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expanding tactics for listening, 11- listening 3

11- listening 3

1. My trip to Cancun this summer was great. The thing I liked most was going snorkeling at the beach. The water was crystal clear and full of the most beautiful tropical fish I've ever seen. I'll never forget it. Unfortunately, though, I spent too much time in the sun and I got the worst sunburn of my life. I had to go to the doctor to get a cream for it. Next time I go, I'll use sunscreen every day.

2. You wouldn't believe what happened on my vacation to Bangkok. I lost my wallet in the taxi! I thought I would never see it again. But that evening, the taxi driver came to my hotel and gave my wallet back to me. I was so relieved! The last day I was there, though. I got food poisoning from some fish I had at a restaurant near my hotel. Next time, I'll eat at a different seafood restaurant.

3. While I was in Athens last summer. I met a really nice Greek family on the boat to the island of Corfu. They invited me to spend a few days with them at their beach house there. What a great house! Anyway, I also went down to Crete. I arrived without a hotel reservation and every place I tried was full, so I had to sleep at the bus station for the first two nights. It was awful. Next time, I'll make reservations before I go.

4. I went to Mexico City for the first time last summer, and I managed to use my Spanish every day. I mean, I still had to look up words a lot, but I was really proud of myself. The only bad experience I had there was when someone stole my purse while I was having lunch in a restaurant. Next time, I'll watch my purse more carefully.

5. I really enjoyed my visit to London. I wish I could have stayed there for a month instead of just for a week. The thing I really enjoyed most was the British theater. I went almost every night and saw some really famous actors. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how expensive London can be. I spent twice as much money as I had planned to.

6. I just came back from a vacation in Tokyo. I did just about everything a person could do there—I even went to Tokyo Disneyland. In fact. I had such a good time there that I went back again the next day. One thing I didn't realize, however, was how cold Tokyo can be in the winter. I didn't take enough warm clothing with me. so I had to buy a coat, a hat, and gloves so I wouldn't freeze.

11- listening 3

1. My trip to Cancun this summer was great. The thing I liked most was going snorkeling at the beach. The water was crystal clear and full of the most beautiful tropical fish I've ever seen. I'll never forget it. Unfortunately, though, I spent too much time in the sun and I got the worst sunburn of my life. I had to go to the doctor to get a cream for it. Next time I go, I'll use sunscreen every day.

2. You wouldn't believe what happened on my vacation to Bangkok. I lost my wallet in the taxi! I thought I would never see it again. But that evening, the taxi driver came to my hotel and gave my wallet back to me. I was so relieved! The last day I was there, though. I got food poisoning from some fish I had at a restaurant near my hotel. Next time, I'll eat at a different seafood restaurant.

3. While I was in Athens last summer. I met a really nice Greek family on the boat to the island of Corfu. They invited me to spend a few days with them at their beach house there. What a great house! Anyway, I also went down to Crete. I arrived without a hotel reservation and every place I tried was full, so I had to sleep at the bus station for the first two nights. It was awful. Next time, I'll make reservations before I go.

4. I went to Mexico City for the first time last summer, and I managed to use my Spanish every day. I mean, I still had to look up words a lot, but I was really proud of myself. The only bad experience I had there was when someone stole my purse while I was having lunch in a restaurant. Next time, I'll watch my purse more carefully.

5. I really enjoyed my visit to London. I wish I could have stayed there for a month instead of just for a week. The thing I really enjoyed most was the British theater. I went almost every night and saw some really famous actors. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how expensive London can be. I spent twice as much money as I had planned to.

6. I just came back from a vacation in Tokyo. I did just about everything a person could do there—I even went to Tokyo Disneyland. In fact. I had such a good time there that I went back again the next day. One thing I didn't realize, however, was how cold Tokyo can be in the winter. I didn't take enough warm clothing with me. so I had to buy a coat, a hat, and gloves so I wouldn't freeze.