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A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis by Melvin Powers, Chapter 3. Is Hypnosis the Answer?

Chapter 3. Is Hypnosis the Answer?


George Estabrooks, professor of psychology at Colgate University and author of the book, Hypnotism , made the following two statements in a paper called "The Future of Hypnosis" given as part of a program on "The Nature of Hypnosis" at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in 1959: "It would be well to sound a word of caution against certain attitudes which have become prevalent and which can be well illustrated in the field of medicine.

In this respect, direct suggestion is under the ban. For example, a dictum, 'Never remove the symptom unless the cause is understood,' is much emphasized. Its validity is greatly open to question, since much of medical practice is direct symptom removal, as only a little thought makes apparent. "Another dictum generally followed is that the unconscious background of symptom-complexes must necessarily be made conscious to effect a cure.

Reasonable and thoughtful consideration of the extensive role of the unconscious in daily living and functioning renders this dictum much less creditable. I should like to discuss both of these statements in some detail as they invariably arise in the mind of the individual seeking help through hypnosis.

The first thought that comes to mind is that all the religious healings cited in the Bible involve direct symptom removal.

The cures that are effected by religious devotees traveling to sacred shrines are also in the realm of direct symptom removal. I have yet to hear a criticism of this type of treatment directed at religious leaders or condemnation of the religious shrines. These cures are accepted as evidence of the power of faith or attributed to the super-natural. In these cases, nothing is ever done to make the person cured understand the nature of the unconscious mechanisms which contributed to his problem. Religious healing cannot be dismissed by merely saying, "It isn't scientific.

A methodology is only scientific when it works. It is of no value if it doesn't help the individual seeking help. We must face the fact that not all people can be helped by the same psychological treatment. We can readily see this in the following extreme example: An aborigine suffering from a psychological problem certainly wouldn't be a candidate for psychoanalysis as we know it. He could, no doubt, be helped much more readily by a witch doctor. It also stands to reason that the sophisticated Westerner would not be influenced by the incantations of a tribal medicine man. Going further, we find there are many schools of psychotherapy and many approaches to solving man's emotional problems.

The cure rate for all of them, however, is approximately the same. I think we must accept the fact that there is no one sound, logical, scientific approach. I believe that so long as the end result is achieved, the methodology was scientific for that individual's needs. The goal of all therapies is to help the patient free himself from whatever emotional problems beset him. This approach, to some readers, may seem an oversimplification of a very complex problem, but I think it's time that we had a simple, workable formula devoid of technical jargon.

Too often, complex technical terms and theories have been glibly used to explain away failures. I believe we need more and more emphasis on measures to make the patient feel better rather than spending most of the time trying to find out why he doesn't feel well. This, of course, is symptom removal again. I should like to point out an interesting fact pertaining to Biblical healers.

So long as the fame of the healer preceded his arrival in any country, he was able to heal the sick. However, where his fame as a healer was either unknown or discredited, he found no faith and subsequently no cure. The earliest reference to hypnosis is in the Bible, Genesis ii, 21. "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept..." Dr.

William Malamud, 86th president of the American Psychiatric Association, in an address delivered at the annual meeting in 1960, stated the following in a paper called "Psychiatric Research: Setting and Motivation": "During the last few years we have witnessed a growing trend of overemphasizing the value of 'exact' methodology and uniformity of standards.

This trend, which could be characterized as a 'cult of objectivity,' has already had an important influence on psychiatric research. It is true that in its emphasis on critical judgment and valid criteria, it has helped to curb unrestrained flights of imagination and sloppy methodology. But the overglorification of objectivity and the insistence on rigidly single standards of acceptable methods have resulted in a concentration on certain phases of the science of human behavior at the expense of other very important ones. I believe that most individuals have a fairly good understanding of how they came to have the problem that they have.

I have yet to encounter the person who protests he has no idea why he doesn't function as he would like to in a certain area. From a practical standpoint, not many have the time nor money required to delve into the unconscious background of the problem. The high cost of treatment is a very real objection and cannot be discounted lightly. People suffering from emotional problems usually suffer financial reverses as well. Who is to help these people? There are very few places in the country where they can receive competent psychiatric help at a reasonable fee. Is there this type of help in your own community? It is only when the individual is destitute that the state provides whatever help it can. However, at this point it's a long hard struggle back to good emotional health. The National Association for Mental Health and its affiliates issue about 10 million copies of 200 different pamphlets on various aspects of mental health.

To assess the value of these pamphlets, 47 mental hygiene experts held a conference at Cornell University. A report on this outstanding conference has been published. It is called "Mental Health Education: A Critique." A feature by Ernest Havemann in the August 8, 1960 issue of Life contains a very worthwhile article on this conference called "Who's Normal? Nobody, But We All Keep On Trying. In Dissent From 'Mental Health' Approach, Experts Decry Futile Search For An Unreal Goal." The following paragraph is taken from the Life article: "What about psychiatry and psychoanalysis?

