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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 022

而家 講下 孫策 啊 , 佢 率領 兵馬 , 水陸並進 就 圍住 吳郡城 , 一困 就 三日 , 哈 , 冇 人 出城 嚟 打 喎 。 呢 一日 , 孫策 又 帶齊 人馬 嚟 到 城門 下 喊話 嘞 , 叫 佢 哋 投降 。 喺 城樓 上 有 一個 裨將 即 係 副將 啊 , 佢 左手 舉起 就 撳住 嗰 條 護 梁 , 右手 就 指住 城下 破口大罵 喎 。 太史慈 見到 佢 懶 威風 噉 , 就 喺 馬上 拈弓 搭 箭 , 同 左右 啲 人話 :嗱, 睇 住 我 射中 嗰 個 嘢 隻 左手 。 話口 未 完 , 弓弦 一響 , 鏘 ,𠻘, 嘣 哎呀 ! 果然 射到 正正 , 將 嗰 個 裨將 隻 左手 射穿 , 釘 實 喺 護 梁上 便 。 哎呀 , 城上城 下 啲 人 見到 呀 , 冇 個 唔 喝彩 嘅 。 啲 人 就 救 返 嗰 個 裨將 落城 啦 。 嚴白虎 知道 咗 驚起 上 嚟 話 : 嘩 嗨 ! 乜 佢 哋 軍隊 裏頭 有 咁 厲害 嘅 人 呀 , 我 哋 點頂 啊 ! 唔 得 唔 得 , 於是 就 商量 求和 嘞 。 到 咗 第二日 , 嚴白虎 叫 佢 個 細 佬 嚴 輿 就 出 城 嚟 到 見 孫策 。 孫策 啊 請 佢 入 去 帳幕 飲酒 , 飲到 㷫 嘞 , 孫策 問嚴 輿話 : 令兄 嘅 意思 想點 呢 ? 嚴 輿話 : 無 他 嘅 , 想同 將軍 你 平分 江東 唧 。 吖 吖 呸 ! 你 啲 鼠輩 想同 我 相等 咁 大膽 ? 人 嚟 ! 同 我 斬 咗 佢 ! 嚴輿 見 孫策 反面 就 即刻 企 起身 掹 劍 。 孫策 一劍 飛過去 當堂 打 低 佢 , 跟 住 就 割 咗 佢 個人 頭 , 叫 人 送 咗 入城 。 嚴白虎 見到 弊 傢伙 咯 呢 趟 , 諗 住 打 唔 過 㗎 嘞 , 就 放棄 咗 吳郡 趯 佬 嘞 。 孫策 毫不放鬆 喎 , 立即 進兵 追擊 , 黃 蓋 攻取 咗 嘉興 , 太史慈 攻取 咗 烏程 , 噉 啊 幾個 州 都 平定 晒 。 嚴白虎 一直 趯 咗 去 餘杭 就 一路 咁 搶掠 , 畀 一個 當地人 叫做 凌操 , 率領 啲 鄉人 殺敗 咗 , 佢 又 向 住 會 稽 逃跑 啊 。 會稽城 呀 即 係 而家 浙江 紹興 。 噉 凌操 父子 兩個 人 呢 就 嚟 迎接 孫策 , 孫策 任命 佢 哋 做 從軍 校尉 , 一齊 帶兵 渡江 。 嚴白虎 聚集 咗 一班 賊兵 , 喺 西津 渡口 一帶 布防 。 程普 同 佢 打 , 又 一次 打敗 咗 佢 , 一直 追 , 就 漏夜 追到 去 會 稽 。 當時 會稽 太守 叫做 王朗 , 佢 又 想 出兵 去 救 嚴白虎 噃。 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 嘞 : 唔 好 啊 ! 孫策 嘅 軍隊 乃 係 仁義之師 ; 嚴白虎 嘅 軍隊 乃 係 暴虐 之眾 , 直情 係 班 賊寇 嚟 , 仲 係 捉 咗 嚴白虎 獻 畀 孫策 為 好 啊 ! 勸 王朗 呢 個人 姓虞名 翻 , 字仲翔 係 個 郡吏 嚟 。 王朗 根本 唔 聽 佢 講 , 仲 鬧 佢 添 。 虞翻 唯有 長嘆一聲 行開 係 啦 。 於是 王朗 啊 就 率領 軍隊 , 同 嚴白虎 會合 埋 一齊 , 就 喺 山陰縣 嘅 郊外 擺開陣勢 。 孫策 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 兩陣 對圓 , 孫策 出馬 對 王朗話 : 我 帶領 仁義之師 , 嚟 到 平定 浙江 , 使到 百姓 能夠 安居樂業 。 你 為 咩 事仲要 幫助 賊寇 呢 ? 王朗 鬧 返 轉頭 嘞 : 哼哼 ! 你 貪心不足 , 已經 得 咗 吳郡 , 而家 又 要 嚟 吞併 我 嘅 地方 ? 今日 我 特意 嚟 同 嚴氏 報仇 啊 ! 孫策 發火 咯 , 正話 想 上前 交戰 , 太史慈 早就 飛馬 出去 。 王朗 拍 馬舞刀 , 同 太史慈 打 咗 幾個 回合 。 王 朗 嘅 部將 周昕 就 殺出 嚟 助戰 喎 。 孫策 呢 便 嘅 黃 蓋 , 飛馬 截住 周昕 交鋒 。 兩 便 嘅 戰鼓 呀 打 到 震天 咁 響 , 戰鬥 十分激烈 啊 。 忽然 之間 , 王朗 兵陣 後 便 亂 起 上 嚟 嘞 咦 ? 有 一彪 軍馬 喺 背後 包抄 過 嚟 呀 ! 王朗 大吃一驚 , 急忙 就 回馬 迎敵 。 呢 一彪 軍馬 係 邊處 嚟 嘅 呢 ? 原來 係 周瑜 同程 普 , 帶住 人馬 斜 斜 地 殺過 嚟 , 前後夾攻 呀 。 王朗 寡不敵眾 , 就 同 嚴白虎 、 周昕 殺 開條 血路 趯 返入 城 , 扯起 條 吊橋 閂 死 城門 。 噉 孫策 嘅 大軍 , 趁勢 就 逼 到 嚟 城下 分開 兵馬 , 猛攻 四道 城門 。 王朗 見到 孫堅 攻城 攻得 咁 緊要 , 想 再 出兵 去 同 孫堅 決一死戰 嘞 喎 。 嚴白虎 話 : 唔 好 啊 ! 孫策 嘅 兵 勢 咁 強大 , 我 哋 就 係 加強 防禦 , 唔 好 出去 打 就 啱 㗎 喇 。 唔 使 一個月 , 佢 嘅 糧食 一完 呀 , 自然 就要 撤退 㗎 喇 。 到 其時 , 趁 佢 虛弱 , 掩殺 過去 , 都 唔 使點 打 就 攻破 佢 啦 嘛 。 王朗 用 佢 呢 個 辦法 , 一 於 堅守 會稽城 唔 去 出戰 。 孫策 連氣 攻打 咗 好幾日 都 冇 成功 , 就 召集 眾位 將領 嚟 商量 辦法 。 孫靜話 : 王朗 而家 堅守 不 出 , 倉促 之間 要 攻破 佢 係 唔 容易 嘅 。 不過 會 稽 嘅 錢糧 , 大半 係 儲備 喺 查 瀆 嚟 。 查瀆 離 呢 度 幾十里 , 噉 啊 不如 派兵 去 打 咗 佢 先 好 喎 , 所謂 攻其無備 出其不意 吖 嘛 。 好 啊 ! 叔父 你 嘅 妙計 , 實 可以 去 擊破 敵人 嘅 ! 孫策 即刻 下令 喺 各個 城門 附近 點火 , 虛設 旗號 作為 疑兵 , 大軍 呢 就 漏夜 撤退 , 向 住 南方 而 去 。 周瑜 對 孫策 話 : 主公 嘅 大軍 一起 程 , 王朗 必定 出城 嚟 追 嘅 , 應該 出 奇兵 勝 佢 啊 。 哈哈哈 , 我 已經 準備 好 喇 , 奪取 會稽城 , 就 喺 今晚 ! 於是 傳令 大軍 起程 。 而家 講下 王朗 , 佢 聽聞 話 孫策 嘅 軍馬 撤走 咗 唄 , 就 親自 帶 埋 大家 走上 城樓 睇 下 啦 。 咦 ? 見到 城下 又 煙 又 火 , 旗幟 又 冇 亂 到 , 個心 就 好 思疑 嘞 。 周昕話 : 孫策 走 咗 喇 , 整埋 啲 噉 嘅 嘢 嚟 迷惑 我 哋 咋 嘛 , 快 啲 出兵 去 追擊 佢 哋 啦 。 嚴白虎 話 : 孫策 呢 次 走 咗 , 唔 通要 去 查瀆 ? 等 我 命令 我 嘅 人馬 同埋 周 將軍 去 追 佢 哋 啦 。 王朗話 : 嗯 , 查瀆 係 我 存放 糧食 嘅 地方 , 正 係 需要 提防 。 你 帶兵 行先 , 我 隨後 就 嚟 接應 。 於是 嚴白虎 同周昕 就 帶 住 五千 兵出 城去 追 。 當時 係 將近 初 更 , 離城 二十幾 里 , 突然 間 , 喺 樹林 裏 便 一聲 鼓響 火把 齊明 。 嘿 呀 ! 嚴白虎 驚喇勒 轉馬 頭就 走 , 只見 一員大將 當頭 攔住 , 喺 火光 照耀 之下 一睇 , 嘩 ! 原來 就 係 孫策 ! 周昕 舞起 大刀 上前 嚟 交戰 , 畀 孫策 一槍 㓤 死 咗 。 嗰 班 兵卒 就 冚𠾴唥 跪 低 投降 嘞 。 嚴白虎 搏命 殺 開條 血路 就 向 住 餘杭 嗰 個 方向 逃跑 咗 。 王朗 得到 消息 話 前軍 已經 輸晒 , 就 唔 敢 再 返入 城 , 帶住 部下 嘅 軍 兵 一直 趯 咗 去 海邊 一帶 , 呢 啲 咧 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 噉 孫策 打贏 咗 立即 回 軍 , 趁勢 奪取 咗 會 稽城 , 入 城 之後 就 出榜 安民 啦 。 過 咗 都 未 到 一日 , 只見 有 個人 , 帶住 嚴白虎 嘅 人頭 嚟 獻 畀 孫策 喎 。 孫策 睇 下 呢 個人 , 身長 八尺 , 闊口 大面 。 問 佢 個 名 , 係 姓 董名襲 , 字 元代 。 孫策 好 高興 , 就 任命 佢 做 別 部 司馬 。 噉 打 完 咗 呢 一仗 呢 , 東路 一帶 都 平定 咗 嘞 。 孫策 就 叫 佢 叔父 孫 靜 喺 度 鎮守 , 任命 朱治 做 吳郡 太守 , 安排 好 之後 呢 , 就 班師 返去 江東 。 而家 講返 下 孫權 啊 , 佢 係 同 周泰守 衛 宣城 吖 。 有 一晚 , 啲 山賊 暴動 喎 , 喺 四面八方 噉 殺過 嚟 。 當時 正 係 三更半夜 , 措手不及 , 都 嚟 唔 切 抵敵 。 周泰 就 抱 咗 孫權 上馬 準備 逃跑 。 呢 個 時候 有 幾十個 山賊 , 揸 住 刀 殺過 嚟 。 周泰除 大 赤 肋 亦 冇 騎馬 ,攞 住 把 刀 就 同 嗰 班 賊 打 過 , 斬 死 咗 佢 哋 十幾個 。 收尾 有 一個 賊 , 躍 馬挺槍 直取 周泰 , 畀 周 泰 擸 住 佢 支槍 , 出力 一 掹 拉 咗 佢 落馬 。 周泰奪 到 槍 馬 就 殺 開條 血路 , 救 咗 孫權 出險 。 而 喺 呢 個 時候 呢 , 孫策 大軍 返到 嚟 嘞 , 打 到 嗰 啲 山賊 一仆 一碌 , 趯 到 有 咁 遠時 得 咁 遠遁 走 咗 。 唉 ! 周泰 , 全身 中 咗 十二 槍 , 傷口 發作 啊 就 嚟 要死 咁 交關 。 孫策 知道 咗 就 好 擔心 。 董襲 對 孫策 話 嘞 : 我 以前 曾經 同 海賊 打 過 , 個身 㓤 咗 幾槍 。 好彩 得到 會稽 一位 好心 嘅 郡吏 叫做 虞翻 , 佢 呀 介紹 一個 醫生 同 我醫 , 半個 月 就醫 好 咗 嘞 。 孫策 問 嘞 : 虞翻 ? 係 唔 係 虞仲翔 啊 ? 哎 冇 錯 嘞 。 佢 確係 個 賢德 嘅 人 啊 , 我 一定 要 請 佢 嚟 幫 我 。 於是 孫策 就 叫 張昭同 董襲 去 聘請 虞翻 。 請到 佢 嚟 嘞 , 孫策 優禮 相待 , 任命 佢 做功 曹 , 同時 , 請 佢 介紹 個 醫生 同周 泰醫傷 。 虞 翻話 嘞 : 哦 呢 個 醫生 , 乃 係 沛 國譙郡 人 , 姓華名 佗 , 字元化 , 真 係 當代 嘅 神醫 嚟 呀 。 我 即刻 去 請 佢 嚟 吓 。 虞翻 去 咗 唔 使 一日 , 就 請 咗 華佗 返 嚟 嘞 。 孫策 睇 下 佢 , 只見 佢 童顏 鶴發 , 真 係 好似 個 神仙 噉 樣 嘅 。 孫策 當 上賓 噉 嚟 接待 佢 , 請 佢 去 睇 下周 泰 嘅 傷勢 。 華佗 一睇 就 話 嘞 : 呢 啲 好易 醫 嘅 啫 , 噉 就 開 咗 藥 畀 周泰 。 啊 ! 佢 真 係 叻 啊 , 一個月 就 好 返 晒 嘞 。 孫策 啊 高興 到講 唔 出 , 送 咗 份 厚禮 多謝 華佗 。 跟 住 , 孫策 就 出兵 去 掃除 啲 山賊 。 噉 樣 一 嚟 呢 , 江南一帶 就 全部 平定 晒 。 孫策分 派 將士 人馬 把守 住 各地 嘅 關口 。 同時 就 寫 咗 份 表章 稟奏 朝廷 , 一方面 結交 曹操 ; 另一方面 呢 就 派 人 帶 信去 畀 袁術 , 問 佢 攞 返 個 玉璽 嘞 。 袁術 呢 個人 啊 , 本來 就 暗中 想 做 皇帝 嘅 。 佢 得 咗 個 玉璽 都 唔 知 幾 歡喜 , 仲肯 畀 返 孫策 咩 , 就 回 封信 推託 唔 肯還 嘞 喎 。 之 攞 咗 人 哋 件 寶物 唔 還就 實有 手尾 𠿪, 所以 佢 就 叫 埋 長史 楊 大將 , 都督 張 勛 、 紀靈 、 橋蕤 , 上將 雷薄 、 陳 蘭 等等 啊 三十幾 人 嚟 商量 辦法 。 袁術 話 : 孫策 借 我 個 兵馬 起家 , 而家 得 晒 江東 一帶 地面 。 佢 不但 唔 諗 住 點樣 嚟 報答 我 , 反而 嚟 問 我 攞 返 個 玉璽 喎 , 認真 係 豈有此理 呀 ! 噉 我 哋 點 嚟 對付 佢 好 呢 吓 ? 長史 楊 大將 就 話 嘞 : 孫策 憑藉 住 長江 天險 , 兵 精糧廣 , 唔 打 得 佢 住 㗎 。 而家 誒 應該 先打 劉備 啊 。 嗱, 佢 前 嗰 排 , 無緣無故 攻打 我 哋 , 我 哋 報 咗 呢 個 仇先 , 然後 再 嚟 對付 孫策 都 未 遲 嘅 。 我 有 一條 計策 , 即刻 就 可以 捉 到 劉備 嘅 。 袁術 就 問 佢 話 : 哦 ? 你 有 咩 好 嘅 計策 呢 ? 劉備 嘅 軍隊 駐 扎 喺 小 沛 嚟 , 打 佢 係 好容易 唔 。 不過 呂布 佢 虎踞 徐州 , 而 我 哋 以前 應承 畀 佢 嘅 金 帛 、 糧食 、 馬匹 等等 , 到 而家 都 仲 未曾 送 去 , 就 怕 佢 會 去 幫助 劉備 噃。 如果 而家 我 哋 派 人 送 糧食 去 畀 佢 先 , 籠絡 住 佢 個 心 , 使 到 佢 按兵不動 , 噉 就 可以 捉 到 劉備 喇 。 先捉 劉備 , 後 謀 呂布 , 徐州 就 到手 啦 嘛 , 主公 。 係 噃! 袁術 好 歡喜 , 就 準備 咗 糧食 二十萬 石 , 派 韓胤 帶 咗 封 密信 就 押 住 啲 糧食 去 見 呂布 。 呂布 高興 到極 嘞 , 好 隆重 噉 接待 韓胤 。 韓胤 辦妥 呢 件 事 之後 就 返去 報告 袁術 。 袁術 得 喇 呢 趟 就 命令 紀靈 做 大將 , 雷薄 、 陳 蘭 做 副將 , 率領 幾 萬軍 兵去 進攻 小沛 。 劉備 探聽到 呢 個 消息 , 就 召集 大家 嚟 商量對策 。 張飛 啊 主張 同 佢 打 過 嘅 。 孫乾話 : 而 家小 沛糧 寡兵 微 , 點 能夠 抵敵 得 住 㗎 ? 我 哋 仲 係 寫封信 去 畀 呂布 告急 好 啊 。 張飛 話 : 嗰 個 傢伙 點肯 嚟 㗎 ! 劉備 諗 咗 下 話 : 孫乾 講得 啱 啊 。 於是 就 寫封信 畀 呂布 , 封信 大意 係 話 又 好 感激 呂布 將小沛 畀 自己 作為 立腳 容身之地 。 而家 袁術 就 為 咗 要 報 私仇 , 派紀靈 率領 大兵 嚟 攻打 小沛 , 危在旦夕 , 所以 就 請 呂布 無論如何 派兵 嚟 援救 噉 。 呂布 收到 封信 , 就 同陳宮 商量 嘞 。 前 嗰 排 , 袁術 送 糧食 嚟 畀 我 , 又 寫封信 嚟 , 無非 係 想 我 唔 好 去 救 劉玄德 唧 。 而家 劉玄德 又 嚟 求救 喎 , 我 諗 , 劉玄德 嘅 兵馬 喺 小 沛 駐 扎 , 對 我 冇 咩 危害 嘅 。 之 如果 袁術 吞併 埋 劉玄德 呢 , 噉 佢 喺 北 便 連結 埋 泰山 郡 一帶 嘅 賊 將 , 嚟 到 圖謀 於 我 , 我 就 瞓 都 瞓 唔 安樂 嘅 嘞 噃。 嗯 , 不如 仲 係 救 劉玄德 好 啊 。 一 於 係 噉 話 啦 , 於是 呂布 就 點兵 起程 嘞 。 而家 講下 紀靈 , 佢 帶領 大軍 就 長驅直進 , 嚟 到 沛縣 嘅 東南 便扎落 營寨 嘞 。 哦 , 夠威 啊 ! 真 係 白天 就 旌旗蔽日 , 晚上 就 燈火 沖天 。 噉 劉備 有 幾多 人馬 呢 ? 嘻嘻 , 五千 零 啦 , 嘩 , 噉 點頂 啊 ? 點頂 呀 , 硬住 頭皮 都 要 出去 佈陣 安營 㗎 嘞 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 兩 方面 都 各自 得到 消息 , 話 呂布 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 離開 縣城 一 里 , 就 喺 西南 便 安好 營寨 喇 噉 。 紀靈 知道 呂布 帶兵 嚟 救 劉備 唄 , 急急 就 叫 人 帶 封信 去 畀 呂布 , 指責 佢 唔 講信用 嘞 喎 。 呂布 佢 又 胸有成竹 , 佢 同 啲 人 話 : 我 有 個 辦法 , 可以 使到 袁 、 劉 兩家 都 唔 怨 我 嘅 。 於是 就 派 個 使者 , 去 紀靈同 劉備 嘅 營寨 , 請 佢 哋 兩個 嚟 飲宴 。 劉備 一聽 講話 呂布 請 飲 即刻 就 話 要 去 嘞 喎 。 關公 同 張飛 都 勸 佢 話 : 兄長 唔 好 去 呀 , 呂布 一定 有 詭計 㗎 。 唔 怕 , 我 一向 待 佢 唔 錯 嘅 , 佢 一定 唔 會害 我 嘅 , 你 哋 同埋 我 去 啦 。 於是 劉備 就 帶 住 關公 、 張飛 去 到 呂布 個 營寨 , 入到 去 , 呂布 就 話 嘞 : 玄德公 , 我 今日 特意 嚟 為 你 解除 危難 啊 , 第日 你 得志 嘅 時候 , 唔 好 唔 記得 我 喎 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 多謝 將軍 ! 將軍 嘅 恩德 沒齒難忘 啊 ! 玄德公 請 坐 。 請 。 劉備 坐落 , 關公 、 張飛 按住 把 劍 , 企 喺 劉備 嘅 背後 。 啱 啱 坐落 無耐唧 , 外便 有人 報告 嘞 : 紀 將軍 到 ! 有 請紀 將軍 。 乜話 ? 紀靈 嚟 呀 ? 咪 拘 , 劉備 即刻 企 起身 : 呂 將軍 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 唔 緊要 , 我 就 係 特意 請 你 哋 兩位 一齊 嚟 會議 嘅 , 唔 使 疑心 嘅 。 紀靈落 咗 馬 入 到 嚟 營寨 , 呂布 企 喺 中軍 大帳 門口 迎接 佢 。 紀靈 一腳 踏入 大帳 裏 便 , 見到 劉備 坐 住 喺 處 , 喂 呀 ! 大吃一驚 , 轉身 就 走 。 呂布 一手 拉 住 佢 , 直情 好似 捉住 個 細佬哥 噉 咋 。 紀靈 驚 喇 , 誒 誒 , 誒 溫侯 , 溫侯要 殺 我 係 嘛 ? 唔 係 。 誒 , 噉 莫非 要 殺個 大耳佬 ? 嘿嘿 , 大耳佬 係 乜 誰 啊 ? 大耳佬 就 係 劉備 。 大家 都 記得 㗎 , 我 哋 開始 講 嗰 陣 就 形容 過 劉備 嘅 相貌 , 話 佢 係 兩 耳垂 肩 㗎 嘛 。 兩隻 耳仔長 到 髧 咗 喺 膊 頭 咁 交關 , 就 難怪 啲 人 同 佢 改 個 噉 嘅 花名 喇 。 嘻 不過 啲 人 呢 , 亦 太過 唔 畀 面 就 係 嘞 。 紀靈問 係 唔 係 想 殺 劉備 。 呂布 話 : 亦 唔 係 。 噉 , 噉 為 乜嘢 呢 ? 玄德同 我 係 兄弟 嚟 , 而 家 佢 畀 將軍 你 困住 , 所以 我 特意 嚟 救 佢 啫 。 啊 , 如果 係 噉 , 即 係 要 殺 我 嘞 喎 ? 冇 噉 嘅 道理 , 我 呂布 平生 最 唔 好 爭鬥 , 唯獨 係 鍾 意同 人 哋 排解 爭鬥 唧 。 今日 , 我 就 係 要 同 你 哋 兩家 和解 ! 點樣 和 解法 呢 ? 我 有 個 辦法 嘅 嘞 , 完全 睇 個 天點 話 啦 。 我 哋 等 陣 飲 完酒 再講 , 紀 將軍 , 請 ! 於是 呂布 拉 返紀 靈入 去 大帳 , 等 紀靈同 劉備 見過面 。 佢 哋 兩個 人 就 各懷 心事 , 你 忌 我 時 就 我 忌 你 。 擺好 酒席 嘞 , 呂布 坐 喺 當中 , 請紀靈 坐 喺 左 便 嗰 席 , 請 劉備 坐 喺 右 便 嗰 席 。 斟過 幾輪 酒 , 呂布 開聲 嘞 : 請 你 哋 兩家 都 睇 在 我 嘅 薄面 , 各自 收兵 返去 啦 ! 劉備 唔 出聲 。 紀靈話 : 我 奉 咗 主公 嘅 命令 , 率領 十萬 大兵 特意 要 嚟 捉 劉備 嘅 , 點收 得兵 返去 呀 ? 哼 —— 你 太 猖狂 喇 ! 張飛 發火 咯 ,𠻘 聲 掹 出 把 劍 嚟 , 我 哋 嘅 兵馬 雖然 少 , 不過 我 一 啲 都 唔 將你 哋 放在 眼 內 ! 你 叻 得過 百萬 黃巾 ? 你 敢 逳 我 大哥 一條 毫毛 吖 嗱! 關公 急急 制止 住 張飛 : 三弟 , 睇 下 呂 將軍 有 乜嘢 主意 先 。 然後 各回 營寨 再 嚟 打過 都 唔 遲 嘅 。 呂布 話 嘞 : 我 今日 請 你 哋 兩家 嚟 , 係 同 你 哋 排解 爭鬥 , 唔 係 請 你 哋 嚟 廝殺 喎 ! 呂布 雖然 係 噉 樣講 , 但 係 呢 便 紀靈 呀 忿忿不平 , 張飛 呢 就 硬 係 要 打要 殺 。 呂布 發火 嘞 : 左右 !攞 我 支 戟 嚟 ! 呂布 一 揸 起 支畫 戟 , 嘩 ! 紀靈同 劉備 啊 當堂 變 咗 面色 。 呂布 話 嘞 : 我 勸 你 哋 兩家 唔 好 打 , 至於 得 唔 得 呢 ? 全靠 天命 ! 講完 , 佢 叫 人 抬 佢 嗰 支 畫 戟 , 去 轅門 外便 遠遠 嗰 處 插 喺 地 嚟 。 然後 佢 對 紀 靈 同 劉備 話 : 兩位 , 轅門 離 中軍 一百五十步 , 我 如果 一箭 射中 畫戟 , 你 哋 兩家 就 收兵 罷戰 。 如果 射 唔 中 呢 , 你 哋 就 各自 回營 準備 廝殺 啦 ! 如果 邊個 唔 聽 我 話 嘅 , 我 哋 一齊 打 佢 ! 紀靈 諗 嘞 : 哼 ! 支 戟 喺 一百五十步 以外 , 點射 得 中 啊 ? 樂得 應承 佢 啊 , 等 佢 射 唔 中 咯 , 到 其時 就任 我點 打 都 得 啦 。 於是 紀靈 就 一 啖 應承 嘞 喎 。 至於 劉備 呢 , 梗 係 冇 話 唔 肯 啦 , 你 唔 肯 又 點唧 ? 呂布 請 大家 坐低 , 各人 就 再 飲 一 杯酒 , 飲完 嘞 , 呂布 叫 人 攞 弓箭 嚟 。 劉備 緊張 啊 , 個口 噏 下 噏 下 , 個心 就 喺 度 稟 神 喎 : 上天 保佑 , 上天 保佑 ! 但願 佢 一 箭 射中 至 好 啊 ! 只見 呂布 擪 好 袍 袖 , 彎弓 搭箭 , 右手 如抱 嬰孩 左手 如托 泰山 。 喝 一聲 : 着 ! 正是 弓開 如 滿月 , 箭 去 似 流星 。 𠻘! 噹 ! 一箭 正中 畫戟 。 嘩 ! 好 嘢 啊 ! 帳上帳 下 嘅 大小 將校 齊聲 喝彩 。 呢 有 詩為證 啊 : 溫侯 神射 世間 稀 , 曾 向 轅門 獨 解危 。 落日 果然 欺 后羿 , 號猿 直欲勝 由基 。 虎筋 弦 響 弓 開處 , 雕羽翎 飛箭 到 時 。 豹子 尾搖穿 畫戟 , 雄兵 十萬 脫 征衣 。 呂布射 中 咗 支畫 戟 之後 , 哈哈大笑 , 掉 咗 把 弓 喺 地 嚟 。 一隻 手 拖住 紀靈 , 一隻 手 拖住 劉備 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 次 係 上天 叫 你 哋 兩家 收兵 罷戰 啊 ! 人 嚟 ! 將軍 。 斟酒 嚟 ! 各飲 一大 杯 ! 劉備 話 : 多謝 將軍 ! 個心 就 話 嘞 : 哎呀 , 真好 彩數 啊 呢 趟 。 紀靈 好 耐好 耐都講 唔 出 說話 。 收尾 , 佢 同 呂布 話 嘞 : 溫 侯 嘅 說話 , 小將 唔 敢 唔 聽 , 不過 我返 去 之 後點 回覆 我 主公 好 呢 ? 唔 緊要 , 等 我 寫封信 你 帶 返去 回覆 你 主公 啦 。 但 憑 溫侯點 話點 好 啦 。 又 飲 咗 幾杯酒 , 紀 靈 攞 咗 呂布 封信 就 返 扯 先 嘞 。 紀靈 走 咗 冇 幾耐 , 劉備 亦 告辭 。 呂布 話 : 今日 如果 唔 係 我 呀 , 玄德公 你 就 危險 咯 。 劉備 再三 拜謝 , 就 同 關公 、 張飛 返扯 嘞 。 到 咗 第日 , 三路 嘅 軍馬 都 散 嘞 。 而家 唔 講 劉備 返小沛 亦 唔 講 呂布 返 徐州 , 只 係 講下 紀靈 啊 , 佢 返 到 淮南 見 袁術 。 就將 呂布 轅門 射戟 啊 解決 紛爭 嘅 事 講 咗 畀 佢 聽 , 同時 呢 就 呈 上 呂布 嘅 書信 。 袁術 嬲 到 不得了 : 啊 ! 乜 呂布 受 咗 我 咁 多 糧食 , 仲 搞 埋 啲 噉 嘅 兒戲 嘅 事 嚟 偏袒 劉備 ! 豈有此理 ! 我要 親自 率領 大軍 去 討伐 劉備 兼 打 呂布 ! 紀靈話 : 主公 唔 好 咁 輕率 啊 。 呂布 佢 勇猛過人 , 更 兼有 徐州 做 基地 。 如果 呂布 同 劉備 連結 埋 一齊 呀 , 唔 容易 搞 㗎 ! 小將 聽聞 呂布 有個 女 , 係 佢 老婆 嚴氏 生 嘅 , 今年 十五歲 , 正 係 及笄年華 。 主公 你 有 個 仔 , 不如 派 個人 去 同 呂布 求親 。 呂布 如果 肯將個 女 嫁 畀 主公 做 新 抱 , 就 必定 殺 劉備 嘅 。 呢 個 就 叫做 疏不間親 之計 啊 ! 紀靈 講到 呂布 個 女 十五歲 係 及笄年華 , 咩 叫做 及笄年華 呢 ? 笄 就 即 係 簪 , 即 係 女子 梳好 咗 頭髮 啊 繑 起 上 嚟 用 支簪 嚟 插住 。 古時候 嘅 規矩 , 女子 到 咗 十五歲 就 可以 繑 起 頭髮 插簪 嘞 , 算 做成 年 , 可以 定婚 。 所以 女子 到 咗 十五歲 呢 , 就 叫做 及笄年華 。 袁術 聽紀靈 噉 講 覺得 係 個 好 辦法 啊 , 就 派 韓胤 去 做媒 人 , 帶齊 禮物 去 徐州 求親 嘞 。 韓胤 去 到 徐州 , 拜見 呂布 , 佢 話 : 我 哋 主公 對 將軍 你 非常 之 仰慕 , 好 想 求得 令嬡 做 新 抱 , 永 結秦晉之 好 啊 。 哎 秦晉之好 係 點解 啊 ? 韓胤講 呢 番 說話 拋 咗 個 書包 , 用 咗 個 典故 。 因為 春秋 嘅 時候 吖 , 秦國 同 晉國 兩 國 嘅 國君 , 經常 都 係 互通 婚姻 嘅 , 所以 後 嚟 呢 , 就將 聯婚 叫做 秦晉之好 嘞 。 要 將個 女 嫁 畀 袁術 做 新 抱 呢 件 事 呂布 連想 都 未 想 過 嘅 噃。 一時 佢 揸 唔 定 主意 , 就 叫 韓胤 坐 住 先 , 自己 返入 去 搵 佢 老婆 嚴氏 商量 。 原來 呂布 有 兩妻 一 妾 嘅 , 最先 , 係 娶 咗 嚴氏 做 正妻 , 後 嚟 娶 咗 貂蟬 做 妾 侍 。 及至 佢 喺 小 沛 住 嗰 陣 嘞 , 又 娶 咗 曹豹 個 女 做次 妻 。 曹氏 呢 好 早就 死 咗 喇 , 冇 生落 兒女 。 貂蟬 亦 冇 得生 , 就 係 得 嚴氏生 咗 粒女 , 呂布 啊 鍾 意到 個 女 不得了 。 噉 當 其時 呂布 將袁術 求親 呢 件 事講 畀 嚴氏 聽 , 就 同 佢 商量 。 噉 究竟 呂布 有 冇 嫁女 呢 ? 噉 就 等 下次 先至講 埋 佢 嘞 。

