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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 120

孔明 奪取 到 安定 郡 , 逼降 咗 太守 崔諒 。 崔諒 跟 住 大家 去 到 蜀 軍 大本營 。 孔明 當 佢 係 上賓 噉 嚟 接待 。 孔明問 佢 嘞 : 南安 太守 同 崔 大人 你 嘅 交情 , 深 唔 深 㗎 ? 誒 , 佢 係 楊 阜 嘅 同宗 兄弟 楊陵 , 佢 同 下官 , 係 隔籬 郡 , 交情 好深 。 崔 大人 , 而家 想 勞煩 你入 去 南安 城 , 講服 阿 楊陵 , 叫 佢 捉住 夏侯楙 , 可 唔 可以 呢 ? 誒 , 可以 啊 可以 , 丞相 若果 要 下官 去 呢 , 就 請 丞相 將軍 馬 暫時 撤退 先 , 等 下官 入城 去講 服 佢 啦 。 好 ! 孔明聽 佢 話 , 即時 傳令 , 叫 四 便 嘅 軍馬 , 各退 二十里 安營 。 噉 崔諒 單人 匹馬 就 跑 到 城邊 , 叫開 咗 城門 入到 衙門 , 見到 楊陵 就 將件 事 講 佢 聽 。 楊陵 話 喇 : 我 哋 身受 魏主 大恩大德 , 點 能夠 背叛 㗎 ? 我 哋 一 於 將計就計 啦 。 於是 就 帶 崔諒 去 拜見 夏侯楙 , 將件 事 稟告 咗 。 夏侯楙 就問 嘞 : 噉 有 咩 嘢 計呢 ? 楊陵 話 : 就 回覆 諸葛亮 啦 , 話 我 肯 投降 , 準備 獻 城門 , 呃 啲 蜀 兵入 嚟 。 到 時 關門打狗 , 就 喺 城內 殺 咗 佢 哋 ! 崔諒 就 依照 呢條 計策 行事 嘞 。 佢 出 返 城 嚟 見 孔明 話 : 誒 , 下官 已經 講 掂 咗 楊陵 , 佢 決定 獻 城門 , 放 大軍 入城 嚟 捉 夏侯楙 啊 。 誒 , 楊陵 本來 係 想 親自 捉 夏侯楙 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 , 無奈 佢 手下 嘅 勇士 唔 多 , 唔 敢 輕易 逳 手 啊 。 孔明 話 喇 : 噉 呢 件 事 容易 到極 喇 。 嗱, 而家 崔 大人 你 投降 帶 嚟 嘅 兵士 有百幾人 啦 。 喺 呢 班 人 裏 便 , 我 哋 再 派 一 啲 蜀 軍 將官 入去 , 扮成 係 安定 郡 嘅 人馬 , 你 又 帶 佢 哋 入 城 , 預先 埋伏 喺 夏侯楙 嘅 住宅 附近 。 然後 呢 , 又 暗中 約定 楊陵 , 要 佢 喺 半夜 之後 打開 城門 , 裏應外合 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 崔諒 諗 嘞 : 嗯 , 如果 唔 帶 蜀 軍 將官 去 , 又 怕 孔明 起疑心 啊 。 好 , 即 管帶 咗 入 去 先 , 入到 去 就 斬 咗 你 ! 然後 點火 為號 , 騙 孔明入 城 , 殺 佢 就 係 喇 。 於是 崔諒 就 應承 孔明 嘞 。 噉 孔明 又 叮囑 佢 話 : 我 派 親信 將領 關興 同張 苞 , 跟隨 崔 大人 你入 城先 , 就 話 係 援軍 , 等 夏侯楙 安心 。 然後 呢 , 點火 為號 , 我 就 親自 帶兵 入城 去 捉 夏侯楙 。 係 , 下官 一定 照辦 。 當時 已經 係 黃昏 , 關興 同張 苞 啊 , 接受 咗 孔明 嘅 秘密 命令 , 披掛 上馬 , 手執 兵器 就 夾雜 喺 安定 士兵 裏頭 , 跟 住 崔諒 一直 嚟 到 南安 城下 嘞 。 楊陵 喺 城樓 上面 問 : 邊 處 嘅 兵馬 啊 ? 崔諒 回答 話 , 我 哋 係 安定 嘅 援軍 , 而家 嚟 到 啦 。 跟 住 啊 , 崔諒 𠻘 聲射 咗 一支 號箭 上城 。 箭 上 便 就 帶 住 一封 密信 嘅 , 封信 點講 呢 ? 而家 諸葛亮 , 派 咗 兩個 將官 , 跟 埋 我 入城 , 準備 裏應外合 。 暫時 唔 好 驚動 佢 哋 先 , 免致 洩漏 計劃 啊 , 等 佢 哋 入 咗 都督府 再 殺 都 未 遲 噉 。 楊陵 攞 住 封信 去 見 夏侯楙 , 將件 事 嘅 經過 詳細 噉 向 佢 報告 。 夏侯楙 就 話 喇 : 好 啊 ! 既然 諸葛亮 中計 嘞 , 我 哋 就 將百 零個 刀斧手 埋伏 喺 我 嘅 都督府 裏 便 。 如果 嗰 兩名 蜀將 跟 住 崔 太守 嚟 到 都督府 落馬 , 就 閂 實 道門 斬 咗 佢 ! 然後 喺 城樓 上面 點火 , 騙 諸葛亮 入 城 , 我 哋 嘅 伏兵 齊 出 , 諸葛亮 就 走 唔 甩 喇 ! 係 , 都督 妙計 啊 ! 安排 妥當 喇 , 楊陵 就 返上 城樓 話 : 既然 係 安定 嘅 兵馬 , 放 佢 哋 入 城 啦 ! 於是 守門 官 就 大開 城門 放落 吊橋 。 關興 啊 跟 住 崔諒 行先 , 張 苞 喺 後 便 跟 到 實 。 楊陵 喺 城樓 行落 嚟 就 企 喺 城門口 迎接 啊 。 一 見面 , 關興 突然 手起刀落 , 就將 楊陵 斬 做 兩 橛 。 誒 崔諒 慌 喇 , 急急 撥馬 就 跑 返 嚟 吊橋 邊 。 張苞 大喝一聲 : 奸賊 你 咪 走 ! 你 哋 啲 詭計 點 瞞得過 丞相 啊 , 看槍 ! 手起 一槍 當堂 攞 佢 大 命 。 呢 個 時候 , 關興 早就 跑 到 上去 城樓 上 便 喇 , 喇喇聲 放 起火 嚟 。 喎 嗬衝 啊 ! 啲 蜀 兵 喺 四面 一齊 湧入 城 。 夏侯楙 嚇 到手 揗 腳 震 啊 , 打開 南門 就 搏命 想 殺出去 咯 噃。 點知 畀 一彪 軍馬 當頭 攔住 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 王平 啊 。 只 係 打 咗 一個 回合 唧 , 王平 就 生擒 夏侯楙 。 噉 其餘 啲 人 就 冚𠾴唥 都 殺死 晒 。 孔明 佔領 咗 南安 城 之後 啊 , 秋毫無犯 就 出榜 安民 , 叫 老百姓 照常 安居樂業 。 噉 當時 呢 , 啲 將官 都 各自 嚟 獻功 , 王平 就 押 咗 夏侯楙 嚟 。 孔明 就 吩咐 用架 囚車 將 佢 搵 起 嚟 。 鄧芝 又問 嘞 : 丞相 , 你點 睇 出 崔 諒 嘅 詭計 嘅 呢 ? 孔明 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 早就 睇 出 此人 唔 係 真心 投降 㗎 , 就 故意 使 佢 入 城 。 佢 啊 必 定將 一切 情形 都 講晒 畀 夏侯楙 知 , 想 將計就計 順水推舟 。 當 佢 返 嚟 嘅 時候 呢 , 我 知道 佢 有 詭計 㗎 喇 。 我 於是 再 派 關興 同張 苞 兩員 大將 , 同埋 佢 入 城 , 嚟 安 住 佢 個 心 。 之 如果 佢 係 真心 歸順 我 哋 嘅 , 佢 就 必定 攔阻 嘅 噃。 但 係 佢 歡歡喜喜 噉 應承 帶 佢 兩個 一齊 入 城 , 佢 個 心 有鬼 啊 , 怕 唔 肯帶 我 就 會 疑心 佢 。 佢 係 諗 得 好 嘅 , 諗 住 帶 咗 關 、 張 兩個 入 城 , 入到 去 先 至 殺 佢 哋 都 未 遲 啊 噉 。 而且 佢 諗 住 噉 樣 做 , 我軍 就 會 覺得 有 依靠 咯 , 實 放心 去 攻城 㗎 。 點知 我 早就 囑咐 關 、 張 兩個 , 喺 城門口 就 殺 咗 崔諒 同 楊陵 。 跟 住 我軍 就 衝入 城 , 城內 必定 冇 準備 㗎 , 呢 個 , 就 係 出其不意 吖 嘛 。 孔明 噉 樣一講 呀 嗨 大家 都 非常 之 佩服 啊 ! 孔明 又 話 喇 : 騙 崔 諒 嗰 個人 呢 , 係 我 嘅 心腹 嚟 , 我 靜靜 叫 佢 假扮 魏 軍 將官 裴 緒 嘅 。 我 本來 計劃 咗 同時 去 騙 天水 郡 , 但 係 今日 仲未到 , 唔 知 咩 嘢 緣故 呢 ? 而家 , 我 哋 趁勢 去 打 埋 天水 啦 。 於是 孔明 就 留低 吳懿 嚟 鎮守 南安 , 劉琰 啊 鎮守 安定 , 將魏 延 嘅 人馬 替出 嚟 去 攻打 天水 郡 。 而家返 轉頭 講下 天水 郡 嘞 。 天水 郡 太守 馬 遵 , 佢 聽聞 夏侯楙 困 喺 南安 城裏 便 , 就 召集 功 曹梁緒 、 主簿 尹賞 、 主記 梁虔 等等 一班 文武 官員 嚟 商量 啦 。 噉 梁 緒 佢 哋 就 話 喇 : 大人 啊 , 夏侯 駙馬 係 金枝玉葉 啊 , 有 咩 嘢 三長兩短 , 大人 就 走 唔 甩 坐視不理 嘅 罪名 嘞 噃。 大人 要 出兵 去 救 佢 至 係 㗎 。 馬 遵仲 係 猶猶豫豫 未能 決定 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 侍從 嚟 報告 話 夏侯 駙馬 派 咗 個 心腹 將官 裴緒 , 嚟 到 求見 啊 噉 。 馬 遵 就 連忙 請 佢 入 嚟 。 裴緒行 過禮 , 就 攞 出 公文 交 畀 馬 遵 佢 話 : 都督 要求 安定 、 天水 兩郡 派兵 去 救應 啊 。 講完 , 匆匆忙忙 就 走 咗 嘞 。 第 日 , 又 有 報馬 嚟 到 話 , 安定 嘅 人馬 已經 出發 喇 , 請馬 太守 火急 前去 會合 啦 噉 。 馬 遵 正話 想起 兵 㗎 喇 , 點知 有 個人 喺 外 便 行 入 嚟 話 : 馬大人 , 你 中 咗 諸葛亮 嘅 計 喇 ! 大家 一睇 , 哈 , 原來 係 姜維 啊 ! 姜維 係 天水 冀城人 , 即 係 今日 甘肅 , 甘谷 人 。 佢 別字 伯約 , 佢 父親 係 叫做 姜 冏 , 以前 呢 , 就 喺 天水 郡 做官 。 因為 羌 人 作亂 啊 , 佢 係 同 羌 人 作戰 嘅 時候 犧牲 咗 。 姜維自 細讀 咗 好多 書 , 知識 淵博 , 而且 兵法 武藝 就 無所不通 嘅 。 佢 對 母親 係 極之 孝順 , 所以 全個 天水 郡 啲 人 都 好 尊敬 佢 。 收尾 佢 又 被 任命 做 中郎將 , 就 負責 本 郡 嘅 軍事 。 今年 先至 係 廿 五歲 , 好 後生 嘅 咋 。 噉 啊 當時 姜維 對 馬 遵話 : 馬大人 啊 , 你 睇 , 夏侯楙 畀 諸葛亮 打敗 咗 , 困 喺 南安 城 嚟 水洩不通 , 噉 仲點 能夠 有人 喺 重圍 裏 便 出 得 嚟 呢 ? 更 兼 裴緒 係 個 無名 下將 , 從來 都 未 見過面 嘅 。 仲有 , 安定 嘅 報 馬 連 公文 都 冇 , 就 係 得 把 口 噉 講 幾句 唧 。 好似 噉 樣 睇 嚟 , 裴緒極 可能 係 蜀將 假扮 。 佢 哋 騙 咗 大人 你 出城 , 估計 城內 冇 準備 , 必定 暗中 埋伏 定 一支 軍隊 喺 左近 , 乘虛 嚟 襲擊 天水 啊 。 哎呀呀 , 係 啊 係 啊 , 好彩伯約 你 提醒 , 否則 呀 就 中 咗 敵人 嘅 奸計 喇 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 請 大人 你 放心 , 小將 有 一條 計策 , 可以 捉 到 諸葛亮 , 解救 南安 嘅 危險 。 哦 ? 誒 伯約 你 有 咩 嘢 好計 呢 ? 照 小將 嘅 估計 , 諸葛亮 必定 喺 我 哋 郡 城 背後 , 埋伏 定 兵馬 , 等 騙 咗 我軍 出城 就 乘虛 嚟 偷襲 。 請 大人 交 三千 精兵 畀 小將 , 埋伏 喺 主要 個 大路 附近 。 大人 你 就 隨後 起兵 出 城 , 但 係 呢 , 唔 好 去 咁 遠 , 行卅里 就 返 轉頭 。 以 起火 為 信號 , 我 哋 前後夾攻 , 必定 打贏 嘅 。 如果 諸葛亮 親自 嚟 , 實 畀 小將 捉住 啊 。 馬 遵 就 用 姜維 呢條 計策 , 撥 咗 三千 精兵 畀 佢 去 埋伏 。 然後 呢 , 佢 自己 就 同梁 虔 帶兵 出 城 等候 。 只 係 留低 梁緒同 尹賞 守城 唧 。 哈 原來 孔明 啊 , 真 係 派 趙雲 帶領 一支 軍隊 , 埋伏 定 喺 荒山 裏 便 , 等 天水 嘅 兵馬 一離 城唧 , 就 乘虛 偷襲 。 當日 , 探子 又 返 嚟 向 趙雲 報告 , 話 天水 太守 馬 遵 起兵 出 城 , 只 係 留低 文官 守城 唧 噉 。 趙雲 好 高興 啦 , 又 叫 人 去 通知 張翼同 高翔 , 叫 佢 哋 喺 路上 截擊 殺 咗 馬 遵 。 嗱 張 翼 同 高翔 呢 兩路 兵 啊 , 亦 係 孔明 預先 埋伏 嘅 。 噉 趙雲 呢 , 佢 就 帶 住 五千 兵馬 , 直奔 天水 郡 城下 高聲 大叫 話 : 我 就 係 常山 趙子龍 啊 , 你 哋 中計 喇 , 快 啲 獻城 , 免 你 哋 一死 啦 ! 樑 緒 喺 城樓 上 啊 忍 唔 住 笑 到 騎騎 聲 : 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 你 中 咗 我 哋 姜伯約 嘅 計 喇 , 吖 乜 你 仲 唔 知 咩 ? 趙雲正 話 想 攻城 , 忽然 哦 嗬 噉 吶喊 起 嚟 , 四面 火光沖天 。 嘩 ! 有 一名 少年 將軍 , 挺槍 躍馬 當先 殺到 : 嘿 ! 你 見過 天水 姜伯約 未 啊 ! 趙雲 南征北戰 , 同 過 幾多 名將 交鋒 啊 , 區區 一個 青年 有 咩 嘢 咁 叻 吖 ! 所以 開始 打 嘅 時候 , 趙雲 啊並 不在意 。 點知 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 姜維 就 越 打越 精神 嘩 嗨 ! 趙雲 非常 驚奇 啊 佢 心 諗 嘞 : 啊 ! 誰知 呢 處 有 咁 本事 嘅 人 啊 吓 。 正 喺 度 兵 兵 砰砰 打緊 , 哦 ! 後 便 兩路 人馬 夾攻 殺到 嚟 喇 。 原來 係 馬 遵 、 梁虔 帶兵 殺返 轉頭 。 當堂 打 到 趙雲 就 顧得頭 就 唔 顧得 尾 噃, 唯有 殺開 條路 , 帶住 敗兵 撤退 啦 。 姜維 盯住 尾 嚟 追殺 , 哈好 彩得 張翼 、 高翔 兩路 兵馬 殺出 嚟 接應 , 噉 先 至 冇 吃大虧 。 趙雲 返到 去 南安 郡 見 孔明 , 話 中 咗 敵人 嘅 計謀 噉 。 孔明 不禁 吃 咗 一驚 喎 , 佢 問 : 呢 個 係 邊個 呢 ? 竟然 識穿 我 嘅 機關 呢 吓 。 有個 了解 情況 嘅 南安 人就講 畀 孔明聽 , 話 呢 個 就 係 姜維喇 , 別字 伯約 係 天水 冀城人 , 好 孝順 老母 嘅 。 呢 個人 呀 , 文武雙全 , 智勇兼備 , 真 係 個 當代 英雄 啊 噉 。 趙雲 又 大 讚 咗 一輪 姜 維 嘅 槍法 使得 , 誇獎 佢 確實 係 與眾 不同 。 孔明聽 咗 就 話 喇 : 我 啊 想 奪取 天水 , 估 唔 到 有 個 噉 嘅 人 喺 處 。 於是 孔明 啊 親自 統率 大軍 去 攻打 天水 郡 。 而家 講下 姜維 打勝 咗 一場 , 佢 返 到 入 城 就 同 馬 遵 話 喇 : 馬大人 , 趙雲 呢 次 打敗 走 咗 , 孔明 一定 親自 嚟 嘅 。 佢 實 係 以 為 我軍 會 駐 扎 喺 城內 , 我 哋 就 係 要 使 佢 估 唔 到 ! 我 哋 將 本部 兵馬 分為 四支 , 小將 帶 一支 軍隊 埋伏 喺 城東 , 如果 孔明兵 到 就 截擊 佢 。 馬大人 , 你 同梁 虔 、 尹賞 , 各帶 一支 軍隊 喺 城外 埋伏 。 梁緒 就 率領 老百姓 喺 城頭 上面 守衛 。 姜維 逐一 逐二 安排 好 晒 , 就 係 等 住 孔明 嚟 。 孔明 因為 感覺 到 姜維 厲害 啊 , 所以 親自 率領 前鋒 部隊 , 嚟 攻打 天水 郡 。 呢 一日 , 就 嚟 到達 嘞 , 孔明 就 傳令 三軍 話 : 凡 係 攻城 , 一定 要 喺 初 到 之 日 就 激勵 三軍 , 勇猛 直上 。 若果 拖延 時日 , 就 失晒 銳氣 , 好 難得 勝 㗎 喇 。 於是 孔明 指揮 軍隊 啊 一直 開到 去 城下 。 誒 , 但 係 呢 , 見到 城頭 上 呀 旗幟 齊整 好 有 準備 噉 樣 , 所以 又 唔 敢 馬上 發起 攻擊 。 等到 當日 半夜 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 四周圍 火光沖天 , 大聲 吶喊 都 唔 知 啲 兵馬 喺 邊 處 殺 嚟 嘅 。 又 見到 城上 亦 都 擂響 戰鼓 , 喊 殺 連天 噉 嚟 響應 。 一時之間 慌到 啲 蜀 兵 呀 亂 飚 亂 趯 。 孔明 急忙 上馬 啦 , 由 關興 、 張苞 就 保護 住 殺出重圍 。 孔明 回頭 一望 , 只見 正東 嗰 便 呀 有 一支 軍隊 , 一 迾 火光 遠遠 睇 嚟 就 好似 條 火龍 一樣 啊 。 孔明 叫 關興 去 了解 下 , 關興 返 嚟 就 回報 話 , 嗰 支 係 姜 維 嘅 兵馬 啊 噉 。 孔明 好 感慨 噉 話 喇 : 啊 ! 兵 不在 多 , 係 在乎 人 嘅 運用 啫 , 呢 個人 確係 個 大將 之才 啊 ! 孔明 收兵 回營 就 諗 諗 諗 諗 咗 好 耐 , 然後 搵 咗 個 安定 人 嚟 問 佢 話 : 姜 維 嘅 母親 而 家 喺 邊度 啊 ? 啟 稟 丞相 , 姜 維 嘅 老母 而 家住 喺 冀 城 嚟 啊 。 孔明 就 叫 魏延 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 喇 : 魏 將軍 , 你 帶 一支 軍隊 , 虛張聲勢 , 話 要 去 奪取 冀城 , 啊 , 若果 姜維去 到 嘞 , 就 放 佢 入 城 啦 。 魏延 接受 咗 命令 出發 喇 。 孔明 又 問 嗰 個 安定 人 : 天水 郡 呢 處邊 笪 地方 最 緊要 啊 ? 啟 稟 丞相 , 天水 嘅 錢糧 都 喺 上 邽 縣 , 若果 攻破 咗 上 邽 噉 啊 糧餉 自然 斷絕 喇 。 嗯 , 得法 喇 ! 孔明 即刻 命令 趙雲帶 一隊 人馬 去 攻打 上 邽 。 然後 孔明 啊 帶兵 退到 離城 三十里 嘅 地方 扎落 營寨 。 天水 嘅 探子 , 探聽到 蜀 軍 嘅 動靜 就 返去 報告 話 : 蜀兵 分為 三路 , 一支 軍隊 守住 天水 郡 , 一支 軍隊 去 攻打 上 邽 , 一支 軍隊 去 攻打 冀城 噉 。 姜維一 聽 , 弊 ! 就 去 懇求 馬 遵話 喇 : 小將 嘅 母親 而 家 喺 冀 城 , 好 擔心 佢 有 危險 , 請 大人 派 我 帶 一支 軍隊 去 救冀城 , 同時 去 保護 母親 啦 。 馬 遵 同意 , 又 命令 姜維帶 三千 兵去 保衛 冀城 , 又 命令 梁 虔帶 三千 兵去 保衛 上 邽 。 而家 就 係 講下 姜維 , 佢 帶兵 趕到 冀城 。 只見 前面 一彪 人馬 擺開陣勢 , 為 首一名 大將 乃 係 魏延 。 兩個 交鋒 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 魏延 就 詐敗 逃走 。 姜維入 咗 冀城 立即 關閉 城門 , 下令 加強 守衛 唔 准 出戰 , 然後 佢 自己 呢 就 去 拜見 母親 。 喺 上 邽 城 呢 便 呢 , 趙雲 亦 係 放梁 虔入 咗 城 。 孔明 跟 住 派 人 就 返去 南安 郡 , 將 夏侯楙 啊 , 押解 嚟 到 前線 。 孔明 就 問 佢 嘞 : 你 怕 唔 怕死 啊 ? 哎呀呀 呀 , 誒 請 丞相 手下留情 啊 ! 目前 , 姜 維 喺 度 把守 冀城 , 佢 派 人 帶 咗 封信 嚟 話 , 只要 駙馬 喺 度 呢 , 佢 就 肯 投降 喇 噉 。 我而家 唔 殺 你 , 你 肯 唔 肯去 招安 姜維 啊 ? 肯 , 肯 ! 我 去 招安 佢 啦 。 孔明 叫 人 畀 衣服 同 馬匹 佢 , 亦 唔 派 人 跟 就 噉 就 放 佢 走 , 由 得 佢 自己 去 。 夏侯楙 甩 咗 身出 嚟 , 離開 咗 蜀 軍營 寨 就 搵 路行 啦 。 但 係 又 唔 識路 嘩 , 冇 法子 唯有 見路 就 行 。 行行 下 見到 有 幾個 人 , 夏侯楙 就問 下 佢 哋 。 啲 人話 喇 : 我 哋 係 冀 城 嘅 老百姓 啊 , 因為 姜維獻 咗 城池 , 投降 咗 諸葛亮 。 噉 嗰 個 蜀 將 魏 延 又 壞 到 極 啊 , 入 咗 城 之後 呀 , 又 放火 , 又 打劫 。 所以 我 哋 咪 逃跑 出 嚟 啦 , 而家 去 上 邽 啊 。 誒 , 而家 邊個 喺 度 守 天水 郡 城 啊 ? 係 馬 太守 喺 度 咯 。 夏侯楙 問明 情況 , 一 拍馬 就 跑 去 天水 。 一路行 , 沿途 都 遇見 好多 老百姓 , 拖男帶女 。 噉 問 佢 哋 情況 呢 , 佢 哋 所講 嘅 都 係 同 先頭 聽 嘅 一模一樣 嘅 。 噉 夏侯楙 就 跑 到 天水 郡 城下 便 叫門 嘞 。 城 上 嘅 人 認得 係 駙馬爺 , 慌忙 開門 迎接 , 就 帶 佢 去 衙門 喇 。 嘿 呀 馬 遵 見到 駙馬爺 咁 狼狽 嚟 到 , 吃 咗 一驚 啊 跪 低 叩頭 請安 。 夏侯楙 將姜 維 嘅 事 與 及 喺 路上 聽 老百姓 講 嗰 啲 嘢 啊 , 講返 畀 馬 遵 聽 。 馬 遵 就 話 喇 : 唉 ! 想 唔 到 姜維 都 投降 咗 西 蜀 喇 吓 。 梁緒 諗 咗 一 諗 就 話 喇 : 佢 怕 係 想 救 都督 , 故此 噉 樣 講詐 諦 投降 嘅 啫 。 夏侯楙 話 喇 : 而家 姜維 都 已經 投降 咗 喇 , 仲點 會 係 假 嘅 呢 ? 正 喺 度 議論 緊 , 當時 已經 係 初 更 時候 , 蜀兵 又 嚟 攻城 嘞 喎 , 噉 啊 大家 都 上去 城樓 守衛 啦 。 喺 火光 之中 , 見到 姜 維 喺 城下 挺槍 勒馬 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 請 夏侯 都督 答話 ! 夏侯楙 就 問 佢 : 我 喺 處 啊 , 你 背主 投敵 , 仲有 咩 嘢 說話 好講 啊 ! 都督 大人 , 我 係 為 咗 你 而 投降 㗎 咋 , 點解 你 違背 自己 講過 個 說話 㗎 ! 哼 ! 你 身受 魏國 恩德 , 點解 要 投降 蜀國 ! 我 又 講過 啲 乜嘢 說話 ? 係 都督 你 寫信 畀 我 , 要 我 投降 蜀國 個 噃, 點解 你 而家 又 噉 講 啊 ? 你 自己 想 甩身 就 出賣 咗 我 , 我而家 投降 咗 蜀國 , 已經 升官 做 上將 喇 ! 想 我 返 嚟 蜀國 呀 , 唔 使 旨意 喇 ! 講完 , 姜維 就 立即 指揮 兵馬 攻城 , 一直 打 到 天光 先至 退兵 。 喂喂 喂 , 呢 個 究竟 係 唔 係 姜維 嚟 㗎 ? 唔 係 , 呢 個 係 孔明 嘅 計謀 嚟 啊 ! 孔明 喺 啲 兵卒 當中 , 揀到 個 相貌 身材 同姜維 都 差 唔 多 嘅 , 就 叫 佢 扮成 姜維 噉 樣 , 喺 夜晚 帶兵 去 攻城 。 事關 夜晚 喇 , 黑 麻麻 , 火光 掩映 就 唔 容易 畀 人 睇 穿 啦 嘛 。 孔明 呢 頭派 個人 假扮 姜維去 攻 天水 , 嗰 頭 佢 又 親自 帶兵 去 攻冀 城 噃。 冀 城裏 便 糧食 缺乏 , 唔 夠 軍糧 。 呢 一日 , 姜 維 喺 城 上 見到 蜀兵 呀 大車 細車 猛 咁 搬運 糧草 入去 魏 延 嘅 營寨 裏 便 。 好 , 你 有 糧 我 冇 糧 , 搶 你 嘅 ! 姜維帶 住 三千 兵 , 出城 去 搶 糧 嘞 喎 。 姜維 人馬 一到 , 啲 蜀 兵 啊 掉 低 晒 糧草 趯 走 嘞 。 姜維 搶 到 糧車 好 高興 啦 , 正話 想 返入 城 , 點知 畀 一彪 蜀 軍 攔住 , 原 嚟 係 蜀 將張 翼 嘅 部隊 。 兩個 人 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 王平 帶兵 殺到 喇 , 兩便 夾攻 一個打 兩個 。 姜維 唔 夠 氣力 , 頂 唔 住 , 就 殺 開條 路 想 跑 返入 城 啦 。 哈 ! 誰知 去 到 城下 一望 , 弊 晒 喇 ! 城頭 上 已經 插滿 咗 蜀 軍旗 幟 咯 。 原來 已經 畀 魏延 偷襲 咗 嘞 。 姜維 猛衝 猛打 , 殺開 條路 啊 直奔 天 水城 。 當時 佢 手下 呢 仲有 十零 人 嘅 , 噉 半路 又 撞 着 張 苞 , 攔住 殺 咗 一陣 。 殺到 姜維 只 係 淨 返 自己 孤家寡人 單槍匹馬 趯 到 去 天水 城下 叫門 。 城 上 嘅 兵卒 見到 係 姜維 , 咦 , 乜 又 嚟 喇 , 喇喇聲 趯 去 報告 馬 遵 。 馬 遵話 : 哈哈 , 姜維 呢 個 傢伙 , 想 嚟 騙 我 開 城門 呀 , 你 哋 同 我 亂箭 射 佢 ! 姜維 冇 法子 啦 , 城上 啲 箭 好似 落 大雨 噉 飛落 嚟 , 咪 擰 轉頭 望下 , 蜀兵 又 追到 嚟 咁 滯 嘞 。 嘿 ! 唯有 飛馬 跑 去 上 邽 城 嘞 。 一去 到 , 梁 虔 喺 城 上 見到 係 姜維 就 破口大罵 : 你 呢 個 反賊 , 你仲想 嚟 騙 我 嘅 城池 呀 ? 我 早就 知道 你 投降 咗 蜀國 喇 ! 又 係 亂箭 噉 射過去 。 姜維真 係 有口難言 啊 , 唉 ! 唯有 仰 天長 歎 , 眼淚 惦流 係 啦 。 佢 一 勒 隻 馬 , 就 向 住 長安 嘅 方向 跑 去 。 行 咗 幾里路 , 嚟 到 一座 大樹林 前 便 。 忽然間 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊 一聲 , 幾千 人馬 就 一齊 湧出 嚟 , 關興 橫刀 勒馬 攔住 去路 。 姜維 呢 陣 啊 已經 係 人困馬乏 , 自己 都 知道 根本 冇 得 打 㗎 喇 。 勒 轉馬 頭就 走 , 行 咗 幾步 , 只見 有架 四輪車 喺 前面 山坡 轉 咗 出 嚟 。 孔明 呀 坐 住 喺 上面 啊 , 頭 戴綸巾 身穿 道袍 , 搖住 把 鵝毛扇 滋悠 淡定 。 孔明 就 嗌 姜維話 喇 : 伯約 , 你 到 呢 個 時候 都 仲 唔 投降 呀 ? 投降 ? 姜維 諗 咗 一下 , 嗨 ! 前有 孔明 後 有關 興 , 而且 自己 仲有 咩 嘢 去路 呢 ? 嘿 ! 落馬 投降 ! 姜維一 落馬 , 孔明 喇喇聲 落車 歡迎 佢 啊 。 孔明 拉住 姜維 隻 手話 : 我 自出 茅廬 之後 , 到處 咁 去 物色 品德 優良 嘅 人才 , 想將 自己 平生 嘅 學問 , 傳授 畀 佢 , 但 係 一直 都 未 得 其 人 啊 。 今日 遇見 伯約 你 , 我 嘅 願望 就 實現 咯 ! 嘩 歡喜 到 姜維 不得了 , 深深 噉 拜謝 孔明 啊 。 噉 孔明同 姜維返 到 大本營 , 就 召集 眾 將官 一齊 嚟 商量 奪取 天水 、 上 邽 嘅 辦法 。

