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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 104

今日 講下華歆 等等 一班 文武 大臣 啊 , 直情 入 到 去 內殿 見 漢獻帝 逼 佢 退位 。 華歆 稟奏 話 喇 : 魏王 自從 登位 以來 , 德布 四方 , 仁及 萬物 , 越古超今 啊 , 就算 係 堯舜 都 比 唔 上 。 陛下 , 大臣 已經 舉行 過 會議 , 都 話 漢朝 嘅 祿位 已經 完喇 。 希望 陛下 仿效 堯舜 之道 , 將 山川 社稷 禪讓 畀 魏王 , 上合 天心 , 下合 民意 。 而 陛下 呢 就 安享 清 閑 之福 , 噉 啊 祖宗 幸甚 , 生靈 幸甚 喇 。 臣 等 經過 會議 決定 , 特意 嚟 奏請 陛下 啊 。 漢獻帝 一聽 啊 成個 傻 咗 噉 , 好耐好 耐都講 唔 出 說話 。 收尾 , 佢 喊 起 上 嚟 話 : 朕 , 朕 想起 高祖 提 三尺 劍 , 斬蛇 起義 , 平秦 滅楚 , 創造 大漢 基業 , 世代相傳 , 都 成 四百年 咯 。 誒 , 朕 雖然 冇 才能 啫 , 之 亦 冇 過錯 吖 , 又點 忍心 將 祖宗 嘅 基業 , 隨隨便便 噉 放棄 呢 ? 你 哋 百官 出以公心 , 再 去 商量 下 啦 吓 。 華歆 見 皇帝 唔 應承 , 又 帶 李伏 、 許芝 上前 嚟 稟奏 話 嘞 : 陛下 如果 唔 信 , 可以 問 下 佢 兩個 吖 。 李伏 即刻 稟奏 話 喇 : 自從 魏王 登位 以 嚟 , 發生 咗 好多好多 吉祥 嘅 事 啊 。 好似 , 麒麟 降生 , 鳳凰來儀 , 黃龍 出現 , 嘉禾 蔚生 , 甘露 下降 啊 。 呢 啲 乃 係 上天 顯示 話 魏 應當 取代 漢 嘅 兆頭 嚟 啊 。 許芝 跟 住 又 啟奏 話 嘞 : 臣 等 職掌 司天 , 夜晚 觀察 天象 , 只見 漢朝 氣數已盡 嘞 , 陛下 帝星 隱匿 不明 ; 而 魏國 乾象 , 極天際地 就 言 之 難 盡 喇 。 更 兼 應 晒 啲 預言 噃, 有 一首 預言 話 : 鬼在邊 , 委 相連 ; 當代 漢 , 無 可言 。 言 在 東 , 午在 西 ; 兩日 並光 上 下移 啊 。 根據 呢 個 預言 嚟 睇 , 陛下 你 應該 及早 禪位 嘅 。 鬼在邊 , 委 相連 係 個 魏字 ; 言 在 東 , 午在 西 , 係 個 許字 ; 兩日 並光 上 下移 呢 就 係 個昌字 。 噉 即 係 話 , 魏 喺 許昌 應該 接受 漢 嘅 禪位 喇 , 請 陛下 明察 啊 。 誒 , 啲 兆頭 啊 , 預言 啊 等等 , 都 係 啲 虛虛 妄妄 假 嘅 事 啫 。 點解 要用 啲 假 嘅 事 , 嚟 夾硬要 朕 捨棄 祖宗 嘅 基業 吖 ! 王朗 接住 稟奏 話 喇 : 陛下 , 自古以來 , 有興 必有 廢 , 有盛 必有 衰 , 邊度 有 不亡 之國 , 不敗 之 家 㗎 ? 漢朝 相傳 四百多年 , 傳到 陛下 , 氣數 已經 盡咯 , 宜於 及早 退位 , 唔 好 遲疑 喇 , 遲則生 變 啊 ! 軟 嘅 唔 得 , 就講 迷信 , 迷信 都 唔 靈就開 硬弓 逼 到 獻帝 𡃀𡃀 聲喊 起 上 嚟 返 咗 入 去 後宮 。 噉 嗰 班 文武 官員 就 得意 喇 , 覺得 真 係 好笑 啊 , 亦 都 散 咗 出去 。 第 日 , 文武百官 又 喺 大殿 聚齊 , 叫 太監 入去 請 獻帝 出 嚟 噉 。 獻帝 怕 喇 , 唔 敢出去 啊 。 曹后 就 問喇 : 百官 請 陛下 臨朝 , 陛下 點解 唔 願 去 呢 ? 唉 , 你 阿哥 想 篡位 , 叫 百官 嚟 相 逼 , 朕 所以 唔 去 啫 。 吓 ? 我 阿哥 點解 要 做 啲 大逆不道 嘅 事 呢 ? 說話 未 完 , 只見 曹洪 、 曹休 就 帶 住 劍 行入 嚟 , 請 獻帝 出去 登殿 。 曹后 就 鬧 佢 哋 話 喇 : 都 係 你 哋 成班 奸賊 , 一味 想 富貴 , 就 做 埋 啲 大逆不道 嘅 事 。 父親 在 生 嘅 時候 , 功蓋 寰宇 威震天下 , 都 尚且 唔 敢 做 啲 謀朝 篡位 嘅 事 啊 。 但 係 而家 , 阿哥 繼位 冇 幾耐 , 就 諗 住 篡奪 皇位 咯 , 個 天實 唔 保佑 你 㗎 ! 講完 , 曹后 哀哀 痛哭 就 返 咗 入 去 後宮 。 曹洪 、 曹休當 冇 聽見 啊 , 猛 咁 要 請 獻帝 出去 登殿 。 噉 獻帝 被 逼 不過 咯 , 唯有 着 返件 龍袍 出去 登殿 係 啦 。 華歆 又 嚟 開口 稟奏 嘞 喎 , 佢 話 : 陛下 若果 依照 臣 等 昨日 嘅 建議 , 就 可以 免遭 大禍 啊 。 嘩 , 噉 啊 直情 恐嚇 嘞 噃。 獻帝 呀 當堂 喊起 嚟 啦 : 誒 你 哋 都 係 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 好耐 㗎 喇 。 其中 , 唔 少 係 漢朝 功臣 嘅 子孫 , 點解 要 做 啲 噉 嘅 叛逆 嘅 事 吖 ? 啊 ? 華歆 又 逼 一步 : 陛下 若果 唔 聽從 大家 嘅 決議 , 一旦 蕭 墻 禍 起 , 就 唔 係 臣 等 不 忠於 陛下 喇 。 吓 , 吓 。 邊 , 邊個 敢 殺 朕 啊 , 啊 , 邊 , 邊個 啊 , 啊 ? 天下 嘅 人 都 知道 陛下 冇 人君 之福 , 以至 四方 大亂 。 若果 唔 係 魏 王 喺 處 呀 , 想 殺 陛下 嘅 何止 一人 啊 ! 陛下 仲 唔 知恩報德 , 唔 通真 係 想 天下 嘅 人 共同 嚟 討伐 陛下 咩 ! 嘩 , 嚇 到 獻帝 面色 都 變 咗 , 衫袖 一拂 起身 想 走 嘞 , 怕人 殺 佢 吖 嘛 。 王朗 同華歆 打個 眼色 , 華歆勢 兇 夾狼 啊 大 步行 前 , 一手 就 掹 住 獻帝 嘅 龍袍 , 黑起塊 面話 : 應承 唔 應承 快 啲 講句 ! 誒 , 誒 誒 誒 啊 誒 誒 。 獻帝 已經 嚇 到 周身 滴滴 震 喇 唔 識講 說話 喇 。 曹洪 、 曹休 就 拔出 寶劍 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 符寶郎 喺 邊 處 ? 符寶郎 就 即 係 尚 符璽郎 中 係 個 官名 , 係 掌管 皇帝 玉璽 同 虎符 、 竹 符 嘅 官員 。 祖弼 就 應聲 行出 嚟 話 : 符寶郎 喺 處 ! 曹洪 立即 逼祖 弼 攞 皇帝 嘅 玉璽 。 祖弼 就 鬧 佢 話 喇 : 玉璽 乃 係 天子 嘅 寶物 , 你 亂 攞 都 得 嘅 咩 ! 噉 曹洪 就 喝 啲 武士 拉祖弼 出去 斬首 , 祖弼 呀 一 啲 都 唔 屈服 啊 , 到 死 都 罵不絕口 。 獻帝 就 嚇到 死死 下 喇 , 成身 飆 晒 冷汗 。 佢 見到 台 階下 便 有 幾百人 , 披住 鐵甲 揸 住 兵器 嘅 ,冚𠾴唥 都 係 魏 兵 。 唉 冇 得 摱 嘅 咯 就 喊住 對班 大臣 話 : 朕 , 朕 , 朕 情願 將 天下 禪讓 畀 魏王 咯 , 誒 , 誒 , 希望 留返 朕 一條 命 , 以終天年 喇 , 啊 。 賈詡 話 : 魏王 必定 唔 會 對 唔 住 陛下 嘅 , 陛下 快 啲 下 一道 詔書 , 安定 眾 人 嘅 心 啦 。 獻帝 就 只有 叫 陳 群 啊 , 幫 佢 起草 禪讓 國家 嘅 詔書 。 然後 呢 , 又 叫華歆 捧住 玉璽 、 詔書 , 帶齊 文武百官 , 去 魏 王宮 呀 獻 畀 曹丕 。 詔書 一 宣讀 完 , 曹丕 就 想 接詔 嘞 。 司馬懿 勸 佢 話 : 唔 好 接住 。 雖然 詔書 玉璽 都 送到 嚟 喇 , 殿下 仲 係 應該 上 一份 表章 , 表示 謙虛 唔 敢 接受 , 使到 天下 嘅 人 , 冇 得講 壞話 。 係 喎 嚱, 詔書 一到 , 即刻 就 接受 , 豈 唔 係 顯得 好 猴 擒 ? 好 ! 於是 曹丕 叫 王朗 幫 佢 寫 一份 表章 , 就 表示 謙虛 , 話 自己 德薄 啊 , 請 皇帝 物色 過 第二個 人去 繼承 皇帝 位 啦 噉 。 獻帝 睇 咗 份 表章 個心 又 思疑 起 上 嚟 嘞 , 佢 就 對 班 大臣 話 : 魏王 咁 謙遜 , 唔 肯 接受 啊 , 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? 華歆 稟奏 話 : 往日 , 魏武王 受 王爵 嘅 時候 , 都 係 謙辭 咗 三次 。 皇上 再三 要 佢 接受 , 噉 然後 先至肯 接受 嘅 啫 。 我 睇 陛下 再落 一道 詔書 , 魏王 就 會 同意 㗎 嘞 。 獻帝 無可奈何 啊 , 又 叫 桓階 幫 佢 起草 第二道 詔書 。 呢 次 又 派 御史大夫 張音 做 使者 , 揸 住節 , 送 詔書 、 玉璽 去 魏 王宮 。 曹丕 讀完 第二道 詔書 好 歡喜 。 但 係 呢 次 呢 , 嘿嘿 , 佢 自己 會 諗 咯 喎 。 佢 就 對 賈 詡 話 喇 : 雖然 有 兩次 詔書 , 話 要 讓位 畀 我 , 不過 終歸 仲 係 怕 天下 後世 , 會話 我 係 篡位 㗎 喎 。 賈詡 話 喇 : 噉 誒 易 啦 。 殿下 你 叫 使者 將 玉璽 送返 去 先 , 然後 叫華歆講 畀 獻帝 聽 , 叫 佢 築 一個 壇 , 叫做 受禪壇 。 擇個 吉日良辰 , 召集 大小 公卿 文武百官 , 一齊 嚟 到壇 下 。 叫天子 親自 捧住 玉璽 , 將 天下 禪讓 畀 殿下 。 噉 樣 呀 , 大家 就 無可 懷疑 , 亦 冇 說話 好講 啦 嘛 。 曹丕 好 歡喜 啊 , 就 叫 張 音帶 玉璽 返去 , 依然 上 一份 表章 表示 謙辭 。 張音 如此這般 返去 稟奏 獻帝 。 獻帝 又 問班 大臣 喇 : 魏王 又 唔 肯 接受 噃, 佢 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 ? 華歆 稟奏 話 喇 : 請 陛下 築 一個 壇 , 名叫 受禪壇 , 召集 公卿 庶民 , 當眾 禪讓 帝位 。 噉 樣 呢 , 陛下 嘅 子子孫孫 就 必定 能夠 受到 魏 王 嘅 恩澤 喇 。 唉 , 點話點 好 係 啦 。 做 皇帝 做到 而家 噉 嘅 樣 呀 , 直情 係 個 泥菩薩 一樣 嘅 啫 。 於是 漢獻帝 就 派 太常 院官 , 占 咗 個 卦 , 選擇 喺 繁 陽 呢 個 地方 啊 築起 三層 高 壇 。 日子 呢 , 就 擇 喺 十月 , 庚午日 寅時 , 禪讓 帝位 。 到期 喇 , 漢獻帝 請魏 王曹丕 登壇 受禪 。 喺 壇 下 , 聚集 住 大大小小 官員 四百 幾名 , 仲有 虎賁 禁軍 三 十幾萬 。 嘩個 場面 呀 , 確實 係 偉大 喇 。 漢獻帝 手 震震 噉 親自 捧住 玉璽 , 獻 畀 曹丕 。 嗬 漢獻帝 呀 漢獻帝 , 嘿嘿 , 真 係 獻 咗 個 皇帝 位 畀 人 喇 呢 趟 。 曹丕 接過 玉璽 , 跟 住 宣讀 冊文 , 就 係 登上 皇帝 位 嘅 文告 。 壇下 所有 嘅 大臣 軍士 跪 晒 喺 度 聽 。 宣讀 完喇 , 曹丕 受 咗 八般 大禮 , 正式 登基 做 皇帝 。 賈詡 率領 大小 官僚 , 喺 壇 下 三跪九叩 , 噉 啊 朝拜 新 皇帝 嘞 。 又 宣布 將 , 延康 元年 啊 , 改為 黃初 元年 , 國號 大魏 。 當時 呢 亦 即 係 公元 二二 一年 , 呢 一年 曹丕 做 皇帝 呢 係 三十九歲 。 曹丕 做 咗 皇帝 第一件 事 , 就 係 下 一道 命令 , 大赦天下 , 稱 佢 父親 曹操 , 做 太祖 武皇帝 。 接 住 , 華歆 稟奏 話 喇 : 天無二日 , 民無二主 啊 。 漢帝 既然 禪讓 咗 天下 , 理應 退而為 臣民 。 請 皇上 下 一道 聖旨 , 安置 劉氏 去 某個 地方 。 華歆 講完 , 就 扶 漢獻帝 去壇 下跪 喺 處 聽候 聖旨 。 曹丕封 漢獻帝 做 山陽公 , 即日 要 佢 起 行 。 華歆 撳住 把 劍 , 指住 漢獻帝 話 : 立 一個 皇帝 就 廢 一個 皇帝 , 乃 係 自古以來 嘅 道理 。 當今 皇上 非常 仁慈 啊 , 唔 忍心 殺 你 封 你 做 山陽公 。 今日 你 就 起行 , 以後 , 冇 宣詔 就 唔 準入 朝 ! 漢獻帝 眼淚汪汪 , 叩 咗 幾個 頭 多謝 新 皇帝 嘅 恩德 , 就 上馬 起行 去 做 佢 嘅 山陽公 喇 。 當時 成班 大臣 就 高呼 萬歲 萬歲 萬萬歲 啊 , 就 請 曹丕 答謝 天地 。 曹丕 啱 啱 跪 低 想 拜天地 唧 , 忽然間 , 喺 壇 前 呼呼 , 捲起 一浸 怪風 。 嘩 嗨 飛沙走石 天昏地暗 , 對面 都 唔 見 人 咁 交關 。 壇 上 嘅 燈燭 啊 冚𠾴唥 吹熄 晒 , 真 係 大 吉利 是 咯 , 嚇 到 曹丕 啊 跌 咗 落地 。 嗰 班 大臣 啊 急 急救 起 曹丕 落 咗 壇 , 就過 咗 一陣 呢 先至 蘇醒 返 。 結果 呢 , 曹丕 就 病 咗 好幾日 , 都 冇 晒 精神 , 就 唔 能夠 登殿 臨朝 啦 。 收尾 好返 啲 喇 , 先至 出殿 接受 文武百官 嘅 朝賀 。 曹丕 就 封華歆 做 司徒 , 王朗 做 司空 , 大小官員 啊 個個 都 有 得 升賞 。 噉 曹丕 啲 病 呢 就 一直 都 唔 係 點 好 噃。 佢 又 懷疑 許昌 嘅 宮殿 妖怪 多 , 就 搬 去 洛陽 住 , 同時 喺 洛陽 啊 興建 好多 新 嘅 宮殿 。 噉 啊 關於 曹丕 自立 為 大 魏皇帝 , 喺 洛陽 興建 新 嘅 宮殿 , 又 話 漢獻帝 呢 已經 遇害 喇 等等 呢 啲 噉 嘅 消息 啊 , 就 傳到 去 成都 。 劉備 知道 咗 非常 悲憤 , 喊 咗 成日 。 下令 文武百官 掛孝 , 遙望 東北方 啊 舉行 祭奠 , 尊稱 獻帝 做 孝 愍 皇帝 。 因為 呢 件 事 啊 劉備 憂慮 得 多 , 就 病起 上 嚟 , 唔 能夠 理事 嘞 , 一切 嘅 政務 呢 都 交晒 畀 孔明 。 有 一日 , 孔明同 太傅許 靖 、 光祿 大夫 譙周 商量 。 大家 都 認為 天下 就 不可 一日 無君 啦 , 都 好 想 擁戴 劉備 做 皇帝 。 譙周 呢 即刻 就 舉出 好多 好 嘅 兆頭 喎 , 比如 ,嗱 天上 呈現 五彩祥雲 喇 ; 成都 個 西北角 呢 , 有 一道 黃 氣 幾十丈 沖天 而 起 喇 ; 噉 啊 帝星 喺 畢 、 胃 、 昴 之分 出現 , 明亮 到 呀 好似 月光 噉 喇 等等 。 譙 周話 喇 : 呢 啲 吉祥 嘅 兆頭 呀 , 應晒 漢中 王要 登位 做 皇帝 繼承 大漢 嘅 正統 啊 , 冇 乜 好 猶疑 㗎 喇 。 於是 孔明同 許靖 帶頭 , 率領 大小 百官 就 向 劉備 呈 上 一份 表章 , 敦請 劉備 啊 登上 皇帝 位 。 劉備 睇 咗 表章 嘩 大吃一驚 : 哎呀 各位 愛卿 , 你 哋 真 係 想害 到 我 做個 不忠 不義之人 啊 。 唔 係 噉 講 嘅 , 曹丕 謀朝 篡位 。 王上 乃 係 漢室 後裔 , 理應 繼承 正統 延續 漢朝 啊 。 啊 我點 能 夠學 嗰 啲 奸賊 嘅 叛逆 所為 㗎 ! 劉備 變 咗 面色 , 衫袖 一拂 起身 返去 後宮 , 唔 講 嘞 。 文武百官 就 唯有 散 係 啦 。 過 咗 三日 , 孔明 又 試同 文武百官 入朝 , 請 劉備 出 嚟 嘞 喎 。 大家 都 跪 晒 喺 處 , 許靖 啊 稟奏 話 喇 : 而家 漢天子 已經 畀 曹丕 殺 咗 。 王上 若果 唔 登上 皇帝 位 , 出兵 去 討伐 叛逆 , 就 談 唔 上 忠義 喇 。 今日 普天之下 , 都 渴望 王上 做 君主 , 為 孝 愍 皇帝 報仇雪恨 。 若果 皇上 唔 聽從 臣 等 嘅 意見 就會失 民望 㗎 喇 。 冇 錯 , 我 雖然 係 景 帝 嘅 孫 , 不過 對民眾 仲 未有 咩 嘢 恩澤 噃。 若果 而家 一旦 自立 為帝 , 噉 啊 同 篡位 有 乜嘢 唔 同 啊 ! 孔明 又試 苦苦 勸 佢 好 耐 , 劉備 堅決 唔 聽 。 哈 , 收尾 孔明 就 諗 到 個 計仔 嘞 。 有 一日 , 孔明同 文武百官 話 喇 如此 如此 噉 。 跟 住 , 孔明 就 話 自己 有病 喇 , 唔 出 嚟 理事 。 劉備 聽講 孔明 病得 好 交關 , 嗰 日 就 親自 去 到 孔明 住宅 。 一直 就 嚟 到 床前 探望 , 佢 問 : 啊 軍師 , 你 覺得 點啊 ? 邊度 唔 舒服 呢 ? 唉 憂心如焚 , 都 冇 幾耐命 咯 。 軍師 你 憂心 咩 事 啊 ? 唉 ! 咩 事 啊 吓 ? 唉 ! 究竟 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 唉 , 好 辛苦 啊 。 劉備 連氣問 咗 幾次 , 孔明 啊 瞇 埋 雙眼 好似 病得 好重 噉 唔 願 開口 。 劉備 再三再四 噉 問 佢 , 孔明先 至 長長 噉 歎 一口氣 話 : 唉 , 臣 自從 初出茅廬 , 跟隨 大王 直到 今日 , 大王 對臣 真 係 言聽計從 。 而家 , 好彩 大王 已經 擁有 兩川 之 地 , 臣 當日 所講 過 嘅 說話 已經 初步 實現 。 當前 , 曹丕 篡位 , 漢朝 嘅 命脈 眼睇 住 要 斬斷 。 所以 文武 官員 , 人人 都 想 擁戴 大王 做 皇帝 , 滅魏 興劉 , 希望 取得 個 功名 吖 。 唉 , 冇 想到 大王 你 堅決 唔 肯 。 噉 樣 , 眾位 官員 都 有 咗 怨心 呀 , 冇 幾耐 , 必定會 散晒 㗎 喇 。 若果 文武百官 都 散 晒 , 吳 、 魏 嚟 進攻 嘅 時候 , 兩川 就 難保 咯 。 臣 , 點 能夠 唔 憂心 呢 ? 我 唔 係 想 阻止 呢 件 事 , 就 係 怕 天下 嘅 人 議論 啫 。 皇上 , 聖人 都 有 話 : 名 不 正則 言不順 。 今日 王上 你 名正言順 , 有 乜嘢 好 議論 嘅 呢 ? 上 天賜 畀 自己 嘅 都 唔 肯 要 , 結果 呀 反而 會 唔 好 㗎 。 噉 都 等 軍師 你 嘅 病 好 返 喇 , 再 嚟 做 都 未 遲 吖 。 孔明 一 聽見 劉備 噉 樣講 , 嘿 唔 病 咯 唔 病 咯 , 喺 張 床 處 啪 聲 起身 , 拍 一下 個 屏風 , 嘩 , 外便 一班 文武 大臣 成隊 咁 入 晒 嚟 跪 齊響 處 : 皇上 既然 應承 喇 , 就 請擇 個 吉日 舉行 登位 大禮 啦 。 劉備 一睇 , 原來 係 太傅許 靖 啦 、 安漢將軍 糜竺 啦 , 仲有 青衣 侯向舉 、 陽泉 侯 劉豹 等等 大臣 。 劉備 就 話 喇 : 啊 害到 孤王 不忠 不 義 嘅 都 係 愛卿 你 哋 啊 ! 孔明 話 喇 : 王上 已經 應承 咗 請求 , 就 可以 築壇 擇吉 , 舉行 大禮 喇 。 即時 就 送 劉備 返去 宮殿 , 一便 呢 , 任命 博士 許慈 、 諫議 郎孟光 掌禮 , 喺 成都 武 擔 嘅 南 便 啊 築起 一個 壇 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 諸事 齊備 喇 。 就 喺 建安 二十六年 四月 呢 一日 , 文武 官員 就 擺好 皇帝 嘅 儀仗隊 , 恭請 漢中 王 劉備 啊 登壇 致 祭天 地 。 譙 周 喺 壇 上 高聲 朗讀 祭文 。 呢 一篇 祭文 呢 , 無非 係 先數 一輪 曹操 、 曹丕 兩 父子 嘅 罪惡 ; 然後 就 話 天下 嘅 人民 啊 , 都 渴望 我 劉備 出 嚟 做 皇帝 , 就 為 咗 上 應 天命 , 下 順民 情 , 所以 今日 呢 , 就 拜祭 天神 , 接受 皇帝 嘅 玉璽 喇 , 請 神靈 保佑 啦 噉 。 讀完 祭文 , 孔明 就 率領 文武百官 , 恭恭敬敬 呈 上 玉璽 。 劉備 啊 接過 玉璽 , 但 係 呢 , 仲 再三 推辭 話 : 我 劉備 無才 無德 , 請 選擇 一位 有 才 德 嘅 人 接受 帝位 啦 。 孔明 稟奏 話 喇 : 皇上 平定 四海 , 豐功 大德 天下 皆知 。 何況 又 係 大漢 宗親 好 應該 登上 帝位 , 同時 已經 祭告 天神 , 唔 好 謙讓 啊 。 於是 劉備 捧住 玉璽 , 文武 大臣 三呼 萬歲 , 三跪九叩 就 恭賀 皇帝 登位 。 跪拜 完畢 , 就 正式 宣告 , 將 年號 就 改為 章武 元年 , 即 係 公元 二二 一年 。 噉 劉備 做 蜀漢 皇帝 呢 一年 呢 , 佢 係 六 廿 一歲 。 曹操 自己 就 唔 願 做 皇帝 , 就 留返 畀 個 仔 曹丕 做 吖 。 劉備 呢 勻 就 親自 坐 正 皇帝 嘅 寶座 喇 。 劉備 又 宣佈 啊 , 立 吳妃 做 皇后 ; 立 長子 劉禪 就 係 阿斗 啊 做 太子 , 阿斗 呢 佢 係 喺 建安 十二年 出世 嘅 , 今年 就 十四歲 喇 ; 又 封 第二 仔 劉永做 魯王 , 三仔 劉理 做 梁王 ; 封 諸葛亮 做 丞相 , 許靖 做 司徒 ; 其餘 大小 官僚 啊 人人 都 有 升賞 。 大赦天下 , 噉 兩 川 嘅 軍民 都 歡欣鼓舞 喇 。 第 日 , 劉備 登殿 臨朝 , 文武百官 跪拜 完 , 就 分成 兩班 排列 好 。 劉備 話 : 朕 自從 同關 、 張 喺 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 。 二弟 雲長 , 不幸 畀 東吳 孫權 所害 , 若果 唔 報仇 , 就 係 違背 咗 當年 嘅 盟誓 。 朕 要 出動 全國 嘅 兵馬 , 消滅 東吳 , 生擒 逆賊 , 嚟 到 報仇雪恨 ! 劉備 一 講完 , 虎威 將軍 趙雲 就 出班 啟奏 , 佢 話 陛下 唔 好 噉 做 啊 , 國賊 係 曹操 而 唔 係 孫權 啊 。 今日 , 曹丕 篡奪 漢朝 , 天下 憤怒 。 陛下 應該 早日 奪取 關中 , 派遣 大軍 開赴 渭河 上游 , 討伐 叛逆 。 噉 樣 做 , 關東 義士 , 必定 帶住 糧食 馬匹 嚟 到 歡迎 王師 。 若果 拋開 北魏 而 去 攻打 東吳 , 戰爭 一 開始 就 唔 能夠 咁 快 結束 , 希望 陛下 明察 ! 孫權 害 咗 我 雲長 賢弟 , 更 兼 傅士仁 、 糜芳 、 潘璋 、 馬 忠 , 都 有 切齒 之仇 , 我宜 得 食 佢 嘅 肉 , 滅 佢 嘅 族 , 先至 能夠 洩 我 心頭 之恨 啊 ! 子龍 , 你 點解 要 攔阻 我 呢 ? 陛下 , 同 曹氏漢賊 之仇 係 公事 , 兄弟 之仇 , 係 私事 , 請 陛下 以 天下 為重 ! 朕 若果 唔 為 雲長 賢弟 報仇 , 就算 有 萬里 江山 又 何足 為 貴 呢 ? 朕 嘅 主意 已 定 , 不必 多講 ! 唉 , 趙子龍 個 為 人 , 確實 係 有勇有謀 啊 , 最 可貴 嘅 係 識大體 , 有 政治頭腦 。 劉備 唔 聽 佢 勸 呀 真 係 大錯特錯 喇 。 於是 劉備 就 下令 起兵 去 攻打 東吳 , 同時 派 使者 去 五溪 呀 , 借 咗 五萬 番兵 , 互相 策應 。 溪 呢 , 乃 係 當時 嘅 少數民族 , 分佈 喺 今日 河南 啊 湖北 啊 江西 等等 嘅 地方 , 啲 人 呢 就 整 弓箭 好 叻 嘅 。 另一方面 啊 , 派 使者 去 閬中 , 升 張飛 做 車騎 將軍 , 領 司隸校 尉 , 封 西鄉 侯 , 兼 閬中 牧 。

