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Comprehensible Cantonese, Four of Candy's meals

Four of Candy's meals

大家 好 啊 , 我 係 Candy.。 又 同 大家 見面 啦。 好 開心 啊。

大家 ,今日 使 唔 使 返工 啊? 我 就 唔 使 反工 啊 ,我 開始 放 暑假 啦。

今日 呢 ,同 大家 分享 一下 我 嘅 一日 四餐。 有 邊 四餐 呢 ,俾 大家 睇 下。

早餐 ,我 哋 今日 早餐 食 咗 雲吞 麵 ,飲 牛奶。 敢 ,你 地 早餐 食 乜嘢 啊。 我 哋 就 食 雲吞 麵 啦。 牛奶 ,呢 度 係 兩杯 牛奶。 一杯 係 我 個 女 嘅 ,一杯 係 我 嘅。

敢 跟 住 呢 ,就 係 lunch 啦。 我 哋 食 lunch。 俾 大家 睇 下, 我 哋 午餐 食 乜嘢。 我嘅 午餐 呢 ,就 比較 簡單 少少 啊。 我哋 今日 食 炒飯 啊。 呢啲 係 飯 啦。

黃色 呢啲 呢 ,係 炒蛋。 呢啲 綠色 嘅 ,係 秋葵 啊。 秋葵 一條 條 係 綠色 嘅。 大家 有 冇 個 秋葵 啊? 我 自己 就 比較 鍾意 食 秋葵。

呢啲 呢?切 成 一片 片 呢啲 係 魚蛋 嚟㗎。 我 個 女 比較 鍾 意食 魚蛋。 我 就 攞咗 魚蛋 ,雞蛋 ,同埋 啲 秋葵 ,同 啲 飯 一齊 炒。

阿 ,呢個 就係 我哋 今日 午餐 啦。 lunch 食 呢個 秋葵 蛋 ,魚蛋 炒飯 ,都 比較 好味 架。 大家 可以 試一下。

跟住 呢 ,就 到咗 呢個 下午茶 啦。 大家 有冇 食 下午茶 嘅 習慣 啊? 我哋 通常 都 有 食 下午茶 嘅 習慣。

我哋 今日 著咗 黑 涼粉 啦。 呢啲 黑色 係 個 涼粉。 呢啲 呢 ,我 加 咗 啲 煉奶 入邊 啦。 然後 整好 之後 呢 ,放 佢 喺 雪櫃 度。 凍 一下 佢 ,雪 一下 佢 呢 ,特別 依家 夏天 啦 ,好 熱 吖。

食 啲 凍 嘅 涼粉 呢 ,哇 ,食 起身 好 舒服 吖。 冰 冰涼 涼 嘅 感覺 真 係 好正 吖。

跟住 ,最後 係 呢個 晚餐 啊。 晚餐 呢 ,我哋 比較 豐富 少少。 呢啲 綠色 嘅 一條條 嘅 係 啲 豆 仔。 大家 有冇 食過? 有冇 見過 啊? 呢啲 ,片 片 呢啲 呢 ,係 我哋 自己 晒 嘅 臘肉 吖。

可能 呢 ,廣東人 都 比較 鍾意 食 臘肉 吖。 呢啲 嘅 喎 , 臘味 啦 ,臘味 飯 可能 好多 人 食過。

今日 我 就 羅 呢啲 臘肉 炒豆仔 , 呢啲 炒 好 之後 架喇。 大家 覺得 我 呢度 餸 點 啊? 賣相 都 唔錯 ,係 唔係? 青 青綠 綠 噉。

仲有 呢啲 就係 肉片。 我 就 羅 百合 ,呢啲 白色 個 一片片 係 百合 嚟㗎。 百合 炒 肉片 ,大家 有冇 食過 啊? 有冇 試過 噉樣 嚟 著 啊。 未 試過 嘅 朋友 就 可以 試下。 攞 啲 百合 炒 肉片 都 比較 好味 架。

噉 呢 ,今日 就 同 大家 分享 我 嘅 假期 嘅 一日 四餐。 噉 ,朋友仔 ,你哋 呢? 一日食 機餐 啊? 可能 有 啲 人 呢 ,仲有 食 消夜 嘅 習慣。 我 就 比較 少 啦 ,因爲 我哋 比較 晏 先 食飯 啊。 所以 就 好 少 食 消夜 啦。

可能 有 啲 朋友仔 一日 食 五餐。 有 啲 朋友 仔 可能 冇 食 早餐 嘅 習慣。 ( inaudible)三餐 啫。

噉 ,你哋 可以 同 我哋 分享 一下。 你哋 一日 食 機餐 啊? 平時 鍾意 食 啲 咩 啊? 都 可以 同 我哋 分享 一下 架。

如果 你哋 鍾意 我 嘅 視頻 呢 ,可以 俾 個 Like 我個 喎。 噉 ,我哋 下次 再 見 吖,Byebye。

Four of Candy's meals Four meals||Candy's|Candy's four meals Four of Candy's meals Cuatro de las comidas de Candy Quatre repas de Candy キャンディーズの食事4品 캔디의 네 가지 식사 Quatro das refeições da Candy Четыре блюда Кэнди Fyra av Candys måltider Four of Candy's meals Four of Candy's meals

大家 好 啊 , 我 係 Candy.。 Hello everyone, I'm Candy. 大家好啊, 我系Candy.。 又 同 大家 見面 啦。 I'm meeting you guys again. 又同大家见面啦。 好 開心 啊。 (I'm) very happy.

