Historien om Grønlands flag, som du måske ikke kender
The story|of|Greenland's|flag|which|you|perhaps|not|know
Die Geschichte der grönländischen Flagge, die Sie vielleicht noch nicht kennen
De geschiedenis van de vlag van Groenland die je misschien niet kent
Historia flagi Grenlandii, której możesz nie znać
Grönlands flaggas historia som du kanske inte känner till
The story of Greenland's flag, which you may not know.
I dag vajede det nye og omstridte grønlandske flag -
Today, the new and controversial Greenlandic flag was flying -
- for første gang officielt.
- officially for the first time.
Der er en vældig ballade. Flere og flere vil af med det igen.
There|is|a|great|fuss|More|and|more|will|rid of|with|it|again
There is a lot of commotion. More and more people want to get rid of it again.
Grønland har haft et modsætningsfyldt forhold til Danmark.
Greenland has had a contradictory relationship with Denmark.
Først som handelskoloni, men i højere grad -
First|as|trading colony|but|to a|higher|degree
First as a trading colony, but to a greater extent -
- efter at Hans Egede i 1721 kom til Grønland -
- after Hans Egede arrived in Greenland in 1721 -
- og kolonistæder som Julianehåb og Upernavik blev anlagt.
and|colonial towns|such as|Julianehåb|and|Upernavik|were|established
- and colonial settlements such as Julianehåb and Upernavik were established.
Indtil 1979 blev Grønland administreret fra Danmark.
Until 1979, Greenland was administered from Denmark.
Vi skal ikke fremover fungere som bedrevidende storebror.
We|shall|not|in the future|function|as|know-it-all|big brother
We should not function as a know-it-all big brother in the future.
Til og med 85 var Dannebrog også grønlændernes flag.
||||||der Grönländer|
Until|and|including|was|the Dannebrog|also|the Greenlanders'|flag
Until 1985, the Dannebrog was also the flag of the Greenlanders.
Mens Egede er blevet det negative symbol på den danske kolonimagt -
While|Egede|is|become|the|negative|symbol|of|the|Danish|colonial power
While Egede has become the negative symbol of Danish colonial power -
- blev det nye flag, Erfalasorput, markør for grønlandsk identitet.
- became the new flag, Erfalasorput, a marker of Greenlandic identity.
Vejen til flaget var præget af uenighed -
The road|to|the flag|was|marked|by|disagreement
The road to the flag was marked by disagreement -
- der spejlede forholdet til Danmark.
- that reflected the relationship with Denmark.
Først springer vi tilbage til 1953. Grønland blev efter en lovændring -
First|we jump||back|to|Greenland|was|after|a|law change
First, we jump back to 1953. Greenland became, after a change in law -
- til et ligestillet dansk amt og skulle nu være et moderne land.
- to an equal Danish county and should now be a modern country.
Man skulle ikke fange sæler, men rejer og fisk -
One should not catch seals, but shrimp and fish -
- og fangsten skulle forarbejdes på nye fabrikker i større byer.
and|the catch|should|be processed|in|new|factories|in|larger|cities
- and the catch should be processed in new factories in larger cities.
Mange flyttede fra de små bygder ind i nyopførte boligblokke -
Many|moved|from|the|small|villages|into|in|newly built|apartment blocks
Many moved from the small villages into newly built apartment blocks -
- i byerne langs vestkysten.
in|the cities|along|the west coast
- in the cities along the west coast.
Danske ingeniører, læger, håndværkere og lærere kom til -
Danish engineers, doctors, craftsmen, and teachers came to -
- for at være med til moderniseringen.
to|be|be|part|in|the modernization
- participate in the modernization.
Planen var, at grønlænderne skulle overtage arbejdet i fremtiden.
The plan|was|that|the Greenlanders|would|take over|the work|in|the future
Der Plan war, dass die Grönländer in Zukunft die Arbeit übernehmen sollten.
The plan was for the Greenlanders to take over the work in the future.
For at lokke dansk arbejdskraft til Grønland -
Um dänische Arbeitskräfte nach Grönland zu locken -
To attract Danish labor to Greenland -
- gav man god løn til danskerne.
gave|one|good|salary|to|the Danes
- gab man den Dänen gute Löhne.
- good wages were offered to the Danes.
Et såkaldt fødestedskriterie gjorde -
A|so-called|birthplace criterion|made
A so-called birthplace criterion meant -
- at din løn blev afgjort af, hvor du var født.
- that your salary was determined by where you were born.
En dansk sygeplejerske tjente fem gange så meget -
A Danish nurse earned five times as much -
- som en grønlandsk for det samme arbejde.
