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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 094



















































































































































































































































































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話說孔明用激將法啊,話老將黃忠啊未必勝得過夏侯淵噉,黃忠就唔服氣啊。 It is said that Kongming used provocation, saying that the old general Huang Zhong might not be able to defeat Xiahou Yuan, which made Huang Zhong unhappy.

佢話:古時候,廉頗將軍已經八十歲,仲可以食一斗米、十斤肉。 |in ancient times|||ten jin of meat He said: In ancient times, General Lian Po was already eighty years old and could still eat a dou of rice and ten jin of meat.

各國諸侯,睇見佢咁英勇個個都怕晒佢,唔敢嚟侵犯趙國嘅境界。 All the lords of various states were afraid of him because of his bravery and did not dare to invade the territory of Zhao.

何況我黃忠,今日都未到七十歲呢! Moreover, I, Huang Zhong, am not yet seventy years old today!

軍師話我老係嘛?好!我而家唔用副將,只係帶本部三千人馬,立斬夏侯淵首級,獻於軍師麾下! |good|||| The military advisor says I am old? Fine! I will not use a deputy general now, I will only take my three thousand troops and personally behead Xiahou Yuan, presenting his head to the military advisor!

孔明唔肯應承。 Kong Ming was unwilling to agree.

黃忠就再三再四要求去。 Huang Zhong repeatedly requested to go.

收尾孔明就話:既然老將軍一定要去咯,噉好啦,我派法正嚟協助你。 Zhuge Liang said at the end||then that's fine| In the end, Kong Ming said: Since the old general insists on going, then fine, I will send Fa Zheng to assist you.

凡事你哋都要商量好先至做吓,我隨後調撥人馬嚟接應你。 You all need to discuss everything thoroughly before proceeding, I will later dispatch troops to support you.

黃忠昂昂然接受咗任務,同埋法正率領本部兵馬出發嘞。 Huang Zhong proudly accepted the mission and set off with Fa Zheng leading the troops.

黃忠走咗之後,孔明啊同劉備話: After Huang Zhong left, Kong Ming said to Liu Bei:

哈哈哈,呢位老將軍,你唔用說話嚟激佢,佢雖然肯去啊亦唔能夠成功㗎,哈哈哈。 hahaha||||hahaha Hahaha, this old general, you don't need to provoke him with words. Even if he is willing to go, he won't be able to succeed, hahaha.

而家佢去咗喇,我哋就要撥人馬去接應佢至得。 Now that he has gone, we need to send troops to support him.

冇錯冇錯,軍師你嘅激將法使得啊! that's right that's right| That's right, that's right, your strategy of provoking him worked, military advisor!

跟住孔明就吩咐趙雲,帶一支人馬,由小路出奇兵去接應黃忠。 Then Kong Ming instructed Zhao Yun to take a troop and use a small path to launch a surprise attack to support Huang Zhong.

黃忠如果得勝呢,就不必出戰;如果黃忠打敗嘞,就立即去支援佢。 If Huang Zhong wins, there will be no need to fight; if Huang Zhong is defeated, then immediately go to support him.

另外啊,又派劉封同孟達,帶三千兵馬,喺啲山嶺險要嘅地方,插多啲旗幟作為疑兵。 additionally|||| Additionally, Liu Feng and Meng Da were sent with three thousand troops to set up more flags in the mountainous and dangerous areas as a decoy.

一來,壯下自己嘅聲威,二來就嚇下敵人。 This serves to both bolster their own prestige and intimidate the enemy.

噉趙雲佢哋呢就各自帶兵去。 Thus, Zhao Yun and the others each led their troops.

然後,孔明又派人去下辨,將計策講畀馬超聽,吩咐佢噉做噉做噉做。 then||| Then, Kong Ming sent someone to Xian to explain the strategy to Ma Chao, instructing him to do this and that.

又派嚴顏去巴西閬中鎮守關隘,替張飛同魏延返嚟一齊去攻打漢中。 Yuan Yan was sent to guard the pass in the town of Baxi, to join Zhang Fei and Wei Yan in attacking Hanzhong.

噉呢處呢,就暫時放落唔講佢住。 so this place| For now, let's temporarily set this aside.

而家先講下張郃同夏侯尚啊,佢哋失咗天蕩山就逃跑去定軍山見夏侯淵。 Now let's talk about Zhang He and Xiahou Shang, who fled to Dingjun Mountain to meet Xiahou Yuan after losing at Tiandang Mountain.

將情況向佢報告咗,話聽聞劉備啊親自帶兵嚟,要嚟奪取漢中。 They reported the situation, saying they heard that Liu Bei was personally leading troops to seize Hanzhong.

快啲去稟奏魏王,請佢早日派精兵猛將嚟接應啦噉。 Quickly go and report to King Wei, asking him to send elite soldiers and generals to support us soon.

夏侯淵就派人去漢中報告曹洪。 Xiahou Yuan sent someone to report to Cao Hong in Hanzhong.

曹洪立即日夜趕路,返去許昌當面稟告曹操。 Cao Hong immediately traveled day and night to return to Xuchang to report to Cao Cao in person.

嘩,噉就嚇驚曹操喇。 wow| Wow, this really shocked Cao Cao.

佢喇喇聲召集文武官員,商量出兵去救漢中嘞噃。 He quickly summoned civil and military officials to discuss sending troops to rescue Hanzhong.

長史劉曄建議話:漢中如果失手,就會中原震動咯。大王要不辭勞苦,親自帶兵去至好啊。 The Chancellor Liu Ye suggested: If Hanzhong falls, it will shake the Central Plains. Your Majesty should not spare any effort and personally lead the troops.

曹操就話喇:唉,我好悔恨當時唔聽你講,至有搞到今日噉樣啊。 |sigh|| Cao Cao said: Alas, I really regret not listening to you back then, which has led to today’s situation.

好喇,後悔都冇用咯,曹操連忙下令,起兵四十萬親征。 alright||| Well, regretting is useless now, Cao Cao quickly ordered to mobilize 400,000 troops for a personal expedition.

當時係建安二十三年七月。 At that time, it was July of the 23rd year of Jian'an.