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孔明 奪取 到 安定 郡 , 逼降 咗 太守 崔諒 。 Zhuge Liang|captured|at|Anding|commandery|forced to surrender|past tense marker|governor|Cui Liang Kongming captured Anding County and forced the governor Cui Liang to surrender. 崔諒 跟 住 大家 去 到 蜀 軍 大本營 。 Cui Liang|with|live|everyone|go|to|Shu|army|headquarters Cui Liang followed everyone to the main camp of the Shu army. 孔明 當 佢 係 上賓 噉 嚟 接待 。 Kongming|when|he|is|honored guest|like this|come|receive Kongming treated him as a distinguished guest. 孔明問 佢 嘞 : 南安 太守 同 崔 大人 你 嘅 交情 , 深 唔 深 㗎 ? |he|past tense marker|Nanan|governor|with|Cui|sir|you|possessive particle|friendship|deep|not|deep|question particle Kongming asked him: 'How deep is your relationship with the governor of Nanan, Mr. Cui?' 誒 , 佢 係 楊 阜 嘅 同宗 兄弟 楊陵 , 佢 同 下官 , 係 隔籬 郡 , 交情 好深 。 hey|he|is|Yang|Fu|'s|clan|brother|Yang Ling|he|with|I (humble self)|is|next|county|friendship| Ah, he is a cousin of Yang Fu, Yang Ling. He and I are from neighboring counties, and our relationship is very close. 崔 大人 , 而家 想 勞煩 你入 去 南安 城 , 講服 阿 楊陵 , 叫 佢 捉住 夏侯楙 , 可 唔 可以 呢 ? Cui|Sir|now|want|trouble||to|Nan'an|city|persuade|Mr|Yang Ling|tell|him|capture|Xia Houmao|can|not|possible|question particle Lord Cui, I would like to trouble you to go into Nan'an City and persuade Yang Ling to capture Xia Houmao. Is that possible? 誒 , 可以 啊 可以 , 丞相 若果 要 下官 去 呢 , 就 請 丞相 將軍 馬 暫時 撤退 先 , 等 下官 入城 去講 服 佢 啦 。 hey|can|ah|can|Prime Minister|if|wants|I (humble form)|to go|question particle|then|please|Prime Minister|General|horse|temporarily|retreat|first|wait|I (humble form)|enter the city||to surrender|him|final particle Ah, yes, that's possible. If the Prime Minister wants me to go, then please have General Ma temporarily withdraw first, so that I can enter the city to persuade him. 好 ! 孔明聽 佢 話 , 即時 傳令 , 叫 四 便 嘅 軍馬 , 各退 二十里 安營 。 good||he|said|immediately|issued orders|ordered|four|convenient|possessive particle|cavalry||twenty li|set up camp Alright! Kongming listens to him and immediately issues an order for the cavalry to retreat twenty miles and set up camp. 噉 崔諒 單人 匹馬 就 跑 到 城邊 , 叫開 咗 城門 入到 衙門 , 見到 楊陵 就 將件 事 講 佢 聽 。 then|Cui Liang|single|horse|then|ran|to|the city edge|called to open|past tense marker|city gate|entered|yamen|saw|Yang Ling|then|the|matter|told|him|heard So, Cui Liang rode alone to the city gate, called for the gate to be opened, and entered the yamen, where he saw Yang Ling and explained the matter to him. 楊陵 話 喇 : 我 哋 身受 魏主 大恩大德 , 點 能夠 背叛 㗎 ? Yang Ling|said|particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|personally received|Lord Wei|great kindness and virtue|how|able to|betray|particle indicating question Yang Ling said: We have received great kindness and virtue from the Wei Lord, how could we betray him? 我 哋 一 於 將計就計 啦 。 I|we|||go with the flow|sentence final particle Let's just go with the plan. 於是 就 帶 崔諒 去 拜見 夏侯楙 , 將件 事 稟告 咗 。 then|immediately|took|Cui Liang|to|pay respects to|Xiahou Mao|the matter|affair|report|past tense marker So, I took Cui Liang to meet Xiahou Mao and reported the matter. 夏侯楙 就問 嘞 : 噉 有 咩 嘢 計呢 ? Xiahou Mao||particle indicating past action|then|have|what|thing|plan Xiahou Mao then asked: So what is the plan? 楊陵 話 : 就 回覆 諸葛亮 啦 , 話 我 肯 投降 , 準備 獻 城門 , 呃 啲 蜀 兵入 嚟 。 Yangling|said|then|reply|Zhuge Liang|particle|said|I|willing|surrender|prepare|offer|city gate|let|particle|Shu||come Yang Ling said: We will reply to Zhuge Liang, saying that I am willing to surrender and prepare to offer the city gate, tricking the Shu soldiers to come in. 到 時 關門打狗 , 就 喺 城內 殺 咗 佢 哋 ! when|time||then|at|inside the city|kill|past tense marker|he|they At that time, we will close the gate and kill them inside the city! 崔諒 就 依照 呢條 計策 行事 嘞 。 Cui Leung|then|according to|this|plan|act|past action marker Cui Liang acted according to this strategy. 佢 出 返 城 嚟 見 孔明 話 : 誒 , 下官 已經 講 掂 咗 楊陵 , 佢 決定 獻 城門 , 放 大軍 入城 嚟 捉 夏侯楙 啊 。 he|go out|return|city|here|see|Kongming|said|hey|I (humble self)|already|discuss|settle|past tense marker|Yangling|he|decided|surrender|city gate|let|army|enter the city|here|capture|Xiahou Mao|ah He returned to the city to meet Kong Ming and said: "Ah, the subordinate has already negotiated with Yang Ling. He has decided to offer the city gates and let the army enter the city to capture Xia Houmao." 誒 , 楊陵 本來 係 想 親自 捉 夏侯楙 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 , 無奈 佢 手下 嘅 勇士 唔 多 , 唔 敢 輕易 逳 手 啊 。 hey|Yang Ling|originally|was|wanted|personally|capture|Xia Houmao|here|present|to|Prime Minister|unfortunately|he|subordinates|possessive particle|warriors|not|many|||easily|||ah Ah, Yang Ling originally wanted to personally capture Xia Houmao to present him to the Prime Minister, but unfortunately, his warriors are not many and do not dare to act rashly. 孔明 話 喇 : 噉 呢 件 事 容易 到極 喇 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|like this|this|classifier for events|matter|easy|to the extreme|particle indicating completed action Kong Ming said: "Then this matter is extremely easy." 嗱, 而家 崔 大人 你 投降 帶 嚟 嘅 兵士 有百幾人 啦 。 well|now|Choi|sir|you|surrender|bring|come|possessive particle|soldiers||sentence-final particle Now, Lord Cui, the soldiers you brought with your surrender are over a hundred. 喺 呢 班 人 裏 便 , 我 哋 再 派 一 啲 蜀 軍 將官 入去 , 扮成 係 安定 郡 嘅 人馬 , 你 又 帶 佢 哋 入 城 , 預先 埋伏 喺 夏侯楙 嘅 住宅 附近 。 in|this|classifier for people|people|inside|then|I|plural marker|again|send|one|some|Shu|army|generals||disguised as|is|An Ding|county|possessive particle|troops|you|also|bring|they|plural marker|enter|city|in advance|ambush|at|Xiahou Mao|possessive particle|residence|nearby In this group of people, we will send some Shu army generals in, disguised as people from Anding County. You will lead them into the city and ambush them near Xiahou Mao's residence. 然後 呢 , 又 暗中 約定 楊陵 , 要 佢 喺 半夜 之後 打開 城門 , 裏應外合 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 then|question particle|again|secretly|agreed|Yangling|needs to|he|at|midnight|after|open|city gate|inside and outside working together|like this|then|major event|successful|completed action particle Then, secretly arrange with Yang Ling to have him open the city gates after midnight, coordinating inside and outside, and then the plan will succeed. 崔諒 諗 嘞 : 嗯 , 如果 唔 帶 蜀 軍 將官 去 , 又 怕 孔明 起疑心 啊 。 Cui Liang|thought|past tense marker|hmm|if|not|bring|Shu|army|general|go|again|afraid|Kongming||ah Cui Liang thought: Hmm, if we don't bring the Shu army generals, Kong Ming might become suspicious. 好 , 即 管帶 咗 入 去 先 , 入到 去 就 斬 咗 你 ! good|||past tense marker|enter|inside|first|once|inside|then|cut|past tense marker|you Alright, just bring them in first, and once they are in, we will kill you! 然後 點火 為號 , 騙 孔明入 城 , 殺 佢 就 係 喇 。 then|light the fire||trick||city|kill|him|just|is|particle indicating completed action Then set a fire as a signal to lure Kong Ming into the city, and then we will kill him. 於是 崔諒 就 應承 孔明 嘞 。 then|Cui Liang|then|promised|Kong Ming|past tense marker So, Cui Liang agreed to Kong Ming. 噉 孔明 又 叮囑 佢 話 : then|Kongming|again|instructed|he|said Then Kong Ming reminded him, saying: 我 派 親信 將領 關興 同張 苞 , 跟隨 崔 大人 你入 城先 , 就 話 係 援軍 , 等 夏侯楙 安心 。 I|send|trusted messenger|general|Guan Xing||Bao|follow|Cui|lord|||then|say|is|reinforcements|let|Xiahou Mao|be at ease I will send my trusted generals Guan Xing and Zhang Bao to follow you, Lord Cui, into the city first, and say they are reinforcements, to reassure Xiahou Mao. 然後 呢 , 點火 為號 , 我 就 親自 帶兵 入城 去 捉 夏侯楙 。 then|question particle|signal to fire||I|then|personally|lead troops|into the city|to|capture|Xiahou Mao After that, when the signal is given, I will personally lead the troops into the city to capture Xiahou Mao. 係 , 下官 一定 照辦 。 yes|subordinate|definitely|will follow orders Yes, I will definitely follow your orders. 當時 已經 係 黃昏 , 關興 同張 苞 啊 , 接受 咗 孔明 嘅 秘密 命令 , 披掛 上馬 , 手執 兵器 就 夾雜 喺 安定 士兵 裏頭 , 跟 住 崔諒 一直 嚟 到 南安 城下 嘞 。 at that time|already|was|dusk|Guan Xing||Bao|ah|accepted|past tense marker|Kong Ming|possessive particle|secret|order|put on|mounted|holding|weapon|then|mixed|in|An Ding|soldiers|inside|||Cui Liang|continuously|came|to|Nan An|under the city|past tense marker At that time, it was already dusk. Guan Xing and Zhang Bao accepted Kong Ming's secret orders, donned their armor, wielded their weapons, and mixed in with the soldiers of Anding, following Cui Liang all the way to the foot of Nan'an City. 楊陵 喺 城樓 上面 問 : 邊 處 嘅 兵馬 啊 ? Yang Ling|at|city tower|above|asked|which|place|possessive particle|army|question particle Yang Ling asked from the city tower: Which troops are those? 