
LingQをより快適にするためCookieを使用しています。サイトの訪問により同意したと見なされます クッキーポリシー.


developing tactics for listening, 8- listening 2

8- listening 2

1. A: Uh-oh, I just spilled some tomato sauce on the rug.

B: What? You spilled tomato juice on the floor?

A: No. On the rug. Tomato sauce. Now there's a stain.

B: Oh, I have the best solution for that.

A: Really?

B: Just pour soda on it.

A: Soda? That sounds crazy!

B: I'm serious. Pour plain soda on it.

A: Don't you think plain water will work?

B: Trust me. Soda is the best thing. I've seen it work.

A: Okay. I'll try it.

2. A: I need your advice.

B: What's the matter?

A: Lisa invited me over for tea yesterday. When we finished, I was carrying this heavy teapot on a tray and I slipped ...

B: Oh, no! Did you spill tea on your clothes?

A: No. Worse. I dropped the tray, and Lisa's teapot broke into little pieces. It was her favorite teapot. and it looked expensive .

B: Well, if I were you, I would offer to buy her a new one.

A: You don't think an apology is enough?

B: No, you should at least offer to buy her a new one.

A: You're right. That's the best thing to do.

3. A: Oh, no. I've got a stain on my new shirt. What should I do?

B: Is it a food stain?

A: No, unfortunately, it's ink.

B: Ink? That's very tricky.

A: Should I just put some water on it?

B: Hmm.. -Let me look it up on the Internet. Here it is: For ink, use plain soda. It will lift the stain right out.

A: That doesn't sound right to me.

B: I'm sure this is right. Let's try it.

A: No way! I'm not going to do an experiment on my best shirt. I'm going to take it to the drycleaner.

4. A: Remember that jacket my aunt gave me for my birthday?

B: Sure. The one you lost at the theater?

A: No, the one I spilled coffee all over.

B: Oh, yeah ... It was ruined ...

A: Yes. Anyway, she's invited me to dinner. I'm afraid if I don't wear the jacket, her feelings will be hurt.

B: You should just buy a new one exactly like it.

A: Gee, I don't know ... That sounds expensive.

B: But you don't want to offend your aunt. do you?

A: No, but she's very understanding. I'll just show up without it. If she says anything, I'll tell her the truth. The truth is always the best!

5. A: Uh-oh.

B: What happened?

A: I can't find my wallet. Whenever I sit in a theater, things fall out of my pockets. Oh, wait a minute . .. there it is. But my keys are missing!

B: Oh, great! How will we get back into the house?

A: Well, we could go back to the theater and try to find them.

B: But the theater is closed. It's past midnight!

A: Well. I guess we'll have to call a locksmith.

B: Is there such a thing as a 24-hour locksmith?

A: I'm sure there is. I'll look one up on my phone.

6. A: Why are you stopping? Is there something wrong with the car?

B: No, the car is fine. but we're lost!

A: What should we do?

B: I don't know. I've got it. You wait here.

A: What are you doing?

B: I'm going to ask someone for directions.

A: But there's no one around here. It's completely deserted. In fact, it looks kind of dangerous.

B: Do you have a better idea?

A: Yes. Let's just call the restaurant and ask them how to get there.

B: That makes sense.

8- listening 2 8- Hören 2 8 - słuchanie 2 8- Dinleme 2 8-听力2 8-聽力2

1. A: Uh-oh, I just spilled some tomato sauce on the rug. |||||||||||carpet R: Uh-oh, acabo de derramar salsa de tomate sobre la alfombra.

B: What? You spilled tomato juice on the floor? ¿Has derramado zumo de tomate en el suelo?

A: No. On the rug. En la alfombra. Tomato sauce. Salsa de tomate. Now there's a stain. |||mark Ahora hay una mancha.

B: Oh, I have the best solution for that. B: Oh, tengo la mejor solución para eso.

A: Really?

B: Just pour soda on it. B: Simplemente échale soda.

A: Soda? That sounds crazy! ¡Eso parece una locura!

B: I'm serious. Pour plain soda on it. 倒|普通的||| Échale soda.

A: Don't you think plain water will work? R: ¿No crees que el agua corriente funcionará?

B: Trust me. Soda is the best thing. I've seen it work. 我已经||| Lo he visto funcionar.

A: Okay. I'll try it.

2. A: I need your advice. R: Necesito tu consejo.

B: What's the matter? B: ¿Qué ocurre?

A: Lisa invited me over for tea yesterday. |丽莎|||到家里||| R: Lisa me invitó ayer a tomar el té. When we finished, I was carrying this heavy teapot on a tray and I slipped ... |||||||||||托盘|||滑倒了 Cuando terminamos, llevaba una tetera pesada en una bandeja y me resbalé...

B: Oh, no! Did you spill tea on your clothes? ¿Has derramado té sobre tu ropa?

A: No. Worse. Peor. I dropped the tray, and Lisa's teapot broke into little pieces. |||||丽莎的||||| Se me cayó la bandeja y la tetera de Usa se rompió en pedacitos. It was her favorite teapot. Era su tetera favorita. and it looked expensive .