This is a different matter. Many unhappy and problem-ridden people, though by no means all who have tried it, have profited from psychotherapy. Indeed, all the mental health pamphlets, as a postscript to the self-help methods they advocate, wind up by advising the reader to seek professional care if his problems are serious enough. But the skeptics at Cornell cited statistics which to them show that psychiatric treatment is as remote for the average person as a trip to the moon. Aside from the expense, which most people would find prohibitive, there simply are not enough therapists to go around. The U. S. has around 11,000 psychiatrists and 10,000 clinical psychologists—in all, about one for every 8,500 citizens. If everybody with emotional problems decided to see a psychiatrist, the lines at the doctors' offices would stretch for miles. I assume that most readers of this book know that state hospitals are understaffed and unable to provide proper care for the mentally ill.

Mike Gorman, executive director of the National Mental Health Committee, has written a crusading report on this very theme called Every Other Bed . In this book he tells us that every other hospital bed in the United States is occupied by a mental case. Mental illness costs the country two and a half billion dollars a year besides the more important untold human suffering that can never be equated in dollars. The book is a shocking story of how we have let this happen; are still letting it happen; and of how little, for the most part, we, the general public as well as the medical and psychological professions, are doing to correct this deplorable situation. It is time that we re-examined the dictums that say a symptom can never be removed unless the cause is understood and the unconscious background of symptom-complexes must be made conscious and understood before a cure is effected.

There are many positive thinking groups functioning in the religious field.

Many of these religious groups are in existence primarily because of the dynamic philosophy or psychology they offer for every day living. Couple this with a strong faith in God, and you have a combination which approaches infallibility. Recently we have had a series of best-selling books which expound this very theme. Does it work? Of course it does when used properly. You can be sure that there has been criticism of this religious psychology.

The criticism is that the basic causes of the problem are never dealt with and the unconscious conflict is not resolved. It's the same argument over and over again. What about the people helped? They seem to have made tremendous strides and are leading lives as well adjusted as anyone else. Once imbued with this spirit or feeling of well-being, it permeates every phase of their relationships in a constructive manner. The only reason that there isn't more criticism is that this type of psychotherapy is incorporated into the religious tenets of these groups, and criticizing another man's religion makes the detractor's entire philosophy unacceptable. I am strongly in favor of these groups because I would prefer having a religion that keeps pointing out the positive side of life and that "life can be beautiful" if you put your faith in God and practice positive thinking. It is certainly better than the cynical philosophy of its detractors or the grim religions which stress punishment. Think of the guilt feelings involved in the latter. No one can live up to such a formidable creed. Of course, if you suggest to positive thinking, religious individuals that they are using a form of self-hypnosis, they will emphatically deny and debate the issue.

Since we are primarily interested in mental hygiene and not in winning a debate, it is well to leave the matter as it stands. The point to keep in mind is that so long as a person feels that this methodology is the answer to his needs and so long as no one is being hurt by his belief, I feel he should cling to his conviction. He should not allow it to be destroyed by those who are thinking in different semantic terms. I would like to bring up another common example pertaining to the two basic concepts that we have been discussing.

It is the example of the many individuals who have taken public speaking courses to overcome stage fright. In most cases, the person involved hasn't had too much opportunity to be a public speaker. Because of this, he suddenly feels he may not say the right thing or forget what he wants to say. This anxiety can create the very situation or block that he fears. What is the solution? Certainly not psychoanalysis to find out why he functions the way he does. You could use this approach, but I don't think it's the most constructive one. It is like asking, "What am I doing that's wrong?" instead of "What can I do that's right?" The most constructive approach is to take a course of instruction to get the actual practice and experience in the techniques of public speaking. Before proceeding further, I believe it is necessary to point out that I am not just being critical of the convictions of other sincere and dedicated individuals engaged in the field of mental hygiene.

It is always good to re-evaluate our present thinking on any subject, no matter how sincere or convinced we may be that what we are doing is correct. At times, we can become so immersed in our convictions that we cannot take criticism and respond emotionally to ideas or interpretations that do not coincide with logical thinking. What, then, is the answer to mental health problems?

There is no single answer. It is a very complex situation. There are many promising drugs and treatments which, if adequately developed and widely used, could do a great deal toward promoting good mental health. Fundamentally, the problem will always be that of trying to understand human behavior and helping those in distress with an efficacious formula. What is that formula?

I believe hypnosis can contribute in part to the answer. Needless to say, hypnosis is contraindicated in many emotional problems because of the very nature of the problem itself. Some emotional difficulties must first be worked out on a conscious level. After this, hypnosis can be instrumental in achieving the final goal. Dr.

Frank S. Caprio, a prominent psychiatrist, in his book, Helping Yourself with Psychiatry , states the following: "A whole new world of self-confidence and positive living is open to every person, young and old, through hypnosis, self-hypnosis and self-suggestion or auto-hypnosis.

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Chapter 3. Is Hypnosis the Answer? ||||Відповідь Capítulo 3. ¿Es la hipnosis la respuesta? ¿Es la hipnosis la respuesta? Chapitre 3. L'hypnose est-elle la solution ? 第3章 催眠が答えか? Capítulo 3. A hipnose é a resposta?


