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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 119

今日 就 講下 魏國 嗰 便 喇 , 佢 哋 守衛 邊境 嘅 軍隊 啊 , 探聽到 蜀國 起兵 嘅 消息 , 就 飛馬 向 洛陽 報告 嘞 喎 。 呢 一日 , 魏主曹 睿 啊 登殿 臨朝 , 得到 邊境 送 嚟 嘅 緊急 奏章 。 話 諸葛亮 啊 率領 三 十幾萬 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 漢中 , 任命 趙雲 、 鄧芝 做 先鋒 , 侵犯 邊境 噉 。 曹睿 大吃一驚 , 就問 啲 大臣 話 喇 : 邊個 可以 掛帥 打退 蜀兵 呢 ? 即刻 就 有 個人 應聲 而出 , 佢 話 : 臣 嘅 父親 , 死於 漢中 , 深仇大恨 一直 都 未報 。 今日 , 蜀兵 侵犯 邊境 , 臣 願意 帶領 本部 猛將 , 並且 , 請 陛下 撥 關西 兵馬 , 去 擊破 蜀 軍 。 上 為 國家 效力 , 下為 父親 報仇 , 臣 萬死不辭 ! 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 夏侯淵 個 仔 夏侯楙 啊 。 夏侯楙 別字 子休 , 佢 為 人 呀 性情 非常 急躁 吖 又 最 孤寒 喎 。 佢 自 細 呢 , 就 過繼 咗 畀 夏侯惇 做 仔 嘅 。 噉 啊 收尾 夏侯淵 喺 定軍山 之戰 呀 畀 老將 黃忠 斬 咗 吖 。 曹操 就 好 憐惜 佢 , 就 將個 女 清河 公主 啊 , 嫁 咗 畀 佢 , 招 佢 做 駙馬 , 因此 滿朝文 武都 好 欽敬 佢 。 噉 呢 個 夏侯楙 啊 , 雖然 一直 都 係 掌握 兵權 , 之 佢 從來 未曾 真正 打過仗 。 而 家 佢 請求 出征 , 曹睿 就 任命 佢 做 大 都督 , 調 關西 各路 兵馬 , 交 畀 夏侯楙 指揮 去 迎戰 蜀 軍 嘞 。 司徒王朗 就 即刻 出班 勸諫 曹睿話 嘞 : 陛下 , 唔 好 噉 樣 做 啊 ! 夏侯 駙馬 , 從來 都 未曾 打過仗 , 今日 一下 就 交 咁 重 嘅 責任 畀 佢 , 係 唔 適宜 嘅 。 更 兼 諸葛亮 足智多謀 , 深明 韜略 , 唔 能夠 輕敵 㗎 。 夏侯楙 就 斥責 佢 話 喇 : 王司徒 ! 莫非 你 勾結 諸葛亮 , 想 做 佢 嘅 內應 係 嘛 ! 我 自細 跟隨 父親 , 學習 韜略 , 精通 兵法 。 你 蝦 我 年輕 呀 , 我 若果 唔 生擒 諸葛亮 , 我 發誓 唔 返 嚟 見 天子 ! 嘩 駙馬爺 發脾氣 喎 , 王朗 雖然 係 大臣 啫 亦 唔 敢 再講 說話 啦 。 於是 夏侯楙 就 辭別 咗 魏主曹 睿 , 立即 趕 去 長安 , 調齊 關西 各路 軍馬 二十幾萬 人 , 就 去 迎敵 孔明 喇 。 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 帶領 大軍 就 嚟 到 沔陽 , 經過 馬超 嘅 墳墓 呢 , 就 叫 馬超 嘅 細 佬 馬岱 掛孝 , 孔明 親自 去 拜祭 佢 。 祭完 , 返到 嚟 營寨 , 孔明 就 同 大家 商量 進兵 嘅 計劃 。 哨馬 就 嚟 報告 話 喇 , 魏主曹 睿 呀 , 派 駙馬 夏侯楙 做 主帥 , 調 關西 各路 兵馬 前 嚟 迎戰 喇 噉 。 魏延 就 向 孔明 建議 話 喇 : 夏侯楙 , 係 個 過慣 奢華 生活 嘅 膏粱子弟 , 懦弱 無謀 。 請 丞相 , 交 五千 精兵 畀 我 , 由 褒 中直 出 , 跟 住 秦 嶺東 進 , 去 到 子午谷 就 向 北 進發 , 不 出 十日 , 就 可以 到達 長安 。 夏侯楙 若果 聽聞 我 突然 殺到 , 必定 放棄 城池 逃跑 嘅 。 我 從 東方 迂迴 , 而 丞相 指揮 大軍 , 由 斜谷 進攻 , 噉 樣 打法 , 咸陽 以西 呀 一舉 而定 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 呢 個 並非 萬全之計 啊 , 你 係 欺負 佢 哋 中原 冇 能 人 啫 。 如果 佢 哋 有人 建議 , 喺 山嶺 險要 嘅 地方 用 伏兵 進行 截擊 。 噉 樣 我軍 就 唔 淨止 係 五千 人 受害 喇 , 全軍 亦 大傷 銳氣 啊 。 你 呢 個 辦法 決 唔 用 得 嘅 。 不過 噉 噃 丞相 嘅 兵馬 由 大路 進發 , 佢 哋 必定 出動 關中 全部 兵力 , 沿路 迎戰 。 噉 樣 曠日持久 , 拖延 落 去 , 幾時 先至 能夠 奪取 中原 呢 ? 我 從 隴右 跟 住 平坦 大路 , 依照 兵法 嚟 進兵 , 唔 怕 唔 贏 嘅 。 孔明 冇 採納 魏 延 嘅 建議 , 噉 魏延個 心 就 好 唔 高興 。 喺 會議 之後 呢 , 孔明 就 派 人 命令 趙雲 進兵 。 而家 講返 夏侯楙 吓 , 佢 喺 長安 聚集 咗 各路 兵馬 。 有 一日 , 西涼 大將 韓德 啊 , 帶領 住 西疆 各路 兵馬 總共 八萬 人 嚟 到 。 韓德使 一把 開山 大斧 , 有 萬夫不當之勇 㗎 。 佢 拜見 咗 夏侯楙 , 夏侯楙 就 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 , 任命 佢 做 先鋒 。 韓德有 四個 仔 啊 , 係 韓瑛 、 韓瑤 、 韓瓊 、 韓琪 , 個個 都 係 精通 武藝 嘅 噃。 韓德 啊 帶 埋 四個 仔 , 率領 住 八萬 人馬 一路 去 到 鳳鳴山 就 撞 正 蜀 軍 嘞 。 當時 雙方 都 擺開 人馬 。 兩陣 對圓 就 韓德 當先 出馬 , 四個 仔 就 排列 喺 兩邊 。 韓德 破口大罵 : 反國 奸賊 ! 竟然 侵犯 境界 咁 大膽 , 快 啲 下馬 受 綁 ! 嘿激 嬲 趙雲 喇 , 趙雲挺 槍 縱馬 就 向 韓德 挑戰 。 韓瑛 躍馬 上前 迎敵 就 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 畀 趙雲 一槍 就 刺死 跌 咗 落馬 。 韓瑤 見到 大哥 被 殺 , 怒火中燒 , 縱 馬揮刀 上前 交戰 。 趙雲 呀 施展 出 往日 嘅 虎威 啊 , 抖擻精神 迎敵 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 韓瑤 抵擋 唔 住 喇 。 韓瓊 呀 急忙 挺起 方天畫 戟 就 拍馬 衝上 嚟 夾攻 。 趙雲 呀 毫不 畏懼 啊 , 越戰越勇 , 槍法 一 啲 都 冇 亂 到 。 韓琪 睇 見 兩個 大佬 都 打 趙雲 唔 贏唄 , 亦 縱 馬上 前 , 舞住 兩口 日月 刀 打 埋 一份 。 三 兄弟 圍攻 趙雲 嘞 喎 , 趙雲 一個打 三個 好似 走馬燈 噉 啊 。 一陣 間 , 嘿 ! 韓琪 中槍 落馬 喇 。 魏 軍 嗰 便 嘅 偏將 啊 慌忙 衝出 嚟 就 搶 返韓 琪 嘅 屍體 回陣 。 趙雲 就 刺 倒 咗 韓琪 , 突然 間 虛晃一槍 , 拖槍 就 走 。 韓瓊 就 按住 畫戟 , 急急 攞 弓箭 嚟 射 趙雲 ,𠻘𠻘𠻘 連氣射 咗 三箭 。 哈哈 , 都 畀 趙雲 用 支槍 呀 , 撻 撻 撻 三支 箭 都 撥開 晒 。 嬲 到 韓瓊 呀 鼻 都 歪 埋 , 一挺 方天畫 戟 , 拍馬 就 追住 趙雲 。 點知 畀 趙雲 一箭 , 射 正面 門 當堂 倒 撞 落馬 就 一命嗚呼 嘞 。 韓瑤 縱 馬舞刀 衝過 嚟 想 斬 趙雲 啦 。 趙雲 啪 聲 掉 開支 槍 , 腰一扭 , 閃過 日月 刀 , 一 伸手 , 就 生擒 韓瑤 回陣 。 跟 住 攞 返 起 支槍 , 縱馬 向 住 魏 軍 衝殺 過去 。 韓德 見到 四個 仔 , 一陣 間 就 死 喺 趙雲 手上 慌到 膽都裂 啊 , 佢 怕 起 上 嚟 , 喇喇聲 走 返入 陣先 。 啲 西涼兵 呢 , 素來 都 知道 趙雲 好 打 得 嘅 。 今日 見到 趙雲 同 當年 一樣 咁 英勇 , 邊個 仲敢 出 嚟 交鋒 吖 送死 咩 真 係 。 所以 趙雲 飛馬 所到之處 啊 陣陣 倒退 。 只見 趙雲 匹馬單槍 , 往來 衝殺 啊 如入無人之境 , 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : 憶昔 常山 趙子龍 , 年 登 七十 建 奇功 。 獨誅四 將來 衝陣 , 猶似 當陽 救主 雄 。 噉 鄧芝 見到 趙雲 大勝 嘞 , 立即 指揮 蜀兵 掩殺 過去 , 殺到 西涼 人馬 就 大敗 而 走 啊 。 韓德 呢 , 爭 啲 都 畀 趙雲 捉生 公 啊 , 狼狽 到 佢 呀 除開 咗 盔甲 , 掉 低 隻 馬 , 扮 咗 個 兵丁 , 撈 埋 喺 啲 敗兵 裏 便 就 趯 甩 咗 。 趙雲 、 鄧芝 打 咗 場大 勝仗 , 就 收兵 回寨 。 鄧芝 祝賀 趙雲 話 喇 : 老 將軍 你 已經 七十歲 咁 高壽 喇 , 仲 好似 當年 咁 英勇 啊 ! 今日 喺 陣 上 力 斬 四 將 , 真 係 世間 少有 , 世間 少有 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 丞相 因為 我 老咯 , 唔 肯用 我 , 故此 我 搵 個 機會 嚟 顯示 下 身手 畀 丞相 睇 啫 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 噉 於是 趙雲 啊 , 就 派 人解 咗 韓瑤 去 大本營 。 同時 寫 咗 信向 孔明 報捷 , 呢 啲 不在話下 喇 。 而家 講下 韓德 啊 , 佢 帶 住 啲 殘兵敗將 返去 見 夏侯楙 , 哎 , 真 淒涼 咯 。 佢 喊住 噉 將 打敗仗 嘅 經過 , 報告 畀 夏侯楙 知 。 噉 夏侯楙 呢 就 親自 帶兵 嚟 同 趙雲 打過 喇 。 趙雲 聽 講話 夏侯楙 親自 嚟 到 唄 啱 晒 啦 , 至怕 你 唔 嚟 咋 嘛 ! 立即 提槍 上馬 , 帶 咗 千幾人 , 就 喺 鳳 鳴 山前 便 擺開陣勢 迎敵 。 當日 , 夏侯楙 裝好身 , 頭戴 金盔 , 身披 金甲 , 騎 一匹 白馬 , 手提 大砍刀 就 企 喺 門 旗 之下 。 哈 嗨 , 佢 見到 趙雲 躍 馬挺槍 , 喺 陣前 跑來跑去 。 夏侯楙 忍 唔 住 想 親自出馬 同 趙雲 打 喎 。 韓德話 喇 : 佢 殺 咗 我 四個 仔 , 血海深仇 , 唔 報 唔 得 ! 一拍 隻 馬 就 舞起 開山 大斧 直取 趙雲 。 趙雲 奮起 神威 , 銀槍 一 擺 , 紅纓 上下 翻飛 , 咣 咣 咣 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 。 趙雲 一槍 撥開 大斧 , 毒蛇 吐信 啊 , 將韓德 刺 咗 落馬 , 當堂 冇 命 。 趙雲 跟 住 馬頭 一撥 , 直取 夏侯楙 。 哎呀 乜 咁 犀利 㗎 咪 搵 嘢 搞 , 夏侯楙 呀 , 走 都 走 唔 切 啊 慌忙 縮返 入陣 。 鄧芝 指揮 人馬 掩殺 過去 。 魏兵 又 大敗 一場 就 被 逼 退後 十幾 里 。 夏侯楙 漏夜 同 啲 將官 商量對策 啦 , 佢 話 喇 : 我 聽聞 趙雲 個名 好 耐 喇 , 之 從來未 見過面 。 而 家 佢 咁 老 咯 , 仲 係 咁 英雄 嘅 , 哎呀 , 當陽 長 坂 坡 嘅 事 呀 , 今日 唔 到 我 唔 信 啊 。 而家 , 冇 人 可以 打得 過 佢 嘅 , 如之奈何 呢 ? 參軍 程武 就 話 喇 : 我 睇 趙雲 此人 呢 , 有勇無謀 , 唔 使 咁 怕 佢 嘅 。 聽日 , 都督 你 再 帶兵 出戰 , 預先 呢 , 就 喺 一左一右 , 埋伏 定 兩支 軍隊 。 一 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 都督 你 就 退 , 引 趙雲 去 到 伏兵 嘅 地方 。 跟 住 都督 你 就 登上 高山 指揮 四面 兵馬 , 將 趙雲 重重 噉 圍困 就 可以 生擒 趙雲 喇 。 好計 , 好計 ! 夏侯楙 聽 佢 嘅 , 就 命令 董禧 啊 , 帶 三萬 兵 埋伏 喺 左 便 , 薛則 呢 就 帶 三萬 兵 埋伏 喺 右 便 。 噉 董禧 、 薛則 兩個 就 帶兵 預先 去 埋伏 好 嘞 。 第 日 , 夏侯楙 重整旗鼓 , 又試 帶兵 嚟 嘍打 咯 喎 。 趙雲 、 鄧芝 就 出去 迎戰 啦 。 噉 兩個 人 上馬 出陣 , 鄧芝 對 趙雲 講喇 : 老 將軍 , 昨日 魏兵 大敗 一場 , 今日 居然 再 嚟 挑戰 必定 有 詭計 。 老 將軍 要 提防 至 好 啊 ! 嘿 ! 諒 佢 夏侯楙 乳臭未乾 , 算 得 乜嘢 ! 我 今日 實要 生擒 佢 ! 趙雲 一拍 隻 馬 就 衝出去 , 魏軍潘 遂 就 出 嚟 接戰 。 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 潘遂 撥馬 就 走 , 趙雲 咪 追上去 咯 。 魏 軍 嗰 便 就 八員 將官 一齊 圍攻 趙雲 。 佢 哋 纏 到 趙雲 實 , 就 等 夏侯楙 甩身 走 咗 先 , 然後 佢 哋 八個 人 呢 就 陸陸續續 走人 喇 。 趙雲 又 點肯 放過 佢 哋 吖 就 咪 趁勢 追殺 咯 , 鄧芝 指揮 人馬 跟 住 推進 咯 喎 。 好 快趣 , 趙雲 就 深入 魏 軍陣 地 喇 。 嘩 嗨 , 只 聽見 四面八方 , 吶喊 連天 , 鄧芝 呀 急急 收兵 後退 。 呢 個 時候 呀 , 左有 董禧 , 右有 薛則 , 兩路 兵馬 總共 六萬人 就 首先 殺過 嚟 。 鄧芝 兵少 啊 , 唔 救 得到 趙雲 㗎 。 趙雲 就 困住 喺 戰場 中心 , 左衝右 突點 都衝 唔 出 嚟 。 而且 魏兵 啊 越 嚟 越 人 多 , 一重 又 一重 噉 圍到 越 嚟 越厚 。 當時 趙雲 手下 只有 千零人 咋 嘛 , 就 畀 魏 軍 啊 一直 逼到 去 一個 山坡 下 便 。 嘿 夏侯楙 就 得 戚咯 , 佢 企 喺 山頂 嚟 , 高高在上 指揮 三軍 。 總之 趙雲 衝去 東 , 佢 又 指 東 , 趙雲 衝去 西 佢 又 指 西 。 故此 趙雲 就 唔 能夠 突圍 啦 , 突 唔 到 圍 就衝 上山 啦 ! 但 係 喺 半山腰 , 魏軍又將 啲 擂木炮 石猛 噉 揋 落 嚟 衝 唔 上 。 趙雲 就 由 辰時 一直 殺到 酉時 。 誒 用 今日 個 說話 嚟 講呢 , 即 係 由 上午 七點 零鐘 一直 殺到 下午 七點 零鐘 , 足足 殺 咗 成個 對 , 趙雲 都 冇 辦法 甩身 。 呢 個 時候 個天 已經 慢慢 黑 嘞 , 趙雲 啊 整整 一日 冇 飲過 水 冇 食過 嘢 , 確係 人困馬乏 , 就 唯有 落馬 休息 一陣 先 。 想 等 夜 一 啲 喇 , 月光 出 嚟 之後 再 打 啦 。 趙雲 啱 啱 鬆開 盔甲 , 坐 喺 一 嚿 大石頭 上面 唞 下 。 月光 出 嚟 喇 , 忽然間 , 四圍 火光沖天 , 戰 鼓聲 呀 震天動地 , 啲 箭 啊 石頭 啊 好似 落 大雨 噉 飛過 嚟 。 嘿魏兵 又 殺 到 喇 , 大聲 噉 嗌 啊 : 趙雲 快快 投降 , 趙雲 快快 投降 噉 。 趙雲 勒緊 盔甲 飛身 上馬 迎敵 。 嘩 四 便 嗰 啲 魏 兵 呀 漸漸 逼近 喇 。 啲 箭 嘞 交叉 咁 射過 嚟 , 越 嚟 越密 。 趙雲 同 手下 嘅 人馬 根本 就 冇 辦法 前進 得 半步 。 趙雲 呢 陣 都 不禁 仰 天長 歎 喇 : 啊 ! 我 唔 服老 , 今日 死 喺 呢 處 喇 ! 正在 危急 萬分 , 突然 喺 東北角 喎 嗬 噉 響起 一陣 吶喊聲 , 跟 住 就 睇 見 啲 魏兵 , 亂 飚 亂 趯 嘞 。 哈 ! 原來 有 一彪 人馬 殺到 啊 。 為首 一員大將 , 手持 丈 八點 鋼矛 , 馬 頸 下 便 就 掛住 個人 頭 。 趙雲 定眼 一 睇 , 好 啊 ! 係 張 苞 嚟 到 啊 ! 張苞 一 見到 趙雲 就 話 喇 : 老 將軍 , 丞相 怕 你 吃虧 啊 , 特登派 我 帶 五千 兵 嚟 接應 。 聽講 老 將軍 被困 , 我 就 殺入 重圍 嚟 搵 你 啦 , 啱 啱 遇正 魏將 薛則 攔路 , 畀 我 殺 咗 佢 咯 。 趙雲 非常高興 , 立即 同張 苞 向 住 西北角 殺出去 。 正 喺 度 衝殺 緊 , 忽然 又 見到 前面 啲 魏兵 , 拋刀棄 槍 四散 咁 奔走 。 嘩 , 原來 又 有 一彪 人馬 喺 外 便 喎 嗬 噉 大聲 吶喊 住 殺 緊入 嚟 。 為首 一員大將 , 揸 住 把 青龍 偃月 刀 , 手上 挽住 個人 頭 。 趙雲 一睇 , 嘿 ! 係 關興 啊 。 關興 騎住 馬 跑 近過 嚟 話 : 奉 咗 丞相 之命 , 怕 老 將軍 有 咩 嘢 唔 妥 , 特意 帶 咗 五千 兵 嚟 接應 。 啱 先 喺 陣 上 遇 着 魏 將 董 禧 , 畀 我 一刀斬 咗 , 割 咗 個頭 喺 處 。 丞相 跟 住 尾 就 嚟 到 㗎 喇 。 呵呵 呵呵 , 好 啊 ! 兩位 小 將軍 已經 立 咗 大功 喇 。 不如 趁住 而家 , 去 生擒 夏侯楙 , 奪取 全勝 , 豈 唔 係 好 ? 老 將軍 講得 啱 , 我 哋 去 喇 ! 張苞 、 關興 聽 趙雲 噉 講 , 都 帶兵 分頭去 咗 咯 。 趙雲 就 對 佢 嘅 部下 講喇 : 你 哋 睇 , 你 哋 睇 , 佢 兩個 都 係 我 嘅 世侄 , 尚且 爭先 去 立功 。 我 係 國家 上將 , 朝廷 舊臣 , 唔 通 反而 唔 及 佢 哋 咩 ! 我 拼住 呢 條老命 唔 要 , 都 要 報答 先帝 嘅 恩德 啊 , 你 哋 跟 我 嚟 ! 於是 趙雲 抖擻精神 , 帶兵 去 捉 夏侯楙 喇 。 當晚 , 三路 人馬 就 夾攻 , 打到 魏 軍 丟盔棄甲 , 抱頭鼠竄 就 一 撲 一碌 。 鄧芝 又 帶兵 嚟 接應 添 , 嘿 呀 殺 到 魏 軍 屍橫遍野 血流成河 啊 。 夏侯楙 係 個 毫無辦法 嘅 人 , 更 兼 年紀 又 輕未 打過仗 , 見到 軍隊 已經 崩潰 嘞 亂 晒 大龍 。 嗯 唔 理得 咁 多咯 , 只 係 帶 住 自己 手下 親信 嘅 將官 百零人 , 就 趯 去 南安 郡 。 啲 魏兵 因為 三軍 主帥 都 趯 咗 佬 喇 , 當然 係 樹倒猢猻散 啦 條命 緊要 啊 , 有 咁 快 時 走 咁 快 散 清光 嘞 。 各位 , 南安 郡 嘅 郡 城 呢 , 就 係 喺 今日 甘肅省 隴西縣 , 渭水 嘅 東岸 。 噉 啊 關興 、 張苞 聽聞 夏侯楙 趯 咗 去 南安 郡 , 咪 漏夜 追住 去 。 夏侯楙 一入 咗 城 呀 , 第一件 事 , 就 係 閂 實 城門 , 吩咐 啲 兵 將要 死守 啊 。 關興 、 張苞到 先 , 用兵 圍實 南安 城 。 趙雲 隨後 亦 到 嘞 , 噉 啊 三面 猛攻 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 鄧芝 都 嚟 埋 喇好 ! 又 多個 幫手 , 攻 ! 哈 , 點知 連氣攻 咗 十日 , 都 攻 唔 落 佢 南安 城 噃。 呢 個 時候 , 探馬 嚟 到 報告 畀 趙雲 聽 , 話 丞相 啊 親自 率領 中軍 嚟 到 嘞 。 丞相 將 後軍 留 喺 沔陽 , 左 軍 喺 陽平 駐扎 , 右軍 喺 石城 駐扎 噉 。 趙雲 、 鄧芝 、 關興 、 張苞 , 就 一齊 去 迎接 孔明 。 並且 講 佢 聽 , 話 攻 咗 足足 十日 都 攻 唔 落 南安 城 噉 。 哦 ? 係 咩 ? 孔明 就 坐 住 四輪車 , 親自 去 到 南安 城 ,沊沊𡃈 噉 觀察 咗 一輪 。 得 喇 , 心中有數 嘞 。 孔明 返到 營寨 , 係 中軍帳 坐落 , 就 召集 眾位 將領 嚟 聽 佢 發佈命令 。 孔明 話 : 呢 個 南安 郡 城 , 塹壕 深城 墻 又 高 , 確實 唔 容易 攻 。 我 嘅 正事 唔 在 呢 個 城 , 你 哋 如果 嘥 咁 多 時間 一味 喺 度 攻城 , 萬一 魏兵 混 第條 路 去 攻打 漢中 , 噉 我軍 嘅 處境 就 危險 喇 。 鄧芝話 喇 : 夏侯楙 係 魏國 駙馬 , 如果 捉 到 佢 呀 , 勝過 斬 一百個 將官 啊 。 而家 已經 將 佢 困住 喺 度 咯 , 唔 通 就 噉 放過 佢 我 哋 收兵 走 咩 ? 我 自然 有 辦法 嘅 。 呢 處西連 天水 郡 , 北接 安定 郡 , 呢 兩處 嘅 太守 唔 知 係 邊個 呢 吓 ? 探卒 就 回答 話 喇 天水 太守 係 馬 遵 , 安定 太守 係 崔諒 噉 。 得 喇 ! 孔明 就 叫 魏延過 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 , 如此 如此 。 又 叫 關興 、 張苞過 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 , 如此 如此 。 然後 呢 又 叫 咗 兩個 心腹 兵士 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 噉 樣 噉 樣 噉 樣 做 。 噉 啊 各人 接受 咗 命令 就 出發 喇 。 噉 孔明 留 低 喺 處 做 咩 嘢 呢 ? 哈哈 , 佢 喺 南安 城外 便 啊 , 叫 嗰 啲 兵士 運 木柴 乾草 嚟 , 堆 晒 喺 城牆 腳 , 話 要 放火燒 城 噉 話 喎 。 啲 魏兵 聽到 呀 , 哈哈 真 係 笑 大 把 口 嚟 啊 , 一 啲 都 唔 驚 啊 。 各位 , 天水 郡 嘅 郡 城 呢 , 係 喺 今日 甘肅省 , 通渭縣 嘅 西北 。 呢 個 郡 當時 所 管轄 嘅 地方 就 相當於 現時 甘肅省 通渭 、 靜寧 、 甘谷 等等 幾個 縣 , 以及 , 天水市 嘅 西北部 。 安定 郡 呢 , 郡 城 係 喺 今日 寧夏自治區 嘅 固原縣 。 呢 個 郡 所 管轄 嘅 地方 就 相當於 今日 甘肅省 景泰 等等 幾個 縣 , 以及 寧夏 青銅峽 以西 幾個 縣 。 而家 講下 安定 太守 崔諒 , 佢 聽 聞蜀兵 圍攻 南安 , 就 困住 夏侯楙 , 個心 就 好 慌 。 即刻 點起 四千 人馬 守實個 城池 先 。 有 一日 , 忽然 見到 有 個人 , 喺 正南 便 騎住 匹馬 , 跑 到 身水身 汗 噉 嚟 到 , 話 有 極其 機密 嘅 事情 要 稟報 噉 。 崔諒 就 吩咐 開城 放 佢 入 嚟 , 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 啦 。 呢 個人 就 話 嘞 : 小將 裴緒 , 係 夏侯 都督 嘅 心腹 將官 。 而家 奉 咗 都督 將令 , 專程 嚟 向 天水 、 安定 兩郡 求救 。 南安 目前 十分 危急 , 每日 都 喺 城樓 上 便 點火 為號 , 盼望 兩 郡 嘅 救兵 , 但 係 一直 都 盼望 唔 到 。 因此 再 派 小將 殺出重圍 , 嚟 呢 處 告急 , 請 大人 你 火速 派兵 去 支援 啊 。 都督 一 見到 兩郡 兵 到 , 就 開城 殺出 嚟 接應 。 哦 , 誒 , 誒 有 冇 都督 嘅 文書 啊 ? 有 ! 裴緒 解開 衣服 , 貼 肉 攞 咗 封文書 出 嚟 , 就 已經 畀 啲 汗水 濕到 透 㗎 喇 , 就 稍 為 畀 崔諒 睇 咗 一 睇 。 就將 跑 到 攰 晒 嘅 馬 放 落 , 另外 換過 一匹 就 告辭 出 城 , 直奔 去 天 水城 嘞 。 過 咗 兩日 , 又 有 報馬 嚟 到 話 天水 太守 馬 遵 呢 , 已經 起兵 去 救 南安 嘞 , 叫 安定 快 啲 去 接應 噉 。 崔諒 就 同 佢 嗰 班 官員 商量 啦 , 噉 大家 都 話 : 如果 唔 去 救 啊 , 聽下失 咗 南安 , 斷送 咗 夏侯 駙馬 , 噉 我 哋 兩個 郡 就 罪名 大咯 喎 。 冇 法子 喇 唯有 出兵 去 救 係 啦 。 於是 崔諒 就 點齊 人馬 出發 , 只 係 留返 啲 文官 喺 度 守城 唧 。 崔諒 帶 住 兵 , 由 大路 向 住 南安 一直 行 。 嘩 嗨 ! 遠遠 就 望見 火光 映到 天邊 都 紅晒 , 就 猛 咁 催促 人馬 快 啲 行 啦 。 呢 一日 , 上 下去 到 喇 , 離開 南安 城仲有 五廿里 , 突然 間 喺 隊伍 嘅 前後 都 響起 吶喊聲 喎 。 咦 ? 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 哨馬 就 飛跑 過 嚟 報告 話 : 弊喇弊 喇 , 前 便 就 關興 截住 去路 , 背後 張苞 殺 嚟 啊 ! 嘩 安定 嘅 兵卒 呀 , 四圍 咁 逃命 咯 。 崔諒 驚 死 嚟 喇 , 只 能夠 帶住 手下 百零人 , 死命 噉 殺 開條 路 , 就 混 小路 行 趯 甩 咗 , 跑 返去 安定 。 啱 啱 氣喘 㗾㗾 噉 跑 到 城壕 邊 , 哎呀 , 城牆 上 亂箭 射落 嚟 。 蜀 軍 大將 魏延 啊 , 喺 城 上 大聲 噉 嗌 落 嚟 話 : 我 已經 佔領 咗 城池 喇 , 你 仲 唔 快快 投降 ! 點解 啊 喂 ? 呵呵 , 原來 崔諒 離開 咗 之後 啊 , 魏延 就 扮成 安定 軍隊 噉 樣 , 趁 晚頭 黑 , 就 騙 開 城門 , 蜀兵 一湧 而入 , 因此 啊 得 咗 安定 城 。 噉 老家 都 失 咗 , 崔諒 就 慌忙 趯 去 天水 郡 啦 。 行 咗 唔 到 一站 路 , 只見 前面 擺開 一彪 軍馬 。 大旗 之下 , 孔明 羽扇綸巾 , 道袍 鶴氅 , 端端正正 坐 喺 架 四輪車 處 。 咦 呀 ! 崔諒 急急 撥轉 馬頭 趯 咯 。 但 係 關興 、 張苞 兩路 兵 追到 嚟 喇 , 大 嗌 快快 投降 快快 投降 噉 。 崔諒 見到 四面 都 係 蜀 兵 , 插翼 都 難飛 啦 , 不得已 , 就 只有 投降 喇 。 各位 ,嗱 孔明 就 已經 奪取 咗 安定 郡 嘞 。 噉 究竟 點樣 奪取 埋 南安 、 天水 兩個 郡 呢 ? 就 下次 再講 喇 。

