3 laka načina da ulepšate sebi život
3 einfache Möglichkeiten, Ihr Leben besser zu machen
3 easy ways to make your life better
3 простых способа сделать свою жизнь лучше
Dragi moji,
My dear,
dobro mi došli! Ja sam Slavica
Welcome! I am Slavica
ovo je moj YouTube kanal
this is my youtube channel
i ovde svakog četvrtka možete da dobijete korisne savete
and here every Thursday you can get useful tips
kako da kreirate život i posao koje ćete da obožavate.
how to create a life and business you'll love.
U današnjem videu
In today's video
sam pripremila nešto
I prepared something
što može da vas učini srećnijim
which can make you happier
može vaš život da učini onako iznutra
can make your life so from within
ispunjenijim, a vas zadovoljnijim
more fulfilled, and you more satisfied
i nije potreban nikakav novac za to
and no money is needed for it
potrebno je da odvojite možda malo vremena
you need to take maybe some time
da se drugačije restrukturirate
to restructure differently
u toku dana, šta radite i kako radite
during the day, what you do and how you do it
ili u toku nedelje ili u toku meseca,
or during the week or during the month,
i da učinite nešto jako dobro za sebe
and to do something very good for yourself
što može da ima super efekte
which can have super effects
i na vaš život
and on your life
na različite aspekte vašeg života.
to different aspects of your life.
Pogledajte video do kraja obavezno
Be sure to watch the video to the end
i ako vam se bude dopao, pritisnite like
and if you like it, press like
a sada pritisnite SUBSCRIBE i
and now press SUBSCRIBE i
zvonce, kako biste bili obavešteni svake nedelje kada ima
bell, so you will be notified every week when there is
novi video sa korisnim savetima.
new video with useful tips.
Danas, o čemu se radi u stvari,
Today, what is it really about,
želim da vam pričam o tome
I want to tell you about it
kako, u stvari, da u svoj kalendar
how, in fact, to your calendar
ubacite date night.
insert date night.
Date night i to sa tri različite kategorije.
Date night with three different categories.
Prva kategorija i najvažnija kategorija
The first category and the most important category
a kategorija koja prva zaista ispadne iz kalendara
and the category that really drops out of the calendar first
i za koju, obično, naročito mi žene,
and for which, usually, especially women,
nikad nemamo vremena
we never have time
je date sa samom sobom.
is given with itself.
Uzmete, na primer,
Take, for example,
subota popodne ili
Saturday afternoon or
ne znam, nedelja pre podne, kad god
I don't know, Sunday before noon, whenever
možda to može da bude ujutru kad svi spavaju,
maybe it can be in the morning when everyone is sleeping,
ne mora da bude "night", ali ja kažem kao "date night"
it doesn't have to be "night" but i say like "date night"
Ne mora biti noću. Može biti kad god hoćete.
It doesn't have to be at night. It can be whenever you want.
Sa sobom možete da se dogovorite kad god hoćete.
You can make an appointment with yourself whenever you want.
Samo je važno da u kalendaru
It is only important that in the calendar
imate upisano
you have entered
kao i sve ostale termine kojih morate da se držite
as well as all the other deadlines you have to stick to
termin sa samom sobom.
an appointment with yourself.
To je toliko korisno
It is so useful
nemam reči da vam kažem.
I have no words to tell you.
I vi možete taj date da organizujete kako god hoćete.
And you can organize that date however you want.
Jer naravno, u turbulenciji svakodnevice
Because of course, in the turbulence of everyday life
kada krenu: deca, posao...
when they start: children, work...
kuća... toliko smo onda umorne, da za sebe
house... we are so tired then, yes to ourselves
nemamo vremena i prvo ćemo da odbacimo ono što
we don't have time and we will first discard what
je vezano za nas same
is related to ourselves
znači, neka nega nas samih ili neki odmor
so, some care for ourselves or some rest
za nas, neka relaksacija, nešto što nama čini dobro,
for us, some relaxation, something that makes us feel good,
a u stvari je to velika šteta.
||||||großer Verlust
and in fact it is a great pity.
Zato što mi sebe onda
Because we ourselves then
ne obnavljamo, sebi ne pridajemo
we don't renew, we don't give it to ourselves
važnost, sebe ne cenimo
importance, we do not value ourselves
ne negujemo i onda smo nervozne
we don't nurture and then we are nervous
i onda smo i drugima onako
and then we are the same to others
naročito onima koje najviše volimo, nekako
especially the ones we love the most, somehow
možda i neprijatne ponekad, zato što smo preopterećene.
maybe even unpleasant sometimes, because we are overloaded.
Zato mi moramo prvo da se pobrinemo za sebe.
That's why we have to take care of ourselves first.
Ali to ne znači da mi sad samo uživamo
But that doesn't mean we're just enjoying ourselves now
ništa ne radimo... ne. Nego to znači
we don't do anything... no. That's what it means
da štrpnemo negde malo vremena
let's spend some time somewhere
nekih dvadeset minuta možda ili
some twenty minutes maybe or
pola sata ili... zavisi koliko imate obaveza,
half an hour or... depends on how much you have to do,
ali stavimo u kalendar i kažemo:
but let's put it in the calendar and say:
"Subota popodne, deca idu kod bake" ili
"Saturday afternoon, the kids go to grandma's" or
"muž neka ih čuva"
|||soll bewachen
"let the husband take care of them"
"ja hoću da imam to za sebe".
