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Hambaanglaang Teen - Level 1-2, 簡單 句子

簡單 句子

[Scene 1: boy with pillow]

見 你 咁 靚仔 ,間 房 九 十 啦 ,十 二 點鐘 前 check out 㗎。

[Scene 2: Titanic]

Jack:「唔 好 跳 啊 ,個 海 好 凍 㗎。」

Rose:「你 驚 咩? 呢度 個 海 熱 㗎。」

Jack:「你 又話 唔 凍?

Rose:「我 話 嗰 度 唔 凍 ,呢 度 好 凍。」

[Scene 3: couple at temple]

「靚女 」,「靚仔 」,係 人 叫 靚仔 ,日日 冇問題。

[Scene 4: Matrix]


Bullet:「哎吔 哎吔 哎吔 哎吔 ,飛 緊 㗎 喎 ,停 唔到 啊!

[Scene 5: Moon Landing]

Control:「今日 你哋 去 邊 知 唔 知道?

Astronaut:「我哋 唔 知道。」

Control:「今日 你 哋 朝早 去 月亮 晏晝 去 太陽 ,夜晚 太陽 應該 冇 咁 熱。」

[Scene 6: some kind of ceremony]

一個 兩 個 三 個 四 個 家姐 細妹 姨姨 婆婆 我 要 晒。

[Scene 7: guy with dogs]

呢 度 一個 男人 ,兩隻 狗。

問題 1:「佢 哋 口 唔 口渴?

問題 2:「佢哋 鍾 唔 鍾 意 飲 熱 湯?

[Scene 8: girl with bag]

喂! 係! 你 家姐 已經 拎 咗 個 袋 嚟 ,我 打 個 電話 講 聲 畀 你 聽。

[Scene 9: baby with lion]

仔 :「而家 下晝 七 點鐘 ,我 爸爸 仲未 起身 ,應該 冇 飯食。」

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簡單 句子 simple|sentence Simple Sentences Simple. Sentencia. sentenças simples 简单句子

[Scene 1: boy with pillow] Boy with pillow|boy|holding|Boy with pillow [Scene 1: boy with pillow]

見 你 咁 靚仔 ,間 房 九 十 啦 ,十 二 點鐘 前 check out 㗎。 |||||||ten|||two|o'clock||check out|out| See you are so pretty, room is 90, check out before 12pm.

[Scene 2: Titanic] |Titanic scene

Jack:「唔 好 跳 啊 ,個 海 好 凍 㗎。」 "Don't jump, the sea is very cold."||||||||| Jack: "I don't want to jump, the sea is so cold.

Rose:「你 驚 咩? Rose||scared| Rose: "What's your surprise? 呢度 個 海 熱 㗎。」 It's hot.

Jack:「你 又話 唔 凍? ||"again said"|| Jack: "Are you saying it's not freezing again? The "C"

Rose:「我 話 嗰 度 唔 凍 ,呢 度 好 凍。」 Rose: "I said it's not cold there, it's very cold here."|||||||||| Rose: "I'm not freezing there, it's freezing.

[Scene 3: couple at temple] |Lovers at temple|at the|Buddhist temple

「靚女 」,「靚仔 」,係 人 叫 靚仔 ,日日 冇問題。 ||||||every day|no problem The "pretty girl", "pretty boy", is a person called "pretty boy", no problem every day.

[Scene 4: Matrix] |Matrix scene

Neo:「停! Neo: "Stop!"|

Bullet:「哎吔 哎吔 哎吔 哎吔 ,飛 緊 㗎 喎 ,停 唔到 啊! <Bullet: "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, it's flying, can't stop!">|"Oh no"|||||||you know||can't stop| Bullet: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, fly!

[Scene 5: Moon Landing] |Moon Landing|Moon Landing

Control:「今日 你哋 去 邊 知 唔 知道? Control: "Do you know where you are going today?"||you all||||| Control: "Do you know where they went today?

Astronaut:「我哋 唔 知道。」 Astronaut: "We don't know."||| Astronaut: "We don't know."

Control:「今日 你 哋 朝早 去 月亮 晏晝 去 太陽 ,夜晚 太陽 應該 冇 咁 熱。」 ||||||the moon|afternoon||the sun|||||| Control: "Today you go to the moon in the morning and the sun in the daytime, and the sun should not be so hot at night.

[Scene 6: some kind of ceremony] |some sort of|type of|of|ceremony

一個 兩 個 三 個 四 個 家姐 細妹 姨姨 婆婆 我 要 晒。 |||||four||||auntie|Grandmother|||to show One two three four family sister small sister aunt mother-in-law I want to sunshine.

[Scene 7: guy with dogs] |man||dogs

呢 度 一個 男人 ,兩隻 狗。 |||man|two| There is one man and two dogs.

問題 1:「佢 哋 口 唔 口渴? |||question particle||thirsty Question 1: "Are they thirsty?

問題 2:「佢哋 鍾 唔 鍾 意 飲 熱 湯? ||like|not|like|to care||hot|soup Question 2: "Do they like hot soup?

[Scene 8: girl with bag] |girl||a bag

喂! Hey 係! 你 家姐 已經 拎 咗 個 袋 嚟 ,我 打 個 電話 講 聲 畀 你 聽。 |||bring||||||||||let you know||| Your sister is already carrying a bag, so let me call you and tell you.

[Scene 9: baby with lion] |baby||lion cub

仔 :「而家 下晝 七 點鐘 ,我 爸爸 仲未 起身 ,應該 冇 飯食。」 ||afternoon|seven||||"still not"||||food to eat The family's father was not up at 7:00 p.m., so there should be no food.