Kommer der alligevel en Super League?
is there||still|||Super League
Wird es doch noch eine Super League geben?
Will there be a Super League after all?
Czy w ogóle powstanie Super League?
Будет ли Суперлига в конце концов?
Kommer det att bli en Super League trots allt?
12 af verdens største fodboldklubber fra England, Spanien og Italien -
||largest|football clubs||England|||Italy
- melder midt i april ud, at de laver deres egen piratliga, Super League.
||||||||||pirate league||
- announces in mid-April that they are creating their own pirate league, Super League.
Stifterne bliver lovet 26 mia. kr. til deling, og tanken er -
the founders|||billion|||sharing of||the idea|
The founders are promised DKK 26 billion to share, and the idea is
- at kampene skal sikre gigantiske indtægter til klubberne.
|||||revenues||the clubs
- that the matches will bring in huge revenue for the clubs.
Indtægter, der er langt større end dem -
Revenues (1)||||||
Revenues that are far greater than them
- som Champions League-turneringen har kunnet sikre dem indtil videre.
|Champions League||||||||
- that the Champions League tournament has been able to secure for them so far.
Men så bryder utilfredsheden ud.
||breaks|the discontent|
But then dissatisfaction erupts.
Inden for 72 timer bliver forsøget på at kuppe UEFA lagt i graven.
||||the attempt|||coup|UEFA|||grave
Within 72 hours, the attempt to overthrow UEFA is shelved.
Kuppet bliver afværget, men måske bare for en stund.
the coup|is|averted||||||moment
The coup is averted, but maybe just for a while.
For ifølge Florentino Pérez, manden i spidsen for Super League -
|according to|Florentino Pérez|Pérez|||charge|||
Because according to Florentino Pérez, the man in charge of the Super League
- er projektet bare sat på standby.
- the project is just on standby.
Men bliver det umuligt at undgå udbryderligaer som Super League -
|||||avoid|breakaway leagues|||
But will it be impossible to avoid breakaway leagues like Super League?
- når de store klubber lægger større og større afstand til alle de andre -
- when the big clubs are putting more and more distance between themselves and all the others
- både økonomisk og resultatmæssigt?
|||in terms of results
- both financially and performance-wise?
De sidste 10 år har kun fem klubber vundet Champions League.
In the last 10 years, only five clubs have won the Champions League.
Alle var fra Spanien, England, Tyskland, Italien og Frankrig
All were from Spain, England, Germany, Italy and France
- de fem største ligaer. De 10 år før dét bød på otte forskellige vindere.
|||leagues|||before that||offered||||winners
- the five biggest leagues. The 10 years before that saw eight different winners.
Porto blev i 2004 den seneste vinder, der ikke kom fra en top 5-liga.
In 2004, Porto became the last winner not to come from a top 5 league.
Kun ni forskellige klubber har løftet pokalen de sidste 20 år.
|||||lifted|the trophy|||
Only nine different clubs have lifted the trophy in the last 20 years.
20 år længere tilbage i tiden var der hele 15 forskellige vindere.
20 years ago, there were as many as 15 different winners.
Fem af dem var fra andre ligaer end de fem største.
Five of them were from leagues other than the top five.
Men i dag er det svært at forestille sig en vinder fra fx Rumænien.
But today, it's hard to imagine a winner from Romania, for example.
Steaua Bukarest har vundet Europa- pokalturneringen for mesterhold.
Steaua Bucharest|Bucharest||||the cup tournament||champion teams
Steaua Bucharest has won the European Cup tournament for champion teams.
Eller det nuværende Serbien.
Or present-day Serbia.
Og det gør han. Den jugoslaviske topscorer har afgjort sagen.
|||||Yugoslavian|top scorer||decided|the matter
And he does. The Yugoslavian top scorer has settled the matter.
I flere store nationale ligaer har udviklingen kun peget i én retning.
In several major national leagues, the trend has only pointed in one direction.
Juventus har vundet de seneste ni italienske mesterskaber.
Juventus have won the last nine Italian championships.
Bayern München har vundet otte på stribe i Tyskland -
Bayern Munich|Munich|||||||
Bayern Munich has won eight in a row in Germany
- og i Frankrig har PSG nuppet syv af de otte sidste mesterskaber.
- and in France, PSG have won seven of the last eight championships.
Og det er ikke helt tilfældigt, at konkurrencen er blevet mindre.
And it's no coincidence that competition has decreased.
Der er nogle milepæle i 90'erne. En reformation af turneringsformater.
|||milestones||||reformation||tournament formats
There are some milestones in the 90s. A reformation of tournament formats.
Kenneth Cortsen har forsket i fodboldens kommercielle udvikling.
Kenneth Cortsen has researched the commercial development of football.