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今日 講下華歆 等等 一班 文武 大臣 啊 , 直情 入 到 去 內殿 見 漢獻帝 逼 佢 退位 。 today||etc|a group of|civil and military|officials|ah|directly|enter|to|the|inner palace|see|Emperor Xian of Han|force|him|abdicate Today, let's talk about Hua Xian and a group of civil and military officials, who directly entered the inner palace to see Emperor Xian of Han and pressured him to abdicate. 華歆 稟奏 話 喇 : 魏王 自從 登位 以來 , 德布 四方 , 仁及 萬物 , 越古超今 啊 , 就算 係 堯舜 都 比 唔 上 。 Hua Xin|report|speaking|particle|King Wei|since|ascended the throne|since|virtue spread|all directions||all things|surpassing ancient and modern|particle|even if|is|Yao and Shun|all|compared to|not|superior Hua Xian reported, saying: Since the Wei King ascended the throne, he has spread virtue in all directions, shown kindness to all beings, surpassing ancient times and modernity; even Yao and Shun cannot compare. 陛下 , 大臣 已經 舉行 過 會議 , 都 話 漢朝 嘅 祿位 已經 完喇 。 Your Majesty|minister|already|held|past tense marker|meeting|all|said|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|official position|already|finished Your Majesty, the ministers have already held a meeting and all said that the positions of the Han dynasty have come to an end. 希望 陛下 仿效 堯舜 之道 , 將 山川 社稷 禪讓 畀 魏王 , 上合 天心 , 下合 民意 。 hope|Your Majesty|emulate|Yao and Shun|way|to transfer|mountains and rivers|state|abdication|to|King Wei|in accordance with heaven|heavenly will|in accordance with the people|will of the people I hope Your Majesty will emulate the way of Yao and Shun, and cede the mountains, rivers, and state to the Wei King, aligning with the will of Heaven above and the will of the people below. 而 陛下 呢 就 安享 清 閑 之福 , 噉 啊 祖宗 幸甚 , 生靈 幸甚 喇 。 and|Your Majesty|question particle|then|peacefully enjoy||||then|ah|ancestors|very fortunate|living beings|very fortunate|final particle And Your Majesty can then enjoy the blessings of peace and leisure, which would be a great fortune for our ancestors and a great blessing for the living. 臣 等 經過 會議 決定 , 特意 嚟 奏請 陛下 啊 。 I|and others|after|meeting|decided|specially|come|petition|Your Majesty|ah We have decided after the meeting to specially come and report to Your Majesty. 漢獻帝 一聽 啊 成個 傻 咗 噉 , 好耐好 耐都講 唔 出 說話 。 Emperor Xian of Han|upon hearing|ah|completely|foolish|past tense marker|like that|||not|out|words When Emperor Xian of Han heard this, he was completely stunned and couldn't speak for a long time. 收尾 , 佢 喊 起 上 嚟 話 : wrap up|he|cried|get|up|here|said Finally, he cried out and said: 朕 , 朕 想起 高祖 提 三尺 劍 , 斬蛇 起義 , 平秦 滅楚 , 創造 大漢 基業 , 世代相傳 , 都 成 四百年 咯 。 I||remembered|Gaozu|raised|three-foot|sword|slaying the serpent|uprising|||creating|Great Han|foundation of the dynasty|passed down through generations|all|became|four hundred years|particle indicating completion or realization I, I remember how Emperor Gao raised his three-foot sword, rebelled against the serpent, pacified Qin and destroyed Chu, and established the foundation of the Han dynasty, which has been passed down for four hundred years. 誒 , 朕 雖然 冇 才能 啫 , 之 亦 冇 過錯 吖 , 又點 忍心 將 祖宗 嘅 基業 , 隨隨便便 噉 放棄 呢 ? hey|I (imperial pronoun)|although|have not|ability|only|it|also|have not|fault|particle||heart to|to take|ancestors|possessive particle|family business|casually|like that|give up|question particle Ah, although I lack talent, I have not made any mistakes, so how can I bear to casually abandon the foundation laid by my ancestors? 你 哋 百官 出以公心 , 再 去 商量 下 啦 吓 。 ||officials|act with public spirit|again|go|discuss|later|sentence-final particle|particle indicating a suggestion or mild command You officials act with public spirit, so go and discuss it further. 華歆 見 皇帝 唔 應承 , 又 帶 李伏 、 許芝 上前 嚟 稟奏 話 嘞 : 陛下 如果 唔 信 , 可以 問 下 佢 兩個 吖 。 Hua Xin|saw|Emperor|not|agree|also|brought|Li Fu|Xu Zhi|stepped forward|to|report|said|past tense marker|Your Majesty|if|not|believe|can|ask|about|him|two|particle Hua Xin saw that the emperor was not responding, so he brought Li Fu and Xu Zhi forward to report: Your Majesty, if you do not believe, you can ask these two. 李伏 即刻 稟奏 話 喇 : 自從 魏王 登位 以 嚟 , 發生 咗 好多好多 吉祥 嘅 事 啊 。 Li Fu|immediately|report|said|particle|since|King Wei|ascended the throne|since|coming|happened|past tense marker|many many|auspicious|possessive particle|events|particle Li Fu immediately reported: Since the Wei king ascended the throne, many auspicious events have occurred. 好似 , 麒麟 降生 , 鳳凰來儀 , 黃龍 出現 , 嘉禾 蔚生 , 甘露 下降 啊 。 seems|Qilin|born||Yellow Dragon|appeared|auspicious grain|flourishing|sweet dew|descended|ah For example, the birth of a qilin, the arrival of phoenixes, the appearance of a yellow dragon, the flourishing of good harvests, and the descent of sweet dew. 呢 啲 乃 係 上天 顯示 話 魏 應當 取代 漢 嘅 兆頭 嚟 啊 。 ||are|is|heaven|showing|that|Wei|should|replace|Han|possessive particle|omen|come|ah particle These are signs from heaven indicating that Wei should replace Han. 許芝 跟 住 又 啟奏 話 嘞 : 臣 等 職掌 司天 , 夜晚 觀察 天象 , 只見 漢朝 氣數已盡 嘞 , 陛下 帝星 隱匿 不明 ; Xu Zhi|||again|reported|said|past tense marker|I (a humble form of address)|and others|in charge of|the Bureau of Astronomy|at night|observing|celestial phenomena|only saw|Han Dynasty||past tense marker|Your Majesty|imperial star|hidden|unclear Xu Zhi then reported: We, the officials in charge of the celestial observations, have been observing the heavenly phenomena at night, and we see that the fate of the Han Dynasty has come to an end; Your Majesty, the imperial star is hidden and unclear. 而 魏國 乾象 , 極天際地 就 言 之 難 盡 喇 。 and|Wei state|Qianxiang||then|to speak|possessive particle|difficult|to exhaust|final particle As for the Wei Kingdom, the signs are extremely difficult to interpret. 更 兼 應 晒 啲 預言 噃, 有 一首 預言 話 : 鬼在邊 , 委 相連 ; 當代 漢 , 無 可言 。 even more|also|should|all|particles|prophecy|particle|have|one||said||should|be connected|contemporary|Han|not| Moreover, there are some prophecies that say: Ghosts are on the edge, connected to each other; in this era of Han, there is nothing to be said. 言 在 東 , 午在 西 ; 兩日 並光 上 下移 啊 。 speech|at|east||west|||up||ah The words are in the east, and noon is in the west; the two suns shine together and move up and down. 根據 呢 個 預言 嚟 睇 , 陛下 你 應該 及早 禪位 嘅 。 according to|this|measure word|prophecy|come|see|Your Majesty|you|should|as soon as possible|abdicate|particle indicating past action According to this prophecy, Your Majesty, you should abdicate early. 鬼在邊 , 委 相連 係 個 魏字 ; |Wei (a surname)|connected|is|the|character for Wei The ghost is at the side, the committee is connected by the character Wei; 言 在 東 , 午在 西 , 係 個 許字 ; speech|at|east||west|is|the|character 許 Words are in the east, noon is in the west, that is the character Xu; 兩日 並光 上 下移 呢 就 係 個昌字 。 two days|together|up|down move|this|then|is| Two days shine together, moving up and down, that is the character Chang. 噉 即 係 話 , 魏 喺 許昌 應該 接受 漢 嘅 禪位 喇 , 請 陛下 明察 啊 。 then|just|is|saying|Wei|at|Xuchang|should|accept|Han|possessive particle|throne|particle indicating completed action|please|Your Majesty|see clearly|particle for emphasis So it means that Wei should accept the Han's abdication in Xu Chang, please Your Majesty, observe carefully. 誒 , 啲 兆頭 啊 , 預言 啊 等等 , 都 係 啲 虛虛 妄妄 假 嘅 事 啫 。 hey|plural marker|omen|sentence-final particle|prophecy|sentence-final particle|etc|all|are|plural marker|||false|possessive particle|things|only Eh, the omens, the prophecies, etc., are all just false and illusory things. 點解 要用 啲 假 嘅 事 , 嚟 夾硬要 朕 捨棄 祖宗 嘅 基業 吖 ! why|use|plural marker|fake|possessive particle|things|to||I (imperial pronoun)|abandon|ancestors|possessive particle|family business|sentence-final particle Why do you have to use false things to force me to abandon the legacy of my ancestors? 王朗 接住 稟奏 話 喇 : 陛下 , 自古以來 , 有興 必有 廢 , 有盛 必有 衰 , 邊度 有 不亡 之國 , 不敗 之 家 㗎 ? Wang Lang|received|report|said|particle|Your Majesty|since ancient times|there is prosperity|there must be|decline|there is flourishing|there must be|decay|where|has|not perishing||not defeated|possessive particle|family|particle Wang Lang then reported: Your Majesty, since ancient times, where there is prosperity, there must be decline; where there is growth, there must be decay. Where is there a country that does not perish, or a family that does not fail? 漢朝 相傳 四百多年 , 傳到 陛下 , 氣數 已經 盡咯 , 宜於 及早 退位 , 唔 好 遲疑 喇 , 遲則生 變 啊 ! Han Dynasty|it is said|over four hundred years|passed down to|Your Majesty|fate|already|exhausted|should|as soon as possible|abdicate|||hesitate|particle indicating change of state||trouble|particle indicating exclamation The Han dynasty has lasted for over four hundred years, and by the time it reaches Your Majesty, its fate has already run out. It is advisable to abdicate early, do not hesitate! Delays will lead to changes! 