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今日 就 講下 魏國 嗰 便 喇 , 佢 哋 守衛 邊境 嘅 軍隊 啊 , 探聽到 蜀國 起兵 嘅 消息 , 就 飛馬 向 洛陽 報告 嘞 喎 。 today|then|talk about|Wei state|that|message|particle indicating completed action|they|plural marker|guard|border|possessive particle|army|particle indicating exclamation|heard|Shu state|uprising|possessive particle|news|then|fast horse|towards|Luoyang|report|past action particle|particle indicating confirmation Today, let's talk about the Wei Kingdom. Their border guards received news that the Shu Kingdom was raising troops, and they quickly reported it to Luoyang. 呢 一日 , 魏主曹 睿 啊 登殿 臨朝 , 得到 邊境 送 嚟 嘅 緊急 奏章 。 this|day|Wei Lord Cao|Rui|particle|ascended the throne|in audience|received|border|sent|here|possessive particle|urgent|memorial On this day, the Wei ruler Cao Rui ascended the throne and received an urgent memorial sent from the border. 話 諸葛亮 啊 率領 三 十幾萬 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 漢中 , 任命 趙雲 、 鄧芝 做 先鋒 , 侵犯 邊境 噉 。 speaking|Zhuge Liang|ah|led|three|over a hundred thousand|army|stationed|at||Hanzhong|appointed|Zhao Yun|Deng Zhi|as|vanguard|invade|border|like this It stated that Zhuge Liang was leading an army of over 300,000, stationed in Hanzhong, and had appointed Zhao Yun and Deng Zhi as vanguards to invade the border. 曹睿 大吃一驚 , 就問 啲 大臣 話 喇 : 邊個 可以 掛帥 打退 蜀兵 呢 ? Cao Rui|was greatly shocked||the|ministers|said|particle indicating completed action|who|can|lead the charge|repel|Shu soldiers|question particle Cao Rui was greatly shocked and asked his ministers: Who can lead the troops to repel the Shu soldiers? 即刻 就 有 個人 應聲 而出 , 佢 話 : immediately|then|there is|a person|in response|came out|he|said Immediately, someone responded and said: 臣 嘅 父親 , 死於 漢中 , 深仇大恨 一直 都 未報 。 I|possessive particle|father|died in|Hanzhong|deep hatred and resentment|always|all|not avenged My father died in Hanzhong, and the deep hatred has never been avenged. 今日 , 蜀兵 侵犯 邊境 , 臣 願意 帶領 本部 猛將 , 並且 , 請 陛下 撥 關西 兵馬 , 去 擊破 蜀 軍 。 today|Shu soldiers|invade|border|I (the minister)|am willing|to lead|our unit|fierce generals|and|please|Your Majesty|allocate|the western region|troops|to|defeat|Shu|army Today, the Shu army has invaded the border, and I am willing to lead my fierce generals, and I ask Your Majesty to dispatch troops from Guanshi to defeat the Shu army. 上 為 國家 效力 , 下為 父親 報仇 , 臣 萬死不辭 ! serve|for|country|loyalty||father|avenge|I (as a subject)|would die a thousand deaths without hesitation To serve the country above, and to avenge my father below, I would not hesitate to die a thousand deaths! 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 夏侯淵 個 仔 夏侯楙 啊 。 everyone|at a glance|it turns out|is|Xiahouyuan|possessive particle|son|Xiahoumao|ah Everyone take a look, it turns out to be Xiahou Yuan's son, Xiahou Mao. 夏侯楙 別字 子休 , 佢 為 人 呀 性情 非常 急躁 吖 又 最 孤寒 喎 。 Xiahou Mao|courtesy name|Zixiu|he|to be|person|particle|temperament|very|irritable|particle|also|most|stingy|particle Xiahou Mao, courtesy name Zixiu, is a very impulsive person and also very stingy. 佢 自 細 呢 , 就 過繼 咗 畀 夏侯惇 做 仔 嘅 。 he|from|young|here|then|adopted|past tense marker|by|Xiahou Dun|to be|son|possessive particle He was adopted by Xiahou Dun as a son since he was young. 噉 啊 收尾 夏侯淵 喺 定軍山 之戰 呀 畀 老將 黃忠 斬 咗 吖 。 then|particle|finish|Xiahou Yuan|at|Dingjun Mountain||particle|by|veteran general|Huang Zhong|killed|past tense marker|particle Then, in the battle of Dingjun Mountain, Xiahou Yuan was killed by the old general Huang Zhong. 曹操 就 好 憐惜 佢 , 就 將個 女 清河 公主 啊 , 嫁 咗 畀 佢 , 招 佢 做 駙馬 , 因此 滿朝文 武都 好 欽敬 佢 。 Cao Cao|then|very|pity|him|then|the|daughter|Qinghe|princess|ah|marry|past tense marker|to|him|recruit|him|as|son-in-law|therefore|||very|respectful|him Cao Cao felt very sorry for him, so he married his daughter, Princess Qinghe, to him, and appointed him as a son-in-law, thus earning the respect of the entire court. 噉 呢 個 夏侯楙 啊 , 雖然 一直 都 係 掌握 兵權 , 之 佢 從來 未曾 真正 打過仗 。 then|this|measure word|Xiahou Mao|ah|although|always|also|is|in control of|military power|of|he|ever|never|truly|fought a war This Xiahou Mao, although he has always held military power, has never actually fought in a battle. 而 家 佢 請求 出征 , 曹睿 就 任命 佢 做 大 都督 , 調 關西 各路 兵馬 , 交 畀 夏侯楙 指揮 去 迎戰 蜀 軍 嘞 。 and|family|he|requested|to go to war|Cao Rui|then|appointed|him|as|great|commander|to mobilize|Guansai|all routes|troops|to hand over|to|Xiahou Mao|command|to|engage in battle|Shu|army|past tense particle Now he requests to go to war, and Cao Rui appoints him as the Grand Commander, assigning troops from various routes in Guanshi to be commanded by Xiahou Mao to confront the Shu army. 司徒王朗 就 即刻 出班 勸諫 曹睿話 嘞 : 陛下 , 唔 好 噉 樣 做 啊 ! Sima Wanglang|then|immediately|step forward|advise||past tense marker|Your Majesty|not|good|like this|manner|do|sentence-final particle Minister Wang Lang immediately went to persuade Cao Rui, saying: Your Majesty, please do not act like this! 夏侯 駙馬 , 從來 都 未曾 打過仗 , 今日 一下 就 交 咁 重 嘅 責任 畀 佢 , 係 唔 適宜 嘅 。 Xiahou|imperial son-in-law|always|all|never|fought a battle|today|all of a sudden|then|assign|so|heavy|possessive particle|responsibility|to|him|is|not|appropriate|possessive particle General Xiahou, who has never fought in battle, is suddenly given such a heavy responsibility today, which is inappropriate. 更 兼 諸葛亮 足智多謀 , 深明 韜略 , 唔 能夠 輕敵 㗎 。 moreover|and|Zhuge Liang|extremely intelligent and resourceful|deeply understands|strategy|not|able to|underestimate the enemy|particle indicating certainty Moreover, Zhuge Liang is very resourceful and understands strategy deeply; we cannot underestimate him. 夏侯楙 就 斥責 佢 話 喇 : 王司徒 ! 莫非 你 勾結 諸葛亮 , 想 做 佢 嘅 內應 係 嘛 ! Xiahou Mao|then|reprimanded|him|said|particle indicating completed action|Wang Situ|could it be that|you|colluding|Zhuge Liang|want|to be|he|possessive particle|inside informant|is|question particle Xiahou Mao then reprimanded him, saying: Minister Wang! Are you colluding with Zhuge Liang, trying to be his inside man? 我 自細 跟隨 父親 , 學習 韜略 , 精通 兵法 。 I|from a young age|followed|father|learned|strategy|mastered|military tactics I have followed my father since I was young, learning strategy and mastering military tactics. 你 蝦 我 年輕 呀 , 我 若果 唔 生擒 諸葛亮 , 我 發誓 唔 返 嚟 見 天子 ! you|shrimp|I|young|particle|I|if|not|capture|Zhuge Liang|I|swear|not|||see|emperor You shrimp, I'm young! If I don't capture Zhuge Liang, I swear I won't return to see the emperor! 嘩 駙馬爺 發脾氣 喎 , 王朗 雖然 係 大臣 啫 亦 唔 敢 再講 說話 啦 。 wow|the prince consort|got angry|particle indicating realization|Wang Lang|although|is|minister|only|also|not|dare||words|particle indicating suggestion Wow, the prince is angry! Although Wang Lang is just a minister, he also doesn't dare to speak anymore. 於是 夏侯楙 就 辭別 咗 魏主曹 睿 , 立即 趕 去 長安 , 調齊 關西 各路 軍馬 二十幾萬 人 , 就 去 迎敵 孔明 喇 。 then|Xiahou Mao|then|bid farewell|past tense marker||Rui|immediately|hurry|to|Chang'an|gather|Guansai|all routes|troops|over 200000|people|then|to|confront the enemy|Kongming|particle indicating completion or emphasis So, Xiahou Mao bid farewell to the Wei ruler Cao Rui, and immediately rushed to Chang'an, gathering over 200,000 troops from various routes in Guanshi to confront Kongming. 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 帶領 大軍 就 嚟 到 沔陽 , 經過 馬超 嘅 墳墓 呢 , 就 叫 馬超 嘅 細 佬 馬岱 掛孝 , 孔明 親自 去 拜祭 佢 。 now|let's talk about|Kongming|he|led|the main army|then|came|to|Mianyang|passed by|Ma Chao|possessive particle|grave|particle indicating a question|then|called|Ma Chao|possessive particle|younger|son|Ma Dai|wore mourning clothes|Kongming|personally|went|to pay respects to|him Now let's talk about Kongming. He led the army to Mianyang, and when passing by Ma Chao's grave, he asked Ma Chao's son, Ma Dai, to wear mourning clothes, and Kongming personally went to pay his respects. 祭完 , 返到 嚟 營寨 , 孔明 就 同 大家 商量 進兵 嘅 計劃 。 after the ritual|returned to|here|camp|Kongming|then|with|everyone|discussed|advancing|possessive particle|plan After the ceremony, upon returning to the camp, Kongming discussed the plan for advancing with everyone. 哨馬 就 嚟 報告 話 喇 , 魏主曹 睿 呀 , 派 駙馬 夏侯楙 做 主帥 , 調 關西 各路 兵馬 前 嚟 迎戰 喇 噉 。 scout|immediately|come|report|said|particle indicating completed action||Rui|particle for emphasis|send|imperial son-in-law|Xiahou Mao|be|commander|mobilize|Guansai|all routes|troops|forward|come|engage in battle|particle indicating completed action|like this The scout horse is about to report that the Wei lord Cao Rui has appointed the noble horse Xiahou Mao as the commander, and has mobilized troops from various routes in Guanshi to come and meet the battle. 魏延 就 向 孔明 建議 話 喇 : 夏侯楙 , 係 個 過慣 奢華 生活 嘅 膏粱子弟 , 懦弱 無謀 。 