TAJNE MARKETINGA - Ljubišasta krava od Seta Godina
|Marketing secrets|Purple|cow||Seta|
MARKETING-GEHEIMNISSE – The Purple Cow von Seth Godin
MARKETING SECRETS - The Purple Cow by Seth Godin
SECRETOS DE MARKETING - La Vaca Púrpura por Seth Godin
SECRETS MARKETING - La vache violette de Seth Godin
SEGRETI DI MARKETING - La mucca viola di Seth Godin
マーケティングの秘密 - セス・ゴーディン著「紫色の牛」
СЕКРЕТЫ МАРКЕТИНГА - Фиолетовая корова Сета Година
PAZARLAMA SIRLARI - Seth Godin'den Mor İnek
Kada je bio mali, Set Godin je zajedno sa porodicom putovao kroz Francusku.
||||Set(1)|Godin||together||his family|traveled||France
When he was little, Seth Godin traveled through France with his family.
Когда он был маленьким, Сет Годин путешествовал по Франции со своей семьей.
U jednom trenutku je kroz prozor od auta ugledao ogromnu livadu i
At one point, he saw a huge meadow through the car window
В какой-то момент он увидел огромный луг через окно машины.
na njoj hiljade i hiljade krava. Prizor ga je potpuno odusevio ali
||thousands||thousands||the sight|||completely|amazed|
thousands and thousands of cows on it. The sight completely amazed him, but
на нем тысячи и тысячи коров. Это зрелище совершенно поразило его, но
nakon nekog vremena, krave su postale dosadne.
|||the cows||became|bored
after a while, the cows got bored.
через некоторое время коровам стало скучно.
Razmisljao je o tome kako bi bilo dobro da se odjednom u tom stadu pojavi
he was thinking||||||||||||||
He thought about how good it would be if he suddenly appeared in that herd
ljubicasta krava.
purple cow.
Odatle potice ideja o ljubicastoj kravi kao simbolu za izvanredan proizvod,
from there|comes|||purple|||||extraordinary|product
This is where the idea of the purple cow as a symbol for an outstanding product comes from.
koji je drugaciji od onoga na sta smo navikli.
which is different from what we are used to.
Rizicno je biti siguran.
It's risky to be sure.
Sta je suprotno od izuzetnog?
What is the opposite of exceptional?
Nesto lose ili nesto sto nije dobro?
Something bad or something not good?
Blizu ste, ali
You are close, but
kada su proizvodi u pitanju, suprotno od izuzetnog je veoma dobro.
when it comes to products, the opposite of exceptional is very good.
Malo jeftinije ili malo boljem, nije ni priblizno dovoljno
|||||||close to|
A little cheaper or a little better is not nearly enough
Ako hoces da neko promeni navike zbog tebe..
|you want||||||
If you want someone to change their habits for you...
Sve sto treba da uradis je da razmisljas malo drugacije.
All you have to do is think a little differently.
Sladoled od vanile vec postoji i svi znamo za njega.
ice cream|||||||||
Vanilla ice cream already exists and we all know about it.
Ako zelis da tvoj prozivod privuce paznju
If you want your product to attract attention
Napravi sladoled sa ukusom kafe,
Make coffee flavored ice cream,
kikirikija ili rodjendanske torte.
peanuts or birthday cakes.
Ovo vazi za sve poznate industrije, od sladoleda do mobinih telefona.
This applies to all known industries, from ice cream to mobile phones.
Kada ste se poslednji put zagledali u bilbord
When was the last time you stared at a billboard
Kada ste se poslednji put zagledali u bilbord i pomislili:
When was the last time you stared at a billboard and thought:
To mi treba, idem da ga kupim!
I need that, I'm going to buy it!
Koliko je proslo od kada ste poslednji put kliknuli na internet reklamu,
||has passed||||||clicked|||ad
How long has it been since you last clicked on an online ad,
ali ne slucajno.
||by chance
but not by chance.
Mi kao korisnici smo postali izuzetno dobri u ignorisanju svega sto nas ne zanima,
We as users have become extremely good at ignoring anything that doesn't interest us,
sto ukljucuje dosadne reklame.
which includes annoying ads.
Zbog toga marketing koji poznajemo
||||we know
Hence the marketing we know
tone kao Titanik.
sinking like the Titanic.
Ali posto nisi Leonardo di Caprio,
But since you're not Leonardo DiCaprio,
ti ces spasiti i sebe i svoje preduzece.
you will save yourself and your company.
Prestani da se bavis marketingom
Stop marketing
i umesto toga stvaraj inovacije.
and innovate instead.
Dizajn je novi marketing.
Design is the new marketing.
Ljubicastoj kravi ne trebaju reklame da bi je ljudi primetili ili zavoleli
purple|||||||||||they loved
The Purple Cow doesn't need advertising to get people to notice or like it
Dizajn vlada jer u sebi sadrzi marketing.
