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Asd 3, Discipline Your Life

Discipline Your Life

The first thing you got to do is you have to discipline your life people

I Have to do it, you have to do it, you know what it means to discipline your life,

go to sleep early,

pray Isha'a (The Night Prayer) and go to sleep.

Don't go until 12:30 a.m.

Don't go see a movie, don't go hangout with your friends,

don't watch islamic lectures until 2:00 in the morning, do not, it is not beneficial for you,

pray Isha'a and go to sleep and wake up early

wake up before Fajr (The Dawn Prayer), give yourself 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 20, I know it seems impossible, it's only impossible because of Netflix at night.

Okay, that's the only reason it's impossible, give the night life up,

Let the night be for sleep at least you're not

accumulating sin every night,

At least you're not burying your heart under more sin every night, at least you're sleeping, at least you're innocent for that much,

at least that much, then you wake up and you pray, at least start with a routine of praying Fajr on time,

start with Fajr, and the guys here, at least at least, once a week guys, make it to the Masjid (Mosque) for Fajr,

at least, I don't ask you every day,

just one day a week,

give yourselves one day a week, and you don't catch the second Rakʿah (Unit of Prayer) right before the Salaam (Greetings of Peace),

right? and then, after you finish making it up you're like: "Oh, Masjid today!" that's right,

you're like pointing at the right: "Now, you wrote that down? you got that? you got that? Fajr?" yeah!

get to the Masjid early. Let me tell you something about, Fajr in the Masjid,

It has a spiritual impact that only people who go to it will experience, it can't be explained in a lecture,

When you go to it, when you go to the prayer, and

you sit there in the Masjid quietly and you wait for the prayer to start, and you sit there and you recite Quran and

you ask Allah (God) to forgive you in those morning hours, and then, you stand next to other believers, and

countless armies of angels and you stand and you pray in front of Allah that early morning, giving up your sleep,

which only happened because you gave up your night life.

When you do that, even once a week, the joy you will get out of it, you will as you are walking out of the

Masjid, you will wish to yourself you did that every morning, I swear to it,

I guarantee it, you're going to walk out of that Masjid saying: "Man, I wish I could do this every morning?"

You really will. Let's start with once a week,

start with once a week, don't make Friday night Party night, you just came out of Salāt ul Jumu'ah (Friday Prayer), that's why

the Shayateen (Devils) do extra heavy advertising for Friday Night, that's why movies come out on Friday Nights,

because they know they have to ruin one fifth of the world's population's ‘Ibādah (Worship),

"They just went to Jumu'ah, how can we undo Jumu'ah? well, there's a new movie premiere

right that same night, let's get it all done with before its effects carry over even the weekend,

right? make Fridays a good time

Discipline Your Life Πειθαρχήστε τη ζωή σας Дисциплинируйте свою жизнь 约束你的生活

The first thing you got to do is you have to discipline your life people أول شئ يجب عليكم فعله , هو أن تنتبظوا في حياتكم Das erste, was ihr tun müsst, ist euer Leben zu disziplinieren, Leute. La première chose que vous devez faire est que vous devez discipliner votre vie, vous les gens, Hal pertama yang harus kamu lakukan adalah mendisiplinkan diri. La prima cosa che dovete fare è disciplinare la vostra vita, gente A primeira coisa que você tem que fazer é disciplinar sua vida pessoal İlk olarak yapmanız gereken şey, hayatınızı disiplin altına almak

I Have to do it, you have to do it, you know what it means to discipline your life, أن يجب أنا أفعل ذلك وأنتم أيضا يجب أن تفعلوا ذلك , هل تعلموا ماذا أعني بتنتبظوا في حياتكم ؟ Ich muss es tun, du musst es tun. Weißt du, was es bedeutet, dein Leben zu disziplinieren? je dois le faire, vous devez le faire, vous savez ce que cela signifie de discipliner votre vie ? Saya harus melakukannya, kamu harus melakukannya. Kamu tahu artinya mendisiplinkan diri? Lo devo fare io e lo dovete fare voi. Sapete cosa vuol dire disciplinare le vostre vite? Ben de yapmalıyım, sizde bunu yapmalısınız.. Hayatını disiplin altına almanın ne demek olduğunu biliyor musun

go to sleep early, إذهبوا للنوم بدري ! Geh früh schlafen. aller au sommeil, tôt, Tidur lebih awal, andare a dormire presto. Erkenden uymak

pray Isha'a (The Night Prayer) and go to sleep. صلوا العشاء وإذهبوا بعدها للنوم ! Bete 'Ishaa (das Nachtgebet) und geh schlafen. prier Al-'Icha (Prière du Soir) et allez dormir, salat Isya dan pergi tidur. pregate Isha'a (l'ultima delle 5 preghiere obbligatorie della giornata) e andate a dormire. Yatsı namazını kıl ve uyu