崔諒 回答 話 , 我 哋 係 安定 嘅 援軍 , 而家 嚟 到 啦 。 Cui Leung|replied|said|we|plural marker|are|An Ding|possessive particle|reinforcements|now|come|arrived|completed action particle Cui Liang replied, saying, We are the reinforcements from Anding, and we have arrived. 跟 住 啊 , 崔諒 𠻘 聲射 咗 一支 號箭 上城 。 ||ah|Choi Leung|shot|fired|past tense marker|one|arrow|into the city Then, Cui Liang shot an arrow with a signal up to the city. 箭 上 便 就 帶 住 一封 密信 嘅 , 封信 點講 呢 ? arrow|on|then|just|bring|carrying|a|secret letter|possessive particle|the letter||question particle The arrow carried a secret letter; what did the letter say? 而家 諸葛亮 , 派 咗 兩個 將官 , 跟 埋 我 入城 , 準備 裏應外合 。 now|Zhuge Liang|send|past tense marker|two|generals|follow|together|I|enter the city|prepare|internal and external cooperation Right now, Zhuge Liang has sent two generals to follow me into the city, preparing for an inside and outside attack. 暫時 唔 好 驚動 佢 哋 先 , 免致 洩漏 計劃 啊 , 等 佢 哋 入 咗 都督府 再 殺 都 未 遲 噉 。 temporarily|not|very|disturb|they|plural marker|first|lest|leak|plan|particle|wait|they|plural marker|enter|past tense marker|governor's office|again|kill|still|not yet|late|like that For now, let's not alarm them, to avoid leaking our plan. We can wait until they enter the governor's office before we strike. 楊陵 攞 住 封信 去 見 夏侯楙 , 將件 事 嘅 經過 詳細 噉 向 佢 報告 。 Yang Ling|take|hold|letter|go|meet|Xia Houmao||matter|possessive particle|process|in detail|like this|towards|him|report Yang Ling took a letter to meet Xiahou Mao, reporting the details of the situation to him. 夏侯楙 就 話 喇 : 好 啊 ! 既然 諸葛亮 中計 嘞 , 我 哋 就 將百 零個 刀斧手 埋伏 喺 我 嘅 都督府 裏 便 。 Xiahou Mao|then|said|particle indicating completed action|good|ah|since|Zhuge Liang|fell into the trap|particle indicating completed action|we|plural marker|then|||soldiers|ambush|at|my|possessive particle|governor's office|inside|then Xiahou Mao said: Alright! Since Zhuge Liang has fallen into our trap, we will ambush over a hundred knife and axe men in my governor's office. 如果 嗰 兩名 蜀將 跟 住 崔 太守 嚟 到 都督府 落馬 , 就 閂 實 道門 斬 咗 佢 ! if|that|two|Shu generals|||Cui|magistrate|||governor's office|dismount|then|close|solidly|gate|kill|past tense marker|him If those two Shu generals follow Governor Cui to the governor's office and dismount, we will close the gate and kill them! 然後 喺 城樓 上面 點火 , 騙 諸葛亮 入 城 , 我 哋 嘅 伏兵 齊 出 , 諸葛亮 就 走 唔 甩 喇 ! then|at|city tower|on|set fire|trick|Zhuge Liang|enter|city|we|possessive particle|our|ambush troops|all|come out|Zhuge Liang|then|escape|not|get away|particle indicating completed action Then set fire on the city tower to trick Zhuge Liang into entering the city, and our ambush troops will all come out, and Zhuge Liang won't be able to escape! 係 , 都督 妙計 啊 ! yes|governor|brilliant plan|particle Yes, it's a brilliant plan by the commander! 安排 妥當 喇 , 楊陵 就 返上 城樓 話 : 既然 係 安定 嘅 兵馬 , 放 佢 哋 入 城 啦 ! arrange|properly|particle indicating completion|Yangling|then|return to|city tower|said|since|are|stable|possessive particle|troops|let|them|plural marker|enter|city|particle indicating suggestion Everything is arranged properly, so Yang Ling went back up to the city tower and said: Since they are stable troops, let them into the city! 於是 守門 官 就 大開 城門 放落 吊橋 。 then|gatekeeper|official|then|opened wide|city gate|lowered|drawbridge So the gatekeeper opened the city gates wide and lowered the drawbridge. 關興 啊 跟 住 崔諒 行先 , 張 苞 喺 後 便 跟 到 實 。 Kwan Hing|ah|follow|closely|Choi Leung|go first|Cheung|Bao|at|back|then|follow|arrive|reality Guan Xing followed closely behind Cui Liang, and Zhang Bao followed closely behind. 楊陵 喺 城樓 行落 嚟 就 企 喺 城門口 迎接 啊 。 Yang Ling|at|city tower|walk down|here|then|stand|at|city gate|welcome|particle Yang Ling came down from the city tower and stood at the city gate to greet. 一 見面 , 關興 突然 手起刀落 , 就將 楊陵 斬 做 兩 橛 。 one|they met|Guan Xing|suddenly|his hand moved and the knife fell||Yang Ling|beheaded|into|two|pieces As soon as they met, Guan Xing suddenly struck with his knife and cut Yang Ling into two pieces. 誒 崔諒 慌 喇 , 急急 撥馬 就 跑 返 嚟 吊橋 邊 。 hey|Choi Leung|panicked|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|urged the horse|then|ran|back|here|suspension bridge|side Hey, Cui Liang panicked and quickly turned his horse to run back to the drawbridge. 張苞 大喝一聲 : 奸賊 你 咪 走 ! Zhang Bao|shouted loudly|villain|you|don't|run away Zhang Bao shouted loudly: "You treacherous thief, don't you dare run away!" 你 哋 啲 詭計 點 瞞得過 丞相 啊 , 看槍 ! 手起 一槍 當堂 攞 佢 大 命 。 ||plural marker|tricks|how|can deceive|prime minister|particle|look at the gun|hand raised|one shot|on the spot|take|him||life How can your schemes deceive the Prime Minister? Look at the gun! With a swift motion, he shot him dead on the spot. 呢 個 時候 , 關興 早就 跑 到 上去 城樓 上 便 喇 , 喇喇聲 放 起火 嚟 。 this|measure word|time|Kwan Hing|already|ran|to|up|city tower|on|then|particle indicating completion|sound of firecrackers|set off|fire|came At this time, Guan Xing had already run up to the city tower and started the fire. 喎 嗬衝 啊 ! 啲 蜀 兵 喺 四面 一齊 湧入 城 。 oh|rush|ah|some|Shu|soldiers|at|all sides|together|flood into|city Wow, they are charging! The Shu soldiers are rushing into the city from all sides. 夏侯楙 嚇 到手 揗 腳 震 啊 , 打開 南門 就 搏命 想 殺出去 咯 噃。 Xiahou Mao|scared|to the hand|hit|leg|tremble|ah|open|south gate|then|fight for life|wanted|kill to escape|particle indicating realization| Xiahou Mao was so scared that his hands and feet were trembling, he opened the south gate and desperately tried to fight his way out. 點知 畀 一彪 軍馬 當頭 攔住 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 王平 啊 。 unexpectedly|by|a group of|war horses|in front|blocked|leading||||Wang Ping|ah But unexpectedly, a group of cavalry blocked his way, led by a general named Wang Ping. 只 係 打 咗 一個 回合 唧 , 王平 就 生擒 夏侯楙 。 ||||one|round|sound|Wang Ping|then|captured alive|Xiahou Mao After just one round of fighting, Wang Ping captured Xiahou Mao alive. 噉 其餘 啲 人 就 冚𠾴唥 都 殺死 晒 。 then|the rest of|plural marker|people|then|cover up|all|kill|completely So the rest of the people were all killed. 孔明 佔領 咗 南安 城 之後 啊 , 秋毫無犯 就 出榜 安民 , 叫 老百姓 照常 安居樂業 。 Zhuge Liang|occupied|past tense marker|Nanan|city|after|sentence-final particle|did not harm a single hair|then|issued a notice|to pacify the people|ordered|common people|as usual|live and work in peace After Kongming occupied Nanan City, he did not harm a single person and issued a proclamation to pacify the people, telling the common folk to continue living and working peacefully. 噉 當時 呢 , 啲 將官 都 各自 嚟 獻功 , 王平 就 押 咗 夏侯楙 嚟 。 then|at that time|particle indicating a question|plural marker|military officers|all|each|come|take credit|Wang Ping|then|brought|past tense marker|Xiahou Mao|come At that time, the generals all came to present their achievements, and Wang Ping brought Xiahou Mao. 孔明 就 吩咐 用架 囚車 將 佢 搵 起 嚟 。 Kongming|then|instructed||prison cart|to take|him|find|up|here Kongming then instructed to use a prison cart to bring him up. 鄧芝 又問 嘞 : 丞相 , 你點 睇 出 崔 諒 嘅 詭計 嘅 呢 ? Tang Zhi||question particle|Prime Minister||||Cui|Liang|possessive particle|trick||question particle Deng Zhi then asked: Chancellor, how did you see through Cui Liang's scheme? 孔明 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 早就 睇 出 此人 唔 係 真心 投降 㗎 , 就 故意 使 佢 入 城 。 Kongming|said|hahaha||I|long ago|||this person|not|is|sincere|surrender|particle indicating certainty|then|deliberately|made|him|enter|city Kong Ming said: Hahaha, I have long seen that this person is not truly surrendering, but is deliberately making a show of entering the city. 佢 啊 必 定將 一切 情形 都 講晒 畀 夏侯楙 知 , 想 將計就計 順水推舟 。 he|ah|must||everything|situation|all|explain everything|to|Xiahou Mao|know|want||go with the flow He must have reported everything to Xiahou Mao, wanting to take advantage of the situation. 當 佢 返 嚟 嘅 時候 呢 , 我 知道 佢 有 詭計 㗎 喇 。 when|he|returns|here|past tense marker|time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|I|know|he|has|trick|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action When he returns, I know he has a scheme. 我 於是 再 派 關興 同張 苞 兩員 大將 , 同埋 佢 入 城 , 嚟 安 住 佢 個 心 。 I|then|again|send|Guan Xing||Bao|two|generals|and|he|enter|city|come|calm|reside|his|possessive particle|mind So I sent Guan Xing and Zhang Bao, two great generals, to accompany him into the city to reassure him. 之 如果 佢 係 真心 歸順 我 哋 嘅 , 佢 就 必定 攔阻 嘅 噃。 particle indicating possession|if|he|is|sincerely|loyal to|we|plural marker|possessive particle|he|then|definitely|obstruct|particle indicating action| If he truly submits to us, he would definitely try to stop it. 但 係 佢 歡歡喜喜 噉 應承 帶 佢 兩個 一齊 入 城 , 佢 個 心 有鬼 啊 , 怕 唔 肯帶 我 就 會 疑心 佢 。 ||he|happily|like that|promised|to take|he|two of them|together|into|city|he|possessive particle|heart||ah|afraid|not||me|then|will|suspicion|he But he happily agreed to bring the two of them into the city together, his heart had ulterior motives, afraid that if he didn't bring me, I would suspect him. 佢 係 諗 得 好 嘅 , 諗 住 帶 咗 關 、 張 兩個 入 城 , 入到 去 先 至 殺 佢 哋 都 未 遲 啊 噉 。 he|is|think|able|well|particle|||bring|past tense marker|Kwan|Cheung|both|enter|city|once entered|there|||kill|them|plural marker|also|not yet|late|particle|like this He thought it through well, planning to bring Guan and Zhang into the city, and once inside, it wouldn't be too late to kill them. 而且 佢 諗 住 噉 樣 做 , 我軍 就 會 覺得 有 依靠 咯 , 實 放心 去 攻城 㗎 。 moreover|he|||like this|way|to do|our army|then|will|feel|have|support|particle indicating certainty|really|at ease|to|attack the city|particle indicating a statement Moreover, he thought that by doing this, our army would feel a sense of reliance, allowing them to confidently attack the city. 點知 我 早就 囑咐 關 、 張 兩個 , 喺 城門口 就 殺 咗 崔諒 同 楊陵 。 who would have known|I|long ago|instructed|Kwan|Cheung|the two|at|the city gate|then|killed|past tense marker|Choi Leung|and|Yeung Ling Little did I know, I had already instructed Guan and Zhang to kill Cui Liang and Yang Ling at the city gate. 跟 住 我軍 就 衝入 城 , 城內 必定 冇 準備 㗎 , 呢 個 , 就 係 出其不意 吖 嘛 。 ||our army|then|charge into|city|inside the city|definitely|not have|preparation|particle indicating certainty|||just|is|unexpected|particle indicating affirmation|particle indicating obviousness Then our army charged into the city, and there would definitely be no preparations inside, this is what we call catching them off guard. 孔明 噉 樣一講 呀 嗨 大家 都 非常 之 佩服 啊 ! Kongming|like this|when you talk like this|particle|hi|everyone|all|very|particle|admire|particle Kong Ming said this, and everyone was very impressed! 孔明 又 話 喇 : 騙 崔 諒 嗰 個人 呢 , 係 我 嘅 心腹 嚟 , 我 靜靜 叫 佢 假扮 魏 軍 將官 裴 緒 嘅 。 Kongming|again|said|particle indicating completed action|to deceive|Cui|Liang|that|person|particle indicating a question|is|I|possessive particle|trusted aide|come|I|quietly|instructed|him|to impersonate|Wei|army|general|Pei|Xiu|possessive particle Kong Ming also said: The person who deceived Cui Liang is my trusted aide, and I quietly instructed him to impersonate the Wei army general Pei Xiao. 我 本來 計劃 咗 同時 去 騙 天水 郡 , 但 係 今日 仲未到 , 唔 知 咩 嘢 緣故 呢 ? I|originally|planned|past tense marker|at the same time|to go|to cheat|Tin Shui|District|||today|still hasn't arrived|||what|thing|reason|question particle I originally planned to deceive Tianshui County at the same time, but it hasn't happened today; I wonder what the reason is? 而家 , 我 哋 趁勢 去 打 埋 天水 啦 。 now|I|we|take the opportunity|go|||Tin Shui|sentence final particle Now, let's take the opportunity to attack Tianshui. 於是 孔明 就 留低 吳懿 嚟 鎮守 南安 , 劉琰 啊 鎮守 安定 , 將魏 延 嘅 人馬 替出 嚟 去 攻打 天水 郡 。 then|Kongming|then|left|Wu Yi|to|garrison|Nanan|Liu Yan|ah|garrison|Anding||Yan|possessive particle|troops||to|to|attack|Tianshui|county So Kong Ming left Wu Yi to guard Nanan, Liu Yan to guard Anding, and sent Wei Yan's troops out to attack Tianshui County. 而家返 轉頭 講下 天水 郡 嘞 。 |later|talk about|Tin Shui|District|particle indicating completed action Now let's go back and talk about Tianshui County. 天水 郡 太守 馬 遵 , 佢 聽聞 夏侯楙 困 喺 南安 城裏 便 , 就 召集 功 曹梁緒 、 主簿 尹賞 、 主記 梁虔 等等 一班 文武 官員 嚟 商量 啦 。 Tianshui|Commandery|Governor|Ma|Zun|He|heard|Xiahou Mao|trapped|in|Nanan|city|then|then|gathered|merit|Cao Liangxu|Chief Clerk|Yin Shang|Chief Recorder|Liang Qian|and so on|a group of|civil and military|officials|to|discuss|particle indicating completed action The governor of Tianshui County, Ma Zun, upon hearing that Xiahou Mao was trapped in Nanan City, gathered a group of civil and military officials, including Gong Cao Liang Xu, Chief Clerk Yin Shang, and Chief Recorder Liang Qian, to discuss the matter. 噉 梁 緒 佢 哋 就 話 喇 : 大人 啊 , 夏侯 駙馬 係 金枝玉葉 啊 , 有 咩 嘢 三長兩短 , 大人 就 走 唔 甩 坐視不理 嘅 罪名 嘞 噃。 then|Liang|Xu|he|they|then|said|particle indicating completed action|adult|particle for emphasis|Xiahou|imperial son-in-law|is|of noble birth|particle for emphasis|has|what|thing|misfortune|adult|then|escape|not|get away|ignore|possessive particle|crime|particle indicating completed action|particle for emphasis Then Liang Xu said: "My lord, Xiahou is of noble lineage. If anything happens to him, you will be blamed for sitting idly by and not taking action." 大人 要 出兵 去 救 佢 至 係 㗎 。 adult|needs|send troops|to|rescue|him|only|is|question particle My lord must send troops to rescue him. 馬 遵仲 係 猶猶豫豫 未能 決定 。 Ma|Chun Chung|is|indecisive|unable to|decide Ma Zun was still hesitant and unable to make a decision. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 侍從 嚟 報告 話 夏侯 駙馬 派 咗 個 心腹 將官 裴緒 , 嚟 到 求見 啊 噉 。 just|at|this|measure word|time|attendant|come|report|said|Xiahou|prince consort|sent|past tense marker|measure word|trusted subordinate|general|Pei Xu|come|arrive|request an audience|ah|then At this moment, a servant came to report that the trusted general Pei Xu, sent by Duke Xiahou, had arrived to seek an audience. 馬 遵 就 連忙 請 佢 入 嚟 。 Ma|Chun|then|hurriedly|invited|him|to enter|come Ma Zun quickly invited him in. 裴緒行 過禮 , 就 攞 出 公文 交 畀 馬 遵 佢 話 : Pei Hsiu-hang|return the greeting|then|take|out|document|hand over|to|Ma|Chun|he|said Pei Xu paid his respects and then took out a document to hand to Ma Zun, saying: 都督 要求 安定 、 天水 兩郡 派兵 去 救應 啊 。 governor|requested|Anding|Tianshui||send troops|to|provide assistance|ah The governor requests that troops be dispatched from the An Ding and Tian Shui counties for assistance. 講完 , 匆匆忙忙 就 走 咗 嘞 。 finished speaking|in a hurry|then|||past tense particle After speaking, he hurriedly left. 第 日 , 又 有 報馬 嚟 到 話 , 安定 嘅 人馬 已經 出發 喇 , 請馬 太守 火急 前去 會合 啦 噉 。 this|day|again|has|messenger horse|||said|Anding|possessive particle|cavalry|already|departed|particle indicating completed action|please|governor|urgently|go|rendezvous|particle indicating suggestion|like this On that day, there was news that the stable forces had already set off, and the horse governor was urgently requested to go meet them. 馬 遵 正話 想起 兵 㗎 喇 , 點知 有 個人 喺 外 便 行 入 嚟 話 : horse|follow|really|remembered|soldier|particle|particle|unexpectedly|there is|person|at|outside|then|walk|enter|come|said Ma Zun was just thinking about the soldiers when someone walked in from outside and said: 馬大人 , 你 中 咗 諸葛亮 嘅 計 喇 ! Mr Ma|you|fell for|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|scheme|sentence-final particle Master Ma, you have fallen for Zhuge Liang's scheme! 大家 一睇 , 哈 , 原來 係 姜維 啊 ! everyone|at a glance|ha|it turns out|is|Jiang Wei|ah Everyone looked and laughed, oh, it turned out to be Jiang Wei! 姜維 係 天水 冀城人 , 即 係 今日 甘肅 , 甘谷 人 。 Jiang Wei|is|Tianshui||namely|is|today|Gansu|Gangu|person Jiang Wei is from Jicheng in Tianshui, which is present-day Gansu, specifically from Gangu. 佢 別字 伯約 , 佢 父親 係 叫做 姜 冏 , 以前 呢 , 就 喺 天水 郡 做官 。 He|nickname|Bo Yuek|His|father|is|named|Jiang|Jiong|in the past|particle indicating past action|then|at|Tin Shui|County|was an official His courtesy name was Boyue, and his father was named Jiang Jiong, who used to be an official in Tianshui County. 因為 羌 人 作亂 啊 , 佢 係 同 羌 人 作戰 嘅 時候 犧牲 咗 。 because|Qiang|people|rebelled|ah|he|is|with|||fighting|possessive particle|when|sacrificed|past tense marker Because the Qiang people rebelled, he sacrificed himself while fighting against them. 姜維自 細讀 咗 好多 書 , 知識 淵博 , 而且 兵法 武藝 就 無所不通 嘅 。 |read carefully|past tense marker|many|books|knowledge|profound|moreover|military strategy|martial arts|then|knowledgeable in everything|possessive particle Jiang Wei read a lot of books since he was young, and he was knowledgeable and well-versed in military strategy and martial arts. 佢 對 母親 係 極之 孝順 , 所以 全個 天水 郡 啲 人 都 好 尊敬 佢 。 He|to|mother|is|extremely|filial pious|so|whole|Tin Shui|District|particle|people|all|very|respect|him He was extremely filial to his mother, so everyone in Tianshui County respected him greatly. 收尾 佢 又 被 任命 做 中郎將 , 就 負責 本 郡 嘅 軍事 。 finishing touches|he|again|was|appointed|as|military general|then|responsible for|this|county|possessive particle|military affairs In the end, he was appointed as the Zhonglangjiang, responsible for the military affairs of the county. 今年 先至 係 廿 五歲 , 好 後生 嘅 咋 。 this year|only|is|twenty|five years old|very|young|particle|only This year I am only twenty-five years old, very young indeed. 噉 啊 當時 姜維 對 馬 遵話 : like this|ah|at that time|Jiang Wei|to|Ma|Zunhua At that time, Jiang Wei said to Ma Zun: 馬大人 啊 , 你 睇 , 夏侯楙 畀 諸葛亮 打敗 咗 , 困 喺 南安 城 嚟 水洩不通 , 噉 仲點 能夠 有人 喺 重圍 裏 便 出 得 嚟 呢 ? Mr Ma|ah|you|see|Xiahou Mao|by|Zhuge Liang|defeated|past tense marker|trapped|in|Nanan|city|from|no way to escape|then||able to|someone|in|encirclement|inside|then|escape|able to|come|question particle Lord Ma, look, Xiahou Mao has been defeated by Zhuge Liang, trapped in Nanan City with no way out. How could anyone possibly get out of the encirclement? 更 兼 裴緒 係 個 無名 下將 , 從來 都 未 見過面 嘅 。 even|and|Pei Hsu|is|a|nameless|junior officer|always|all|not|met|past tense particle Moreover, Pei Xu is an unknown lower general, someone I have never met before. 仲有 , 安定 嘅 報 馬 連 公文 都 冇 , 就 係 得 把 口 噉 講 幾句 唧 。 also|stable|possessive particle|report|horse|including|official document|all|not have|then|is|only|measure word for objects|mouth|like this|say|a few sentences|nonsense Also, the report from Anding doesn't even have official documents, just a few words spoken verbally. 好似 噉 樣 睇 嚟 , 裴緒極 可能 係 蜀將 假扮 。 seems|like|appearance|to see|coming||likely|is|Shu general|disguised It seems that Pei Xu is likely pretending to be a Shu general. 佢 哋 騙 咗 大人 你 出城 , 估計 城內 冇 準備 , 必定 暗中 埋伏 定 一支 軍隊 喺 左近 , 乘虛 嚟 襲擊 天水 啊 。 They|plural marker|deceive|past tense marker|adults|you|leave the city|estimate|inside the city|not have|preparation|definitely|in secret|ambush|or|a|army|at|nearby|taking advantage of the situation|come|attack|Tianshui|sentence final particle They tricked you, my lord, into leaving the city. It is estimated that there are no preparations inside the city, and they must have secretly ambushed a troop nearby to take advantage and attack Tianshui. 哎呀呀 , 係 啊 係 啊 , 好彩伯約 你 提醒 , 否則 呀 就 中 咗 敵人 嘅 奸計 喇 ! oh no|yes|ah||||you|reminded|otherwise|ah|then|fall into|past tense marker|enemy|possessive particle|trick|final particle Oh dear, yes, yes, luckily Lord Bo Yue reminded you, otherwise we would have fallen into the enemy's trap! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 請 大人 你 放心 , 小將 有 一條 計策 , 可以 捉 到 諸葛亮 , 解救 南安 嘅 危險 。 hahaha||please|sir|you|don't worry|young general|has|one|strategy|can|capture|to|Zhuge Liang|rescue|Nan'an|possessive particle|danger Hahaha, please rest assured, my lord, I have a plan that can capture Zhuge Liang and rescue Nan'an from danger. 哦 ? 誒 伯約 你 有 咩 嘢 好計 呢 ? oh|hey|Uncle Yoke|you|have|what|thing|good plan|particle Oh? Hey, Bo Yue, what good plan do you have? 照 小將 嘅 估計 , 諸葛亮 必定 喺 我 哋 郡 城 背後 , 埋伏 定 兵馬 , 等 騙 咗 我軍 出城 就 乘虛 嚟 偷襲 。 according to|young general|possessive particle|estimation|Zhuge Liang|definitely|at|our|plural marker|county|city|behind|ambush|certain|troops|wait|deceive|past tense marker|our army|out of the city|then|take advantage of the opportunity|come|surprise attack According to the young general's estimate, Zhuge Liang must be hiding behind our county city, ambushing troops, waiting for our army to leave the city before launching a surprise attack. 