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而家 講下 孫策 啊 , 佢 率領 兵馬 , 水陸並進 就 圍住 吳郡城 , 一困 就 三日 , 哈 , 冇 人 出城 嚟 打 喎 。 now|talk about|Sun Ce|ah|he|led|troops|advancing by land and water|then|surrounded|Wu County city|once besieged|then|three days|ha|no|people|leaving the city|to|fight|particle indicating suggestion or realization Now let's talk about Sun Ce. He led his troops and surrounded the city of Wu County by land and water, and after three days of siege, ha, no one came out of the city to fight. 呢 一日 , 孫策 又 帶齊 人馬 嚟 到 城門 下 喊話 嘞 , 叫 佢 哋 投降 。 this|day|Sun Ce|again|brought|troops|||city gate|under|shouted|past tense marker|ordered|they|plural marker|surrender One day, Sun Ce brought his troops to the city gate and shouted, asking them to surrender. 喺 城樓 上 有 一個 裨將 即 係 副將 啊 , 佢 左手 舉起 就 撳住 嗰 條 護 梁 , 右手 就 指住 城下 破口大罵 喎 。 at|city tower|on|there is|one|assistant general|||deputy general|particle|he|left hand|raised|then|pressed down|that|measure word for long objects|||right hand|then|pointed at|below the city|scolding loudly|particle On the city tower, there was a deputy general, he raised his left hand to press down on the protective beam, and with his right hand, he pointed down at the city and cursed loudly. 太史慈 見到 佢 懶 威風 噉 , 就 喺 馬上 拈弓 搭 箭 , 同 左右 啲 人話 :嗱, 睇 住 我 射中 嗰 個 嘢 隻 左手 。 Tai Shici|saw|he|lazy|imposing|like that|then|at|once|drew his bow|nocked|arrow|and|left and right|plural marker||hey|||I|hit|that|classifier for people|thing|classifier for animals|left hand Tai Shici saw his arrogance and, while on horseback, drew his bow and nocked an arrow, saying to the people around him: 'Look, I will shoot that thing's left hand.' 話口 未 完 , 弓弦 一響 , 鏘 ,𠻘, 嘣 哎呀 ! 果然 射到 正正 , 將 嗰 個 裨將 隻 左手 射穿 , 釘 實 喺 護 梁上 便 。 speaking|not|finished|bowstring||clang|thud|bang|oh no|indeed|shot|accurately|to|that|classifier for people|minor officer|classifier for animals|left hand|shot through|nailed|firmly|at|protective||then Before he finished speaking, the bowstring twanged, clang, and bang! Indeed, he shot accurately, piercing the deputy general's left hand and nailing it to the protective beam. 哎呀 , 城上城 下 啲 人 見到 呀 , 冇 個 唔 喝彩 嘅 。 oh no|the city|below|plural marker|people|see|particle|not|classifier|not|cheer|particle Oh no, the people in the city are all cheering. 啲 人 就 救 返 嗰 個 裨將 落城 啦 。 the|people|then|save|back|that|classifier for people|general|city|sentence final particle The people then rescued that general and brought him into the city. 嚴白虎 知道 咗 驚起 上 嚟 話 : 嘩 嗨 ! 乜 佢 哋 軍隊 裏頭 有 咁 厲害 嘅 人 呀 , 我 哋 點頂 啊 ! Yim Baak Fu|knows|past tense marker|startled|up|here|said|wow|hi|what|they|plural marker|army|inside|have|so|powerful|possessive particle|person|question particle|I|plural marker||exclamatory particle Yan Baihu was startled and said: Wow! How come there are such powerful people in their army? How can we handle this! 唔 得 唔 得 , 於是 就 商量 求和 嘞 。 ||||so|then|discuss|peace|particle indicating completed action We can't do it, so we decided to negotiate for peace. 到 咗 第二日 , 嚴白虎 叫 佢 個 細 佬 嚴 輿 就 出 城 嚟 到 見 孫策 。 arrive|past tense marker|second day|Yan Baihu|called|his|possessive particle|small|son|Yan|Yu|then|out|city|come|until|see|Sun Ce The next day, Yan Baihu sent his son Yan Yu out of the city to meet Sun Ce. 孫策 啊 請 佢 入 去 帳幕 飲酒 , 飲到 㷫 嘞 , 孫策 問嚴 輿話 : 令兄 嘅 意思 想點 呢 ? Sun Ce|ah|please|he|enter|go|tent|drink|drink until|drunk|past tense particle||asked Yan|Yu said|your elder brother|possessive particle|meaning||question particle Sun Ce asked him to come into the tent to drink, and after drinking to the point of being tipsy, Sun Ce asked Yan Yu: What does your brother mean by this? 嚴 輿話 : 無 他 嘅 , 想同 將軍 你 平分 江東 唧 。 Yan|Yu said|no|he|possessive particle||general|you|to share equally|Jiangdong|territory Yan Yu replied: Nothing else, just wants to share Jiangdong with you, General. 吖 吖 呸 ! 你 啲 鼠輩 想同 我 相等 咁 大膽 ? 人 嚟 ! 同 我 斬 咗 佢 ! ah|ah|phew|you|plural marker|vermin||I|equal|so|bold|man|come|to|I|kill|past tense marker|he Ah! You little rats want to be equal to me? How bold! Come! Cut him down! 嚴輿 見 孫策 反面 就 即刻 企 起身 掹 劍 。 Yan Yu|saw|Sun Ce|opposite|then|immediately|stood|up|drew|sword Seeing Sun Ce's reaction, Yan Yu immediately stood up and drew his sword. 孫策 一劍 飛過去 當堂 打 低 佢 , 跟 住 就 割 咗 佢 個人 頭 , 叫 人 送 咗 入城 。 Sun Ce|one sword|flew over|on the spot|hit|down|him|||then|cut|past tense marker|his|personal|head|ordered|people|to send|past tense marker|into the city Sun Ce threw a sword and struck him down on the spot, then cut off his head and had someone send it into the city. 嚴白虎 見到 弊 傢伙 咯 呢 趟 , 諗 住 打 唔 過 㗎 嘞 , 就 放棄 咗 吳郡 趯 佬 嘞 。 Yim Baak Fu|saw|bad|guy|particle indicating realization|this|trip|||fighting|not|win|particle indicating certainty|past action particle|then|gave up|past action particle|Wu Jun|kick|guy|past action particle Yan Baihu saw that this guy was here this time, thinking that he couldn't beat him, so he gave up on Wu Jun. 孫策 毫不放鬆 喎 , 立即 進兵 追擊 , 黃 蓋 攻取 咗 嘉興 , 太史慈 攻取 咗 烏程 , 噉 啊 幾個 州 都 平定 晒 。 Sun Ce|without any relaxation|particle indicating affirmation|immediately|advance troops|pursue|Huang|Gai|captured|past tense marker|Jiaxing|Tai Shici|captured|past tense marker|Wucheng|then|particle indicating realization|several|prefectures|all|pacified|completely Sun Ce did not let up, immediately advancing his troops to pursue. Huang Gai captured Jiaxing, and Tai Shici captured Wucheng, thus pacifying several states. 嚴白虎 一直 趯 咗 去 餘杭 就 一路 咁 搶掠 , 畀 一個 當地人 叫做 凌操 , 率領 啲 鄉人 殺敗 咗 , 佢 又 向 住 會 稽 逃跑 啊 。 Yan Baihu|continuously|ran|past tense marker|to|Yuhang|then|all the way|so|plundered|by|a|local person|named|Ling Cao|led|plural marker|villagers|defeated|past tense marker|he|again|towards|residing|Huai|Qi|escaped|sentence-final particle Yan Baihu continued to flee to Yuhang and was plundering all the way, but was defeated by a local man named Ling Cao, who led the villagers to defeat him, and he fled towards Kuaiji. 會稽城 呀 即 係 而家 浙江 紹興 。 Kuaiji City|particle|just|is|now|Zhejiang|Shaoxing Kuaiji City is now Shaoxing, Zhejiang. 噉 凌操 父子 兩個 人 呢 就 嚟 迎接 孫策 , 孫策 任命 佢 哋 做 從軍 校尉 , 一齊 帶兵 渡江 。 then|Ling Cao|father and son|two|people|question particle|then|come|welcome|Sun Ce||appointed|they|plural marker|to be|military|lieutenant|together|lead troops|cross the river So Ling Cao and his son came to welcome Sun Ce, who appointed them as military officers and together they led troops across the river. 嚴白虎 聚集 咗 一班 賊兵 , 喺 西津 渡口 一帶 布防 。 Yan Baihu|gathered|past tense marker|a group of|bandits|at|Xijin|ferry|area|set up defenses Yan Baihu gathered a group of bandits and set up defenses around the Xijin ferry. 程普 同 佢 打 , 又 一次 打敗 咗 佢 , 一直 追 , 就 漏夜 追到 去 會 稽 。 Cheng Pu|with|him|fight|again|one time|defeated|past tense marker|him|continuously|chased|then|all night|chased to|go|meeting|Qian Cheng Pu fought against him, defeated him once again, and continued to pursue him, chasing him all the way to Huiji overnight. 當時 會稽 太守 叫做 王朗 , 佢 又 想 出兵 去 救 嚴白虎 噃。 at that time|Kuaiji|governor|was called|Wang Lang|he|also|wanted|to send troops|to|rescue|Yan Baihu|particle At that time, the governor of Huiji was named Wang Lang, and he wanted to send troops to rescue Yan Baihu. 有 個人 行出 嚟 話 嘞 : 唔 好 啊 ! 孫策 嘅 軍隊 乃 係 仁義之師 ; 嚴白虎 嘅 軍隊 乃 係 暴虐 之眾 , 直情 係 班 賊寇 嚟 , 仲 係 捉 咗 嚴白虎 獻 畀 孫策 為 好 啊 ! there is|a person|walked out|here|said|past tense marker|not|good|particle|Sun Ce|possessive particle|army|is|is|righteous army|Yan Baihu|||is|is|tyrannical||simply|is|group|bandits|here|still|is|captured|past tense marker|Yan Baihu|offered|to|Sun Ce|as|good|particle Someone stepped forward and said: "No! Sun Ce's army is a righteous force; Yan Baihu's army is a group of tyrants, they are simply bandits, and it would be better to capture Yan Baihu and present him to Sun Ce!" 勸 王朗 呢 個人 姓虞名 翻 , 字仲翔 係 個 郡吏 嚟 。 advise|Wang Lang|this|person||Fan||is|a|county official|come The person advising Wang Lang was surnamed Yu, named Fan, and his courtesy name was Zhongxiang; he was an official in the county. 王朗 根本 唔 聽 佢 講 , 仲 鬧 佢 添 。 Wang Lang|at all|not|listen|he|talk|even|scold|him|additionally Wang Lang simply didn't listen to him and even scolded him. 虞翻 唯有 長嘆一聲 行開 係 啦 。 Yu Fan|only|let out a long sigh|walk away|is|particle indicating finality or emphasis Yu Fan could only sigh and walk away. 於是 王朗 啊 就 率領 軍隊 , 同 嚴白虎 會合 埋 一齊 , 就 喺 山陰縣 嘅 郊外 擺開陣勢 。 then|Wang Lang|particle|then|led|army|and|Yan Baihu|joined forces|together|together|then|at|Shanyin County|possessive particle|outskirts| So, Wang Lang led the army and met up with Yan Baihu, setting up their formation in the outskirts of Shanyin County. 