Champions League var tidligere mesterholdenes Europacup -
||||champion teams'|European Cup
The Champions League used to be the European Cup for the champion teams
- hvor adgang kun var mulig, hvis man havde vundet den nationale liga.
- where entry was only possible if you had won the national league.
Man kom ud på den kommercielle bane og gav mulighed for -
You got into the commercial arena and gave the opportunity to
- at flere store ligaer kunne få flere hold med end bare mesterholdet.
|||||||||||the champion team
- that more major leagues could get more teams than just the champion team.
Jeg ser også en væsentlig milepæl med Bosmandommen i 90'erne.
I also see a significant milestone with the Bosman ruling in the 90s.
Der er mange bud på fremtiden.
|||suggestions||the future
There are many predictions for the future.
Når fx Genova møder Liverpool, kan Liverpool stille med tre tyskere -
For example, when Genoa meets Liverpool, Liverpool can field three Germans.
- fire franskmænd, en belgier og tre danskere.
- four French, one Belgian and three Danes.
Topklubber kaprer de bedste spillere. Det skævvrider konkurrencen.
Top clubs|captures|||||skewing|the competition
Top clubs poach the best players. This distorts competition.
Omsætning, transferudgifter og lønninger er steget voldsomt.
Revenue|transfer expenses||salaries||risen|
Turnover, transfer costs and salaries have skyrocketed.
De største klubber er blevet gigantforretninger.
|||||giant businesses
The biggest clubs have become giant businesses.
Flere udenlandske investorgrupper har købt sig ind i europæisk topfodbold.
||investor groups|||||||top football
Several foreign investor groups have bought into top European football.
Paris har en af de rigeste klubber, efter at emiren i Qatar købte PSG.
|||||||||the emir||||
Polariseringen mellem de allerstørste og de andre bliver mere udtalt.
the polarization|||||||||
The polarization between the greatest and the rest is becoming more pronounced.
I 2010 toppede Real Madrid listen over klubber med størst omsætning.
In 2010, Real Madrid topped the list of clubs with the highest turnover.
3,3 mia. kr. kom der i kassen.
DKK 3.3 billion came into the coffers.
2,5 mia. mere end Aston Villa, der lå nederst på listen med 0,8 mia.
2.5 billion more than Aston Villa, who were bottom of the list with 0.8 billion.
Ti år senere toppede FC Barcelona med en omsætning på 5,4 mia. kr.
Ten years later, FC Barcelona topped the list with a turnover of DKK 5.4 billion.
Over 4 mia. mere end listens sidste klub, Eintracht Frankfurt.
Over €4 billion more than the last club on the list, Eintracht Frankfurt.
UEFA er klar over problemerne med den øgede polarisering.
||||the problems|||increased|polarization
UEFA is aware of the problems of increased polarization.
Indtægter bliver mere koncentrerede.
Revenue becomes more concentrated.
De fem største ligaer genererer alene 75 % af de samlede indtægter.
The top five leagues alone generate 75% of the total revenue.
Og nu er der indikationer på, at de 30 største klubber -
And now there are indications that the 30 largest clubs
- har over halvdelen af indkomsten blandt klubberne i de bedste ligaer.
||half||the income||||||
- have over half the income of clubs in the top leagues.
Sidste års CL-vindere Bayern München -
Last year's CL winners Bayern Munich -
- kunne bogføre 900 mio. kr. i indtægter for sejren.
|book||||||the victory
- was able to book DKK 900 million in revenue for the win.
Men ikke alle de store klubber er tilfredse med beløbene.
|||||||satisfied||the amounts
But not all the big clubs are happy with the amounts.
Glidebanen startede i 90'erne, da man omstrukturerede turneringsformatet.
the Glidebanen||||||restructured|the tournament format
The slippery slope started in the 90s when the tournament format was restructured.
Man har lukket op for, at det er okay at tilgodese flere store klubber.
They have opened up the possibility that it's okay to favor several big clubs.
Får vi så ikke en udbryderliga, hvor de store klubber deler overskuddet?
|||||breakaway league||||||the profit
Won't we end up with a breakaway league where the big clubs share the profits?
Eller er det tomme trusler fra klubberne for at presse UEFA?
Or are these empty threats from clubs to put pressure on UEFA?
Presset er gået fra at være et kommunikativt pres til -
The pressure has gone from being a communicative pressure to
- at vi er tættere på en aktualisering.
- that we are closer to actualization.
Det tror jeg ikke vil ændre sig i de kommende år.
I don't think that will change in the coming years.
Jeg ved ikke, om der vil ske et skred mod handling på den her front -
I don't know if there will be a move towards action on this front
- og et format i en eller anden form, der kommer til at eksistere.
- and a format in some form that will exist.
Men jeg tror, at det vil være et kompromis med både FIFA og UEFA.
But I think it will be a compromise with both FIFA and UEFA.
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