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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 077




























































































































































































































































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話說曹操啊聽到馬超增加咗兵力,佢反而高興喎。 It is said that Cao Cao was actually happy to hear that Ma Chao had increased his troops.

嗰班將領就覺得奇怪喇,就問佢點解啦。 The generals found it strange and asked him why.

曹操話:等我贏咗喇,然後同你哋講啦! Cao Cao said: "Wait until I win, then I will tell you!"

過咗三日,偵察人員又嚟報告話關上又增加咗人馬喇噉。 Three days later, the scouts reported again that Guan Shang had also increased his forces.

曹操啊更覺得高興嘞,而且啊,喺中軍帳設宴慶賀添喎。 Cao Cao was even happier, and he even held a banquet in the central army's tent to celebrate.

嗰班將領都暗暗覺得好笑啦。 The generals secretly found it quite amusing.

曹操知道大家嘅心事,佢話: Cao Cao knew everyone's thoughts, and he said:

各位笑我冇打敗馬超嘅辦法係嘛? Are you all laughing at me for not having a way to defeat Ma Chao?

噉各位,有乜嘢好嘅計策呢? So, everyone, what good strategies do you have?

徐晃話:而家丞相嘅大軍都喺度,賊兵亦都全部駐扎喺關上,河西嗰便必定冇防備嘅。 Xu Huang said: Right now, the Prime Minister's main army is here, and the bandit troops are all stationed at the pass, so the area in the west of the river must be unguarded.

如果我哋派一支軍隊暗渡蒲阪津,先行截斷賊兵嘅歸路,然後丞相喺河北全力打擊佢,噉賊兵兩頭唔能夠接應,佢就實輸嘅。 If we send a troop to secretly cross the Puhang Ferry, first cut off the thieves' retreat, and then the Prime Minister strikes them with full force in Hebei, then the thieves will be unable to receive support from either side, and they will definitely lose.

好!你噉講,合晒我嘅心意。 good|| Good! What you said is exactly what I want.

曹操就叫徐晃帶四千精兵,同埋朱靈啊一齊去襲擊河西。 Cao Cao then ordered Xu Huang to take four thousand elite soldiers, along with Zhu Ling, to attack Hexi.

又吩咐佢哋埋伏喺山谷裏便,等曹操佢自己啊帶兵渡河,到達河北喇就同時發起攻擊。 He also instructed them to ambush in the valley, waiting for Cao Cao himself to lead the troops across the river, and then launch the attack simultaneously upon reaching Hebei.

噉徐晃、朱靈接受咗命令,先帶住四千人馬就秘密噉出發嘞。 So Xu Huang and Zhu Ling accepted the orders and secretly set off with four thousand troops.

跟住曹操下令,首先叫曹洪去蒲阪津,安排船隻,留低曹仁守大本營。 Then Cao Cao ordered Cao Hong to go to Pubanjin to arrange for boats, leaving Cao Ren to guard the main camp.

曹操佢親自率領大軍,渡過渭河向河北進發。 Cao Cao personally led the army across the Wei River towards Hebei.

曹操嘅軍事行動啊,早就畀馬超探聽到嘞。 Cao Cao's military actions had already been discovered by Ma Chao.

馬超就同韓遂商量對策。 Ma Chao discussed strategies with Han Sui.

馬超話:而家曹操唔攻潼關,而使人準備船隻要渡過河北,佢必定係想截斷我哋嘅後路喇。 Ma Chao said||| Ma Chao said: Now that Cao Cao is not attacking Tongguan and is preparing boats to cross into Hebei, he must be trying to cut off our retreat.

我想帶一支人馬,守住北岸,曹軍唔能夠渡河。 I want to bring a cavalry unit to guard the northern bank, so that the Cao army cannot cross the river.

噉樣就唔使二十日,河東就會冇糧草,軍心就亂。 This way, it won't take twenty days, and there will be no supplies in the east of the river, causing the morale of the troops to falter.

然後我哋順住河南去攻佢,實捉到曹操嘅! Then we can attack them from the south of the river, and we will definitely capture Cao Cao!

韓遂話嘞:唔使噉嘅,兵法都有話,兵半渡可擊吖嘛。 Han Sui said: There's no need for that, military strategy also states that you can strike when the enemy is halfway across.

等曹軍渡河過咗一半嘅時候,你就喺南岸發起攻擊,噉曹兵冚𠾴唥都要死喺條河裏便。 When the Cao army has crossed halfway, you can launch an attack from the southern bank, and the Cao soldiers will surely die in the river.

係!叔父嘅說話講得啱! yes| Yes! Uncle's words are correct!

馬超立即派人去探聽曹操幾時渡河。 Ma Chao immediately sent someone to find out when Cao Cao would cross the river.

而家講下曹操佢整頓完軍隊,就將人馬分成三撥,開始要渡渭河喇。 Now let's talk about how Cao Cao finished organizing his troops and divided them into three groups to start crossing the Wei River.

當大隊人馬嚟到河口嘅時候啊,正係東方日出。 When the main force arrived at the river mouth, it was just dawn in the east.

曹操啊首先派一隊精兵出發,渡過北岸為全軍建立營寨。 Cao Cao first sent a team of elite soldiers to cross to the north bank to establish a camp for the entire army.

曹操呢,親自率領住親隨護衛將校百幾人,按住劍,坐喺南岸就睇住軍隊渡河。 Cao Cao personally led over a hundred of his personal guards and officers, holding his sword, sitting on the south bank watching the army cross the river.

忽然間,有人跑嚟報告話:白袍將軍喺後便嚟緊喇! suddenly|| Suddenly, someone ran over to report that the white-robed general was coming from behind!

人人都認得馬超嘅,一聽講話佢殺嚟唄㗾噉一齊湧落船。 Everyone recognized Ma Chao, and upon hearing that he was coming to kill them, they all rushed to the boats.