Don't go until 12:30 a.m. لاتذهبوا إلى كافيهات المعسل حتى الساعه 12:30 الليل Geh nicht bis 12:30 Uhr nach Mitternacht zur Shisha-Bar. n'allez pas le soir jusqu'à 12h30 du matin. Jangan pergi hingga jam 12:30 malam. Non andate all'Hookah Joint (esempio di Bar notturno) fino alle 0:30 Gece 00:30'a kadar bir nargile kafede kalma

Don't go see a movie, don't go hangout with your friends, لاتشاهدوا الأفلام ,لاتخرجوا مع الأصدقاء Geh nicht einen Film anschauen, geh nicht mit deinen Freunden abhängen. Ne partez pas, voyez un film, ne partez pas avec vos amis, Jangan nonton film, jangan nongkrong dengan temanmu, Non andate a vedere un film, non andate in giro con i vostri amici, Sinemaya gitme.. arkada şlarınla takılma..

don't watch islamic lectures until 2:00 in the morning, do not, it is not beneficial for you, لاتشاهدوا مقاطع إسلاميه حتى الساعه ال 2 صباحا ً , لاتفعلوا إنه ليس مفيداً لكم! Schau dir keine islamischen Vorträge bis 2:00 Uhr morgens an. Tu es nicht, es ist nicht nützlich für dich. Ne regardez pas les conférences islamiques jusqu'à 2h00 du matin, ne le faites pas, ce n'est pas bénéfique pour vous, jangan nonton ceramah Islam hingga jam 2 pagi, jangan, itu tidak bermanfaat bagimu. non guardate lezioni sull'islam fino alle 2:00 di mattina. Non fatelo. Non porta nessun beneficio Gece 02:00'ye kadar İslami videolar izleme, yapma, bunun sana hiç bir yararı yok

pray Isha'a and go to sleep and wake up early صلي العشاء وإذهبوا للنوم , إحرصوا على النهوض باكرا ! Bete 'Ishaa und geh schlafen und wache früh auf. priez Al-'Icha (la prière du Soir) et allez vous coucher et réveillez-vous tôt, Salat Isya dan pergi tidur dan bangun lebih awal, bangun sebelum Subuh. Pregate Isha'a, andate a dormire e svegliatevi presto Yatsıyı kıl, uyu ve erkenden kalk

wake up before Fajr (The Dawn Prayer), give yourself 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 20, I know it seems impossible, it's only impossible because of Netflix at night. إنهض قبل صلاة الفجر بنصف ساعه أو ربع ساعه , أعلم أنه يبدوا مستحيلاً لكنه ليس مستحيلاً إذ لم تشاهدوا المسلسلات حتى اخر الليل Wache vor Fajr (das Morgengebet) auf. Gib dir selbst 30 Minuten, 15 Minuten, 20 - Ich weiß, es scheint unmöglich - es ist nur unmöglich wegen Netflix in der Nacht. Réveillez-vous avant Al-Fajr (la prière de l'Aube), donnez-vous 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 20, je sais que ça semble impossible, c'est impossible à cause de Netflix la nuit. Itu hanya mustahil karena (menonton) Netflix di malam hari. svegliatevi prima del Fajr (la Preghiera dell'Alba). Datevi 30 minuti, o 15 minuti, 20... Lo so che sembra impossibile; ma lo è solo a causa di Netflix durante la notte Sabah namazından önce uyan, kendine 30 dk. 15-20 dk. ver! Bunun imkansız gibi göründüğünü biliyorum.. bunun sebebi ise gece Netflix izlediğin için

Okay, that's the only reason it's impossible, give the night life up, حسنا ؟! هذا هو السبب الوحيد لجعلها مستحيله إترك حياة الليل...! Okay? Das ist der einzige Grund, warum es unmöglich ist. Gib das Nachtleben auf. d'accord, c'est la seule raison pour laquelle c'est impossible, abandonnez la vie nocturne Paham? Itulah satu-satunya alasan itu sulit, istirahatkan malammu. Okay?! Quella è la ragione per cui è impossibile. Rinunciate alla vita notturna Ok, essa é a única razão pela qual é impossível, desista da vida noturna, İmkansız görünmesinin tek sebebi bu. Gece yaşamını bırak!