Wei Yan|then|to|Kongming|suggested|saying|particle|Xiahou Mao|is|particle|accustomed to|luxurious|lifestyle|possessive particle|wealthy young man|cowardly|without strategy Wei Yan suggested to Kongming: Xiahou Mao is a spoiled young master who is used to a luxurious life, weak and without strategy. 請 丞相 , 交 五千 精兵 畀 我 , 由 褒 中直 出 , 跟 住 秦 嶺東 進 , 去 到 子午谷 就 向 北 進發 , 不 出 十日 , 就 可以 到達 長安 。 please|Prime Minister|hand over|five thousand|elite soldiers|to|me|from|Bao|Zhongzheng|depart|follow|stay|Qin||advance|go|to|Ziwugu|then|towards|north|march|not|within|ten days|then|can|reach|Chang'an Please, Prime Minister, give me five thousand elite soldiers, and I will set out from Baozhong, advancing east through the Qinling, and when I reach Ziwugu, I will head north. Within ten days, I can reach Chang'an. 夏侯楙 若果 聽聞 我 突然 殺到 , 必定 放棄 城池 逃跑 嘅 。 Xiahou Mao|if|hears|I|suddenly|arrives|definitely|abandon|city|escape|particle indicating action completion If Xiahou Mao hears that I suddenly attack, he will definitely abandon the city and flee. 我 從 東方 迂迴 , 而 丞相 指揮 大軍 , 由 斜谷 進攻 , 噉 樣 打法 , 咸陽 以西 呀 一舉 而定 啊 ! I|from|the east|maneuvered|and|the prime minister|commanded|the army|from|Xie Valley|attack|such|manner|strategy|Xianyang||particle|in one move||particle I will maneuver from the east, while the Prime Minister commands the main army to attack from Xiegugu. With this strategy, we can decisively take Xianyang! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 呢 個 並非 萬全之計 啊 , 你 係 欺負 佢 哋 中原 冇 能 人 啫 。 hahaha||this|measure word|not|perfect plan|particle|you|are|bully|they|plural marker|Central Plains|not have|||only Hahaha, this is not a foolproof plan. You are just taking advantage of the fact that there are no capable people in the Central Plains. 如果 佢 哋 有人 建議 , 喺 山嶺 險要 嘅 地方 用 伏兵 進行 截擊 。 if|he|plural marker|someone|suggests|at|mountain ridge|strategic|possessive particle|place|use|ambush troops|carry out|ambush If they have someone suggesting to use ambush troops to conduct a surprise attack in the mountainous and dangerous areas. 噉 樣 我軍 就 唔 淨止 係 五千 人 受害 喇 , 全軍 亦 大傷 銳氣 啊 。 then|way|our army|then|not|only|is|five thousand|people|suffered casualties|particle indicating completed action|entire army|also|greatly injured|morale|particle indicating exclamation Then our army would not only suffer five thousand casualties, but the entire army would also be greatly demoralized. 你 呢 個 辦法 決 唔 用 得 嘅 。 you|question particle|measure word|method|definitely|not|||particle indicating possession or modification Your method is definitely not feasible. 不過 噉 噃 丞相 嘅 兵馬 由 大路 進發 , 佢 哋 必定 出動 關中 全部 兵力 , 沿路 迎戰 。 however|like this|particle indicating suggestion|prime minister|possessive particle|troops|from|main road|advance|they|plural marker|definitely|deploy|Guanzhong|all|military strength|along the way|engage in battle However, the Prime Minister's troops are advancing from the main road, and they will definitely mobilize all their forces from Guanzhong to confront us along the way. 噉 樣 曠日持久 , 拖延 落 去 , 幾時 先至 能夠 奪取 中原 呢 ? like this|situation|prolonged|delay|go|down|when|only then|able to|seize|Central Plains|question particle So, how long will this situation last? When can we finally seize the Central Plains? 我 從 隴右 跟 住 平坦 大路 , 依照 兵法 嚟 進兵 , 唔 怕 唔 贏 嘅 。 I|from|Longyou|||flat|road|according to|military strategy|come|advance troops|not|afraid|||particle indicating possession or modification I will follow the flat road from Longyou and advance according to military strategy, not afraid of losing. 孔明 冇 採納 魏 延 嘅 建議 , 噉 魏延個 心 就 好 唔 高興 。 Kongming|did not|accept|Wei|Yan|possessive particle|suggestion|then||heart|then|very|not|happy Kongming did not adopt Wei Yan's suggestion, so Wei Yan was very unhappy. 喺 會議 之後 呢 , 孔明 就 派 人 命令 趙雲 進兵 。 at|meeting|after|particle|Kongming|then|send|people|order|Zhao Yun|advance After the meeting, Kongming sent someone to order Zhao Yun to advance. 而家 講返 夏侯楙 吓 , 佢 喺 長安 聚集 咗 各路 兵馬 。 now|talk about|Xiahou Mao|ah|he|at|Chang'an|gathered|past tense marker|all|troops Now let's talk about Xiahou Mao, who has gathered troops from all directions in Chang'an. 有 一日 , 西涼 大將 韓德 啊 , 帶領 住 西疆 各路 兵馬 總共 八萬 人 嚟 到 。 there is|one day|Western Liang|general|Han De|ah|leading|with|Western Frontier|all routes|troops|a total of|eighty thousand|people|| One day, the great general Han De from Xiliang led a total of eighty thousand troops from the western frontier. 韓德使 一把 開山 大斧 , 有 萬夫不當之勇 㗎 。 Han De-shi|one|mountain-opening|large axe|has|courage that no ten thousand men can match|particle indicating certainty Han De wielded a great axe, possessing the courage of ten thousand men. 佢 拜見 咗 夏侯楙 , 夏侯楙 就 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 , 任命 佢 做 先鋒 。 He|met|past tense marker|Xiahou Mao|Xiahou Mao|then|generously|in that manner|rewarded|him|appointed|him|as|vanguard He paid his respects to Xiahou Mao, who heavily rewarded him and appointed him as the vanguard. 韓德有 四個 仔 啊 , 係 韓瑛 、 韓瑤 、 韓瓊 、 韓琪 , 個個 都 係 精通 武藝 嘅 噃。 Han De has|four|sons|sentence-final particle|are|Han Ying|Han Yao|Han Qiong|Han Qi|each of them|all|are|proficient in|martial arts|possessive particle|sentence-final particle Han De has four sons: Han Ying, Han Yao, Han Qiong, and Han Qi, all of whom are skilled in martial arts. 韓德 啊 帶 埋 四個 仔 , 率領 住 八萬 人馬 一路 去 到 鳳鳴山 就 撞 正 蜀 軍 嘞 。 Han De|ah|bring|along|four|children|leading|with|eighty thousand|troops|all the way|||Fengming Mountain|then|||Shu|army|past tense particle Han De brought along his four sons and led the eighty thousand troops to Fengming Mountain, where they encountered the Shu army. 當時 雙方 都 擺開 人馬 。 at that time|both sides|all|deployed|troops At that time, both sides deployed their troops. 兩陣 對圓 就 韓德 當先 出馬 , 四個 仔 就 排列 喺 兩邊 。 two teams|facing each other|then|Hand|first|to play|four|kids|then|arranged|at|both sides The two formations faced each other, with Han De being the first to charge, while four soldiers lined up on both sides. 韓德 破口大罵 : 反國 奸賊 ! 竟然 侵犯 境界 咁 大膽 , 快 啲 下馬 受 綁 ! Han De|shouted angrily|anti-national|traitor|unexpectedly|invade|territory|so|bold|quickly|a little|dismount|| Han De shouted angrily: "Traitors to the country! How dare you invade our territory so boldly, quickly dismount and surrender!" 嘿激 嬲 趙雲 喇 , 趙雲挺 槍 縱馬 就 向 韓德 挑戰 。 hey excited|angry|Zhao Yun|particle indicating action|Zhao Yun raised|spear|galloping horse|then|towards|Han De|challenged This provoked Zhao Yun, who brandished his spear and charged at Han De to challenge him. 韓瑛 躍馬 上前 迎敵 就 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 畀 趙雲 一槍 就 刺死 跌 咗 落馬 。 Han Ying|leaping horse|advanced|to face the enemy|then|hit|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds|by|Zhao Yun|one spear|then|stabbed to death|fell|past tense marker|off the horse Han Ying rode forward to meet the enemy, but after less than three exchanges, Zhao Yun pierced him with a spear, causing him to fall off his horse. 韓瑤 見到 大哥 被 殺 , 怒火中燒 , 縱 馬揮刀 上前 交戰 。 Han Yao|saw|elder brother|be|killed|burning with anger|spur||stepped forward|engaged in battle Han Yao saw her elder brother being killed, filled with rage, she charged forward on horseback with her sword drawn to engage in battle. 趙雲 呀 施展 出 往日 嘅 虎威 啊 , 抖擻精神 迎敵 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 韓瑤 抵擋 唔 住 喇 。 Zhao Yun|particle|display|out|past|possessive particle|tiger might|particle||face the enemy|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|Han Yao|withstand|||particle Zhao Yun displayed his past ferocity, invigorated and ready to face the enemy, after several rounds of fighting, Han Yao could no longer hold her ground. 韓瓊 呀 急忙 挺起 方天畫 戟 就 拍馬 衝上 嚟 夾攻 。 Han Qiong|ah|hurriedly|raised|||then|urged on the horse|charged up|here|flanking attack Han Qiong hurriedly raised her Fangtian painted halberd and galloped forward to join the attack. 趙雲 呀 毫不 畏懼 啊 , 越戰越勇 , 槍法 一 啲 都 冇 亂 到 。 Zhao Yun|ah|not at all|afraid|ah|the more he fights the braver he becomes|marksmanship|one|a little|all|not|chaotic|to Zhao Yun, undaunted, grew braver with each battle, his spear technique remained completely composed. 韓琪 睇 見 兩個 大佬 都 打 趙雲 唔 贏唄 , 亦 縱 馬上 前 , 舞住 兩口 日月 刀 打 埋 一份 。 Han Qi|see|saw|two|bosses|all|hit|Zhao Yun|not|win|also|let|immediately|forward|wielding|two|Sun and Moon|swords|hit|together|one part Seeing that both of her elder brothers were unable to defeat Zhao Yun, Han Qi also charged forward on horseback, wielding her twin Sun and Moon blades to join the fray. 三 兄弟 圍攻 趙雲 嘞 喎 , 趙雲 一個打 三個 好似 走馬燈 噉 啊 。 three|brothers|besiege|Zhao Yun|past action particle|sentence-final particle|Zhao Yun||three|seems|revolving lantern|like|ah particle Three brothers surrounded Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun fought off all three of them like a revolving lantern. 一陣 間 , 嘿 ! 韓琪 中槍 落馬 喇 。 ||hey|Hanqi|shot|fell off his horse|already In a moment, hey! Han Qi was shot and fell off his horse. 魏 軍 嗰 便 嘅 偏將 啊 慌忙 衝出 嚟 就 搶 返韓 琪 嘅 屍體 回陣 。 Wei|army|that|then|possessive particle|minor general|ah|hurriedly|rushed out|here|then|seized||Qi|possessive particle|corpse|return to formation The Wei army's side general hurriedly rushed out to retrieve Han Qi's body back to the formation. 趙雲 就 刺 倒 咗 韓琪 , 突然 間 虛晃一槍 , 拖槍 就 走 。 Zhao Yun|then|stab|fell|past tense marker|Han Qi|suddenly|in the moment|feint|draw his weapon|then|ran away Zhao Yun stabbed Han Qi down, suddenly feigned a thrust, and then retreated. 韓瓊 就 按住 畫戟 , 急急 攞 弓箭 嚟 射 趙雲 ,𠻘𠻘𠻘 連氣射 咗 三箭 。 Han Qiong|then|pressing down|halberd|hurriedly|took|bow and arrow|to|shoot|Zhao Yun|continuously||past tense marker|three arrows Han Qiong pressed down on his halberd and quickly took out his bow and arrows to shoot at Zhao Yun, shooting three arrows in quick succession. 哈哈 , 都 畀 趙雲 用 支槍 呀 , 撻 撻 撻 三支 箭 都 撥開 晒 。 haha|all|by|Zhao Yun|using|gun|particle||||three|arrows|all|deflected|completely Haha, Zhao Yun used a spear, and with a few swipes, he deflected all three arrows. 嬲 到 韓瓊 呀 鼻 都 歪 埋 , 一挺 方天畫 戟 , 拍馬 就 追住 趙雲 。 