George Estabrooks, professor of psychology at Colgate University and author of the book, Hypnotism , made the following two statements in a paper called "The Future of Hypnosis" given as part of a program on "The Nature of Hypnosis" at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in 1959: George|Estabrooks|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||щорічний||||||| George Estabrooks, Professor für Psychologie an der Colgate University und Autor des Buches „Hypnotism“, machte die folgenden zwei Aussagen in einem Papier mit dem Titel „Die Zukunft der Hypnose“, das als Teil eines Programms zum Thema „Die Natur der Hypnose“ auf dem Jahrestreffen von gehalten wurde die American Psychological Association im Jahr 1959: "It would be well to sound a word of caution against certain attitudes which have become prevalent and which can be well illustrated in the field of medicine. ||||||||||||||||поширені||||||||||| „Es wäre gut, ein Wort der Warnung vor bestimmten Haltungen auszusprechen, die sich durchgesetzt haben und die sich auf dem Gebiet der Medizin gut veranschaulichen lassen.

In this respect, direct suggestion is under the ban. Insofern ist direkte Suggestion verboten. For example, a dictum, 'Never remove the symptom unless the cause is understood,' is much emphasized. |||saying|||||||||||| |||вислів||||||||||||підкреслюється Zum Beispiel wird ein Diktum „Beseitige niemals das Symptom, wenn die Ursache nicht bekannt ist“ stark betont. Its validity is greatly open to question, since much of medical practice is direct symptom removal, as only a little thought makes apparent. Seine Gültigkeit ist sehr fraglich, da ein Großteil der medizinischen Praxis auf der direkten Symptombeseitigung besteht, wie nur ein wenig Nachdenken deutlich macht. "Another dictum generally followed is that the unconscious background of symptom-complexes must necessarily be made conscious to effect a cure. ||||||||||||||||||||лікування „Eine andere allgemein befolgte Aussage ist, dass der unbewusste Hintergrund von Symptomkomplexen notwendigerweise bewusst gemacht werden muss, um eine Heilung zu bewirken. “人们普遍遵循的另一个格言是,必须使症状复合体的无意识背景变得有意识才能实现治愈。

Reasonable and thoughtful consideration of the extensive role of the unconscious in daily living and functioning renders this dictum much less creditable. ||||||||||||||||makes||||| Eine vernünftige und nachdenkliche Betrachtung der umfassenden Rolle des Unbewussten im täglichen Leben und Funktionieren macht dieses Diktum viel weniger glaubwürdig. I should like to discuss both of these statements in some detail as they invariably arise in the mind of the individual seeking help through hypnosis. ||||||||||||||invariably||||||||||| ||||||||||||||незмінно||||||||||| Auf diese beiden Aussagen möchte ich etwas ausführlicher eingehen, da sie unweigerlich im Kopf desjenigen auftauchen, der durch Hypnose Hilfe sucht.

The first thought that comes to mind is that all the religious healings cited in the Bible involve direct symptom removal. ||||||||||||зцілення|||||||| Der erste Gedanke, der mir in den Sinn kommt, ist, dass alle religiösen Heilungen, die in der Bibel zitiert werden, eine direkte Symptombeseitigung beinhalten.

The cures that are effected by religious devotees traveling to sacred shrines are also in the realm of direct symptom removal. 宗教信徒前往圣地进行的治疗也属于直接消除症状的范畴。 I have yet to hear a criticism of this type of treatment directed at religious leaders or condemnation of the religious shrines. |||||||||||||||||condemnation|||| Ich habe noch keine Kritik an dieser Art von Behandlung religiöser Führer oder Verurteilung der religiösen Schreine gehört. These cures are accepted as evidence of the power of faith or attributed to the super-natural. Diese Heilungen werden als Beweis für die Macht des Glaubens akzeptiert oder dem Übernatürlichen zugeschrieben. In these cases, nothing is ever done to make the person cured understand the nature of the unconscious mechanisms which contributed to his problem. |||||||||||вилікувану людину|||||||||||| In diesen Fällen wird niemals etwas unternommen, damit die geheilte Person die Natur der unbewussten Mechanismen versteht, die zu ihrem Problem beigetragen haben. Religious healing cannot be dismissed by merely saying, "It isn’t scientific. ||||||лише|||| Religiöse Heilung kann nicht dadurch abgetan werden, dass man einfach sagt: „Sie ist nicht wissenschaftlich.