霎時之間,河邊啊人喊馬嘶,催巴嘈閉,亂晒大龍。 in an instant||| In an instant, the riverside was filled with shouts of people and neighing of horses, creating a chaotic scene.

曹操仲好鎮定啊,仲係坐喺度唔逳,按住劍,制止啲兵士唔準亂,但係啊,冇人聽指揮咯。 ||||but| Cao Cao remained calm, still sitting there without moving, holding his sword, trying to stop the soldiers from panicking, but no one listened to his commands.

呢個時候,船上有個將軍烚聲跳上岸,大聲噉嗌: At this moment, a general on the ship jumped ashore and shouted loudly:

賊兵嚟喇請丞相快啲落船! "The enemy soldiers are coming! Please, Prime Minister, hurry and get off the ship!"

曹操一睇,係許褚。 Cao Cao took a look and saw it was Xu Chu.

曹操個口一便講,賊兵嚟到又何妨呢噉,一便就捩轉頭望下,嘩嗨,馬超啊已經離佢唔到百零步嘞。 |||wow| Cao Cao then said, "What does it matter if the enemy soldiers have arrived?" He turned his head to look and exclaimed, "Wow, Ma Chao is already less than a hundred steps away from him!"

許褚都唔理三七廿一喇一手拖住曹操就拉佢落船。 Xu Chu didn't care about anything else and grabbed Cao Cao, pulling him off the ship.

但係隻船呢,就已經撐離岸成丈幾遠嘞。 But the boat had already drifted about ten feet away from the shore.

許褚孭住曹操,出力一跳,嘿呀好似飛噉就跳咗上船噃。 Xu Chu carried Cao Cao and with a strong leap, it was as if he flew onto the boat.

嗰啲隨行將士就個個都浭落水,摱住船邊爭住想上船逃命。 The soldiers following them all fell into the water, grabbing onto the side of the boat, fighting to get on board to escape.

隻船又好細,人又多,你摱我摱,啷得兩啷,爭啲沉咁滯。 The boat was small and there were many people; as they pushed and shoved, it almost capsized.

許褚拔出把刀亂咁斬啊,摱住船邊啲手呀冚𠾴唥都畀佢斬斷晒,嗰啲人呢就跌晒落水浸死嘞。 Xu Chu drew his sword and wildly slashed, cutting off the hands of those grabbing the side of the boat, causing them to fall into the water and drown.

許褚就企喺船尾,用竹篙嚟撐船,向住下游嗰便棹過去。 Xu Chu stood at the stern of the boat, using a bamboo pole to push the boat downstream.

曹操就伏喺許褚嘅腳邊。 Cao Cao lay at Xu Chu's feet.

馬超啊追到嚟河岸,見到隻船已經去到河中間嘞,就拈弓搭箭,叫埋啲猛將一齊嚟射。 Ma Chao chased to the riverbank, saw that the boat had already reached the middle of the river, drew his bow, and called the fierce generals to shoot together.

嘩,嗰啲箭呀𠻘𠻘聲好似大雨噉飛過去。 wow| Wow, those arrows flew by with a sound like heavy rain.

許褚又怕啲箭射傷曹操啊,就用隻左手,舉住個馬鞍嚟遮住曹操。 Xu Chu was also afraid that the arrows would injure Cao Cao, so he used his left hand to hold up the saddle to shield Cao Cao.

馬超啊好好眼界,箭無虛發,棹船啲人呢一個個應弦落水。 |every arrow hits its target| Ma Chao has a great vision, his arrows never miss, and the people on the boat are falling into the water one by one.

當時船上幾十人呀都畀箭射低咗。 At that time, dozens of people on the boat were shot down.

噉隻船撐唔穩嘞,水流又急噃,隻船呀搞到沊沊轉。 The boat couldn't stay steady, the water was rushing, and the boat was swaying.

許褚奮起神威,佢用兩隻大髀挾穩個軚,一隻手啊揸住竹篙撐船,一隻手呢就舉住馬鞍保護曹操。 Xu Chu rose to the occasion, using his strong legs to stabilize the rudder, holding a bamboo pole with one hand to support the boat, and with the other hand, he held up a saddle to protect Cao Cao.

嘩認真本事啊,夠晒搏命啊! Wow, that's really impressive, risking everything!

噉啊當時渭南縣令叫做丁斐喎,佢喺南山上便,睇住馬超追曹操,曹操就危急非常。 At that time, the magistrate of Weinan County was called Ding Fei, and he was on Nanshan Mountain, watching Ma Chao chase Cao Cao, who was in a very dangerous situation.

丁斐就情急智生,即刻叫人將寨裏頭嘅牛馬,冚𠾴唥放晒出嚟。 In a moment of desperation, Ding Fei quickly ordered people to release all the cattle and horses from the stockade.

霎時間,漫山遍野都係牛馬啦。 in an instant| In an instant, the mountains and fields were filled with cattle and horses.

嗰啲西涼兵見到呀嘿好嘢咯個個都返轉頭,爭住捉牛捉馬就無心去捉曹操嘞。 When the Xiliang soldiers saw this, they were thrilled and all turned back, scrambling to catch the cattle and horses, forgetting about capturing Cao Cao.

故此曹操走甩咗。 As a result, Cao Cao managed to escape.

曹操佢哋一到北岸,即刻就吩咐將啲船隻鑿沉佢。 When Cao Cao and his men arrived at the northern shore, he immediately ordered to sink the boats.

噉啊當曹操部下啲將領,聽講曹操喺河上有危險,急急趕嚟救嘅時候呢,曹操啊已經上咗岸嘞。 So when Cao Cao's generals heard that he was in danger on the river and rushed to rescue him, Cao Cao had already landed.

大家睇下許褚啦,嘩佢着住一件好厚嘅甲,上便啊都唔知中咗幾多箭都仲插住喺甲上便嚟啊。 Everyone look at Xu Chu, wow, he was wearing a very thick armor, and he didn't even know how many arrows were still stuck in the armor.