angry|to|Han Qiong|particle|nose|all|crooked|together|one thrust|||spur the horse|then|catch up with|Zhao Yun Han Qiong was so angry that his nose was crooked, and with a Fangtian painting halberd, he galloped to chase Zhao Yun. 點知 畀 趙雲 一箭 , 射 正面 門 當堂 倒 撞 落馬 就 一命嗚呼 嘞 。 who would have known|by|Zhao Yun|one arrow|shot|front|door|on the spot|fell|collided|off the horse|then|died|past tense particle Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun shot him with an arrow, hitting him squarely in the chest, and he fell off his horse, meeting his end. 韓瑤 縱 馬舞刀 衝過 嚟 想 斬 趙雲 啦 。 Han Yao|to leap||charged over|here|wants|to kill|Zhao Yun|particle indicating a completed action Han Yao rode in with a knife, wanting to slash Zhao Yun. 趙雲 啪 聲 掉 開支 槍 , 腰一扭 , 閃過 日月 刀 , 一 伸手 , 就 生擒 韓瑤 回陣 。 Zhao Yun|bang|sound|drop|withdraw|gun||dodged|Sun and Moon|knife|one|reached out|then|captured alive|Han Yao|counterattack Zhao Yun swiftly dropped his spear, twisted his waist, dodged the Sun and Moon knife, and with one reach, he captured Han Yao back to the formation. 跟 住 攞 返 起 支槍 , 縱馬 向 住 魏 軍 衝殺 過去 。 |at||||||||Wei|army|charge and kill|past Then he took up his gun and charged towards the Wei army on horseback. 韓德 見到 四個 仔 , 一陣 間 就 死 喺 趙雲 手上 慌到 膽都裂 啊 , 佢 怕 起 上 嚟 , 喇喇聲 走 返入 陣先 。 Han De|saw|four|children|in a moment|time|then|die|at|Zhao Yun|hands|panicked||ah|he|afraid|get up|up|come|hurriedly|ran|back into| Han De saw four of his men die at Zhao Yun's hands in an instant, panicking so much that he felt like his heart would burst; he was afraid to come out, so he hurriedly retreated back into the formation. 啲 西涼兵 呢 , 素來 都 知道 趙雲 好 打 得 嘅 。 the|Xiliang soldiers|question particle|always|all|know|Zhao Yun|very|||particle indicating past action The Xiliang soldiers have always known that Zhao Yun is a formidable fighter. 今日 見到 趙雲 同 當年 一樣 咁 英勇 , 邊個 仲敢 出 嚟 交鋒 吖 送死 咩 真 係 。 today|saw|Zhao Yun|with|in those years|the same|so|brave|who||to come out|to|fight|particle|to seek death|what|really|is Today, seeing Zhao Yun as brave as he was back then, who would still dare to come out and face him? It's truly a death wish. 所以 趙雲 飛馬 所到之處 啊 陣陣 倒退 。 so|Zhao Yun|flying horse|wherever he goes|ah|wave after wave|retreat Thus, wherever Zhao Yun rode, the enemy retreated in waves. 只見 趙雲 匹馬單槍 , 往來 衝殺 啊 如入無人之境 , 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : only saw|Zhao Yun|single-handedly|back and forth|charging and killing|ah|like entering a no-man's land|particle indicating a question|has||ah Only Zhao Yun was charging alone on horseback, rushing in as if entering a no-man's land. There is a poem to prove it: 憶昔 常山 趙子龍 , 年 登 七十 建 奇功 。 recalling the past|Changshan|Zhao Zilong|age|reached|seventy|achieved|remarkable feats In the past, Zhao Zilong of Changshan, at the age of seventy, achieved remarkable feats. 獨誅四 將來 衝陣 , 猶似 當陽 救主 雄 。 single-handedly kill four|in the future|charge into battle|still like|in broad daylight|savior|heroic He single-handedly defeated four generals in battle, just like the heroic savior of the sun. 噉 鄧芝 見到 趙雲 大勝 嘞 , 立即 指揮 蜀兵 掩殺 過去 , 殺到 西涼 人馬 就 大敗 而 走 啊 。 then|Deng Zhi|saw|Zhao Yun|great victory|past tense marker|immediately|commanded|Shu soldiers|encircled and attacked|past|killed until|Xiliang|troops|then|suffered a great defeat|and|fled|sentence-final particle Seeing Zhao Yun's great victory, Deng Zhi immediately commanded the Shu soldiers to encircle and attack, causing the Xiliang troops to be utterly defeated and flee. 韓德 呢 , 爭 啲 都 畀 趙雲 捉生 公 啊 , 狼狽 到 佢 呀 除開 咗 盔甲 , 掉 低 隻 馬 , 扮 咗 個 兵丁 , 撈 埋 喺 啲 敗兵 裏 便 就 趯 甩 咗 。 Han De|question particle|barely|a little|all|by|Zhao Yun|capture alive|lord|exclamation particle|in a difficult situation|to|he|exclamation particle|took off|past tense marker|armor|dropped|down|measure word for animals|horse|disguised|past tense marker|measure word for people|soldier|mixed in|together|at|measure word for|defeated soldiers|inside|then|just|kicked|off|past tense marker As for Han De, he was almost captured by Zhao Yun, so desperate that he removed his armor, dropped his horse, disguised himself as a soldier, and mingled with the defeated troops to escape. 趙雲 、 鄧芝 打 咗 場大 勝仗 , 就 收兵 回寨 。 Zhao Yun|Deng Zhi|fought|past tense marker||victory|then|recalled the troops|returned to the camp Zhao Yun and Deng Zhi fought a great victory and then returned to the camp. 鄧芝 祝賀 趙雲 話 喇 : 老 將軍 你 已經 七十歲 咁 高壽 喇 , 仲 好似 當年 咁 英勇 啊 ! Deng Zhi|congratulates|Zhao Yun|said|particle indicating completed action|old|general|you|already|seventy years old|so|long life|particle indicating completed action|still|seems like|in the past|so|brave|particle indicating exclamation Deng Zhi congratulated Zhao Yun, saying: "Old General, you are already seventy years old, yet you are still as brave as you were in your youth!" 今日 喺 陣 上 力 斬 四 將 , 真 係 世間 少有 , 世間 少有 啊 ! today|at|battle|on|strong|defeat|four|generals|really|is|world|rare|world|rare|ah Today on the battlefield, you personally defeated four generals, which is truly rare in this world, truly rare! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 丞相 因為 我 老咯 , 唔 肯用 我 , 故此 我 搵 個 機會 嚟 顯示 下 身手 畀 丞相 睇 啫 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 Hahaha|Hahaha||Prime Minister|because|I|am old|not|willing to use|me|therefore|I|find|a|opportunity|to|show|a little|skills|to|Prime Minister|see|only|Hahaha|Hahaha Hahaha, the Prime Minister doesn't want to use me because I'm old, so I took the opportunity to show my skills to the Prime Minister, hahaha. 噉 於是 趙雲 啊 , 就 派 人解 咗 韓瑤 去 大本營 。 then|so|Zhao Yun|ah|then|sent||past tense marker|Han Yao|to|headquarters So, Zhao Yun sent someone to inform Han Yao to go to the main camp. 同時 寫 咗 信向 孔明 報捷 , 呢 啲 不在話下 喇 。 at the same time|write|past tense marker|letter to|Kongming|report victory|this|plural marker||sentence-final particle At the same time, a letter was written to Kongming to report the victory, these are not to be mentioned. 而家 講下 韓德 啊 , 佢 帶 住 啲 殘兵敗將 返去 見 夏侯楙 , 哎 , 真 淒涼 咯 。 now|talk about|Han De|ah|he|||some|defeated soldiers|back|to see|Xiahou Mao|sigh|really|desolate|particle indicating finality Now let's talk about Han De, he is bringing back the remnants of the defeated troops to meet Xiahou Mao, oh, it's really pitiful. 佢 喊住 噉 將 打敗仗 嘅 經過 , 報告 畀 夏侯楙 知 。 He|crying|like that|will|lose the battle|possessive particle|process|report|to|Xiahou Mao|inform He is crying as he reports the defeat to Xiahou Mao. 噉 夏侯楙 呢 就 親自 帶兵 嚟 同 趙雲 打過 喇 。 then|Xiahou Mao|this|then|personally|lead troops|here|with|Zhao Yun|fought|particle indicating completed action So Xiahou Mao personally led the troops to fight against Zhao Yun. 趙雲 聽 講話 夏侯楙 親自 嚟 到 唄 啱 晒 啦 , 至怕 你 唔 嚟 咋 嘛 ! Zhao Yun|hear|talking|Xiahou Mao|personally|come|arrive|particle indicating suggestion|right|completely|particle indicating completion|only afraid|you|not|come|question particle|particle indicating obviousness Zhao Yun heard that Xiahou Mao personally came, just right, I was afraid you wouldn't come! 立即 提槍 上馬 , 帶 咗 千幾人 , 就 喺 鳳 鳴 山前 便 擺開陣勢 迎敵 。 immediately|draw weapons|mount (their) horses|lead|past tense marker|over a thousand men|then|at|||in front of the mountain|then||to face the enemy Immediately draw the sword and mount the horse, bringing along over a thousand men, and set up the formation to face the enemy in front of Phoenix Ming Mountain. 當日 , 夏侯楙 裝好身 , 頭戴 金盔 , 身披 金甲 , 騎 一匹 白馬 , 手提 大砍刀 就 企 喺 門 旗 之下 。 that day|Xiahou Mao||wearing on head|golden helmet|wearing|golden armor|riding|a|white horse|holding in hand|large saber|then|stood|at|gate|flag|under On that day, Xiahou Mao was fully equipped, wearing a golden helmet, clad in golden armor, riding a white horse, and standing under the banner with a large saber in hand. 哈 嗨 , 佢 見到 趙雲 躍 馬挺槍 , 喺 陣前 跑來跑去 。 ha|hi|he|saw|Zhao Yun|leaped||at|the front of the battle|running around Ha ha, he saw Zhao Yun leaping on horseback, brandishing his spear, running back and forth in front of the formation. 夏侯楙 忍 唔 住 想 親自出馬 同 趙雲 打 喎 。 Xiahou Mao||||wants|to personally take action|with|Zhao Yun|fight|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Xiahou Mao couldn't help but want to personally go out and fight Zhao Yun. 韓德話 喇 : 佢 殺 咗 我 四個 仔 , 血海深仇 , 唔 報 唔 得 ! Han De said|particle indicating completion|he|killed|past tense marker|I|four|sons|deep blood feud|not|avenge|| Han De said: He killed my four sons, it's a blood feud, I must take revenge! 一拍 隻 馬 就 舞起 開山 大斧 直取 趙雲 。 with a clap|measure word for animals|horse|then|danced|mountain-opening|big axe|directly attacking|Zhao Yun With a single strike, the horse danced with the great axe, aiming directly at Zhao Yun. 趙雲 奮起 神威 , 銀槍 一 擺 , 紅纓 上下 翻飛 , 咣 咣 咣 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 。 Zhao Yun|rise up|divine might|silver spear|one|swing|red tassel|up and down|flying around||||hit|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds Zhao Yun rose with divine might, swinging his silver spear, the red tassel flying up and down, clanging and clashing without landing a hit for three rounds. 趙雲 一槍 撥開 大斧 , 毒蛇 吐信 啊 , 將韓德 刺 咗 落馬 , 當堂 冇 命 。 Zhao Yun|one spear thrust|deflected|large axe|poisonous snake|flicked its tongue|ah||stab|past tense marker|off the horse|on the spot|without|life Zhao Yun swept aside the great axe with his spear, like a venomous snake striking, and pierced Han De off his horse, leaving him lifeless on the spot. 趙雲 跟 住 馬頭 一撥 , 直取 夏侯楙 。 Zhao Yun|||Ma Tou|a group|directly attacked|Xiahou Mao Zhao Yun then turned his horse's head and charged straight at Xiahou Mao. 哎呀 乜 咁 犀利 㗎 咪 搵 嘢 搞 , 夏侯楙 呀 , 走 都 走 唔 切 啊 慌忙 縮返 入陣 。 oh no|what|so|fierce|question particle|just|find|thing|mess with|Xiahou Mao|exclamation particle|run|all||||ah|hurriedly|shrink back|into the formation Oh no, how fierce is this? I need to find something to do, Xiahou Mao thought, as he hurriedly retreated back into the formation. 鄧芝 指揮 人馬 掩殺 過去 。 Tang Zhi|command|cavalry|ambush|past Deng Zhi commanded the troops to ambush the past. 