A methodology is only scientific when it works. Eine Methodik ist nur dann wissenschaftlich, wenn sie funktioniert. It is of no value if it doesn’t help the individual seeking help. Es ist wertlos, wenn es dem Hilfesuchenden nicht hilft. We must face the fact that not all people can be helped by the same psychological treatment. Wir müssen uns der Tatsache stellen, dass nicht allen Menschen durch die gleiche psychologische Behandlung geholfen werden kann. We can readily see this in the following extreme example: An aborigine suffering from a psychological problem certainly wouldn’t be a candidate for psychoanalysis as we know it. |||||||||||aborigine|||||||||||||||| Wir können dies leicht an folgendem Extrembeispiel sehen: Ein Ureinwohner, der an einem psychischen Problem leidet, wäre sicherlich kein Kandidat für die Psychoanalyse, wie wir sie kennen. 我们可以从下面这个极端的例子中看出这一点:一个患有心理问题的原住民当然不会成为我们所知的精神分析的对象。 He could, no doubt, be helped much more readily by a witch doctor. Zweifellos konnte ihm ein Hexendoktor viel leichter helfen. It also stands to reason that the sophisticated Westerner would not be influenced by the incantations of a tribal medicine man. Es liegt auch nahe, dass der anspruchsvolle Westler sich nicht von den Beschwörungen eines Stammesmediziners beeinflussen lässt. Going further, we find there are many schools of psychotherapy and many approaches to solving man’s emotional problems. Wenn wir weiter gehen, stellen wir fest, dass es viele psychotherapeutische Schulen und viele Ansätze gibt, um die emotionalen Probleme des Menschen zu lösen.

The cure rate for all of them, however, is approximately the same. |||||||||приблизно|| Die Heilungsrate ist jedoch bei allen ungefähr gleich. I think we must accept the fact that there is no one sound, logical, scientific approach. Ich denke, wir müssen die Tatsache akzeptieren, dass es keinen vernünftigen, logischen, wissenschaftlichen Ansatz gibt. I believe that so long as the end result is achieved, the methodology was scientific for that individual’s needs. Ich glaube, dass, solange das Endergebnis erzielt wird, die Methodik für die Bedürfnisse dieser Person wissenschaftlich war. The goal of all therapies is to help the patient free himself from whatever emotional problems beset him. ||||||||||||||||переслідують| Das Ziel aller Therapien ist es, dem Patienten zu helfen, sich von allen emotionalen Problemen zu befreien, die ihn bedrängen. This approach, to some readers, may seem an oversimplification of a very complex problem, but I think it’s time that we had a simple, workable formula devoid of technical jargon. Dieser Ansatz mag einigen Lesern wie eine zu starke Vereinfachung eines sehr komplexen Problems erscheinen, aber ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, dass wir eine einfache, praktikable Formel ohne Fachjargon haben. 对于一些读者来说,这种方法可能看起来过于简单化了一个非常复杂的问题,但我认为现在是时候我们有一个简单、可行的公式,没有技术术语了。

Too often, complex technical terms and theories have been glibly used to explain away failures. |||||||||smoothly||||| |||||||||легковажно||||| Zu oft wurden komplexe Fachbegriffe und Theorien leichtfertig verwendet, um Fehler wegzuerklären. 很多时候,复杂的技术术语和理论被巧妙地用来解释失败。 I believe we need more and more emphasis on measures to make the patient feel better rather than spending most of the time trying to find out why he doesn’t feel well. |||||||наголос|||||||почуватися||||||||||||||||| Ich glaube, wir müssen immer mehr Wert auf Maßnahmen legen, damit sich der Patient besser fühlt, anstatt die meiste Zeit damit zu verbringen, herauszufinden, warum es ihm nicht gut geht. This, of course, is symptom removal again. Dies ist natürlich wieder eine Symptombeseitigung. I should like to point out an interesting fact pertaining to Biblical healers. Ich möchte auf eine interessante Tatsache in Bezug auf biblische Heiler hinweisen. 我想指出一个关于圣经治疗师的有趣事实。

So long as the fame of the healer preceded his arrival in any country, he was able to heal the sick. ||||||||передувала|||||||||||| Solange der Ruhm des Heilers seiner Ankunft in irgendeinem Land vorausging, konnte er die Kranken heilen. However, where his fame as a healer was either unknown or discredited, he found no faith and subsequently no cure. Wo sein Ruhm als Heiler jedoch entweder unbekannt oder diskreditiert war, fand er keinen Glauben und folglich auch keine Heilung. 然而,他作为治疗师的名声要么不为人所知,要么名声扫地,他找不到信仰,随后也找不到治愈方法。 The earliest reference to hypnosis is in the Bible, Genesis ii, 21. Der früheste Hinweis auf Hypnose findet sich in der Bibel, Genesis II, 21. "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept..." "Und Gott der Herr ließ einen tiefen Schlaf auf Adam fallen, und er schlief ein ..." Dr. DR.

William Malamud, 86th president of the American Psychiatric Association, in an address delivered at the annual meeting in 1960, stated the following in a paper called "Psychiatric Research: Setting and Motivation": |Malamud|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| William Malamud, 86. Präsident der American Psychiatric Association, erklärte in einer Ansprache auf der Jahrestagung 1960 in einem Papier mit dem Titel „Psychiatric Research: Setting and Motivation“ Folgendes: "During the last few years we have witnessed a growing trend of overemphasizing the value of 'exact' methodology and uniformity of standards. ||||||||||||надмірне підкреслення||||||||| „Während der letzten Jahre haben wir einen zunehmenden Trend zur Überbetonung des Wertes ‚exakter‘ Methodik und einheitlicher Standards beobachtet.