噉啊眾位將官護送曹操嚟到新建嘅營寨,大家都叩頭請安。 So the various generals escorted Cao Cao to the newly built camp, and everyone bowed to pay their respects.

曹操哈哈大笑話:哈哈哈哈哈,我今日,呵,幾乎畀個小賊困住添啊,哈哈哈哈哈哈。 |hahahahaha||ha||hahahahahahaha Cao Cao laughed heartily and said: Hahaha, today, ha, I was almost trapped by a little thief, hahaha!

許褚話嘞:如果唔係有人放啲牛馬出嚟引誘啲賊兵呀,佢哋必定會搏命渡河㗎喇。 Xu Chu said: If it weren't for someone releasing cattle and horses to lure the bandits, they would definitely risk their lives to cross the river.

曹操問嘞:係咯,放牛馬引誘敵人嘅係邊個呢? |yes| Cao Cao asked: So, who is the one that released the cattle and horses to lure the enemy?

有啲人知道嘅呢就回答話喇:啟稟丞相,係渭南縣令丁斐啊。 Some people who knew answered: Reporting to the Prime Minister, it was the county magistrate Ding Fei of Weinan.

過咗一陣,丁斐嚟到拜見曹操請安。 after a while| After a while, Ding Fei came to pay his respects to Cao Cao.

曹操好感激佢噉話:若果唔係先生你嘅好辦法呀,我就要畀賊人捉咗去咯。 Cao Cao gratefully said to him: If it weren't for your good strategy, I would have been captured by the bandits.

於是就提升丁斐做典軍校尉。 So Ding Fei was promoted to the position of military officer.

丁斐話:賊兵雖然暫時退走,聽日必定會再嚟嘅,一定要諗個好辦法嚟打佢哋至得啊。 Ding Fei said||| Ding Fei said: Although the bandit soldiers have temporarily retreated, they will definitely come again tomorrow, and we must think of a good plan to fight them.

我已經準備好㗎喇。 I am already prepared.

於是曹操就命令啲將官,各自分頭順住河岸,築起一條甬道。 So Cao Cao ordered the generals to each head along the riverbank and build a passage.

話賊兵嚟嘅時候呢,就將人馬部署喺甬道外便;甬道之內呢,虛設旗幟,作為疑兵。 He said that when the bandit soldiers come, they should deploy troops outside the passage; inside the passage, they should set up false flags as a decoy.

同時啊,沿河掘啲壕塹,用樹枝整個蓋遮實,仲鋪返啲泥沙做偽裝添。 at the same time||| At the same time, dig trenches along the river, use branches to make a cover, and also lay some mud and sand for camouflage.

打起嚟嘅時候,用啲兵去引敵人嚟。 when the fight starts| When the fight starts, use some soldiers to lure the enemy in.

曹操話喇:賊兵嚟嘅時候,實跌落壕塹嘅,賊兵一跌,就好打啦嘛。 Cao Cao said: When the enemy soldiers come, they will fall into the trenches, and once they fall, it will be easy to fight them.

而家唔講曹操點樣佈置,只係講馬超,佢打完仗返去同韓遂話: Now, not talking about how Cao Cao arranged things, just talking about Ma Chao, after the battle he went back to tell Han Sui:

今日,幾乎捉住曹操,收尾畀個將官奮勇孭咗曹操落船去咗,哈,唔知佢係邊個呢? today|||ha| Today, we almost caught Cao Cao, but in the end, a general bravely carried Cao Cao onto a boat and left, ha, I wonder who that was?

韓遂話:我聽講曹操係挑選咗一啲極其精壯嘅人,做佢嘅帳前侍衛,叫做虎衛軍。 Han Sui said||| Han Sui said: I heard that Cao Cao has selected some extremely strong men to be his personal guards, called the Tiger Guard.

由猛將典韋、許褚嚟率領,誒典韋已經死咗啦,噉今日救曹操嘅,必定係許褚。 Led by fierce generals Dian Wei and Xu Chu, eh Dian Wei is already dead, so today, the one who saves Cao Cao must be Xu Chu.

此人勇力過人啊,人人都叫佢做虎癡。 This person is exceptionally brave and strong, everyone calls him Tiger Mad.

若果遇着佢,賢侄你唔好輕敵啊。 If you encounter him, my dear nephew, do not underestimate him.

許褚係嘛?我亦聽聞佢嘅名好耐嘞。 Xu Chu, right? I have also heard his name for a long time.

賢侄,而家曹操渡咗河,睇嚟,就快會去襲擊我哋嘅後方。 virtuous nephew||it seems| Noble nephew, now that Cao Cao has crossed the river, it seems he will soon attack our rear.

所以我哋一定要盡快去攻佢,唔好畀佢有時間去建立營寨。 So we must quickly launch an attack on him, and not give him time to establish a camp.

如果佢嘅營寨一立,就好難剿滅佢哋㗎喇。 If he sets up his camp, it will be very difficult to eliminate them.

叔父,以我個意見呢,仲係頂住北岸,使佢唔能夠渡河,呢個先至係上策噃。 uncle|||| Uncle, in my opinion, it is better to hold the north bank and prevent him from crossing the river; this is the best strategy.

噉誒賢侄你留喺度守衛營寨,等我帶兵去同曹操交戰,噉好唔好吖? So, noble nephew, you stay here to guard the camp while I lead the troops to battle Cao Cao, is that alright?

就照叔父個意思做啦,同時,叫龐德做先鋒,跟埋叔父你一齊去。 |at the same time|| Just do as Uncle said, and at the same time, have Pang De go as the vanguard and accompany you, Uncle.

於是韓遂同龐德,率領五萬軍馬就直抵渭南。 So Han Sui and Pang De led fifty thousand troops straight to Wei Nan.