魏兵 又 大敗 一場 就 被 逼 退後 十幾 里 。 Wei Bing|again|suffered a great defeat|one battle|then|was|forced||more than ten|li (a unit of distance) The Wei soldiers suffered another great defeat and were forced to retreat over ten miles. 夏侯楙 漏夜 同 啲 將官 商量對策 啦 , 佢 話 喇 : 我 聽聞 趙雲 個名 好 耐 喇 , 之 從來未 見過面 。 Xiahou Mao|late at night|with|plural marker|military officers||sentence-final particle|he|said|sentence-final particle|I|heard|Zhao Yun||very|long|sentence-final particle|he|| Xiahou Mao stayed up late discussing strategies with the generals, and he said: I have heard Zhao Yun's name for a long time, but I have never met him. 而 家 佢 咁 老 咯 , 仲 係 咁 英雄 嘅 , 哎呀 , 當陽 長 坂 坡 嘅 事 呀 , 今日 唔 到 我 唔 信 啊 。 and|family|he|so|old|sentence-final particle|still|is|so|heroic|possessive particle|oh dear|in the sun|long|slope|hill|possessive particle|matter|sentence-final particle|today|not|arrive|I|not|believe|sentence-final particle Now that he is so old and still so heroic, oh my, regarding the matter at Changban Slope, I can't believe it if I don't see it today. 而家 , 冇 人 可以 打得 過 佢 嘅 , 如之奈何 呢 ? now|no|one|can|||he|possessive particle|what to do|question particle Right now, no one can defeat him, what can we do? 參軍 程武 就 話 喇 : 我 睇 趙雲 此人 呢 , 有勇無謀 , 唔 使 咁 怕 佢 嘅 。 army officer|Cheng Wu|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|see|Zhao Yun|this person|particle for emphasis|brave but not wise|not|need|so|fear|him|particle indicating possession The military officer Cheng Wu said: I see Zhao Yun as someone who is brave but lacks strategy, so there is no need to be so afraid of him. 聽日 , 都督 你 再 帶兵 出戰 , 預先 呢 , 就 喺 一左一右 , 埋伏 定 兩支 軍隊 。 tomorrow|the governor|you|again|lead the troops|into battle|in advance|this|then|at|one on the left and one on the right|ambush|or|two|armies Tomorrow, you, the governor, will lead the troops into battle again. First, set up two ambushes on the left and right with the two armies. 一 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 都督 你 就 退 , 引 趙雲 去 到 伏兵 嘅 地方 。 one|confrontation|possessive particle|time|commander|you|then|retreat|lead|Zhao Yun|go|to|ambush troops|possessive particle|location When the clash occurs, you, the governor, will retreat and lead Zhao Yun to the ambush location. 跟 住 都督 你 就 登上 高山 指揮 四面 兵馬 , 將 趙雲 重重 噉 圍困 就 可以 生擒 趙雲 喇 。 ||commander|you|then|ascend|high mountain|command|from all sides|troops|will|Zhao Yun|heavily|like this|besiege|then|can|capture alive|Zhao Yun|particle indicating certainty Then you, the governor, will ascend the high mountain to command the troops from all sides, and we can capture Zhao Yun alive by surrounding him. 好計 , 好計 ! good plan|good plan Good plan, good plan! 夏侯楙 聽 佢 嘅 , 就 命令 董禧 啊 , 帶 三萬 兵 埋伏 喺 左 便 , 薛則 呢 就 帶 三萬 兵 埋伏 喺 右 便 。 Xiahou Mao|heard|he|possessive particle|then|ordered|Dong Xi|ah|to lead|thirty thousand|soldiers|ambush|at|left|flank|Xue Ze|this|then|to lead|thirty thousand|soldiers|ambush|at|right|flank Xiahou Mao listened to him, and then ordered Dong Xi to lead thirty thousand troops to ambush on the left side, while Xue Ze would lead thirty thousand troops to ambush on the right side. 噉 董禧 、 薛則 兩個 就 帶兵 預先 去 埋伏 好 嘞 。 then|Dong Hei|Syut Chak|the two of them|then|lead the troops|in advance|go|ambush|well|particle indicating completion So Dong Xi and Xue Ze both took their troops to set up the ambush. 第 日 , 夏侯楙 重整旗鼓 , 又試 帶兵 嚟 嘍打 咯 喎 。 the|day|Xiahou Mao|||leading troops|to|fight|past tense particle|question particle The next day, Xiahou Mao reorganized his forces and tried to lead his troops to attack. 趙雲 、 鄧芝 就 出去 迎戰 啦 。 Zhao Yun|Deng Zhi|then|go out|to battle|particle indicating a completed action Zhao Yun and Deng Zhi went out to meet the enemy. 噉 兩個 人 上馬 出陣 , 鄧芝 對 趙雲 講喇 : then|two|people|get on the horse|go to battle|Deng Zhi|to|Zhao Yun|said So the two of them mounted their horses and went into battle, and Deng Zhi said to Zhao Yun: 老 將軍 , 昨日 魏兵 大敗 一場 , 今日 居然 再 嚟 挑戰 必定 有 詭計 。 old|general|yesterday|Wei army|suffered a great defeat|in a battle|today|unexpectedly|again|come|challenge|surely|has|trick Old General, yesterday the Wei army suffered a great defeat, and today they actually dare to challenge again, there must be a trick. 老 將軍 要 提防 至 好 啊 ! old|general|must|be cautious of|until|good|ah Old General, you must be very cautious! 嘿 ! 諒 佢 夏侯楙 乳臭未乾 , 算 得 乜嘢 ! 我 今日 實要 生擒 佢 ! hey|understand|he|Xiahou Mao|still a child|||anything|I|today|really must|capture alive|him Hey! I doubt that he, Xiahou Dun, is still wet behind the ears, what can he do! Today I will definitely capture him alive! 趙雲 一拍 隻 馬 就 衝出去 , 魏軍潘 遂 就 出 嚟 接戰 。 Zhao Yun|with a pat|measure word for animals|horse|then|charged out||Sui|then|came|to|engage in battle Zhao Yun spurred his horse and charged out, and Wei General Pan Sui came out to engage in battle. 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 潘遂 撥馬 就 走 , 趙雲 咪 追上去 咯 。 hit|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds|Pan Sui|retreat|then|left|Zhao Yun|just|chased after|sentence-final particle After less than three exchanges, Pan Sui turned his horse and fled, and Zhao Yun chased after him. 魏 軍 嗰 便 就 八員 將官 一齊 圍攻 趙雲 。 Wei|army|that|then|immediately|eight|generals|together|surrounded|Zhao Yun The Wei army then surrounded Zhao Yun with eight generals. 佢 哋 纏 到 趙雲 實 , 就 等 夏侯楙 甩身 走 咗 先 , 然後 佢 哋 八個 人 呢 就 陸陸續續 走人 喇 。 they|plural marker|entangled|to|Zhao Yun|real|then|wait|Xiahou Mao|escape|leave|past tense marker|first|then|they|plural marker|eight|people|question particle|then|one after another|leave|completed action particle Once they had Zhao Yun entangled, they let Xiahou Mao escape first, and then the eight of them started to leave one after another. 趙雲 又 點肯 放過 佢 哋 吖 就 咪 趁勢 追殺 咯 , 鄧芝 指揮 人馬 跟 住 推進 咯 喎 。 Zhao Yun|again|how could|let go|they|plural marker||then|just|take advantage of the situation|pursue and kill|sentence-final particle|Deng Zhi|command|troops|follow|continuously|advance|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle How could Zhao Yun let them go? He took the opportunity to pursue and kill them, while Deng Zhi commanded the troops to push forward. 好 快趣 , 趙雲 就 深入 魏 軍陣 地 喇 。 ||Zhao Yun|then|deeply|Wei|army formation|ground|particle indicating completion Very quickly, Zhao Yun penetrated deep into the Wei army's formation. 嘩 嗨 , 只 聽見 四面八方 , 吶喊 連天 , 鄧芝 呀 急急 收兵 後退 。 wow|hi|only|heard|from all directions|shouting|endlessly|a person's name|particle|urgently|retreat|fall back Wow, you could hear shouts from all directions, and Deng Zhi hurriedly ordered a retreat. 呢 個 時候 呀 , 左有 董禧 , 右有 薛則 , 兩路 兵馬 總共 六萬人 就 首先 殺過 嚟 。 this|measure word for time|time|particle||Dong Xi||Xue Ze|two routes|troops|a total of||then|first|killed over|here At this time, on the left was Dong Xi, and on the right was Xue Ze, with a total of 60,000 troops coming over first. 鄧芝 兵少 啊 , 唔 救 得到 趙雲 㗎 。 Deng Zhi|few soldiers|ah|not|||Zhao Yun|particle indicating certainty Deng Zhi had too few soldiers, so he couldn't rescue Zhao Yun. 趙雲 就 困住 喺 戰場 中心 , 左衝右 突點 都衝 唔 出 嚟 。 Zhao Yun|then|trapped|at|battlefield|center||||not|out|come Zhao Yun was trapped in the center of the battlefield, unable to break out no matter how he charged left and right. 而且 魏兵 啊 越 嚟 越 人 多 , 一重 又 一重 噉 圍到 越 嚟 越厚 。 moreover|Wei soldiers|ah|more|come|more|people|many|one layer|again|one layer|like this|surrounded|more|come| Moreover, the Wei troops were increasing in number, surrounding him thicker and thicker. 當時 趙雲 手下 只有 千零人 咋 嘛 , 就 畀 魏 軍 啊 一直 逼到 去 一個 山坡 下 便 。 at that time|Zhao Yun|subordinates|only|one thousand and something men|how|particle indicating a question|then|by|Wei|army|particle indicating exclamation|continuously|pushed to|go|one|hillside|down|then At that time, Zhao Yun only had a little over a thousand men, and they were being pushed by the Wei army to a hillside. 嘿 夏侯楙 就 得 戚咯 , 佢 企 喺 山頂 嚟 , 高高在上 指揮 三軍 。 hey|Xiahou Mao|then|can|Qiqi|he|stands|at|mountain top|come|high above|commands|three armies Hey, Xiahou Dun, just get ready, he is standing on the mountain top, commanding the three armies from a high position. 總之 趙雲 衝去 東 , 佢 又 指 東 , 趙雲 衝去 西 佢 又 指 西 。 in short|Zhao Yun|charged towards|east|he|again|pointed||||west|||| In short, Zhao Yun charged east, and he pointed east; Zhao Yun charged west, and he pointed west. 故此 趙雲 就 唔 能夠 突圍 啦 , 突 唔 到 圍 就衝 上山 啦 ! therefore|Zhao Yun|then|not|able to|break through|sentence-final particle|break|not|reach|encirclement||up the mountain|sentence-final particle Therefore, Zhao Yun couldn't break through, and if he couldn't break through the encirclement, he charged up the mountain! 但 係 喺 半山腰 , 魏軍又將 啲 擂木炮 石猛 噉 揋 落 嚟 衝 唔 上 。 ||at|halfway up the hill||plural marker|wooden catapult|stone projectile|like this|launch|||charge|not|up But halfway up the mountain, the Wei army was launching their catapults and stones down fiercely, making it impossible to charge up. 趙雲 就 由 辰時 一直 殺到 酉時 。 Zhao Yun|then|from|Chen time (around 7-9 AM)|continuously|fought until|You time (around 5-7 PM) Zhao Yun fought from the morning until the evening. 誒 用 今日 個 說話 嚟 講呢 , 即 係 由 上午 七點 零鐘 一直 殺到 下午 七點 零鐘 , 足足 殺 咗 成個 對 , 趙雲 都 冇 辦法 甩身 。 hey|use|today|measure word for events|conversation|come|talk about this|||from|morning|7 o'clock|sharp|continuously|kill until|afternoon|7 o'clock|sharp|fully|kill|past tense marker|whole|pair|Zhao Yun|also|not have|method|escape Hey, using today's conversation to say this, it means from 7:00 AM straight until 7:00 PM, it was a complete slaughter, even Zhao Yun couldn't escape. 呢 個 時候 個天 已經 慢慢 黑 嘞 , 趙雲 啊 整整 一日 冇 飲過 水 冇 食過 嘢 , 確係 人困馬乏 , 就 唯有 落馬 休息 一陣 先 。 this|measure word|time|sky|already|slowly|dark|past tense particle|Zhao Yun|ah|whole|one day|not|drank|water|not|ate|food|definitely|both man and horse are exhausted|then|only|dismount|rest|a while|first At this time, the sky was slowly getting dark, and Zhao Yun hadn't drunk any water or eaten anything all day, he was indeed exhausted, so he could only dismount and rest for a while. 