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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 087


















































































































































































































































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今日講劉璋見馬超帶兵嚟到,威脅佢要立即投降,嚇到劉璋當堂暈咗喺地嚟。 Today, it is said that Liu Zhang saw Ma Chao leading his troops to threaten him to surrender immediately, which scared Liu Zhang so much that he fainted on the spot.

左右啲官員手忙腳亂救返醒佢。 The officials around him were in a panic trying to revive him.

劉璋話喇:啊,啊,哎我真係蠢咯,唉我都悔之無及咯,哎,不如開門投降,救返全城百姓罷啦。 |ah||||sigh|| Liu Zhang said: Ah, ah, oh I really am foolish, sigh I regret it too late, sigh, why not just open the gates and surrender to save the entire city’s people.

董和就勸佢話喇:主公呀,而家益州城內仲有三萬幾兵,錢財糧草足足可以支持一年,點解要投降呢? Dong He advised him: My lord, there are still over thirty thousand troops in Yizhou City, and the money and supplies can last for a whole year, why surrender?

哎,我父子喺西蜀三十多年,對老百姓冇做過咩嘢好事。 sigh|| Sigh, my father and I have been in Western Shu for over thirty years, and we haven't done anything good for the common people.

吖打咗三年仗,死傷咁多人,都係我嘅罪過啊,我個心,點得安樂吖。 |||my heart| After fighting for three years, so many people have died and been injured, it's all my fault. How can my heart find peace?

不如投降,等老百姓,唔使受苦好過咯。 It would be better to surrender, so that the common people won't have to suffer.

大家聽見劉璋噉講啊忍唔住都流起眼淚嚟。 When everyone heard Liu Zhang say this, they couldn't help but shed tears.

呢個時候,有個人行出嚟話喇:主公呢番說話正合天意呀。 At this moment, someone stepped forward and said: Your words are truly in accordance with the will of heaven.

大家一睇,原來講說話嘅係譙周。 Everyone looked and realized that the one speaking was Qiao Zhou.

譙周別字允南啊,佢啊素來識得睇天文嘅。 Qiao Zhou, whose courtesy name is Yun Nan, has always been knowledgeable about astronomy.

劉璋就問佢天意點啊噉。 Liu Zhang asked him what the will of heaven was.

譙周話:我晚上觀察過天象,見到群星聚集於蜀郡,其中有粒大星,光如明月,但係帝王之象啊。 Qiao Zhou said||||| Qiao Zhou replied: I observed the celestial phenomena at night and saw a cluster of stars in Shu County, among which there was a large star, shining like the bright moon, but it resembled the image of an emperor.

誒,誒噉點呢? hey|what about this Oh, what does that mean?

況且,喺一年之前,有一首童謠噉樣話: moreover|| Moreover, a year ago, there was a nursery rhyme that said:

若果吃新飯,須待先主來。 If you want to eat new rice, you must wait for the master to come.

呢個係預兆嚟啊,天道唔能夠逆㗎。 This is an omen, the way of heaven cannot be reversed.

嘿呀黃權同劉巴,聽譙周講啲噉嘢就嬲到不得了,當堂發起火嚟想殺咗佢。 Hey, Huang Quan and Liu Ba were so furious after hearing what Qiao Zhou said that they wanted to kill him on the spot.

劉璋就攔住佢哋,唔準佢哋亂嚟。 Liu Zhang stopped them, forbidding them from acting recklessly.

正喺度亂晒龍嘅時候,有報告嚟話嘞蜀郡太守許靖呀,已經擒墻出去投降喇噉。 at the time when everything was in chaos|| Just when things were in chaos, a report came in saying that the governor of Shu County, Xu Jing, had already surrendered.

唉,大勢已去咯,大勢已去咯! sigh|| Alas, the situation is lost, the situation is lost!

劉璋放聲大哭,𡃀𡃀聲噉喊住返住宅。 Liu Zhang cried out loud, sobbing as he returned home.

第日,啲人嚟報告話劉皇叔派佢嘅幕賓簡雍喺城外叫門。 the next day| The next day, people came to report that Liu Huangshu sent his aide Jian Yong to call at the city gate.

劉璋話開門接佢入嚟啦。 Liu Zhang said to open the door and let him in.

簡雍好得戚啊,坐喺架車處,左顧右盼神氣非常。 Jian Yong was very pleased, sitting in the carriage, looking around with great spirit.

突然間有個人,掹出把劍大聲噉喝佢話: Suddenly, a person pulled out a sword and loudly shouted at him:

小人得志旁若無人!你敢藐視我哋西蜀人係嘛? "You little man, so full of yourself! Do you dare to despise us people of West Shu?"

簡雍慌忙落車向佢行禮,請教佢嘅姓名。 Jian Yong hurriedly got off the carriage to bow to him and asked for his name.

原來呢個人係廣漢綿竹人,姓秦名宓,字子敕。 It turned out this person was from Guanghan Mianzhu, surname Qin, given name Mi, courtesy name Zichi.

簡雍話喇:哈哈,唔認得賢兄,請你原諒。 Kan Yong is speaking|haha|| Jian Yong said: "Haha, I didn't recognize you, my dear brother, please forgive me."

噉簡雍就同佢一齊入去見劉璋。 Then Jian Yong went in with him to see Liu Zhang.

講清楚劉備嘅為人,寬宏大量,一啲都冇傷害嘅意思。 |magnanimous| He explained Liu Bei's character, which was generous and magnanimous, with no intention of causing harm.