Let the night be for sleep at least you're not لنجعل ليالينا للنوم ,أفضل من جعلها تزيد من سيئاتنا Lass die Nacht für den Schlaf sein. Laissez la nuit être, pour dormir, au moins, vous Biarkan malam untuk tidur, setidaknya kamu tidak mengumpulkan dosa setiap malam. lasciate che la notte sia per il riposo. Bırak gece uykuya ait olsun

accumulating sin every night, Wenigstens sammelst du nicht jede Nacht Sünden an. n'accumulez pas le péché tous les soirs. Almeno non state accumulando peccati ogni notte En azından her gece günah biriktirmemiş olursun

At least you're not burying your heart under more sin every night, at least you're sleeping, at least you're innocent for that much, على الأقل بالنوم أنت لاتدفن قلبك تحت الذنوب كل ليله على الأقل أنت نائم وطاهرمن الذنوب في كل ليله Wenigstens vergräbst du dein Herz nicht jede Nacht unter mehr Sünde. Wenigstens schläfst du, wenigstens bist du so unschuldig. Au moins, vous n'incluez pas votre cœur sous plus de péché chaque nuit, au moins vous dormez, au moins, vous êtes innocent pour autant, Almeno non starete sotterrando il vostro cuore sotto ulteriori peccati ogni notte, almeno starete dormendo, almeno sarete innocenti per quel poco En azından kalbinizi her gece daha fazla günaha gömmemiş olursun.. En azından uyuyorsun, en azından o kadarlığına masumsun En azından uyuyorsun, en azından o kadarlığına masumsun

at least that much, then you wake up and you pray, at least start with a routine of praying Fajr on time, على الأقل ! ثم تنهض وتبدأ يومك بصلاة الفجر Wenigstens so sehr. Dann wachst du auf und beginne zumindest mit einer Routine, Fajr rechtzeitig zu beten. et laisse tant de choses, puis, vous vous réveillez, et vous priez, au moins commencez par une routine de prier Al-Fajr (la prière de l'Aube) à l'heure. Lalu kamu bangun dan salat, setidaknya mulailah rutin salat Subuh tepat waktu. almeno quel poco... Dopodiché vi svegliate e pregate; almeno iniziate con una routine di pregare Fajr in tempo Sonra uyanıp namaz kılıyorsun.. en azından sabah namazını vaktinde kılmayı hayatında bir rutin haline getir

start with Fajr, and the guys here, at least at least, once a week guys, make it to the Masjid (Mosque) for Fajr, إبدا بصلاة الفجر , وللشباب المتواجدين هنا على الأقل ,على الأقل صلوا الفجر لو مره واحده في الأسبوع جماعه Und die Jungs hier, geht wenigstens einmal pro Woche für Fajr in die Moschee. Commencez avec Al-Fajr (Prière de l'Aube) à l'heure , et les gars ici, au moins au moins, une fois par semaine, rendez-vous à la mosquée pour Al-Fajr (la prière de l'Aube) au moins Awalilah dengan salat Subuh, dan para lelaki di sini, setidaknya seminggu sekali salat Subuh di masjid. iniziate con Fajr. E i ragazzi qui, almeno... almeno, una volta a settimana ragazzi, fatelo nella Moschea Sabah namazı ile başla, özellikle siz erkekler en azından haftada bir gün sabah namazını camide kılın

at least, I don't ask you every day, أنا لا أسألكم كل يوم , فقط مره واحد في الأسبوع صلوا الفجر جماعه Ich verlange nicht, dass ihr jeden Tag geht. une fois, je ne vous demande pas tous les jours, Setidaknya... Saya tidak meminta kamu setiap hari, hanya sehari seminggu. non vi chiedo di farlo ogni giorno Her gün demiyorum en azından bir gün

just one day a week, nur einen Tag in der Woche, juste un jour par semaine, solo un giorno a settimana Sadece haftada bir gün

give yourselves one day a week, and you don't catch the second Rakʿah (Unit of Prayer) right before the Salaam (Greetings of Peace), ولاتأتي في الركعه الثانيه قبل السلام! Nehmt euch einen Tag in der Woche. Und du sollst nicht erst die zweite Rak'ah (Einheit des Gebets) vor dem Salaam erwischen. donnez-vous un jour par semaine, et n'attrapez pas la deuxième Rak'ah (Unité de Prière) juste avant As-Salam (Le Salut Final), datevi un giorno a settimana, e non arrivate ad unirvi alla seconda Rak'ah (Unità di preghiera), giusto prima del Salaam Kendinize haftada sadece bir gün verin.. ve selamdan hemen önce 2. rekata yeyişmeyin