This trend, which could be characterized as a 'cult of objectivity,' has already had an important influence on psychiatric research. |тенденція|||||||||||||||||| Dieser Trend, der als „Sachlichkeitskult“ bezeichnet werden könnte, hatte bereits einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die psychiatrische Forschung. It is true that in its emphasis on critical judgment and valid criteria, it has helped to curb unrestrained flights of imagination and sloppy methodology. |||||||||||||||||curb||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||недбала методологія| Es ist wahr, dass es durch seine Betonung kritischer Urteilskraft und gültiger Kriterien dazu beigetragen hat, ungezügelte Phantasien und schlampige Methoden einzudämmen. But the overglorification of objectivity and the insistence on rigidly single standards of acceptable methods have resulted in a concentration on certain phases of the science of human behavior at the expense of other very important ones. Aber die Überglorifizierung der Objektivität und das Beharren auf streng einheitlichen Standards akzeptabler Methoden haben zu einer Konzentration auf bestimmte Phasen der Wissenschaft des menschlichen Verhaltens auf Kosten anderer sehr wichtiger geführt. 但是,对客观性的过度颂扬和对可接受方法的严格单一标准的坚持导致了对人类行为科学的某些阶段的关注,而忽视了其他非常重要的阶段。 I believe that most individuals have a fairly good understanding of how they came to have the problem that they have. Ich glaube, dass die meisten Menschen ein ziemlich gutes Verständnis dafür haben, wie sie zu dem Problem gekommen sind, das sie haben.

I have yet to encounter the person who protests he has no idea why he doesn’t function as he would like to in a certain area. Ich habe noch nie jemanden getroffen, der protestiert, dass er keine Ahnung hat, warum er in einem bestimmten Bereich nicht so funktioniert, wie er es gerne hätte. From a practical standpoint, not many have the time nor money required to delve into the unconscious background of the problem. |||з практичної точки зору||||||||||||||||| Aus praktischer Sicht haben nicht viele die Zeit und das Geld, um sich mit den unbewussten Hintergründen des Problems zu befassen. The high cost of treatment is a very real objection and cannot be discounted lightly. Die hohen Behandlungskosten sind ein sehr realer Einwand und können nicht leichtfertig ignoriert werden. 高昂的治疗费用是一个非常现实的反对意见,不能轻视。 People suffering from emotional problems usually suffer financial reverses as well. Menschen, die unter emotionalen Problemen leiden, erleiden normalerweise auch finanzielle Rückschläge. 患有情感问题的人通常也会遭受财务上的挫折。 Who is to help these people? Wer soll diesen Menschen helfen? There are very few places in the country where they can receive competent psychiatric help at a reasonable fee. Es gibt nur sehr wenige Orte im Land, an denen sie gegen eine angemessene Gebühr kompetente psychiatrische Hilfe erhalten können. Is there this type of help in your own community? Gibt es diese Art von Hilfe in Ihrer eigenen Gemeinde? It is only when the individual is destitute that the state provides whatever help it can. |||||||destitute|||||||| |||||||знедолений|||||||| Nur wenn der Einzelne mittellos ist, hilft der Staat nach Kräften. 只有当个人陷入贫困时,国家才会提供力所能及的帮助。 However, at this point it’s a long hard struggle back to good emotional health. An diesem Punkt ist es jedoch ein langer harter Kampf zurück zu einer guten emotionalen Gesundheit. The National Association for Mental Health and its affiliates issue about 10 million copies of 200 different pamphlets on various aspects of mental health. Die National Association for Mental Health und ihre Tochtergesellschaften geben etwa 10 Millionen Exemplare von 200 verschiedenen Broschüren zu verschiedenen Aspekten der psychischen Gesundheit heraus. 全国心理健康协会及其附属机构发行了约 1000 万份关于心理健康各个方面的 200 种不同小册子。

To assess the value of these pamphlets, 47 mental hygiene experts held a conference at Cornell University. Um den Wert dieser Broschüren einzuschätzen, hielten 47 Experten für psychische Hygiene eine Konferenz an der Cornell University ab. A report on this outstanding conference has been published. ||||видатний|||| Ein Bericht über diese herausragende Konferenz wurde veröffentlicht. It is called "Mental Health Education: A Critique." Es trägt den Titel „Mental Health Education: A Critique“. A feature by Ernest Havemann in the August 8, 1960 issue of Life contains a very worthwhile article on this conference called "Who’s Normal? |||Ernest|Havemann||||||||||||||||| Ein Feature von Ernest Havemann in der Life-Ausgabe vom 8. August 1960 enthält einen sehr wertvollen Artikel über diese Konferenz mit dem Titel „Wer ist normal? Nobody, But We All Keep On Trying. Niemand, aber wir alle versuchen es weiter. In Dissent From 'Mental Health' Approach, Experts Decry Futile Search For An Unreal Goal." |dissent||||||criticize|||||| Experten lehnen den Ansatz der „psychischen Gesundheit“ ab und verurteilen die vergebliche Suche nach einem unwirklichen Ziel. The following paragraph is taken from the Life article: Der folgende Absatz ist dem Life-Artikel entnommen: "What about psychiatry and psychoanalysis? „Was ist mit Psychiatrie und Psychoanalyse?