於是劉璋決心投降嘞,留簡雍喺度過夜,好好噉款待佢。 As a result, Liu Zhang decided to surrender, leaving Jian Yong to stay overnight and treating him well.

第日,劉璋親自捧住大印、證件,同簡雍坐埋一部車出城投降。 the next day||documents| The next day, Liu Zhang personally held the great seal and documents, and rode in a carriage with Jian Yong to surrender.

劉備啊出到營寨外便迎接。 When Liu Bei arrived outside the camp, he came to greet them.

劉備好激動啊,佢流住眼淚揸住劉璋隻手話: Liu Bei was very emotional, he was in tears holding Liu Zhang's hand and said:

唔係我不仁不義,乃係迫於時勢不得已先至噉做咋。 "It's not that I am unkind or unjust, but I was forced by circumstances to do this."

佢請劉璋入去中軍帳,交過咗大印同證件,然後呢,一拍噉騎住馬入城。 He invited Liu Zhang into the central army tent, handed over the great seal and documents, and then, with a clap, rode into the city.

劉備進入成都呀,啊,巴閉咯。 |ah| Liu Bei entered Chengdu, ah, how impressive.

老百姓點起晒燈燭,擺起香花夾道歡迎。 The common people lit all the candles and set up incense and flowers to welcome him.

噉劉備嚟到辦公大廳,升堂坐落,郡裏便所有嘅官員啊都喺大廳叩頭行禮,參拜劉備。 then Liu Bei arrived at the office hall|ascended the hall and took his seat||worshipped Liu Bei So Liu Bei arrived at the office hall, ascended the platform, and all the officials in the county bowed and paid their respects to Liu Bei.

哈,唯獨黃權同劉巴兩個呀閂埋屋企大門根本唔嚟噃。 ha| Ha, only Huang Quan and Liu Ba stayed at home and didn't come.

劉備手下啲將官個個都嬲啊,都話要去殺咗佢哋。 All of Liu Bei's generals were angry and said they wanted to kill them.

劉備慌忙傳令落去話:如果有人傷害呢兩個,就滅佢三族! Liu Bei hurriedly issued an order saying: If anyone harms these two, their entire family will be exterminated!

第日,劉備親自登門,請佢哋兩位出嚟做官。 the next day|| The next day, Liu Bei personally went to their door to invite them to come out and serve as officials.

噉佢兩個畀劉備呢種誠懇嘅態度感動咗,終歸應承出嚟做事嘞。 So the two of them were moved by Liu Bei's sincere attitude and eventually agreed to work for him.

過咗冇幾耐,孔明對劉備建議話: not long after| Not long after, Kongming suggested to Liu Bei:

主公,而家西川已經平定,唔應該有兩個主人啊。 lord|| My lord, now that the western region has been pacified, there shouldn't be two masters.

請主公你將劉璋送去荊州啦。 Please send Liu Zhang to Jingzhou.

噉呀,誒我剛剛得到蜀郡,一下就送劉璋去到咁遠,唔好嘅。 oh|||not good Well, I just got to Shu County, and now sending Liu Zhang so far away is not good.

主公,劉璋之所以喪失基業,皆因佢太過軟弱啫。 Your Majesty|| My lord, Liu Zhang lost his foundation because he was too weak.

主公你如果以婦人之仁,做事冇決斷呀,恐怕呢個地方,亦難住得長久㗎。 If you, my lord, act with the kindness of a woman and lack decisiveness, it is likely that this place will not be able to last long.

噉誒,好啦。 like that|okay Well, alright.

劉備接受咗孔明嘅意見,擇咗個日子,大排筵席同劉璋餞行。 Liu Bei accepted Kong Ming's advice, chose a date, and held a grand banquet to send Liu Zhang off.

請劉璋收拾好自己嘅財物,領振威將軍嘅大印,帶齊妻子兒女、奴僕,搬去南郡公安居住就即日起行。 |||servants| Please have Liu Zhang pack his belongings, take the Great Seal of General Zhenwei, and bring his wife, children, and servants to move to Gong'an in Nanjun starting today.

劉備啊接管咗西川,就冇經過朝廷嘅任命,自己噉就接受咗益州牧嘅職務嘞。 Liu Bei took over the western region without the court's appointment and accepted the position of Governor of Yizhou on his own.

對歸降過嚟嘅文武官員呢都重重賞賜,封佢哋官爵。 He rewarded the civil and military officials who surrendered heavily, granting them titles and ranks.

點封法呢?嚴顏做前將軍,法正做蜀郡太守,董和做長軍中郎將,許靖做左將軍長使,龐義做營中司馬,劉巴做左將軍,黃權做右將軍。 How is the sealing method||||||| How were they appointed? Yan Yan became the General, Fa Zheng became the Governor of Shu County, Dong He became the General of the Long Army, Xu Jing became the Left General's Chief, Pang Yi became the Army's Sima, Liu Ba became the Left General, and Huang Quan became the Right General.

其餘好似吳懿、費觀、彭羕、卓膺、李嚴、吳蘭、雷銅、李恢、張翼、秦宓、譙周、呂義,霍峻、鄧芝、楊洪、周群、費禕、費詩、孟達等總共六十幾人,全部都加以提拔任用。 |Fei Guan|Peng Xia|Zhuo Ying|Li Yan|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|Li Hui|Zhang Yi|Qin Mi|Qiao Zhou|Lu Yi|Huo Jun|Deng Zhi|Yang Hong|Zhou Qun|Fei Yi|Fei Shi|| Others like Wu Yi, Fei Guan, Peng Xia, Zhuo Ying, Li Yan, Wu Lan, Lei Tong, Li Hui, Zhang Yi, Qin Mi, Qiao Zhou, Lu Yi, Huo Jun, Deng Zhi, Yang Hong, Zhou Qun, Fei Yi, Fei Shi, and Meng Da, a total of over sixty people, were all promoted and appointed.

