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News in Levels, Pig Likes to Paint – level 2

Pig Likes to Paint – level 2

People saved a sow in South Africa from slaughter, and now she lives in an animal sanctuary. Her keeper noticed that she was very intelligent, so the keeper gave her a few balls and paintbrushes.

The keeper noticed that the sow was interested in the paintbrush, and that she likes paint. People now call the sow ‘Pigcasso' for her talent and love for painting. Her work is abstract expressionism.

Difficult words: sow (an adult female pig), slaughter (the killing of animals for food), sanctuary (a safe place).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

Pig Likes to Paint – level 2 Das Schwein liebt es zu malen - Stufe 2 Pig Likes to Paint – level 2 Al cerdo le gusta pintar - nivel 2 Le cochon aime peindre - niveau 2 Al maiale piace dipingere - livello 2 豚は絵を描くのが好き – レベル 2 돼지는 그림을 좋아해 - 레벨 2 Świnia lubi malować - poziom 2 O porco gosta de pintar - nível 2 Свинья любит рисовать — уровень 2 Domuz Resim Yapmayı Sever - seviye 2 Свинка любить малювати - рівень 2 猪喜欢画画——2级 豬喜歡畫畫-2級

People saved a sow in South Africa from slaughter, and now she lives in an animal sanctuary. |||母猪|||||屠宰||||||||庇护所 |||||sul|||abate||||||||santuário People saved a sow in South Africa from slaughter, and now she lives in an animal sanctuary. 人々は南アフリカで雌豚を屠殺から救い、現在は動物保護区に住んでいます。 Люди спасли от убоя свиноматку в Южной Африке, и теперь она живет в приюте для животных. 人们从屠宰场拯救了南非的一头母猪,现在她住在一个动物保护区。 Her keeper noticed that she was very intelligent, so the keeper gave her a few balls and paintbrushes. |guardião||||||||||||||||pincéis de pintura 彼女のキーパーは、彼女が非常に頭が良いことに気づいたので、彼女にいくつかのボールと絵筆を与えました。 Ее смотритель заметил, что она очень умна, поэтому дал ей несколько мячей и кисти. 她的守门员发现她很聪明,所以守门员给了她一些球和画笔。

The keeper noticed that the sow was interested in the paintbrush, and that she likes paint. ||||||||||画笔||||| |||||porca|||||pincel|||||a tinta 飼育係は、雌豚が絵筆に興味を持ち、絵の具が好きであることに気付きました。 Смотритель заметил, что свиноматка заинтересовалась кисточкой и что ей нравятся краски. 饲养员注意到母猪对画笔很感兴趣,而且她喜欢油漆。 People now call the sow ‘Pigcasso' for her talent and love for painting. |||||猪卡索||||||| |||||Pigcasso|||||||pintura 彼女の才能と絵を描くことへの愛情から、人々は今では雌豚を「ピグカッソ」と呼んでいます。 由于她的才华和对绘画的热爱,人们现在称母猪为“猪加索”。 Her work is abstract expressionism. |||抽象的|表现主义 |||abstrato|expressionismo Ее работы - это абстрактный экспрессионизм.

Difficult words: sow (an adult female pig), slaughter (the killing of animals for food), sanctuary (a safe place). |||||||屠宰|||||||庇护所||| ||porca|||||abate|||||||||| 難しい言葉:雌豚(成熟したメスの豚)、屠殺(食用に動物を殺すこと)、サンクチュアリ(安全な場所)。

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. レベル 3 セクションで元のビデオを視聴できます。