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Society and people, Wake Up

Wake Up

Todd: So, what did you do today? Ruth: Well, actually, I got up this morning quite early. I couldn't sleep so I was a little bit annoyed and then I went to church and I had some lunch and.. Todd: OK, but, you said early, like how early? Ruth: Well, I think it was about 7 o'clock. Todd: That's not early. Ruth: That is early if you went to bed at 1. Todd: That's true. That's sleeping in for me. Ruth: That's sleeping in. That's true.

You're an early bird aren't you? Todd: Now, last night we went out and had the beers. Ruth: Yeah! Todd: I was actually quite happy this morning. I had no hangover. Ruth: Did you not? (No) I felt a little bit queasy this morning, and I was a bit ashamed, and I didn't even drink very much. I wasn't, I didn't feel queasy. I think is was more that I hadn't had any sleep actually. Todd: Yeah, did you feel guilty in church knowing that you still had the beer buzz? Ruth: No. I didn't feel guilty about that. Todd: Yeah, that would be tough one. No, I still got up this morning at 5:45. Ruth: 5:45! Todd: Yeah. Ruth: You must be a lunatic. Todd: Well, I mean when the light comes up and the light goes through your window, I don't know how people can still sleep. You know? You can sleep when the light, the sunrise still comes up? Ruth: Yeah, not for too, I mean I can't sleep forever, but like, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, then my body wakes up. Todd: The apartment I was at before, it was crazy because there was a rooster outside, and it didn't do what it was supposed to do, like normally when the sun comes up, the rooster is supposed to go, "er-er-er-er" or whatever, but this thing did it at like 1 and 2 in the morning. It used to drive me nuts, so I used to always wake up at 2 because I'd hear this rooster going "er-er-er" and I just wanted to kill that bird. Ruth: Did you go sleep, back to sleep after that? Todd: Yeah, of course I went back to sleep, but the bird would wake me up regularly. Yeah.

No roosters here. Ruth: That's not funny is it? Todd: Yeah.

Wake Up Despierta Réveillez-vous Acordar 醒来

Todd: So, what did you do today? Ruth: Well, actually, I got up this morning quite early. Ruth: Bem, na verdade, levantei-me esta manhã bastante cedo. I couldn’t sleep so I was a little bit annoyed and then I went to church and I had some lunch and.. Não conseguia dormir, por isso estava um pouco aborrecido e depois fui à igreja, almocei e... Todd: OK, but, you said early, like how early? Todd: OK, mas, disseste cedo, tipo, a que horas? Ruth: Well, I think it was about 7 o’clock. Todd: That’s not early. Ruth: That is early if you went to bed at 1. Todd: That’s true. That’s sleeping in for me. Das heißt für mich ausschlafen. Para mim, isso é dormir até tarde. Bu benim için uyumak demek. Ruth: That’s sleeping in. Ruth: Isso é dormir até tarde. Bu uyumak demek. That’s true.