軟 嘅 唔 得 , 就講 迷信 , 迷信 都 唔 靈就開 硬弓 逼 到 獻帝 𡃀𡃀 聲喊 起 上 嚟 返 咗 入 去 後宮 。 soft|possessive particle|not|able||superstition|superstition|also|not||hard bow|force|to|Emperor Xian|crying||rise|up|come|return|past tense marker|enter|go|harem If soft approaches do not work, then they talk about superstition. If superstition does not work, they will force the issue, making Emperor Xian cry out and retreat back into the inner palace. 噉 嗰 班 文武 官員 就 得意 喇 , 覺得 真 係 好笑 啊 , 亦 都 散 咗 出去 。 like this|that|group|civil and military|officials|then|proud|particle indicating completed action|feel|really|is|funny|particle for emphasis|also|all|disperse|past tense marker|go out Then those civil and military officials were pleased, thinking it was really funny, and they also dispersed. 第 日 , 文武百官 又 喺 大殿 聚齊 , 叫 太監 入去 請 獻帝 出 嚟 噉 。 the|day|civil and military officials|again|at|main hall|gathered|called|eunuch|to enter|to invite|Emperor Xian|to come|out|like this On that day, the civil and military officials gathered again in the main hall and called for the eunuch to go in and invite Emperor Xian to come out. 獻帝 怕 喇 , 唔 敢出去 啊 。 Xian Di|is afraid|particle indicating completed action|not||particle for emphasis Emperor Xian was scared and did not dare to go out. 曹后 就 問喇 : 百官 請 陛下 臨朝 , 陛下 點解 唔 願 去 呢 ? Empress Cao|then|asked|all the officials|request|Your Majesty|to attend court|Your Majesty|why|not|willing|go|question particle Empress Cao then asked: The officials are requesting Your Majesty to attend the court, why do you not wish to go? 唉 , 你 阿哥 想 篡位 , 叫 百官 嚟 相 逼 , 朕 所以 唔 去 啫 。 sigh|you|older brother|wants|usurp the throne|call|all officials|come|together|pressure|I (the emperor)|therefore|not|go|only Sigh, your brother wants to usurp the throne, calling the officials to pressure me, that's why I don't want to go. 吓 ? 我 阿哥 點解 要 做 啲 大逆不道 嘅 事 呢 ? huh|I|older brother|why|must|do|some|unfilial|possessive particle|things|question particle Huh? Why would my brother want to do such treasonous things? 說話 未 完 , 只見 曹洪 、 曹休 就 帶 住 劍 行入 嚟 , 請 獻帝 出去 登殿 。 speaking|not|finished|only saw|Cao Hong|Cao Xiu|then|||sword|walking in|here|please|Emperor Xian|go out|ascend the throne While speaking, just then Cao Hong and Cao Xiu entered with swords, asking to take Emperor Xian out to the throne. 曹后 就 鬧 佢 哋 話 喇 : 都 係 你 哋 成班 奸賊 , 一味 想 富貴 , 就 做 埋 啲 大逆不道 嘅 事 。 Cao Hau|then|scolded|he|they|said|particle indicating completed action|all|are|you|they|whole group|treacherous thieves|only|want|wealth and honor|then|||particle indicating plural|extremely immoral|possessive particle|things Cao's wife scolded them, saying: "You are all a bunch of treacherous thieves, only wanting wealth and nobility, and doing such rebellious acts." 父親 在 生 嘅 時候 , 功蓋 寰宇 威震天下 , 都 尚且 唔 敢 做 啲 謀朝 篡位 嘅 事 啊 。 father|at|birth|possessive particle|time|achievements|universe|intimidating the world|also|still|not|dare|do|some|plotting against the dynasty|usurpation|possessive particle|matters|final particle When my father was alive, his achievements covered the world and his power shook the land, yet he still did not dare to plot against the throne. 但 係 而家 , 阿哥 繼位 冇 幾耐 , 就 諗 住 篡奪 皇位 咯 , 個 天實 唔 保佑 你 㗎 ! ||now|older brother|ascended to the throne|not|long|then|||usurping|throne|particle indicating finality|the|heaven|not|bless|you|particle indicating emphasis But now, my brother has just ascended the throne, and you are already thinking of usurping it. Heaven will not protect you! 講完 , 曹后 哀哀 痛哭 就 返 咗 入 去 後宮 。 finished speaking|Empress Cao|sorrowfully|wept|then|returned|past tense marker|inside|to|harem After speaking, Cao's wife wept bitterly and returned to the inner palace. 曹洪 、 曹休當 冇 聽見 啊 , 猛 咁 要 請 獻帝 出去 登殿 。 Cao Hong|Cao Xiudang|not|heard|ah|urgently|so|want|invite|Emperor Xian|go out|ascend the throne Cao Hong and Cao Xiu didn't hear it, and they urgently wanted to invite Emperor Xian to go out and ascend the throne. 噉 獻帝 被 逼 不過 咯 , 唯有 着 返件 龍袍 出去 登殿 係 啦 。 then|Emperor Xian|was|forced|no choice|particle indicating realization|only|put on|the|dragon robe|go out|ascend the throne|is|particle indicating finality So Emperor Xian was forced and had no choice but to put on the dragon robe and go out to ascend the throne. 華歆 又 嚟 開口 稟奏 嘞 喎 , 佢 話 : Wah Hin|again|come|open mouth|report|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|he|said Hua Xin also came to speak and report, saying, 陛下 若果 依照 臣 等 昨日 嘅 建議 , 就 可以 免遭 大禍 啊 。 Your Majesty|if|according to|I (referring to oneself as a servant)|and others|yesterday|possessive particle|suggestion|then|can|avoid|great disaster|ah "Your Majesty, if you follow our suggestions from yesterday, you can avoid great disaster." 嘩 , 噉 啊 直情 恐嚇 嘞 噃。 wow|like this|ah|directly|threaten|past tense particle| Wow, that's really a threat. 獻帝 呀 當堂 喊起 嚟 啦 : 誒 你 哋 都 係 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 好耐 㗎 喇 。 Emperor Xian|particle|in public|shout out|come|particle|hey|you|plural marker|all|are|eat|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|salary|long time|particle|particle The Emperor Xian shouted out loud: "Hey, you all have been enjoying the salaries of the Han Dynasty for a long time." 其中 , 唔 少 係 漢朝 功臣 嘅 子孫 , 點解 要 做 啲 噉 嘅 叛逆 嘅 事 吖 ? 啊 ? among them|not|few|are|Han Dynasty|meritorious officials|possessive particle|descendants|why|need to|do|some|such|possessive particle|rebellious|possessive particle|things|question particle|exclamatory particle Among them, many are descendants of the Han Dynasty's loyal ministers. Why do they want to do such rebellious things? 華歆 又 逼 一步 : 陛下 若果 唔 聽從 大家 嘅 決議 , 一旦 蕭 墻 禍 起 , 就 唔 係 臣 等 不 忠於 陛下 喇 。 Hwa Sin|again|urge|step|Your Majesty|if|not|heed|everyone|possessive particle|resolution|once|Hsiao|wall|disaster|arises|then|not|is|we|and|not|loyal to|Your Majesty|particle indicating completion or change of state Hua Xin pressed further: "Your Majesty, if you do not heed everyone's decision, once chaos arises, it will not be us ministers who are disloyal to you." 吓 , 吓 。 scare|scare Huh, huh. 邊 , 邊個 敢 殺 朕 啊 , 啊 , 邊 , 邊個 啊 , 啊 ? where|who|dares|kill|I (imperial pronoun)|ah|ah|where|who|ah|ah Who, who dares to kill me, huh, who, who is it, huh? 天下 嘅 人 都 知道 陛下 冇 人君 之福 , 以至 四方 大亂 。 the world|possessive particle|people|all|know|Your Majesty|has no|ruler||leading to|all directions|great chaos Everyone in the world knows that Your Majesty lacks the blessings of a ruler, leading to chaos in all directions. 若果 唔 係 魏 王 喺 處 呀 , 想 殺 陛下 嘅 何止 一人 啊 ! if|not|is|||at|place|particle|wants|to kill|Your Majesty|possessive particle|more than|one person|particle If it weren't for the Wei King being here, how many people would want to kill Your Majesty! 陛下 仲 唔 知恩報德 , 唔 通真 係 想 天下 嘅 人 共同 嚟 討伐 陛下 咩 ! Your Majesty|still|not|grateful|||is|want|world|possessive particle|people|together|come|attack|Your Majesty|question particle Your Majesty still does not know how to be grateful; do you really want everyone in the world to unite against you? 嘩 , 嚇 到 獻帝 面色 都 變 咗 , 衫袖 一拂 起身 想 走 嘞 , 怕人 殺 佢 吖 嘛 。 wow|scare|to|Emperor Xian|complexion|all|change|past tense marker|sleeve||stand up|want|to leave|particle indicating completed action||kill|him|particle indicating question|particle indicating obviousness Wow, even the face of Emperor Xian changed in fear, and he brushed his sleeves and wanted to leave, afraid that someone would kill him. 王朗 同華歆 打個 眼色 , 華歆勢 兇 夾狼 啊 大 步行 前 , 一手 就 掹 住 獻帝 嘅 龍袍 , 黑起塊 面話 : 應承 唔 應承 快 啲 講句 ! Wang Lang||exchange|glance|Hua Xin's posture|fierce|ambush|ah|big|walking|forward|with one hand|then|||Emperor Xian|possessive particle|dragon robe|||promise|not|promise|quickly|a little|say something Wang Lang exchanged glances with Hua Xin, and Hua Xin, looking fierce, stepped forward, grabbing Emperor Xian's dragon robe with one hand, and said with a dark face: 'Quickly say whether you will comply or not!' 誒 , 誒 誒 誒 啊 誒 誒 。 eh||||ah|| Eh, eh eh eh ah eh eh. 獻帝 已經 嚇 到 周身 滴滴 震 喇 唔 識講 說話 喇 。 Emperor Xian|already|scared|to|whole body|trembling|shaking|particle indicating completed action|not||talking|particle indicating completed action Emperor Xian was so scared that he was trembling all over and couldn't speak. 曹洪 、 曹休 就 拔出 寶劍 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 符寶郎 喺 邊 處 ? Cao Hong|Cao Xiu|then|drew|sword|loudly|like this||Fu Baolang|at|| Cao Hong and Cao Xiu drew their swords and shouted loudly: Where is the Fu Baolang? 符寶郎 就 即 係 尚 符璽郎 中 係 個 官名 , 係 掌管 皇帝 玉璽 同 虎符 、 竹 符 嘅 官員 。 Fu Baolang|just|immediately|is|Shang|Fu Xilong|in|is|the|official title|is|in charge of|emperor|jade seal|and|tiger talisman|bamboo|talisman|possessive particle|official Fu Baolang is actually the official title of the Shang Fu Xi Lang, who is in charge of the emperor's jade seal, tiger talismans, and bamboo talismans. 祖弼 就 應聲 行出 嚟 話 : 符寶郎 喺 處 ! Zhu Bi|then|in response|walked out|here|said|Fu Bao Lang|at|place Zu Bi then responded and said: Fu Baolang is here! 曹洪 立即 逼祖 弼 攞 皇帝 嘅 玉璽 。 Cao Hong|immediately||Bi|take|emperor|possessive particle|imperial seal Cao Hong immediately forced Zu Bi to take the emperor's jade seal. 