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Society and people, Sleeping


Ruth: Now Akane!

Akane: Yeah.

Ruth: I've noticed that you fall asleep everywhere.

Akane: Oh, you've noticed.

Oh, no, it's actually a problem that I have.

Ruth: Really?

Akane: Yeah, I do get sleepy.

Ruth: Well, it's just that whenever we come back from work, or we go to work, you always fall asleep on the bus.

Akane: I do. I'm so tired in the mornings.

Ruth: So, you're tired in the mornings (Mm-hm) so don't you sleep at night?

Akane: I do. I actually do go to bed quite early but I hate waking up really early so I think it's the early mornings that really get to me.

Ruth: So do you think lots of people in your family do this, because you know, you really do seem to sleep far more than anybody I've ever met.

Akane: Actually, yeah, my father does say that he falls asleep at work.

Ruth: No!

Akane: Yeah.And my mom falls asleep at work as well when there's not costumers.

Ruth: Oh, you're joking.

Akane: Yeah.


So it runs in the family.

Ruth: So have you ever done that? Have you ever fallen asleep at work?

Akane: Actually, well, I don't fall asleep when I'm teaching, cause its such a busy job (Yeah) but when I was working in an office, when I was doing medical research, it was such a boring job that I did used to fall asleep in front of the computer sometimes. It's really embarrassing.

Ruth: So have you ever had an embarrassing moment when you've fallen asleep?

Akane: Actually, yes. One time we went to watch the symphony orchestra and it was beautiful music and I was enjoying myself but I just fell asleep in between.

Ruth: Oh, no, Akane.

Akane: Yeah.

Ruth: So how many hours sleep do you normally get Akane?

Akane: Well, I try to get at least nine. Of course that's not always possible, so I'd say on average about eight and a half hours.

Ruth: Eight and a half.

Akane: Yeah.

Ruth: Well, I suppose if you add that to the five hours a day that you sleep that's quite a lot.

Akane: If you put it that way.

Sleeping Schlafen Para dormir Dormir スリーピング Спать 睡眠

Ruth: Now Akane!

Akane: Yeah.

Ruth: I’ve noticed that you fall asleep everywhere.

Akane: Oh, you’ve noticed.

Oh, no, it’s actually a problem that I have.

Ruth: Really?

Akane: Yeah, I do get sleepy.

Ruth: Well, it’s just that whenever we come back from work, or we go to work, you always fall asleep on the bus. Ruth: Şey, ne zaman işten dönsek ya da işe gitsek, otobüste hep uyuyakalıyorsun.

Akane: I do. I’m so tired in the mornings.

Ruth: So, you’re tired in the mornings (Mm-hm) so don’t you sleep at night?

Akane: I do. I actually do go to bed quite early but I hate waking up really early so I think it’s the early mornings that really get to me. Ich gehe eigentlich recht früh ins Bett, aber ich hasse es, sehr früh aufzuwachen, und ich glaube, es sind die frühen Morgenstunden, die mich wirklich nerven. Aslında oldukça erken yatıyorum ama gerçekten erken kalkmaktan nefret ediyorum, bu yüzden sanırım beni asıl etkileyen sabahları erken kalkmak oluyor.

Ruth: So do you think lots of people in your family do this, because you know, you really do seem to sleep far more than anybody I’ve ever met. Ruth: Peki ailenizdeki birçok insanın bunu yaptığını düşünüyor musunuz, çünkü gerçekten de tanıdığım herkesten çok daha fazla uyuyor gibisiniz.

Akane: Actually, yeah, my father does say that he falls asleep at work.

Ruth: No!

Akane: Yeah.And my mom falls asleep at work as well when there’s not costumers.

Ruth: Oh, you’re joking.

Akane: Yeah.


So it runs in the family. Es liegt also in der Familie. Yani aileden geliyor.

Ruth: So have you ever done that? Have you ever fallen asleep at work?

Akane: Actually, well, I don’t fall asleep when I’m teaching, cause its such a busy job (Yeah) but when I was working in an office, when I was doing medical research, it was such a boring job that I did used to fall asleep in front of the computer sometimes. It’s really embarrassing.

Ruth: So have you ever had an embarrassing moment when you’ve fallen asleep?

Akane: Actually, yes. One time we went to watch the symphony orchestra and it was beautiful music and I was enjoying myself but I just fell asleep in between. Bir keresinde senfoni orkestrasını izlemeye gitmiştik, çok güzel bir müzikti ve ben çok eğleniyordum ama arada uyuyakalmışım.

Ruth: Oh, no, Akane.

Akane: Yeah.

Ruth: So how many hours sleep do you normally get Akane? Ruth: Wie viele Stunden Schlaf bekommst du normalerweise, Akane? Ruth: Peki normalde kaç saat uyuyorsun Akane?

Akane: Well, I try to get at least nine. Akane: Nun, ich versuche, mindestens neun zu bekommen. Of course that’s not always possible, so I’d say on average about eight and a half hours. Das ist natürlich nicht immer möglich, also würde ich sagen, im Durchschnitt etwa achteinhalb Stunden.

Ruth: Eight and a half.

Akane: Yeah.

Ruth: Well, I suppose if you add that to the five hours a day that you sleep that’s quite a lot. Ruth: Na ja, wenn man das zu den fünf Stunden Schlaf pro Tag hinzurechnet, ist das schon eine ganze Menge. Ruth: Sanırım bunu günde beş saat uyuduğunuz süreye eklerseniz oldukça fazla.

Akane: If you put it that way. Akane: Wenn du es so ausdrückst.