大家 ,今日 使 唔 使 返工 啊? ||need to|||| Everyone, did you have to go to work today? 大家,今日使唔使返工啊? 我 就 唔 使 反工 啊 ,我 開始 放 暑假 啦。 I didn't have to go to work. I am starting summer vacation.

今日 呢 ,同 大家 分享 一下 我 嘅 一日 四餐。 ||||share with|||||four meals Today, I would like to share with you my four meals a day. Today, I'm sharing a little with everybody my four meals of the day. 有 邊 四餐 呢 ,俾 大家 睇 下。 |"which"|||||| Which four meals are there? Let's take a look, everybody.

早餐 ,我 哋 今日 早餐 食 咗 雲吞 麵 ,飲 牛奶。 |||||||wonton dumplings||| Breakfast. Today's breakfast, we ate wonton noodles and drank milk. 敢 ,你 地 早餐 食 乜嘢 啊。 So what do you guys eat for breakfast? 我 哋 就 食 雲吞 麵 啦。 We ate wonton noodles. 牛奶 ,呢 度 係 兩杯 牛奶。 Milk, here are two cups of milk. 一杯 係 我 個 女 嘅 ,一杯 係 我 嘅。 One cup is my daughter's, one cup is mine

敢 跟 住 呢 ,就 係 lunch 啦。 And then there's lunch. 我 哋 食 lunch。 We eat lunch. 俾 大家 睇 下, 我 哋 午餐 食 乜嘢。 Let's take a look at what we eat for lunch. 我嘅 午餐 呢 ,就 比較 簡單 少少 啊。 ||||"relatively"|simple|| My lunch is quite a bit simple. 我哋 今日 食 炒飯 啊。 Today we ate fried rice. 呢啲 係 飯 啦。 This is rice.

黃色 呢啲 呢 ,係 炒蛋。 This yellow (stuff) is scrambled egg (lit. fried egg). 呢啲 綠色 嘅 ,係 秋葵 啊。 ||||Okra| These green (things) are okra. 秋葵 一條 條 係 綠色 嘅。 Okra slices are green. 大家 有 冇 個 秋葵 啊? Have you guys eaten okra? 我 自己 就 比較 鍾意 食 秋葵。 I myself rather like eating okra.

呢啲 呢?切 成 一片 片 呢啲 係 魚蛋 嚟㗎。 these||"cut into pieces"|cut into|||these|||"are" And this? All cut into slices, these are fish balls. 我 個 女 比較 鍾 意食 魚蛋。 My daughter quite likes to eat fish balls. 我 就 攞咗 魚蛋 ,雞蛋 ,同埋 啲 秋葵 ,同 啲 飯 一齊 炒。 ||took||Eggs|||okra||||together with|stir-fry I took fish balls, egg, and some okra, and some rice and fried them together.

阿 ,呢個 就係 我哋 今日 午餐 啦。 ||"is exactly"|||| This is our lunch for today. lunch 食 呢個 秋葵 蛋 ,魚蛋 炒飯 ,都 比較 好味 架。 Lunch is tasty.|||||||||tasty|"you know" For lunch we ate this okra-egg-fish ball fried rice, quite tasty. 大家 可以 試一下。 ||"Try it out." Everybody can try some.

跟住 呢 ,就 到咗 呢個 下午茶 啦。 "Next"||"then"|||| Then comes this afternoon teatime. 跟住呢,就到咗呢个下午茶啦。 大家 有冇 食 下午茶 嘅 習慣 啊? ||||"of having"|habit of| Do you have the routine of having afternoon tea? 我哋 通常 都 有 食 下午茶 嘅 習慣。 |"usually"|||||"of having"| We usually have the routine of having afternoon teatime.

我哋 今日 著咗 黑 涼粉 啦。 |||black|black clothes|"already" Today we prepared black grass jelly. 呢啲 黑色 係 個 涼粉。 "These"|||a piece of| The black color is a cool powder. 呢啲 呢 ,我 加 咗 啲 煉奶 入邊 啦。 ||||||condensed milk|"inside"| This, I added some condensed milk into it. 然後 整好 之後 呢 ,放 佢 喺 雪櫃 度。 |"prepare"||"then"|"put"|it||fridge|"in" Then after making it, put it in the refrigerator. 凍 一下 佢 ,雪 一下 佢 呢 ,特別 依家 夏天 啦 ,好 熱 吖。 Cool|"a bit"|him/her/it||||"you know"|especially|right now|summer|"you know"||| Cool it a bit, chill it a bit, especially now it's summer. It's very hot.

