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Cantonese without toil, 第 六十四 堂

第 六十四 堂


你 執 咁 耐 嘢 , 飛機 唔 等 你 啦 !

去 旅行 , 梗係 要 帶 啲 日用品 㗎 啦 。

咁 你 帶 咗 機票 未 呀 ? 護照 呢 ?

唔駛 擔心 , 全部 帶 哂 喇 !

飛機 就嚟 起飛 喇 !

咁 快 啲 去 機場 啦 !

練習 一 翻譯

我 細佬 擔心 佢 考試 考 得 唔 好 。

你 個 仔 今次 放假 , 唔 想 去 外國 旅行 喇 。

阿仔 就嚟 放學 , 咁 我 唔 同 你 傾 喇 。

而家 咁 夜 , 全部 舖頭 都 閂 哂 門 啦 。

等 多 兩 個 月 啦 , 遲啲 機票 會 減價 㗎 喇 。

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第 六十四 堂 |sixty-fourth| Lesson Sixty-four Salle 64 第六十四堂

旅行 Traveling

你 執 咁 耐 嘢 , 飛機 唔 等 你 啦 ! |taking so long||long||the plane||wait|| You've been taking so long, the plane won't wait for you!

去 旅行 , 梗係 要 帶 啲 日用品 㗎 啦 。 ||||||daily necessities|| When traveling, of course you have to bring some daily necessities.

咁 你 帶 咗 機票 未 呀 ? ||||plane ticket|| Did you bring your plane ticket? 護照 呢 ? Passport?| What about your passport?

唔駛 擔心 , 全部 帶 哂 喇 ! |worry|all of it||| Don't worry, I've brought everything!

飛機 就嚟 起飛 喇 ! |is about to|| The plane is about to take off!

咁 快 啲 去 機場 啦 ! ||||Airport| Hurry up and go to the airport!

練習 一 翻譯 Practice translation.

我 細佬 擔心 佢 考試 考 得 唔 好 。 ||||exam|exam||| I'm worried that my younger brother won't do well in his exam.

你 個 仔 今次 放假 , 唔 想 去 外國 旅行 喇 。 ||son|this time|on holiday|||||travel| Your son is on holiday this time, he doesn't want to travel abroad.

阿仔 就嚟 放學 , 咁 我 唔 同 你 傾 喇 。 Ah boy|is about to|after school||||||| My little brother will be coming back from school soon, so I can't talk with you.

而家 咁 夜 , 全部 舖頭 都 閂 哂 門 啦 。 |||all the shops|||closed||the door| It's so late now, all the shops have closed their doors.

等 多 兩 個 月 啦 , 遲啲 機票 會 減價 㗎 喇 。 |||||||airfare|will||| Just wait for a couple more months, the plane tickets will be discounted later.