祖弼 就 鬧 佢 話 喇 : 玉璽 乃 係 天子 嘅 寶物 , 你 亂 攞 都 得 嘅 咩 ! Zhu Bi|then|scolded|him|said|particle indicating completed action|imperial seal|is|is|emperor|possessive particle|treasure|you|randomly|take|all|okay|particle indicating completed action|question particle Zu Bi scolded him, saying: 'The jade seal is the treasure of the Son of Heaven, can you just take it randomly!' 噉 曹洪 就 喝 啲 武士 拉祖弼 出去 斬首 , 祖弼 呀 一 啲 都 唔 屈服 啊 , 到 死 都 罵不絕口 。 then|Cao Hong|then|drink|some|warrior|Ra Zhu Bi|go out|beheaded|Zhu Bi|ah|one|a little|all|not|surrender|ah|until|death|all|cursed without stopping Then Cao Hong ordered the soldiers to drag Zu Bi out and behead him, but Zu Bi did not yield at all, cursing until the very end. 獻帝 就 嚇到 死死 下 喇 , 成身 飆 晒 冷汗 。 Emperor Xian|then|scared|to death|down|particle indicating completed action|whole body|burst out|all|cold sweat The Xian Emperor was so scared that he was sweating profusely. 佢 見到 台 階下 便 有 幾百人 , 披住 鐵甲 揸 住 兵器 嘅 ,冚𠾴唥 都 係 魏 兵 。 He|saw|platform|under the stairs|then|had|several hundred people|wearing|armor|holding|particle indicating continuous action|weapons|possessive particle|all|all|are|Wei|soldiers He saw that there were hundreds of people on the platform, all wearing armor and holding weapons, all of them were Wei soldiers. 唉 冇 得 摱 嘅 咯 就 喊住 對班 大臣 話 : sigh|not|able|hug|particle|particle|then|crying|to the group of|ministers|said Sigh, since there is no way to hold on, I cried and told the ministers: 朕 , 朕 , 朕 情願 將 天下 禪讓 畀 魏王 咯 , 誒 , 誒 , 希望 留返 朕 一條 命 , 以終天年 喇 , 啊 。 I|||am willing|to transfer|the world|abdicate|to|King Wei|particle indicating completed action|interjection||hope|to leave||one|life||particle indicating completed action|interjection I, I, I would rather abdicate the world to the King of Wei, ah, ah, I hope to be left with my life, to live out my days. 賈詡 話 : 魏王 必定 唔 會 對 唔 住 陛下 嘅 , 陛下 快 啲 下 一道 詔書 , 安定 眾 人 嘅 心 啦 。 Jia Xu|said|King of Wei|definitely||||||Your Majesty|possessive particle||||issue|one|decree|stabilize|||possessive particle|hearts|sentence-final particle Jia Xu said: The King of Wei will definitely not go against Your Majesty, Your Majesty should quickly issue another edict to calm the hearts of the people. 獻帝 就 只有 叫 陳 群 啊 , 幫 佢 起草 禪讓 國家 嘅 詔書 。 Emperor Xian|then|only|called|Chen|Qun|ah|help|him|draft|abdication|state|possessive particle|edict The Xian Emperor could only call upon Chen Qun to help him draft the abdication edict. 然後 呢 , 又 叫華歆 捧住 玉璽 、 詔書 , 帶齊 文武百官 , 去 魏 王宮 呀 獻 畀 曹丕 。 then|question particle|again||holding|imperial seal|edict|bringing along|civil and military officials|go|Wei|royal palace|exclamation particle|present|to|Cao Pi Then, he also called Hua Xin to hold the imperial seal and the edict, bringing along the civil and military officials to present it to Cao Pi at the Wei palace. 詔書 一 宣讀 完 , 曹丕 就 想 接詔 嘞 。 edict|once|read|finished|Cao Pi|then|wanted|to accept the edict|past tense marker Once the edict was read, Cao Pi wanted to accept it. 司馬懿 勸 佢 話 : 唔 好 接住 。 Sima Yi|advised|him|said|||take it Sima Yi advised him, saying: Don't accept it right away. 雖然 詔書 玉璽 都 送到 嚟 喇 , 殿下 仲 係 應該 上 一份 表章 , 表示 謙虛 唔 敢 接受 , 使到 天下 嘅 人 , 冇 得講 壞話 。 although|imperial edict|imperial seal|all|arrived|here|particle indicating completed action|Your Highness|still|is|should|submit|a|petition|to show|humility|not|dare|accept|causing|the world|possessive particle|people|no||bad words Although the edict and the imperial seal have arrived, Your Highness should still submit a memorial to show humility and that you are not worthy of accepting it, so that people in the world cannot speak ill of you. 係 喎 嚱, 詔書 一到 , 即刻 就 接受 , 豈 唔 係 顯得 好 猴 擒 ? is|||||||||||appears|very|| That's right! As soon as the edict arrives, to accept it immediately would seem very presumptuous, wouldn't it? 好 ! 於是 曹丕 叫 王朗 幫 佢 寫 一份 表章 , 就 表示 謙虛 , 話 自己 德薄 啊 , 請 皇帝 物色 過 第二個 人去 繼承 皇帝 位 啦 噉 。 good|then|Cao Pi|called|Wang Lang|to help|him|write|a|memorial|then|expressed|humility|said|himself|lacking virtue|ah|to request|emperor|to select|another|second||inherit|emperor|position|particle|like this Alright! So Cao Pi asked Wang Lang to help him write a memorial, expressing his humility, saying that he is unworthy and requesting the emperor to select another person to inherit the throne. 獻帝 睇 咗 份 表章 個心 又 思疑 起 上 嚟 嘞 , 佢 就 對 班 大臣 話 : 魏王 咁 謙遜 , 唔 肯 接受 啊 , 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? Emperor Xian|read|past tense marker|measure word for documents|memorial|his heart|again|suspicion|arise|up|come|completed action marker|he|then|to|measure word for groups|ministers|said|King of Wei|so|humble|not|willing|accept|sentence-final particle|then|what can be done|question particle Emperor Xian looked at a memorial and felt suspicious, so he said to the ministers: "The Wei King is so humble and refuses to accept it, what should we do?" 華歆 稟奏 話 : 往日 , 魏武王 受 王爵 嘅 時候 , 都 係 謙辭 咗 三次 。 Hua Xin|report|said|in the past|King Wei Wu|received|royal title|possessive particle|time|all|was|humble remarks|past tense marker|three times Hua Xin reported: "In the past, when King Wu of Wei received the title of king, he also declined three times." 皇上 再三 要 佢 接受 , 噉 然後 先至肯 接受 嘅 啫 。 the emperor|repeatedly|wants|he|to accept|then|afterwards||to accept|particle|only The emperor insisted that he accept it, and only then did he agree to accept it. 我 睇 陛下 再落 一道 詔書 , 魏王 就 會 同意 㗎 嘞 。 I|see|Your Majesty||one|decree|King Wei|then|will|agree|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating past action I think if Your Majesty issues another edict, the Wei King will agree. 獻帝 無可奈何 啊 , 又 叫 桓階 幫 佢 起草 第二道 詔書 。 Emperor Xian|helpless|ah|again|called|Huan Jie|to help|him|draft|second|edict Emperor Xian had no choice but to ask Huan Jie to help him draft a second edict. 呢 次 又 派 御史大夫 張音 做 使者 , 揸 住節 , 送 詔書 、 玉璽 去 魏 王宮 。 this|time|again|send|Grand Commandant|Zhang Yin|act as|messenger|hold||deliver|edict|imperial seal|to|Wei|royal palace This time, the Grand Minister Zhang Yin was sent as an envoy, holding the seal, to deliver the edict and imperial seal to the Wei royal palace. 曹丕 讀完 第二道 詔書 好 歡喜 。 Cao Pi|finished reading|second|edict|very|happy Cao Pi was very happy after reading the second edict. 但 係 呢 次 呢 , 嘿嘿 , 佢 自己 會 諗 咯 喎 。 ||this|time|this|hehe|he|himself|will|think|particle indicating realization|particle indicating suggestion But this time, he would think for himself. 佢 就 對 賈 詡 話 喇 : 雖然 有 兩次 詔書 , 話 要 讓位 畀 我 , 不過 終歸 仲 係 怕 天下 後世 , 會話 我 係 篡位 㗎 喎 。 he|then|to|Jia|Xu|said|particle indicating completed action|although|has|two times|imperial edict|saying|to|abdicate|to|me|but|ultimately|still|is|afraid|the world|future generations|would say|I|am|usurper|particle indicating assertion|particle indicating realization He said to Jia Xu: Although there are two edicts saying I should be given the throne, I still fear that in the future, people will say I usurped the throne. 賈詡 話 喇 : 噉 誒 易 啦 。 殿下 你 叫 使者 將 玉璽 送返 去 先 , 然後 叫華歆講 畀 獻帝 聽 , 叫 佢 築 一個 壇 , 叫做 受禪壇 。 Jia Xu|said|particle indicating completion|like this|ah|easy|particle indicating suggestion|Your Highness|you|to order|messenger|to take|imperial seal|return|to|first|then||to|Emperor Xian|to hear|to ask|he|to build||altar|called|altar of abdication Jia Xu replied: That's easy. Your Highness, you should first ask the envoy to return the imperial seal, and then have Hua Xin tell Emperor Xian to build an altar called the Altar of Receiving the Mandate. 擇個 吉日良辰 , 召集 大小 公卿 文武百官 , 一齊 嚟 到壇 下 。 choose|auspicious day and time|gather|high and low|nobles|civil and military officials|together|come|to the altar|below Choose a good day and auspicious time, gather all the officials, both civil and military, to come to the altar. 叫天子 親自 捧住 玉璽 , 將 天下 禪讓 畀 殿下 。 call the emperor|personally|holding|imperial seal|to transfer|the world|abdication|to|your highness Ask the emperor to personally hold the jade seal and transfer the world to Your Highness. 噉 樣 呀 , 大家 就 無可 懷疑 , 亦 冇 說話 好講 啦 嘛 。 like this|appearance|sentence-final particle|everyone|then|no|doubt|also|not|conversation|easy to talk|sentence-final particle|rhetorical particle In this way, everyone will have no doubts, and there will be nothing more to say. 曹丕 好 歡喜 啊 , 就 叫 張 音帶 玉璽 返去 , 依然 上 一份 表章 表示 謙辭 。 Cao Pi|very|happy|ah|then|to call|Zhang|audio tape|jade seal|to return|still|on|a|document|indicating|humble refusal Cao Pi was very pleased, so he asked Zhang Yin to take the jade seal back and still submit a formal document expressing humility. 張音 如此這般 返去 稟奏 獻帝 。 Zhang Yin|like this|return|report|Emperor Xian Zhang Yin returned and reported this to Emperor Xian. 獻帝 又 問班 大臣 喇 : 魏王 又 唔 肯 接受 噃, 佢 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 ? Emperor Xian|again||ministers|particle indicating completed action|King of Wei|again|not|willing|accept|particle indicating suggestion|he|is|what|thing|meaning|question particle The Emperor Xian asked the ministers: "The King of Wei still refuses to accept, what does he mean by that?" 華歆 稟奏 話 喇 : 請 陛下 築 一個 壇 , 名叫 受禪壇 , 召集 公卿 庶民 , 當眾 禪讓 帝位 。 Hua Xin|report|said|particle|please|Your Majesty|build|a|platform|named|the platform of abdication|gather|nobles|commoners|in public|abdication|throne Hua Xin reported: "Please Your Majesty to build an altar, called the Altar of Succession, to gather the nobles and commoners, and publicly abdicate the throne." 噉 樣 呢 , 陛下 嘅 子子孫孫 就 必定 能夠 受到 魏 王 嘅 恩澤 喇 。 