제13강 대외무역 현황과 실태
||foreign trade|status and|reality
Lecture 13: Current Status and Reality of Foreign Trade
조선동포 여러분 안녕하십니까?
Korean compatriots|everyone|how are you
Hello, fellow Koreans.
I am Kim Ho-cheol
I am Kim Ho-cheol.
오늘은 ‘대외무역의 현황과 실태'라는 주제로 이야기 나누고자 합니다.
today|of foreign trade|status and||topic|discussion|I would like to have|
Today, I would like to talk about the topic of 'Current Status and Reality of Foreign Trade'.
조선의 대외무역은 시기별로 보면 1960년대까지 사회주의 국가로부터 유,무상 원조정책을 받았습니다.
of Joseon|foreign trade|by period|if seen|until the 1960s|socialist|from the country|||aid policy|received
In terms of periods, North Korea received both free and paid aid policies from socialist countries until the 1960s.
1970년대는 선진자본주의 국가로부터 차관도입을 받았습니다.
the 1970s|advanced capitalist|from the country|loan introduction|received
In the 1970s, loans were introduced from advanced capitalist countries.
1980년대와 1990년대는 각각 합영법과 경제특구에 의한 외자유치 정책으로 구분됩니다.
the 1980s|1990s|respectively|the joint venture law|economic special zones|based on|foreign investment|policy|are distinguished
The 1980s and 1990s are distinguished by foreign investment attraction policies through the Joint Venture Law and Economic Special Zones, respectively.
2000년대 이후에는 대내적으로 자본주의 풍토를 배격하면서 동시에 대외적으로는 자본주의 국가와의 대외무역을 활성화하기 위한 시도를 합니다.
2000s|after|domestically|capitalism|environment|rejecting|simultaneously||capitalist|with the|foreign trade|to activate|for|attempts|does
Since the 2000s, there have been attempts to reject the capitalist climate domestically while simultaneously activating foreign trade with capitalist countries externally.
무역추세에 대해 알아보면, 1950년대부터 1980년대 후반까지 전반적으로 증가하는 추세였습니다.
trade trend|regarding|if we look into|from the 1950s|1980s|until the late|overall|increasing|was trend
Looking at trade trends, there was an overall increasing trend from the 1950s to the late 1980s.
1980년에서 1987년까지의 무역규모는 4.7배였고, 1970년대에 비해서는 6.6배나 증가했습니다.
from 1980|until 1987|trade volume|was 47 times|in the 1970s|compared to|by 66 times|increased
The trade volume from 1980 to 1987 was 4.7 times, and it increased by 6.6 times compared to the 1970s.
그러나 1988년의 52.4억 달러를 기점으로 1998년까지 해마다 감소세를 보였습니다.
however|of 1988|524 billion|dollars|as a starting point|until 1998|every year|decreasing trend|was observed
However, starting from 5.24 billion dollars in 1988, it showed a decreasing trend every year until 1998.
2006년과 2007년에는 정체상태에 머물게 됩니다.
in 2006|in 2007|in a stagnant state|will remain|be
In 2006 and 2007, it remained stagnant.
결국 조선의 대외무역은 고난의 행군시기 전부터 계속 하락하면서 무역상황이 매우 곤란해졌는데요.
eventually|of Joseon|foreign trade|of hardship|march period|before|continuously|declining|trade situation|very|became difficult
Ultimately, North Korea's foreign trade continued to decline even before the Arduous March period, making the trade situation very difficult.
여기에는 몇가지 이유가 있습니다.
There are several reasons for this.
첫째 조선무역은 중국에 의존하는 경향이 매우 심하다는 것입니다.
first|Joseon trade|to China|dependent|tendency|very|serious|
First, North Korean trade tends to be heavily dependent on China.
2005년 52.6%에서 2008년 73%로 중국은 최대의 교역상대국입니다.
in 2005|from 526%|in 2008|to 73%|China|largest|trading partner
In 2005, 52.6% and in 2008, 73%, China is the largest trading partner.
중국 다음으로 싱가포르와 인도, 로씨야, 브라질 등이 있지만 이들 국가가 차지하는 무역비중은 2~3%에 불과합니다.
China|next|with Singapore|India|Russia|Brazil|etc||these|countries|occupying|trade share|2-3%|is only
Following China, there are Singapore, India, Russia, Brazil, etc., but the trade share of these countries is only 2-3%.
70%가 넘는 무역상대국이 한 국가에 편중되다보니 중국의 무역정책에 따라 조선이 좌지우지될 형편입니다.
subject marker|exceeding|trade partner|one|to country|being concentrated|China's|trade policy|according to|Joseon|being influenced|situation
With over 70% of trade partners concentrated in one country, North Korea is at the mercy of China's trade policies.
그야말로 중국 없이는 조선무역이 살수 없는 지경에 이르렀습니다.
truly|China|without|Joseon trade|surviving|not|situation|has reached
Indeed, North Korean trade has reached a point where it cannot survive without China.