想 等 夜 一 啲 喇 , 月光 出 嚟 之後 再 打 啦 。 want|wait|night|a|little|particle|moonlight|come out|after|after|again|play|particle He wanted to wait a bit longer until night, and then fight again after the moonlight came out. 趙雲 啱 啱 鬆開 盔甲 , 坐 喺 一 嚿 大石頭 上面 唞 下 。 Zhao Yun|||loosened|armor|sat|on|a|piece|big rock|on|rest|a bit Zhao Yun just took off his armor and sat on a big rock to take a break. 月光 出 嚟 喇 , 忽然間 , 四圍 火光沖天 , 戰 鼓聲 呀 震天動地 , 啲 箭 啊 石頭 啊 好似 落 大雨 噉 飛過 嚟 。 moonlight|come|out|particle indicating completed action|suddenly|all around||battle|drum sound|particle indicating exclamation|earth-shattering|plural marker|arrows|particle indicating exclamation|stones|particle indicating exclamation|like|falling|heavy rain|like|flying over|coming The moonlight came out, and suddenly, all around, flames shot up to the sky, the sound of war drums shook the earth, and arrows and stones flew over like it was raining heavily. 嘿魏兵 又 殺 到 喇 , 大聲 噉 嗌 啊 : 趙雲 快快 投降 , 趙雲 快快 投降 噉 。 Hey Wei Bing|again|||particle indicating completed action|loudly|like that|shout|ah|Zhao Yun|quickly|surrender|Zhao Yun|quickly|surrender|like that Hey Wei soldiers, they are coming! Shouting loudly: Zhao Yun, quickly surrender, Zhao Yun, quickly surrender! 趙雲 勒緊 盔甲 飛身 上馬 迎敵 。 Zhao Yun|tightened|armor|leaped|mounted|to face the enemy Zhao Yun tightened his armor and leaped onto his horse to face the enemy. 嘩 四 便 嗰 啲 魏 兵 呀 漸漸 逼近 喇 。 wow|four|then|that|plural marker|Wei|soldiers|particle|gradually|approaching|particle Wow, those Wei soldiers are gradually closing in. 啲 箭 嘞 交叉 咁 射過 嚟 , 越 嚟 越密 。 particles|arrows|past tense marker|cross|so|shot over|come|more|come| The arrows are shooting over in a cross pattern, becoming denser and denser. 趙雲 同 手下 嘅 人馬 根本 就 冇 辦法 前進 得 半步 。 Zhao Yun|with|subordinates|possessive particle|cavalry|fundamentally|just|have not|way|advance|able to|half a step Zhao Yun and his men simply have no way to advance even half a step. 趙雲 呢 陣 都 不禁 仰 天長 歎 喇 : 啊 ! 我 唔 服老 , 今日 死 喺 呢 處 喇 ! Zhao Yun|this|moment|all|can't help but|looking up||sigh|particle indicating completed action|ah|I|not|submit to age|today|die|at|this|place|particle indicating completed action Zhao Yun couldn't help but look up at the sky and sigh: Ah! I won't submit to old age, I will die here today! 正在 危急 萬分 , 突然 喺 東北角 喎 嗬 噉 響起 一陣 吶喊聲 , 跟 住 就 睇 見 啲 魏兵 , 亂 飚 亂 趯 嘞 。 currently|urgent|extremely|suddenly|at|northeast corner|particle indicating realization|interjection|like that|sounded|a burst of|shouting|||then|||plural marker|Wei soldiers|chaotically|driving|chaotically|kicking|past tense particle In a moment of extreme danger, suddenly a shout came from the northeast corner, followed by the sight of Wei soldiers charging wildly. 哈 ! 原來 有 一彪 人馬 殺到 啊 。 ha|originally|there are|a group of|people and horses|came rushing in|ah Ha! It turns out a group of cavalry has arrived. 為首 一員大將 , 手持 丈 八點 鋼矛 , 馬 頸 下 便 就 掛住 個人 頭 。 leading||holding|23 meters|8-pointed|steel spear|horse|neck|under|then|immediately|hanging|personal|head At the forefront was a general, holding an eight-foot steel spear, with a human head hanging from his horse's neck. 趙雲 定眼 一 睇 , 好 啊 ! 係 張 苞 嚟 到 啊 ! Zhao Yun|focused his eyes|one|look|good|ah|is|Zhang|Bao|come|here|ah Zhao Yun focused his eyes and saw, great! It's Zhang Bao who has come! 張苞 一 見到 趙雲 就 話 喇 : 老 將軍 , 丞相 怕 你 吃虧 啊 , 特登派 我 帶 五千 兵 嚟 接應 。 Zhang Bao|one|saw|Zhao Yun|then|said|particle indicating completed action|old|general|prime minister|afraid|you|suffer a loss|ah||I|bring|five thousand|soldiers|come|assist Zhang Bao, upon seeing Zhao Yun, said: "Old General, the Prime Minister is worried that you might suffer losses, so he specially sent me with five thousand troops to support you." 聽講 老 將軍 被困 , 我 就 殺入 重圍 嚟 搵 你 啦 , 啱 啱 遇正 魏將 薛則 攔路 , 畀 我 殺 咗 佢 咯 。 heard|old|general|trapped|I|then|kill into|encirclement|come|find|you|particle|||encountered|General Wei|Xue Ze|blocking the road|let|I|kill|past tense marker|him|particle I heard that the Old General was trapped, so I charged into the encirclement to find you. I just happened to encounter the Wei general Xue Ze blocking the way, and I killed him. 趙雲 非常高興 , 立即 同張 苞 向 住 西北角 殺出去 。 Zhao Yun||immediately||Bao|towards|residing|northwest corner|rushed out Zhao Yun was very happy and immediately charged out with Zhang Bao towards the northwest. 正 喺 度 衝殺 緊 , 忽然 又 見到 前面 啲 魏兵 , 拋刀棄 槍 四散 咁 奔走 。 just|at|here|charging and killing|continuous action particle|suddenly|again|saw|in front|plural marker|Wei soldiers||spears|scattering|like that|running away Just as they were fighting fiercely, they suddenly saw the Wei soldiers in front throwing down their weapons and fleeing in all directions. 嘩 , 原來 又 有 一彪 人馬 喺 外 便 喎 嗬 噉 大聲 吶喊 住 殺 緊入 嚟 。 wow|originally|again|have|a group of|people and horses|at|outside|then|particle indicating realization|oh|like that|loudly|shouting|continuous particle|kill||come Wow, it turns out there is another group of troops outside shouting loudly as they charge in. 為首 一員大將 , 揸 住 把 青龍 偃月 刀 , 手上 挽住 個人 頭 。 leading||||measure word for knives|green dragon|crescent moon|sword|in hand|pulling|the person's|head At the forefront, a general wielding a green dragon crescent blade, holding a person's head in his hand. 趙雲 一睇 , 嘿 ! 係 關興 啊 。 Zhao Yun|at a glance|hey|is|Guan Xing|ah Zhao Yun took a look and said, 'Hey! It's Guan Xing!' 關興 騎住 馬 跑 近過 嚟 話 : 奉 咗 丞相 之命 , 怕 老 將軍 有 咩 嘢 唔 妥 , 特意 帶 咗 五千 兵 嚟 接應 。 Guan Xing|riding|horse|ran|closer|here|said|in accordance with|past tense marker|Prime Minister||afraid|old|general|has|any|thing|not|appropriate|specially|brought|past tense marker|five thousand|soldiers|here|support Guan Xing rode his horse closer and said: 'I was sent by the Prime Minister, worried that the old general might be in trouble, so I specially brought five thousand soldiers to assist.' 啱 先 喺 陣 上 遇 着 魏 將 董 禧 , 畀 我 一刀斬 咗 , 割 咗 個頭 喺 處 。 just|now|at|moment|on|||Wei|General|Dong|Xi|by|me||past tense marker|cut|past tense marker||at|place Just now, I encountered the Wei general Dong Xi on the battlefield, and I cut him down with one strike, severing his head right there. 丞相 跟 住 尾 就 嚟 到 㗎 喇 。 Prime Minister|||tail|then|come|arrive||particle indicating change of state The Prime Minister is following closely behind and will be here soon. 呵呵 呵呵 , 好 啊 ! 兩位 小 將軍 已經 立 咗 大功 喇 。 haha||good|particle|two|||already|achieve|past tense marker|great merit|particle Hehe, hehe, good! The two young generals have already made great contributions. 不如 趁住 而家 , 去 生擒 夏侯楙 , 奪取 全勝 , 豈 唔 係 好 ? why not|take advantage of|now|go|capture alive|Xiahou Mao|seize|complete victory|surely|not|is|good Why not take this opportunity to capture Xiahou Mao and achieve complete victory? Isn't that great? 老 將軍 講得 啱 , 我 哋 去 喇 ! old|general|speaks|right|I|plural marker|go|particle indicating action completion The old general is right, let's go! 張苞 、 關興 聽 趙雲 噉 講 , 都 帶兵 分頭去 咗 咯 。 Zhang Bao|Guan Xing|heard|Zhao Yun|like that|said|all|lead troops||past tense marker|final particle Zhang Bao and Guan Xing, hearing Zhao Yun say this, have already taken their troops and gone in different directions. 趙雲 就 對 佢 嘅 部下 講喇 : 你 哋 睇 , 你 哋 睇 , 佢 兩個 都 係 我 嘅 世侄 , 尚且 爭先 去 立功 。 Zhao Yun|then|to|he|possessive particle|subordinates|said|you|plural marker|look||||they|two of them|both|are|my||nephew|even so|competing|to|achieve merit Zhao Yun then said to his subordinates: Look, look, both of them are my nephews, yet they are eager to make contributions first. 我 係 國家 上將 , 朝廷 舊臣 , 唔 通 反而 唔 及 佢 哋 咩 ! I|am|country|general|court|old minister|not|able|on the contrary|not|comparable|he|they|question particle I am a general of the nation, an old minister of the court, how can I not be as good as them! 我 拼住 呢 條老命 唔 要 , 都 要 報答 先帝 嘅 恩德 啊 , 你 哋 跟 我 嚟 ! I|risking|this||not|want|still|need|repay|late emperor|possessive particle|kindness|ah|you|plural marker|follow|me|come I will risk my life and do whatever it takes to repay the kindness of the late emperor, you all follow me! 於是 趙雲 抖擻精神 , 帶兵 去 捉 夏侯楙 喇 。 then|Zhao Yun||led his troops|to|capture|Xiahou Mao|particle indicating completion So Zhao Yun rallied his spirits and led his troops to capture Xiahou Mao. 當晚 , 三路 人馬 就 夾攻 , 打到 魏 軍 丟盔棄甲 , 抱頭鼠竄 就 一 撲 一碌 。 that night|three routes|troops|then|attacked from all sides|fought until|Wei|army|lost their helmets and armor|fled in panic|then|||one roll That night, three forces launched a joint attack, causing the Wei army to abandon their helmets and armor, fleeing in panic. 鄧芝 又 帶兵 嚟 接應 添 , 嘿 呀 殺 到 魏 軍 屍橫遍野 血流成河 啊 。 Tang Zhi|again|bring troops|here|support|also|hey|particle|||Wei|army|corpses everywhere|blood flowing like a river|ah Deng Zhi also brought troops to support, and wow, the Wei army was slaughtered, with bodies everywhere and blood flowing like rivers. 夏侯楙 係 個 毫無辦法 嘅 人 , 更 兼 年紀 又 輕未 打過仗 , 見到 軍隊 已經 崩潰 嘞 亂 晒 大龍 。 Xiahou Mao|is|a|hopeless|(possessive particle)|person|even|also|age|again||fought in battle|seeing|army|already|collapse|(past tense marker)|chaotic|completely|Dailong Xiahou Mao is a person with no way out, and he is also young and has never fought in a battle. Seeing the army has already collapsed and is in chaos. 嗯 唔 理得 咁 多咯 , 只 係 帶 住 自己 手下 親信 嘅 將官 百零人 , 就 趯 去 南安 郡 。 hmm|no|understood|so|many|||||himself|subordinates|trusted aides|possessive particle|officers|about a hundred people|then|rushed|to|Nan'an|county Well, there’s no need to think too much about it. He only brought about a hundred trusted officers with him and rushed to Nanan County. 啲 魏兵 因為 三軍 主帥 都 趯 咗 佬 喇 , 當然 係 樹倒猢猻散 啦 條命 緊要 啊 , 有 咁 快 時 走 咁 快 散 清光 嘞 。 plural marker|Wei soldiers|because|three armies|commander|all|defeated|past tense marker|enemy|sentence-final particle|of course|is|when the tree falls the monkeys scatter|sentence-final particle|life|important|exclamatory particle|have|so|fast|time|run|so|fast|scatter|completely|past tense marker The Wei soldiers, since their three army commanders have fled, of course, are like monkeys scattering when the tree falls. Life is important, so they ran away as fast as they could. 