Design rules because it contains marketing.
Neki od uspesnih primera iz knjige su:
Some of the successful examples from the book are:
Restoran u kome vam serviraju najvecu sniclu i
A restaurant where they serve you the biggest schnitzel and
ako je celu pojedete ne placate nista,
if you eat it all, you pay nothing,
najbrzi frizerski salon,
the fastest hair salon,
auto sa najglasnjim zvucnicima
the car with the loudest speakers
i mnogi drugi...
and many others...
Sa kojom granicom flertuje tvoj proizvod?
What border does your product flirt with?
Kupcima vise ne treba nesto sto ce ispuniti njihova ocekivanja,
Customers no longer need something that will meet their expectations,
treba im nesto sto ce premasiti ta ocekivanja.
they need something that will exceed those expectations.
Ko ce kupiti vas proizvod?
Who will buy your product?
Svi imamo u drustvu nekoga ko obozava da isprobava.
We all have someone in our company who loves to experiment.
Nebitno da li je u pitanju novi ukus sladoleda
It doesn't matter if it's a new flavor of ice cream
ili novi mobilni telefon.
or a new mobile phone.
To su ljudikoji su spremni da kupe nesto samo zato sto je novo i interesantno.
These are people who are ready to buy something just because it is new and interesting.
Posledica toga je da nekada naprave gresku, a nekada pronadju izvanredan proizvod.
||||||mistake|||they find|an excellent|
The consequence is that sometimes they make a mistake, and sometimes they find an extraordinary product.
Pre svih ostalih.
Before everyone else.
Ti ljudi se zovu inovatori.
Those people are called innovators.
I oni su kao cuvari koji stoje pred vratima.
And they are like guards standing at the door.
Ako nas proizvod prodje kroz vrata na drugom kraju ga ceka ostalih 98% stanovnistva
||||||||||||of the population
If our product gets through the door, the other 98% of the population is waiting for it at the other end
Kljucno je da prvo odusevimo inovatore,
The key is to wow the innovators first,
jer se ostali ljudi nikada ne bi usudili da probaju nesto ako to nesto nije provereno.
because other people would never dare to try something if that something has not been checked.
S druge strane, pogodili ste. Inovatori su ti koji proveravaju nas proizvod.
|||you guessed||||||check||
On the other hand, you guessed it. Innovators are the ones who check our product.
Ako zarazimo inovatore sa nasom idejom,
|we infect||||
If we infect innovators with our idea,
neki od njih ce poceti da kijaju.
some of them will start sneezing.
To jest da pricaju svima oko sebe kako je nas proizvod izvanredan.
That is, they tell everyone around them how great our product is.
U najboljem slucaju ce nas proizvod da se prosiri kroz stanovnistvo kao virus.
In the best case, our product will spread through the population like a virus.
Ali umesto da postanu prehladjeni, nas proizvod ce naciniti da ljudi postanu srecniji i zadovoljniji.
||||||||||||happier||more satisfied
But instead of getting cold, our product will make people happier and more satisfied.
Just do it
Just do it
Poznati nike-ov slogan je recenica koja se lako pamti i brzo prenosi
||||||||||||it transfers
Nike's famous slogan is a sentence that is easy to remember and quickly transmitted
Slogani su odlicni jer se o njima prica,
Slogans are great because they are talked about,
a jos jedna stvar o kojoj se prica je LOTO.
and another thing that is being talked about is the LOTTO.
Izuzetno su male sanse da ce te osvojiti sedmicu,
|||chances||||win|a week
Chances are extremely low that they will win you the week,
ali milioni dinara su dovljni da vam zagolicaju mastu
but millions of dinars are enough to tickle your fat
Ljudi fantaziraju i pricacju medjusobno o tome
||||to each other||
People fantasize and talk to each other about it
kako vise ne bi morali da idu na posao
so that they no longer have to go to work
i kako bi kupili jahtu od 50 metara da osvoje nagradu.
||||yacht||meters||win|the prize
and how they would buy a 50 meter yacht to win the prize.
Na slogane se nadovezuju price.
Slogans are followed by stories.
Da li je vas proizvod povezan sa nekom dobrom pricom
Is your product related to a good story?
Ako ne, smislite je sada.
||the meaning||
If not, come up with one now.
U jednoj od narednih epizoda cemo zajedno da osmislimo i napravimo proizvod.
In one of the next episodes, we will design and build a product together.
Korak po porak.
Step by step.
Da biste i vi kod kuce mogli da pratite i uradite isto to za vasu ideju
So that you can follow along at home and do the same for your idea
A do tada...
Until then...
Pravite greske i ostanite radoznali.
Make mistakes and stay curious.
Vidimo se u sledecom videu.