曹操命令將部隊埋伏喺甬道兩便,引韓遂佢哋嚟。 Cao Cao ordered the troops to ambush on both sides of the passage, luring Han Sui and his men in.

龐德係先鋒吖,所以佢就帶住幾千名鐵甲馬軍就衝過嚟嘞喎。 Pang De is the vanguard, so he led a few thousand armored cavalry charging over.

點知喎嗬噉一聲吶喊,龐德嗰班人馬景轟噉啊連人帶馬就落咗陷阱裏便。 Unexpectedly, with a shout, Pang De and his men fell into the trap along with their horses.

哈,龐德啊真係勇,佢大喝一聲,誒噉,踴身一跳,跳咗出陷阱。 ha|||like this|| Ha, Bond is really brave, he shouted loudly, and with that, he jumped out of the trap.

一企穩就即刻就斬殺咗好幾個人,步行殺出重圍。 as soon as he stabilized his stance he immediately killed several people|walked out of the encirclement killing Once he steadied himself, he immediately killed several people and walked his way out of the encirclement.

呢個時候,韓遂畀曹兵圍住喺戰場中心,龐德啊就噉步行衝入去救返佢。 At this moment, Han Sui was surrounded by Cao's troops in the center of the battlefield, and Bond rushed in to save him.

正好啊遇着曹仁嘅部將曹永啊。 Just then, he encountered Cao Ren's general, Cao Yong.

龐德發起神威,一刀就將曹永斬咗落馬,就搶咗佢匹馬過嚟,殺開一條血路就救返韓遂,向住東南方走咗。 Bond displayed his might, and with one stroke, he cut Cao Yong down from his horse, seized his horse, and carved a bloody path to rescue Han Sui, heading southeast.

啲曹兵跟住後尾窮追不捨,撞正馬超帶領住人馬嚟接應,就殺敗咗曹兵,又再救出大半軍馬。 The Cao soldiers followed closely behind and relentlessly pursued, colliding with Ma Chao who was leading his troops to provide support, defeating the Cao soldiers and rescuing most of the cavalry.

一直打呀打,就打到日落西山先至收兵。 They kept fighting until sunset before finally calling off the battle.

點一點人馬,損失咗將官程銀同張橫,噉啊跌落陷阱嘅呢,就死咗二百幾人。 just a little bit of troops||| After counting the troops, they suffered losses of the generals Cheng Yin and Zhang Heng, and about two hundred men fell into the trap and died.

馬超又同韓遂商量話: Ma Chao then discussed with Han Sui, saying:

若果拖得時間長,噉曹操喺河北建立起營寨,到嗰陣就好難打敗佢哋嘅嘞喎。 If we delay for too long, Cao Cao will establish a camp in Hebei, and by then it will be very difficult to defeat them.

不如趁今晚,帶一隊輕裝嘅馬軍去劫曹賊嘅野營喇。 Why not take a lightly equipped cavalry team to raid Cao Cao's camp tonight?

噉都好,之必須將隊伍分開,等前後都有得支援照應。 that's fine|| That sounds good, but we must split the team so that there is support both in front and behind.

於是馬超自己啊做先鋒,吩咐龐德、馬岱做後應,當晚就漏夜起行。 So, Ma Chao took the lead himself, instructing Pang De and Ma Dai to provide support from the rear, and they set off that night.

而家講下曹操,佢收咗兵就駐扎喺渭北。 Now let's talk about Cao Cao, who has gathered his troops and is stationed north of the Wei River.

佢對各位將領話喇:賊兵蝦我未曾建立好營寨,必定會嚟劫營嘅。 He told his generals: The bandits have not yet established their camp, so they will definitely come to raid us.

我哋可以喺四面,將兵士埋伏好,空咗中軍。 We can ambush the soldiers from all sides and empty the central army.

等到號炮一響,全部伏兵都要殺出嚟,韓遂、馬超,實可以捉得到㗎喇。 ||Han Sui|Ma Chao| When the cannon sounds, all the hidden troops must charge out; Han Sui and Ma Chao can really capture them.

噉啊各將領都根據命令,率領軍士去埋伏好喇。 So each general, according to orders, led their soldiers to set up the ambush.

當晚,馬超派成宜帶三十個馬軍行前一步,去探聽虛實。 that night|| That night, Ma Chao sent Cheng Yi with thirty cavalry to advance a step forward to gather intelligence.

成宜去到曹操個營寨,咦?冇到人馬噃,於是佢就直筆就衝入中軍。 |eh|| Cheng Yi arrived at Cao Cao's camp and found it empty, so he boldly charged into the central army.

曹軍見到西涼兵殺到嚟喇,就轟噉啊放響號炮,喎嗬四面嘅伏兵啊,全部殺出嚟。 When the Cao army saw the Xiliang soldiers arriving, they immediately sounded the horn and called for the ambush troops to attack.

但係呢,只係包圍到三十名西涼嘅馬軍,成宜就畀夏侯淵殺死咗。 but then|| However, they only managed to surround thirty Xiliang cavalry, and the rest were all killed by Xiahou Yuan.

但係馬超啊,由背後同龐德、馬岱就分兵三路噉,蜂擁殺過嚟嘞喎。 But Ma Chao, along with Pang De and Ma Dai, split their forces into three routes and charged in.

於是兩軍混戰一場,一直打到天光先至各自收兵。 Thus, the two armies engaged in a fierce battle that lasted until dawn before they each retreated.

之後呢,馬超將軍隊駐扎喺渭口,噉啊日日夜夜,分開軍隊一前一後,不停噉猛攻。 After that, General Ma Chao stationed his army at Weikou, and day and night, he split his forces to attack continuously.

噉曹操呢方面呢,佢又喺渭河上將啲船啊同埋木筏啊,用鐵鏈就鎖埋一齊,做咗三條浮橋,連結南北兩岸。 In this regard, Cao Cao used iron chains to lock the boats and rafts together on the Wei River, creating three floating bridges that connected the north and south banks.