right? and then, after you finish making it up you're like: "Oh, Masjid today!" that's right, Und dann, nachdem du fertig mit dem Gebet bist, sagen: "Oh, Masjid heute!" n'est-ce pas? et puis, après avoir fini, vous vous dites: "Oh, je suis au Masjid (Mosquée) aujourd'hui!" Dan kemudian, setelah kamu selesai menuaikannya, kamu merasa, "Ke masjid hari ini!" Giusto? E successivamente, dopo aver finito di fare la preghiera, vi atteggiate come: "Oh, Moschea oggi! É così! " Sonra bitince içinden ''Vay be camiye geldim bügün''

you're like pointing at the right: "Now, you wrote that down? you got that? you got that? Fajr?" yeah! وتشير الى الآخرين هل لاحظتوا وجودي :) Comme si vous pointez vers la droite: "Maintenant, vous avez marqué cela? Vous avez eu ça? Vous avez eu ça? Mais oui! Kamu merasa, "Sekarang, kamu mencatatnya? Kamu lihat? Kamu lihat? Subuh?" e puntate alla vostra destra (Il lato in cui è presente l'angelo incaricato a trascrivere le buone azioni di un credente) dicendo: "Quindi, lo hai scritto? L'hai segnata? L'hai segnata? Fajr?" Sağdaki meleğe dönerek ''Yazdın mı bunu? gördün değil mi? demi mi? ..sabah namazı"

get to the Masjid early. Let me tell you something about, Fajr in the Masjid, إذهبووا للمسجد باكرا ! , دعوني أخبركم شيئا عن الفجر في المسجد Komme früh zur Moschee. Lass mich dir etwas über Fajr in der Moschee erzählen. Accédez à la mosquée tôt, laissez-moi vous raconter quelque chose sur Al-Fajr (la prière de l'Aube) dans la mosquée, Pergi ke masjid lebih awal. Saya beritahu kamu sesuatu tentang salat Subuh di masjid, Arrivate in anticipo alla Moschea. Lasciatemi dire qualcosa riguardo al Fajr in Moschea: Camiye erkenden git.. Size camide sabah namazıyla igili bir şey anlatayım

It has a spiritual impact that only people who go to it will experience, it can't be explained in a lecture, يحصل فيه دعم روحاني لا يمكن وصفه في هذه المحاضره , فقط الأشخاص الذين يصلون الفجر في المسجد يشعرون به Es hat einen spirituellen Einfluss, den nur Menschen erleben, die dorthin gehen. Es kann nicht in einem Vortrag erklärt werden. elle a un impact spirituel, que seules les personnes qui y vont l'expérimenteront, elle ne peut pas être expliquées lors d'une conférence, ada dampak spiritual yang hanya dirasakan oleh orang-orang yang salat subuh di masjid. Ini tidak dapat dijelaskan dalam ceramah. Ha un impatto spirituale che solo le persone che ci vanno riusciranno a provare. Non può essere spiegato. Sadece gidenlerin tecrübe edebileceği manevi bir etkisi var Sohbette anlatılabilecek bir şey değil

When you go to it, when you go to the prayer, and عندما تذهب لصلاة الفجر Wenn du dorthin gehst, wenn du zum Gebet gehst lorsque vous allez à la prière, Ketika kamu pergi ke sana, ketika kamu pergi salat, Quando ti ci rechi, quando vai alla preghiera Gittiğinde.. namaza gittiğinde..

you sit there in the Masjid quietly and you wait for the prayer to start, and you sit there and you recite Quran and وتجلس ف المسجد بهدوء وتنتظر الصلاة لتقام وتجلس أيضا تقرأ القرآن Und du sitzt ruhig in der Moschee und wartest darauf, dass das Gebet beginnt Und du sitzt da und rezitierst Qur'an et vous vous asseyez dans la mosquée tranquillement et vous attendez que la prière commence, et vous vous asseyez là-bas, et vous récitez le Coran, kamu duduk tenang di masjid, menunggu salat dimulai, kamu duduk di sana membaca Quran, e ti siedi in silenzio nella Moschea, ad aspettare che inizi la preghiera, e inizi a recitare il Corano Sessizce oturup namazın başlamasını bekliyorsun ve Kur'an okuyorsun ve..