請 大人 交 三千 精兵 畀 小將 , 埋伏 喺 主要 個 大路 附近 。 please|adult|hand over|three thousand|elite soldiers|to|young general|ambush|at|main|(measure word)|road|nearby Please, my lord, send three thousand elite soldiers to the young general, to ambush near the main road. 大人 你 就 隨後 起兵 出 城 , 但 係 呢 , 唔 好 去 咁 遠 , 行卅里 就 返 轉頭 。 sir|you|then|soon|raise troops|leave|city|||this|not|well|go|so|far|walk thirty miles|then|return|turn back My lord, you should then mobilize the troops to leave the city, but do not go too far; just go thirty miles and then turn back. 以 起火 為 信號 , 我 哋 前後夾攻 , 必定 打贏 嘅 。 using|firing|as|signal|we|plural marker||definitely|win|particle indicating certainty Using fire as a signal, we will attack from both sides and we will definitely win. 如果 諸葛亮 親自 嚟 , 實 畀 小將 捉住 啊 。 if|Zhuge Liang|personally|comes|really|by|young general|captured|particle If Zhuge Liang comes in person, the young general will surely capture him. 馬 遵 就 用 姜維 呢條 計策 , 撥 咗 三千 精兵 畀 佢 去 埋伏 。 Ma|Zun|then|use|Jiang Wei|this|strategy|allocate|past tense marker|three thousand|elite soldiers|to|him|go|ambush Ma Zun used Jiang Wei's strategy and sent three thousand elite soldiers to ambush. 然後 呢 , 佢 自己 就 同梁 虔 帶兵 出 城 等候 。 then|question particle|he|himself|then||Kin|lead the troops|out|city|wait Then, he himself, along with Liang Qian, led the troops out of the city to wait. 只 係 留低 梁緒同 尹賞 守城 唧 。 ||leave behind||Wan Seung|defend the city|sound of a whistle Only Liang Xu and Yin Shang were left to defend the city. 哈 原來 孔明 啊 , 真 係 派 趙雲 帶領 一支 軍隊 , 埋伏 定 喺 荒山 裏 便 , 等 天水 嘅 兵馬 一離 城唧 , 就 乘虛 偷襲 。 Ha|originally|Kongming|ah|really|is|sent|Zhao Yun|leading|a|army|ambush|definitely|in|barren mountain|inside|then|wait|Tianshui|possessive particle|troops||city|then|take advantage of the opportunity|surprise attack Ah, it turns out that Kongming really sent Zhao Yun to lead a troop, lying in ambush in the desolate mountains, waiting for the soldiers of Tianshui to leave the city, and then taking the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. 當日 , 探子 又 返 嚟 向 趙雲 報告 , 話 天水 太守 馬 遵 起兵 出 城 , 只 係 留低 文官 守城 唧 噉 。 that day|scout|again|||to|Zhao Yun|report|said|Tianshui|governor|Ma|Zun|raised troops|out|of the city|||left behind|civil officials|defend the city|| On that day, the scouts returned to report to Zhao Yun, saying that the governor of Tianshui, Ma Zun, had raised troops and left the city, leaving only the civil officials to defend the city. 趙雲 好 高興 啦 , 又 叫 人 去 通知 張翼同 高翔 , 叫 佢 哋 喺 路上 截擊 殺 咗 馬 遵 。 Zhao Yun|very|happy|particle|again|told|someone|to go|inform||Gao Xiang|told|them|plural particle|at|on the road|ambush|kill|past tense marker|Ma|Zun Zhao Yun is very happy, and he called someone to notify Zhang Yi and Gao Xiang, telling them to ambush and kill Ma Zun on the road. 嗱 張 翼 同 高翔 呢 兩路 兵 啊 , 亦 係 孔明 預先 埋伏 嘅 。 well|Zhang|Yi|and|Gao Xiang|these|two routes|troops|ah|also|are|Kongming|in advance|ambush|possessive particle Now, Zhang Yi and Gao Xiang's troops were also set up in advance by Kongming. 噉 趙雲 呢 , 佢 就 帶 住 五千 兵馬 , 直奔 天水 郡 城下 高聲 大叫 話 : then|Zhao Yun|question particle|he|then|||five thousand|soldiers|directly rushed to|Tianshui|county|under the city|loudly|shouted|saying So Zhao Yun, leading five thousand troops, rushed to the foot of the Tianshui County city and shouted loudly: 我 就 係 常山 趙子龍 啊 , 你 哋 中計 喇 , 快 啲 獻城 , 免 你 哋 一死 啦 ! I|just|am|Changshan|Zhao Zilong|ah|you|plural marker|fell into the trap|particle indicating completed action|quickly|a little|surrender the city|spare|you|plural marker||particle indicating suggestion or command I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan! You have fallen into our trap, quickly surrender the city to avoid death! 樑 緒 喺 城樓 上 啊 忍 唔 住 笑 到 騎騎 聲 : 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 你 中 咗 我 哋 姜伯約 嘅 計 喇 , 吖 乜 你 仲 唔 知 咩 ? Leung|Hsu|at|city tower|on|ah||not||||||||||||||||||||||know|question particle Liang Xu on the city tower couldn't help but laugh out loud: Hehehe, you have fallen for our Jiang Boyue's plan, don't you know? 趙雲正 話 想 攻城 , 忽然 哦 嗬 噉 吶喊 起 嚟 , 四面 火光沖天 。 Zhao Yun|said|wanted|to attack the city|suddenly|oh|huh|like that|shouted|up|here|from all sides| Zhao Yun said he wanted to attack the city, suddenly oh, there was a shout, and flames rose from all directions. 嘩 ! 有 一名 少年 將軍 , 挺槍 躍馬 當先 殺到 : wow|has|a|young|general|holding a spear|riding a horse|leading|charging in Wow! A young general charged forward with his spear on horseback: 嘿 ! 你 見過 天水 姜伯約 未 啊 ! hey|you|seen|Tin Shui|Koeng Baak Yeuk|not yet|particle Hey! Have you seen Tian Shui Jiang Bo yet?! 趙雲 南征北戰 , 同 過 幾多 名將 交鋒 啊 , 區區 一個 青年 有 咩 嘢 咁 叻 吖 ! Zhao Yun|fought in the south and the north|with|more than|several|famous generals|clashed|particle|just|one|young man|has|what|thing|so|capable|particle Zhao Yun has fought in many battles, clashing with numerous generals, what can a mere youth do that is so impressive?! 所以 開始 打 嘅 時候 , 趙雲 啊並 不在意 。 so|start|fight|possessive particle|time|Zhao Yun|| So at the beginning of the fight, Zhao Yun didn't pay much attention. 點知 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 姜維 就 越 打越 精神 嘩 嗨 ! unexpectedly|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|Jiang Wei|then|more and more||energetic|wow|hi Who would have thought that after a few rounds, Jiang Wei would become more and more spirited, wow! 趙雲 非常 驚奇 啊 佢 心 諗 嘞 : Zhao Yun|very|surprised|ah|he|heart|thought|past tense marker Zhao Yun was very surprised, thinking to himself: 啊 ! 誰知 呢 處 有 咁 本事 嘅 人 啊 吓 。 ah|who knew|this|place|has|so|capable|possessive particle|person|ah|huh Ah! Who would have known there was such a capable person here. 正 喺 度 兵 兵 砰砰 打緊 , 哦 ! 後 便 兩路 人馬 夾攻 殺到 嚟 喇 。 right|at|place|soldiers|soldiers|bang bang|fighting|oh|later|then|two directions|troops|flanking attack|kill to|come|particle indicating action completion Just as they were fighting fiercely, oh! From behind, two groups of troops came to attack. 原來 係 馬 遵 、 梁虔 帶兵 殺返 轉頭 。 originally|is|Ma|Chun|Leung Kin|led the troops|counterattacked|turned back It turned out to be Ma Zun and Liang Qian leading their troops back. 當堂 打 到 趙雲 就 顧得頭 就 唔 顧得 尾 噃, 唯有 殺開 條路 , 帶住 敗兵 撤退 啦 。 on the spot|hit|to|Zhao Yun|then|could take care of the front|then|not|could take care of|rear|particle|only|fight through||lead|defeated soldiers|retreat|particle In the heat of the battle, when Zhao Yun was focused on the front, he couldn't pay attention to the rear, so he had to carve a path and lead the defeated soldiers to retreat. 姜維 盯住 尾 嚟 追殺 , 哈好 彩得 張翼 、 高翔 兩路 兵馬 殺出 嚟 接應 , 噉 先 至 冇 吃大虧 。 Jiang Wei|fixated on|tail|come|pursuit|fortunately|got lucky|Zhang Yi|Gao Xiang|two routes|troops|charged out|come|support|then|||not|suffer a great loss Jiang Wei was chasing from the rear, but fortunately, Zhang Yi and Gao Xiang's troops came out to support, so they didn't suffer a major loss. 趙雲 返到 去 南安 郡 見 孔明 , 話 中 咗 敵人 嘅 計謀 噉 。 Zhao Yun|returned|to|Nanan|county|see|Kongming|said|hit|past tense marker|enemy|possessive particle|scheme|like this Zhao Yun returned to Nanan County to see Kongming and reported that he had figured out the enemy's strategy. 孔明 不禁 吃 咗 一驚 喎 , 佢 問 : 呢 個 係 邊個 呢 ? 竟然 識穿 我 嘅 機關 呢 吓 。 Kongming|couldn't help but|eat|past tense marker|a shock|sentence-final particle|he|asked|this|measure word|is|who|question particle|unexpectedly|see through|my|possessive particle|trap|question particle|exclamation particle Kongming couldn't help but be startled and asked, 'Who is this? How could he see through my scheme?' 有個 了解 情況 嘅 南安 人就講 畀 孔明聽 , 話 呢 個 就 係 姜維喇 , 別字 伯約 係 天水 冀城人 , 好 孝順 老母 嘅 。 there was|understanding|situation|possessive particle|Nan'an||to||said|||just|is||nickname|Bo Yue|is|Tianshui||very|filial|mother|possessive particle A local from Nanan who understood the situation told Kongming that this was Jiang Wei, whose courtesy name was Boyue, from Jicheng in Tianshui, and he was very filial to his mother. 呢 個人 呀 , 文武雙全 , 智勇兼備 , 真 係 個 當代 英雄 啊 噉 。 this|person|particle|proficient in both literature and martial arts|possessing both wisdom and courage|||a|contemporary|hero|particle|like that This person, he is well-rounded in both literature and martial arts, possessing both wisdom and courage, truly a contemporary hero. 趙雲 又 大 讚 咗 一輪 姜 維 嘅 槍法 使得 , 誇獎 佢 確實 係 與眾 不同 。 Zhao Yun|again|greatly|praised|past tense marker|a round|Jiang|Wei|possessive particle|marksmanship|making|praising|he|indeed|is|from the crowd|different Zhao Yun also praised Jiang Wei's spear skills, saying that he is indeed different from others. 孔明聽 咗 就 話 喇 : 我 啊 想 奪取 天水 , 估 唔 到 有 個 噉 嘅 人 喺 處 。 |past tense marker|then|said|sentence-final particle|I|ah|want|to capture|Tianshui||||there is|a|such|possessive particle|person|at|place Kongming heard this and said: I want to capture Tianshui, didn't expect there would be such a person here. 於是 孔明 啊 親自 統率 大軍 去 攻打 天水 郡 。 then|Kongming|ah|personally|lead|army|to|attack|Tianshui|county So Kongming personally led the army to attack Tianshui County. 而家 講下 姜維 打勝 咗 一場 , 佢 返 到 入 城 就 同 馬 遵 話 喇 : now|let's talk about|Jiang Wei|won|past tense marker|a match|he|||into|city|then|with|Ma|Zun|told|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about how Jiang Wei won a battle, when he returned to the city, he said to Ma Zun: 馬大人 , 趙雲 呢 次 打敗 走 咗 , 孔明 一定 親自 嚟 嘅 。 Master Ma|Zhao Yun|this|time|defeated|ran away|past tense marker|Kongming|definitely|in person|come|sentence final particle Lord Ma, Zhao Yun has escaped this time, Kongming will definitely come in person. 佢 實 係 以 為 我軍 會 駐 扎 喺 城內 , 我 哋 就 係 要 使 佢 估 唔 到 ! he|really|is|||our army|would|||in|the city|||then|are|need|make|him||| He really thinks our army will be stationed inside the city, we just need to make him not expect it! 我 哋 將 本部 兵馬 分為 四支 , 小將 帶 一支 軍隊 埋伏 喺 城東 , 如果 孔明兵 到 就 截擊 佢 。 