曹仁帶住一隊兵士,夾住條河建立營寨。 Cao Ren led a group of soldiers to establish a camp along the river.

佢首先係將啲運糧嘅車輛啊,一架架連起嚟就作為屏障。 He first connected the supply vehicles together to serve as a barrier.

馬超知道咗,呢一日,佢命令啲兵士每人都帶住一紮草,就帶埋火種添。 |on this day|| Ma Chao learned about this, and on that day, he ordered his soldiers to each bring a bundle of straw, along with fire starters.

同韓遂一齊啊,率領住軍隊,合力殺到曹軍嘅寨前,跟住堆起啲乾草,實行放火嚟燒。 Together with Han Sui, he led the army to attack the Cao army's camp, then piled up the dry grass and set it on fire.

又燒又殺,結果曹軍頂唔住嘞,就放棄咗營寨就走。 both burning and killing|| Burning and killing, as a result, the Cao army couldn't hold on and abandoned their camp to flee.

所有嘅車輛啊浮橋啊,冚𠾴唥燒得乾乾淨淨。 All the vehicles and floating bridges were burned to a crisp.

呢一仗呀,西涼兵有殺冇賠贏晒,截住條渭河嘞。 this battle|| In this battle, the Xiliang soldiers won without any losses, blocking the Wei River.

曹操睇見建立唔起營寨就好擔心。 Cao Cao was very worried when he saw that they couldn't establish a camp.

荀攸向佢建議,擔渭河嗰啲沙泥嚟築個土城。 Xun You suggested to him to use the sand and mud from the Wei River to build an earthen city.

曹操聽佢嘅,就撥三萬名兵士擔泥築城嘞噃。 Cao Cao listened to him and dispatched thirty thousand soldiers to carry mud and build the city.

點知馬超又派龐德、馬岱,每人率領五百馬軍,衝來殺去。 |Ma Dai|| Unexpectedly, Ma Chao sent Pang De and Ma Dai, each leading five hundred cavalry, charging in to attack.

就更兼嗰啲沙泥又唔實嘅,啱啱築起就冧,搞到曹操呀頭都大晒就冇計好諗。 and those sandy soils are not solid|just built and then collapsed| Moreover, the sand and mud were not solid, and as soon as they were built, they collapsed, leaving Cao Cao with a headache and no good ideas.

當其時係九月底,天氣突然間暴冷起嚟,烏雲密布啊連氣幾日都係噉樣。 At that time, it was the end of September, and the weather suddenly turned very cold, with dark clouds covering the sky for several days.

呢一日,曹操呀正喺寨裏頭發吽哣。 this day| On this day, Cao Cao was in the camp feeling frustrated.

衛士入嚟報告話外便有個伯爺公求見,話有啲呀好緊要個事情,要同丞相講喎噉。 The guard came in to report that there was a gentleman outside seeking an audience, saying there was something very important to discuss with the Prime Minister.

曹操請佢入嚟啦,咦,見到嗰個伯父雖然係比較清瘦啊,但係十分精神嘅,好有型格嘅。 |eh||| Cao Cao invited him in, and upon seeing the gentleman, although he was relatively thin, he appeared very spirited and quite stylish.

曹操問佢嘅姓名,原來佢啊,係京兆人,隱居喺東南山,就姓婁名子伯,道號夢梅居士。 Cao Cao asked for his name, and it turned out he was from Jingzhao, living in seclusion in the Southeast Mountains, with the surname Lou and the name Zibo, and his Daoist title was Mengmei the Recluse.

哦嗨,係有啲來歷嘅喎,噉曹操待佢好客氣。 oh hi|| Oh, he has some background, so Cao Cao treated him very courteously.

呢個婁子伯話喇:丞相想喺渭河兩岸安營好耐嘅啦,而家點解仲唔趁住呢個時候築起佢呢? This Lou Zibo said: The Prime Minister wants to camp on both sides of the Wei River for a long time, so why not take this opportunity to build it up now?

曹操話:啲泥沙好鬆嘅,總係築唔成。 Cao Cao said: The sand is too loose, it can't be built.

請問老人家你有乜嘢好辦法指教下呢? May I ask, old man, do you have any good methods to advise?

丞相你用兵如神,應該知道天時㗎。 Prime Minister, you are a master of warfare, you should know the timing.

嗱,連氣幾日,都係陰天,烏雲密布,北風一起就必然凍得好交關嘅。 well|||| Look, it's been cloudy for several days, with thick clouds, and when the north wind blows, it will definitely be very cold.

等一翻風,丞相就叫啲兵士堆啲泥,潑水上去,等到天光,噉土城就築好啦嘛。 Wait for the wind to die down, then the Prime Minister can have the soldiers pile up some mud, splash water on it, and by dawn, the earthen city will be built.

哎呀,噉樣一點呀曹操就明喇,好高興啊,即刻就叫人攞咗好多金銀嚟,要賞賜畀婁子伯。 oh no||very happy|| Oh dear, with this, Cao Cao will understand soon, I'm so happy, he immediately ordered people to bring a lot of gold and silver to reward Lou Zibo.

但係婁子伯呢唔肯接受,飄然而去。 |floated away But Lou Zibo refused to accept it and floated away.

當晚,呼呼聲啊翻起大北風。 that night| That night, the howling wind rose up fiercely.

曹操就下令叫全部兵士擔泥潑水。 Cao Cao ordered all the soldiers to carry mud and splash water.

咁多人噃唔夠嘢裝水㗎,嘿唔緊要,搵到啲唔容易透水嘅布,做咗好多袋,愛嚟裝水,嘿噉就解決晒喇。 There are so many people, not enough things to hold water, but it's okay, we found some cloth that doesn't easily let water through, made a lot of bags to hold water, and that solved everything.