like this|appearance|question particle|Your Majesty|possessive particle|descendants|then|definitely|able to|receive|Wei|King|possessive particle|favor|final particle In this way, Your Majesty's descendants will surely be able to receive the favor of the King of Wei. 唉 , 點話點 好 係 啦 。 sigh|how to say|good|is|particle Alas, how should I put this? 做 皇帝 做到 而家 噉 嘅 樣 呀 , 直情 係 個 泥菩薩 一樣 嘅 啫 。 be|emperor|be|now|like|possessive particle|appearance|particle|really|is|classifier|clay statue|the same|possessive particle|only Being an emperor and ending up like this, it's just like being a clay Buddha. 於是 漢獻帝 就 派 太常 院官 , 占 咗 個 卦 , 選擇 喺 繁 陽 呢 個 地方 啊 築起 三層 高 壇 。 then|Emperor Xian of Han|then|sent|Grand Minister of Ceremonies|court official|divined|past tense marker|the|hexagram|chose|at|||this|the|place|particle|built|three-story|high|altar So, Emperor Xian of Han sent officials from the Ministry of Rites to draw lots and chose to build a three-tiered altar in the place of Fanyang. 日子 呢 , 就 擇 喺 十月 , 庚午日 寅時 , 禪讓 帝位 。 date|question particle|then|choose|at|October|Gengwu day|Yin hour|abdication|throne The date was chosen to be in October, on the day of Gengwu, during the Yin hour, to abdicate the throne. 到期 喇 , 漢獻帝 請魏 王曹丕 登壇 受禪 。 upon expiration|particle indicating completed action|Emperor Xian of Han|||to ascend the throne|to receive the abdication When the time came, Emperor Xian invited King Cao Pi of Wei to ascend the platform and receive the abdication. 喺 壇 下 , 聚集 住 大大小小 官員 四百 幾名 , 仲有 虎賁 禁軍 三 十幾萬 。 at|altar|under|gathered|indicating continuous action|all kinds of|officials|four hundred|or so|and also|elite troops|imperial guards|three|over a hundred thousand Under the altar, there gathered more than four hundred officials of all ranks, along with over thirty thousand elite troops. 嘩個 場面 呀 , 確實 係 偉大 喇 。 wow|scene|particle|indeed|is|great|particle What a grand scene it was, truly magnificent. 漢獻帝 手 震震 噉 親自 捧住 玉璽 , 獻 畀 曹丕 。 Emperor Xian of Han|hand|trembling|like that|personally|holding|imperial seal|presented|to|Cao Pi Emperor Xian of Han trembled as he personally held the jade seal and presented it to Cao Pi. 嗬 漢獻帝 呀 漢獻帝 , 嘿嘿 , 真 係 獻 咗 個 皇帝 位 畀 人 喇 呢 趟 。 oh|Emperor Xian of Han|ah||hee hee|||offered|past tense marker|measure word|emperor|position|to|someone|past action particle|this|time Oh Emperor Xian of Han, haha, you really have handed over the throne to someone else this time. 曹丕 接過 玉璽 , 跟 住 宣讀 冊文 , 就 係 登上 皇帝 位 嘅 文告 。 Cao Pi|received|imperial seal|||read out|edict|||ascending to|emperor|throne|possessive particle|announcement Cao Pi took the jade seal and then read the proclamation, which was the announcement of his ascension to the throne. 壇下 所有 嘅 大臣 軍士 跪 晒 喺 度 聽 。 under the platform|all|possessive particle|ministers|soldiers|kneel|completely|at|place|listen All the ministers and soldiers below the platform knelt down to listen. 宣讀 完喇 , 曹丕 受 咗 八般 大禮 , 正式 登基 做 皇帝 。 read out|finished|Cao Pi|received|past tense marker|eight kinds of|great ceremonies|officially|ascended the throne|became|emperor After finishing the reading, Cao Pi received the eight great rites and officially ascended the throne as emperor. 賈詡 率領 大小 官僚 , 喺 壇 下 三跪九叩 , 噉 啊 朝拜 新 皇帝 嘞 。 Jia Xu|led|high and low|officials|at|altar|under|three kneels and nine knocks|then|ah|worship|new|emperor|past tense particle Jia Xu led the officials, both big and small, to kneel three times and bow nine times at the altar to pay homage to the new emperor. 又 宣布 將 , 延康 元年 啊 , 改為 黃初 元年 , 國號 大魏 。 again|announced|will|Yan Kang|first year|ah|changed to|Huang Chu|first year|state name|Great Wei He also announced that the first year of Yinkang would be changed to the first year of Huangchu, with the state name being Da Wei. 當時 呢 亦 即 係 公元 二二 一年 , 呢 一年 曹丕 做 皇帝 呢 係 三十九歲 。 at that time|this|also|just|was|AD|22|year|this||Cao Pi|became|emperor|this|was|39 years old At that time, it was the year 221 AD, and in that year, Cao Pi became emperor at the age of thirty-nine. 曹丕 做 咗 皇帝 第一件 事 , 就 係 下 一道 命令 , 大赦天下 , 稱 佢 父親 曹操 , 做 太祖 武皇帝 。 Cao Pi|became|past tense marker|emperor|first|thing|then|was|issue|one|decree||to honor|his|father|Cao Cao|made|founding|martial emperor The first thing Cao Pi did after becoming emperor was to issue a decree for a general amnesty, referring to his father Cao Cao as Emperor Taizu Wu. 接 住 , 華歆 稟奏 話 喇 : 天無二日 , 民無二主 啊 。 ||Hua Xin|report|said|particle|||particle Then, Hua Xin reported, saying: 'Heaven does not have two suns, and the people do not have two rulers.' 漢帝 既然 禪讓 咗 天下 , 理應 退而為 臣民 。 Han Emperor|since|abdicated|past tense marker|world|should|retreat and become|subjects Since the Han Emperor has abdicated the throne, he should retire and become a commoner. 請 皇上 下 一道 聖旨 , 安置 劉氏 去 某個 地方 。 please|Your Majesty|issue|one|imperial decree|relocate|Liu family|to|a certain|place Please, Your Majesty, issue a decree to relocate the Liu family to a certain place. 華歆 講完 , 就 扶 漢獻帝 去壇 下跪 喺 處 聽候 聖旨 。 Hua Xin|finished speaking|then|assist|Emperor Xian of Han||kneel|at|place|waiting for|imperial decree After Hua Xian finished speaking, he helped Emperor Xian of Han kneel at the altar to await the decree. 曹丕封 漢獻帝 做 山陽公 , 即日 要 佢 起 行 。 |Emperor Xian of Han|made|Duke of Shanyang|on the same day|wanted|him|| Cao Pi conferred the title of Duke of Shanyang on Emperor Xian of Han, and he was to set out that very day. 華歆 撳住 把 劍 , 指住 漢獻帝 話 : Hua Xin|pressing|measure word for tools|sword|pointing at|Emperor Xian of Han|said Hua Xian pressed the sword and pointed at Emperor Xian of Han, saying: 立 一個 皇帝 就 廢 一個 皇帝 , 乃 係 自古以來 嘅 道理 。 establish|one|emperor|then|depose|||only|is|since ancient times|possessive particle|principle Establishing one emperor means deposing another, this has been the way since ancient times. 當今 皇上 非常 仁慈 啊 , 唔 忍心 殺 你 封 你 做 山陽公 。 current|emperor|very|merciful|ah|not|heartless|kill|you|confer|you|make|Duke of Shanyang The current emperor is very benevolent, he can't bear to kill you, so he makes you the Duke of Shanyang. 今日 你 就 起行 , 以後 , 冇 宣詔 就 唔 準入 朝 ! today|you|then|depart|in the future|no|announcement|then|not|allowed to enter|morning You will set off today, and in the future, you are not allowed to enter the court without a decree! 漢獻帝 眼淚汪汪 , 叩 咗 幾個 頭 多謝 新 皇帝 嘅 恩德 , 就 上馬 起行 去 做 佢 嘅 山陽公 喇 。 Emperor Xian of Han|with tears in his eyes|to knock|past tense marker|several|bows|thank|new|emperor|possessive particle|kindness|then|mount the horse|set off|to|be|he|possessive particle|Duke of Shanyang|sentence-final particle Emperor Xian of Han, with tears in his eyes, bowed several times to thank the new emperor for his grace, and then mounted his horse to become the Duke of Shanyang. 當時 成班 大臣 就 高呼 萬歲 萬歲 萬萬歲 啊 , 就 請 曹丕 答謝 天地 。 at that time|the whole|ministers|then|shouted|long live|long live|forever long live|ah|then|invited|Cao Pi|to thank|heaven and earth At that time, all the ministers shouted 'Long live, long live, long long live!' and asked Cao Pi to thank heaven and earth. 曹丕 啱 啱 跪 低 想 拜天地 唧 , 忽然間 , 喺 壇 前 呼呼 , 捲起 一浸 怪風 。 Cao Pi|||||wanted|worship heaven and earth|sound of kneeling|suddenly|at|||howling|swept up|a wave of|strange wind Cao Pi just knelt down to worship the heavens and the earth, when suddenly, a strange wind swept up in front of the altar. 嘩 嗨 飛沙走石 天昏地暗 , 對面 都 唔 見 人 咁 交關 。 wow|hi|flying sand and rolling stones|dark as night|opposite side|all|not|see|people|so|busy Wow, the flying sand and stones made the sky dark and the earth dim, and I couldn't see anyone on the other side. 壇 上 嘅 燈燭 啊 冚𠾴唥 吹熄 晒 , 真 係 大 吉利 是 咯 , 嚇 到 曹丕 啊 跌 咗 落地 。 altar|on|possessive particle|candles|particle|all blown out|blown out|completely|really|is|big|lucky|is|particle|scared|to|Cao Pi|particle|fell|past tense marker|to the ground The candles on the altar were all blown out, which was really ominous, and it scared Cao Pi so much that he fell to the ground. 嗰 班 大臣 啊 急 急救 起 曹丕 落 咗 壇 , 就過 咗 一陣 呢 先至 蘇醒 返 。 that|group|ministers|ah|hurriedly|emergency|lift|Cao Pi|fall|past tense marker|altar||past tense marker|a while|this|finally|woke up|back The ministers hurriedly helped Cao Pi up from the altar, and after a while, he finally regained consciousness. 結果 呢 , 曹丕 就 病 咗 好幾日 , 都 冇 晒 精神 , 就 唔 能夠 登殿 臨朝 啦 。 as a result|question particle|Cao Pi|then|sick|past tense marker|several days|all|not have|completely|energy|then|not|able to|enter the palace|attend court|final particle As a result, Cao Pi fell ill for several days, and he had no energy at all, so he couldn't attend the court. 收尾 好返 啲 喇 , 先至 出殿 接受 文武百官 嘅 朝賀 。 wrap up|better|a little|particle indicating completed action|only then|leave the palace|accept|civil and military officials|possessive particle|morning tribute Wrapping up nicely, only then will I go out to the palace to receive the tribute from the civil and military officials. 曹丕 就 封華歆 做 司徒 , 王朗 做 司空 , 大小官員 啊 個個 都 有 得 升賞 。 Cao Pi|then||serve as|Minister of Works|Wang Lang|serve as|Minister of War||ah|everyone|all|have|merit|promotion Cao Pi appointed Hua Xin as Minister of Works and Wang Lang as Minister of War, and every official, big and small, received promotions. 噉 曹丕 啲 病 呢 就 一直 都 唔 係 點 好 噃。 then|Cao Pi|possessive particle|illness|question particle|then|always|all|not|is|very|good|sentence-final particle However, Cao Pi's health has not been good all along. 佢 又 懷疑 許昌 嘅 宮殿 妖怪 多 , 就 搬 去 洛陽 住 , 同時 喺 洛陽 啊 興建 好多 新 嘅 宮殿 。 