더구나 김정은 정권이 들어서고 부터는 중국에 의존하는 경향이 더 높아졌습니다.
moreover|Kim Jong-un|regime|has come to power|since|to China|dependent|tendency|more|has increased
Moreover, since the Kim Jong-un regime came to power, the tendency to rely on China has increased even more.
김정은의 무역정책은 중국을 중심으로 더욱 커지는 방향으로 진행되어 중국의 영향력이 더 확대될 것으로 보입니다.
Kim Jong-un's|trade policy|China|centered around|more|growing|direction|progressing|China's|influence|more|expanding|likely|seems
Kim Jong-un's trade policy is progressing in a direction that further centers around China, suggesting that China's influence will expand.
두 번째 이유는 조선무역이 정상적이지 못하고 밀무역에 의존하고 있다는 것입니다.
second|reason|reason|Joseon trade|not normal|not|on smuggling|relying|is|is
The second reason is that North Korean trade is not normal and relies on smuggling.
조선에서 밀무역이 성행하고 있다는 사실은 대부분 알고 있습니다.
in Joseon|smuggling|is prevalent|that|fact|most|know|is
Most people are aware that smuggling is prevalent in North Korea.
그러나 밀무역 거래품목들이 세계적으로 규제받고 있는 것들로 이루어져 있습니다.
however|smuggling|trade items|globally|regulated|are|things|composed|are
However, the items involved in smuggling are mostly those that are regulated globally.
마약 밀매, 위조지폐 유통, 무기수출 등과 같은 비공식적인 형태가 대부분인데요.
drug|trafficking|counterfeit money|circulation|arms export|such as|like|unofficial|forms|are mostly
These include unofficial forms such as drug trafficking, counterfeiting of currency, and arms exports.
이러한 불법행위는 1970년대부터 시작해서 1990년대 들어서는 활동규모가 커지고 횟수가 빈번해지고 있습니다.
this|illegal activity|since the 1970s|started|1990s|entering|scale of activity|increasing|frequency|becoming more frequent|
These illegal activities began in the 1970s and have increased in scale and frequency by the 1990s.
지난 20년간 해외에 체류하고 있는 당일꾼들과 외교관들이 위조달러를 30여개국에서 유통하다 적발되어 국제적인 망신을 당했구요.
last|20 years|abroad|residing|who are|with the day laborers|diplomats|counterfeit dollars|in over 30 countries|circulating|were caught|international|disgrace|suffered
Over the past 20 years, agents and diplomats residing abroad have been caught distributing counterfeit dollars in over 30 countries, leading to international embarrassment.
2003년 6월에는 유엔에서 발표한것에 따르면 조선이 마약 범죄국의 중심지라고 지적했답니다.
2003|in June|by the UN|announcement|according to|North Korea|drug|crime|center|was pointed out
In June 2003, according to a report released by the UN, North Korea was pointed out as the center of drug crime.
이러한 조선에서의 불법거래는 마약거래액이 10억달러, 미사일 수출은5억6천만달러, 아편은 연간 40톤, 위조화폐는 연간 1억달러 수준으로 발행되고 있습니다.
such|in North Korea|illegal transactions|drug transaction amount|1 billion dollars|missile|export|||opium|annually|40 tons|counterfeit currency|annually|100 million dollars|at the level of|being issued|
In North Korea, illegal transactions are reported to involve drug trade worth 1 billion dollars, missile exports of 560 million dollars, 40 tons of opium annually, and counterfeit currency issued at an annual level of 100 million dollars.
이러다보니 국제사회에서 골칫덩이 국가로 조선을 지목하고 대북제재를 강행하는 것이죠.
this way|in the international community|troublesome|as a country|North Korea|identifying|sanctions against North Korea|enforcing|is
As a result, the international community has identified North Korea as a troublesome state and is enforcing sanctions against it.
이렇게 마련된 불법자금들은 노동당 39호실을 통해서 김정일에게 바쳐졌고 달러를 손에 쥔 당 간부들은 외국산 전자제품과 온갖 사치품들을 사들이면서 호화로운 생활을 하고 있습니다.
like this|prepared|illegal funds|Workers' Party|Room 39|through|to Kim Jong-il|were offered|dollars|in hand|held|party|officials|foreign|electronics|all kinds of|luxury goods|while purchasing|luxurious|lifestyle|are|living
The illegal funds thus arranged were dedicated to Kim Jong Il through Room 39 of the Workers' Party, and the party officials who held dollars are living lavishly by purchasing foreign electronic products and all kinds of luxury goods.
셋째이유는 무역이익이 주민들에게 돌아가지 않고 재투자 되지 않는다는데 있습니다.
the third reason|trade profits|to the residents|returning|not|reinvested|being|does not|
The third reason is that trade profits do not return to the residents and are not reinvested.
외화벌이 기관들의 무역수입이 인민생활을 향상시키기 위해 투자되어야 하는데 대부분은 김정일 개인금고에 들어가기 때문에 무역이익과 인민경제는 무관하게 돌아가고 있습니다.
foreign currency earning|of the institutions|trade income|people's living|improving|for|should be invested|in|most|Kim Jong Il|personal safe|going in|because|trade profits|people's economy|independently|operating|is
The trade income of foreign currency earning institutions should be invested to improve the people's lives, but most of it goes into Kim Jong Il's personal safe, so trade profits and the people's economy operate independently.