曹操兵分三路進發:前部先鋒夏侯惇,曹操自己啊統率中軍,由曹休押後。 Cao Cao's troops were divided into three routes: the vanguard led by Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao himself commanding the central army, and Cao Xiu bringing up the rear.

噉啊前中後三軍陸續起行。 Thus, the front, middle, and rear armies set off one after another.

曹操而家做咗魏王嘅嘞喎,王爺出征就唔同舊時喇,啊所謂今時唔同往日啊一個酸梅兩個核啊。 Cao Cao has now become the King of Wei, and when the prince goes to battle, it's different from the old days; as they say, today's different from yesterday, one sour plum and two pits.

只見佢玉帶錦衣,騎金鞍白馬,一隊武士手執大紅羅銷金傘蓋,左右啊金瓜銀鉞,鐙棒戈矛,打起日月龍鳳旌旗,呢啲係儀仗隊嚟吓。 You can see him in a jade belt and brocade robes, riding a golden saddle on a white horse, with a group of warriors holding a large red silk umbrella, flanked by golden gourd and silver halberds, and various weapons like clubs and spears, raising the banners of the sun, moon, dragons, and phoenixes; this is the ceremonial guard.

另外呢,護駕龍虎官軍二萬五千名,分為五隊,每隊五千人,分為青、黃、赤、白、黑噉五色。 in addition|||||yellow|red|white| In addition, there are 25,000 imperial guards divided into five teams, each with 5,000 men, categorized by the five colors: blue, yellow, red, white, and black.

旗幡甲馬都係按照五色分開嘅,嘩,真係光輝燦爛,極其雄壯啊! |wow|| The flags, armor, and horses are all separated by these five colors; wow, it's truly brilliant and extremely majestic!

睇佢出兵呀就好睇過出會喇。 Watching him go to battle is even more impressive than attending a meeting.

當大軍出咗潼關,即係喺今日陝西省潼關縣嘅境內。 When the army came out of Tongguan, it was in today's Tongguan County, Shaanxi Province.

呢個地方呢,係陝西、山西、河南三省嘅交通要沖。 ||Shanxi| This place is a transportation hub for the three provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan.

曹操望見前便一簇樹林,極其茂盛,噉就問佢啲近身侍從嘞:呢度係邊處嚟啊? Cao Cao saw a cluster of trees ahead, very lush, and asked his close attendants: Where is this place?

稟告大王,嗰度係藍田啊。 Reporting to the king, that is Lantian.

啲樹林裏便係蔡邕嘅住宅,而家蔡邕個女蔡琰同佢丈夫董祀喺度住啊。 Inside the forest is Cai Yong's residence, and now Cai Yong's daughter Cai Yan and her husband Dong Si are living there.

藍田呢,就喺陝西省渭河平原嘅南邊嚟。 Lantian is located in the southern part of the Weihe Plain in Shaanxi Province.

曹操素來同蔡邕係好朋友。 Cao Cao has always been good friends with Cai Yong.

蔡邕有個女叫做蔡琰,字文姬,就蔡文姬,嫁畀衛仲道做老婆嘅。 Cai Yong has a daughter named Cai Yan, styled Wenji, who is also known as Cai Wenji, and she married Wei Zhongdao.

噉啊收尾呢,畀北方匈奴擄咗去噃,就同左賢王結咗婚,生咗兩個仔。 so how did it end||| Later, she was captured by the Northern Xiongnu and married the Xiongnu king, giving birth to two sons.

佢啊寫咗長詩胡笳十八拍,傳下傳下傳入中原,傳到曹操嗰處。 She wrote a long poem called 'The Hu Jia Eighteen Beats', which was passed down and reached the Central Plains, eventually reaching Cao Cao.

曹操非常憐憫佢嘅遭遇,就派人帶住金銀去北方贖佢返嚟。 Cao Cao felt very sympathetic towards her situation, so he sent someone with gold and silver to the north to redeem her.

左賢王因為害怕曹操嘅強大勢力,卒之就送蔡文姬返去漢邦。 King Zuo Xian, fearing Cao Cao's powerful influence, eventually sent Cai Wenji back to the Han state.

曹操呢,又親自主持,將蔡文姬許配畀董祀做老婆。 Cao Cao personally presided over the matter and arranged for Cai Wenji to be married to Dong Si.

噉呢段故事呢,大戲都有得做㗎喇就叫做文姬歸漢。亦有出話劇叫做蔡文姬,故事亦都大同小異咯。 This story has been adapted into a big play called 'Wen Ji Returns to Han.' There is also a drama called 'Cai Wen Ji,' and the stories are quite similar.

噉啊當日曹操嘅人馬經過蔡家莊啊,佢諗起蔡邕嘅往事,就想見下佢個女。 On that day, when Cao Cao's troops passed by Cai's village, he thought of Cai Yong's past and wanted to see his daughter.

就叫兵馬行先,佢只係帶住近身嘅侍從百零人,一齊騎馬嚟到蔡家莊。 then ordered the troops to march first|| He called for the cavalry to move first, and he only brought along about a hundred close attendants, riding together to Cai's family village.

當時董祀喺外便做官,只有蔡文姬喺屋企。 At that time, Dong Si was away serving as an official, and only Cai Wenji was at home.

文姬聽到曹操親自嚟到唄,連忙出嚟迎接啦,就請曹操入咗大廳,坐落行過禮,然後恭恭敬敬噉企喺曹操旁邊。 When Wenji heard that Cao Cao had personally arrived, she hurried out to greet him, invited Cao Cao into the main hall, performed the proper greetings, and then respectfully stood beside Cao Cao.

曹操無意中啊睇見牆壁上便,掛住一張碑文嘅條幅,就起身行埋去睇下。 Cao Cao inadvertently noticed a banner on the wall that had an inscription on it, so he got up to take a look.

順便問下蔡文姬呢幅碑文嘅來歷。 He also casually asked Cai Wenji about the origin of this inscription.

蔡文姬就一五一十噉講畀曹操聽。 Cai Wenji told Cao Cao everything in detail.

原來呢個係曹娥碑嘅碑文嚟。 It turns out this is the inscription of the Cao E Stele.

曹娥係個孝女。 Cao E is a filial daughter.