He|again|doubts|Xuchang|possessive particle|palace|monsters|many|then|moved|to|Luoyang|live|at the same time|at|Luoyang|particle indicating exclamation|built|many|new|possessive particle|palaces He suspected that there were many monsters in the palace of Xu Chang, so he moved to Luoyang to live, and at the same time, he built many new palaces in Luoyang. 噉 啊 關於 曹丕 自立 為 大 魏皇帝 , 喺 洛陽 興建 新 嘅 宮殿 , 又 話 漢獻帝 呢 已經 遇害 喇 等等 呢 啲 噉 嘅 消息 啊 , 就 傳到 去 成都 。 like this|ah|regarding|Cao Pi|self-proclaimed|as|great|emperor of Wei|at|Luoyang|built|new|possessive particle|palace|also|said|Emperor Xian of Han|this|already|assassinated|past tense particle|etc|these|plural particle|like this|possessive particle|news|ah|then|spread to|to|Chengdu Regarding Cao Pi declaring himself the Emperor of Wei, building new palaces in Luoyang, and the news that Emperor Xian of Han has already been harmed, this kind of news spread to Chengdu. 劉備 知道 咗 非常 悲憤 , 喊 咗 成日 。 Liu Bei|knew|past tense marker|very|grief and anger|cried|past tense marker|all day Liu Bei was very saddened and cried all day. 下令 文武百官 掛孝 , 遙望 東北方 啊 舉行 祭奠 , 尊稱 獻帝 做 孝 愍 皇帝 。 ordered|civil and military officials|wear mourning clothes|looking far|northeast|ah|hold|memorial ceremony|respectfully called|Emperor Xian|as|filial|compassionate|emperor He ordered all civil and military officials to wear mourning clothes and held a memorial service facing the northeast, respectfully referring to Emperor Xian as the Filial and Benevolent Emperor. 因為 呢 件 事 啊 劉備 憂慮 得 多 , 就 病起 上 嚟 , 唔 能夠 理事 嘞 , 一切 嘅 政務 呢 都 交晒 畀 孔明 。 because|this|measure word for events|matter|particle indicating exclamation|Liu Bei|worried|to a degree|much|then|fell ill|up|here|not|able to|manage affairs|particle indicating completed action|everything|possessive particle|political affairs|this|all|handed over|to|Kongming Due to this matter, Liu Bei was very worried and fell ill, unable to manage affairs, so he entrusted all government matters to Kongming. 有 一日 , 孔明同 太傅許 靖 、 光祿 大夫 譙周 商量 。 there is|one day|||Jing|Minister of Rites|nobleman||discuss One day, Kongming discussed with Grand Tutor Xu Jing and Minister Qiao Zhou. 大家 都 認為 天下 就 不可 一日 無君 啦 , 都 好 想 擁戴 劉備 做 皇帝 。 everyone|all|believes|the world|then|cannot|one day||particle|all|very|want|to support|Liu Bei|to make|emperor Everyone believed that the world cannot be without a ruler for even a day, and they all wanted to support Liu Bei as emperor. 譙周 呢 即刻 就 舉出 好多 好 嘅 兆頭 喎 , 比如 ,嗱 天上 呈現 五彩祥雲 喇 ; Chiu Chow|this|immediately|then|pointed out|many|good|possessive particle|signs|sentence-final particle|for example|look|in the sky|appearing|five-colored auspicious cloud|sentence-final particle Qiao Zhou immediately pointed out many good omens, for example, look, there are rainbow clouds appearing in the sky; 成都 個 西北角 呢 , 有 一道 黃 氣 幾十丈 沖天 而 起 喇 ; Chengdu|measure word|northwest corner|question particle|has|a beam|yellow|gas|several dozen zhang|soaring into the sky|and|rising|particle indicating completed action in the northwest corner of Chengdu, there is a yellow gas rising dozens of zhang into the sky; 噉 啊 帝星 喺 畢 、 胃 、 昴 之分 出現 , 明亮 到 呀 好似 月光 噉 喇 等等 。 like this|ah|the emperor star|at|beta|gamma|delta||appearance|bright|to|particle|like|moonlight|like this|particle|etc and the Emperor Star appears in the constellations of Bi, Wei, and Mao, shining brightly like moonlight, etc. 譙 周話 喇 : 呢 啲 吉祥 嘅 兆頭 呀 , 應晒 漢中 王要 登位 做 皇帝 繼承 大漢 嘅 正統 啊 , 冇 乜 好 猶疑 㗎 喇 。 scold|Zhou said|particle indicating completed action|these|plural marker|auspicious|possessive particle|signs|particle for emphasis|should all|Hanzhong||ascend the throne|be|emperor|inherit|Han dynasty|possessive particle|legitimacy|particle for emphasis|not|anything|very|hesitate|particle indicating a question|particle indicating completed action Qiao Zhou said: these auspicious omens indicate that the Han Zhong Wang should ascend the throne and inherit the legitimacy of the Han dynasty, there is no need for hesitation. 於是 孔明同 許靖 帶頭 , 率領 大小 百官 就 向 劉備 呈 上 一份 表章 , 敦請 劉備 啊 登上 皇帝 位 。 then||Xu Jing|took the lead|led|all|officials|then|to|Liu Bei|||a|memorial|earnestly requested|Liu Bei|ah|ascend|emperor|throne So, Kongming and Xu Jing took the lead, leading the officials to present a memorial to Liu Bei, earnestly requesting Liu Bei to ascend to the throne. 劉備 睇 咗 表章 嘩 大吃一驚 : Liu Bei|saw|past tense marker|notice|wow|was greatly surprised Liu Bei looked at the imperial edict and was greatly shocked: 哎呀 各位 愛卿 , 你 哋 真 係 想害 到 我 做個 不忠 不義之人 啊 。 oh no|everyone|beloved ministers|you|plural marker|||want to harm|to|me|become a|unfaithful|unjust person|ah Oh dear, my lords, do you really want to make me an unfaithful and unjust person? 唔 係 噉 講 嘅 , 曹丕 謀朝 篡位 。 ||like that|saying|particle|Cao Pi|plotting against the dynasty|usurp the throne That's not how it is, Cao Pi is plotting to usurp the throne. 王上 乃 係 漢室 後裔 , 理應 繼承 正統 延續 漢朝 啊 。 Your Majesty|is|is|Han dynasty|descendant|should|inherit|legitimacy|continue|Han dynasty|particle Your Majesty is a descendant of the Han dynasty, and should rightfully inherit the legitimacy and continue the Han dynasty. 啊 我點 能 夠學 嗰 啲 奸賊 嘅 叛逆 所為 㗎 ! ah||||that|plural marker|traitor|possessive particle|rebellion|actions|sentence-final particle Ah, how can I learn from those treacherous rebels' acts of rebellion! 劉備 變 咗 面色 , 衫袖 一拂 起身 返去 後宮 , 唔 講 嘞 。 Liu Bei|changed|past tense marker|complexion|sleeve||stood up|returned|harem|not|speak|past tense marker Liu Bei changed his expression, brushed his sleeves, stood up, and returned to the inner palace, without saying a word. 文武百官 就 唯有 散 係 啦 。 civil and military officials|then|only|disperse|is|particle indicating finality or emphasis The civil and military officials could only disperse. 過 咗 三日 , 孔明 又 試同 文武百官 入朝 , 請 劉備 出 嚟 嘞 喎 。 passed|past tense marker|three days|Kongming|again||civil and military officials|enter court|to invite|Liu Bei|to come out|to come|past action marker|sentence-final particle After three days, Kong Ming tried to enter the court again with the civil and military officials, asking Liu Bei to come out. 大家 都 跪 晒 喺 處 , 許靖 啊 稟奏 話 喇 : 而家 漢天子 已經 畀 曹丕 殺 咗 。 everyone|all|kneel|completely|at|place|Xu Jing|ah|report|said|particle indicating completed action|now|Han emperor|already|by|Cao Pi|killed|past tense marker Everyone was kneeling in place, and Xu Jing reported: The Han Emperor has already been killed by Cao Pi. 王上 若果 唔 登上 皇帝 位 , 出兵 去 討伐 叛逆 , 就 談 唔 上 忠義 喇 。 Your Majesty|if|not|ascends|Emperor|throne|deploy troops|to|attack|rebels|then|talk|not|about|loyalty|particle indicating finality If the king does not ascend to the throne and lead troops to punish the rebels, then there is no talk of loyalty and righteousness. 今日 普天之下 , 都 渴望 王上 做 君主 , 為 孝 愍 皇帝 報仇雪恨 。 today|under heaven|all|desire|King|be|monarch|for|filial|compassionate|Emperor|avenge and eliminate grievances Today, under heaven, everyone hopes that the king will become the ruler to avenge the late Emperor Xian. 若果 皇上 唔 聽從 臣 等 嘅 意見 就會失 民望 㗎 喇 。 if|Your Majesty|not|heed|I|and others|possessive particle|advice||public trust|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle If the emperor does not listen to our advice, he will lose the people's trust. 冇 錯 , 我 雖然 係 景 帝 嘅 孫 , 不過 對民眾 仲 未有 咩 嘢 恩澤 噃。 not|wrong|I|although|am|||possessive particle|grandson|but||still||any|thing|benefit|sentence-final particle That's right, although I am the grandson of Emperor Jing, I have not yet done anything beneficial for the people. 若果 而家 一旦 自立 為帝 , 噉 啊 同 篡位 有 乜嘢 唔 同 啊 ! if|now|once|self-proclaimed|as emperor|then|particle|with|usurpation|has|what|not|same|particle If I were to declare myself emperor now, how is that different from usurping the throne? 孔明 又試 苦苦 勸 佢 好 耐 , 劉備 堅決 唔 聽 。 Zhuge Liang||desperately|to persuade|him|very|long|Liu Bei|firmly|not|listen Kongming has tried hard to persuade him for a long time, but Liu Bei resolutely refuses to listen. 哈 , 收尾 孔明 就 諗 到 個 計仔 嘞 。 ha|finishing|Kongming|then|thought|of|the|plan|particle Ha, Zhuge Liang thought of a plan. 有 一日 , 孔明同 文武百官 話 喇 如此 如此 噉 。 there is|one day||all the civil and military officials|said|particle indicating completed action|like this|like this|like that One day, Zhuge Liang told the civil and military officials about this and that. 跟 住 , 孔明 就 話 自己 有病 喇 , 唔 出 嚟 理事 。 ||Kong Ming|then|said|himself|is sick|particle indicating change|not|||deal with matters Then, Zhuge Liang said he was ill and would not come out to handle affairs. 劉備 聽講 孔明 病得 好 交關 , 嗰 日 就 親自 去 到 孔明 住宅 。 Liu Bei|heard|Kongming|illness|very|serious|that|day|then|personally|go|to|Kongming|residence Liu Bei heard that Zhuge Liang was seriously ill, so he personally went to Zhuge Liang's residence that day. 一直 就 嚟 到 床前 探望 , 佢 問 : continuously|then|come|arrive|in front of the bed|visit|he|asked He went all the way to the bedside to visit him and asked: 啊 軍師 , 你 覺得 點啊 ? 邊度 唔 舒服 呢 ? ah|strategist|you|feel|how|where|not|comfortable|particle Ah, strategist, what do you think? Where do you feel uncomfortable? 唉 憂心如焚 , 都 冇 幾耐命 咯 。 sigh|worried to the point of burning|already|have not||particle indicating finality Sigh, I'm worried sick, I don't have much time left. 軍師 你 憂心 咩 事 啊 ? military advisor|you|worry|what|thing|question particle Strategist, what are you worried about? 唉 ! sigh Sigh! 咩 事 啊 吓 ? what|matter|question particle|surprised tone particle What is it? 