噉又封諸葛亮做軍師,關雲長做蕩寇將軍、漢壽亭侯,張飛做征虜將軍、新亭侯。 ||Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion||Marquis of Xinting He also appointed Zhuge Liang as the military advisor, Guan Yu as the General of Pacifying Bandits and Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion, and Zhang Fei as the General of Conquering Captives and Marquis of Xinting.

趙雲做鎮遠將軍,黃忠做征西將軍,魏延做揚武將軍,馬超做平西將軍。 Zhao Yun was made General of Zhenyuan, Huang Zhong was made General of Zhengxi, Wei Yan was made General of Yangwu, and Ma Chao was made General of Pingxi.

孫乾、簡雍、糜竺、糜芳、劉封、吳班、關平、周倉、廖化、馬良、馬謖、蔣琬、伊籍,及往日荊州、襄陽嗰一班文武官員個個都有升有賞。 Sun Qian|Jian Yong|Mi Zhu|Mi Fang|Liu Feng|Wu Ban|Guan Ping|Zhou Cang|Liao Hua|Ma Liang|Ma Shu|Jiang Wan|Yi Ji|| Sun Qian, Jian Yong, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, Liu Feng, Wu Ban, Guan Ping, Zhou Cang, Liao Hua, Ma Liang, Ma Su, Jiang Wan, Yi Ji, and all the civil and military officials from the past in Jingzhou and Xiangyang were all promoted and rewarded.

而且呢,仲派咗一名特使,帶住黃金五百斤、白銀一千斤、錢五千萬、蜀錦一千匹,送去荊州賞賜畀關雲長。 moreover|||||| Moreover, a special envoy was sent with 500 pounds of gold, 1,000 pounds of silver, 50 million coins, and 1,000 bolts of Shu brocade, to be sent to Jingzhou as a reward for Guan Yunchang.

至於其他嘅文武官員,都按照等級給予不同嘅賞賜。 As for the other civil and military officials, they were given different rewards according to their ranks.

又殺牛劏馬,舉行盛大嘅勞軍盛會,同時又開倉賑濟百姓。 They also slaughtered cattle and horses to hold a grand military celebration, while simultaneously opening the granaries to provide relief to the people.

噉一嚟呀,軍民個個都心情歡暢啊更加擁護劉備嘞。 As a result, both the military and the civilians were in high spirits and supported Liu Bei even more.

當時劉備本來想將成都嗰啲好嘅有名嘅田宅地產啊,要嚟賞賜畀啲有功嘅官員嘅。 At that time, Liu Bei originally wanted to reward the officials who had made contributions with the good and famous estates in Chengdu.

趙雲就勸佢話喇:主公,益州人民經歷過多次兵災,田宅都荒廢嘞。 |lord|| Zhao Yun advised him, saying: "My lord, the people of Yizhou have experienced multiple wars and disasters, and the estates are now abandoned.

當前,正應該歸還畀百姓等佢哋安居樂業,噉民眾先至心服㗎。 currently|| Currently, it is appropriate to return them to the common people so they can live and work in peace; only then will the people be truly loyal.

如果夾硬將啲田宅充咗公,攞嚟賞賜畀啲功臣就唔適宜喇。 If we forcibly take these estates for public use and reward the meritorious officials, it would not be appropriate.

啊!趙雲就諗得到啊! Ah! Zhao Yun can think of that!

作為一個軍人,有噉樣嘅愛民嘅見解就更加難得喇你哋話係咪呢? As a soldier, having such a perspective on loving the people is even rarer, don't you think?

噉啊劉備好高興噉接受咗佢嘅意見。 So Liu Bei happily accepted his advice.

同時啊,仲叫諸葛軍師制定治國條例,條例議咗出嚟之後,刑法呢就幾重嘅。 at the same time||| At the same time, he also asked Zhuge Liang to formulate national governance regulations, and after the regulations were proposed, the penalties were quite severe.

法正啊同孔明話喇:從前,高祖攻下咗秦國嘅首都咸陽之後,同民眾約法三章,將秦國其餘嘅苛刻法例都廢除晒,噉啲黎民百姓都對高祖感恩戴德。 |in the past|||| Fa Zheng said to Kong Ming: In the past, after Gao Zu conquered the capital of the Qin state, Xianyang, he made a pact with the people to establish three laws and abolished all the other harsh laws of the Qin state, so the common people were very grateful to Gao Zu.

所以,好希望軍師寬刑省法,令到民眾滿意啊。 so|| So, I really hope the strategist can relax the laws to satisfy the people.

孔明話喇:先生,你只知其一不知其二啊。 |sir| Kongming said: Sir, you only know one side and not the other.

當初,秦朝以法治國非常暴虐,搞到百姓怨聲載道。 at first|| At first, the Qin Dynasty ruled the country with harsh laws, causing the people to complain.

故此,高祖用仁政得民心,但現在劉璋就不同了 therefore|| Therefore, Gaozu used benevolent governance to win the hearts of the people, but now Liu Zhang is different.

但係而家劉璋呢就唔同嘞喎,劉璋太過軟弱。 But now Liu Zhang is different; Liu Zhang is too weak.

佢統治西川咁多年,做唔出好嘅成績。 He has ruled Xichuan for so many years, but has not achieved good results.