以前喺漢和帝在位嘅時候啊即係離開曹操而家睇見呢幅字百零年嘅時候啦,噉喺上虞呢笪地方有一個巫師,即係拜神公,叫做曹旴噃。 Back when Emperor Han He was in power, that is, after leaving Cao Cao, and now seeing this inscription over a hundred years later, in Shangyu, there was a shaman, that is, a deity worshipper, named Cao Chang.

佢係識跳神嘅。 He knew how to perform spirit dances.

有一年五月初五,佢飲醉咗酒,喺隻船處跳起舞嚟,點知嘣聲跌咗落水就浸死咗。 One year on the fifth day of the fifth month, he got drunk and started dancing on the boat, but unexpectedly fell into the water and drowned.

佢個女曹娥啊,當時只有十四歲。 His daughter, Cao E, was only fourteen at the time.

喺江邊呀好淒涼噉喊咗七日七夜,就跳咗落水,噉當然亦係浸死咗嘞。 She cried by the river for seven days and nights, then jumped into the water, and of course, she also drowned.

但係過咗五日之後呢,曹娥孭住父親嘅屍體浮出水面噃。 However, five days later, Cao E surfaced with her father's body.

噉佢啲街坊啊將佢葬咗喺江邊嚟。 So, the neighbors buried her by the river.

上虞嘅縣官將呢件事,稟奏畀朝廷知道,表彰曹娥係個孝女。 The county magistrate of Shangyu reported this matter to the court, praising Cao E as a filial daughter.

縣官仲叫一個讀書人叫做邯鄲淳啊,就作一篇文章,要刻個石碑嚟紀念呢件事。 The magistrate also called a scholar named Han Danchun to write an article, intending to carve a stone tablet to commemorate this event.

邯鄲淳嗰陣只有十三歲咋吓,真係個天才啊。 At that time, Han Danchun was only thirteen years old, truly a genius.

文不加點,一個字都唔使改嘅一揮而就。 He wrote it all in one go, without needing to change a single word.

於是就刻咗石碑,立喺墳墓旁邊,當時啲人呢都非常讚賞咯。 Thus, a stone tablet was carved and placed beside the grave, and the people at that time greatly admired it.

噉啊蔡文姬嘅父親蔡邕呀聽講呢件事,就特登去睇下。 So, Cai Wenji's father, Cai Yong, heard about this incident and specially went to take a look.

去到嘅時候呢已經天黑嘞,碑上面嘅字睇就睇唔見㗎嘞。 By the time he arrived, it was already dark, and the words on the stele were not visible.

蔡邕就用手摸啊,逐個逐個字噉摸啲碑文,哈噉佢全篇都讀咗一次。 Cai Yong used his hands to feel each character on the inscription, and he read through the entire text.

讀完呢,就攞咗筆墨,喺石碑背後寫咗八個大字。 After reading, he took a brush and ink and wrote eight large characters on the back of the stele.

噉啊收尾啲人呢,亦都將呢八個大字啊,刻埋喺碑上便。 Then, the people who were finishing up also carved these eight large characters onto the stele.

噉曹操聽蔡文姬講完喇,噉啊睇下碑文後便呢八個字係咩字呢噉。 So Cao Cao listened to Cai Wenji finish speaking, and then he looked at the inscription to see what these eight characters were.

呢八個字啊,就係,黃絹幼婦,外孫齏臼。 these eight characters|are|Huang Juan the young wife|grandson's mortar and pestle These eight characters are: "young wife in yellow silk, grandson's pestle and mortar."

咩叫齏臼啊?齏呢,就即係有辛辣味道嘅蔬菜好似蔥啊、蒜啊、薑啊、韭菜啊等等,臼就係舂坎啊。 What is a mortar and pestle|||||| What does pestle and mortar mean? Pestle refers to spicy vegetables like scallions, garlic, ginger, chives, etc., and mortar refers to the grinding tool.

噉曹操就問蔡文姬嘞:你知唔知道係咩嘢意思啊? So Cao Cao asked Cai Wenji: Do you know what this means?

文姬話:雖然呢啲係先父嘅遺筆,我都唔知道係咩嘢意思㗎。 Wenji replied: Although these are my late father's writings, I do not know what they mean.

曹操又問佢嗰班謀士喇:哈哈你哋知唔知啊? Cao Cao asked his group of strategists again: Haha, do you all know?

吖人人都話唔識喎。 Ah, everyone says they don't know.

有個人行出嚟話喇:我知佢意思。 Someone stepped forward and said: I know what he means.

曹操一睇,原來係主簿楊修。 Cao Cao looked and realized it was the chief clerk Yang Xiu.

啊,你唔好講出嚟住,等我自己諗下先。 ah|| Ah, don't say it out loud, let me think about it first.

曹操坐咗一陣,就同蔡文姬告辭,帶住大家離開蔡家莊。 Cao Cao sat for a while, then said goodbye to Cai Wenji and took everyone away from Cai's village.

佢哋上馬行咗三里路度啦,曹操一下諗到咯喎。 They rode for three miles, and then Cao Cao suddenly thought of something.

佢同楊修話喇:哈哈哈哈哈,嚟,你而家講出嚟聽下啦。 |hahaha|come| He said to Yang Xiu: Haha, come on, tell me what you think.

大王,呢啲不過係謎語噉嘅啫。 Your Majesty| My lord, these are just riddles.

黃絹係有顏色嘅絲,色字旁邊加個絲字,就係絕字啦。 Huang Juan is colored silk, and if you add the character for silk next to the character for color, it becomes the character for 'absolute'.

幼婦呢,少女吖嘛,女字旁邊一個笑字就係個妙字嘞。 A young woman, a girl, the character for woman next to the character for smile is the character for wonderful.

外孫係女嘅仔,女字邊一個子係個好字。 A grandson is the son of a daughter, the character for woman next to the character for son is the character for good.

至於齏臼,乃係承受五辛嘅器具,受字邊一個辛字係辤字。 As for the mortar and pestle, it is a tool for holding five spices, the character for receive next to the character for spice is the character for grind.

夾埋,就係絕妙好詞四個字喇大王。 together| Put together, it is the four characters for absolutely wonderful words, Your Majesty.