孫策 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 兩陣 對圓 , 孫策 出馬 對 王朗話 : Sun Ce|led troops|||past tense marker|two armies|faced each other|Sun Ce|rode out|to| Sun Ce arrived with his troops, and the two sides faced each other. Sun Ce stepped forward and said to Wang Lang: 我 帶領 仁義之師 , 嚟 到 平定 浙江 , 使到 百姓 能夠 安居樂業 。 I|lead|righteous army|||pacify|Zhejiang|so that|people|can|live and work in peace I lead a righteous army to pacify Zhejiang, so that the people can live and work in peace. 你 為 咩 事仲要 幫助 賊寇 呢 ? you|for|||help|bandits|question particle Why do you still want to help the bandits? 王朗 鬧 返 轉頭 嘞 : 哼哼 ! 你 貪心不足 , 已經 得 咗 吳郡 , 而家 又 要 嚟 吞併 我 嘅 地方 ? Wang Lang|scolded|back|turn around|past tense particle|humph|you|insatiable|already|obtained|past tense particle|Wu County|now|again|want|come|to swallow up|my|possessive particle|territory Wang Lang retorted: Hmph! You are too greedy, you have already taken Wu County, and now you want to swallow my territory? 今日 我 特意 嚟 同 嚴氏 報仇 啊 ! today|I|specially|come|with|Mr Yim|take revenge|ah Today I specifically came to take revenge on the Yan family! 孫策 發火 咯 , 正話 想 上前 交戰 , 太史慈 早就 飛馬 出去 。 Sun Ce|got angry|particle indicating completed action|just|wanted|to step forward|engage in battle|Tai Shici|already|flying horse|went out Sun Ce got angry and was just about to charge forward to fight, but Tai Shici had already galloped out. 王朗 拍 馬舞刀 , 同 太史慈 打 咗 幾個 回合 。 Wang Lang|fought|Ma Wudao|with|Taishi Ci|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds Wang Lang wielded his sword and fought with Tai Shici for several rounds. 王 朗 嘅 部將 周昕 就 殺出 嚟 助戰 喎 。 ||possessive particle|general|Zhou Xin|then|rushed out|to|assist in battle|sentence-final particle Wang Lang's general, Zhou Xin, has come out to assist in the battle. 孫策 呢 便 嘅 黃 蓋 , 飛馬 截住 周昕 交鋒 。 Sun Ce|this|then|possessive particle|Huang|Gai|Flying Horse|intercepting|Zhou Xin|confrontation Sun Ce's Huang Gai is intercepting Zhou Xin in combat. 兩 便 嘅 戰鼓 呀 打 到 震天 咁 響 , 戰鬥 十分激烈 啊 。 two|then|possessive particle|war drum|particle|hit|until|shaking the heavens|so|loud|battle||particle The war drums from both sides are sounding so loudly that it shakes the heavens, and the battle is extremely fierce. 忽然 之間 , 王朗 兵陣 後 便 亂 起 上 嚟 嘞 咦 ? 有 一彪 軍馬 喺 背後 包抄 過 嚟 呀 ! ||Wang Lang|army formation|behind|then|||||past tense marker|eh|there is|a group of|cavalry|at|behind|encircling|||sentence-final particle Suddenly, chaos erupted behind Wang Lang's troops. Oh? A group of cavalry is encircling from behind! 王朗 大吃一驚 , 急忙 就 回馬 迎敵 。 Wang Lang|was greatly startled|hurriedly|then|turned back|to face the enemy Wang Lang was taken by surprise and hurriedly turned his horse to face the enemy. 呢 一彪 軍馬 係 邊處 嚟 嘅 呢 ? this|group of|war horses|is|where|come|particle indicating past action|question particle Where did this group of cavalry come from? 原來 係 周瑜 同程 普 , 帶住 人馬 斜 斜 地 殺過 嚟 , 前後夾攻 呀 。 originally|is|Zhou Yu|Cheng Pu|Pu|bringing|troops||||attacked|here|pincer attack|particle It turns out that Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu brought their troops and attacked from the side. 王朗 寡不敵眾 , 就 同 嚴白虎 、 周昕 殺 開條 血路 趯 返入 城 , 扯起 條 吊橋 閂 死 城門 。 Wang Lang||then|together|Yan Baihu|Zhou Xin|kill||bloody path|rush|return into|city|pull up|a measure word for bridges|suspension bridge|lock|dead|city gate Wang Lang, outnumbered, fought his way through with Yan Baihu and Zhou Xin back into the city, pulling up the drawbridge to secure the city gate. 噉 孫策 嘅 大軍 , 趁勢 就 逼 到 嚟 城下 分開 兵馬 , 猛攻 四道 城門 。 then|Sun Ce|possessive particle|large army|taking advantage of the situation|then|press|to|come|under the city|separate|troops|fiercely attack|four|city gates Seeing this, Sun Ce's army took the opportunity to press down to the city and split their forces to launch a fierce attack on the four city gates. 王朗 見到 孫堅 攻城 攻得 咁 緊要 , 想 再 出兵 去 同 孫堅 決一死戰 嘞 喎 。 Wang Lang|saw|Sun Jian|attacking the city|attacking|so|urgently|wanted|again|to send troops|to|with|Sun Jian|fight to the death|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Wang Lang saw that Sun Jian was attacking the city so fiercely and wanted to send troops to fight Sun Jian in a decisive battle. 嚴白虎 話 : 唔 好 啊 ! 孫策 嘅 兵 勢 咁 強大 , 我 哋 就 係 加強 防禦 , 唔 好 出去 打 就 啱 㗎 喇 。 Yan Baihu|said||||Sun Ce|possessive particle|||so|powerful|||just|are|strengthen|defense|||go out|fight|just|right|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action Yan Baihu said: "No! Sun Ce's military strength is so strong, we should just strengthen our defenses and not go out to fight." 唔 使 一個月 , 佢 嘅 糧食 一完 呀 , 自然 就要 撤退 㗎 喇 。 not|need|one month|he|possessive particle|food|once finished|sentence-final particle|naturally||retreat|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle It won't take a month; once his supplies run out, he will naturally have to retreat. 到 其時 , 趁 佢 虛弱 , 掩殺 過去 , 都 唔 使點 打 就 攻破 佢 啦 嘛 。 at|that time|take advantage of|he|weakness|ambush|past|all|not||fight|then|defeat|him|particle|particle At that time, we can take advantage of his weakness and ambush him; we won't even need to fight much to break through. 王朗 用 佢 呢 個 辦法 , 一 於 堅守 會稽城 唔 去 出戰 。 Wang Lang|use|he|this|measure word|method|once|at|firmly defend|Kuaiji City|not|go|fight Wang Lang used this method and firmly defended Kuaiji City without going out to battle. 孫策 連氣 攻打 咗 好幾日 都 冇 成功 , 就 召集 眾位 將領 嚟 商量 辦法 。 Sun Ce|Lianqi|attack|past tense marker|several days|all|did not|succeed|then|gathered|all|generals|to|discuss|strategy Sun Ce attacked for several days without success, so he gathered the generals to discuss a plan. 孫靜話 : 王朗 而家 堅守 不 出 , 倉促 之間 要 攻破 佢 係 唔 容易 嘅 。 Sun Jing said|Wang Lang|right now|firmly defending|not|coming out|in a hurry|in between|to|break through|him|is|not|easy|particle indicating past action Sun Jing said: Wang Lang is currently holding firm and not coming out, so it is not easy to break through him in a hurry. 不過 會 稽 嘅 錢糧 , 大半 係 儲備 喺 查 瀆 嚟 。 but|will|collect|possessive particle|salary|most|is|saved|in|investigation|corruption|coming However, most of the supplies are stored in Chalu. 查瀆 離 呢 度 幾十里 , 噉 啊 不如 派兵 去 打 咗 佢 先 好 喎 , 所謂 攻其無備 出其不意 吖 嘛 。 Chadu|away|this|place|several dozen miles|then|ah|might as well|send troops|to|fight|past tense marker|him|first|good|particle|so-called|attack when unprepared|strike unexpectedly|particle|particle Chalu is several dozen miles away from here, so it would be better to send troops to attack it first, as the saying goes, to strike when they are unprepared. 好 啊 ! 叔父 你 嘅 妙計 , 實 可以 去 擊破 敵人 嘅 ! Alright! Uncle, your brilliant plan can really break the enemy! 孫策 即刻 下令 喺 各個 城門 附近 點火 , 虛設 旗號 作為 疑兵 , 大軍 呢 就 漏夜 撤退 , 向 住 南方 而 去 。 Sun Ce|immediately|ordered|at|each|city gate|nearby|set fire|falsely set up|flag|as|decoy troops|main army|they|then|overnight|retreated|towards|the|south|and|went Sun Ce immediately ordered to set fire near each city gate, creating false flags as a decoy, while the main army would retreat under the cover of night, heading south. 周瑜 對 孫策 話 : 主公 嘅 大軍 一起 程 , 王朗 必定 出城 嚟 追 嘅 , 應該 出 奇兵 勝 佢 啊 。 Zhou Yu|to|Sun Ce|said|lord|possessive particle|main army|together|march|Wang Lang|definitely|leave the city|come|pursue|particle indicating action|should|send out|surprise troops|defeat|him|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce: "The main army of the lord is on the move, Wang Lang will definitely come out of the city to pursue, we should send a surprise attack to defeat him." 哈哈哈 , 我 已經 準備 好 喇 , 奪取 會稽城 , 就 喺 今晚 ! hahaha|I|already|||particle indicating completed action|to capture|Kuaiji City|just|at|tonight Hahaha, I am already prepared, we will capture Kuaiji City tonight! 於是 傳令 大軍 起程 。 then|issued an order|the army|set out So the order was given for the army to set off. 而家 講下 王朗 , 佢 聽聞 話 孫策 嘅 軍馬 撤走 咗 唄 , 就 親自 帶 埋 大家 走上 城樓 睇 下 啦 。 now|talk about|Wang Lang|he|hearing|that|Sun Ce|possessive particle|cavalry|retreated|past tense marker|particle indicating suggestion|then|personally|lead|together|everyone|walk up|city tower|see|down|particle indicating completion Now let's talk about Wang Lang, upon hearing that Sun Ce's cavalry had retreated, he personally led everyone up to the city tower to take a look. 咦 ? 見到 城下 又 煙 又 火 , 旗幟 又 冇 亂 到 , 個心 就 好 思疑 嘞 。 eh|seeing|under the city|again|smoke|again|fire|flags|again|not|chaotic|to|my heart|then|very|suspicious|particle indicating completed action Huh? Seeing smoke and fire below the city, and the flags in disarray, he felt very suspicious. 周昕話 : 孫策 走 咗 喇 , 整埋 啲 噉 嘅 嘢 嚟 迷惑 我 哋 咋 嘛 , 快 啲 出兵 去 追擊 佢 哋 啦 。 Zhou Xin said|Sun Ce|leave|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|bring along|plural marker|like that|possessive particle|things|come|confuse|us|plural marker|only|question particle|quickly|plural marker|deploy troops|to|pursue|they|plural marker|sentence-final particle Zhou Xin said: Sun Ce has left, bringing these things to confuse us, let's quickly send troops to pursue them. 嚴白虎 話 : 孫策 呢 次 走 咗 , 唔 通要 去 查瀆 ? Yan Baihu|said|Sun Ce|this|time|leave|past tense marker|||go|investigate the river Yan Baihu said: Sun Ce has left this time, are we really going to Chadu? 等 我 命令 我 嘅 人馬 同埋 周 將軍 去 追 佢 哋 啦 。 wait|I|order|||cavalry|and|Zhou|general|to go|chase|he|them|particle indicating suggestion or command Let me order my troops and General Zhou to pursue them. 王朗話 : 嗯 , 查瀆 係 我 存放 糧食 嘅 地方 , 正 係 需要 提防 。 Wang Lang said|hmm|Chadu|is|I|store|food|possessive particle|place|just|is|need|to be cautious Wang Lang said: Hmm, Chadu is where I store my supplies, we need to be cautious. 你 帶兵 行先 , 我 隨後 就 嚟 接應 。 you|lead the troops|go first|I|afterwards|then|come|provide support You lead the troops ahead, I will follow to support. 於是 嚴白虎 同周昕 就 帶 住 五千 兵出 城去 追 。 then|Yan Baihu||then|lead|with|five thousand|||chase So, Yan Baihu and Zhou Xin led five thousand soldiers out of the city to pursue. 