法紀鬆弛搞到君臣之道漸漸都唔能夠維持,上下都不思振作。 The relaxation of laws and discipline has led to the gradual inability to maintain the relationship between ruler and subjects, and both upper and lower levels have lost the motivation to improve.

對下屬一味用官爵地位,用種種好處嚟籠絡人心,唔得嘅。 ||is not acceptable Using official titles and various benefits to win over subordinates is not effective.

當地位好處一下唔能夠滿足佢哋,佢哋就變心嘞。 When their status and benefits can no longer satisfy them, they will turn against you.

所以劉璋終歸弊病叢生,搞到失敗,原因就喺呢處嚟。 Therefore, Liu Zhang ultimately faced numerous problems, leading to failure, and the reason lies here.

我而家呢,實行嚴正嘅法律,使到大家有所畏懼。 Right now, I am implementing strict laws to instill fear in everyone.

有賞有罰,賞罰分明,大家就知道恩德。 there are rewards and punishments|rewards and punishments are clear| There are rewards and punishments, clear distinctions between them, so everyone understands kindness.

爵位要嚴加限制,一旦升官進爵,佢哋就覺得榮耀嘞。 Noble titles must be strictly limited; once they are promoted, they feel honored.

總之,恩榮並濟,上下有節,呢個就係治國之道喇。 in short||| In short, kindness and honor go hand in hand, with order between the upper and lower classes; this is the way to govern a country.

法正服晒孔明啊。 The law is just, and it serves all.

嗱大家話啦,孔明呢一套使得唔使得,係使得㗎。 Well, everyone says that Kongming's plan works, and it does.

自從實施孔明制定嘅法例之後呢,西川嘅軍民就十分安定,秩序照常,一啲都冇發生過變亂。 Since the implementation of the laws established by Kongming, the military and civilians in Xichuan have been very stable, and order has been maintained without any disturbances.

同時對四十一州嘅地區,都分兵去佔領駐扎就全部平定。 At the same time, troops were dispatched to occupy and stabilize all regions of the forty-one states.

呢啲呢,就唔多講喇。 these| These matters are not worth discussing further.

噉啊講下嗰位法正啊,佢係做咗蜀郡太守吖。 Now, let's talk about that legal official, he has become the governor of Shujun.

哈凡係平時邊個對佢有過啲多好處嘅,佢都報答返,噉呢點係好吖係嘛? Hafan usually repays anyone who has done him a lot of good, which is a good thing, right?

但係噉喎,凡係平時邊個對佢有過多少對唔住嘅呢,佢就嚟報復喇。 but you see|| But on the other hand, anyone who has wronged him, he will seek revenge.

嘿,真係唔覺意踩親下佢隻腳趾,佢都要兜返你一腳嘅,記性又好噃冇件漏嚹嘅。 hey||| Hey, if you accidentally step on his toe, he will definitely kick you back; he has a good memory and doesn't forget anything.

有啲人睇唔過眼,就走去講畀孔明知話:孝直個人太過份喇,應該話下佢至得啊。 Some people can't stand it and go tell Kongming: 'Xiao Zhi is too much, someone should talk to him about it.'

孔明話:從前,主公困守荊州,北便就怕曹操,東便就怕孫權,全靠孝直幫佢手先至有今日。 Zhuge Liang said|once upon a time|||| Kongming said: 'In the past, when the lord was trapped in Jingzhou, he feared Cao Cao to the north and Sun Quan to the east, and it was all thanks to Xiao Zhi's help that he has today.'

而家,孝直佢想順住自己嘅意思做啲嘢,又何必制止佢呢? now|| Now, if Xiaozhi wants to do things according to his own wishes, why should we stop him?

因此孔明啊並冇過問過法正嘅事。 Therefore, Kongming did not inquire about Fazheng's matters.

噉收尾法正聽講咯,對自己嘅所作所為亦有所收斂約束。 As a result, Fazheng has heard about it and has also restrained and limited his own actions.

有一日,劉備同孔明喺度傾緊閒計。 one day| One day, Liu Bei and Kongming were chatting.

關平奉佢父親關雲長嘅命令啊,喺荊州嚟到答謝劉備嘅賞賜。 Guan Ping, following the orders of his father Guan Yunchang, came to Jingzhou to thank Liu Bei for his rewards.

關平拜見咗佢大伯父呈上書信嘞佢話: Guan Ping visited his uncle and presented a letter to him, saying:

父親聽講馬超武藝過人,想嚟西川同佢比賽一下,分個高低,叫侄兒稟告伯父知道。 Father heard that Ma Chao is exceptionally skilled in martial arts and wants to come to Xichuan to compete with him to see who is better, so he asked his nephew to inform his uncle.

哎呀,如果雲長嚟西川同孟起比武,噉就會搞到勢不兩立嘞噃。 oh no|| Oh no, if Yun Chang comes to Xichuan to compete with Meng Qi, it will lead to a conflict.

孔明話喇:哈哈哈,唔要緊嘅,等我寫封信回覆佢啦。 |hahaha|| Kong Ming said: Haha, it's fine, let me write a letter to reply to him.

劉備真係怕關雲長性急,話嚟就嚟,嘿嚟到就難做咯。 |once he says he will come he comes| Liu Bei is really worried that Guan Yun Chang is too impatient, saying that if he comes, it will be difficult to handle.

佢叫孔明快啲寫好回信,交畀關平,打發佢盡快趕返去荊州。 He asked Kong Ming to quickly finish writing the reply and hand it to Guan Ping, urging him to hurry back to Jingzhou.