各位 , 南安 郡 嘅 郡 城 呢 , 就 係 喺 今日 甘肅省 隴西縣 , 渭水 嘅 東岸 。 everyone|Nan'an|county|possessive particle|||question particle|just|is|at|today|Gansu Province|Longxi County|Weishui River|possessive particle|east bank Everyone, the county city of Nanan County is located in today's Longxi County, Gansu Province, on the east bank of the Weishui River. 噉 啊 關興 、 張苞 聽聞 夏侯楙 趯 咗 去 南安 郡 , 咪 漏夜 追住 去 。 then|ah|Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|heard|Xiahou Mao|ran|past tense marker|go|Nan'an|county|should|overnight|chase|go So, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao heard that Xiahou Mao had rushed to Nanan County, and they immediately chased after him at night. 夏侯楙 一入 咗 城 呀 , 第一件 事 , 就 係 閂 實 城門 , 吩咐 啲 兵 將要 死守 啊 。 Xiahou Mao|once entered|past tense marker|city|sentence-final particle|first thing|matter|then|is|close|securely|city gate|instructed|plural marker|soldiers|will|defend to the death|sentence-final particle As soon as Xiahou Dun entered the city, the first thing he did was to close the city gates and ordered the soldiers to defend it at all costs. 關興 、 張苞到 先 , 用兵 圍實 南安 城 。 Guan Xing||first|use troops|besiege|Nan'an|city Guan Xing and Zhang Bao arrived first and surrounded the city of Nanan. 趙雲 隨後 亦 到 嘞 , 噉 啊 三面 猛攻 。 Zhao Yun|soon after|also|arrived|past tense marker|then|ah|three sides|fierce attack Zhao Yun also arrived shortly after, launching a fierce attack from three sides. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 鄧芝 都 嚟 埋 喇好 ! 又 多個 幫手 , 攻 ! passed|past tense marker|not|long|Tang Chi|also|come|together||again|more|helpers|attack Not long after, Deng Zhi also came to help! Another ally to attack! 哈 , 點知 連氣攻 咗 十日 , 都 攻 唔 落 佢 南安 城 噃。 ha|didn't expect|continuous attack|past tense marker|ten days|still||||him|Nan'an|city|particle indicating suggestion or realization Ha, little did they know that after ten days of relentless assault, they still couldn't capture Nanan City. 呢 個 時候 , 探馬 嚟 到 報告 畀 趙雲 聽 , 話 丞相 啊 親自 率領 中軍 嚟 到 嘞 。 this|measure word for events|time|scout|||report|to|Zhao Yun|hear|said|Prime Minister|ah|personally|led|central army|||past tense particle At this time, the scout came to report to Zhao Yun, saying that the Prime Minister personally led the central army here. 丞相 將 後軍 留 喺 沔陽 , 左 軍 喺 陽平 駐扎 , 右軍 喺 石城 駐扎 噉 。 Prime Minister|General|Rear Army|stay|at|Mianyang|Left|Army|at|Yangping|stationed|Right Army|at|Shicheng|stationed|like this The Prime Minister left the rear army in Mianyang, stationed the left army in Yangping, and the right army in Shicheng. 趙雲 、 鄧芝 、 關興 、 張苞 , 就 一齊 去 迎接 孔明 。 Zhao Yun|Deng Zhi|Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|then|together|go|welcome|Kongming Zhao Yun, Deng Zhi, Guan Xing, and Zhang Bao went together to welcome Kongming. 並且 講 佢 聽 , 話 攻 咗 足足 十日 都 攻 唔 落 南安 城 噉 。 and|said|he|heard|said|attack|past tense marker|a full|ten days|still|attack|not|capture|Nan'an|city|like that And they told him that they had been attacking for a full ten days but still could not capture Nanan City. 哦 ? 係 咩 ? oh|is|what Oh? Is that so? 孔明 就 坐 住 四輪車 , 親自 去 到 南安 城 ,沊沊𡃈 噉 觀察 咗 一輪 。 得 喇 , 心中有數 嘞 。 Kongming|then|||four-wheeled vehicle|personally|||||thoroughly|like that|observed|past tense marker|a round|||had a plan|past tense marker Kongming sat in the four-wheeled carriage and personally went to Nanan City to observe for a while. 孔明 返到 營寨 , 係 中軍帳 坐落 , 就 召集 眾位 將領 嚟 聽 佢 發佈命令 。 Kongming|returned to|camp|is|central army tent|located|then|gathered|all|generals|to|listen|he| Kongming returned to the camp, sat in the central army tent, and summoned the generals to listen to his orders. 孔明 話 : 呢 個 南安 郡 城 , 塹壕 深城 墻 又 高 , 確實 唔 容易 攻 。 Kongming|said|this|measure word|Nan'an|county|city|trench||wall|again|high|indeed|not|easy|attack Kongming said: This Nanan County city has deep trenches and high walls, it is indeed not easy to attack. 我 嘅 正事 唔 在 呢 個 城 , 你 哋 如果 嘥 咁 多 時間 一味 喺 度 攻城 , 萬一 魏兵 混 第條 路 去 攻打 漢中 , 噉 我軍 嘅 處境 就 危險 喇 。 I|possessive particle|serious business|not|in|this|measure word for nouns|city|you|plural marker|if|waste|so|much|time|only|at|here|attacking the city|in case|Wei soldiers|mixed up||road|to|attack|Hanzhong|then|our army|possessive particle|situation|then|dangerous|final particle My main concern is not in this city. If you waste so much time just attacking the city, and the Wei soldiers take the opportunity to attack Hanzhong, then our army's situation will be dangerous. 鄧芝話 喇 : 夏侯楙 係 魏國 駙馬 , 如果 捉 到 佢 呀 , 勝過 斬 一百個 將官 啊 。 Deng Zhi said|particle indicating finality|Xiahou Mao|is|Wei state|imperial son-in-law|if|capture|to|him|particle indicating emphasis|better than|behead|one hundred|military officers|particle indicating exclamation Deng Zhi said: Xiahou Mao is a noble of Wei. If we capture him, it would be better than killing a hundred generals. 而家 已經 將 佢 困住 喺 度 咯 , 唔 通 就 噉 放過 佢 我 哋 收兵 走 咩 ? now|already|to put|him|trapped|at|place|particle|||then|like this|let go|him|I|we|retreat|leave|question particle Now we have already trapped him here, are we just going to let him go and retreat? 我 自然 有 辦法 嘅 。 I|naturally|have|solution|possessive particle I naturally have a way. 呢 處西連 天水 郡 , 北接 安定 郡 , 呢 兩處 嘅 太守 唔 知 係 邊個 呢 吓 ? this||Tianshui|county||Anding|county|these||possessive particle|governor|not|know|is|who|this|question particle This is Tianshui County, which borders Anding County, do you know who the governors of these two places are? 探卒 就 回答 話 喇 天水 太守 係 馬 遵 , 安定 太守 係 崔諒 噉 。 the messenger|then|replied|said|particle indicating completed action|Tianshui|governor|is|Ma|Zun|Anding|governor|is||like that The scout replied that the governor of Tianshui is Ma Zun, and the governor of Anding is Cui Liang. 得 喇 ! got|particle indicating completed action Alright! 孔明 就 叫 魏延過 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 , 如此 如此 。 Kongming|then|called||here|instructed|him|like this|like this Kongming called Wei Yan over and instructed him, saying, 'Do this, do that.' 又 叫 關興 、 張苞過 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 , 如此 如此 。 ||Kwan Hing|||instructed|||like this|like this He also called Guan Xing and Zhang Bao over and instructed them, saying, 'Do this, do that.' 然後 呢 又 叫 咗 兩個 心腹 兵士 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 噉 樣 噉 樣 噉 樣 做 。 then|question particle|again|called|past tense marker|two|trusted|soldiers|to come|instructed|they|plural marker|like this|manner|||||do Then he called two trusted soldiers over and instructed them to do it this way, that way, and so on. 噉 啊 各人 接受 咗 命令 就 出發 喇 。 then|ah|everyone|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|depart|sentence-final particle So everyone accepted the orders and set off. 噉 孔明 留 低 喺 處 做 咩 嘢 呢 ? then|Kong Ming|||at|place|do|what|thing|question particle So what did Kongming stay behind to do? 哈哈 , 佢 喺 南安 城外 便 啊 , 叫 嗰 啲 兵士 運 木柴 乾草 嚟 , 堆 晒 喺 城牆 腳 , 話 要 放火燒 城 噉 話 喎 。 haha|he|at|Nan'an|outside the city|then|ah|to call|those|plural marker|soldiers|to transport|firewood|hay|here|to pile|all|at|city wall|foot|said|to want|to set fire to|city|like that|said|sentence-final particle Haha, he is outside the city of Nanan, asking those soldiers to bring firewood and hay, piling it all at the foot of the city wall, saying he wants to set the city on fire. 啲 魏兵 聽到 呀 , 哈哈 真 係 笑 大 把 口 嚟 啊 , 一 啲 都 唔 驚 啊 。 plural marker|Wei Bing|heard|particle|haha|really|is|laugh|big|measure word|mouth|come|particle|one|plural marker|all|not|scared|particle The Wei soldiers heard this, and haha, they really laughed out loud, not scared at all. 各位 , 天水 郡 嘅 郡 城 呢 , 係 喺 今日 甘肅省 , 通渭縣 嘅 西北 。 everyone|Tianshui|county|possessive particle|||question particle|is|at|present|Gansu Province|Tongwei County|possessive particle|northwest Everyone, the county city of Tianshui County is located in today's Gansu Province, in the northwest of Tongwei County. 呢 個 郡 當時 所 管轄 嘅 地方 就 相當於 現時 甘肅省 通渭 、 靜寧 、 甘谷 等等 幾個 縣 , 以及 , 天水市 嘅 西北部 。 this|measure word for counties|county|at that time|particle indicating action|jurisdiction|possessive particle|area|then|was equivalent to|currently|Gansu Province|Tongwei|Jingning|Gangu|and so on|several|counties|as well as|Tianshui City|possessive particle|northwest part The area governed by this county at that time was equivalent to several counties in today's Gansu Province, such as Tongwei, Jingning, and Gangu, as well as the northwest part of Tianshui City. 安定 郡 呢 , 郡 城 係 喺 今日 寧夏自治區 嘅 固原縣 。 Anding|county|question particle|||is|at|today|Ningxia Autonomous Region|possessive particle|Guyuan County As for Anding County, the county city is in today's Guyuan County of the Ningxia Autonomous Region. 呢 個 郡 所 管轄 嘅 地方 就 相當於 今日 甘肅省 景泰 等等 幾個 縣 , 以及 寧夏 青銅峽 以西 幾個 縣 。 this|measure word|county|particle indicating location|jurisdiction|possessive particle|area|then|is equivalent to|present day|Gansu Province|Jingtai|and so on|several|counties|as well as|Ningxia|Qingtongxia|west of|several|counties The area governed by this county is equivalent to several counties in today's Gansu Province, such as Jingtai, and several counties west of the Qingtong Gorge in Ningxia. 而家 講下 安定 太守 崔諒 , 佢 聽 聞蜀兵 圍攻 南安 , 就 困住 夏侯楙 , 個心 就 好 慌 。 now|talk about|An Ding|governor|Cui Liang|he|heard||besiege|Nan'an|then|trapped|Xiahou Mao|his heart|then|very|panicked Now let's talk about the governor of Anding, Cui Liang. Upon hearing that the Shu army was besieging Nanan, he was very anxious as he was trapped with Xiahou Mao. 即刻 點起 四千 人馬 守實個 城池 先 。 immediately|gather|four thousand|troops|defend the|city|first He immediately gathered four thousand troops to defend the city. 有 一日 , 忽然 見到 有 個人 , 喺 正南 便 騎住 匹馬 , 跑 到 身水身 汗 噉 嚟 到 , 話 有 極其 機密 嘅 事情 要 稟報 噉 。 