當時 係 將近 初 更 , 離城 二十幾 里 , 突然 間 , 喺 樹林 裏 便 一聲 鼓響 火把 齊明 。 at that time|was|close to|||away from the city|over twenty|miles|suddenly|moment|in|forest|inside|then|a sound|drum sound|torches| At that time, it was close to the beginning of the night, about twenty miles from the city, suddenly, in the forest, a drum sounded and torches lit up. 嘿 呀 ! 嚴白虎 驚喇勒 轉馬 頭就 走 , 只見 一員大將 當頭 攔住 , 喺 火光 照耀 之下 一睇 , 嘩 ! 原來 就 係 孫策 ! ||Yan Baihu|startled|turned his horse|immediately|ran|only saw|a general|in front|blocked|at|firelight|illuminating|under|one look|wow|it turns out|||Sun Ce Hey! Yan Baihu was startled and turned his horse to flee, only to see a general blocking the way. Under the illumination of the firelight, he looked and exclaimed, wow! It turned out to be Sun Ce! 周昕 舞起 大刀 上前 嚟 交戰 , 畀 孫策 一槍 㓤 死 咗 。 Zhou Xin|wielded|broadsword|stepped forward|to|engage in battle|by|Sun Ce|one spear|thrust|die|past tense marker Zhou Xin brandished his big knife and stepped forward to engage in battle, but was struck dead by a spear from Sun Ce. 嗰 班 兵卒 就 冚𠾴唥 跪 低 投降 嘞 。 that|group|soldiers|then|cover their heads|kneel|down|surrender|past tense particle The soldiers then all knelt down and surrendered. 嚴白虎 搏命 殺 開條 血路 就 向 住 餘杭 嗰 個 方向 逃跑 咗 。 Yan Baihu|desperate fight|kill|open up|bloody path|then|towards|residing|Yuhang|that|classifier for people|direction|escape|past tense marker Yan Baihu fought desperately, killing his way through blood to escape towards the direction of Yuhang. 王朗 得到 消息 話 前軍 已經 輸晒 , 就 唔 敢 再 返入 城 , 帶住 部下 嘅 軍 兵 一直 趯 咗 去 海邊 一帶 , 呢 啲 咧 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 Wang Lang|received|news|said|forward army|already|lost everything|then|not|dare|again|return to|city|bringing|subordinates|possessive particle|army|soldiers|continuously|ran|past tense marker|to|seaside|area|this|plural marker|particle|just|not|mention|him|particle Wang Lang received news that the front troops had already lost completely, so he didn't dare to return to the city, leading his soldiers straight to the seaside area, and we won't talk about them. 噉 孫策 打贏 咗 立即 回 軍 , 趁勢 奪取 咗 會 稽城 , 入 城 之後 就 出榜 安民 啦 。 then|Sun Ce|won|past tense marker|immediately|return|army|taking advantage of the situation|captured|past tense marker|Kuaiji|city|enter|city|after|then|issued a notice|pacifying the people|sentence-final particle Thus, Sun Ce won and immediately returned to the army, seizing the opportunity to take over Kuaiji City, and after entering the city, he issued a proclamation to pacify the people. 過 咗 都 未 到 一日 , 只見 有 個人 , 帶住 嚴白虎 嘅 人頭 嚟 獻 畀 孫策 喎 。 passed|past tense marker|already|not yet|arrived|one day|only saw|there was|a person|carrying|Yan Baihu|possessive particle|head|come|present|to|Sun Ce|sentence-final particle Not even a day had passed when a person came to present Yan Baihu's head to Sun Ce. 孫策 睇 下 呢 個人 , 身長 八尺 , 闊口 大面 。 Sun Ce|look|at|this|person|height|eight feet|broad mouth|big face Sun Ce looked at this person, who was eight feet tall with a broad face. 問 佢 個 名 , 係 姓 董名襲 , 字 元代 。 ask|him|measure word for people|name|is|surname|Dong Mingxi|courtesy name|Yuandai Ask him his name, it is the surname Dongmingxi, courtesy name Yuandai. 孫策 好 高興 , 就 任命 佢 做 別 部 司馬 。 Sun Ce|very|happy|then|appointed|he|to be|another|unit|general Sun Ce was very happy, so he appointed him as the general of a different department. 噉 打 完 咗 呢 一仗 呢 , 東路 一帶 都 平定 咗 嘞 。 then|fight|finish|past tense marker|this|battle|this|East Road|area|all|pacified|past tense marker|sentence final particle After finishing this battle, the eastern route was pacified. 孫策 就 叫 佢 叔父 孫 靜 喺 度 鎮守 , 任命 朱治 做 吳郡 太守 , 安排 好 之後 呢 , 就 班師 返去 江東 。 Sun Ce|then|ordered|him|uncle|||at|place|stationed|appointed|Zhu Zhi|as|Wu Commandery|governor|arranged|well|after|particle|then|recalled the troops|returned to|Jiangdong Sun Ce then asked his uncle Sun Jing to guard the area, appointed Zhu Zhi as the governor of Wu County, and after arranging everything, he returned to Jiangdong. 而家 講返 下 孫權 啊 , 佢 係 同 周泰守 衛 宣城 吖 。 now|talk about|next|Sun Quan|sentence-final particle|he|is|with||Wei|Xuancheng|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about Sun Quan, he is guarding Xuancheng with Zhou Tai. 有 一晚 , 啲 山賊 暴動 喎 , 喺 四面八方 噉 殺過 嚟 。 there is|one night|the|bandits|riot|sentence-final particle|at|from all directions|like this|killed|coming One night, the bandits rioted, attacking from all directions. 當時 正 係 三更半夜 , 措手不及 , 都 嚟 唔 切 抵敵 。 at that time|just|was|in the dead of night|caught off guard|all|come|not|able to|resist It was the middle of the night, and we were caught off guard, unable to defend ourselves. 周泰 就 抱 咗 孫權 上馬 準備 逃跑 。 Zhou Tai|then|carried|past tense marker|Sun Quan|mounted|prepared|to escape Zhou Tai grabbed Sun Quan and prepared to escape on horseback. 呢 個 時候 有 幾十個 山賊 , 揸 住 刀 殺過 嚟 。 this|measure word|time|has|several dozen|bandits|||knife|killed|come At that moment, dozens of bandits came charging in with knives. 周泰除 大 赤 肋 亦 冇 騎馬 ,攞 住 把 刀 就 同 嗰 班 賊 打 過 , 斬 死 咗 佢 哋 十幾個 。 |big|red|rib|also|not have|riding a horse|take|holding|measure word for knives|knife|then|with|that|group|bandits|fight|past|chop|kill|past tense marker|they|plural marker|over ten Zhou Tai, without a horse and only wielding a knife, fought against the bandits and killed more than ten of them. 收尾 有 一個 賊 , 躍 馬挺槍 直取 周泰 , 畀 周 泰 擸 住 佢 支槍 , 出力 一 掹 拉 咗 佢 落馬 。 finishing|there is|a|thief|leaped||charging straight at|Zhou Tai|by|||||him|gun|exerting effort|one|pull|pulling|past tense marker|him|off the horse At the end, there was a thief who leaped on horseback with a spear aimed directly at Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai grabbed his spear and with a strong pull, yanked him off his horse. 周泰奪 到 槍 馬 就 殺 開條 血路 , 救 咗 孫權 出險 。 |arrived|spear|horse|then|killed|opened a|blood path|saved|past tense marker|Sun Quan| Zhou Tai seized the spear and charged through, creating a bloody path to rescue Sun Quan from danger. 而 喺 呢 個 時候 呢 , 孫策 大軍 返到 嚟 嘞 , 打 到 嗰 啲 山賊 一仆 一碌 , 趯 到 有 咁 遠時 得 咁 遠遁 走 咗 。 and|at|this|measure word for events|time|question particle|Sun Ce|army|returned|here|past action particle|defeated|to|those|plural marker|bandits|one fell|one roll|chased|to|have|so||only|so|far escape|run|past action particle At this moment, Sun Ce's army returned, defeating those mountain bandits one by one, forcing them to flee as far as they could. 唉 ! 周泰 , 全身 中 咗 十二 槍 , 傷口 發作 啊 就 嚟 要死 咁 交關 。 sigh|Zhou Tai|whole body|hit|past tense marker|twelve|bullets|wounds|flare up|ah|just|about to|die|so|troublesome Alas! Zhou Tai was hit by twelve spears, and his wounds were worsening, making it seem like he was about to die. 孫策 知道 咗 就 好 擔心 。 Sun Ce|knows|past tense marker|then|very|worried Sun Ce, upon learning this, was very worried. 董襲 對 孫策 話 嘞 : 我 以前 曾經 同 海賊 打 過 , 個身 㓤 咗 幾槍 。 Dong Xi|to|Sun Ce|said|past tense marker|I|previously|once|with|pirates|fight|past action marker||hit|past tense marker|several bullets Dong Xie said to Sun Ce: I used to fight with pirates, and I got shot a few times. 好彩 得到 會稽 一位 好心 嘅 郡吏 叫做 虞翻 , 佢 呀 介紹 一個 醫生 同 我醫 , 半個 月 就醫 好 咗 嘞 。 fortunately|received|Kuaiji|a|kind|possessive particle|county official|named|Yu Fan|he|sentence-final particle|introduced|a|doctor|with||half a|month||well|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Fortunately, I met a kind official in Kuaiji named Yu Fan, who introduced a doctor to me, and I was cured in half a month. 孫策 問 嘞 : 虞翻 ? 係 唔 係 虞仲翔 啊 ? Sun Ce|asked|particle indicating past action|Yu Fan|is|not|is|Yu Zhongxiang|particle indicating question Sun Ce asked: Yu Fan? Is he Yu Zhongxiang? 哎 冇 錯 嘞 。 ah|not|wrong|particle indicating completed action Ah, that's right. 佢 確係 個 賢德 嘅 人 啊 , 我 一定 要 請 佢 嚟 幫 我 。 he|is definitely|the|virtuous|possessive particle|person|sentence-final particle|I|definitely|must|invite|him|come|help|me He is indeed a virtuous person, I must invite him to help me. 於是 孫策 就 叫 張昭同 董襲 去 聘請 虞翻 。 then|Sun Ce|then|called||Dong Xi|to go|hire|Yu Fan So, Sun Ce asked Zhang Zhao and Dong Xi to invite Yu Fan. 請到 佢 嚟 嘞 , 孫策 優禮 相待 , 任命 佢 做功 曹 , 同時 , 請 佢 介紹 個 醫生 同周 泰醫傷 。 please invite|him|come|past tense marker|Sun Ce|with courtesy|treat each other|appoint|him|||at the same time|please|him|introduce|a|doctor|| After inviting him over, Sun Ce treated him with great respect, appointed him as an official, and at the same time, asked him to introduce a doctor to treat Zhou Tai's injuries. 虞 翻話 嘞 : 哦 呢 個 醫生 , 乃 係 沛 國譙郡 人 , 姓華名 佗 , 字元化 , 真 係 當代 嘅 神醫 嚟 呀 。 Yu|translate|past tense marker|oh|this|measure word|doctor|is|is|Pei||person||Tuo||really|is|contemporary|possessive particle|divine doctor|come|particle for emphasis Yu Fan said: Oh, this doctor is from Pei County, Qiao County, his surname is Hua and his name is Tuo, courtesy name Yuanhua, he is truly a divine doctor of our time. 我 即刻 去 請 佢 嚟 吓 。 I|immediately|go|invite|he|come|particle I will go and invite him right away. 虞翻 去 咗 唔 使 一日 , 就 請 咗 華佗 返 嚟 嘞 。 Yu Fan|go|past tense marker|not|take|one day|then|invite|past tense marker|Hua Tuo|return|come|completed action marker Yu Fan went and within a day, he had invited Hua Tuo back. 孫策 睇 下 佢 , 只見 佢 童顏 鶴發 , 真 係 好似 個 神仙 噉 樣 嘅 。 Sun Ce|look|at|him|only saw|he|youthful face|white hair|really|is|like|a|immortal|like|appearance|possessive particle Sun Ce looked at him and saw his youthful face and white hair, truly resembling a celestial being. 孫策 當 上賓 噉 嚟 接待 佢 , 請 佢 去 睇 下周 泰 嘅 傷勢 。 Sun Ce|when|the guest|like this|come|receive|him|invite|him|to go|see|next week|Tai|possessive particle|injury condition Sun Ce welcomed him as a distinguished guest and invited him to check on Zhou Tai's injuries. 華佗 一睇 就 話 嘞 : 呢 啲 好易 醫 嘅 啫 , 噉 就 開 咗 藥 畀 周泰 。 Hua Tuo|at a glance|immediately|said|past tense marker|||very easy|to treat|particle indicating possession|only|then|immediately|prescribed|past tense marker|medicine|to|Zhou Tai Hua Tuo took a look and said: These are very easy to treat, and then prescribed medicine for Zhou Tai. 