You’re an early bird aren’t you? És um pássaro madrugador, não és? Todd: Now, last night we went out and had the beers. Todd: Agora, ontem à noite saímos e bebemos as cervejas. Ruth: Yeah! Todd: I was actually quite happy this morning. I had no hangover. Ich hatte keinen Kater. Não tive ressaca. Ruth: Did you not? (No) I felt a little bit queasy this morning, and I was a bit ashamed, and I didn’t even drink very much. (Nein) Heute Morgen war mir ein bisschen mulmig zumute, und ich habe mich ein bisschen geschämt, und ich habe nicht einmal besonders viel getrunken. (Não) Senti-me um pouco enjoado esta manhã, e estava um pouco envergonhado, e nem sequer bebi muito. I wasn’t, I didn’t feel queasy. Mir war nicht übel, ich hatte kein mulmiges Gefühl. Não estava, não me sentia enjoada. I think is was more that I hadn’t had any sleep actually. Ich glaube, es lag eher daran, dass ich nicht geschlafen hatte. Acho que foi mais por não ter dormido nada, na verdade. Sanırım daha çok hiç uyumamış olmamdan kaynaklanıyordu. Todd: Yeah, did you feel guilty in church knowing that you still had the beer buzz? Todd: Ja, hast du dich in der Kirche schuldig gefühlt, weil du immer noch den Bierrausch hattest? Todd: Sim, sentiste-te culpado na igreja por saberes que ainda tinhas o zumbido da cerveja? Todd: Evet, kilisede hala bira içtiğinizi bildiğiniz için kendinizi suçlu hissettiniz mi? Ruth: No. I didn’t feel guilty about that. Todd: Yeah, that would be tough one. Todd: Ja, das wäre eine schwierige Frage. Todd: Sim, essa é difícil. Todd: Evet, bu zor bir soru olurdu. No, I still got up this morning at 5:45. Nein, ich bin heute Morgen trotzdem um 5:45 Uhr aufgestanden. Ruth: 5:45! Todd: Yeah. Ruth: You must be a lunatic. Ruth: Sie müssen ein Verrückter sein. Todd: Well, I mean when the light comes up and the light goes through your window, I don’t know how people can still sleep. Todd: Nun, ich meine, wenn es hell wird und das Licht durch das Fenster fällt, weiß ich nicht, wie die Leute noch schlafen können. Todd: Bem, quero dizer, quando a luz nasce e a luz entra pela janela, não sei como é que as pessoas ainda conseguem dormir. Todd: Yani, ışık doğduğunda ve ışık pencerenizden içeri girdiğinde, insanların nasıl hala uyuyabildiğini bilmiyorum. You know? You can sleep when the light, the sunrise still comes up? Işık, güneş doğarken uyuyabiliyor musun? Ruth: Yeah, not for too, I mean I can’t sleep forever, but like, 7 o’clock, 8 o’clock, then my body wakes up. Ruth: Ja, nicht allzu lange, ich meine, ich kann nicht ewig schlafen, aber so um 7, 8 Uhr, dann wacht mein Körper auf. Ruth: Evet, çok uzun süre değil, yani sonsuza kadar uyuyamam, ama saat 7, 8 gibi, sonra vücudum uyanır. Todd: The apartment I was at before, it was crazy because there was a rooster outside, and it didn’t do what it was supposed to do, like normally when the sun comes up, the rooster is supposed to go, "er-er-er-er" or whatever, but this thing did it at like 1 and 2 in the morning. Todd: No apartamento onde eu estava antes, era uma loucura porque havia um galo lá fora, e ele não fazia o que era suposto fazer, como normalmente quando o sol nasce, o galo é suposto fazer, "er-er-er-er" ou qualquer outra coisa, mas esta coisa fazia-o à uma e duas da manhã. Todd: Daha önce kaldığım apartman çok çılgındı çünkü dışarıda bir horoz vardı ve yapması gereken şeyi yapmıyordu, normalde güneş doğduğunda horozun "er-er-er-er" gibi sesler çıkarması gerekir ama bu şey bunu sabahın 1 ve 2'sinde yapıyordu. It used to drive me nuts, so I used to always wake up at 2 because I’d hear this rooster going "er-er-er" and I just wanted to kill that bird. Das hat mich immer wahnsinnig gemacht, so dass ich immer um 2 Uhr aufgewacht bin, weil ich diesen Hahn hörte, der "er-er-er" machte, und ich wollte diesen Vogel einfach umbringen. Beni deli ederdi, bu yüzden hep saat 2'de uyanırdım çünkü horozun "er-er-er" diye öttüğünü duyardım ve o kuşu öldürmek isterdim. Ruth: Did you go sleep, back to sleep after that? Ruth: Ondan sonra tekrar uyudunuz mu? Todd: Yeah, of course I went back to sleep, but the bird would wake me up regularly. Todd: Sim, claro que voltei a dormir, mas o pássaro acordava-me regularmente. Todd: Evet, tabii ki uyumaya devam ettim ama kuş beni düzenli olarak uyandırıyordu. Yeah.

No roosters here. Ruth: That’s not funny is it? Ruth: Isso não tem piada, pois não? Todd: Yeah.