- as a Greenlandic one for the same work.
Forskelsbehandlingen bryder jeg mig ikke om.
die Ungleichbehandlung|||||
The discrimination|I care||myself|not|about
I do not like the discrimination.
Den danske regering besluttede med Grønlands Landsråds accept -
The|Danish|government|decided|with|Greenland's|Home Rule Council|acceptance
The Danish government decided with the acceptance of Greenland's Land Council -
- at lukke en kulmine i Qullissat.
to|close|a|coal mine|in|Qullissat
- to close a coal mine in Qullissat.
Man er gået lidt hen over grønlænderne.
One|is|has walked|a little|further|past|the Greenlanders
One has overlooked the Greenlanders a bit.
Det blev set som en tvangsflytning -
It|was|seen|as|a|forced relocation
It was seen as a forced relocation -
- bestemt af den danske regering. Mange fik nok.
- determined by the Danish government. Many had enough.
Grønlands unge havde nye idéer.
Greenland's youth had new ideas.
De ville tage ansvar for deres land og ville føre en ny grønlandsk politik.
They wanted to take responsibility for their country and wanted to implement a new Greenlandic policy.
Det her er Vivi og Eva-Luusi fra Grønlands Nationalarkiv.
This|here|is|Vivi|and|||from|Greenland's|National Archives
This is Vivi and Eva-Luusi from the National Archives of Greenland.
Man begyndte at kunne se -
One began to see -
- hvor særegent et folk det grønlandske er -
- how unique a people the Greenlandic is -
- og anerkendte måske, at vi bliver måske aldrig ligesom danskerne.
and|acknowledged|maybe|that|we|become|maybe|never|like|the Danes
- and perhaps acknowledged that we may never be like the Danes.
Selvstændighedstanker spirede -
independence thoughts|sprouted
Thoughts of independence sprouted -
- og i julen 73 foreslog fem læsere i avisen Grønlandsposten -
and|in|Christmas|suggested|five|readers|in|the newspaper|Grønlandsposten
- and in Christmas 73, five readers suggested in the newspaper Grønlandsposten -
- at Grønland skulle have eget flag.
- that Greenland should have its own flag.
Læserbrevet indeholdt et bud på dets udseende.
The letter to the editor|contained|a|suggestion|on|its|appearance
The letter to the editor contained a suggestion for its appearance.
Dele af befolkningen ønskede at have et nationalt samlingspunkt -
Parts|of|the population|wanted|to|have|a|national|gathering point
Parts of the population wanted to have a national gathering point -
- som var særegent grønlandsk.
- that was distinctly Greenlandic.
Det strømmede ind med forslag -
It flooded in with suggestions -
- og blandt 64 mulige udvalgte avisen 11 til afstemning blandt læserne -
and|among|possible|selected|the newspaper|for|voting|among|the readers
- and among 64 possible selected, the newspaper chose 11 for voting among the readers -
- og vinderen endte med at blive Dannebrog!
|der Gewinner|||||
and|the winner|ended|up|to|become|Dannebrog
- and the winner ended up being Dannebrog!
Selvom der skete rigtig meget på det tidspunkt, viser det stadig -
Even though a lot was happening at that time, it still shows -
- at Grønland følte en form for samhørighed med Danmark.
- that Greenland felt a sense of belonging with Denmark.
I begyndelsen af 70'erne var man begyndt at diskutere hjemmestyre -
In|the beginning|of|the 1970s|was|one|begun|to|discuss|home rule
In the early 70s, discussions about home rule had begun -
- altså eget parlament, egen regering og delvis selvbestemmelse.
- that is, its own parliament, its own government, and partial self-determination.
I 1975 blev der så nedsat en hjemmestyrekommission -
In|was|there|then|appointed|a|home rule commission
In 1975, a home rule commission was established -
- og den 1. maj 1979 skete det. Hjemmestyret blev indført.
and|the|May|happened|it|Home Rule|was|introduced
- and on May 1, 1979, it happened. Home Rule was introduced.
Gud give jer lykke og gode råd. Gud bevare Grønland.
God|give|you (plural)|happiness|and|good|advice||preserve|Greenland
God grant you happiness and good advice. God preserve Greenland.
Guutip Kalaallit Nunaat sianigiliuk.
The dog|Greenlandic|land|is barking
Guutip Kalaallit Nunaat sianigiliuk.