we|plural marker|will|headquarters|troops|||young general|lead||army|ambush|at|east of the city|if||arrive|then|intercept|them We will divide our main forces into four groups, with a young general leading one group to ambush in the east of the city, and if Kongming's troops arrive, we will intercept them. 馬大人 , 你 同梁 虔 、 尹賞 , 各帶 一支 軍隊 喺 城外 埋伏 。 Master Ma|you||Kwan|Yan||one|army|at|outside the city|ambush Lord Ma, you and Liang Qian, and Yin Shang, each take a group of troops to ambush outside the city. 梁緒 就 率領 老百姓 喺 城頭 上面 守衛 。 Leung Hsu|then|led|the common people|at|city wall|on|guard Liang Xu will lead the common people to guard on the city walls. 姜維 逐一 逐二 安排 好 晒 , 就 係 等 住 孔明 嚟 。 Jiang Wei|one by one|two by two|arrange|well|completely|then|is|waiting|for|Kongming|to come Jiang Wei has arranged everything perfectly, just waiting for Kong Ming to arrive. 孔明 因為 感覺 到 姜維 厲害 啊 , 所以 親自 率領 前鋒 部隊 , 嚟 攻打 天水 郡 。 Zhuge Liang|because|felt|that|Jiang Wei|formidable|ah|so|personally|led|vanguard|troops|to|attack|Tianshui|county Kong Ming, feeling that Jiang Wei is formidable, personally leads the vanguard troops to attack Tianshui County. 呢 一日 , 就 嚟 到達 嘞 , 孔明 就 傳令 三軍 話 : this|day|then|come|arrived|past tense marker|Kongming|then|issued orders|three armies|said On this day, they are about to arrive, and Kong Ming issues a command to the three armies saying: 凡 係 攻城 , 一定 要 喺 初 到 之 日 就 激勵 三軍 , 勇猛 直上 。 whenever|is|besieging the city|must|to|at|||possessive particle|day|then|motivate|three armies|bravely|charge straight up When attacking a city, it is essential to inspire the troops on the very first day of arrival, charging bravely forward. 若果 拖延 時日 , 就 失晒 銳氣 , 好 難得 勝 㗎 喇 。 if|procrastinates|time|then|loses all|motivation|very|hard to come by|win|particle|particle If there is a delay, the momentum will be lost, making victory very difficult to achieve. 於是 孔明 指揮 軍隊 啊 一直 開到 去 城下 。 then|Kongming|commanded|army|ah|continuously|drove|to|under the city So, Kongming commanded the army to march all the way to the city. 誒 , 但 係 呢 , 見到 城頭 上 呀 旗幟 齊整 好 有 準備 噉 樣 , 所以 又 唔 敢 馬上 發起 攻擊 。 eh|||this|seeing|city wall|on|particle|flags|orderly|very|have|preparation|like that|appearance|so|again|not|dare|immediately|launch|attack However, upon seeing the flags on the city walls neatly arranged and well-prepared, they did not dare to launch an attack immediately. 等到 當日 半夜 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 四周圍 火光沖天 , 大聲 吶喊 都 唔 知 啲 兵馬 喺 邊 處 殺 嚟 嘅 。 wait until|that day|midnight|possessive particle|time|suddenly|all around|fire light up the sky|loudly|shouting|all|not|know|plural marker|soldiers|at|||||past tense particle By midnight that day, suddenly the surroundings were ablaze with fire, and loud shouts could be heard, but they did not know where the enemy troops were coming from. 又 見到 城上 亦 都 擂響 戰鼓 , 喊 殺 連天 噉 嚟 響應 。 again|saw|on the city wall|also|all|sounded|war drums|shouted|kill|endlessly|like this|come|responding They also saw that the war drums on the city were beating, responding with shouts of battle. 一時之間 慌到 啲 蜀 兵 呀 亂 飚 亂 趯 。 in an instant|panicked|particle indicating small amount|Shu|soldiers|particle indicating exclamation|chaotic|run|chaotic|jump In an instant, the Shu soldiers were thrown into chaos, running around in confusion. 孔明 急忙 上馬 啦 , 由 關興 、 張苞 就 保護 住 殺出重圍 。 Kongming|hurriedly|mount the horse|particle indicating action|by|Guanxing|Zhangbao|then|protect|firmly|break out of the encirclement Kong Ming hurriedly got on his horse, while Guan Xing and Zhang Bao protected him as they broke through the encirclement. 孔明 回頭 一望 , 只見 正東 嗰 便 呀 有 一支 軍隊 , 一 迾 火光 遠遠 睇 嚟 就 好似 條 火龍 一樣 啊 。 Kongming|turned around|took a glance|only saw|due east|that|then|particle|had|a|army|one|burst|firelight|far away|looked|coming|just|like|a|fire dragon|same|particle Kong Ming looked back and saw that to the east there was an army, and the flames looked like a fire dragon from afar. 孔明 叫 關興 去 了解 下 , 關興 返 嚟 就 回報 話 , 嗰 支 係 姜 維 嘅 兵馬 啊 噉 。 Kongming|called|Guanxing|to|understand|further||return|here|then|report|said|that|unit|is|Jiang|Wei|possessive particle|troops|ah|like this Kong Ming asked Guan Xing to find out more, and when Guan Xing returned, he reported that it was Jiang Wei's troops. 孔明 好 感慨 噉 話 喇 : 啊 ! 兵 不在 多 , 係 在乎 人 嘅 運用 啫 , 呢 個人 確係 個 大將 之才 啊 ! Kongming|very|emotional|like that|said|particle indicating completed action|ah|soldiers|not in|many|is|dependent on|people|possessive particle|utilization|only|this|person|definitely|measure word|great general||ah Kong Ming sighed and said: Ah! It's not about the number of soldiers, but how they are utilized; this person is indeed a great general's talent! 孔明 收兵 回營 就 諗 諗 諗 諗 咗 好 耐 , 然後 搵 咗 個 安定 人 嚟 問 佢 話 : 姜 維 嘅 母親 而 家 喺 邊度 啊 ? Kongming|withdraw troops|return to camp|then|think|think|think|think|past tense marker|very|long|then|find|past tense marker|classifier|stable|person|come|ask|he|said|Jiang|Wei|possessive particle|mother|and|family|at|where|question particle Kong Ming returned to the camp and thought for a long time, then he found a stable person to ask him: Where is Jiang Wei's mother now? 啟 稟 丞相 , 姜 維 嘅 老母 而 家住 喺 冀 城 嚟 啊 。 ||Prime Minister|||possessive particle|mother|||at|||from|sentence-final particle I report to the Prime Minister, Jiang Wei's mother is currently living in Jicheng. 孔明 就 叫 魏延 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 喇 : Zhuge Liang|then|called|Wei Yan|over|instructed|him|to say|particle indicating completed action Kongming then called Wei Yan and instructed him: 魏 將軍 , 你 帶 一支 軍隊 , 虛張聲勢 , 話 要 去 奪取 冀城 , 啊 , 若果 姜維去 到 嘞 , 就 放 佢 入 城 啦 。 Wei|General|you|bring|a|army|bluffing|saying|want|to|capture|Jicheng|ah|if|||past tense marker|then|let|him|enter|city|particle indicating suggestion General Wei, you take an army, make a show of force, and say you want to capture Jicheng. If Jiang Wei arrives, let him into the city. 魏延 接受 咗 命令 出發 喇 。 Wei Yan|accepted|past tense marker|order|departed|sentence-final particle Wei Yan accepted the order and set off. 孔明 又 問 嗰 個 安定 人 : 天水 郡 呢 處邊 笪 地方 最 緊要 啊 ? Kongming|again|asked|that|classifier for people|stable|person|Tianshui|county|this|where|to stop|place|most|important|particle Kongming then asked the person from Anding: Which area in Tianshui County is the most important? 啟 稟 丞相 , 天水 嘅 錢糧 都 喺 上 邽 縣 , 若果 攻破 咗 上 邽 噉 啊 糧餉 自然 斷絕 喇 。 ||Prime Minister|Tianshui|possessive particle|food and money|all|at|||county|if|capture|past tense marker|||like this|particle|rations|naturally|cut off|particle I report to the Prime Minister, the grain of Tianshui is all in Shangqian County. If we break Shangqian, the supplies will naturally be cut off. 嗯 , 得法 喇 ! hmm|got it|particle indicating completion or realization Hmm, that's a good plan! 孔明 即刻 命令 趙雲帶 一隊 人馬 去 攻打 上 邽 。 Zhuge Liang|immediately|ordered||a unit|soldiers|to|attack|Shang|Qie Kongming immediately ordered Zhao Yun to take a team of soldiers to attack Shangqian. 然後 孔明 啊 帶兵 退到 離城 三十里 嘅 地方 扎落 營寨 。 then|Kongming|ah|lead the troops|retreated to|away from the city|thirty li|possessive particle|place|set up|camp Then Kongming led the troops to retreat to a place thirty miles away from the city to set up camp. 天水 嘅 探子 , 探聽到 蜀 軍 嘅 動靜 就 返去 報告 話 : Tianshui|possessive particle|scout|heard|Shu|army|possessive particle|movements|then|returned|report|said The scouts from Tianshui, upon hearing the movements of the Shu army, returned to report saying: 蜀兵 分為 三路 , 一支 軍隊 守住 天水 郡 , 一支 軍隊 去 攻打 上 邽 , 一支 軍隊 去 攻打 冀城 噉 。 Shu soldiers|divided into|three routes|one detachment|army|defended|Tianshui|county|one detachment|army|went|to attack|||one detachment|army|went|to attack|Jicheng|like this The Shu army is divided into three routes: one army is stationed at Tianshui County, one army is going to attack Shangqie, and one army is going to attack Jicheng. 姜維一 聽 , 弊 ! 就 去 懇求 馬 遵話 喇 : Jiang Wei Yi|listen|wrong|then|go|plead|Ma|Zunhua|particle indicating completion When Jiang Wei heard this, he was worried! So he went to plead with Ma Zun. 小將 嘅 母親 而 家 喺 冀 城 , 好 擔心 佢 有 危險 , 請 大人 派 我 帶 一支 軍隊 去 救冀城 , 同時 去 保護 母親 啦 。 the young general|possessive particle|mother|and|home|at|||very|worried|he|has|danger|please|adults|send|I|bring|a|army|to||at the same time|to|protect|mother|sentence-final particle The mother of the young general is currently in Jicheng and is very worried that he is in danger. Please, my lord, send me with an army to rescue Jicheng and at the same time protect my mother. 馬 遵 同意 , 又 命令 姜維帶 三千 兵去 保衛 冀城 , Ma|Zun|agreed|again|ordered||three thousand||defend|Jicheng Ma Zun agreed and ordered Jiang Wei to take three thousand soldiers to defend Jicheng. 又 命令 梁 虔帶 三千 兵去 保衛 上 邽 。 again|ordered|Leung||three thousand||defend|Shang|Qie He also ordered Liang Qian to take three thousand soldiers to defend Shangqie. 而家 就 係 講下 姜維 , 佢 帶兵 趕到 冀城 。 now|just|is|talking about|Jiang Wei|he|led his troops|arrived at|Jicheng Now let's talk about Jiang Wei, he led his troops to Jicheng. 只見 前面 一彪 人馬 擺開陣勢 , 為 首一名 大將 乃 係 魏延 。 suddenly saw|in front|a group of|soldiers and horses||||general|indeed|is|Wei Yan In front, a group of cavalry was forming a formation, and the leading general was Wei Yan. 兩個 交鋒 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 魏延 就 詐敗 逃走 。 the two|clashes|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|Wei Yan|then|feigned defeat|ran away The two clashed and fought for several rounds, and Wei Yan pretended to be defeated and fled. 姜維入 咗 冀城 立即 關閉 城門 , 下令 加強 守衛 唔 准 出戰 , 然後 佢 自己 呢 就 去 拜見 母親 。 |past tense marker|Jicheng|immediately|closed|city gate|ordered|strengthen|defense|not|allowed|to go to battle|then|he|himself|particle for emphasis|then|went|to pay respects to|mother Jiang Wei entered Jicheng and immediately closed the city gates, ordering to strengthen the defense and not allow any sorties, then he himself went to visit his mother. 喺 上 邽 城 呢 便 呢 , 趙雲 亦 係 放梁 虔入 咗 城 。 at|upper|Qia|city|this|then|this|Zhao Yun|also|is|Fang Liang||past tense marker|city In Shangqicheng, Zhao Yun also allowed Liang Qian to enter the city. 孔明 跟 住 派 人 就 返去 南安 郡 , 將 夏侯楙 啊 , 押解 嚟 到 前線 。 