop leaders are great leaders

one of the reason many leaders don't

develop leaders is it takes a higher

quality of leader it takes a higher

quality of leader to do leaders and let

me go back to an illustration I've used

but this works so well in all the laws I

can almost give this illustration all

the laws let me give it here though

what's this if from a 1 to a 10 I'm a 9

or a 10 as a leader in other words I'm a

very good leader if I write at the top

as a leader guess what if I'm a 10 I can

have a lot of tens and nines right ||||||nueves|

around me isn't that true so therefore

I'm developing leaders but can I take

some if I'm only a six as a leader that

now all of a sudden I've cut out the

best leaders because eights and nines |||ocho||

and tens aren't going to follow me so if

I'm a six is the leader I'm going to

have a bunch of fives and four and so ||||cinco||||

therefore I'm not going to be able to

develop leaders only because I'm not

dealing with people that have the

qualities and the characteristics and

the gifts and the abilities to be

leaders does this make sense now watch


a 10 if you're a 10 which is tops as a

leader if you're a 10 as a leader you

will hire other tens around you you're

very comfortable with 10 you're 10 you

want tens so if you're a 10

you'll hire tens if you're an 8 you'll

hire seven now watch this if you're a

six you'll hire fours if you're a four

you'll hire once the lower you go the

wider the gap you want between yourself

and others I wish I had time to teach

that because I want to promise you I

just gave you some incredible leadership

wisdom when it comes to developing

leaders around you the better your

ability the better leaders you're going

to raise around you and again here's the

challenge because you can learn to lead

if you're a six or seven get up there

another not so good every time you go up

a notch you increase your capacity now

oh-ho I always had time for this one

watch this one every time you go up a

notch you increase your capacity 10%

does that make sense if I was a five and

I go to a six I increase my capacity 10%

if I'm a six I go to seven I created I

now have a capacity 10 more percent now

watch this but it's not really true you

don't increase your capacity 10 percent

because every time you go up on those

higher numbers you get better people and

now isn't a 10% because all increments |||||incrementos

and all numbers aren't equal so when you

go from an 8 to a 9 although you go a

10% number you may increase your

capacity 20% because now you're getting

a higher quality person who I wish I had

time to teach that number 5

there's a difference in attitude leaders

who develop followers lift up themselves

and leaders who develop leaders lift up

others total difference if you want

followers you're going to want to look

good if you're lifting up leaders you

want them to look good it's goes back to

the old Mark Twain scene it's wonderful

when the leader of an organization

doesn't care who gets the credit

number six time leaders who develop

followers spend time with people and

leaders who develop leaders invest time

with people a lot of difference number

seven expectations leaders who develop

followers ask for little commitment

leaders who develop leaders ask for much

commitment a lot of difference number

eight leadership leaders who develop

followers lead everyone the same leaders

who develop leaders lead everyone

differently in other words leaders have

developed leaders they don't try to lead

everybody the same and by the way quit

trying to be fair this fairness stuff

it's killing us it's just killing us

what what do you woody and well I got to

give well I've got to get everybody in

my organization in equal amount of time

why would you do something that stupid

when the Lord teaches the lesson of the

talents he gave 1/5 gave 1 to it and

gave 1 1 in game all the same equal

amount now you say why don't like that I

don't care if you like it or not talk to

God they didn't all have equal amount of

it get abilities they don't have and by

the way they not only didn't have an

equal amount of abilities they didn't

all have equal amount of responsibility

either so it

that's exactly right the ones who had

the ability got the more responsibility

now now this is this is a powerful truth

quit trying to to church people a lot of

times though they'll talk to a pastor

and they said well pastor you're

spending more time with those folks than

with us and I don't want it too often

often I want to say well of course I am

you're a wimpy whiny person why would I |||quejumbroso||||

want to spend much time with you your

spouse doesn't even like spend time with

you what do you have to do pay people to

do it