啊 ! 佢 真 係 叻 啊 , 一個月 就 好 返 晒 嘞 。 ah|he|||smart|ah|one month|then|||completely|past tense particle Ah! He is really impressive, he recovered completely in just a month. 孫策 啊 高興 到講 唔 出 , 送 咗 份 厚禮 多謝 華佗 。 Sun Ce|ah|happy||not|come out|give|past tense marker|measure word for gifts|generous gift|thank you|Hua Tuo Sun Ce was so happy that he couldn't express it, and sent a generous gift to thank Hua Tuo. 跟 住 , 孫策 就 出兵 去 掃除 啲 山賊 。 ||Sun Ce|then|deployed troops|to|eliminate|the|bandits Then, Sun Ce sent troops to eliminate the mountain bandits. 噉 樣 一 嚟 呢 , 江南一帶 就 全部 平定 晒 。 like this|appearance|one|come|question particle||then|all|pacified|completely As a result, the entire Jiangnan region was pacified. 孫策分 派 將士 人馬 把守 住 各地 嘅 關口 。 |send|soldiers|troops|guard|firmly|various places|possessive particle|checkpoints Sun Ce assigned generals and troops to guard various passes. 同時 就 寫 咗 份 表章 稟奏 朝廷 , 一方面 結交 曹操 ; 另一方面 呢 就 派 人 帶 信去 畀 袁術 , 問 佢 攞 返 個 玉璽 嘞 。 at the same time|then|wrote|past tense marker|measure word for documents|memorial|report to|imperial court|on one hand|to befriend|Cao Cao|on the other hand|this|then|send|person|carry||give|Yuan Shu|ask|he|take|return|measure word|imperial seal|past tense marker At the same time, he wrote a memorial to report to the court, on one hand to befriend Cao Cao; on the other hand, he sent someone to deliver a letter to Yuan Shu, asking him to return the imperial seal. 袁術 呢 個人 啊 , 本來 就 暗中 想 做 皇帝 嘅 。 Yuan Shu|this|person|ah|originally|already|secretly|wanted|to be|emperor|particle indicating possession or description Yuan Shu, this person, originally secretly wanted to become emperor. 佢 得 咗 個 玉璽 都 唔 知 幾 歡喜 , 仲肯 畀 返 孫策 咩 , 就 回 封信 推託 唔 肯還 嘞 喎 。 he|received|past tense marker|measure word|imperial seal|also|not|know|how much|happy||give|back|Sun Ce|question particle|then|reply|letter|excuse|not||past tense marker|sentence-final particle He was so happy to have the jade seal, yet he was still unwilling to return it to Sun Ce, and instead sent a letter back to refuse. 之 攞 咗 人 哋 件 寶物 唔 還就 實有 手尾 𠿪, 所以 佢 就 叫 埋 長史 楊 大將 , 都督 張 勛 、 紀靈 、 橋蕤 , 上將 雷薄 、 陳 蘭 等等 啊 三十幾 人 嚟 商量 辦法 。 possessive particle|take|past tense marker|people|plural marker|measure word for items|treasure|not||really have|consequences|to be caught|so|he|then|called|also|chief historian|Yang|general|commander|Zhang|Xun|||lieutenant general||Chen|Lan|etc|particle|over thirty|people|come|discuss|solution Taking someone else's treasure and not returning it definitely has consequences, so he called in the Chief Historian Yang, General Zhang Xun, Ji Ling, Qiao Rui, General Lei Bo, Chen Lan, and more than thirty others to discuss a plan. 袁術 話 : 孫策 借 我 個 兵馬 起家 , 而家 得 晒 江東 一帶 地面 。 Yuan Shu|said|Sun Ce|borrowed|my|measure word for people|troops|rise to power|now|has|completely|Jiangdong|surrounding area|territory Yuan Shu said: Sun Ce borrowed my troops to rise to power, and now he has control over the entire Jiangdong region. 佢 不但 唔 諗 住 點樣 嚟 報答 我 , 反而 嚟 問 我 攞 返 個 玉璽 喎 , 認真 係 豈有此理 呀 ! 噉 我 哋 點 嚟 對付 佢 好 呢 吓 ? he|not only|not|||how|to|repay|me|on the contrary|came|asked|we||||||||||||plural marker|how|to|deal with|him|well|particle indicating question|particle indicating surprise Not only is he not thinking about how to repay me, but he even comes to ask me for the jade seal back. This is truly outrageous! How are we supposed to deal with him? 長史 楊 大將 就 話 嘞 : 孫策 憑藉 住 長江 天險 , 兵 精糧廣 , 唔 打 得 佢 住 㗎 。 Chief Historian|Yang|General|then|said|past tense marker|Sun Ce|relying on|the|Yangtze River|natural barrier|troops|well-supplied|not|defeat|able|him|the|question particle Chief Historian Yang said: Sun Ce relies on the natural defenses of the Yangtze River, with well-trained troops and abundant supplies, we cannot defeat him. 而家 誒 應該 先打 劉備 啊 。 now|eh|should||Liu Bei|ah Right now, we should first attack Liu Bei. 嗱, 佢 前 嗰 排 , 無緣無故 攻打 我 哋 , 我 哋 報 咗 呢 個 仇先 , 然後 再 嚟 對付 孫策 都 未 遲 嘅 。 well|he|previous|that|period|for no reason|attacked|we|plural marker|||avenge|past tense marker|this|measure word||then|again|come|deal with|Sun Ce|also|not yet|late|particle indicating possession or modification Look, he attacked us for no reason recently, so we should take revenge on him first, and then we can deal with Sun Ce later. 我 有 一條 計策 , 即刻 就 可以 捉 到 劉備 嘅 。 I|have|one|strategy|immediately|then|can|||Liu Bei|possessive particle I have a strategy that can immediately capture Liu Bei. 袁術 就 問 佢 話 : 哦 ? 你 有 咩 好 嘅 計策 呢 ? Yuan Shu|then|asked|him|said|oh|you|have|what|good|possessive particle|strategy|question particle Yuan Shu asked him, "Oh? What good strategy do you have?" 劉備 嘅 軍隊 駐 扎 喺 小 沛 嚟 , 打 佢 係 好容易 唔 。 Liu Bei|possessive particle|army|stationed|in||small|Pei|come|defeat|him|is||not Liu Bei's army is stationed in Xiao Pei, so it's very easy to attack him. 不過 呂布 佢 虎踞 徐州 , 而 我 哋 以前 應承 畀 佢 嘅 金 帛 、 糧食 、 馬匹 等等 , 到 而家 都 仲 未曾 送 去 , 就 怕 佢 會 去 幫助 劉備 噃。 however|Lu Bu|he|occupies|Xu Province|and|I|plural marker|previously|promised|to give|him|possessive particle|gold|silk|food|horses|etc|by|now|all|still|not yet|delivered|there|then|afraid|he|will|go|help|Liu Bei|sentence-final particle However, Lü Bu is stationed in Xuzhou, and we have not yet delivered the gold, silk, food, and horses that we promised him before. We are afraid he might go to help Liu Bei. 如果 而家 我 哋 派 人 送 糧食 去 畀 佢 先 , 籠絡 住 佢 個 心 , 使 到 佢 按兵不動 , 噉 就 可以 捉 到 劉備 喇 。 if|now|||send|person|deliver|food|to|give|him|first|win over|to|him|his|heart|make|it|he|hold back|then|just|can|catch|to|Liu Bei|already If we send someone to deliver food to him now, we can win his favor and keep him from taking action, which will allow us to capture Liu Bei. 先捉 劉備 , 後 謀 呂布 , 徐州 就 到手 啦 嘛 , 主公 。 first capture|Liu Bei|then|plot against|Lu Bu|Xuzhou|then|in hand|particle indicating completion|particle indicating obviousness|lord First capture Liu Bei, then deal with Lü Bu, and Xuzhou will be ours, my lord. 係 噃! 袁術 好 歡喜 , 就 準備 咗 糧食 二十萬 石 , 派 韓胤 帶 咗 封 密信 就 押 住 啲 糧食 去 見 呂布 。 yes|particle|Yuan Shu|very|happy|then|prepared|past tense marker|grain|200000|measure word for grain|sent|Han Yin|brought|past tense marker|measure word for letters|secret letter|then|||particle indicating plural|grain|to|meet|Lü Bu Yes! Yuan Shu is very pleased and has prepared 200,000 stones of grain. He sent Han Yin with a sealed letter to deliver the grain to Lü Bu. 呂布 高興 到極 嘞 , 好 隆重 噉 接待 韓胤 。 Lu Bu|happy|to the extreme|particle indicating completed action|very|grand|like this|reception|Han Yin Lü Bu was extremely happy and received Han Yin with great ceremony. 韓胤 辦妥 呢 件 事 之後 就 返去 報告 袁術 。 Han Yin|handle|this|measure|matter|after|then|return|report|Yuan Shu After Han Yin took care of this matter, he returned to report to Yuan Shu. 袁術 得 喇 呢 趟 就 命令 紀靈 做 大將 , 雷薄 、 陳 蘭 做 副將 , 率領 幾 萬軍 兵去 進攻 小沛 。 Yuan Shu|got|particle indicating completion|question particle|time|then|ordered|Ji Ling|to be|general|Lei Bo|Chen|Lan|to be|deputy general|to lead|several|||attack|Xiao Pei Yuan Shu, upon receiving this news, ordered Ji Ling to be the general, and Lei Bo and Chen Lan to be the deputy generals, leading tens of thousands of troops to attack Xiao Pei. 劉備 探聽到 呢 個 消息 , 就 召集 大家 嚟 商量對策 。 Liu Bei|heard|this|measure word|news|then|gathered|everyone|to| Liu Bei heard about this news and called everyone together to discuss countermeasures. 張飛 啊 主張 同 佢 打 過 嘅 。 Zhang Fei|ah|insists|with|him|fight|past|particle Zhang Fei suggested to fight against them. 孫乾話 : 而 家小 沛糧 寡兵 微 , 點 能夠 抵敵 得 住 㗎 ? Sun Qian said|but|family small|abundant grain|few soldiers|weak|how|able to|resist the enemy|||question particle Sun Qian said: "Right now, Xiao Pei has few supplies and weak troops, how can they possibly withstand it?" 我 哋 仲 係 寫封信 去 畀 呂布 告急 好 啊 。 ||||write a letter|to|give|Lu Bu|urgent|good|sentence-final particle We are still writing a letter to Lü Bu urgently. 張飛 話 : 嗰 個 傢伙 點肯 嚟 㗎 ! Zhang Fei|said|that|classifier for people|guy||come|question particle Zhang Fei said: How could that guy possibly come! 劉備 諗 咗 下 話 : 孫乾 講得 啱 啊 。 Liu Bei|thought|past tense marker|a bit|said|Sun Qian|spoke|right|sentence-final particle Liu Bei thought for a moment and said: Sun Qian is right. 於是 就 寫封信 畀 呂布 , 封信 大意 係 話 又 好 感激 呂布 將小沛 畀 自己 作為 立腳 容身之地 。 then|immediately|wrote a letter|to|Lu Bu|the letter|main idea|is|to say|again|very|grateful|Lu Bu||to|himself|as|foothold|place to live So they wrote a letter to Lü Bu, the main idea of the letter was to express gratitude to Lü Bu for giving them Xiao Pei as a place to stand and settle. 而家 袁術 就 為 咗 要 報 私仇 , 派紀靈 率領 大兵 嚟 攻打 小沛 , 危在旦夕 , 所以 就 請 呂布 無論如何 派兵 嚟 援救 噉 。 now|Yuan Shu|then|for|past tense marker|to|avenge|personal grudge||lead|large army|to|attack|Xiao Pei|in imminent danger|so|then|request|Lu Bu|no matter what|send troops|to|rescue|like this Now Yuan Shu is sending Ji Ling to lead a large army to attack Xiao Pei for personal revenge, and it is in imminent danger, so they are asking Lü Bu to send troops for rescue no matter what. 呂布 收到 封信 , 就 同陳宮 商量 嘞 。 Lu Bu|received|letter|then||discussed|past tense marker Lü Bu received a letter and discussed it with Chen Gong. 前 嗰 排 , 袁術 送 糧食 嚟 畀 我 , 又 寫封信 嚟 , 無非 係 想 我 唔 好 去 救 劉玄德 唧 。 previous|that|period|Yuan Shu|sent|food|here|to|me|also||here|nothing more than|is|wanted|me|||go|save|Liu Xuande|quickly Recently, Yuan Shu sent supplies to me and wrote a letter, which was nothing more than trying to persuade me not to go rescue Liu Xuande. 而家 劉玄德 又 嚟 求救 喎 , 我 諗 , 劉玄德 嘅 兵馬 喺 小 沛 駐 扎 , 對 我 冇 咩 危害 嘅 。 now|Liu Xuande|again|come|asking for help|sentence-final particle|I|think|Liu Xuande|possessive particle|troops|at|Xiao|Pei|stationed|encampment|towards|me|not have|any|harm|particle indicating possession Now Liu Xuande is asking for help again. I think Liu Xuande's troops are stationed in Xiaopei, which poses no threat to me. 