冇錯喇!我都係噉諗㗎,我都係噉諗㗎,哈哈哈哈哈哈。 that's right|||hahahahaha That's right! I think so too, I think so too, hahahahahahaha.

噉啊人人都猛讚楊修好嘢,話佢才學好啊,頭腦快捷啊。 Everyone is praising Yang Xiu, saying he is talented and quick-witted.

噉經過多日行軍,曹操嘅大軍就嚟到南鄭。 After several days of marching, Cao Cao's army arrived at Nanzheng.

曹洪迎接咗曹操入城就將張郃打敗仗嘅事向曹操報告咗。 Cao Hong welcomed Cao Cao into the city and reported the defeat of Zhang He.

曹操話:唉呢啲唔好怪張郃,勝敗乃兵家常事啊。 Cao Cao said: 'Ah, we shouldn't blame Zhang He; victory and defeat are common in military affairs.'

曹洪又話喇:而家劉備派黃忠攻打定軍山。 Cao Hong also said: 'Now Liu Bei has sent Huang Zhong to attack Dingjun Mountain.'

夏侯淵知道大王親自帶兵嚟,所以,一直喺度堅守,並冇出去交戰。 |so|| Xiahou Yuan knew that the king personally led the troops, so he kept defending and did not go out to fight.

若果唔出戰,即係話自己懦弱啊,噉唔得! If he doesn't go to battle, it means he is cowardly, and that won't do!

曹操要立即派人攞住符節去定軍山,命令夏侯淵進兵。 Cao Cao immediately sent someone with a command token to Dingjun Mountain, ordering Xiahou Yuan to advance.

劉曄就提醒佢話喇:夏侯將軍嘅性情,過於剛直,怕佢容易中敵人嘅奸計噃。 Liu Ye reminded him: General Xiahou's temperament is too straightforward, and he might easily fall for the enemy's schemes.

於是曹操另外再親筆同夏侯淵寫咗封信,派個使者送去定軍山。 So Cao Cao personally wrote another letter to Xiahou Yuan and sent a messenger to deliver it to Dingjun Mountain.

夏侯淵收到信打開一睇,封信係噉話嘅: Xiahou Yuan received a letter and opened it to read.

凡係作為一個將領,應該剛柔相濟,唔好淨係恃住自己勇敢。 As a general, one should balance firmness and gentleness, not just rely on one's own bravery.

若果淨係靠勇敢啊,不過係一夫之敵唧。 If one only relies on bravery, it is merely the strength of one man.

我而家,駐扎大軍喺南鄭嚟,好想睇下你嘅妙才,你唔好失禮呢兩個字就得喇。 Right now, I have stationed a large army in Nanzheng, and I really want to see your talents; just don't embarrass me with those two words.

夏侯淵睇完信好高興,就打發使者返去。 Xiahou Yuan was very happy after reading the letter and sent the messenger back.

然後同張郃商量話:而家魏王親自率領大軍,駐扎喺南鄭,討伐劉備。 Then I discussed with Zhang He, saying: Right now, the King of Wei is personally leading a large army, stationed in Nanzheng, to attack Liu Bei.

我同你一直咁耐都守住呢處,點能夠建功立業㗎。 We have been holding this place for so long, how can we achieve any merit?

聽日,我就出擊,務必要生擒黃忠返嚟! tomorrow|| Tomorrow, I will launch an attack and must capture Huang Zhong alive!

張郃話喇:黃忠此人有勇有謀,況且又有法正協助佢啊,千萬不能輕敵啊。 Zhang He said: Huang Zhong is a man of both courage and strategy, and he also has Fa Zheng assisting him, we must not underestimate him.

呢處山勢險要,一於堅守就啱喇夏侯將軍。 This place has a dangerous terrain, we should just hold our ground, General Xiahou.

嗯!如果畀人哋立咗功勞,我同你仲有乜嘢面目去見魏王啊! hmm|| Hmm! If someone else takes the credit, what face do I have left to meet King Wei!

你留喺度守山,我去出戰! You stay here to guard the mountain, I will go out to battle!

眾將官! all generals All generals!

有! have Yes!

邊個敢出去誘敵? Who dares to go out and lure the enemy?

夏侯尚話喇:小將願去! Xiahou Shang said| Xiahou Shang said: The young general is willing to go!

好!你去誘敵,同黃忠交戰你只準打輸,唔準打贏。 good||| Good! You go lure the enemy, and when you fight with Huang Zhong, you are only allowed to lose, not win.

我自有妙計啊,你過嚟,嗱,如此如此! ||here|like this I have my own clever plan, come here, listen, like this like this!

得令! received order Understood!

夏侯尚接受咗命令,帶住三千兵馬落山。 Xiahou Shang accepted the order and led three thousand troops down the mountain.

黃忠同法正啊一直都喺定軍山口扎營駐兵。 Huang Zhong and Fa Zheng have been stationed at the Dingjun Mountain pass.

屢次去挑戰,夏侯淵總係死守唔出。 They have repeatedly challenged Xiahou Yuan, but he always holds his ground and does not come out.

想要進攻,又怕山路危險噃,摸唔準曹兵嘅情況,所以唯有閘住喺山口嚟。 They want to attack, but are afraid of the dangerous mountain roads and are unsure of the situation of Cao's troops, so they can only stay at the mountain pass.

呢一日,哈聽講話曹兵落山嚟挑戰喇,啱晒啦。 this day||just right One day, they heard that Cao's troops were coming down the mountain to challenge them, which was just right.

黃忠正係想帶兵去迎戰,牙將陳式就話嘞:唔使黃將軍你親自去啊,等我去打佢啦。 Huang Zhong was just about to lead his troops to meet the challenge, but his general Chen Shi said: "No need for General Huang to go personally, let me go fight them."

好吖。黃忠就叫陳式帶一千兵馬,喺山口擺好陣勢。 okay|| Alright. Huang Zhong instructed Chen Shi to take a thousand troops and set up a formation at the mountain pass.

夏侯尚一到就打起上嚟,打咗幾個回合,夏侯尚詐輸走人。 As soon as Xiahou Shang arrived, he launched an attack, and after a few rounds, Xiahou Shang pretended to lose and retreated.

陳式唔係快馬加鞭帶住兵猛追咯。 Chen Shi did not hesitate and urged his troops to chase after them.

