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Hambaanglaang - Level 3, Anand 幾時 嚟 啊 ?

Anand 幾時 嚟 啊 ?

大家 好 ! 我 係 Anand 。

我 喺 呢度 收 垃圾 嘅 。 朝早 我 去 唔同 人 嘅 屋企 收 垃圾 。 我 每 日 收 四 個 鐘 垃圾 。

跟住 我 去 醫院 嘅 餐廳 返工 。

我 晏 咗 ! Mascarenhas 婆婆 一定 好 嬲 喇 。 佢 都 要 去 返工 。 不過 佢 成日 請 我 食 嘢 。 佢 其實 好 好人 。

Unni 叔叔 睇 住 我 有冇 收 少 咗 垃圾 。 佢 好多 垃圾 , 佢 用 個 大 啲 嘅 垃圾筒 就 好 喇 。

Anitha 姨姨 唔 鍾意 掉 垃圾 , 不過 冇 其他 人 幫 佢 。 佢 自己 一 個 人 住 。

呢 家 人 新 搬 嚟 嘅 。 佢哋 成日 笑 , 成日 講 唔該 。 不過 佢哋 隻 狗 好 嘈 !

有 人 喺 呢度 留低 咗 好多 垃圾 啊 。 我 架 車 好 細 , 一 次 裝 唔 晒 。

我 鍾意 去 Salim仔 住 嗰 條 街 。

Salim仔 同 我 好 老友 。 我 睇 住 佢 大 㗎 。

佢 鍾意 打鼓 , 我 鍾意 跳舞 , 佢 爸爸 鍾意 唱歌 。 我哋 friend 過 打 band 啊 。

開心 嘅 時間 過 得 特別 快 , 又係 時候 講 拜拜 。 架 車 嚟 喇 , 佢 要 返學 喇 。

拜拜 ! 聽日 見 !

Anand 幾時 嚟 啊 ? When is Anand coming?|"When"|| When is Anand coming? ¿Cuándo vendrá Anand? Anand 几时嚟啊? Anand 幾時 嚟 啊 ?

大家 好 ! Hello everyone! 我 係 Anand 。 I am Anand.

我 喺 呢度 收 垃圾 嘅 。 |||collect|trash|"am" I collect garbage here. 朝早 我 去 唔同 人 嘅 屋企 收 垃圾 。 Early morning||||||||Trash In the morning, I went to collect garbage from a different house. 我 每 日 收 四 個 鐘 垃圾 。 |"every"|"day"|collect|||hours of work|trash I collect garbage four hours a day.

跟住 我 去 醫院 嘅 餐廳 返工 。 "Follow"|||hospital||hospital cafeteria|"back to work" Then I will go back to work at the restaurant in the hospital.

我 晏 咗 ! |late|"late" I am late! Mascarenhas 婆婆 一定 好 嬲 喇 。 Grandma Mascarenhas||definitely||angry| Mascarenhas's mother-in-law must be very angry. 佢 都 要 去 返工 。 |still||| He has to go back to work. 不過 佢 成日 請 我 食 嘢 。 However|||treat||| However, he invites me to eat all the time. 佢 其實 好 好人 。 |"actually"|| He is actually a nice guy.

Unni 叔叔 睇 住 我 有冇 收 少 咗 垃圾 。 Uncle|Uncle||||"have or not"|collecting|||trash Uncle Unni saw if I had collected less garbage. 佢 好多 垃圾 , 佢 用 個 大 啲 嘅 垃圾筒 就 好 喇 。 ||||||||bigger one|trash can||| He has a lot of garbage, he uses a bigger trash can.

Anitha 姨姨 唔 鍾意 掉 垃圾 , 不過 冇 其他 人 幫 佢 。 Aunt Anitha|Auntie|||throw away||||||| Anitha doesn't like throwing out garbage, but there's no one else to help her. 佢 自己 一 個 人 住 。 |by himself||||lives alone She lives alone.

呢 家 人 新 搬 嚟 嘅 。 ||person|just recently||"come"|"嘅" in this context translates to "is/are." The family is new to the area. 佢哋 成日 笑 , 成日 講 唔該 。 |||||"Thank you" They always smile and always say thanks. 不過 佢哋 隻 狗 好 嘈 ! ||their|||noisy But their dog is very noisy!

有 人 喺 呢度 留低 咗 好多 垃圾 啊 。 ||||left behind|||trash| Someone has left a lot of garbage here. 我 架 車 好 細 , 一 次 裝 唔 晒 。 |"my"||||||fit in|| My car is so small that I can't load it all at once.

我 鍾意 去 Salim仔 住 嗰 條 街 。 |||Salim's place|live on||the|street I like to stay on the street where Salim lives.

Salim仔 同 我 好 老友 。 ||||good friends Salim is a good old friend of mine. 我 睇 住 佢 大 㗎 。 |||||"you know" I see that he has grown up.

佢 鍾意 打鼓 , 我 鍾意 跳舞 , 佢 爸爸 鍾意 唱歌 。 ||play drums|||dance||||singing She likes to play drums, I like to dance, and her father likes to sing. 我哋 friend 過 打 band 啊 。 |played together|used to||play music together| Our friend played in a band.

開心 嘅 時間 過 得 特別 快 , 又係 時候 講 拜拜 。 Happy moments||time|||especially||"time to"|time to|| Time flies when you're happy, and it's time to say goodbye. 架 車 嚟 喇 , 佢 要 返學 喇 。 The|||"already"|||| The car is coming, she is going back to school.

拜拜 ! Goodbye! 聽日 見 ! See you tomorrow!| See you tomorrow!