呢頭堆起啲泥,嗰頭就淋水,等到天光,沙泥同啲水呀,冰凍到實一實,嘿嘿,土城噉就築起嚟喇。 |||||hehe| On this side, they pile up the mud, and on that side, they pour water, waiting until dawn, the sand and mud will freeze solid, heh heh, and then the earthen city will be built.

馬超聽見啲偵察人員話曹軍啊已經築起土城,哈初時仲唔信喎。 Ma Chao heard from the scouts that the Cao army had already built an earthen city, and at first, he didn't believe it.

及至佢帶住兵去睇嘅時候,嘩嗨,果然係噃又唔到佢唔驚嘞,噉係唔係有神仙幫曹操嘅喂? |wow|| When he led his troops to take a look, wow, it really was true, and he couldn't help but feel scared, could it be that there are gods helping Cao Cao?

第日,馬超率領大軍,擂響戰鼓啊向曹操營寨進攻。 the next day|| The next day, Ma Chao led his army, beating the war drums to attack Cao Cao's camp.

曹操親自騎馬出營,邊個都唔帶,淨係得許褚一個人跟住喺後便唧。 Cao Cao personally rode out of the camp, bringing no one with him, only Xu Chu following closely behind.

曹操舉起條馬鞭大聲噉嗌: Cao Cao raised his horsewhip and shouted loudly:

我曹孟德單人匹馬嚟呢處,請馬超出嚟答話! I, Cao Mengde, have come here alone, so please let Ma Chao come out to answer!

馬超一踢隻馬,挺起銀槍就衝出嚟。 Ma Chao kicked his horse, raised his silver spear, and charged out.

曹操話:你欺負我築唔到營寨係嘛,而家,我一晚就築好嘞,你仲唔快啲投降? ||now|| Cao Cao said: You think you can bully me because I can't build a camp, right? Now, I can build it in one night, and you still won't surrender?

呸!馬超發火,佢想衝上前去捉住曹操。 phew|| Pah! Ma Chao got angry, he wanted to rush forward and capture Cao Cao.

哎呀咪住,佢見曹操背後有個人,碌大雙眼,手提鋼刀,勒馬企喺處。 oh wait|||| Oh no, wait, he saw someone behind Cao Cao, with big eyes, holding a steel knife, standing there on horseback.

馬超諗住呢個人,係許褚㗎喇,就舉起條馬鞭問曹操: Ma Chao thought this person was Xu Chu, so he raised his whip and asked Cao Cao:

聽聞你軍隊裏便有個虎侯,佢喺唔喺度啊? I heard there is a Tiger General in your army, is he here?

許褚眼射神光,威風凜凜,提起鋼刀大聲話: |imposing and majestic| Xu Chu shot a fierce look, imposing and majestic, raised his steel knife and said loudly:

我就係譙郡許褚! I am Xu Chu from Qiaojun I am Xu Chu from Qiao County!

咦,厲害!馬超唔敢逳,勒馬返轉頭。 hey|impressive|| Oh, impressive! Ma Chao didn't dare to charge and turned his horse back.

曹操亦帶住許褚回營。 Cao Cao also brought Xu Chu back to the camp.

雙方嘅士兵睇見噉嘅場面呀,個個都緊張到幾乎連呼吸都停住啊。 The soldiers from both sides saw this scene and were so tense that they could hardly breathe.

返到中軍帳,曹操對嗰班將官話喇: Back at the central army tent, Cao Cao said to the group of generals:

呵呵連賊人都知道仲康叫做虎侯啊! Haha, even the bandits know that Zhong Kang is called the Tiger General!

從此之後,喺曹軍裏便就人人都叫許褚做虎侯。 from then on| From then on, everyone in Cao's army called Xu Chu the Tiger Marquis.

許褚話:我聽日一定要捉住馬超! Xu Chu said: I must capture Ma Chao tomorrow!

曹操話:馬超好英勇,千祈唔好輕敵啊。 Cao Cao said: Ma Chao is very brave, so be sure not to underestimate him.

我幾大都要同佢死戰一場㗎喇! I must fight him to the death!

許褚立刻使人去下戰書,話虎侯,就係喽馬超一個聽日決戰。 Xu Chu immediately sent someone to issue a challenge, saying that the Tiger Marquis would face Ma Chao in a decisive battle tomorrow.

馬超接到封挑戰書嬲到不得了,哼!想蝦我咁大膽! |humph| Ma Chao was furious after receiving the challenge letter, humph! How dare they try to trick me!

攞起支筆,就喺戰書上便批咗六個大字:明日誓殺虎癡! He picked up a pen and wrote six big characters on the challenge letter: Tomorrow I vow to kill Hu Chi!

第日,雙方嘅軍隊都出營,大家都佈好陣勢。 the next day|| The next day, both armies came out of their camps, and everyone arranged their formations.

馬超分派龐德做左翼,馬岱做右翼,韓遂喺中軍壓陣。 Ma Chao assigned Pang De to the left wing, Ma Dai to the right wing, and Han Sui in the center to lead.

馬超挺槍縱馬,出到嚟陣前大聲高叫:虎癡快啲出嚟! Ma Chao brandished his spear and rode out to the front, shouting loudly: Hu Chi, come out quickly!

睇見馬超呢種威風法呀,曹操喺門旗之下忍唔住對嗰班將官話: Seeing Ma Chao's imposing manner, Cao Cao couldn't help but say to the group of generals under the banner:

馬超真係不減呂布當年之勇啊! Ma Chao truly does not lose to Lü Bu in terms of bravery back in the day!

話猶未了,許褚已經拍馬舞刀直衝出去。 the conversation was not yet finished| Before he finished speaking, Xu Chu had already spurred his horse and charged out with his sword.

馬超挺槍接戰。 Ma Chao stood firm and engaged in battle.

嘩,犀利啊!鬥咗百幾個回合,不分勝負。 wow|impressive|| Wow, impressive! They fought for over a hundred rounds, with no clear winner.