Kongming|||send|person|then|return to|Nanan|county|capture|Xiahou Mao|ah|escort|come|to|front line Kong Ming sent someone back to Nanan County to escort Xiahou Mao to the front line. 孔明 就 問 佢 嘞 : 你 怕 唔 怕死 啊 ? Kongming|then|asked|he|past tense marker|you|afraid|not|die|question particle Kong Ming then asked him: Are you afraid of dying? 哎呀呀 呀 , 誒 請 丞相 手下留情 啊 ! oh no|particle|hey|please|Prime Minister|show mercy|particle Oh dear, please have mercy, Prime Minister! 目前 , 姜 維 喺 度 把守 冀城 , 佢 派 人 帶 咗 封信 嚟 話 , 只要 駙馬 喺 度 呢 , 佢 就 肯 投降 喇 噉 。 currently|||at|place|defending|Jicheng|he|sent|someone|to bring|past tense marker|letter|here|saying|as long as|prince consort|at|place|this|he|then|willing|to surrender|sentence-final particle|like that Currently, Jiang Wei is guarding Jicheng, and he sent someone with a letter saying that as long as the Duke is here, he is willing to surrender. 我而家 唔 殺 你 , 你 肯 唔 肯去 招安 姜維 啊 ? I now|not|kill|you||willing|not|willing to go|surrender|Jiang Wei|question particle If I don't kill you now, are you willing to go persuade Jiang Wei to surrender? 肯 , 肯 ! 我 去 招安 佢 啦 。 yes||I|go|to persuade him to surrender|he|particle indicating a completed action Sure, sure! I'll go and recruit him. 孔明 叫 人 畀 衣服 同 馬匹 佢 , 亦 唔 派 人 跟 就 噉 就 放 佢 走 , 由 得 佢 自己 去 。 Kongming|ordered|people|to give|clothes|and|horses|him|also|not|send|people|to follow|then|like that|then|let|him|go|let|allowed|him|himself|go Kongming asked people to give him clothes and horses, and didn't send anyone to follow him, just let him go on his own. 夏侯楙 甩 咗 身出 嚟 , 離開 咗 蜀 軍營 寨 就 搵 路行 啦 。 Xiahou Mao|shake off|past tense marker||come|leave|past tense marker|Shu|military camp|base|then|find||sentence final particle Xiahou Mao slipped out, left the Shu army camp, and started looking for a way to walk. 但 係 又 唔 識路 嘩 , 冇 法子 唯有 見路 就 行 。 ||again|not|know the way|wow|||only|see the road|then|walk But he didn't know the way, so he had no choice but to walk whenever he saw a path. 行行 下 見到 有 幾個 人 , 夏侯楙 就問 下 佢 哋 。 walk|down|saw|there are|a few|people|Xiahou Mao||him|they|plural marker As he walked, he saw a few people, and Xiahou Mao asked them. 啲 人話 喇 : 我 哋 係 冀 城 嘅 老百姓 啊 , 因為 姜維獻 咗 城池 , 投降 咗 諸葛亮 。 these||particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|am|Ji|city|possessive particle|commoners|particle for emphasis|because||past tense marker|city|surrendered|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang People say: We are the common people of Jicheng, because Jiang Wei surrendered the city and submitted to Zhuge Liang. 噉 嗰 個 蜀 將 魏 延 又 壞 到 極 啊 , 入 咗 城 之後 呀 , 又 放火 , 又 打劫 。 then|that|measure word|Shu|general|Wei|Yan|again|bad|to|extreme|particle|enter|past tense marker|city|after|particle|again|set fire|again|rob That Shu general Wei Yan is extremely bad; after entering the city, he set fires and looted. 所以 我 哋 咪 逃跑 出 嚟 啦 , 而家 去 上 邽 啊 。 so|we|plural marker|should|run away|out|come|sentence final particle|now|go|up|hill|sentence final particle So we ran away, and now we are going to Shangqiao. 誒 , 而家 邊個 喺 度 守 天水 郡 城 啊 ? hey|now|who|is|here|guarding|Tin Shui|County|Town|question particle Hey, who is guarding the Tianshui County city now? 係 馬 太守 喺 度 咯 。 is|Ma|magistrate|at|place|particle indicating completed action It's Governor Ma who is here. 夏侯楙 問明 情況 , 一 拍馬 就 跑 去 天水 。 Xiahou Mao|asked Ming|situation|one|spurred his horse|then|||Tianshui Xiahou Mao asked about the situation, and immediately rode off to Tianshui. 一路行 , 沿途 都 遇見 好多 老百姓 , 拖男帶女 。 walking all the way|along the way|all|encountered|many|ordinary people|carrying men and women On the way, he encountered many common people, dragging men and women. 噉 問 佢 哋 情況 呢 , 佢 哋 所講 嘅 都 係 同 先頭 聽 嘅 一模一樣 嘅 。 then|ask|he|they|situation|particle|he|they|what was said|particle|all|is|the same as|earlier|heard|particle|identical|particle So he asked them about the situation, and what they said was exactly the same as what he heard earlier. 噉 夏侯楙 就 跑 到 天水 郡 城下 便 叫門 嘞 。 then|Xiahou Mao|then|ran|to|Tianshui|county|under the city|then|called the door|past tense particle Then Xiahou Mao ran to the city of Tianshui and called at the gate. 城 上 嘅 人 認得 係 駙馬爺 , 慌忙 開門 迎接 , 就 帶 佢 去 衙門 喇 。 city|on|possessive particle|person|recognized|is|Prince Consort|hurriedly|opened the door|welcomed|then|took|him|to|yamen|particle indicating completed action The people on the city wall recognized it was the noble horseman, and hurriedly opened the gate to welcome him, then took him to the yamen. 嘿 呀 馬 遵 見到 駙馬爺 咁 狼狽 嚟 到 , 吃 咗 一驚 啊 跪 低 叩頭 請安 。 hey|particle|horse|obey|saw|prince consort|so|embarrassed|||eat|past tense marker|a fright|particle|kneel|down|knock head|pay respects Hey, Ma Zun saw the prince in such a predicament, he was shocked and knelt down to pay his respects. 夏侯楙 將姜 維 嘅 事 與 及 喺 路上 聽 老百姓 講 嗰 啲 嘢 啊 , 講返 畀 馬 遵 聽 。 Xiahou Mao||Wei|possessive particle|matter|and|also|at|on the road|heard|common people|talking|that|plural particle|things|ah|report back|to|Ma|Zun|listen Xiahou Mao reported the situation of Jiang Wei and mentioned what he heard from the common people on the road to Ma Zun. 馬 遵 就 話 喇 : 唉 ! 想 唔 到 姜維 都 投降 咗 西 蜀 喇 吓 。 Ma|Zun|then|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|think|not|to|Jiang Wei|all|surrender|past tense marker|Western|Shu|particle indicating completed action|surprise particle Ma Zun then said: Ah! I didn't expect Jiang Wei to have surrendered to the Western Shu. 梁緒 諗 咗 一 諗 就 話 喇 : 佢 怕 係 想 救 都督 , 故此 噉 樣 講詐 諦 投降 嘅 啫 。 Leung Hsu|thought|past tense marker|one|thought|then|said|sentence-final particle|he|afraid|is|wanted|to save|governor|therefore|like this|manner|talking deceitfully|really|surrender|possessive particle|only Liang Xu thought for a moment and said: He probably wants to save the governor, that's why he pretended to surrender. 夏侯楙 話 喇 : 而家 姜維 都 已經 投降 咗 喇 , 仲點 會 係 假 嘅 呢 ? Xiahou Mao|said|particle indicating completed action|now|Jiang Wei|already|already|surrendered|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating completed action||would|be|fake|particle indicating possession|question particle Xiahou Mao said: Now that Jiang Wei has already surrendered, how could it be fake? 正 喺 度 議論 緊 , 當時 已經 係 初 更 時候 , 蜀兵 又 嚟 攻城 嘞 喎 , 噉 啊 大家 都 上去 城樓 守衛 啦 。 just|at|place|discussing|ongoing|at that time|already|was|first|watch|time|Shu soldiers|again|come|attack the city|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|ah|everyone|all|go up|city tower|defend|sentence-final particle We are currently discussing, and it was already the early hours of the morning when the Shu troops came to attack the city, so everyone went up to the city tower to defend. 喺 火光 之中 , 見到 姜 維 喺 城下 挺槍 勒馬 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 請 夏侯 都督 答話 ! in|firelight|within|saw|Jiang|Wei|at|the city gate|holding a spear|reining in his horse|loudly|like that|shouted|please|Xiahou|General|respond In the midst of the firelight, I saw Jiang Wei at the foot of the city, brandishing his spear and shouting loudly: 'Please respond, General Xiahou!' 夏侯楙 就 問 佢 : 我 喺 處 啊 , 你 背主 投敵 , 仲有 咩 嘢 說話 好講 啊 ! Xiahou Mao|then|asked|him|I|at|place|particle|you|betray|join the enemy|still have|what|thing|conversation||particle Xiahou Mao then asked him: 'I am here, you have betrayed your lord and defected, what else is there to say?' 都督 大人 , 我 係 為 咗 你 而 投降 㗎 咋 , 點解 你 違背 自己 講過 個 說話 㗎 ! Governor|Sir|I|am|for|past tense marker|you|and|surrender|sentence-final particle|only|why|you|break|your own|said|the|promise|sentence-final particle 'General, I surrendered for your sake, why are you going back on your word?' 哼 ! 你 身受 魏國 恩德 , 點解 要 投降 蜀國 ! 我 又 講過 啲 乜嘢 說話 ? hum|you|received|Wei state|kindness|why|want to|surrender|Shu state|I|again|said|some|what|words Hmph! You have received the grace of the Wei state, why do you want to surrender to the Shu state? What have I said before? 係 都督 你 寫信 畀 我 , 要 我 投降 蜀國 個 噃, 點解 你 而家 又 噉 講 啊 ? is|Governor|you|write a letter|to|me|want|I|surrender|Shu Kingdom|particle||why|you|now|again|like this|say|ah Hey Governor, you wrote to me asking me to surrender to Shu, why are you saying this now? 你 自己 想 甩身 就 出賣 咗 我 , 我而家 投降 咗 蜀國 , 已經 升官 做 上將 喇 ! 想 我 返 嚟 蜀國 呀 , 唔 使 旨意 喇 ! you|yourself|want|escape|then|betrayed|past tense marker|me|I now|surrendered|past tense marker|Shu Kingdom|already|promoted|to be|general|sentence-final particle|want|I|return|to|Shu Kingdom|sentence-final particle|not|need|imperial decree|sentence-final particle You wanted to get out of it and sold me out, I have already surrendered to Shu and have been promoted to General! If you want me to return to Shu, there's no need for an edict! 講完 , 姜維 就 立即 指揮 兵馬 攻城 , 一直 打 到 天光 先至 退兵 。 after speaking|Jiang Wei|then|immediately|commanded|troops|attacked the city|continuously|fought|until|dawn|only then|retreated After saying that, Jiang Wei immediately commanded the troops to attack the city, fighting until dawn before retreating. 喂喂 喂 , 呢 個 究竟 係 唔 係 姜維 嚟 㗎 ? hey||this|measure word|exactly|is|not|is|Jiang Wei|come|question particle Hey, hey, hey, is this really Jiang Wei? 唔 係 , 呢 個 係 孔明 嘅 計謀 嚟 啊 ! |is||||Kongming|possessive particle|strategy|come|final particle No, this is Kongming's strategy! 孔明 喺 啲 兵卒 當中 , 揀到 個 相貌 身材 同姜維 都 差 唔 多 嘅 , 就 叫 佢 扮成 姜維 噉 樣 , 喺 夜晚 帶兵 去 攻城 。 Zhuge Liang|at|the|soldiers|among|selected|the|appearance|build||both||||particle indicating possession|then|called|him|to disguise as|Jiang Wei|like|appearance|at|night||to|attack the city Kong Ming chose a soldier among the troops who looked similar to Jiang Wei and asked him to disguise as Jiang Wei, leading the troops to attack the city at night. 事關 夜晚 喇 , 黑 麻麻 , 火光 掩映 就 唔 容易 畀 人 睇 穿 啦 嘛 。 regarding|night|particle indicating completed action|dark|unclear|firelight|obscured|then|not|easily|by|people|see|through|particle indicating suggestion|particle indicating obviousness Since it was night, it was dark, and the firelight made it difficult for people to see through. 孔明 呢 頭派 個人 假扮 姜維去 攻 天水 , 嗰 頭 佢 又 親自 帶兵 去 攻冀 城 噃。 