Imens væltede det ind med bud på nye flag hos Grønlandsposten -
Meanwhile|poured|it|in|with|offers|for|new|flags|at|the Greenland Post
Meanwhile, there was a flood of proposals for new flags at the Greenland Post -
- og i 1979 var det så det nyvalgte Landsstyres tur -
and|in|was|it|then|the|newly elected|Government|turn
- and in 1979 it was the newly elected Government's turn -
- til at udskrive en konkurrence.
- to announce a competition.
Man blev dog så uenige, at alle forslag blev forkastet -
However, they became so disagreeable that all proposals were rejected -
- og man var nødt til at nedsætte et flagudvalg.
and|one|was|necessary|to|to|appoint|a|flag committee
- and they had to set up a flag committee.
Udvalget bad en række kunstnere komme med et bud på et flag -
The committee|asked|a|number of|artists|to come|with|a|proposal|for|a|flag
The committee asked a number of artists to come up with a proposal for a flag -
- og endte med at skære det ned til to.
- and ended up narrowing it down to two.
I går vedtog Grønlands Landsting, at det nye flag skal se således ud.
Yesterday||the Greenlandic Parliament|Greenland's|Parliament|that|the|new|flag|shall|look|like this|out
Yesterday, Greenland's Landsting approved that the new flag should look like this.
Det stemte 14 af Landstingets medlemmer for -
It|voted|of|the Landsting's|members|in favor
14 members of the Landsting voted in favor -
- mens 11 ville have grøn bund med hvidt kors.
- while 11 would have a green background with a white cross.
En stor del af befolkningen ville gerne have et flag med kors i -
A|large|part|of|the population|would|like|have|a|flag|with|cross|in
A large part of the population would like to have a flag with a cross -
- for at vise samhørigheden med Danmark.
|||die Zugehörigkeit||
- to show solidarity with Denmark.
Kritikken forstummer dog, og grønlænderne tager flaget til sig.
The criticism|dies down|however|and|the Greenlanders|take|the flag|to|themselves
However, the criticism fades, and the Greenlanders embrace the flag.
Det får navnet Erfalasorput, som betyder "vores flag".
It is named Erfalasorput, which means "our flag".
I 2006 blev det grønlandske flag en historie i danske medier igen.
In 2006, the Greenlandic flag became a story in Danish media again.
En kunstresearcher påpeger flagets lighed -
A|art researcher|points out|flag's|similarity
An art researcher points out the flag's similarity -
- med en stander fra en dansk roklub, men sagen var taget op i 1985.
with|a|stand|from|a|Danish|rowing club|but|the case|was|taken|up|in
- to a pennant from a Danish rowing club, but the issue was raised in 1985.
Landsstyret blev gjort opmærksom på lighederne -
The Government|was|made|aware|of|the similarities
The government was made aware of the similarities -
- kort efter flaget blev præsenteret.
shortly|after|the flag|was|presented
- shortly after the flag was presented.
Landsstyret anerkendte lighederne, men påpegede -
The government|acknowledged|the similarities|but|pointed out
The government acknowledged the similarities, but pointed out -
- at der ofte var sammenfald mellem flag, standere og vimpler.
- that there was often overlap between flags, banners, and pennants.
Konklusionen fra grønlandsk side blev derfor -
Die Schlussfolgerungen|||||
The conclusion|from|Greenlandic|side|was|therefore
The conclusion from the Greenlandic side was therefore -
- at de fremkomne oplysninger ikke burde have indflydelse -
- that the information presented should not have an influence -
- og beslutningen står derfor fast.
- and the decision therefore stands firm.
Vi er grønlændere, og vi har vores eget sprog.
We are Greenlanders, and we have our own language.
Vi har vores egen kultur. Vi har vores egne værdier.
We have our own culture. We have our own values.
Flaget symboliserer en anerkendelse af -
The flag|symbolizes|an|acknowledgment|of
The flag symbolizes an acknowledgment of -
- at det grønlandske folk er særegent inden for rigsfællesskabet.
that|the|Greenlandic|people|is|unique|within|for|the realm community
- that the Greenlandic people are unique within the realm of the Kingdom.
Det var historien om, hvordan Grønland fik sit flag.
It|was|the story|about|how|Greenland|got|its|flag
That was the story of how Greenland got its flag.
Hvis du vil se mere, har jeg lagt et link -
If you want to see more, I have put a link -
- der fører til dokumentarserien "Historien om Grønland og Danmark".
that|leads|to|the documentary series|The history|of|Greenland|and|Denmark
- that leads to the documentary series "The Story of Greenland and Denmark."
Tak, fordi du så med. Du må selvfølgelig gerne subscribe.
Thank|because|you|watched|along|You|may|of course|gladly|subscribe
Thank you for watching. You are of course welcome to subscribe.
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