唉 ! sigh Sigh! 究竟 乜嘢 事 呢 ? exactly|what|matter|question particle What on earth is going on? 唉 , 好 辛苦 啊 。 sigh|very|hard|particle Sigh, it's really tough. 劉備 連氣問 咗 幾次 , 孔明 啊 瞇 埋 雙眼 好似 病得 好重 噉 唔 願 開口 。 Liu Bei|asked in one breath|past tense marker|several times|Kongming (Zhuge Liang)|ah|||both eyes|seemed|sick|very seriously|like this|not|willing|to speak Liu Bei asked several times, but Kong Ming closed his eyes as if he was very ill and refused to speak. 劉備 再三再四 噉 問 佢 , 孔明先 至 長長 噉 歎 一口氣 話 : Liu Bei|repeatedly|like this|asked|him||only|long|like this|sighed|in one breath|said After Liu Bei asked him repeatedly, Kong Ming finally sighed deeply and said: 唉 , 臣 自從 初出茅廬 , 跟隨 大王 直到 今日 , 大王 對臣 真 係 言聽計從 。 sigh|I (the subject referring to a servant)|since|first started out in the world|followed|Your Majesty|until|today|Your Majesty||really|is|obedient to words and plans Alas, since I first stepped into the world, I have followed the king until today, and the king has truly listened to me. 而家 , 好彩 大王 已經 擁有 兩川 之 地 , 臣 當日 所講 過 嘅 說話 已經 初步 實現 。 now|fortunately|the great king|already|possesses|the two rivers|possessive particle|land|I (the humble servant)|that day||past tense marker|possessive particle|words|already|preliminary|realized Now, fortunately, the king has already acquired the lands of the two rivers, and what I mentioned back then has begun to take shape. 當前 , 曹丕 篡位 , 漢朝 嘅 命脈 眼睇 住 要 斬斷 。 currently|Cao Pi|usurp the throne|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|lifeline|in sight|particle indicating action in progress|must|cut off Currently, Cao Pi has usurped the throne, and the lifeline of the Han dynasty seems to be about to be severed. 所以 文武 官員 , 人人 都 想 擁戴 大王 做 皇帝 , 滅魏 興劉 , 希望 取得 個 功名 吖 。 so|civil and military|officials|everyone|all|wants|to support|the great king|to make|emperor|||hope|to obtain|a|degree of merit|particle Therefore, all civil and military officials want to support the king as emperor, to destroy Wei and revive Liu, hoping to achieve fame. 唉 , 冇 想到 大王 你 堅決 唔 肯 。 sigh|not|thought|king|you|firmly|not|agree Alas, I did not expect that the king would firmly refuse. 噉 樣 , 眾位 官員 都 有 咗 怨心 呀 , 冇 幾耐 , 必定會 散晒 㗎 喇 。 like this|situation|all|officials|all|have|past tense marker|resentment|sentence-final particle|not|long||disperse|sentence-final particle|particle indicating change of state In this situation, all the officials have developed grievances, and it won't be long before they all disperse. 若果 文武百官 都 散 晒 , 吳 、 魏 嚟 進攻 嘅 時候 , 兩川 就 難保 咯 。 if|civil and military officials|all|disperse|completely|Wu|Wei|come|attack|possessive particle|time|the two rivers|then|hard to protect|final particle If all the civil and military officials disperse, when Wu and Wei come to attack, it will be difficult to protect the two rivers. 臣 , 點 能夠 唔 憂心 呢 ? I|how|can|not|worry|question particle How can I not be worried? 我 唔 係 想 阻止 呢 件 事 , 就 係 怕 天下 嘅 人 議論 啫 。 I|not|am|want|to stop|this|classifier for events|thing|just|am|afraid|all over the world|possessive particle|people|to gossip|only I do not wish to stop this matter; I am just afraid of what people in the world will say. 皇上 , 聖人 都 有 話 : 名 不 正則 言不順 。 Your Majesty|Sage|all|have|words|name|not|correct| Your Majesty, even the sages have said: if the name is not correct, then the words will not be in order. 今日 王上 你 名正言順 , 有 乜嘢 好 議論 嘅 呢 ? today|Wang your majesty|you|justified and aboveboard|have|what|good|discussion|possessive particle|question particle Today, Your Majesty, you are rightful and just, what good discussions are there? 上 天賜 畀 自己 嘅 都 唔 肯 要 , 結果 呀 反而 會 唔 好 㗎 。 up|heaven-sent|to|oneself|possessive particle|all|not|willing|accept|result|particle|on the contrary|will|not|good|particle Heaven has bestowed upon you, yet you do not want it, as a result, it will not be good. 噉 都 等 軍師 你 嘅 病 好 返 喇 , 再 嚟 做 都 未 遲 吖 。 like this|also|wait|strategist|you|possessive particle|illness|||completed action particle|again|come|do|also|not yet|late|sentence-final particle Let's wait for your illness to get better, then it won't be too late to do it. 孔明 一 聽見 劉備 噉 樣講 , 嘿 唔 病 咯 唔 病 咯 , 喺 張 床 處 啪 聲 起身 , 拍 一下 個 屏風 , 嘩 , 外便 一班 文武 大臣 成隊 咁 入 晒 嚟 跪 齊響 處 : Kongming|one|heard|Liu Bei|like that||hey|not|sick|particle indicating realization|not|sick|particle indicating realization|at|Zhang|bed|place|sound|sound|got up|slapped|once|the|screen|wow|outside||civil and military|officials||so|enter|all|come|kneel||place When Kongming heard Liu Bei say this, he exclaimed, 'Oh, not sick, not sick!' and got up from the bed with a bang, clapping the screen. Wow, a group of civil and military officials all entered and knelt in unison. 皇上 既然 應承 喇 , 就 請擇 個 吉日 舉行 登位 大禮 啦 。 Your Majesty|since|has promised|particle indicating completion|then|please choose|a|auspicious day|to hold|enthronement|grand ceremony|particle indicating suggestion Since Your Majesty has agreed, please choose an auspicious day to hold the coronation ceremony. 劉備 一睇 , 原來 係 太傅許 靖 啦 、 安漢將軍 糜竺 啦 , 仲有 青衣 侯向舉 、 陽泉 侯 劉豹 等等 大臣 。 Liu Bei|at a glance|it turns out|is||Jing|particle indicating realization|||particle indicating realization|and also|Qinyi||Yangquan|Marquis||etc|ministers Liu Bei took a look and realized it was Grand Tutor Xu Jing, General Mi Zhu of Anhan, as well as Minister Hong Xiangju, and Minister Liu Bao of Yangquan, among others. 劉備 就 話 喇 : 啊 害到 孤王 不忠 不 義 嘅 都 係 愛卿 你 哋 啊 ! Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating completed action|ah|caused|this lonely king|disloyalty|||possessive particle|all|are|beloved ministers|you|plural marker|ah Liu Bei then said: "Ah, it is you, my lords, who have caused this king to be unfaithful and unjust!" 孔明 話 喇 : 王上 已經 應承 咗 請求 , 就 可以 築壇 擇吉 , 舉行 大禮 喇 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|the king|already|promised|completed action particle|request|then|can|build an altar|choose an auspicious day|hold|grand ceremony|particle indicating completed action Kongming said: "The king has already agreed to the request, so we can build the altar and choose an auspicious day to hold the grand ceremony." 即時 就 送 劉備 返去 宮殿 , 一便 呢 , 任命 博士 許慈 、 諫議 郎孟光 掌禮 , 喺 成都 武 擔 嘅 南 便 啊 築起 一個 壇 。 immediately|then|send|Liu Bei|return|palace|at the same time|particle indicating a question|appoint|doctor|Xu Ci|advisor|||at|Chengdu|Wu|responsibility|possessive particle|south|side|particle indicating exclamation|build|a|altar Immediately, Liu Bei was sent back to the palace, and at the same time, Doctor Xu Ci and Advisor Lang Mengguang were appointed to oversee the rites, and an altar was built in the southern part of Chengdu's Wudang. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 諸事 齊備 喇 。 passed|past tense marker|not|long|everything|ready|completed action particle Not long after, everything was ready. 就 喺 建安 二十六年 四月 呢 一日 , 文武 官員 就 擺好 皇帝 嘅 儀仗隊 , 恭請 漢中 王 劉備 啊 登壇 致 祭天 地 。 at|in|Jian'an|year 26|April|this|day|civil and military|officials|then|arranged|emperor|possessive particle|honor guard|respectfully invited|Hanzhong|king|Liu Bei|particle|to ascend the platform|to offer|sacrifice to heaven|earth On this day in the 26th year of Jian'an, the civil and military officials set up the emperor's ceremonial guard to respectfully invite Liu Bei, the King of Han Zhong, to ascend the platform to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth. 譙 周 喺 壇 上 高聲 朗讀 祭文 。 Qiu|Zhou|at|altar|on|loudly|recited|sacrificial text Qiao Zhou read the sacrificial text aloud on the platform. 呢 一篇 祭文 呢 , 無非 係 先數 一輪 曹操 、 曹丕 兩 父子 嘅 罪惡 ; this|a|eulogy||nothing more than|is|first count|a round of|Cao Cao|Cao Pi|two|father and son|possessive particle|sins This sacrificial text merely enumerates the crimes of Cao Cao and his son Cao Pi. 然後 就 話 天下 嘅 人民 啊 , 都 渴望 我 劉備 出 嚟 做 皇帝 , 就 為 咗 上 應 天命 , 下 順民 情 , 所以 今日 呢 , 就 拜祭 天神 , 接受 皇帝 嘅 玉璽 喇 , 請 神靈 保佑 啦 噉 。 then|just|said|the world|possessive particle|people|ah|all|desire|I|Liu Bei|come|here|be|emperor|just|for|past tense marker|up|fulfill|heavenly mandate|down||sentiment|so|today|this|just|worship|heavenly deity|accept|emperor|possessive particle|imperial seal|particle indicating completed action|please|deities|bless|particle indicating suggestion|like this Then it states that the people of the world long for Liu Bei to become emperor, in order to respond to the mandate of heaven and to follow the will of the people, so today, we offer sacrifices to the heavenly gods and accept the emperor's jade seal, asking for divine protection. 讀完 祭文 , 孔明 就 率領 文武百官 , 恭恭敬敬 呈 上 玉璽 。 after reading|sacrificial text|Kongming|then|led|civil and military officials|respectfully|||imperial seal After reading the sacrificial text, Kongming led the civil and military officials to respectfully present the jade seal. 劉備 啊 接過 玉璽 , 但 係 呢 , 仲 再三 推辭 話 : Liu Bei|ah|received|imperial seal|||this|still|repeatedly|declined|saying Liu Bei took the imperial seal, but he repeatedly declined, saying: 我 劉備 無才 無德 , 請 選擇 一位 有 才 德 嘅 人 接受 帝位 啦 。 I|Liu Bei|without talent|without virtue|please|choose|one|has|||possessive particle|person|accept|imperial throne|sentence-final particle I, Liu Bei, have no talent or virtue, please choose someone with talent and virtue to accept the throne. 孔明 稟奏 話 喇 : 皇上 平定 四海 , 豐功 大德 天下 皆知 。 