This is a different matter. Das ist eine andere Sache. Many unhappy and problem-ridden people, though by no means all who have tried it, have profited from psychotherapy. Viele unglückliche und problembehaftete Menschen, aber längst nicht alle, die es versucht haben, haben von der Psychotherapie profitiert. Indeed, all the mental health pamphlets, as a postscript to the self-help methods they advocate, wind up by advising the reader to seek professional care if his problems are serious enough. |||||брошури з психічного здоров'я|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tatsächlich enden alle Broschüren zur psychischen Gesundheit als Nachtrag zu den von ihnen befürworteten Selbsthilfemethoden damit, dass sie dem Leser raten, professionelle Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen, wenn seine Probleme ernst genug sind. But the skeptics at Cornell cited statistics which to them show that psychiatric treatment is as remote for the average person as a trip to the moon. Aber die Skeptiker von Cornell zitierten Statistiken, die ihnen zeigen, dass eine psychiatrische Behandlung für den Durchschnittsmenschen so weit entfernt ist wie eine Reise zum Mond. Aside from the expense, which most people would find prohibitive, there simply are not enough therapists to go around. Abgesehen von den Kosten, die die meisten Menschen unerschwinglich finden würden, gibt es einfach nicht genug Therapeuten. The U. S. has around 11,000 psychiatrists and 10,000 clinical psychologists—in all, about one for every 8,500 citizens. In den USA gibt es rund 11.000 Psychiater und 10.000 klinische Psychologen – insgesamt etwa einer auf 8.500 Einwohner. If everybody with emotional problems decided to see a psychiatrist, the lines at the doctors' offices would stretch for miles. Wenn jeder mit emotionalen Problemen sich entscheiden würde, einen Psychiater aufzusuchen, würden sich die Schlangen vor den Arztpraxen meilenweit erstrecken. I assume that most readers of this book know that state hospitals are understaffed and unable to provide proper care for the mentally ill. Ich gehe davon aus, dass die meisten Leser dieses Buches wissen, dass staatliche Krankenhäuser unterbesetzt und nicht in der Lage sind, psychisch Kranke angemessen zu versorgen.

Mike Gorman, executive director of the National Mental Health Committee, has written a crusading report on this very theme called Every Other Bed . |Gorman||||||||||||crusading||||||||| Mike Gorman, Exekutivdirektor des National Mental Health Committee, hat zu genau diesem Thema einen Bericht mit dem Titel Every Other Bed geschrieben. In this book he tells us that every other hospital bed in the United States is occupied by a mental case. ||||||||||||||||зайнята|||| In diesem Buch erzählt er uns, dass jedes zweite Krankenhausbett in den Vereinigten Staaten von einem Geisteskranken belegt ist. Mental illness costs the country two and a half billion dollars a year besides the more important untold human suffering that can never be equated in dollars. Geisteskrankheiten kosten das Land zweieinhalb Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr, zusätzlich zu dem wichtigeren unsäglichen menschlichen Leiden, das niemals in Dollar gleichgesetzt werden kann. 精神疾病每年给国家造成二十五亿美元的损失,此外还有无法用美元来衡量的更重要的人类痛苦。 The book is a shocking story of how we have let this happen; are still letting it happen; and of how little, for the most part, we, the general public as well as the medical and psychological professions, are doing to correct this deplorable situation. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deplorable| Das Buch ist eine schockierende Geschichte darüber, wie wir das zugelassen haben; lassen es immer noch geschehen; und wie wenig wir, die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit sowie die medizinischen und psychologischen Berufe, zum größten Teil tun, um diese bedauerliche Situation zu korrigieren. It is time that we re-examined the dictums that say a symptom can never be removed unless the cause is understood and the unconscious background of symptom-complexes must be made conscious and understood before a cure is effected. ||||||||dictums||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||dictums||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Es ist an der Zeit, dass wir die Aussprüche, die besagen, dass ein Symptom niemals beseitigt werden kann, wenn die Ursache nicht verstanden wird, und dass der unbewusste Hintergrund von Symptomkomplexen bewusst gemacht und verstanden werden muss, bevor eine Heilung bewirkt wird, erneut überprüfen. 现在是我们重新审视以下格言的时候了:除非了解原因,否则症状永远无法消除,并且在实现治愈之前必须意识到并理解症状复合体的无意识背景。

There are many positive thinking groups functioning in the religious field. Es gibt viele positiv denkende Gruppen, die im religiösen Bereich tätig sind.