打到佢兩隻馬,個鼻都啡啡聲咁噴氣啊口吐白泡,都冇晒力嘞。 He was hit so hard that he was breathing heavily, his nose making a snorting sound, and he was foaming at the mouth, completely out of strength.

噉啊各自返去換過隻馬,又出嚟打過。 Then they each went back to change their horses and came out to fight again.

呢次又鬥咗百幾個回合,依然呀不分勝負。 This time they fought for over a hundred rounds, still with no clear winner.

許褚打到㷫晒喇,飛跑返入陣裏頭,除咗個頭盔,卸咗鐵甲,除埋件衫。 Xu Chu was so exhausted that he ran back into the formation, taking off his helmet, removing his armor, and even his shirt.

嘩!淨係睇嗰啲肌肉嗰種威法呀就夠睇嘞。 wow| Wow! Just looking at those muscles was impressive enough.

佢打大赤肋,提刀上馬,再同馬超決戰。 He drew his big red blade, mounted his horse, and then fought against Ma Chao.

兩便嘅軍士見到,個個都激動到擘大個嘴瞪大雙眼,捻實個拳頭。 The soldiers on both sides saw this and were all so excited that they opened their mouths wide and stared with wide eyes, clenching their fists.

噉啊兩個又鬥到卅幾個回合,許褚奮起神威,舉起大刀就斬過去。 The two fought for over thirty rounds, and Xu Chu, with great vigor, raised his big blade and swung it down.

馬超扭身一閃避開,跟手一槍就對準許褚心口㓤過去。 Ma Chao twisted his body to dodge, and then thrust his spear straight at Xu Chu's heart.

許褚想回刀格開就已經嚟唔切。 Xu Chu wanted to block with his blade but was already too late.

眼睇住支槍㓤到嚟,說時遲那時快,許褚索性連刀都擗開,雙手一擸住支槍就出力咁掹嘞。 |just as he finished speaking|| As he watched the gun coming towards him, in the blink of an eye, Xu Chu simply broke the knife and with both hands grabbed the gun and pulled it with force.

嘿嘿,兩個人變咗喺馬上便搶槍嘞喎。 hehe| Hehe, the two of them started fighting for the gun while on horseback.

許褚好大力㗎嘛,啪一聲拗斷咗槍桿,各人揸住半橛就亂咁㩧。 Xu Chu is very strong, with a loud crack he broke the gun barrel, and everyone held onto half of it and started swinging wildly.

曹操怕許褚吃虧,即刻就叫夏侯淵同曹洪兩個一齊出馬去夾攻。 Cao Cao was worried that Xu Chu would suffer a loss, so he immediately called for Xiahou Yuan and Cao Hong to join forces to attack.

龐德同馬岱睇見曹操嗰便兩個軍官一齊衝出嚟唄,就大喝一聲衝啊,噉啊指揮兩翼嘅馬軍,橫衝直撞就混殺過去,一下就殺到曹軍就亂晒大龍。 When Pang De and Ma Dai saw the two officers from Cao Cao charging out together, they shouted loudly to charge, directing the cavalry on both flanks to crash through and kill, instantly causing chaos in the Cao army.

許褚隻手臂中咗兩支箭,曹操同班軍官就慌忙退返入寨。 Xu Chu was hit by two arrows in his arm, and Cao Cao and the officers hurriedly retreated back into the camp.

馬超一直殺到壕邊先至收兵。 Ma Chao kept fighting until he reached the edge of the trench before calling off his troops.

呢一仗,曹軍損失咗成大半人馬。 this battle| In this battle, the Cao army suffered a loss of more than half of their forces.

曹操就下令喇,一於堅守唔準再出去打喇。 Cao Cao then ordered that they must hold their ground and not go out to fight again.

真係識英雄重英雄啊,馬超返到去渭口見到韓遂就話嘞: really knows heroes and重 heroes| Truly recognizing a hero among heroes, when Ma Chao returned to Weikou and saw Han Sui, he said:

我同咁多猛將打過,冇邊個打得有許褚咁狼嘅,叫佢虎癡呀,冇錯! |||no mistake I have fought with so many fierce generals, and none of them fought as fiercely as Xu Chu. They call him the Tiger Madman, and that's right!

而家講下曹操,佢估計呢係可以用計嚟打敗馬超,就命令徐晃、朱靈,率領一支軍隊,秘密噉渡過河西扎營,準備前後夾攻馬超。 |||Zhu Ling||| Now let's talk about Cao Cao. He estimated that he could use strategy to defeat Ma Chao, so he ordered Xu Huang and Zhu Ling to lead an army to secretly cross the river and set up camp, preparing to launch a pincer attack on Ma Chao.

有一日,曹操喺土城上便見到馬超帶住幾百名馬軍,一直逼近到營寨前便就跑嚟跑去好似飛噉。 one day|| One day, Cao Cao saw Ma Chao leading several hundred cavalry approaching the camp, running back and forth as if flying.

曹操睇咗好耐,突然間一手除咗頂頭盔,咣聲掉落地,佢話: Cao Cao watched for a long time, and suddenly he took off his helmet with one hand, and it fell to the ground with a clang. He said:

馬仔唔死,我無葬身之地啊! If the horse boy doesn't die, I have no place to be buried!

夏侯淵聽到噉講唄激到呀肚都爆,佢大聲話喇: Xiahou Yuan was so furious upon hearing this that he felt like his stomach would burst, and he shouted:

我情願死喺呢處都要消滅馬賊! I would rather die here than let the bandits escape!

即刻就帶住本部軍兵千幾人,大開寨門一直追出去。 He immediately took his troops of over a thousand men and opened the camp gates to chase after them.

曹操想制止佢都嚟唔切嘞,又怕佢有咩冬瓜豆腐啊慌忙親自上馬,帶兵跟住去接應。 Cao Cao wanted to stop him but was too late, and fearing something might happen, he hurriedly mounted his horse and led his troops to support.