食 啲 凍 嘅 涼粉 呢 ,哇 ,食 起身 好 舒服 吖。 |some|cold|"that is"|Grass jelly||Wow|||||"you know" Eating some cold grass jelly, wow. Once you eat, it feels so good. 冰 冰涼 涼 嘅 感覺 真 係 好正 吖。 |cool and refreshing||"of"|feeling|||really great| The cool and refreshing feeling is really great.

跟住 ,最後 係 呢個 晚餐 啊。 "After that"|"finally"|||| Then, the last one is this dinner. 晚餐 呢 ,我哋 比較 豐富 少少。 |||"relatively"|more abundant|"a bit" For dinner, ours is a bit fancy 呢啲 綠色 嘅 一條條 嘅 係 啲 豆 仔。 |green||"long strips"|||some|| These green things are some green beans. 大家 有冇 食過? Have you guys eaten them before? 有冇 見過 啊? Have you seen it before? 呢啲 ,片 片 呢啲 呢 ,係 我哋 自己 晒 嘅 臘肉 吖。 |slices of|||||||"sun-dried"|"of"|Cured meat| These slices here are our very own sundried Chinese sausages.

可能 呢 ,廣東人 都 比較 鍾意 食 臘肉 吖。 |||||like to||| It could be that Cantonese people all like to eat Chinese sausages. 呢啲 嘅 喎 , 臘味 啦 ,臘味 飯 可能 好多 人 食過。 ||"you know"|Cured meat||||||| This is sausage flavored. A lot of people may have tried sausage flavored rice.

今日 我 就 羅 呢啲 臘肉 炒豆仔 , 呢啲 炒 好 之後 架喇。 |||prepared|||||||after that|"already done" So today I took this sausage meat to fry with green beans. These are already fried well. 大家 覺得 我 呢度 餸 點 啊? What do you think of my dishes? 賣相 都 唔錯 ,係 唔係? Appearance|||| The appearance doesn't look bad, right? 青 青綠 綠 噉。 Green|Greenish-blue||like that A nice green color.

仲有 呢啲 就係 肉片。 "Also"||"are"|sliced meat There's also these which are slices of meat. 我 就 羅 百合 ,呢啲 白色 個 一片片 係 百合 嚟㗎。 ||gather|Lily bulbs||||||| I also got lily bulbs. These white slender pieces are lily bulbs. 百合 炒 肉片 ,大家 有冇 食過 啊? Lily bulbs|||||| Lily bulbs fried with meat slices, have you eaten this before? 有冇 試過 噉樣 嚟 著 啊。 |||like this|| Have you tried cooking them like this? 未 試過 嘅 朋友 就 可以 試下。 ||"who have"||||"give it a try" Those who haven't tried yet can try it out. 攞 啲 百合 炒 肉片 都 比較 好味 架。 "Take"|||||||| Taking some lily bulbs and frying them with slices of meat is quite tasty.

噉 呢 ,今日 就 同 大家 分享 我 嘅 假期 嘅 一日 四餐。 ||||||||"my"||"my"|| So, today I've shared with you my vacation day's four meals. 噉 ,朋友仔 ,你哋 呢? So, my friends, what about you? 一日食 機餐 啊? |Airplane meal| How many meals do you have in a day? 可能 有 啲 人 呢 ,仲有 食 消夜 嘅 習慣。 |||||||late-night snack||habit Maybe there are some people who also have a routine of eating a midnight snack. 我 就 比較 少 啦 ,因爲 我哋 比較 晏 先 食飯 啊。 |||||||"relatively"|late|"first"|| For me, much less because we eat later. 所以 就 好 少 食 消夜 啦。 So we rarely eat midnight snacks.

可能 有 啲 朋友仔 一日 食 五餐。 Perhaps there are friends who eat five meals in a day. 有 啲 朋友 仔 可能 冇 食 早餐 嘅 習慣。 There may be some friends who have a habit of not eating breakfast. ( inaudible)三餐 啫。 ||"only" Only three meals.

噉 ,你哋 可以 同 我哋 分享 一下。 So you can share with us a bit. 你哋 一日 食 機餐 啊? How many meals do you eat in a day? 平時 鍾意 食 啲 咩 啊? What do you usually like to eat? 都 可以 同 我哋 分享 一下 架。 You can share with us a bit.

如果 你哋 鍾意 我 嘅 視頻 呢 ,可以 俾 個 Like 我個 喎。 |||||video|||||give a like|| If you like my video, you may like me. 噉 ,我哋 下次 再 見 吖,Byebye。 So, we will see each other again next time.