追到半路,嘩嗨,喺兩便嘅山頭,瘟咁揋啲擂木炮石落嚟,半步都唔前進得。 chased to halfway|wow||| Halfway through the chase, wow, from the hills on both sides, they started rolling down logs and stones, making it impossible to advance even a step.

噉啊正話想撤退,夏侯淵突然喺背後帶兵出現。 then Zheng said he wanted to retreat| Just when they wanted to retreat, Xiahou Yuan suddenly appeared with his troops from behind.

陳式就唔係手腳,交咗手幾個回合,就畀夏侯淵生擒活捉嘞。 Chen Shi is not skilled, after a few rounds of fighting, he was captured alive by Xiahou Yuan.

噉佢部下嘅兵卒好多都投降。 So many of his subordinates' soldiers surrendered As a result, many of his soldiers surrendered.

黃忠知道陳式被擒唄,慌忙同法正商量啦。 Huang Zhong knew that Chen Shi had been captured, and hurriedly discussed with Fa Zheng.

哈哈法正好定啊,佢話: Haha, Fa Zheng is quite decisive, he said:

夏侯淵為人輕浮急躁,勇而無謀,不足為慮嘅。 Xiahou Yuan is impulsive and reckless, brave but without strategy, so he is not a concern.

我哋,可以激勵士卒,提高鬥志,拔寨前進步步為營,引夏侯淵出嚟交戰,然後捉住佢。 we||||| We can inspire the soldiers, boost their morale, advance step by step to set up camp, lure Xiahou Yuan out for battle, and then capture him.

呢個,就係反客為主嘅辦法嘞。 this| This is the method of turning the tables.

黃忠就用呢辦法,將所有嘅物資應有盡有攞晒出嚟,愛嚟賞賜畀三軍將士。 Huang Zhong used this method to bring out all the supplies and generously reward the troops.

嘩大家歡呼啊,人人都表示話要搏命打。 Wow, everyone cheered, and everyone expressed their determination to fight to the death.

噉呢一日呢,黃忠就拔寨前進步步為營。 So on that day, Huang Zhong advanced step by step to set up camp.

噉喺每個營寨都住佢幾日,又前進。 So he stayed in each camp for a few days, then moved forward.

夏侯淵知道咗豈有此理吖,就想出嚟打嘞喎。 Xiahou Yuan thought this was unreasonable, so he wanted to come out and fight.

張郃話:將軍,佢呢個係反客為主之計,唔好出去打,一打親必定失敗㗎。 Zhang He said|General||| Zhang He said: General, this is a strategy of turning the tables, don't go out to fight, if you do, you will definitely fail.

夏侯淵冇聽佢嘅,即刻叫夏侯尚帶幾千人馬出去迎戰,一直逼到去黃忠嘅營寨前便。 Xiahou Yuan did not listen to him, and immediately ordered Xiahou Shang to take a few thousand troops out to engage in battle, pushing all the way to Huang Zhong's camp.

黃忠上馬提刀出營同夏侯尚交戰啊,一個回合咋,就將夏侯尚捉咗返嚟嘞。 Huang Zhong mounted his horse, drew his sword, and came out of the camp to fight Xiahou Shang, and in just one round, he captured Xiahou Shang back.

夏侯淵喇喇聲,派人嚟到黃忠嗰處談判,話情願啊用陳式嚟換返夏侯尚,黃忠話可以吖。 Xiahou Yuan sent someone to Huang Zhong to negotiate, saying he was willing to exchange Chen Shi for Xiahou Shang. Huang Zhong agreed.

噉啊約定明日喺陣前交換嘞。 So they agreed to meet the next day on the battlefield for the exchange.

第日,雙方都嚟到山谷之間嘅開闊地方,大家都擺好陣勢。 the next day|| The next day, both sides arrived at an open area between the mountains, and everyone took their positions.

黃忠、夏侯淵就各自騎住馬企喺門旗下便。 Huang Zhong| Huang Zhong and Xiahou Yuan each rode their horses under their respective banners.

黃忠帶住夏侯尚,夏侯淵帶住陳式。 Huang Zhong brought Xiahou Shang, while Xiahou Yuan brought Chen Shi.

都唔畀袍甲佢哋着嘅,淨係着住件薄薄嘅布衫唧。 They weren't allowed to wear armor, only a thin cloth shirt.

好喇,沊沊沊沊沊沊沊沊沊沊沊沊一聲鼓響,兩便一齊放人,噉啊陳式、夏侯尚各自向住本陣飛跑返去。 alright|||| Alright, with a loud drumbeat, both sides released their men, and Chen Shi and Xiahou Shang each ran back to their respective camps.

當夏侯尚跑到陣門嘅時候,哎呀!畀黃忠一箭射中個背梅,哈哈黃忠呢位老人家都幾鬼馬㗎吓。 |oh no|| When Xiahou Shang reached the camp gate, oh no! He was hit in the back by an arrow from Huang Zhong. Haha, this old man Huang Zhong is quite clever.

之好彩啊冇射死,夏侯尚帶住箭舂下舂下噉返到陣外。 Fortunately, he wasn't killed; Xiahou Shang returned to the camp with the arrow still stuck in him.

激到夏侯淵呀肚都爆啊,一拍馬衝出去直取黃忠。 Xiahou Yuan was so furious that he felt like exploding, and he spurred his horse out to directly confront Huang Zhong.

啱啦,黃忠呢一箭不過係想激你夏侯淵嚟打過嘅啫嘛。 that's right| That's right, Huang Zhong's arrow was just to provoke you to fight.

噉兩員大將鬥咗二十幾個回合,曹軍陣內突然旁旁聲打鑼收兵。 So the two generals fought for more than twenty rounds, when suddenly the Cao army sounded the gong to retreat.

噉夏侯淵連忙撥馬返轉頭,畀黃忠趁勢追殺咗一輪。 Huang Zhong took the opportunity to chase and attack as Xiahou Yuan hurriedly turned his horse around.

夏侯淵回營之後就問押陣官點解要打鑼收兵啊。 After returning to camp, Xiahou Yuan asked the officer in charge why they sounded the gong to retreat.