關平返到去,關雲長就問佢話嘞: When Guan Ping returned, Guan Yun Chang asked him:

我要入西川同馬超比武嘅事,你同大伯父講咗冇啊? Did you tell Uncle about my intention to go to Xichuan to duel with Ma Chao?

講咗喇,軍師有封信畀父親你啊。 already said| I told him, the strategist has a letter for your father.

關雲長接過信打開嚟睇,裡頭話:我聽講將軍要嚟同孟起比武,分個高低。 Guan Yun Chang took the letter and opened it to read, which said: I heard that the general is coming to duel with Meng Qi to determine the outcome.

我諗,孟起雖然係武藝高強啊,不過係一員猛將啫,佢可以同翼德並駕齊驅,奮勇爭先。 I think||||strive to be the first I think, although Meng Qi is highly skilled in martial arts, he is just a fierce general. He can compete with Yi De and strive to be the best.

但係佢點都及唔上美髯公你嘅絕倫超群嘅。 But he can never compare to your unparalleled excellence, beautiful bearded man.

現時將軍受主公嘅委託,守衛荊州,責任不可謂不重啊。 Currently, the general is entrusted by the lord to guard Jingzhou, and the responsibility cannot be said to be light.

倘若一入西川,萬一荊州有失,罪過就大咯,請將軍考慮。 If we enter Xichuan and something happens to Jingzhou, the consequences will be severe, so please consider it, general.

關雲長看完信,劣下劣下把長鬍子 Guan Yunchang finished reading the letter and stroked his long beard.

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,孔明真係了解我啊。 Hahahahaha| Hahaha, Kongming really understands me.

佢仲將封信畀佢啲賓客睇,噉樣呢,就打消咗入西川嘅意思嘞。 He even showed the letter to his guests, which effectively eliminated the intention to enter Xichuan.

而家講返下東吳孫權啊。 Now let's talk about Sun Quan of Eastern Wu.

孫權知道咗劉備已經併吞咗西川,將劉璋趕咗去公安住,就搵張昭同顧雍嚟商量喇,佢話: Sun Quan learned that Liu Bei had already annexed Xichuan and had driven Liu Zhang to live in Gong'an, so he called Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong to discuss.

哼!當初劉備借我荊州嘅時候,講過話攞咗西川就還荊州畀我。 hum|| Hmph! When Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou from me, he promised that once he took Xichuan, he would return Jingzhou to me.

而家佢已經得咗西川四十一州嘞,我哋就應該問佢攞返荊州各郡咯喎。 Now he has already taken the forty-one states of Xichuan, so we should ask him to return the various counties of Jingzhou.

如果佢唔肯還,就要起兵打佢㗎喇。 If he is unwilling to return them, we will have to raise an army to fight him.

張昭話喇:主公啊,我哋東吳而家啱啱至得到安寧就不宜動兵喇。 Zhang Zhao said: My lord, our Eastern Wu has just achieved peace, so it is not advisable to go to war.

我有一條計策,可以使到劉備將荊州雙手送還畀主公嘅。 I have a strategy that can make Liu Bei willingly return Jingzhou to you.

哦?點呢? oh| Oh? How?

劉備所依靠嘅係諸葛亮啫嘛,而家佢嘅大哥諸葛瑾啊就喺我哋東吳做官啦。 What Liu Bei relies on is Zhuge Liang, and now his elder brother Zhuge Jin is an official in our Eastern Wu.

我哋就將諸葛瑾嘅一家老少拘留起嚟,叫諸葛瑾去西川見諸葛亮,要佢勸劉備交還荊州。 We will detain Zhuge Jin's entire family and ask Zhuge Jin to go to Xichuan to see Zhuge Liang, urging him to persuade Liu Bei to return Jingzhou.

話如果唔還呢,就連累我一家老少㗎喇噉。 If he doesn't return it, it will implicate my entire family.

諸葛亮念在同胞手足嘅情分,必定會應承嘅。 Zhuge Liang, considering the bond of brotherhood, will definitely agree.

你說噉好唔好吖?主公。 |lord What do you think about this, my lord?

好就好啊,之諸葛瑾係個誠實君子,我又點忍心拘留佢嘅家人呢? it's good if it's good|| It's good, it's good. Zhuge Jin is an honest gentleman, how can I bear to detain his family?

噉好易做啫,話明佢聽不過係計策唧,又唔係真正捉起嚟坐監嘅噉佢就放心啦嘛。 that's easy to do|| It's easy to do, just tell him it's a strategy and not really to imprison him, then he will feel at ease.

孫權就聽張昭噉話,叫咗諸葛瑾一家老少嚟,收埋喺自己嘅府內。 Sun Quan listened to Zhang Zhao and called Zhuge Jin's whole family to stay in his residence.

然後寫咗封信交畀諸葛瑾,叫佢帶去西川。 Then he wrote a letter to Zhuge Jin, asking him to take it to Xichuan.

諸葛瑾長途跋涉,去到成都,首先啊使個人去報告劉備。 Zhuge Jin traveled a long distance and when he arrived in Chengdu, the first thing he did was send someone to report to Liu Bei.

劉備就問孔明喇:令兄咁遠嚟到,係咩嘢事啊? Liu Bei asked Kong Ming: Your brother came all the way here, what is the matter?

哦,嚟攞荊州啫。 oh| Oh, just came to take Jingzhou.

噉點樣回覆佢好呢? How should I reply to him?

主公,你如此如此啦,噉就得㗎喇。 lord|| My lord, you should do this and that, and that will be enough.

商量好之後,孔明就出去城外迎接諸葛瑾。 after they discussed and agreed| After discussing, Kong Ming went outside the city to welcome Zhuge Jin.