you ask Allah (God) to forgive you in those morning hours, and then, you stand next to other believers, and وتسأل الله (سبحانه وتعالى) ليغفر لك في هذه الساعات الصباحيه المباركه وتقف بجانب أخوانك المؤمنين et vous demandez à Dieu (Allah) de vous pardonner, dans ces heures du matin, et vous vous tenez à côté d'autres croyants kamu memohon Allah untuk mengampunimu di pagi hari itu, kemudian, kamu berdiri salat di samping orang-orang beriman lainnya, e chiedi ad Allah di perdonarti in quelle ore della mattina, e successivamente ti metti a fianco di altri credenti o sabah saatlerinde Allah'tan af diliyorsun.. Sonra diğer mü'minlerin yanında duruyorsun ve sayısız melek orduları sizinle

countless armies of angels and you stand and you pray in front of Allah that early morning, giving up your sleep, وعدد كبير من الملائكه المجندين وتترك نومك لتقف وتصلي أمام الله (سبحانه وتعالى) في هذا الصباح Und du stehst und betest vor Allah an diesem frühen Morgen und gibst deinen Schlaf auf et d'innombrables armées d'anges, et vous vous tenez, et vous priez en face d'Allah (Dieu), ce matin tôt, en renonçant a votre sommeil bersama para malaikat yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, kamu berdiri salat di hadapan Allah pada pagi hari, merelakan waktu tidurmu, e innumerevoli armate di angeli, e tu sei lì in piedi a pregare davanti ad Allah in quella mattina presto, rinunciando al tuo sonno, Sabahın o saatinde uykunu bırakıp, Allah'ın huzurunda namaz kılıyorsun

which only happened because you gave up your night life. وهذا لايحدث إلا إذا تركت حياة الليل was nur passiert ist, weil du dein Nachtleben aufgegeben hast... Ce qui s'est passé que parce que vous avez abandonné votre vie nocturne, yang hanya terjadi karena kamu meninggalkan kehidupan malammu. cosa che è accaduta solo perché hai rinunciato alla tua vita notturna ve bu gece yaşamından vazgeçmenin sayesinde

When you do that, even once a week, the joy you will get out of it, you will as you are walking out of the حتى إذا فعلت ذلك يوم واحد فقط في الأسبوع , السعاده التي ستشعر بها عند خروجك من المسجد ستجعلك تتمنى أنك لو فعلت ذلك كل صباح lorsque vous le faites même une fois par semaine, la joie que vous en sortirez, vous le ferez lorsque vous sortirez de la Bila kamu melakukan itu, walau seminggu sekali, kebahagiaan yang kamu dapatkan setelah keluar dari masjid, quando lo fai, anche una sola volta a settimana, la GIOIA che ricaverete da ciò mentre uscite dalla Moschea Bunu haftada bir kere dahi yapsan, almış olduğunun hazla..

Masjid, you will wish to yourself you did that every morning, I swear to it, mosquée, vous voudrez que vous l'ayez fait tous les matins , Je le jure, kamu berharap mendapatkannya setiap pagi. Saya bersumpah untuk itu. desidererai di averlo fatto ogni mattina, lo giuro. mescidin kapısından çıkarken her sabah bunu yapıyor olmayı dileyeceksin! ..Yemin ediyorum

I guarantee it, you're going to walk out of that Masjid saying: "Man, I wish I could do this every morning?" Du wirst aus dieser Moschee herauskommen und sagen: "Mann, ich wünschte, ich könnte das jeden Morgen tun." je le garantis, vous allez sortir de cette mosquée en disant: "Oh mon ami! j'aimerais pouvoir faire ça tous les matins!" Saya jamin itu, kamu akan keluar dari masjid, berkata, “Saya harap bisa melakukannya setiap hari.” lo garantisco. Uscirete da quella Moschea dicendo: "Cavolo, desidero poterlo fare ogni mattina" Garanti veriyorum.. mescidden ''ahh bunu her gün yapabilseydim'' diyerek çıkacaksın

