
LingQをより快適にするためCookieを使用しています。サイトの訪問により同意したと見なされます クッキーポリシー.


expanding tactics for listening, 23- listening 1

23- listening 1

1. A: You know, I'm in an embarrassing situation. I've got a house guest staying with me. He's been here a while and I don't know when he's going to leave. Do you think I should ask him?

B: Yes, I would if I were you.

2. A: One of my best friends borrowed $5.00 from me and seems to have forgotten about it. I'm too embarrassed to remind her. I don't think it's worth mentioning, do you?

B: No, it's only a small amount. But next time, make sure you don't lend her any money!

3. A: This guy at work is always asking me out, and I really don't want to go out with him. Do you think I should tell him I don't like him?

B: Oh. I wouldn't. He'll get the message eventually.

4. A: You know this friend of mine is always borrowing things from me. One week it's my camera, and the next week it's my stereo. And she always forgets to return them. What do you think I should do?

B: Well, first of all. ask for all your stuff back. And second, don't lend her anything else.

5. A: My friend invited me to his graduation party, and I completely forgot about it. Maybe I should tell him I wasn't feeling well.

B: Yeah, that's probably the best thing to do. He'd probably be pretty annoyed if he knew you just forgot about it!

6. A: You know. I have really nice neighbors. The only problem is, they play music really loud at night. It drives me crazy. Do you think I should say something to them about it?

B: Why not? They may not realize it's bothering you.

23- listening 1

1. A: You know, I'm in an embarrassing situation. I've got a house guest staying with me. He's been here a while and I don't know when he's going to leave. Do you think I should ask him?

B: Yes, I would if I were you.

2. A: One of my best friends borrowed $5.00 from me and seems to have forgotten about it. I'm too embarrassed to remind her. I don't think it's worth mentioning, do you?

B: No, it's only a small amount. But next time, make sure you don't lend her any money!

3. A: This guy at work is always asking me out, and I really don't want to go out with him. Do you think I should tell him I don't like him?

B: Oh. I wouldn't. He'll get the message eventually.

4. A: You know this friend of mine is always borrowing things from me. One week it's my camera, and the next week it's my stereo. And she always forgets to return them. What do you think I should do?

B: Well, first of all. ask for all your stuff back. And second, don't lend her anything else.

5. A: My friend invited me to his graduation party, and I completely forgot about it. Maybe I should tell him I wasn't feeling well.

B: Yeah, that's probably the best thing to do. He'd probably be pretty annoyed if he knew you just forgot about it!

6. A: You know. You understand|| I have really nice neighbors. The only problem is, they play music really loud at night. It drives me crazy. Do you think I should say something to them about it?

B: Why not? They may not realize it's bothering you. |||||upsetting| Puede que no se den cuenta de que te molesta.