押陣官話:見到喺山凹裏頭呀,好幾笪地方都有蜀兵旗幟嘅噉,怕係伏兵所以即刻打鑼叫將軍返嚟唧噉。 battle command language||| The officer replied: "We saw several places in the valley with Shu army flags, so we were afraid of an ambush and immediately sounded the gong to call the general back."

夏侯淵信喇,於是一於堅守唔出去打喇。 Xiahou Yuan was convinced, so he decided to firmly defend and not go out to fight.

黃忠嘅軍隊啊直逼定軍山下。 Huang Zhong's army was directly pressing down on Dingjun Mountain.

呢日,佢同法正喺度觀察地形。 today| On this day, he and Fa Zheng were observing the terrain.

睇睇下法正就話喇:你睇,喺定軍山嘅西便仲有座高山啊,四圍都有啲險路嘅。 Looking at it, Fa Zheng said: Look, to the west of Dingjun Mountain, there is another high mountain, and there are dangerous paths all around.

喺呢個山上便,完全可以睇晒定軍山嘅虛實嘅噃。 From this mountain, one can completely see the strengths and weaknesses of Dingjun Mountain.

黃將軍,你如果能夠奪到呢座山呢,噉定軍山就喺你嘅手板心嚟喇。 General Wong|| General Huang, if you can capture this mountain, then the military mountain will be in the palm of your hand.

黃忠擔高頭睇下,係,見到山頂係比較平,山上只有些少人馬。得喇! |yes|||good Huang Zhong looked up high and saw that the mountain top was relatively flat, with only a few soldiers on it. Great!

當晚二更,黃忠帶住一隊士兵敲鑼打鼓直殺上山頂。 That night at the second watch, Huang Zhong led a group of soldiers, beating drums and charging up the mountain.

呢座山呢係夏侯淵手下將官杜襲把守嘅,噉只有幾百人。 This mountain was guarded by Du Xi, a general under Xiahou Yuan, with only a few hundred men.

當時見到黃忠大隊人馬湧上嚟,冇得頂啊唯有放棄山頭逃跑。 At that time, seeing Huang Zhong's large force rushing up, they had no choice but to abandon the mountain top and flee.

黃忠搶佔咗呢座山,正好對實定軍山就好有利啊。 Huang Zhong has occupied this mountain, which is very advantageous for defending against the army on the other side.

法正話喇:將軍你喺山腰嗰度守住吓,我喺山頂。 Fa Zheng said: General, you hold your position at the middle of the mountain, and I will be at the top.

等夏侯淵帶兵嚟攻嘅時候呢,如果我舉起白旗,將軍你就按兵不動。 When Xiahou Yuan leads his troops to attack, if I raise the white flag, you must hold your position.

等敵兵疲勞鬆懈喇,我就舉起紅旗,到時將軍你就衝落山發起攻擊啦。以逸待勞呀必定打贏㗎。 When the enemy soldiers are tired and relaxed, I will raise the red flag, and then you will charge down the mountain to launch an attack. Waiting for the enemy to tire will definitely lead to victory.

嘿黃忠高興極喇,就決定用佢呢條計嘞。 Hey, Huang Zhong was extremely happy and decided to use this plan.

而家講下杜襲佢帶住啲敗兵逃跑返去定軍山,見咗夏侯淵話,對面山呀畀黃忠搶佔咗嘞噉。 Now let's talk about how Du led the defeated soldiers to escape back to Dingjun Mountain, and saw Xiahou Yuan who said that the opposite mountain has been occupied by Huang Zhong.

夏侯淵發火喇,佢話:黃忠佔咗對面山頭,唔到我唔出戰喇! Xiahou Yuan got angry and said: Huang Zhong has occupied the opposite mountain, I can't not go to battle!

張郃吃過大虧嘅,穩陣得多喇而家,就勸佢話: Zhang He, having suffered a great loss, is now more cautious and advised him saying:

呢啲啊實係法正嘅詭計嚟,將軍你唔好出戰呢,堅守就啱喇。 these are actually tricks of Fa Zheng|| This is actually a trick of Fa Zheng, General, you shouldn't go to battle, it's better to hold your ground.

佔咗我對面山,睇到晒我軍嘅虛實動靜,噉仲唔出戰都得嘅! Having occupied my opposite mountain, they can see all the movements and weaknesses of my army, and you still think you can avoid battle?

張郃苦苦勸佢都唔聽。 Zhang He tried hard to persuade him but he wouldn't listen.

卒之夏侯淵帶咗一支軍隊去圍住對面山嘞,高聲叫罵嘍黃忠落山嚟決戰。 In the end, Xiahou Yuan led an army to surround the opposite mountain, shouting and cursing Huang Zhong to come down and fight.

法正喺山頂舉起一面白旗。 Fa Zheng raised a white flag at the top of the mountain.

好,黃忠啊塞埋雙耳,任你夏侯淵百般辱罵,鬧得幾難聽都好一於唔理啊,硬係唔出戰。 good|||| Alright, Huang Zhong, just block your ears, no matter how much Xiahou Yuan insults you, no matter how unpleasant it sounds, just ignore it and don't go into battle.

過咗中午嘞,法正喺山頂見到曹兵已經疲倦鬆懈喇。 After noon, Fa Zheng saw that the Cao soldiers were already tired and relaxed.

上午嗰種銳氣都唔知去邊嘞,好多人都落馬坐喺處休息。 The sharpness from the morning seems to have disappeared, and many people have fallen off their horses to rest.

嗯係時候喇!法正下令:舉起紅旗! yes it's time|| Hmm, it's time! Fa Zheng orders: Raise the red flag!

當堂擂起鼓,吹響號角,嘩!黃忠一馬當先,帶住人馬衝落山嚟,嘩嗨嗰種氣勢呀,直情好似天崩地塌噉。 the drum was beaten right there|the horn was blown|wow|||| The drums are beaten, and the horns are sounded. Wow! Huang Zhong leads the charge down the mountain with his cavalry, the momentum is so overwhelming, it feels like the sky is collapsing.

夏侯淵揦手唔成勢,措手不及。 |caught off guard Xiahou Yuan is caught off guard, unable to respond.

眼睇住黃忠衝到嚟身邊,大喝一聲。 He watches as Huang Zhong charges towards him, shouting loudly.