之 如果 袁術 吞併 埋 劉玄德 呢 , 噉 佢 喺 北 便 連結 埋 泰山 郡 一帶 嘅 賊 將 , 嚟 到 圖謀 於 我 , 我 就 瞓 都 瞓 唔 安樂 嘅 嘞 噃。 particle indicating possession|if|Yuan Shu|annexes|together|Liu Xuande|question particle|then|he|at|north|conveniently|connects|together|Mount Tai|county|surrounding area|possessive particle|bandit|general|come|arrive|plot|against|I||then|sleep|all|||peacefully|particle indicating past action|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating suggestion If Yuan Shu were to swallow up Liu Xuande, then he would connect with the bandits in the Taishan area to plot against me, and I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully. 嗯 , 不如 仲 係 救 劉玄德 好 啊 。 hmm|might as well|||save|Liu Xuande|good|particle Hmm, it would be better to rescue Liu Xuande after all. 一 於 係 噉 話 啦 , 於是 呂布 就 點兵 起程 嘞 。 one|at|is|like this|to say|particle|then|Lü Bu|then|gather troops|set off|past action particle So that's how it is, and then Lü Bu started to mobilize his troops. 而家 講下 紀靈 , 佢 帶領 大軍 就 長驅直進 , 嚟 到 沛縣 嘅 東南 便扎落 營寨 嘞 。 now|let's talk about|Ji Ling|he|led|army|then|advanced rapidly|||Pei County|possessive particle|southeast||camp|past action particle Now let's talk about Ji Ling, he led a large army and marched straight ahead, setting up camp in the southeast of Peixian. 哦 , 夠威 啊 ! 真 係 白天 就 旌旗蔽日 , 晚上 就 燈火 沖天 。 oh|so impressive|particle|||daytime|just|flags blocking the sun|nighttime|just|lights|reaching the sky Oh, that's impressive! During the day, the flags covered the sky, and at night, the lights were dazzling. 噉 劉備 有 幾多 人馬 呢 ? 嘻嘻 , 五千 零 啦 , 嘩 , 噉 點頂 啊 ? then|Liu Bei|has|how many|troops|question particle|hehe|five thousand|zero|particle indicating finality|wow|then|how to deal with|question particle So how many troops does Liu Bei have? Hehe, five thousand, wow, how can that hold up? 點頂 呀 , 硬住 頭皮 都 要 出去 佈陣 安營 㗎 嘞 。 how to deal with this|particle|toughen up|scalp|also|must|go out|set up|camp|particle|particle How can it hold up? Even if it’s tough, we still have to go out and set up camp. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 兩 方面 都 各自 得到 消息 , 話 呂布 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 離開 縣城 一 里 , 就 喺 西南 便 安好 營寨 喇 噉 。 just|at|this|measure word for events|time|two|sides|both|each|received|news|said|Lü Bu|leading troops|come|to|past tense marker|leaving|county town|one|li (a unit of distance)|then|at|southwest|then|set up|camp|completed action particle|like that At this moment, both sides received news that Lü Bu had brought troops and had set up camp just a mile southwest of the county town. 紀靈 知道 呂布 帶兵 嚟 救 劉備 唄 , 急急 就 叫 人 帶 封信 去 畀 呂布 , 指責 佢 唔 講信用 嘞 喎 。 Ji Ling|knew|Lu Bu|bring troops|here|rescue|Liu Bei|particle indicating suggestion|hurriedly|then|called|someone|to carry|sealed letter|to|give|Lu Bu|to blame|he|not|keep his word|past tense marker|particle indicating assertion Ji Ling knew that Lü Bu had come to rescue Liu Bei, so he hurriedly sent someone with a letter to Lü Bu, accusing him of being untrustworthy. 呂布 佢 又 胸有成竹 , 佢 同 啲 人 話 : 我 有 個 辦法 , 可以 使到 袁 、 劉 兩家 都 唔 怨 我 嘅 。 Lu Bu|he|again|confident|he|with|plural marker|people|said|I|have|a|plan|can|make|Yuan|Liu|two families|all|not|blame|me|possessive particle Lü Bu was confident and told his men: I have a plan that can make both Yuan and Liu's families not resent me. 於是 就 派 個 使者 , 去 紀靈同 劉備 嘅 營寨 , 請 佢 哋 兩個 嚟 飲宴 。 then|immediately|sent|a|messenger|to||Liu Bei|possessive particle|camp|invited|they|plural marker|two|to come|banquet So he sent a messenger to Ji Ling and Liu Bei's camp, inviting both of them to a banquet. 劉備 一聽 講話 呂布 請 飲 即刻 就 話 要 去 嘞 喎 。 Liu Bei|upon hearing|talking|Lu Bu|please|drink|immediately|then|said|to|go|past action particle|sentence-final particle As soon as Liu Bei heard that Lü Bu was inviting him to drink, he immediately said he wanted to go. 關公 同 張飛 都 勸 佢 話 : 兄長 唔 好 去 呀 , 呂布 一定 有 詭計 㗎 。 Guan Gong|and|Zhang Fei|both|advised|him|said|elder brother|||go|particle|Lu Bu|definitely|has|trick|particle Guan Gong and Zhang Fei advised him, saying: "Brother, don't go! Lü Bu must have a scheme." 唔 怕 , 我 一向 待 佢 唔 錯 嘅 , 佢 一定 唔 會害 我 嘅 , 你 哋 同埋 我 去 啦 。 not|afraid|I|always|treat|he|not|wrong|particle indicating possession|he|definitely|not||me|particle indicating possession|you|plural marker|and|I|go|particle indicating suggestion or completion "I’m not afraid. I have always treated him well; he definitely won't harm me. You all come with me." 於是 劉備 就 帶 住 關公 、 張飛 去 到 呂布 個 營寨 , 入到 去 , 呂布 就 話 嘞 : then|Liu Bei|then|took|with|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|||Lu Bu|possessive particle|camp|||Lu Bu|then|said|past tense particle So Liu Bei took Guan Gong and Zhang Fei to Lü Bu's camp. Upon entering, Lü Bu said: 玄德公 , 我 今日 特意 嚟 為 你 解除 危難 啊 , 第日 你 得志 嘅 時候 , 唔 好 唔 記得 我 喎 啊 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Lord Xuande|I|today|specially|come|for|you|relieve|danger|ah|the day|you|succeed|possessive particle|time|||||me|particle indicating suggestion|ah|hahaha|haha "Xuan De Gong, I came today specifically to help you out of danger. When you achieve success in the future, don't forget me, okay? Hahaha!" 多謝 將軍 ! 將軍 嘅 恩德 沒齒難忘 啊 ! thank you|general|general|possessive particle|kindness|unforgettable for life|ah "Thank you, General! I will never forget your kindness!" 玄德公 請 坐 。 Lord Xuande|please|sit Lord Xuande, please take a seat. 請 。 please Please. 劉備 坐落 , 關公 、 張飛 按住 把 劍 , 企 喺 劉備 嘅 背後 。 Liu Bei|sitting|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|holding down|measure word for tools|sword|standing|at|Liu Bei|possessive particle|behind Liu Bei sat down, while Guan Gong and Zhang Fei held their swords, standing behind Liu Bei. 啱 啱 坐落 無耐唧 , 外便 有人 報告 嘞 : 紀 將軍 到 ! ||sat down|not long ago|outside|someone|reported|past tense marker|General|General|arrived Just after sitting down for a short while, someone reported from outside: General Ji has arrived! 有 請紀 將軍 。 there is||general Please invite General Ji. 乜話 ? 紀靈 嚟 呀 ? 咪 拘 , 劉備 即刻 企 起身 : what did you say|Ji Ling|come|question particle|don't|worry|Liu Bei|immediately|stand|up What? Ji Ling is coming? Don't be so anxious, Liu Bei immediately stood up. 呂 將軍 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 Lu|General|I|take my leave|past tense marker General Lü, I take my leave. 唔 緊要 , 我 就 係 特意 請 你 哋 兩位 一齊 嚟 會議 嘅 , 唔 使 疑心 嘅 。 not|important|I|then|am|intentionally|invite|you|plural marker|two people|together|come|meeting|past tense marker|not|need|suspicion|past tense marker It's fine, I specifically invited both of you to the meeting, there's no need to be suspicious. 紀靈落 咗 馬 入 到 嚟 營寨 , 呂布 企 喺 中軍 大帳 門口 迎接 佢 。 Ji Lingluo|past tense marker|horse|enter|arrive|here|camp|Lu Bu|stand|at|central army|main tent|entrance|welcome|him Ji Ling dismounted and entered the camp, Lü Bu stood at the entrance of the main tent to welcome him. 紀靈 一腳 踏入 大帳 裏 便 , 見到 劉備 坐 住 喺 處 , 喂 呀 ! 大吃一驚 , 轉身 就 走 。 Ji Ling|one foot|stepped into|big tent|inside|then|saw|Liu Bei|||at|place|hey|particle|greatly shocked|turned around|immediately|left As soon as Ji Ling stepped into the main tent, he saw Liu Bei sitting there, and was taken aback, turning around to leave. 呂布 一手 拉 住 佢 , 直情 好似 捉住 個 細佬哥 噉 咋 。 Lu Bu|with one hand|||him|really|like|caught|the|younger brother|like|only Lü Bu is holding him with one hand, it really feels like catching a little brother. 紀靈 驚 喇 , 誒 誒 , 誒 溫侯 , 溫侯要 殺 我 係 嘛 ? Ji Ling|scared|particle indicating completed action|hey|hey||Lord Wen|Lord Wen wants to|kill|me|is|question particle Ji Ling is scared, hey hey, hey Wen Hou, does Wen Hou want to kill me? 唔 係 。 no|is No. 誒 , 噉 莫非 要 殺個 大耳佬 ? hey|then|could it be|want to|kill a|big-eared guy Hey, then does that mean we have to kill a big-eared guy? 嘿嘿 , 大耳佬 係 乜 誰 啊 ? hehe|big-eared person|is|what|who|question particle Hehe, who is the big-eared guy? 大耳佬 就 係 劉備 。 Big-eared guy|is|is|Liu Bei Big Ears is Liu Bei. 大家 都 記得 㗎 , 我 哋 開始 講 嗰 陣 就 形容 過 劉備 嘅 相貌 , 話 佢 係 兩 耳垂 肩 㗎 嘛 。 everyone|all|remembers|question particle|I|plural marker|start|talking|that|time|then|described|past tense marker|Liu Bei|possessive particle|appearance|said|he|is|two|earlobes|shoulders|question particle|confirmation particle Everyone remembers, when we started talking about him, we described Liu Bei's appearance, saying he has droopy ears. 兩隻 耳仔長 到 髧 咗 喺 膊 頭 咁 交關 , 就 難怪 啲 人 同 佢 改 個 噉 嘅 花名 喇 。 two||until|hair|past tense marker|at|shoulder|head|so|disproportionate|then|no wonder|plural marker|people|with|him|change|a|like that|possessive particle|nickname|sentence-final particle His ears are so long that they almost touch his shoulders, so it's no wonder people gave him such a nickname. 嘻 不過 啲 人 呢 , 亦 太過 唔 畀 面 就 係 嘞 。 haha|but|particle indicating plural|people|question particle|also|too|not|give|face|then|is|particle indicating completed action Haha, but these people are really too disrespectful. 紀靈問 係 唔 係 想 殺 劉備 。 |is|not|is|want|to kill|Liu Bei Ji Ling asked if he wanted to kill Liu Bei. 呂布 話 : 亦 唔 係 。 Lu Bu|said|also|not|is Lü Bu said: That's not the case. 噉 , 噉 為 乜嘢 呢 ? like this||for|what|question particle Then, what is it for? 玄德同 我 係 兄弟 嚟 , 而 家 佢 畀 將軍 你 困住 , 所以 我 特意 嚟 救 佢 啫 。 |I|am|brother|come|but|family|he|by|general|you|trapped|so|I|specially|come|rescue|him|only Xuande and I are brothers, and now he is trapped by you, so I came specifically to save him. 啊 , 如果 係 噉 , 即 係 要 殺 我 嘞 喎 ? ah|if|is|like this|then|is|have to|kill|me|past action particle|question particle Ah, if that's the case, does that mean I have to be killed? 冇 噉 嘅 道理 , 我 呂布 平生 最 唔 好 爭鬥 , 唯獨 係 鍾 意同 人 哋 排解 爭鬥 唧 。 not have|like this|possessive particle|reason|I|Lü Bu|in my life|most|not|good|fighting|only|is|||people|plural particle|resolve|fighting|particle indicating emphasis There's no reason for that. I, Lü Bu, have never liked fighting in my life; I only enjoy resolving conflicts with others. 今日 , 我 就 係 要 同 你 哋 兩家 和解 ! today|I|just|am|want|with|you|plural marker|two families|reconcile Today, I just want to reconcile with both of you! 