there is|one day|suddenly|saw|there|person|at|due south|then|riding|a horse|ran|arrived|||like that|||said|there is|extremely|confidential|possessive particle|matter|to|report|like that One day, he suddenly saw a person riding a horse from the south, coming in a hurry, drenched in sweat, saying that there was a very confidential matter to report. 崔諒 就 吩咐 開城 放 佢 入 嚟 , 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 啦 。 Chui Leung|then|instructed|Kai Seng|let|him|enter|here|ask|him|what|thing|matter|particle Cui Liang ordered the gates to be opened to let him in and asked him what the matter was. 呢 個人 就 話 嘞 : 小將 裴緒 , 係 夏侯 都督 嘅 心腹 將官 。 this|person|then|said|past tense marker|young general|Pei Xu|is|Xiahou|commander|possessive particle|trusted subordinate|general This person said: Young General Pei Xu is a trusted officer of Governor Xiahou. 而家 奉 咗 都督 將令 , 專程 嚟 向 天水 、 安定 兩郡 求救 。 now|to receive|past tense marker|governor|military order|specially|to come|towards|Tianshui|Anding||to seek help He is currently carrying the governor's order and has come specifically to seek help from the two counties of Tianshui and Anding. 南安 目前 十分 危急 , 每日 都 喺 城樓 上 便 點火 為號 , 盼望 兩 郡 嘅 救兵 , 但 係 一直 都 盼望 唔 到 。 Nan'an|currently|very|urgent|every day|all|at|city tower|on|then|light a fire||hoping|two|counties|possessive particle|reinforcements|but|is|all along|all|hoping|not|arrive Nanan is currently in a very urgent situation, every day they light a fire on the city tower as a signal, hoping for reinforcements from the two counties, but they have not been able to see any help. 因此 再 派 小將 殺出重圍 , 嚟 呢 處 告急 , 請 大人 你 火速 派兵 去 支援 啊 。 therefore|again|send|young general|break through the encirclement|come|this|place|urgent situation|please|sir|you|urgently|send troops|to|support|ah Therefore, they sent another young general to break through the encirclement and come here urgently to request you, sir, to quickly send troops for support. 都督 一 見到 兩郡 兵 到 , 就 開城 殺出 嚟 接應 。 the governor|once|saw|two counties|troops|arrive|then|opened the city|charged out|to|support As soon as the governor saw the troops from the two counties arrive, he opened the city and rushed out to meet them. 哦 , 誒 , 誒 有 冇 都督 嘅 文書 啊 ? oh|eh||||governor|possessive particle|document|question particle Oh, hey, is there any document from the governor? 有 ! 裴緒 解開 衣服 , 貼 肉 攞 咗 封文書 出 嚟 , 就 已經 畀 啲 汗水 濕到 透 㗎 喇 , 就 稍 為 畀 崔諒 睇 咗 一 睇 。 there is|Pei Hsu|unbuttoned|shirt||skin|took|past tense marker||out|come|then|already|let|some|sweat|wet to|through|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|then|slightly|for|let|Chui Leung|see|past tense marker|one|look Yes! Pei Xu took off his clothes, pulled out a document from his skin, and it was already soaked with sweat. He just showed it to Cui Liang for a moment. 就將 跑 到 攰 晒 嘅 馬 放 落 , 另外 換過 一匹 就 告辭 出 城 , 直奔 去 天 水城 嘞 。 |run|arrive|tired|completely|possessive particle|horse|put|down|in addition|exchanged|one horse|then|take leave|out|city|head straight to|go|||past tense particle He let the exhausted horse rest, changed to another one, and then left the city, heading straight for Tian Shui City. 過 咗 兩日 , 又 有 報馬 嚟 到 話 天水 太守 馬 遵 呢 , 已經 起兵 去 救 南安 嘞 , 叫 安定 快 啲 去 接應 噉 。 past|completed action particle|two days|again|has|news|come|arrive|said|Tianshui|governor|Ma|Zun|question particle|already|raised troops|to|rescue|Nanan|past action particle|called|Anding|quickly|more|to|assist|like that After two days, there was another report saying that the governor of Tian Shui, Ma Zun, had already raised troops to rescue Nan An, and asked An Ding to hurry and provide support. 崔諒 就 同 佢 嗰 班 官員 商量 啦 , 噉 大家 都 話 : Tsui Leung|then|with|him|that|group|officials|discuss|particle|so|everyone|all|said Cui Liang then discussed with his officials, and everyone said: 如果 唔 去 救 啊 , 聽下失 咗 南安 , 斷送 咗 夏侯 駙馬 , 噉 我 哋 兩個 郡 就 罪名 大咯 喎 。 if|not|go|rescue|particle||past tense marker|Nan'an|doomed|past tense marker|Xiahou|son-in-law|then|I|plural marker|two|counties|then|charges|serious|particle If we don't go to rescue, listening to the loss of Nan'an, and the downfall of Duke Xiahou, then both of our counties will be in big trouble. 冇 法子 喇 唯有 出兵 去 救 係 啦 。 no|way|particle indicating completed action|only|send troops|to|rescue|is|particle indicating realization or emphasis There's no choice, we can only send troops to rescue. 於是 崔諒 就 點齊 人馬 出發 , 只 係 留返 啲 文官 喺 度 守城 唧 。 then|Cui Liang|then|gather|troops|depart|||leave behind|some|civil officials|at|place|defend the city|stay So, Cui Liang gathered the troops and set off, leaving only the civil officials to guard the city. 崔諒 帶 住 兵 , 由 大路 向 住 南安 一直 行 。 Cui Liang|to bring|with|soldiers|from|main road|towards|to|Nan'an|straight|walk Cui Liang led the soldiers, heading towards Nan'an along the main road. 嘩 嗨 ! 遠遠 就 望見 火光 映到 天邊 都 紅晒 , 就 猛 咁 催促 人馬 快 啲 行 啦 。 wow|hi|from afar|then|saw|firelight|reflecting to|the horizon|all|completely red|then|suddenly|so|urged|people and horses|quickly|more|walk|particle indicating suggestion Wow! From a distance, we could see the firelight reflecting red all the way to the horizon, so we urged the troops to move faster. 呢 一日 , 上 下去 到 喇 , 離開 南安 城仲有 五廿里 , 突然 間 喺 隊伍 嘅 前後 都 響起 吶喊聲 喎 。 this|one day|up|down|arrive|particle indicating completed action|leave|Nan'an||fifty miles|suddenly|time|at|team|possessive particle|front and back|all|sounded|shouting|particle indicating affirmation On this day, we had just gone down to the point where we were still five or twenty miles away from Nan'an City, when suddenly there were shouts coming from both the front and back of the line. 咦 ? 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? eh|what|thing|matter|question particle Huh? What’s going on? 哨馬 就 飛跑 過 嚟 報告 話 : 弊喇弊 喇 , 前 便 就 關興 截住 去路 , 背後 張苞 殺 嚟 啊 ! the scout horse|then|ran|over|here|report|said|bad news|particle indicating completed action|front|just|then|Guan Xing|blocked|path|behind|Zhang Bao|kill|coming|ah particle The scout horse ran over to report: "It's bad, it's bad, Guan Xing is blocking the way ahead, and Zhang Bao is coming to attack from behind!" 嘩 安定 嘅 兵卒 呀 , 四圍 咁 逃命 咯 。 wow|stable|possessive particle|soldier|sentence-final particle|all around|so|run for their lives|past action particle Wow, the soldiers of Anding are fleeing in all directions. 崔諒 驚 死 嚟 喇 , 只 能夠 帶住 手下 百零人 , 死命 噉 殺 開條 路 , 就 混 小路 行 趯 甩 咗 , 跑 返去 安定 。 Cui Leung|scared|die|come|particle indicating completed action|only|able to|bring|subordinates|about a hundred people|desperately|like this|kill|open a|road|then|mix|small road|walk|suddenly|slip away|particle indicating completed action|run|return|safe place Cui Liang was terrified and could only lead about a hundred subordinates, desperately fighting to carve out a path, and then took a small road to escape back to Anding. 啱 啱 氣喘 㗾㗾 噉 跑 到 城壕 邊 , 哎呀 , 城牆 上 亂箭 射落 嚟 。 ||short of breath|panting|like that|run|to|city moat|side|oh no|city wall|on|stray arrows|shot down|coming Just now, I was gasping for breath while running to the city moat, and oh no, arrows were raining down from the city wall. 蜀 軍 大將 魏延 啊 , 喺 城 上 大聲 噉 嗌 落 嚟 話 : 我 已經 佔領 咗 城池 喇 , 你 仲 唔 快快 投降 ! Shu|army|general|Wei Yan|ah|at|city|on|loudly|like that|shouted|down|here|said|I|already|captured|past tense marker|city|sentence-final particle|you|still|not|quickly|surrender The Shu army general Wei Yan shouted loudly from the city, saying: I have already taken the city, why don't you quickly surrender! 點解 啊 喂 ? why|ah|hey Why is that? 呵呵 , 原來 崔諒 離開 咗 之後 啊 , 魏延 就 扮成 安定 軍隊 噉 樣 , 趁 晚頭 黑 , 就 騙 開 城門 , 蜀兵 一湧 而入 , 因此 啊 得 咗 安定 城 。 haha|originally|Cui Liang|left|past tense marker|after|particle|Wei Yan|then|disguised as|Anding|army|like|appearance|taking advantage of|night|darkness|then|tricked|opened|city gate|Shu soldiers|a surge|entered|therefore|particle|captured|past tense marker|Anding|city Haha, it turns out that after Cui Liang left, Wei Yan disguised himself as the An Ding army, and under the cover of darkness, tricked open the city gates, allowing the Shu soldiers to rush in, thus capturing An Ding city. 噉 老家 都 失 咗 , 崔諒 就 慌忙 趯 去 天水 郡 啦 。 like this|hometown|all|lost|past tense marker|Choi Leung|then|hurriedly|ran|to|Tin Shui|County|sentence-final particle So, the old home was lost, and Cui Liang hurriedly ran to Tianshui County. 行 咗 唔 到 一站 路 , 只見 前面 擺開 一彪 軍馬 。 walk|past tense marker|not|reach|one stop|road|only saw|ahead|set up|a group of|war horses After traveling for a while, I only saw a group of cavalry ahead. 大旗 之下 , 孔明 羽扇綸巾 , 道袍 鶴氅 , 端端正正 坐 喺 架 四輪車 處 。 big flag|under|Kongming||Daoist robe|crane cloak|properly|sitting|at|classifier for vehicles|four-wheeled vehicle|place Under the big flag, Kongming sat upright in a four-wheeled carriage, holding a feather fan and wearing a Taoist robe and a crane cloak. 咦 呀 ! 崔諒 急急 撥轉 馬頭 趯 咯 。 eh|ah|Choi Leung|urgently|turn|Ma Tau|kick|particle indicating action Oh no! Cui Liang quickly turned the horse's head. 但 係 關興 、 張苞 兩路 兵 追到 嚟 喇 , 大 嗌 快快 投降 快快 投降 噉 。 ||Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|two|armies|caught up|here|particle indicating completed action|||quickly|surrender|quickly|surrender|like that But Guan Xing and Zhang Bao's troops caught up, shouting for quick surrender. 崔諒 見到 四面 都 係 蜀 兵 , 插翼 都 難飛 啦 , 不得已 , 就 只有 投降 喇 。 Cui Liang|saw|from all sides|all|are|Shu|soldiers|with wings|all||particle indicating finality|had no choice|then|only|to surrender|particle indicating completion Seeing that he was surrounded by Shu soldiers, Cui Liang found it hard to escape and had no choice but to surrender. 各位 ,嗱 孔明 就 已經 奪取 咗 安定 郡 嘞 。 everyone|look|Kongming|already|already|captured|past tense marker|Anding|county|sentence final particle Everyone, Kongming has already taken control of Anding County. 噉 究竟 點樣 奪取 埋 南安 、 天水 兩個 郡 呢 ? 就 下次 再講 喇 。 then|exactly|how|to capture|including|Nan'an|Tianshui|two|counties|question particle|then|next time||particle indicating completed action So how do we take control of Nan'an and Tianshui counties? We'll talk about that next time.

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