Many of these religious groups are in existence primarily because of the dynamic philosophy or psychology they offer for every day living. Viele dieser religiösen Gruppen existieren hauptsächlich wegen der dynamischen Philosophie oder Psychologie, die sie für das tägliche Leben anbieten. Couple this with a strong faith in God, and you have a combination which approaches infallibility. Verbinden Sie dies mit einem starken Glauben an Gott, und Sie haben eine Kombination, die der Unfehlbarkeit nahe kommt. Recently we have had a series of best-selling books which expound this very theme. Kürzlich haben wir eine Reihe von Bestseller-Büchern herausgebracht, die genau dieses Thema erläutern. Does it work? Funktioniert es? Of course it does when used properly. Bei richtiger Anwendung natürlich. You can be sure that there has been criticism of this religious psychology. Sie können sicher sein, dass es Kritik an dieser Religionspsychologie gegeben hat.

The criticism is that the basic causes of the problem are never dealt with and the unconscious conflict is not resolved. Kritisiert wird, dass die grundsätzlichen Ursachen des Problems nie bearbeitet und der unbewusste Konflikt nicht gelöst wird. It’s the same argument over and over again. Es ist immer wieder das gleiche Argument. What about the people helped? Was ist mit den Menschen, denen geholfen wurde? They seem to have made tremendous strides and are leading lives as well adjusted as anyone else. Sie scheinen enorme Fortschritte gemacht zu haben und führen ein ebenso angepasstes Leben wie alle anderen. Once imbued with this spirit or feeling of well-being, it permeates every phase of their relationships in a constructive manner. Einmal von diesem Geist oder Gefühl des Wohlbefindens durchdrungen, durchdringt es auf konstruktive Weise jede Phase ihrer Beziehungen. 一旦充满这种精神或幸福感,它就会以建设性的方式渗透到他们关系的每个阶段。 The only reason that there isn’t more criticism is that this type of psychotherapy is incorporated into the religious tenets of these groups, and criticizing another man’s religion makes the detractor’s entire philosophy unacceptable. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||detractor||| Der einzige Grund, warum es nicht mehr Kritik gibt, ist, dass diese Art von Psychotherapie in die religiösen Lehren dieser Gruppen integriert ist und die Kritik an der Religion eines anderen Mannes die gesamte Philosophie des Verleumders inakzeptabel macht. I am strongly in favor of these groups because I would prefer having a religion that keeps pointing out the positive side of life and that "life can be beautiful" if you put your faith in God and practice positive thinking. ||||підтримую|||||||||||||||||||||||||прекрасним||||||||||| Ich bin stark für diese Gruppen, weil ich lieber eine Religion hätte, die immer wieder auf die positiven Seiten des Lebens hinweist und dass „das Leben schön sein kann“, wenn man an Gott glaubt und positives Denken praktiziert. It is certainly better than the cynical philosophy of its detractors or the grim religions which stress punishment. ||||||||||detractors||||||| ||||||||||недоброзичливці||||||| Sie ist sicherlich besser als die zynische Philosophie ihrer Kritiker oder die grimmigen Religionen, die auf Bestrafung betonen. Think of the guilt feelings involved in the latter. |||||залучені||| Denken Sie an die Schuldgefühle, die mit letzterem verbunden sind. No one can live up to such a formidable creed. |||||||||creed Niemand kann einem so beeindruckenden Glauben gerecht werden. Of course, if you suggest to positive thinking, religious individuals that they are using a form of self-hypnosis, they will emphatically deny and debate the issue. Natürlich, wenn Sie positiv denkenden, religiösen Personen vorschlagen, dass sie eine Form der Selbsthypnose verwenden, werden sie das Thema nachdrücklich leugnen und diskutieren.

Since we are primarily interested in mental hygiene and not in winning a debate, it is well to leave the matter as it stands. Da es uns in erster Linie um psychische Hygiene geht und nicht darum, eine Debatte zu gewinnen, ist es gut, die Sache so zu lassen, wie sie ist. The point to keep in mind is that so long as a person feels that this methodology is the answer to his needs and so long as no one is being hurt by his belief, I feel he should cling to his conviction. Der Punkt, den man im Auge behalten sollte, ist, dass, solange eine Person das Gefühl hat, dass diese Methodik die Antwort auf ihre Bedürfnisse ist und solange niemand durch ihren Glauben verletzt wird, sie meiner Meinung nach an ihrer Überzeugung festhalten sollte. 需要记住的一点是,只要一个人觉得这种方法论能够满足他的需求,并且只要没有人因为他的信念而受到伤害,我觉得他就应该坚持自己的信念。 He should not allow it to be destroyed by those who are thinking in different semantic terms. Er sollte nicht zulassen, dass sie von denen zerstört wird, die semantisch anders denken. 他不应该允许它被那些以不同语义术语思考的人摧毁。 I would like to bring up another common example pertaining to the two basic concepts that we have been discussing. Ich möchte ein weiteres gängiges Beispiel anführen, das sich auf die beiden Grundkonzepte bezieht, die wir diskutiert haben. 我想提出另一个与我们一直在讨论的两个基本概念有关的常见例子。