點樣 和 解法 呢 ? how|||question particle How do we reconcile? 我 有 個 辦法 嘅 嘞 , 完全 睇 個 天點 話 啦 。 I|have|measure word for methods|solution|possessive particle|sentence-final particle|completely|see|measure word for sky||say|sentence-final particle I have a method, it all depends on how the heavens say. 我 哋 等 陣 飲 完酒 再講 , 紀 將軍 , 請 ! ||||||talk again|||please Let's finish our drinks first, General Ji, please! 於是 呂布 拉 返紀 靈入 去 大帳 , 等 紀靈同 劉備 見過面 。 then|Lu Bu|pulled|||to|main tent|wait||Liu Bei| So, Lü Bu pulled Ji Ling back into the big tent, so that Ji Ling could meet Liu Bei. 佢 哋 兩個 人 就 各懷 心事 , 你 忌 我 時 就 我 忌 你 。 he|plural marker|two|people|then|each harbors|worries|you|jealous|I|time|then|I|jealous|you The two of them each have their own concerns, you resent me and I resent you. 擺好 酒席 嘞 , 呂布 坐 喺 當中 , 請紀靈 坐 喺 左 便 嗰 席 , 請 劉備 坐 喺 右 便 嗰 席 。 set up|banquet|past tense marker|Lu Bu|sit|at|the center||sit|at|left|side|that|seat|invite|Liu Bei|sit|at|right|side|that|seat The banquet is set, Lü Bu sits in the middle, inviting Ji Ling to sit on his left and Liu Bei to sit on his right. 斟過 幾輪 酒 , 呂布 開聲 嘞 : poured|several rounds|drinks|Lü Bu|spoke|past tense particle After pouring a few rounds of wine, Lü Bu spoke up: 請 你 哋 兩家 都 睇 在 我 嘅 薄面 , 各自 收兵 返去 啦 ! please|you|plural marker|both families|all|see|at|I|possessive particle|face|each|retreat|go back|sentence-final particle I ask both families to consider my humble request and withdraw your troops! 劉備 唔 出聲 。 Liu Bei|not|make a sound Liu Bei remained silent. 紀靈話 : 我 奉 咗 主公 嘅 命令 , 率領 十萬 大兵 特意 要 嚟 捉 劉備 嘅 , 點收 得兵 返去 呀 ? Ji Ling said|I|received|past tense marker|Lord|possessive particle|order|led|one hundred thousand|soldiers|specifically|to|come|capture|Liu Bei|possessive particle||||question particle Ji Ling said: I have received the command from the lord, leading a hundred thousand troops specifically to capture Liu Bei. How can I take the troops back? 哼 —— 你 太 猖狂 喇 ! hum|you|too|arrogant|particle indicating completed action Hmph - you are too arrogant! 張飛 發火 咯 ,𠻘 聲 掹 出 把 劍 嚟 , 我 哋 嘅 兵馬 雖然 少 , 不過 我 一 啲 都 唔 將你 哋 放在 眼 內 ! Zhang Fei|got angry|particle indicating past action|suddenly|sound|drew|out|measure word for weapons|sword|coming|I|plural marker|possessive particle|soldiers and horses|although|few|but|I|one|particle indicating small amount|all|not||plural marker|put in|eye|inside Zhang Fei got angry, drew out his sword, and said, although our troops are few, I do not regard you at all! 你 叻 得過 百萬 黃巾 ? 你 敢 逳 我 大哥 一條 毫毛 吖 嗱! you|smart|can beat|million|Huangjin|you|dare|cheat|me|older brother|a single|hair|particle|look Are you better than a million Yellow Turbans? Do you dare to touch a single hair of my elder brother? 關公 急急 制止 住 張飛 : 三弟 , 睇 下 呂 將軍 有 乜嘢 主意 先 。 然後 各回 營寨 再 嚟 打過 都 唔 遲 嘅 。 Guan Gong|urgently|stop|immediately|Zhang Fei|third brother|look|at|Lu|general|has|what|idea|first|then||camp|again|come|fight|all|not|late|particle Guan Gong quickly stopped Zhang Fei: Third brother, let's see what General Lü has in mind first. Then we can return to the camp and fight again later. 呂布 話 嘞 : 我 今日 請 你 哋 兩家 嚟 , 係 同 你 哋 排解 爭鬥 , 唔 係 請 你 哋 嚟 廝殺 喎 ! Lu Bu|said|past tense marker|I|today|invite|you|plural marker|two families|come|is|with|you|plural marker|resolve|conflict|not|is|invite|you|plural marker|come|kill each other|sentence-final particle Lü Bu said: I invited both of your families today to resolve the conflict, not to invite you to fight! 呂布 雖然 係 噉 樣講 , 但 係 呢 便 紀靈 呀 忿忿不平 , 張飛 呢 就 硬 係 要 打要 殺 。 Lu Bu|although|is|like that||but|is|this|time|Ji Ling|ah|indignant|Zhang Fei|this|then|stubbornly|is|to||kill Although Lü Bu said this, Ji Ling was very indignant, and Zhang Fei insisted on fighting. 呂布 發火 嘞 : 左右 !攞 我 支 戟 嚟 ! Lu Bu|angry|particle indicating action|left and right|take|I|measure word for weapons|halberd|come Lü Bu got angry: You all! Bring me my spear! 呂布 一 揸 起 支畫 戟 , 嘩 ! 紀靈同 劉備 啊 當堂 變 咗 面色 。 Lu Bu|one|hold|up||halberd|wow||Liu Bei|ah|on the spot|changed|past tense marker|complexion As Lü Bu picked up the spear, wow! Ji Ling and Liu Bei's expressions changed on the spot. 呂布 話 嘞 : 我 勸 你 哋 兩家 唔 好 打 , 至於 得 唔 得 呢 ? 全靠 天命 ! Lu Bu|said|past tense marker|I|advise|you|plural marker|two families|not|well|fight|as for|win|not|win|question particle|entirely depend on|fate Lü Bu said: I advise both of your families not to fight, as for whether it can be resolved or not? It all depends on fate! 講完 , 佢 叫 人 抬 佢 嗰 支 畫 戟 , 去 轅門 外便 遠遠 嗰 處 插 喺 地 嚟 。 after speaking|he|called|people|to carry|his|that|measure word for long objects|||to go|the gate of the chariot|outside|far away|that|place|to insert|at|ground|come After speaking, he asked someone to carry his spear and place it far away outside the gate. 然後 佢 對 紀 靈 同 劉備 話 : then|he|to|||and|Liu Bei|said Then he said to Ji Ling and Liu Bei: 兩位 , 轅門 離 中軍 一百五十步 , 我 如果 一箭 射中 畫戟 , 你 哋 兩家 就 收兵 罷戰 。 you two|the gate|is away from|the central army|150 paces|I|if|one arrow|hits|the halberd|you|plural marker|the two families|then|withdraw|cease fighting Gentlemen, the gate is one hundred and fifty steps away from the main army. If I hit the spear with an arrow, you two will withdraw and cease fighting. 如果 射 唔 中 呢 , 你 哋 就 各自 回營 準備 廝殺 啦 ! if|shoot|not|hit|question particle|you|plural marker|then|each|return to camp|prepare|fight|final particle If I miss, you will each return to your camps and prepare for battle! 如果 邊個 唔 聽 我 話 嘅 , 我 哋 一齊 打 佢 ! if|anyone|not|listens|I|words|possessive particle|||together|beat|him If anyone does not listen to me, we will all attack him! 紀靈 諗 嘞 : 哼 ! 支 戟 喺 一百五十步 以外 , 點射 得 中 啊 ? Ji Ling|thought|past tense particle|humph|measure word for long objects|spear|at|150 paces|outside|how to shoot|can|hit|question particle Ji Ling thought: Hmph! How can I hit a target with a spear from one hundred and fifty steps away? 樂得 應承 佢 啊 , 等 佢 射 唔 中 咯 , 到 其時 就任 我點 打 都 得 啦 。 happy to|agree to|he|particle|wait|he|shoot|not|score|particle|when|that time|||hit|all|fine|particle Le De readily agreed, thinking that if he misses, then I can do whatever I want to him. 於是 紀靈 就 一 啖 應承 嘞 喎 。 then|Ji Ling|then|one|bite|promised|past tense marker|sentence-final particle So Ji Ling immediately agreed. 至於 劉備 呢 , 梗 係 冇 話 唔 肯 啦 , 你 唔 肯 又 點唧 ? as for|Liu Bei|question particle|surely|is|not|saying|not|willing|sentence-final particle|you|not|willing|again|how to do it As for Liu Bei, of course he didn't say he wouldn't; what could you do if you didn't agree? 呂布 請 大家 坐低 , 各人 就 再 飲 一 杯酒 , 飲完 嘞 , 呂布 叫 人 攞 弓箭 嚟 。 Lu Bu|please|everyone|sit down|each person|then|again|drink|one|cup of wine|after drinking|past tense marker||called|people|take|bow and arrow|come Lü Bu asked everyone to sit down, and everyone had another drink. After drinking, Lü Bu called for someone to bring the bow and arrows. 劉備 緊張 啊 , 個口 噏 下 噏 下 , 個心 就 喺 度 稟 神 喎 : 上天 保佑 , 上天 保佑 ! 但願 佢 一 箭 射中 至 好 啊 ! Liu Bei|nervous|particle|his mouth|||||his heart|then|at|here|reporting|deity|particle|heaven|bless|heaven|bless|hopefully|he|one|arrow|hit|to|well|particle Liu Bei was nervous, his mouth was mumbling, and his heart was praying: 'Heaven bless, heaven bless! I hope he hits the target with one arrow!'. 只見 呂布 擪 好 袍 袖 , 彎弓 搭箭 , 右手 如抱 嬰孩 左手 如托 泰山 。 only saw|Lü Bu|pulling|good|robe|sleeve|bending the bow|nocking the arrow|right hand||baby|left hand||Mount Tai I saw Lü Bu adjusting his sleeves, bending the bow and nocking the arrow, his right hand cradling it like a baby and his left hand supporting it like Mount Tai. 喝 一聲 : 着 ! 正是 弓開 如 滿月 , 箭 去 似 流星 。 shout|one sound|shoot|exactly|bow drawn|like|full moon|arrow|go|like|shooting star With a shout: 'Release!' The bow was drawn like a full moon, and the arrow flew like a shooting star. 𠻘! 噹 ! 一箭 正中 畫戟 。 嘩 ! 好 嘢 啊 ! 帳上帳 下 嘅 大小 將校 齊聲 喝彩 。 ||one arrow|hit right in the center|halberd||||ah|||possessive particle|big and small|officers|in unison|cheer Bang! Thud! The arrow hit the halberd perfectly. Wow! What a great shot! The officers and soldiers, big and small, cheered in unison. 呢 有 詩為證 啊 : 溫侯 神射 世間 稀 , 曾 向 轅門 獨 解危 。 落日 果然 欺 后羿 , 號猿 直欲勝 由基 。 虎筋 弦 響 弓 開處 , 雕羽翎 飛箭 到 時 。 豹子 尾搖穿 畫戟 , 雄兵 十萬 脫 征衣 。 this|has|poem as proof|ah|Lord Wen|divine archer|in the world|rare|once|towards|the gate of the chariot|alone|avert danger|setting sun|indeed|deceive|Hou Yi|the howler monkey||You Ji|tiger sinew|bowstring|sound|bow|when drawn|eagle feather|flying arrow|arriving|time|leopard||painted halberd|valiant soldiers|one hundred thousand|taking off|battle attire Here is a poem as evidence: 'Wen Hou's marksmanship is rare in the world, once saving the day at the gate. The setting sun indeed deceives Hou Yi, the howler wishes to surpass You Ji. The tiger's sinew string sounds where the bow is drawn, the eagle feathered arrow flies at that time. The leopard's tail sways and pierces the halberd, and the brave soldiers shed their battle gear.' 呂布射 中 咗 支畫 戟 之後 , 哈哈大笑 , 掉 咗 把 弓 喺 地 嚟 。 |hit|past tense marker||halberd|after|laughed heartily|dropped|past tense marker|measure word for objects|bow|at|ground|come After Lu Bu shot the spear, he laughed heartily and dropped his bow on the ground. 一隻 手 拖住 紀靈 , 一隻 手 拖住 劉備 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 次 係 上天 叫 你 哋 兩家 收兵 罷戰 啊 ! one|hand|pulling|Ji Ling|one|hand|pulling|Liu Bei|hahaha|hahaha|hahaha|hahaha|this|time|is|heaven|calling|you|plural marker|two families|withdraw troops|cease fighting|ah With one hand dragging Ji Ling and the other hand dragging Liu Bei: Hahaha, this time it is heaven telling you two families to cease fire and stop fighting! 人 嚟 ! people|come People come! 將軍 。 general General. 斟酒 嚟 ! 各飲 一大 杯 ! pour wine|come||one big|cup Pour the wine! Let's all drink a big cup! 劉備 話 : 多謝 將軍 ! Liu Bei|said|thank you|general Liu Bei said: Thank you, General! 個心 就 話 嘞 : 哎呀 , 真好 彩數 啊 呢 趟 。 this heart|then|said|past tense marker|oh no|really good|luck|ah|this|trip The heart just said: Oh, this is really a good fortune this time. 