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A farmer's daughter had been out to milk the cows, and was returning to the dairy carrying her pail of milk upon her head. As she walked along, she fell a-musing after this fashion: "The milk in this pail will provide me with cream, which I will make into butter and take to market to sell. With the money I will buy a number of eggs, and these, when hatched, will produce chickens, and by and by I shall have quite a large poultry-yard. Then I shall sell some of my fowls, and with the money which they will bring in I will buy myself a new gown, which I shall wear when I go to the fair; and all the young fellows will admire it, and come and make love to me, but I shall toss my head and have nothing to say to them." Forgetting all about the pail, and suiting the action to the word, she tossed her head. Down went the pail, all the milk was spilled, and all her fine castles in the air vanished in a moment!

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.


A farmer's daughter had been out to milk the cows, and was returning to the dairy carrying her pail of milk upon her head. 農夫の娘は牛を搾乳するために外出していて、彼女の頭に彼女のバケツを運んで乳製品に戻っていました。 As she walked along, she fell a-musing after this fashion: "The milk in this pail will provide me with cream, which I will make into butter and take to market to sell. Als sie weiterging, war sie nachdenklich auf diese Weise: „Die Milch in diesem Eimer wird mir Rahm geben, den ich zu Butter verarbeiten und zum Verkauf auf den Markt bringen werde. 彼女が歩きながら、このファッションの後に彼女はおもしろくなりました。 With the money I will buy a number of eggs, and these, when hatched, will produce chickens, and by and by I shall have quite a large poultry-yard. Mit dem Geld werde ich eine Menge Eier kaufen, und diese werden, wenn sie geschlüpft sind, Hühner produzieren, und nach und nach werde ich einen ziemlich großen Geflügelhof haben. お金で私はたくさんの卵を買うでしょう、そして、これらは孵化したとき、鶏を産みます。 Then I shall sell some of my fowls, and with the money which they will bring in I will buy myself a new gown, which I shall wear when I go to the fair; and all the young fellows will admire it, and come and make love to me, but I shall toss my head and have nothing to say to them." それから私は家禽のいくつかを売り、彼らが持ってくるお金で私は自分で新しいガウンを購入します。それは私が見本市に行くときに着ます。すべての若い仲間はそれを賞賛し、私に来て、愛しますが、私は頭を投げて彼らに何も言うことはありません。」 Forgetting all about the pail, and suiting the action to the word, she tossed her head. Down went the pail, all the milk was spilled, and all her fine castles in the air vanished in a moment!

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.