夏侯淵都嚟唔切招架啊,黃忠嘅寶刀已經劈落嚟喇將夏侯淵連頭帶膊斬為兩橛! Xiahou Yuan couldn't defend himself, Huang Zhong's treasured sword has already struck down, chopping Xiahou Yuan into two pieces from head to shoulder!

救命啊走啊!曹兵見到主帥陣亡,㗾噉就潰散晒各自逃生咯。 Help me run away|| Help! Run! The Cao soldiers saw their commander fall in battle, and they immediately scattered to escape.

黃忠大刀一揮,帶兵啊趁勢去奪定軍山。 Huang Zhong swung his big sword and led his troops to seize Junshan.

張郃指揮曹兵迎擊吖,但係頂唔住黃忠同陳式兩便夾攻,混戰一場張郃就打敗逃走嘞。 Zhang He commanded the Cao soldiers to counterattack, but he couldn't withstand the combined assault of Huang Zhong and Chen Shi. In the chaos, Zhang He was defeated and fled.

突然間,喺山邊撞出一彪人馬攔住去路,為首一員大將大喝一聲:常山趙子龍喺度! suddenly||| Suddenly, a group of soldiers appeared at the mountain's edge, blocking the way, and the leading general shouted: Zhao Zilong from Changshan is here!

嚇到張郃大驚啊,嘿唔敢交鋒喇,殺開條路就走。 Zhang He was so shocked that he didn't dare to engage in battle, so he cleared a path and left.

行到半路就撞到杜襲帶住一支敗兵,於是聚合埋一齊就去到漢水扎營。 On the way, he ran into Du Xi leading a group of defeated soldiers, so they gathered together and went to camp by the Han River.

漢水就係指漢水上游,喺陝西省嘅西南部。 The Han River refers to the upper reaches of the Han River, located in the southwestern part of Shaanxi Province.

同時呢,派人飛報曹操。 At the same time, someone was sent to report to Cao Cao.

曹操一聽聞夏侯淵戰死,啊,當堂放聲痛哭啊。 |ah| When Cao Cao heard that Xiahou Yuan had died in battle, he burst into tears on the spot.

呢個時候佢先至醒悟管輅占卦所講嘅說話嘅意思係乜嘢。 At this moment, he finally realized what the words spoken by Guan Yu in the divination meant.

嗱三八縱橫,三八廿四,就係指建安二十四年。 The phrase 'three eights across, three eights twenty-four' refers to the 24th year of the Jian'an era.

黃豬遇虎,即係話,己亥年正月。 |that means| The 'yellow pig meets the tiger' means the first month of the year of Ji Hai.

定軍之南呢,就指定軍山嘅南便。 The 'south of the army' specifically refers to the south of the army mountain.

傷折一股,因為夏侯淵啊,同曹操係兄弟嚟,夏侯淵死嘞就好似手足斬斷啦。 The phrase 'injured and broken a bond' refers to Xiahou Yuan, who is a brother to Cao Cao; when Xiahou Yuan died, it was like severing a brotherly bond.

嘿曹操嬲到黃忠入骨,就親自率領大軍,去定軍山為夏侯淵報仇。 Hey, Cao Cao was so angry that it reached Huang Zhong's bones, so he personally led a large army to Dingjun Mountain to take revenge for Xiahou Yuan.

呢次呢係由徐晃做先鋒。 This time, it was Xu Huang who acted as the vanguard.

曹操大軍嚟到漢水,同張郃、杜襲會合,就經過商量,決定將米倉山嘅糧草就搬晒嚟北山寨存放然後先至進兵。 Cao Cao's army arrived at the Han River, met up with Zhang He and Du Xi, and after discussion, decided to move all the grain and fodder from Miciang Mountain to Beishanzhai for storage before advancing.

而家講下老將黃忠,佢斬咗夏侯淵,就攞佢個首級去葭萌關見劉備獻功嘞。 Now let's talk about the old general Huang Zhong, who killed Xiahou Yuan and took his head to Jiamei Pass to present his achievements to Liu Bei.

劉備啊高興非常啊,加封黃忠做征西大將軍,大排筵席嚟慶祝勝利。 Liu Bei was very pleased and promoted Huang Zhong to General of the West Expedition, hosting a grand banquet to celebrate the victory.

過咗幾日,牙將張著嚟報告話,曹操帶兵殺嚟喇,張郃就運緊糧草噉。 a few days later||| A few days later, the tooth reported that Cao Cao was leading his troops to attack, and Zhang He was busy transporting supplies.

孔明話喇:而家曹操率領大軍嚟到呢處,佢之所以閘住唔前進呢,係因為怕糧草接濟唔上啊。 Kong Ming said: Now that Cao Cao is leading a large army to this place, the reason he is hesitating to advance is because he is afraid that the supplies will not be sufficient.

如果能夠有一個人深入佢嘅地方燒咗佢嘅糧草,搶咗佢嘅輜重,噉曹操嘅銳氣就受到挫折嘞。 If someone could infiltrate his territory, burn his supplies, and seize his equipment, then Cao Cao's momentum would be thwarted.

黃忠一聽就話:老夫願意去! Huang Zhong immediately said: I am willing to go!

孔明話嘞:曹操唔同夏侯淵,冇得比㗎,唔能夠輕敵㗎。 Kong Ming replied: Cao Cao is not like Xiahou Yuan; we cannot underestimate him.

劉備話:夏侯淵雖然係統帥,不過係個粗人唧,淨係識得打㗎唧,點及張郃咁叻吖。 Liu Bei said|||| Liu Bei said: Although Xiahou Yuan is the commander, he is just a rough man who only knows how to fight, not as skilled as Zhang He.

如果斬咗張郃,就勝過斬夏侯淵十倍咯。 If we can kill Zhang He, it would be worth ten times more than killing Xiahou Yuan.

黃忠話:等我去斬咗佢啦! Huang Zhong said| Huang Zhong said: Let me go and kill him!

孔明話喇噉你就同趙子龍帶一支兵馬去。 Kongming said: Then you and Zhao Zilong should take a troop with you.

凡事都要有商有量,睇下邊個立功啦。 Everything should be discussed and negotiated, let's see who can achieve merit.