紀靈 好 耐好 耐都講 唔 出 說話 。 Ji Ling|very|long||not|out|speaking Ji Ling has been unable to speak for a long time. 收尾 , 佢 同 呂布 話 嘞 : 溫 侯 嘅 說話 , 小將 唔 敢 唔 聽 , 不過 我返 去 之 後點 回覆 我 主公 好 呢 ? finishing|he|with|Lu Bu|said|past tense particle|||possessive particle|words|young general|not|dare|not|listen|but||to|possessive particle||reply|my|lord|well|question particle In conclusion, he said to Lü Bu: I dare not ignore the words of Lord Wen, but how should I reply to my lord after I return? 唔 緊要 , 等 我 寫封信 你 帶 返去 回覆 你 主公 啦 。 no|important|let|I|write a letter|you|take|back|reply|you|master|particle It's okay, let me write a letter for you to take back to reply to your lord. 但 憑 溫侯點 話點 好 啦 。 but|relying on|||good|particle But, based on what Lord Wen said, it's fine. 又 飲 咗 幾杯酒 , 紀 靈 攞 咗 呂布 封信 就 返 扯 先 嘞 。 again|drink|past tense marker|a few glasses of wine|||take|past tense marker|Lu Bu|letter|then|return|argue|first|sentence-final particle After drinking a few cups of wine, Ji Ling took Lu Bu's letter and went back to talk. 紀靈 走 咗 冇 幾耐 , 劉備 亦 告辭 。 Ji Ling|leave|past tense marker|not|long|Liu Bei|also|took his leave Ji Ling left not long after, and Liu Bei also took his leave. 呂布 話 : 今日 如果 唔 係 我 呀 , 玄德公 你 就 危險 咯 。 Lu Bu|said|today|if|not|were|me|particle|Lord Xuande|you|then|in danger|particle Lu Bu said: If it weren't for me today, Lord Xuande, you would be in danger. 劉備 再三 拜謝 , 就 同 關公 、 張飛 返扯 嘞 。 Liu Bei|repeatedly|thanked|then|with|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|returned to talk|past tense marker Liu Bei thanked him repeatedly and then went back with Guan Gong and Zhang Fei. 到 咗 第日 , 三路 嘅 軍馬 都 散 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|the third road|possessive particle|cavalry|all|disperse|past action marker On that day, the cavalry of the three routes scattered. 而家 唔 講 劉備 返小沛 亦 唔 講 呂布 返 徐州 , 只 係 講下 紀靈 啊 , 佢 返 到 淮南 見 袁術 。 now|not|talk about|Liu Bei||also|not|talk about|Lu Bu|return|Xu Province|only|is|talking about|Ji Ling|ah|he|return|to|Huainan|see|Yuan Shu Now, not talking about Liu Bei returning to Xiaopei or Lu Bu returning to Xuzhou, let's just talk about Ji Ling, who went to Huainan to see Yuan Shu. 就將 呂布 轅門 射戟 啊 解決 紛爭 嘅 事 講 咗 畀 佢 聽 , 同時 呢 就 呈 上 呂布 嘅 書信 。 |Lü Bu|the gate of the chariot|to shoot the spear|ah|to resolve|dispute|possessive particle|matter|to tell|past tense marker|to|he|to hear|at the same time|this|then|to present|to|Lü Bu|possessive particle|letter He told him about the matter of Lu Bu's spear at the gate and how to resolve the dispute, and at the same time, he presented Lu Bu's letter. 袁術 嬲 到 不得了 : 啊 ! 乜 呂布 受 咗 我 咁 多 糧食 , 仲 搞 埋 啲 噉 嘅 兒戲 嘅 事 嚟 偏袒 劉備 ! Yuan Shu|angry|to the point of|extremely|ah|what|Lu Bu|received|past tense marker|I|||food|still|||particle indicating plural|such|possessive particle|child's play|particle indicating possession|matter|come|favoritism|Liu Bei Yuan Shu was extremely angry: Ah! How could Lu Bu, who received so much grain from me, still engage in such childish matters to favor Liu Bei! 豈有此理 ! 我要 親自 率領 大軍 去 討伐 劉備 兼 打 呂布 ! how can this be reasonable|I want|personally|to lead|the main army|to|attack|Liu Bei|and|fight|Lu Bu This is outrageous! I will personally lead a large army to attack Liu Bei and deal with Lu Bu! 紀靈話 : 主公 唔 好 咁 輕率 啊 。 呂布 佢 勇猛過人 , 更 兼有 徐州 做 基地 。 Ji Ling said|my lord|||so|reckless|ah|Lu Bu|he|more valiant than others|even|also has|Xu Zhou|as|base Ji Ling said: My lord, don't be so reckless. Lü Bu is exceptionally brave and has Xu Province as his base. 如果 呂布 同 劉備 連結 埋 一齊 呀 , 唔 容易 搞 㗎 ! if|Lu Bu|and|Liu Bei|connected|together|at the same time|particle|not|easily|handle|particle If Lü Bu and Liu Bei join forces, it won't be easy to deal with! 小將 聽聞 呂布 有個 女 , 係 佢 老婆 嚴氏 生 嘅 , 今年 十五歲 , 正 係 及笄年華 。 the young general|heard|Lü Bu|has a|daughter|is|his|wife|Yan|born|possessive particle|this year|15 years old|just|is|the age of coming of age I heard that Lü Bu has a daughter, born to his wife Yan, who is fifteen years old this year, right at the age of coming of age. 主公 你 有 個 仔 , 不如 派 個人 去 同 呂布 求親 。 Your Majesty|you|have|measure word for people|daughter|might as well|send|a person|to|with|Lü Bu|propose marriage My lord, you have a son, why not send someone to propose to Lü Bu? 呂布 如果 肯將個 女 嫁 畀 主公 做 新 抱 , 就 必定 殺 劉備 嘅 。 Lu Bu|if||daughter|marry|to|lord|to be|new|wife|then|definitely|kill|Liu Bei|(possessive particle) If Lü Bu is willing to marry his daughter to you as a new wife, he will definitely kill Liu Bei. 呢 個 就 叫做 疏不間親 之計 啊 ! this|measure word|then|is called|a strategy of not being too close|plan|particle This is called the strategy of being distant yet close! 紀靈 講到 呂布 個 女 十五歲 係 及笄年華 , 咩 叫做 及笄年華 呢 ? Ji Ling|talking about|Lu Bu|possessive particle|daughter|fifteen years old|is|age of maturity|what|is called|age of maturity|question particle Ji Ling mentioned that Lu Bu's daughter is fifteen years old, which is the age of coming of age. What does coming of age mean? 笄 就 即 係 簪 , 即 係 女子 梳好 咗 頭髮 啊 繑 起 上 嚟 用 支簪 嚟 插住 。 hairpin|then|||hairpin|||woman|combed|past tense marker|hair|particle|tie|up|on|particle|use||particle|inserted Coming of age means to pin up one's hair, which is when a girl styles her hair and uses a hairpin to secure it. 古時候 嘅 規矩 , 女子 到 咗 十五歲 就 可以 繑 起 頭髮 插簪 嘞 , 算 做成 年 , 可以 定婚 。 ancient times|possessive particle|rules|girl|reach|past tense marker|fifteen years old|then|can|tie|up|hair|insert hairpin|past action marker|counted|||can|get married In ancient times, the rule was that when a girl reached fifteen, she could style her hair and use a hairpin, which was considered adulthood and she could be betrothed. 所以 女子 到 咗 十五歲 呢 , 就 叫做 及笄年華 。 so|girl|reach|past tense marker|fifteen years old|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|is called|age of maturity Therefore, when a girl reaches fifteen, it is called the age of coming of age. 袁術 聽紀靈 噉 講 覺得 係 個 好 辦法 啊 , 就 派 韓胤 去 做媒 人 , 帶齊 禮物 去 徐州 求親 嘞 。 Yuan Shu||like that|said|thought|is|a|good|method|ah|then|sent|Han Yin|to|be a matchmaker|person|bring all|gifts|to|Xuzhou|propose|past action particle Yuan Shu heard Ji Ling say that it was a good idea, so he sent Han Yin to be the matchmaker, bringing gifts to Xu Zhou to propose. 韓胤 去 到 徐州 , 拜見 呂布 , 佢 話 : Han Yin|go|arrive|Xuzhou|pay respects to|Lu Bu|he|said When Han Yin arrived in Xu Zhou, he met Lu Bu and said: 我 哋 主公 對 將軍 你 非常 之 仰慕 , 好 想 求得 令嬡 做 新 抱 , 永 結秦晉之 好 啊 。 I|plural marker|lord|to|general|you|very|possessive particle|admire|very|want|to obtain|your daughter|to be|new|husband|forever||good|ah "Our lord greatly admires you, General, and would like to ask for your daughter as a bride, to forever establish a bond like that of Qin and Jin." 哎 秦晉之好 係 點解 啊 ? ah|the marriage alliance between the Qin and Jin states|is|why|particle indicating a question Hey, what does the bond of Qin and Jin mean? 韓胤講 呢 番 說話 拋 咗 個 書包 , 用 咗 個 典故 。 |this|time|conversation|threw|past tense marker|measure word|backpack|used|past tense marker|measure word|allusion Han Yin threw out this line, using a historical reference. 因為 春秋 嘅 時候 吖 , 秦國 同 晉國 兩 國 嘅 國君 , 經常 都 係 互通 婚姻 嘅 , 所以 後 嚟 呢 , 就將 聯婚 叫做 秦晉之好 嘞 。 because|Spring and Autumn|possessive particle|time|sentence-final particle|Qin state|and|Jin state|two|states|possessive particle|kings|often|all|are|mutual communication|marriage|possessive particle|so|later|come|this||joint marriage|called|the alliance of Qin and Jin|sentence-final particle Because during the Spring and Autumn period, the rulers of the Qin and Jin states often intermarried, this later became known as the Qin-Jin alliance. 要 將個 女 嫁 畀 袁術 做 新 抱 呢 件 事 呂布 連想 都 未 想 過 嘅 噃。 want||daughter|to marry|to|Yuan Shu|to be|new|husband|this|classifier for events|matter|Lu Bu|to think of|already|not yet|to think|past|particle indicating possession or modification|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis The idea of marrying his daughter to Yuan Shu was something Lu Bu had never even considered. 一時 佢 揸 唔 定 主意 , 就 叫 韓胤 坐 住 先 , 自己 返入 去 搵 佢 老婆 嚴氏 商量 。 at that moment|he|drive|not|steady|decision|then|asked|Han Yin|sit|temporarily|first|he himself|return|to|find|his|wife|Mrs Yim|discuss At one point, he was indecisive, so he asked Han Yin to sit tight while he went inside to discuss it with his wife, Yan. 原來 呂布 有 兩妻 一 妾 嘅 , 最先 , 係 娶 咗 嚴氏 做 正妻 , 後 嚟 娶 咗 貂蟬 做 妾 侍 。 it turns out|Lü Bu|has||one|concubine|possessive particle|initially|was|married|past tense marker|Yan family|as|primary wife|||married|past tense marker|Diao Chan|as|concubine|servant It turns out that Lu Bu had two wives and one concubine; initially, he married Yan as his main wife, and later took Diao Chan as a concubine. 及至 佢 喺 小 沛 住 嗰 陣 嘞 , 又 娶 咗 曹豹 個 女 做次 妻 。 by the time|he|at|||lived|that|time|past tense particle|again|married|past tense marker|Cao Bao|(measure word)|daughter||wife By the time he was living in Xiaopei, he also married Cao Bao's daughter as a secondary wife. 曹氏 呢 好 早就 死 咗 喇 , 冇 生落 兒女 。 Chao family|this|very|long ago|died|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|not|born|children The Cao family has long since passed away, leaving no children. 貂蟬 亦 冇 得生 , 就 係 得 嚴氏生 咗 粒女 , 呂布 啊 鍾 意到 個 女 不得了 。 Diao Chan|also|not||then|is|only||past tense marker||Lu Bu|ah|really|liked|the|girl|extraordinary Diao Chan also did not survive, only the Yan family had a daughter, and Lu Bu was very fond of that girl. 噉 當 其時 呂布 將袁術 求親 呢 件 事講 畀 嚴氏 聽 , 就 同 佢 商量 。 then|at|that time|Lü Bu||propose marriage|this|matter||to|the Yan family|heard|then|with|him|discussed At that time, Lu Bu discussed the matter of proposing to Yuan Shu with the Yan family and consulted with them. 噉 究竟 呂布 有 冇 嫁女 呢 ? 噉 就 等 下次 先至講 埋 佢 嘞 。 then|exactly|Lu Bu|has|has not|married daughter|question particle||then|wait|next time||including|he|past action particle So did Lu Bu have a daughter? Let's talk about that next time.

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