just a thought it's a thought we have to

understand you're not supposed to treat

everybody the same I mean when the

Chicago Bulls were playing Utah and

there were five seconds left and let's

say that Utah was ahead and this is the

deciding game of the world championship

in basketball and Phil Jackson stands up

last year and it calls timeout and he

brings the team around him and they got

the ball at half-court they got five

seconds they got one shot and so he got

his clipboard out there and he is

drawing an X no and he is designing the

blast plan that's going to determine the

world champion and while he's doing that

20,000 people are standing on their feet

in the United Center and they're

clapping and cheering by the way while

while Phil Jackson is mapping out the

last play everybody in the entire arena

knows what he is singing because when he

gets that X in an Owen he's going to get |||||Owen||||

the ball to Michael this is an IQ test

can't just seem done Texan Owen has the ||||Texano|||

play he's going to have he's gonna have

a double a double pick out there on the

top of the key and Michael's want to |||||de Michael||

slide around and one guard is going to

bounce pass it to him and I was going to

go up about 21 feet from the bucket and

do that wonderful patented jump shot and

I mean he's just getting ready I mean

they're ready to break the huddle he's |||||reunión|

call the play Michael's going to take

the last shot which is the person you

want to take the last shot if the World

Championship is in somebody's hands you

wanted to be in

Michels and they're ready to break the Michels||||||

huddle and just right before they get to grupo|||||||

break the hold on can't you see one of

the other players on team going excuse

me excuse me coach excuse me can I say

something yeah what do you what do you

want what you want will you hurry up we

got it we got to get it what do you want

well go giant I don't know how to say

this there's some something something

that's troubling my spirit coach um

coach um I think this is just an

oversight and it's okay coach it's I supervisión||||||

think it's my turn to shoot the ball

what well coach um Michael shot the ball

17 times and I've only got it shoot it

for and in and all in all fairness it

really is it really is my turn now can't

you see coach Jackson kids team looking

at this wimpy whiny person catch him I |||quejumbroso||||

just go I am I am so sorry

can can you forgive my insensitivity |||||insensibilidad

towards you

of course it's your turn Michael throw

the ball to him

are you kidding no Phil Jackson's no

look at this wimpy whiny guy and say ||||quejumbroso|||

shut up sit down not idle say I'll go to |||||ociosa||||

the locker room you're fired you're off

the team

don't come back why I'll tell you why

because the coach the leader realizes

that he's got a selfies person who is ||||selfies|||

now putting his interest above the

interest of the team if old Phil Jackson

lets that kid shoot that shot and he

misses it the next day and the Chicago

Tribune on the sports page it will say tribuna|||||||

Phil Jackson is a stupid COO here he's |||||COO||

got Michael on his team and he doesn't

let Michael shoot the ball everybody

says that's the dumbest thing white Lemm |||más tonta|||Lemm

cash you question why is it the 20,000

fans of the United Center can figure out

when the coach is stupid and people in

the church can't figure it out about

their leader just a thought

you're not supposed to be fair as a

leader you don't treat everybody it's

not now now now that you treat them all

with love you treat them all the respect

but you don't spend an equal amount of

time you don't give them all an equal

amount of of resources no no no you've

got it you've got to run with your

leaders again one more thing number nine

the difference this is the difference

between leaders who develop followers

and leaders to develop leaders is in the

area of impact leaders who develop

followers impact this generation and

leaders who develop leaders impact the

next generation and that's what we're

trying to do impact the next generation

and in the questions I want to encourage

you I'm not going to read both of them

but the second question you really got

to do some work on this I want you to

review the nine differences between

leaders and develop leaders and leaders

and develop followers and I want you to

ask yourself which side do I usually

fall on you might find that six times

you follow on one side and three on the

other I don't know but you've got to

find out where you are strong where you

are weak and if you want to develop

leaders you've got to obviously get on

the side of leaders who develop leaders

and I have the resources for you there