It is the example of the many individuals who have taken public speaking courses to overcome stage fright. Es ist das Beispiel der vielen Personen, die öffentliche Redekurse besucht haben, um Lampenfieber zu überwinden. 这是许多人通过参加公开演讲课程来克服怯场的例子。 In most cases, the person involved hasn’t had too much opportunity to be a public speaker. In den meisten Fällen hatte die betroffene Person nicht allzu viel Gelegenheit, öffentlicher Redner zu sein. Because of this, he suddenly feels he may not say the right thing or forget what he wants to say. Aus diesem Grund hat er plötzlich das Gefühl, dass er möglicherweise nicht das Richtige sagt oder vergisst, was er sagen möchte. This anxiety can create the very situation or block that he fears. Diese Angst kann genau die Situation schaffen oder blockieren, die er befürchtet. What is the solution? Was ist die Lösung? Certainly not psychoanalysis to find out why he functions the way he does. Sicherlich keine Psychoanalyse, um herauszufinden, warum er so funktioniert, wie er es tut. You could use this approach, but I don’t think it’s the most constructive one. ||||||||||||конструктивний| Sie könnten diesen Ansatz verwenden, aber ich denke nicht, dass er der konstruktivste ist. It is like asking, "What am I doing that’s wrong?" Es ist wie die Frage: "Was mache ich falsch?" instead of "What can I do that’s right?" statt "Was kann ich richtig machen?" The most constructive approach is to take a course of instruction to get the actual practice and experience in the techniques of public speaking. Der konstruktivste Ansatz besteht darin, einen Schulungskurs zu belegen, um die tatsächliche Praxis und Erfahrung in den Techniken des öffentlichen Redens zu erlangen. Before proceeding further, I believe it is necessary to point out that I am not just being critical of the convictions of other sincere and dedicated individuals engaged in the field of mental hygiene. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||залучені до|||||| Bevor ich fortfahre, glaube ich, dass es notwendig ist, darauf hinzuweisen, dass ich nicht nur die Überzeugungen anderer aufrichtiger und engagierter Personen, die auf dem Gebiet der Psychohygiene tätig sind, kritisiere. 在进一步讨论之前,我认为有必要指出,我不仅仅是批评其他从事精神卫生领域的真诚和奉献的个人的信念。

It is always good to re-evaluate our present thinking on any subject, no matter how sincere or convinced we may be that what we are doing is correct. ||||||||||||||||||переконані|||||||||| Es ist immer gut, unser gegenwärtiges Denken zu jedem Thema neu zu bewerten, egal wie aufrichtig oder überzeugt wir sein mögen, dass das, was wir tun, richtig ist. At times, we can become so immersed in our convictions that we cannot take criticism and respond  emotionally to ideas or interpretations that do not coincide with logical thinking. ||||||занурені|||||||||||||||||||співпадати з||| Manchmal versinken wir so sehr in unseren Überzeugungen, dass wir keine Kritik vertragen und nicht emotional auf Ideen oder Interpretationen reagieren können, die nicht mit logischem Denken übereinstimmen. What, then, is the answer to mental health problems? ||||відповідь|||| Was ist dann die Antwort auf psychische Gesundheitsprobleme?

There is no single answer. Es gibt keine einzige Antwort. It is a very complex situation. Es ist eine sehr komplexe Situation. There are many promising drugs and treatments which, if adequately developed and widely used, could do a great deal toward promoting good mental health. ||||||||||||||||||||сприяння||| Es gibt viele vielversprechende Medikamente und Behandlungen, die bei angemessener Entwicklung und breiter Anwendung viel zur Förderung einer guten psychischen Gesundheit beitragen könnten. Fundamentally, the problem will always be that of trying to understand human behavior and helping those in distress with an efficacious formula. ||||||||||||||||||||effective| Grundsätzlich wird das Problem immer darin bestehen, menschliches Verhalten zu verstehen und Menschen in Not mit einer wirksamen Formel zu helfen. What is that formula? Was ist das für eine Formel?

I believe hypnosis can contribute in part to the answer. Ich glaube, dass Hypnose teilweise zur Antwort beitragen kann. Needless to say, hypnosis is contraindicated in many emotional problems because of the very nature of the problem itself. |||||not recommended||||||||||||| |||||протипоказаний||||||||||||| Unnötig zu sagen, dass Hypnose bei vielen emotionalen Problemen aufgrund der Natur des Problems selbst kontraindiziert ist. Some emotional difficulties must first be worked out on a conscious level. Einige emotionale Schwierigkeiten müssen zuerst auf einer bewussten Ebene ausgearbeitet werden. After this, hypnosis can be instrumental in achieving the final goal. Danach kann Hypnose dazu beitragen, das endgültige Ziel zu erreichen. Dr. DR.

Frank S. Caprio, a prominent psychiatrist, in his book, Helping Yourself with Psychiatry , states the following: "A whole new world of self-confidence and positive living is open to every person, young and old, through hypnosis, self-hypnosis and self-suggestion or auto-hypnosis. Frank||Caprio||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Frank S. Caprio, ein bekannter Psychiater, stellt in seinem Buch „Helping Yourself with Psychiatry“ Folgendes fest: „Eine ganz neue Welt des Selbstvertrauens und des positiven Lebens steht jedem Menschen offen, ob jung oder alt, durch Hypnose, Selbsthypnose und Selbstsuggestion oder Autohypnose.