B: Well, if I were you, I would offer to buy her a new one. ||||||我|会|提出购买|||||| B: Bueno, si yo fuera tú, me ofrecería a comprarle uno nuevo. B: 嗯,如果是我的话,我会主动提出买一部新的给她。

A: You don't think an apology is enough? |||||道歉|| A: 你觉得道歉不够吗?

B: No, you should at least offer to buy her a new one. B: No, al menos deberías ofrecerle comprarle uno nuevo. B: 不,你至少应该主动提出买一部新的给她。

A: You're right. R: Tienes razón. That's the best thing to do. Es lo mejor que se puede hacer.

3. A: Oh, no. I've got a stain on my new shirt. Tengo una mancha en mi camisa nueva. What should I do? ¿Qué debo hacer?

B: Is it a food stain? B: ¿Es una mancha de comida?

A: No, unfortunately, it's ink. R: No, por desgracia, es tinta.

B: Ink? That's very tricky. 那很棘手。|| Eso es muy complicado.

A: Should I just put some water on it? R: ¿Le pongo un poco de agua?

B: Hmm.. -Let me look it up on the Internet. B: Hmm.. -Déjame buscarlo en Internet. Here it is: For ink, use plain soda. ||||||regular| Aquí está: Para la tinta, use soda común. It will lift the stain right out. |||||直接| ||remove|||| Levantará la mancha de inmediato.

A: That doesn't sound right to me. R: Eso no me suena bien.

B: I'm sure this is right. B: Estoy seguro de que es correcto. Let's try it.

A: No way! R: ¡Ni hablar! I'm not going to do an experiment on my best shirt. ||||||实验|||| ||||||test or trial|||| I'm going to take it to the drycleaner. |||||||dry cleaning service

4. A: Remember that jacket my aunt gave me for my birthday?

B: Sure. The one you lost at the theater? ¿La que perdiste en el teatro?

A: No, the one I spilled coffee all over. |||||||全都| R: No, sobre el que derramé café.

B: Oh, yeah ... It was ruined ... |||它|| B: Oh, sí ... Se arruinó ...

A: Yes. Anyway, she's invited me to dinner. De todos modos, me ha invitado a cenar. I'm afraid if I don't wear the jacket, her feelings will be hurt. Temo que si no me pongo la chaqueta, hiera sus sentimientos.

B: You should just buy a new one exactly like it. B: Deberías comprar uno nuevo exactamente igual.

A: Gee, I don't know ... That sounds expensive.

B: But you don't want to offend your aunt. ||你||||冒犯|| ||||||hurt her feelings|| B: Pero no quieres ofender a tu tía. do you? ¿verdad?

A: No, but she's very understanding. |||她很理解|| R: No, pero es muy comprensiva. I'll just show up without it. 我会||||| Me presentaré sin él. If she says anything, I'll tell her the truth. Si dice algo, le diré la verdad. The truth is always the best!

5. A: Uh-oh.

B: What happened? B: ¿Qué ha pasado?

A: I can't find my wallet. R: No encuentro mi cartera. Whenever I sit in a theater, things fall out of my pockets. Siempre que me siento en un cine, se me caen cosas de los bolsillos. Oh, wait a minute . .. there it is. .. ahí está. But my keys are missing! ¡Pero me faltan las llaves!

B: Oh, great! B: ¡Oh, genial! How will we get back into the house? ¿Cómo volveremos a entrar en casa?

A: Well, we could go back to the theater and try to find them. R: Bueno, podríamos volver al teatro e intentar encontrarlos.

B: But the theater is closed. B: Pero el teatro está cerrado. It's past midnight!

A: Well. I guess we'll have to call a locksmith. |||||叫||锁匠 |||||||key expert Supongo que tendremos que llamar a un cerrajero.

B: Is there such a thing as a 24-hour locksmith? |有|||||||| B: ¿Existe el cerrajero 24 horas? B: 有24小时的锁匠吗?

A: I'm sure there is. A: 我确定有。 I'll look one up on my phone. |||||my own| Buscaré uno en mi teléfono. 我会在手机上找一家。

6. A: Why are you stopping? Is there something wrong with the car? ¿Le pasa algo al coche?

B: No, the car is fine. but we're lost! ¡pero estamos perdidos!

A: What should we do?

B: I don't know. I've got it. 我懂了。|| Lo tengo. 我明白了。 You wait here. 你在这里等着。

A: What are you doing? A: 你在做什么?

B: I'm going to ask someone for directions. |||||||问路 B: Voy a pedirle indicaciones a alguien.

A: But there's no one around here. R: Pero no hay nadie por aquí. It's completely deserted. 它是|完全|完全荒凉 ||abandoned Está completamente desierto. In fact, it looks kind of dangerous. De hecho, parece algo peligroso. 事实上,这看起来有点危险。

B: Do you have a better idea? B: 你有更好的主意吗?

A: Yes. A: 有的。 Let's just call the restaurant and ask them how to get there. Llamemos al restaurante y preguntemos cómo llegar.

B: That makes sense. B: Eso tiene sentido. B: 那就说得通了。