接到之後呢,唔返去自己嘅住宅,而係直頭送到賓館,見過禮,諸葛瑾就放聲大哭。 after receiving the call|||after exchanging greetings| After receiving it, instead of returning to his own residence, he was sent directly to the hotel. After the formalities, Zhuge Jin burst into tears.

孔明話喇:兄長你有事即管講啦,點解要喊得咁淒涼呢? Kongming said: Brother, if you have something to say, just say it. Why are you crying so sorrowfully?

唉我一家老小,呢趟呀冇命咯。 Alas, my whole family, this time, we are doomed.

啊我知道嘞,實係為咗唔還荊州嘅事係唔係呢? Ah, I know, it's really about not returning Jingzhou, isn't it?

哎為咗小弟嘅緣故連累兄長嘅一家大細,小弟個心好不安啊。 Sigh, because of my younger brother, it has implicated your whole family. My heart is very uneasy.

兄長你不必憂慮嘅,小弟自然有辦法歸還荊州就係嘞。 Brother, you don't need to worry, I will naturally find a way to return Jingzhou.

諸葛瑾啊當堂歡喜返,即刻同孔明一齊去見劉備,呈上孫權嘅書信。 Zhuge Jin was overjoyed and immediately went with Kongming to see Liu Bei, presenting Sun Quan's letter.

劉備睇完信就嬲起上嚟話: After Liu Bei read the letter, he became furious and said:

孫權將個妹嫁咗畀我,又趁我唔喺荊州嘅時候,偷偷地接返個妹扯真係情理難容啊。 Sun Quan married his sister to me, and while I was away from Jingzhou, he secretly took her back, which is really unreasonable.

我正係要出動大軍殺去江南,嚟出我呢啖氣呢,佢仲想嚟攞返荊州添呀。 I was just about to mobilize a large army to march to Jiangnan to vent my anger, and he still wants to take back Jingzhou!

孔明喊住跪喺地下嚟話喇: Kong Ming cried while kneeling on the ground and said:

吳侯拉咗我兄長一家老小去坐監,如果唔還返荊州,我兄長就會全家被斬㗎喇。 The Wu Lord has taken my brother's whole family to prison, and if Jingzhou is not returned, my brother's entire family will be executed.

兄長一死,我又點能偷生人世吖? If my brother dies, how can I survive in this world?

希望主公睇在我嘅份上,將荊州還畀東吳,顧全我兄弟之情啦。 I hope the Lord will consider my situation and return Jingzhou to Eastern Wu, for the sake of our brotherly bond.

劉備硬係唔肯應承。 Liu Bei stubbornly refused to agree.

孔明一味喊住噉猛咁𠼮,𠼮得多喇,劉備慢條斯理噉話: |die a lot| Kong Ming kept shouting loudly, and after a while, Liu Bei said slowly:

既然噉樣,睇在軍師面上分一半荊州嚟還啦。 since it is like this| Since that's the case, for the sake of the strategist, let's return half of Jingzhou.

誒將長沙、零陵、桂陽三個郡還畀佢喇。 |Lingling| Let's return the three counties of Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang to him.

孔明話:噉啊真係多得主公咯。 Kong Ming said: "Wow, that's really generous of you, my lord."

請主公寫封信畀雲長,叫佢交割三個郡啦。 Please write a letter to Yun Chang, asking him to hand over the three counties.

劉備話:可以嘅。 Liu Bei said: That's fine.

子瑜你去到荊州,對我二弟要好好講至得。 Ziyu, when you get to Jingzhou, you must speak well to my second brother.

事關我二弟性如烈火,我都怕佢幾分㗎,你務必小心在意至好啊! Because my second brother has a fiery temperament, I am also a bit afraid of him, so you must be very careful!

諸葛瑾攞到封信,辭別咗劉備、孔明就起程趕路直去荊州。 Zhuge Jin received the letter, bid farewell to Liu Bei and Kongming, and set off directly to Jingzhou.

到埗嘞,關雲長請佢入去中堂。 arrived| Upon arrival, Guan Yunchang invited him into the main hall.

賓主彼此見過禮,諸葛瑾攞出劉備封信交畀關雲長嘞佢話: The host and guest exchanged pleasantries, and Zhuge Jin took out Liu Bei's letter and handed it to Guan Yun Chang, saying:

關將軍,皇叔應承將三個郡歸還畀東吳先,請將軍即日交割,等我好返去見吳侯啦。 General Kwan||| "General Guan, the Emperor's uncle has promised to return the three counties to Eastern Wu first, please hand them over today so that I can return to see Lord Wu."

關雲長霎時間變咗面色:我同我兄長桃園結義,發誓要共同匡扶漢室。 Guan Yun Chang's expression changed in an instant: "I have sworn an oath with my brother in the Peach Garden to jointly support the Han dynasty.

荊州,本來係大漢嘅疆土,點能夠立亂畀過人㗎?一尺一寸都唔得! Jingzhou||| Jingzhou was originally the territory of the Han, how can we allow it to be taken by others? Not even an inch or a foot!"

何況將在外,君命有所不受。 Moreover, when one is on the battlefield, one does not heed the orders of the ruler.

雖然兄長有信嚟,我就係唔還! Although my elder brother has sent a letter, I will not return!

關將軍呀,而家吳侯拉咗我一家老少去坐監,如果得唔返荊州,佢哋實會被殺㗎。 General Guan, right now the Marquis of Wu has imprisoned my entire family, and if we cannot return to Jingzhou, they will truly be killed.