馬超見到曹軍嚟嘞,啱晒,就將前軍做後隊,後隊做先鋒,一字噉擺開陣勢。 |just right||| When Ma Chao saw the Cao army coming, he was delighted and rearranged his troops, placing the front army as the rear and the rear army as the vanguard, forming a line.

夏侯淵一嚟到,馬超迎上去就同佢交鋒。 As soon as Xiahou Yuan arrived, Ma Chao went up to confront him.

打得幾打,馬超隻眼確係厲害啊,喺亂軍之中,佢一擸就見到曹操,馬上掉低夏侯淵呀直取曹操。 how well he fights|||| They fought for a while, and Ma Chao's eye was indeed sharp; amidst the chaos of battle, he spotted Cao Cao with a single glance and immediately turned to pursue Cao Cao, leaving Xiahou Yuan behind.

曹操嚇到走都走唔切。 Cao Cao was so scared that he couldn't escape.

哎曹操噉樣一走,弊嘞,軍隊當堂亂龍。 |it's bad| Oh, with Cao Cao fleeing like that, it caused chaos in the army.

馬超正在追緊嘅時候,忽然得到報告話曹操啊,派咗一支軍隊,已經喺河西嗰便扎落營寨喇噉。 Just as Ma Chao was in pursuit, he suddenly received a report that Cao Cao had sent a troop that had already set up camp over in Hexi.

嗨呀,大吃一驚啦,又無心去追,急急收兵回營。 hi|was greatly surprised|| Hi, what a surprise! I didn't mean to chase, I hurriedly retreated back to the camp.

噉啊佢同韓遂商量話: So he discussed with Han Sui and said:

曹軍趁我哋冇防備,已經渡過河西嘞喎。 The Cao army has taken advantage of our unpreparedness and has already crossed the river.

而家我軍前後受敵,噉,如之奈何啊? |then| Now our army is under attack from both the front and the back, what should we do?

韓遂部下嘅將官李堪呢就建議話嘞: Li Kan, a general under Han Sui, suggested:

不如,割地求和,雙方各自收兵好過喇。 why not|cede land for peace| How about we negotiate peace by ceding land, and both sides withdraw their troops?

等捱過咗冬天,到出年春暖嘅時候再作打算啦。 Let's wait until we get through the winter, and then we can make plans in the warm spring next year.

韓遂話喇:係嘅,李堪嘅意見,係最好㗎,就照噉做啦。 |that's right||| Han Sui said: Yes, Li Kan's suggestion is the best, let's do it that way.

馬超一直都係猶豫不決,楊秋、侯選都勸佢求和。 |Yang Qiu| Ma Chao has always been indecisive, and Yang Qiu and Hou Xuan have been urging him to seek peace.

於是韓遂就下決心啦,即刻派楊秋做使者,去曹操營寨送信,講明割地求和個事。 So Han Sui made up his mind and immediately sent Yang Qiu as an envoy to Cao Cao's camp to deliver the message, clearly stating the matter of ceding land for peace.

噉曹操就話:你返去先,我聽日就會派人回報㗎喇。 then Cao Cao said|| Then Cao Cao said: You go back first, I will send someone to report tomorrow.

楊秋告辭走咗之後,賈詡入嚟見曹操話喇: After Yang Qiu took his leave, Jia Xu came in to see Cao Cao and said:

丞相你嘅主意點啊? Prime Minister, what is your idea?

噉先生你嘅意思又如何呢? Then what do you mean, sir?

兵不厭詐,丞相可以詐作答應佢先,然後用反間計,使到韓遂、馬超互相猜疑,噉一下就擊破佢啦。 All's fair in war; the Prime Minister can pretend to agree with him first, and then use a counter-espionage strategy to make Han Sui and Ma Chao suspect each other, and then strike them down.

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。 Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

天下嘅高見好多都係相同嘅。 Many of the great insights in the world are quite similar.

你講呢個計謀,我早就係噉諗喇。 Regarding this strategy you mentioned, I had already thought of it.

於是曹操派人送回信去,話,等我一步步噉退兵,將河西嘅地方還返畀你哋噉。 |said|| So Cao Cao sent someone to return a letter, saying that he would gradually withdraw his troops and return the area west of the river to you.

同時呢,曹操就下令搭好浮橋,做出個退兵嘅姿態。 At the same time, Cao Cao ordered the construction of a floating bridge to create the appearance of a troop withdrawal.

馬超收到曹操個覆信就同韓遂話: Ma Chao received Cao Cao's reply and said to Han Sui:

曹操雖然應承講和啊,不過佢呢個奸雄個心好難估,我哋如果唔作好準備就會吃佢嘅虧。 Although Cao Cao has promised to negotiate, his treacherous heart is hard to predict. If we do not prepare well, we will suffer losses.

我嘅意思係噉,我同叔父你輪流出動人馬。 what I mean is this| What I mean is this: you and I will take turns to mobilize our troops.

今日,叔父你去監視曹操,我就監視徐晃。 today|| Today, you will monitor Cao Cao, and I will monitor Xu Huang.

聽日,我監視曹操,叔父啊監視徐晃。 tomorrow|| Tomorrow, I will monitor Cao Cao, and you will monitor Xu Huang.

我哋分頭防備,因住佢使咩嘢詭計。 We will prepare separately, because we don't know what tricks he will use.

賢侄,你講得啱。 wise nephew| Nephew, you are right.

韓遂就依照馬超呢個辦法就做嘞。 Han Sui followed Ma Chao's method to do it.

呢件事,好快就畀曹操知道咗。 this matter| This matter was quickly known by Cao Cao.

曹操對賈詡話:我嘅計謀呀,可以成功喇呢趟。 Cao Cao said to Jia Xu: My plan can succeed this time.

噉究竟曹操有咩計謀呢?噉啊且聽下回分解。 So what schemes does Cao Cao have? Let's listen to the next part for the explanation.

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