You really will. Let's start with once a week, vous le souhaiterez vraiment, commençons par une fois par semaine, Kamu benar-benar mengharapkannya. Mari mulai dengan sekali seminggu. Lo farai davvero. Ma iniziamo con una volta a settimana Gerçekten diyeceksin.. Fakat haftada bir defa ile başla

start with once a week, don't make Friday night Party night, you just came out of Salāt ul Jumu'ah (Friday Prayer), that's why لتوك خرجت من صلاة الجمعه Du kommst gerade von Salāt ul Jumu'ah. (Freitagsgebet) commencez une fois par semaine, ne faites pas le Vendredi soir, un soir de fête, vous venez de sortir de Salat Al Jumu'ah (Prière du Vendredi), c'est pourquoi Mulailah dengan seminggu sekali, jangan melakukan Friday Night Party Night (Acara pesta Jumat malam). Pergilah salat Jumat. una volta a settimana... Non fate del venerdì notte una notte di festa. Siete appena usciti dalla Salāt ul Jumu'ah (preghiera del venerdì), ecco perché Haftada bir defa ile başla.. Cuma gecesini eğlence gecesine çevirme.. Daha yeni Cuma namazından geldin

the Shayateen (Devils) do extra heavy advertising for Friday Night, that's why movies come out on Friday Nights, ولذلك الشياطين تزيد من التسويق للذنوب في يوم الجمعه لهذا السبب الأفلام تصدر يوم الجمعه ف الليل Deshalb machen die Shayateen (Devils) extra viel Werbung für Freitag Nacht. Deshalb kommen Filme Freitag Nacht heraus. les Shayateen (Satans) font de la publicité extra-lourde pour vendredi soir, c'est pourquoi, les films sortent les soirs de vendredi, Itulah sebabnya Setan menggoda sangat keras pada waktu Friday Night (Jumat malam). Itu sebabnya film dirilis pada Jumat malam i demoni fanno pubblicità extra durante la notte di venerdì. Ecco perché i film escono durante i venerdì notte Şeytan işte bu yüzden Cuma geceleri için müthiş reklam yapıyor, filmlerin cuma geceleri çıkması bu yüzden

because they know they have to ruin one fifth of the world's population's ‘Ibādah (Worship), لأنهم يعلمون أنه يجب عليهم إفساد عبادة خمس العالم ( نسبة المسلمين) Weil sie wissen, dass sie die 'Ibādah (Anbetung) von einem Fünftel der Weltbevölkerung ruinieren müssen. car ils savent qu'ils doivent ruiner l'Ibadah (Adoration de Dieu) d'un cinquième de la population mondiale, karena mereka tahu mereka harus merusak ibadah seperlima populasi dunia. perché sanno che devono rovinare un quinto dell'Ibādah (adorazione) della popolazione mondiale Çünkü dünya nüfusunun beşte birinin ibadetini mahvetmeleri gerektiğini biliyorlar

"They just went to Jumu'ah, how can we undo Jumu'ah? well, there's a new movie premiere " المسلمين لتوهم صلوا الجمعه كيف يمكننا إقساد جمعتهم؟ " حسنا..يجب أن يصدر فلم جديد يوم الجمعه "Ils sont allés à Jumu'ah (Prière du Vendredi), comment pouvons-nous, annuler Jumu'ah (Prière du Vendredi)?" Eh bien, il y a une nouvelle première d'un film." Mereka hanya perlu merusak ibadah Jumat, bagaimana caranya kita membatalkan ibadah Jumat? Ada pemutaran perdana film baru. "Sono appena andati al Jumu'ah, come possiamo disfarla? Beh, c'è una prima di un nuovo film" 'Cuma namazına gittiler bunu nasıl mahvederiz?' '..yeni bir film çıktı'

right that same night, let's get it all done with before its effects carry over even the weekend, حسنا؟! لنجعل الأمر هذا ينتهي حتى قبل أن تبدأ إجازة نهاية الأسبوع , من أول يوم فيها " الجمعه! " "Lasst es uns alles jetzt machen, bevor die Effekte (vom Freitagsgebet) auch in das Wochenende übergreifen" n'est-ce pas? ce soir-là, faisons tout cela avant que ses effets ne se reproduisent, même le week-end, Ya 'kan? Malam yang sama, mari kita kerjakan semua ibadah sebelum pengaruhnya berlanjut hingga akhir pekan. Giusto? quella stessa notte: "facciamola finita prima che il suo effetto perduri anche nel weekend." 'Etkisi tüm haftasonunu sarmadan aynı gece halledelim'

right? make Fridays a good time حسنا؟! إجعل الجمعه يوم مميز! Macht Freitage eine gute Zeit. n'est-ce pas? faites des Vendredis un bon moment Ya 'kan? Mari membuat hari Jumat waktu yang baik. Fate buon uso del venerdì değil mi? Cuma günlerini iyi değerlendirin!