希望將軍你憐憫下佢哋啦。 I hope you can show them some mercy, General.

呢啲無非係吳侯嘅詭計,點呃得過我吖? This is nothing but the Marquis of Wu's scheme, how could he deceive me?

哎呀,關將軍,你點解咁唔講情面㗎? oh no|General Kwan| Oh dear, General Guan, why are you being so unyielding?

關雲長撐噉拔出寶劍:唔好多講喇,我呢一把劍,係唔講情面嘅! Guan Yun Chang pulled out his treasured sword and said: "No need to say much, this sword of mine does not show mercy!"

關平喺旁邊做好做歹噉話:請父親唔好嬲請父親唔好嬲喇,如果唔係,軍師嘅面子過唔去啊。 Guan Ping, standing nearby, anxiously said: "Please don't be angry, father, please don't be angry! If not, the strategist will lose face!"

關雲長對諸葛瑾話喇:哼!唔係睇在軍師嘅面子,我就叫你唔返得東吳! |humph|| Guan Yun Chang said to Zhuge Jin: "Hmph! If it weren't for the strategist's face, I would have told you not to return to Eastern Wu!"

哎,搞到諸葛瑾滿面羞慚,周身唔好意思。 sigh|| Alas, this made Zhuge Jin feel embarrassed and uncomfortable all over.

急忙告辭就落船再次趕去西川搵孔明啦。 He hurriedly took his leave and boarded the boat to rush to West Shu to find Kong Ming.

哈點知去到嘅時候,孔明就已經出咗去視察地方。 When they arrived, Kongming had already gone out to inspect the area.

冇修吖,諸葛瑾就唯有再去求見劉備。 no improvement| Since there was no repair, Zhuge Jin had no choice but to seek an audience with Liu Bei again.

流住眼淚噉講畀劉備聽話關雲長呀爭啲要殺咗佢啊噉。 With tears streaming down, he told Liu Bei that Guan Yu was almost going to kill him.

劉備就話喇:係啊,我二弟性情好急㗎,極難同佢講說話㗎。 |yeah|| Liu Bei replied: Yes, my second brother has a very impatient temperament, it's extremely difficult to talk to him.

誒噉啦,子瑜你暫時返去先。 hey like this| Well then, Ziyu, you should go back for now.

等我攞到東川、漢中各個郡咯,噉啊調雲長去守嗰啲地方,到其時我就可以將荊州交割畀你嘞。 Wait until I take over Dongchuan and Hanzhong, then I'll send Guan Yu to guard those places, and by that time I can hand over Jingzhou to you.

諸葛瑾啊冇到辦法嘞,唯有死死地氣返去東吳將交涉嘅經過報告孫權。 Zhuge Jin has no other choice, he can only return to Eastern Wu and report the negotiations to Sun Quan.

孫權激到不得了喇,佢話子瑜你呢次去來回咁奔走,莫非又中咗諸葛亮嘅詭計? Sun Quan was extremely angry, he said, "Ziyu, did you run back and forth this time, only to fall for Zhuge Liang's trick again?"

唔係嘅,孔明亦都喊住噉𠼮求劉備啊,佢先至肯歸還三個郡先。 no|| It's not that, Kongming was also pleading with Liu Bei, only then would he agree to return the three counties.

收尾,係因為關雲長恃惡唔肯還嘅啫。 finishing| In the end, it was because Guan Yu was stubborn and refused to return.

好啦,既然劉備講過話要歸還三個郡先嘅,我哋直情委派官員去長沙、零陵、桂陽三個郡上任,即管睇下佢點啦! alright|||Lingling|| Alright, since Liu Bei has said that he will return the three counties first, we will directly appoint officials to take office in Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang, and see how he handles it!

係啊係啊,主公你噉樣講啊冇錯嘞。 yes yes| Yes, yes, what you said is correct, my lord.

孫權叫諸葛瑾接返佢嘅家人返屋企。 Sun Quan asked Zhuge Jin to bring his family back home.

同時呢,委派咗官員,真係去三個郡上任嘞噃。 At the same time, officials were indeed appointed to take office in the three counties.

過咗一段時間,委派去三個郡上任嘅官員冚𠾴唥畀人趕扯,趯返嚟報告孫權話: After a while, the officials appointed to the three counties were driven back and reported to Sun Quan saying:

關雲長唔承認我哋啊,即刻就將我哋趕走,話走遲啲都要殺喎。 Guan Yunchang doesn't acknowledge us, and immediately drives us away, saying that if we leave late, we will be killed.

嘿!激到孫權肚都爆,噉啊派人去叫魯肅嚟責罵佢: Hey! This made Sun Quan so angry that he could explode, so he sent someone to call Lu Su to scold him:

子敬,你以前同劉備做擔保借我嘅荊州,而家劉備已經得咗西川咯,仲唔肯還返荊州畀我,子敬你點能夠坐視不理啊! Zijing|||| Zijing, you used to guarantee the loan of Jingzhou for me with Liu Bei, and now Liu Bei has already taken Xichuan, yet he still refuses to return Jingzhou to me. How can you just sit by and do nothing, Zijing!

我已經諗掂咗一條計,正係想稟告主公啊。 I have already thought of a plan, and I want to report it to the lord.

咩嘢計吖? What plan is it?

我哋嘅兵馬而家駐扎喺陸口,誒,派人去請關雲長嚟赴宴。 |eh| Our troops are currently stationed at the land entrance, uh, send someone to invite Guan Yu to the banquet.