Kongming|report|said|particle|Your Majesty|pacified|the four seas|great achievements|great virtue|the world|all know Kongming reported, saying: The emperor has pacified the four seas, and his great achievements and virtues are known throughout the land. 何況 又 係 大漢 宗親 好 應該 登上 帝位 , 同時 已經 祭告 天神 , 唔 好 謙讓 啊 。 moreover|again|is|Han Dynasty|clan|very|should|ascend|throne|at the same time|already|worship|heavenly deity|not|very|humble|sentence-final particle Moreover, he is a member of the Han royal family and should ascend to the throne, and he has already made offerings to the gods, so do not be modest. 於是 劉備 捧住 玉璽 , 文武 大臣 三呼 萬歲 , 三跪九叩 就 恭賀 皇帝 登位 。 then|Liu Bei|held|imperial seal|civil and military|officials|three cheers|long live|three kneels and nine knocks|then|congratulated|emperor|ascension to the throne Thus, Liu Bei held the imperial seal, and the civil and military officials shouted 'Long live!' three times, kneeling and bowing nine times to congratulate the emperor on his ascension. 跪拜 完畢 , 就 正式 宣告 , 將 年號 就 改為 章武 元年 , 即 係 公元 二二 一年 。 kneel and worship|completed|then|officially|announce|will|era name|then|change to|Zhangwu|first year|that is|is|AD|22|year After the kneeling ceremony is completed, it is officially announced that the era name will be changed to the first year of Zhangwu, which is the year 221 AD. 噉 劉備 做 蜀漢 皇帝 呢 一年 呢 , 佢 係 六 廿 一歲 。 then|Liu Bei|became|Shu Han|emperor|this|year|this|he|was|six|twenty| In this year, Liu Bei, as the Emperor of Shu Han, is 61 years old. 曹操 自己 就 唔 願 做 皇帝 , 就 留返 畀 個 仔 曹丕 做 吖 。 Cao Cao|himself|then|not|willing|to be|emperor|then|leave|for|classifier for people|son|Cao Pi|to be|particle Cao Cao himself does not wish to become emperor, so he leaves it to his son Cao Pi. 劉備 呢 勻 就 親自 坐 正 皇帝 嘅 寶座 喇 。 Liu Bei|this|person|then|personally|sit|proper|emperor|possessive particle|throne|sentence-final particle Liu Bei personally sits on the emperor's throne. 劉備 又 宣佈 啊 , 立 吳妃 做 皇后 ; Liu Bei|again|announced|ah|to establish|Lady Wu|as|queen Liu Bei also announces the establishment of Lady Wu as the empress. 立 長子 劉禪 就 係 阿斗 啊 做 太子 , 阿斗 呢 佢 係 喺 建安 十二年 出世 嘅 , 今年 就 十四歲 喇 ; establish|eldest son|Liu Shan|just|is|A Dou|particle|become|crown prince|A Dou|particle|he|is|at|Jian'an||born|past tense marker|this year|just||particle The eldest son Liu Shan is the one known as A Dou, who became the crown prince. A Dou was born in the twelfth year of Jian'an, and this year he is fourteen years old. 又 封 第二 仔 劉永做 魯王 , 三仔 劉理 做 梁王 ; again|confer|second|son||King of Lu|third son|Liu Li|became|King of Liang He also appointed his second son Liu Yong as the King of Lu, and his third son Liu Li as the King of Liang. 封 諸葛亮 做 丞相 , 許靖 做 司徒 ; appoint|Zhuge Liang|serve|Chancellor|Xu Jing|serve|Minister of Education He appointed Zhuge Liang as the Chancellor and Xu Jing as the Minister. 其餘 大小 官僚 啊 人人 都 有 升賞 。 大赦天下 , 噉 兩 川 嘅 軍民 都 歡欣鼓舞 喇 。 the rest|big and small|bureaucrats|ah|everyone|all|has|promotion|amnesty for all|then|two|rivers|possessive particle|military and civilians|all|rejoicing|particle indicating completed action All other officials, both big and small, received promotions. A general amnesty was declared, and the military and civilians of both Sichuan provinces were filled with joy. 第 日 , 劉備 登殿 臨朝 , 文武百官 跪拜 完 , 就 分成 兩班 排列 好 。 the|day|Liu Bei|ascended the throne|to attend court|civil and military officials|bowed|finished|then|divided into|two groups|arranged|well The next day, Liu Bei ascended the throne to hold court. After all the civil and military officials knelt and paid their respects, they were arranged into two groups. 劉備 話 : 朕 自從 同關 、 張 喺 桃園 結義 , 誓同生死 。 Liu Bei|said|I (imperial pronoun)|since||Zhang Fei|at|Peach Garden|swore brotherhood| Liu Bei said: Since I made an oath of brotherhood with Guan and Zhang in the Peach Garden, we vowed to live and die together. 二弟 雲長 , 不幸 畀 東吳 孫權 所害 , 若果 唔 報仇 , 就 係 違背 咗 當年 嘅 盟誓 。 second younger brother|Yun Chang|unfortunately|by|Eastern Wu|Sun Quan|killed|if|not|take revenge|then|is|betraying|past tense marker|that year|possessive particle|oath Second brother Yun Chang, unfortunately, was harmed by Sun Quan of Eastern Wu. If we do not take revenge, it would be a betrayal of the oath we made back then. 朕 要 出動 全國 嘅 兵馬 , 消滅 東吳 , 生擒 逆賊 , 嚟 到 報仇雪恨 ! I (the emperor)|want|mobilize|the whole country|possessive particle|troops|annihilate|Eastern Wu|capture alive|traitor|||take revenge I want to mobilize the entire nation's troops to eliminate Eastern Wu, capture the traitor alive, and take revenge! 劉備 一 講完 , 虎威 將軍 趙雲 就 出班 啟奏 , 佢 話 陛下 唔 好 噉 做 啊 , 國賊 係 曹操 而 唔 係 孫權 啊 。 Liu Bei|one|finished speaking|Tiger Might|General|Zhao Yun|then|stepped forward|to report|he|said|Your Majesty|||like that|do|ah|traitor to the country|is|Cao Cao|but||is|Sun Quan|ah As soon as Liu Bei finished speaking, General Zhao Yun stepped forward to advise, saying, 'Your Majesty, please do not do this. The national traitor is Cao Cao, not Sun Quan.' 今日 , 曹丕 篡奪 漢朝 , 天下 憤怒 。 today|Cao Pi|usurped|Han Dynasty|the world|was angry Today, Cao Pi has usurped the Han Dynasty, and the world is outraged. 陛下 應該 早日 奪取 關中 , 派遣 大軍 開赴 渭河 上游 , 討伐 叛逆 。 Your Majesty|should|soon|capture|Guanzhong|send|army|march to|Wei River|upstream|punish|rebels Your Majesty should seize Guanzhong as soon as possible, and send a large army to the upper reaches of the Wei River to punish the rebels. 噉 樣 做 , 關東 義士 , 必定 帶住 糧食 馬匹 嚟 到 歡迎 王師 。 like this|manner|do|Kanto|righteous warrior|definitely|bring|food|horses|||welcome|royal army If you do this, the righteous heroes of the East will definitely bring food and horses to welcome the royal army. 若果 拋開 北魏 而 去 攻打 東吳 , 戰爭 一 開始 就 唔 能夠 咁 快 結束 , 希望 陛下 明察 ! if|abandon|Northern Wei|and|go|attack|Eastern Wu|war|once|starts|then|not|able to|so|quickly|end|hope|Your Majesty|see clearly If we abandon the Northern Wei and attack Eastern Wu, the war will not end quickly once it starts. I hope Your Majesty can see this clearly! 孫權 害 咗 我 雲長 賢弟 , 更 兼 傅士仁 、 糜芳 、 潘璋 、 馬 忠 , 都 有 切齒 之仇 , 我宜 得 食 佢 嘅 肉 , 滅 佢 嘅 族 , 先至 能夠 洩 我 心頭 之恨 啊 ! Sun Quan|harm|past tense marker|I|Yun Chang|virtuous younger brother|even|including|Fu Shiren|Mi Fang|Pan Zhang|||all|have|gritting teeth||I should|eat|eat|his|possessive particle|flesh|exterminate|his||clan|only then|able to|relieve|my|heart||ah Sun Quan has harmed my virtuous brother Yun Chang, and also Fu Shiren, Mi Fang, Pan Zhang, and Ma Zhong, all of whom have deep-seated grudges. I should eat his flesh and destroy his clan to vent my hatred! 子龍 , 你 點解 要 攔阻 我 呢 ? Zilong|you|why|want|to stop|me|question particle Zilong, why are you stopping me? 陛下 , 同 曹氏漢賊 之仇 係 公事 , 兄弟 之仇 , 係 私事 , 請 陛下 以 天下 為重 ! Your Majesty|with|||is|public matter|brother||is|private matter|please|Your Majesty|to take|the world| Your Majesty, the enmity with the Cao family is a public matter, while the enmity with my brother is a private matter. Please prioritize the world! 朕 若果 唔 為 雲長 賢弟 報仇 , 就算 有 萬里 江山 又 何足 為 貴 呢 ? I (the emperor)|if|not|for|Yun Chang|virtuous younger brother|take revenge|even if|have|ten thousand miles|territory|again|what worth|to be|precious|question particle If I do not avenge my virtuous brother Yun Chang, what value is there in having a vast empire? 朕 嘅 主意 已 定 , 不必 多講 ! I|possessive particle|idea|already|decided|no need to|say more My decision is made, no need to say more! 唉 , 趙子龍 個 為 人 , 確實 係 有勇有謀 啊 , 最 可貴 嘅 係 識大體 , 有 政治頭腦 。 sigh|Zhao Zilong|possessive particle|||indeed|is|both brave and resourceful|ah|most|admirable|possessive particle|is|understanding of the bigger picture|has|political acumen Alas, Zhao Zilong is indeed a person of both courage and wisdom, and what is most valuable is his understanding of the bigger picture and his political acumen. 劉備 唔 聽 佢 勸 呀 真 係 大錯特錯 喇 。 Liu Bei|not|listen|he|advise|sentence-final particle|really|is|completely wrong|sentence-final particle Liu Bei's failure to heed his advice is truly a grave mistake. 於是 劉備 就 下令 起兵 去 攻打 東吳 , 同時 派 使者 去 五溪 呀 , 借 咗 五萬 番兵 , 互相 策應 。 then|Liu Bei|then|ordered|to raise troops|to|attack|Eastern Wu|at the same time|sent|messenger|to|Wuxi|particle|borrow|past tense marker|fifty thousand|foreign troops|mutually|support So Liu Bei ordered to raise troops to attack Eastern Wu, and at the same time sent envoys to Wuxi to borrow 50,000 barbarian soldiers to support each other. 溪 呢 , 乃 係 當時 嘅 少數民族 , 分佈 喺 今日 河南 啊 湖北 啊 江西 等等 嘅 地方 , 啲 人 呢 就 整 弓箭 好 叻 嘅 。 creek|question particle|was|is|at that time|possessive particle|ethnic minority|distributed|in|present day|Henan|ah|Hubei|ah|Jiangxi|etc|possessive particle|places|plural marker|people|question particle|then|make|bows and arrows|very|skillful|possessive particle The people of Wuxi were the ethnic minorities at that time, distributed in places like present-day Henan, Hubei, and Jiangxi, and they were very skilled at making bows and arrows. 另一方面 啊 , 派 使者 去 閬中 , 升 張飛 做 車騎 將軍 , 領 司隸校 尉 , 封 西鄉 侯 , 兼 閬中 牧 。 on the other hand|ah|send|messenger|to|in Langzhong|promote|Zhang Fei|make|cavalry|general|lead|||confer|Xixiang|marquis|concurrently|in Langzhong|governor On the other hand, he sent envoys to Langzhong to promote Zhang Fei to the position of General of Chariots and Cavalry, leading the Inspectorate, and conferred the title of Marquis of Xixiang, while also serving as the governor of Langzhong.

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