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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Snow Queen, Sixth Story - The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman, part 3

The Snow Queen, Sixth Story - The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman, part 3

She ran on as fast as she could. There then came a whole regiment of snow-flakes, but they did not fall from above, and they were quite bright and shining from the Aurora Borealis. The flakes ran along the ground, and the nearer they came the larger they grew. Gerda well remembered how large and strange the snow-flakes appeared when she once saw them through a magnifying-glass; but now they were large and terrific in another manner--they were all alive. They were the outposts of the Snow Queen. They had the most wondrous shapes; some looked like large ugly porcupines; others like snakes knotted together, with their heads sticking out; and others, again, like small fat bears, with the hair standing on end: all were of dazzling whiteness--all were living snow-flakes.

Little Gerda repeated the Lord's Prayer. The cold was so intense that she could see her own breath, which came like smoke out of her mouth. It grew thicker and thicker, and took the form of little angels, that grew more and more when they touched the earth. All had helms on their heads, and lances and shields in their hands; they increased in numbers; and when Gerda had finished the Lord's Prayer, she was surrounded by a whole legion. They thrust at the horrid snow-flakes with their spears, so that they flew into a thousand pieces; and little Gerda walked on bravely and in security. The angels patted her hands and feet; and then she felt the cold less, and went on quickly towards the palace of the Snow Queen.

But now we shall see how Kay fared. He never thought of Gerda, and least of all that she was standing before the palace.

The Snow Queen, Sixth Story - The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman, part 3 La reina de las nieves, sexto cuento - La mujer de Laponia y la mujer de Finlandia, tercera parte 雪の女王』第六話「ラップランドの女とフィンランドの女」その3 A Rainha da Neve, Sexta História - A Mulher da Lapónia e a Mulher da Finlândia, parte 3 冰雪女王,第六个故事——拉普兰女人和芬兰女人,第三部分

She ran on as fast as she could. There then came a whole regiment of snow-flakes, but they did not fall from above, and they were quite bright and shining from the Aurora Borealis. The flakes ran along the ground, and the nearer they came the larger they grew. Gerda well remembered how large and strange the snow-flakes appeared when she once saw them through a magnifying-glass; but now they were large and terrific in another manner--they were all alive. They were the outposts of the Snow Queen. They had the most wondrous shapes; some looked like large ugly porcupines; others like snakes knotted together, with their heads sticking out; and others, again, like small fat bears, with the hair standing on end: all were of dazzling whiteness--all were living snow-flakes. Ils avaient les formes les plus merveilleuses ; certains ressemblaient à de gros porcs-épics affreux ; d'autres à des serpents noués ensemble, avec la tête qui dépassait ; d'autres encore à de petits ours gras, avec les poils dressés sur la tête : tous étaient d'une blancheur éblouissante - tous étaient des flocons de neige vivants.

Little Gerda repeated the Lord's Prayer. The cold was so intense that she could see her own breath, which came like smoke out of her mouth. It grew thicker and thicker, and took the form of little angels, that grew more and more when they touched the earth. All had helms on their heads, and lances and shields in their hands; they increased in numbers; and when Gerda had finished the Lord's Prayer, she was surrounded by a whole legion. They thrust at the horrid snow-flakes with their spears, so that they flew into a thousand pieces; and little Gerda walked on bravely and in security. Ils frappaient de leurs lances les horribles flocons de neige, qui volaient en mille morceaux, et la petite Gerda avançait courageusement et en toute sécurité. The angels patted her hands and feet; and then she felt the cold less, and went on quickly towards the palace of the Snow Queen. Les anges lui tapotèrent les mains et les pieds, puis elle sentit le froid s'atténuer et se dirigea rapidement vers le palais de la Reine des Neiges.

But now we shall see how Kay fared. Nous allons maintenant voir comment Kay s'en est sorti. He never thought of Gerda, and least of all that she was standing before the palace. Il n'a jamais pensé à Gerda, et encore moins au fait qu'elle se tenait devant le palais.