Zhuge Liang|question particle||person|disguise||attack|Tianshui|that|first|he|again|personally|lead troops|to|attack Jizhou|city|sentence-final particle Kong Ming sent a person to impersonate Jiang Wei to attack Tianshui, while he personally led the troops to attack Jicheng. 冀 城裏 便 糧食 缺乏 , 唔 夠 軍糧 。 hope|in the city|then|food|shortage|not|enough|military rations In Jicheng, there was a shortage of food and military supplies. 呢 一日 , 姜 維 喺 城 上 見到 蜀兵 呀 大車 細車 猛 咁 搬運 糧草 入去 魏 延 嘅 營寨 裏 便 。 this|day|||at|city|on|saw|Shu soldiers|particle|large carts|small carts|fiercely|so|transporting|grain and fodder|into|Wei|Yan|possessive particle|camp|inside|then One day, Jiang Wei saw the Shu soldiers transporting food and supplies vigorously into Wei Yan's camp. 好 , 你 有 糧 我 冇 糧 , 搶 你 嘅 ! good|you|have|food|I|don't have|food|rob|your|possessive particle Okay, you have food and I don't, I'll rob yours! 姜維帶 住 三千 兵 , 出城 去 搶 糧 嘞 喎 。 ||three thousand|soldiers|out of the city|to|rob|grain|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Jiang Wei took three thousand soldiers and went out of the city to rob food. 姜維 人馬 一到 , 啲 蜀 兵 啊 掉 低 晒 糧草 趯 走 嘞 。 Jiang Wei|troops|upon arrival|the|Shu|soldiers|particle indicating exclamation|drop|down|all|supplies|hurriedly|flee|past tense particle As soon as Jiang Wei's troops arrived, the Shu soldiers dropped all the supplies and fled. 姜維 搶 到 糧車 好 高興 啦 , 正話 想 返入 城 , 點知 畀 一彪 蜀 軍 攔住 , 原 嚟 係 蜀 將張 翼 嘅 部隊 。 Jiang Wei|rob|to|supply truck|very|happy|particle|just|wanted|return to|city|unexpectedly|by|a group of|Shu|army|stopped|||was|Shu||Yi|possessive particle|troops Jiang Wei was very happy to have seized the food carts, just as he was thinking of returning to the city, he was blocked by a group of Shu troops, which turned out to be the forces of Shu general Zhang Yi. 兩個 人 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 王平 帶兵 殺到 喇 , 兩便 夾攻 一個打 兩個 。 two|people|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|Wang Ping|lead troops|attacked|particle indicating completion|both sides|attack together||two The two fought for several rounds, and Wang Ping led his troops to kill them, attacking one while the other was being attacked. 姜維 唔 夠 氣力 , 頂 唔 住 , 就 殺 開條 路 想 跑 返入 城 啦 。 Jiang Wei|not|enough|strength|endure|||then|clear|open a|path|want|run|back into|city|particle indicating suggestion or realization Jiang Wei didn't have enough strength, couldn't hold on, so he broke through a path wanting to run back into the city. 哈 ! 誰知 去 到 城下 一望 , 弊 晒 喇 ! 城頭 上 已經 插滿 咗 蜀 軍旗 幟 咯 。 ha|who would have thought|go|arrive|under the city|at a glance|defeat|completely|particle indicating completion|city wall|on|already|filled with|past tense marker|Shu|military flag|banner|particle indicating realization Ha! Who knew that when he reached the city and took a look, it was a complete mess! The city walls were already filled with Shu army flags. 原來 已經 畀 魏延 偷襲 咗 嘞 。 it turns out|already|by|Wei Yan|surprise attack|past tense marker|sentence final particle It turned out that they had already been ambushed by Wei Yan. 姜維 猛衝 猛打 , 殺開 條路 啊 直奔 天 水城 。 Jiang Wei|charged forward|struck fiercely|cleared|path|ah|headed straight for|| Jiang Wei charged fiercely, fighting his way straight to Tianshui City. 當時 佢 手下 呢 仲有 十零 人 嘅 , 噉 半路 又 撞 着 張 苞 , 攔住 殺 咗 一陣 。 at that time|he|subordinates|particle indicating a question|still have|over ten|people|possessive particle|then|halfway|again|crash|past tense marker|surname Zhang|Bao|stopped|killed|past tense marker|a moment At that time, he still had about ten subordinates with him, and halfway he ran into Zhang Bao, who blocked him and they fought for a while. 殺到 姜維 只 係 淨 返 自己 孤家寡人 單槍匹馬 趯 到 去 天水 城下 叫門 。 arrived at|Jiang Wei|only|is|left|return|himself|lonely man|single-handedly|rushed|to|go|Tianshui|under the city|called the gate Killing all the way, Jiang Wei was left all alone, a solitary figure, rushing to the foot of Tianshui City to call at the gate. 城 上 嘅 兵卒 見到 係 姜維 , 咦 , 乜 又 嚟 喇 , 喇喇聲 趯 去 報告 馬 遵 。 city|on|possessive particle|soldier|saw|is|Jiang Wei|eh|what|again|come|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|ran|to|report|Ma|Zun The soldiers on the city wall saw it was Jiang Wei and said, 'Oh, what, he's here again,' and hurried to report to Ma Zun. 馬 遵話 : 哈哈 , 姜維 呢 個 傢伙 , 想 嚟 騙 我 開 城門 呀 , 你 哋 同 我 亂箭 射 佢 ! Ma|said|haha|Jiang Wei|this|measure word|guy|wants|to come|deceive|me|open|city gate|particle|you|plural marker|together|I|random arrows|shoot|him Ma Zun said: 'Haha, this guy Jiang Wei, he must be trying to trick me into opening the city gate, shoot him with a rain of arrows!' 姜維 冇 法子 啦 , 城上 啲 箭 好似 落 大雨 噉 飛落 嚟 , 咪 擰 轉頭 望下 , 蜀兵 又 追到 嚟 咁 滯 嘞 。 Jiang Wei|no|way|particle indicating finality|on the city|plural marker|arrows|seem|falling|heavy rain|like|flying down|coming|then||turning around|looking|Shu soldiers|again|caught up|coming|so|slow|particle indicating completed action Jiang Wei had no choice, the arrows from the city fell like heavy rain, so he turned his head to look, and the Shu soldiers were chasing after him. 嘿 ! 唯有 飛馬 跑 去 上 邽 城 嘞 。 hey|only|Flying Horse|run|to|up|Kai|city|particle indicating completed action Hey! The only option was to ride fast to Shangqian City. 一去 到 , 梁 虔 喺 城 上 見到 係 姜維 就 破口大罵 : 你 呢 個 反賊 , 你仲想 嚟 騙 我 嘅 城池 呀 ? 我 早就 知道 你 投降 咗 蜀國 喇 ! 又 係 亂箭 噉 射過去 。 ||||at|||saw|it was|Jiang Wei|then|shouted angrily|you|||traitor|you still want|to|deceive|me|possessive particle|city|question particle|I|long ago|knew|you|surrendered|past tense marker|Shu Kingdom|past action particle|again|is|random arrows|like that|shot over When Liang Qian saw Jiang Wei on the city wall, he shouted angrily: "You traitor, do you still want to deceive me about my city? I already knew you had surrendered to Shu!" Then he shot arrows at him. 姜維真 係 有口難言 啊 , 唉 ! 唯有 仰 天長 歎 , 眼淚 惦流 係 啦 。 Jiang Weizhen|is|unable to speak|ah|sigh|only||||tears|continuously flowing|is|particle indicating finality Jiang Wei truly had no words to say, sigh! He could only look up to the sky and sigh deeply, with tears streaming down. 佢 一 勒 隻 馬 , 就 向 住 長安 嘅 方向 跑 去 。 He|one|pulled|measure word for animals|horse|then|towards|residing|Chang'an|possessive particle|direction|ran|away He tightened the reins of his horse and ran towards the direction of Chang'an. 行 咗 幾里路 , 嚟 到 一座 大樹林 前 便 。 walk|past tense marker|several miles|come|arrive|a (measure word for buildings)|large forest|in front of|then After traveling a few miles, he arrived in front of a large forest. 忽然間 喎 嗬 噉 吶喊 一聲 , 幾千 人馬 就 一齊 湧出 嚟 , 關興 橫刀 勒馬 攔住 去路 。 suddenly|particle indicating realization|exclamation|like that|shout|one sound|several thousand|soldiers and horses|then|together|surged out|particle indicating direction|Guan Xing|cross sword|reined in his horse|blocked|path Suddenly, with a shout, thousands of soldiers surged out, and Guan Xing blocked the way with his sword drawn. 姜維 呢 陣 啊 已經 係 人困馬乏 , 自己 都 知道 根本 冇 得 打 㗎 喇 。 Jiang Wei|this|time|ah|already|is|exhausted|oneself|also|knows|fundamentally|no|possibility|fight|particle|particle Jiang Wei is already exhausted at this moment, and he knows that there is basically no way to fight. 勒 轉馬 頭就 走 , 行 咗 幾步 , 只見 有架 四輪車 喺 前面 山坡 轉 咗 出 嚟 。 pull|turn the horse||walk|walking|past tense marker|a few steps|suddenly saw||four-wheeled vehicle|at|in front|hill|turn|past tense marker|out|come He turned the horse's head and left, after walking a few steps, he saw a four-wheeled carriage coming out from the hillside ahead. 孔明 呀 坐 住 喺 上面 啊 , 頭 戴綸巾 身穿 道袍 , 搖住 把 鵝毛扇 滋悠 淡定 。 Zhuge Liang|particle indicating surprise|||at|above|particle indicating exclamation|head|||Daoist robe|holding and waving|measure word for objects|goose feather fan|leisurely|calm Kong Ming was sitting on top, wearing a silk scarf on his head and a Taoist robe, leisurely waving a goose feather fan. 孔明 就 嗌 姜維話 喇 : 伯約 , 你 到 呢 個 時候 都 仲 唔 投降 呀 ? Kongming|then|shouted||particle|Bo Yue|you|arrive|this|measure word|time|still|still|not|surrender|particle Kong Ming called out to Jiang Wei: "Uncle, are you still not surrendering at this time?" 投降 ? 姜維 諗 咗 一下 , 嗨 ! 前有 孔明 後 有關 興 , 而且 自己 仲有 咩 嘢 去路 呢 ? surrender|Jiang Wei|thought|past tense marker|for a moment|sigh||Kongming (Zhuge Liang)|behind||Xing (Xing Yu)|moreover|oneself||what|thing|way out|question particle Surrender? Jiang Wei thought for a moment, sigh! With Kong Ming in front and Guan Xing behind, what other way do I have to escape? 嘿 ! 落馬 投降 ! hey|get off the horse|surrender Hey! Surrender! 姜維一 落馬 , 孔明 喇喇聲 落車 歡迎 佢 啊 。 Jiang Wei|fell off his horse|Kongming|loudly|got out of the car|welcome|him|ah When Jiang Wei surrendered, Kongming welcomed him with loud cheers. 孔明 拉住 姜維 隻 手話 : 我 自出 茅廬 之後 , 到處 咁 去 物色 品德 優良 嘅 人才 , 想將 自己 平生 嘅 學問 , 傳授 畀 佢 , 但 係 一直 都 未 得 其 人 啊 。 Kongming|grabbed|Jiang Wei|one|hand|I|since leaving|humble dwelling|after|everywhere|so|go|searching for|character|excellent|possessive particle|talent||myself|lifetime|possessive particle|knowledge|to teach|to|him|but|is|always|all|not yet|found|his|person|ah Kongming held Jiang Wei's hand and said: Since I came out of my thatched cottage, I have been looking for virtuous talents everywhere, wanting to pass on my lifelong knowledge to them, but I have never found the right person. 今日 遇見 伯約 你 , 我 嘅 願望 就 實現 咯 ! today|met|Uncle Yip|you|I|possessive particle|wish|then|realized|sentence-final particle Today, meeting you, my wish has come true! 嘩 歡喜 到 姜維 不得了 , 深深 噉 拜謝 孔明 啊 。 wow|happy|to|Jiang Wei|incredible|deeply|like this|thank|Kongming|ah Wow, Jiang Wei was overjoyed and deeply thanked Kongming. 噉 孔明同 姜維返 到 大本營 , 就 召集 眾 將官 一齊 嚟 商量 奪取 天水 、 上 邽 嘅 辦法 。 then|||to|main camp|then|gather|all|military officers|together|come|discuss|capture|Tianshui|Shang|Qie|possessive particle|method So, when Kongming and Jiang Wei returned to the main camp, they gathered all the generals together to discuss the plan to capture Tianshui and Shanggui.

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