同時呢,孔明仲派咗張著做副將,同埋佢兩個一齊去。 At the same time, Kongming sent Zhang to be the deputy general, and they both went together.

黃忠接受咗命令就準備點兵出發。 Huang Zhong accepted the order and prepared to gather the troops to set off.

趙雲同黃忠話喇:曹操而家有二十萬人馬咁多,分成十個營。 Zhao Yun said to Huang Zhong: Cao Cao now has two hundred thousand troops, divided into ten camps.

將軍你喺主公面前應承話要去奪糧,噉呢件事非同小可噃。 General, you promised the lord that you would go to seize the grain, so this matter is of great importance.

老將軍想用乜嘢計策呢? What strategy does the old general want to use?

黃忠話:我去先呢,如何啊子龍? Huang Zhong said: I'll go first, how about you, Zilong?

等我去先好。 Wait for me to go first.

誒,我係主將,你係副將,你點解要同我爭先啊? hey||| Hey, I am the main general, you are the deputy general, why do you want to go ahead of me?

我同你都係一樣為主公出力,何必計較呢? Both of us are working hard for the lord, why bother with such details?

不如噉啦老將軍,我哋兩個人執籌啦,執着嘅就先去。 how about this old general|| How about this, old general, let's both draw lots, whoever draws the short straw goes first.

噉亦好啊! That's good too!

於是兩個人就執籌咯喎,哈哈,畀黃忠執到。 |haha| So the two of them started to strategize, haha, let Huang Zhong take the lead.

趙雲就話嘞:既然老將軍去先,我就支援你。 Zhao Yun said: Since the old general is going first, I will support you.

我哋約定一個時刻,如果將軍依時返嚟,我就按兵不動。 We agreed on a time, if the general returns on time, I will hold my troops back.

若果老將軍你過咗時仲唔返,我就即刻帶兵去接應。 If the old general doesn't return after the time has passed, I will immediately lead my troops to assist.

老將軍你意下如何呢? General, what do you think?

好!子龍你講得啱,一於噉做啦! good|| Good! Zilong, you are right, let's do it!

於是兩個人就約定午時啊,即係而家講嘅正午十二點為期。 So the two of them agreed to meet at noon, which is twelve o'clock.

趙雲返到本寨,對佢個部將張翼話喇: Zhao Yun returned to the base and told his subordinate Zhang Yi:

黃漢升同我約定咗,聽日,佢先去奪曹軍糧草。 |tomorrow| Huang Hansheng has made an agreement with me, tomorrow, he will first seize the supplies of the Cao army.

若果午時仲唔返嚟呢,我就去接應佢。 If he hasn't returned by noon, I will go to pick him up.

我哋嘅營寨前便就係漢水,地勢危險。 Our camp is right in front of the Han River, the terrain is dangerous.

我如果帶兵出咗去,你一定要緊守營寨唔好輕舉妄動啊。 If I lead the troops out, you must firmly guard the camp and not act rashly.

張翼啊當然遵命應承啦。 Zhang Yi will of course obey and agree.

嗰頭黃忠返到自己營寨就對佢個副將張著話喇: When Huang Zhong returned to his own camp, he said to his deputy Zhang Zhu:

我斬咗夏侯淵,張郃呀嚇到膽都破啊。 I killed Xiahou Yuan, and Zhang He was so scared that he lost his courage.

我奉命聽日去奪糧草,只係留返五百人守營就夠喇,你嚟幫我啦! I have been ordered to go seize supplies tomorrow, just leave five hundred men to guard the camp, and come help me!

今晚三更,大家飽食一餐,四更離營,殺到北山腳下,先捉張郃,後劫糧草! Tonight at midnight, everyone will have a hearty meal, leave the camp at four, and kill our way to the foot of the North Mountain, first capture Zhang He, then seize the supplies!

得令! received order Understood!

當晚,黃忠帶齊人馬在前,張著在後,偷偷噉渡過漢水就直插到北山腳下。 that night||| That night, Huang Zhong led the troops in front, with Zhang behind, secretly crossing the Han River and heading straight to the foot of the North Mountain.

去到嘅時候,啱啱東方日出。 when we arrived| When we arrived, it was just dawn in the east.

嘩嗨!只見啲糧食呀堆積如山啊。 wow| Wow! I saw the food piled up like a mountain.

而喺處看守糧草嘅士兵就唔多,噉佢哋見到蜀兵殺到走咯噉啊連糧草都唔要就逃跑晒嘞。 And there weren't many soldiers guarding the supplies, so when they saw the Shu soldiers coming, they ran away without even taking the supplies.

黃忠叫啲馬軍一齊落馬,攞啲木柴嚟堆喺啲糧食周圍。 Huang Zhong ordered the cavalry to dismount and gather some firewood to pile around the food.

正話想放火燒個時候,張郃嘅兵到嘞,就同黃忠嘅人馬打埋一嚿。 Just when he wanted to set it on fire, Zhang He’s troops arrived and engaged in battle with Huang Zhong’s forces.

曹操一聽到消息,就急忙命令徐晃去接應啦。 As soon as Cao Cao heard the news, he hurriedly ordered Xu Huang to go to the rescue.

徐晃立刻帶兵前去,將黃忠困喺戰陣中心。 Xu Huang immediately led his troops to the front and trapped Huang Zhong in the center of the battle formation.

張著帶住三百個士兵好彩走甩咗。 Zhang Zhe was lucky to escape with three hundred soldiers.

正話想返去營寨,忽然有一支兵馬撞出嚟就攔住去路。 Just as he was thinking of returning to the camp, suddenly a troop came out and blocked the way.

定眼一睇,原來係文聘啊。 Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Wen Pin.

而後便呢,曹兵又追到嚟喇。 Then, Cao's troops chased after them.

唉張著剛剛離開虎口,而家一下又陷入重圍。 Alas, Zhang Zhao had just escaped from the tiger's mouth, and now he has fallen into a heavy encirclement.

黃忠、張著危急啊! Huang Zhong| Huang Zhong and Zhang Zhao are in a critical situation!

噉啊要知後事如何呢?就且聽下回分解喇。 So, how will the story unfold? Let's wait for the next episode to find out.

SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=6.77 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=3.03 openai.2024-10-31