如果佢肯嚟,我就好言好語噉同佢講,要佢歸還荊州。 If he is willing to come, I will speak to him kindly and ask him to return Jingzhou.

如果唔肯呢,就埋伏定刀斧手殺咗佢。 If he refuses, we will ambush him with assassins and kill him.

倘若佢唔肯嚟赴宴,噉我哋立即進兵,同佢決個勝負,搶返荊州返嚟就係嘞。 If he does not come to the banquet, we will immediately advance our troops and settle the score with him, and take back Jingzhou.

嗯,你噉諗就合晒我意思喇,立即進行啦! hmm|| Hmm, your thoughts align perfectly with mine, let's proceed immediately!

闡澤知道咗呢就去勸孫權嘞: Qianze knew this and went to persuade Sun Quan:

主公,關雲長乃係當代虎將,勇猛絕倫,唔係一般嘅人物。 Your Lord||| "My lord, Guan Yu is a contemporary tiger general, exceptionally brave and not an ordinary person.

如果稍有唔妥就反遭其害㗎喇,唔好噉做啊! If anything goes wrong, it will backfire on us, so don't do that!"

唔好唔好,如果唔係噉做呀幾時先至攞返荊州啊! no no| "No, no, if we don't do this, when will we ever take back Jingzhou?"

孫權唔聽勸,一於叫魯肅快啲依計行事。 Sun Quan did not listen to the advice and insisted on having Lu Su act according to the plan.

於是魯肅立即趕去陸口,叫埋呂蒙同甘寧嚟一齊商量過。 So Lu Su immediately rushed to Lukou and called for Lü Meng and Gan Ning to discuss together.

就決定喺陸口兵營外便嘅臨江亭上,大排筵席啊宴請關雲長。 They decided to hold a grand banquet at the Linjiang Pavilion outside the military camp in Lukou to invite Guan Yunchang.

魯肅寫好咗請帖就派人送去荊州。 Lu Su wrote the invitation and sent someone to deliver it to Jingzhou.

關雲長收到請帖,就應承咗嘞。 When Guan Yunchang received the invitation, he agreed.

使者走咗之後,關平話喇:魯肅請飲必定唔係好意啊,父親點解仲應承去呢? After the messenger left, Guan Ping said: "Lu Su's invitation to drink must not be with good intentions, why did father still agree to go?"

關雲長笑住話嘞:你估我唔知咩? Guan Yunchang smiled and said: Do you think I don't know?

必定係諸葛瑾返去報告孫權,話我唔肯交還三個郡,故此叫魯肅請我去陸口赴宴,嚟向我索取荊州。 It must be Zhuge Jin reporting back to Sun Quan, saying that I am unwilling to return the three counties, so he asked Lu Su to invite me to the banquet at Lukou, to demand Jingzhou from me.

我如果唔去,就會話我膽怯㗎喇。 If I don't go, they will say I am cowardly.

嗯,等我聽日,坐一隻小船,淨係帶十幾個親隨,單刀赴會,睇下魯肅又奈我乜嘢何! hmm||||attend the meeting alone| Hmm, let me take a small boat tomorrow, just bring a dozen close followers, and go to the meeting with just a single sword, to see what Lu Su can do to me!

父親你何必冒噉嘅險,以萬金之軀親自入去虎狼嘅巢穴呢? Father, why do you have to take such a risk, personally entering the den of tigers and wolves with your life worth a fortune?

噉樣做,恐怕大伯父知道咗亦唔會同意㗎。 doing it this way| If you do it this way, I'm afraid Uncle will find out and won't agree.

怕咩嘢呢!我喺千槍萬刃之中,矢石交加之際,匹馬縱橫如入無人之境,使乜怕江東呢一群鼠輩啊! what's there to be afraid of|||| What is there to be afraid of! In the midst of a thousand arrows and blades, charging through like entering a no-man's land, why should I fear this group of rats from Jiangdong!

馬良亦都勸佢話喇:關將軍,魯肅呢個人,平常睇佢雖然係個忠厚長者啊。 Ma Liang also advised him: General Guan, although Lu Su usually appears to be a loyal and honest elder.

不過而家事情緊急,亦唔到佢唔變心㗎,關將軍唔好隨便去啊。 However, the situation is urgent now, and he might not remain steadfast, so General Guan, please don't act rashly.

關雲長話: Guan Yunchang said:

戰國嘅時候,趙國嘅藺相如手無搏雞之力,但係佢喺澠池會上,面對不可一世嘅秦國君臣,簡直當佢哋唔係嘢。 During the Warring States period, Lin Xiangru of Zhao had no strength to fight a chicken, but at the meeting at Mianchi, he faced the invincible Qin rulers and treated them as if they were nothing.

何況我呢個學過兵法嘅軍人呢? Moreover, what about me, a soldier who has studied military strategy?

既然我已經應承咗,就唔能夠失信嘞。 Since I have already made a promise, I cannot break my word.

馬良話喇:就算將軍去嘞,亦應該有所準備至好。 Ma Leung said|| Ma Liang said: Even if the general goes, he should be well prepared.

我自有分數! I have my own plans!

關平。 Kwan Ping Guan Ping.

父親。 father Father.

你準備快船十隻,上便裝載五百名精壯水軍,要隱蔽好,喺江上等候。 Prepare ten fast boats, load five hundred strong sailors, and keep it well hidden, waiting on the river.

睇住我嘅認旗一升起,就過江嚟接應。 When you see my signal flag raised, come over the river to assist.

孩兒遵命! The child obeys!

關平接受咗命令就立即去準備嘞。 Guan Ping accepted the order and immediately went to prepare.

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