국가에 이익이 생기면 분배가 정상적으로 진행되어야 하는데 그렇지 못하다는 것이죠.
the country|profit|arises|distribution|normally|should proceed|but|not|able to|is
When the state makes a profit, distribution should proceed normally, but that is not the case.
또한 중국을 비롯한 외국과의 무역은 수출보다 수입이 훨씬 앞서는 구조이다 보니 경제발전에 영향을 미치지 못하고 있습니다.
also|China|including|with foreign|trade|than exports|imports|much|surpassing|structure|because|economic development|influence|not having|unable to|is
Additionally, trade with foreign countries, including China, has a structure where imports far exceed exports, which means it does not impact economic development.
수입하는 품목을 살펴보면 주로는 기초 원자재, 공업완성품과 원유, 에네르기, 식량 등입니다.
importing|items|if we look at|mainly|basic|raw materials|industrial finished goods|crude oil|energy|food|etc
Looking at the imported items, they mainly consist of basic raw materials, finished industrial products, crude oil, energy, and food.
수출품목은 광산물, 철강, 석탄, 수산물같은1차 자원이 중심이었고 만들어진 물품을 손질하는 위탁가공품이 있습니다.
the export items|mineral products|steel|coal|||resources|were centered|manufactured|goods|processing|commissioned processed goods|exist
The export items were primarily centered around primary resources such as minerals, steel, coal, and seafood, along with processed goods that are made from these items.
여기서 1차 자원은 점차 고갈되어서 더 이상 팔것이 없게 되었고 남은 것은 인민들의 노동력에 의존하는 형태로 고착화되었습니다.
here|primary|resource|gradually|becoming depleted|more|no longer|sellable|not|became|remaining|thing|of the people|labor|dependent on|form|became entrenched
Here, the primary resources are gradually depleting, leaving nothing more to sell, and what remains has become entrenched in reliance on the labor of the people.
위와 같은 조건에서 조선의 무역이 정상적으로 잘 돌아가기 위해서는 중국뿐만 아니라 외국과의 합작이나 자본유치를 적극적으로 벌이기 위한 개혁조치와 개방을 단행해야 합니다.
the above|same|under conditions|Joseon's|trade|normally|well|functioning|in order to|||with foreign countries|joint ventures|attracting capital|actively|pursuing|for|reform measures|opening|must be carried out|
Under such conditions, for North Korea's trade to function normally, it must actively implement reform measures and openness to attract foreign investment and joint ventures, not just with China.
최대의 무역상대국인 중국에 조차 적극적인 개방조치를 취하지 못하고 있으니 무역이 잘 될리 만무하죠.
largest|trading partner|to China|even|active|opening measures|taking|not able to|is|trade|well|possibility|nonexistent
If even the largest trading partner, China, is not taking active opening measures, then trade is unlikely to go well.
합법적으로 내다 팔 것도 없어지고 오직 할 수 있는 무역이란 것이 마약이요 위조지폐요 무기와 같은 불법거래 중심으로 변해버린 것입니다.
legally|pay|sell|thing|disappearing|only|possible|ability|to|trade|thing|drugs|counterfeit money|weapons|like|illegal trade|centered|has transformed|
There is nothing legal to trade anymore, and the only trade that can be done has turned into illegal transactions centered around drugs, counterfeit money, and weapons.
이렇게 된 이유는 청취자 여러분이 다 알다시피 김씨세습독재 때문이지요.
like this|became|reason|listeners|you|all|as you know|Kim family's hereditary dictatorship|is the reason
The reason this has happened, as you all know, is due to the Kim family's hereditary dictatorship.
청취자 여러분!
Dear listeners!
조선의 무역과 그 실태가 한심하게 된 이유는 김씨세습독재의 잘못된 무역정책 때문이며, 개혁과 개방을 하지 않기 때문입니다.
of Joseon|trade|that|reality|pitifully|became|reason|Kim family's hereditary dictatorship|wrong|trade policy|because|reform|opening|not|not doing|is
The reason why trade in North Korea and its reality have become pathetic is due to the wrong trade policies of the Kim family's hereditary dictatorship and the lack of reform and opening.
하루빨리 쇄국정책에서 벗어나 개방정책으로 전환하여 자유로운 무역조건이 이뤄져야만 조선경제가 회복될 것입니다.
as soon as possible|from the isolationist policy|escape|to an open policy|transitioning to|free|trade conditions|must be established|Joseon economy|will recover|will be
Only by quickly breaking away from the isolationist policy and switching to an open policy, allowing for free trade conditions, can the North Korean economy recover.
오늘 강의를 마치겠습니다.
today|lecture|I will finish
I will conclude today's lecture.
청취자 여러분, 감사합니다.
listeners|everyone|thank you
Thank you, listeners.
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