"I want to have it for myself".
"Date sa samom sobom".
"Date with yourself".
I onda, koliko ste uspeli da dobijete vremena,
And then, as much time as you managed to get,
ili koliko uspete da to napravite,
or as much as you manage to make it,
odredite šta ćete raditi.
determine what you will do.
I na tom date-u sa samom sobom
And on that date with myself
vi možete da, na primer,
you can, for example,
pustite kadu punu vode
run the bathtub full of water
da stavite neku dobru masku
to put on a good mask
skuvate neki ukusan lep čaj
bereitet zu ||lecker||
you brew some delicious nice tea
onako da sebi udesite da lepo izgleda,
so that you make yourself look beautiful,
da lepo miriše i da imate divan osećaj,
to smell nice and feel great,
i da se jednostavno opustite.
and to simply relax.
Retko žene imaju vremena za to.
Women rarely have time for that.
Ja znam. I muškarci isto.
|||Männer auch|auch so
I know. Men too.
Ali, ako planirate,
But if you plan,
češće će da bude. Ako ne planirate,
it will be more often. If you don't plan,
verovatno će biti kao i do sad,
it will probably be the same as before,
skoro nikad.
almost never.
Meni žene često kažu: "Jao, imam kadu kod kuće"
Women often say to me, "Oh, I have a bathtub at home."
"ali nikad je ne koristim".
"but I never use it".
Eto prilike da svoj date provedete
Here's an opportunity to spend your day
u kadi. Znači, imate svoj date
in bathtub. So you have your date
i provedete ga tako u kadi.
and you spend it like that in the bath.
Druga ideja za date je da možda odete
Another idea for dates is to maybe leave
u prirodu. Jer jako je važno da redovno budete u prirodi.
in nature. Because it is very important to be in nature regularly.
I da kažete: "Ok, ja jednom nedeljno imam date"
And to say: "Okay, I have dates once a week"
"sama sa sobom. Ove nedelje ću"
"by myself. This week I will"
"da budem u kadi, sledeće nedelje hoću"
"to be in the bath, next week I will"
"da budem u prirodi".
"to be in nature".
Nije važno. Samo je važno da budete sami
Does not matter. It's just important to be yourself
sa sobom. Malo da budete same.
With myself. Be alone for a while.
Da vam se malo
If you feel like it
duša očisti da malo neće niko ništa od vas,
|Seele reinige|||||||
purify your soul so that no one will want anything from you,
da ste jednostavno dvadesetak minuta
that you are simply twenty minutes away
pola sata, sat, koliko možete
half an hour, an hour, as much as you can
onako, same sebi na usluzi
as it is, at their own service
na raspolaganju i da možete da učinite nešto za samu sebe.
|zur Verfügung|||||||||
available and that you can do something for yourself.
Na primer, možete da prošetate parkom
||||spazieren gehen|
For example, you can take a walk in the park
sedite na klupu, baš vas briga, ako nije hladno,
sit on the bench, you don't care, if it's not cold,
možete da ponesete neku knjigu,
you can bring a book
da čitate, možete samo da posmatrate tako ptice...
to read, you can only observe such birds...
Stavite telefon u džep i isključite ga.
Put the phone in your pocket and turn it off.
Nemojte da dozvolite da kada imate date sami sa sobom
Don't let when you have dates with you
da vam neko smeta. NE!
that someone bothers you. NOT!
Znači, stavite telefon u tašnu, isključite ga,
So put your phone in your bag, turn it off,
i kažete: Sada sam dvadeset minuta u ovom parku
and you say: I've been in this park for twenty minutes now
posmatram drveće, posmatram ptice,
|Bäume|Ich beobachte|Vögel beobachten
I watch the trees, I watch the birds,
šetam ovde,
I'm walking here
sednem gde ja hoću,
I sit where I want
uživam, tako sam sama sa sobom...
I'm enjoying it, I'm so alone...
I videćete kako vam super dolaze ideje,
And you will see how great ideas come to you,
Ja na primer, koristim moje kučiće, pa prošetam s njima,
For example, I use my dogs, so I walk them,
i volim da budem sama
and i like to be alone
pustim ih malo kad imam prostora u parku,
I let them out a little when I have space in the park,
onda oni trčkaju, ja tako gledam u njih,
then they run, i look at them like that,
i tako sam malo sama sa sobom... Za njih sam tu, ali
and so I'm a little alone with myself... I'm here for them, but
jednostavno sam sama sa sobom. I volim tako da imam te kratke...
I'm just alone with myself. And I love having those short...
Ja ne volim da budem sama u principu
I don't like to be alone in principle
ja jako volim ljude i jako volim
I love people very much and I love very much
svog Milana i volim svoje prijatelje i svoje saradnike,
my Milan and I love my friends and my colleagues,
i volim da provodim vreme sa svima njima,
and I love spending time with all of them,
ali tih dvadesetak minuta mi nekako očiste dušu.
||zwanzig Minuten|||||
but those twenty minutes somehow cleanse my soul.
Malo budem sama sa sobom
I'll be alone for a bit
i priuštim nešto sebi i onda mi padnu
and I treat myself to something and then they fall on me
i uvek mi tad padnu najbolje ideje na pamet,
and that's when the best ideas always come to my mind,
nećete verovati. Kao da mi se nekako pročisti kanal
|||||||sich klärt|
you won't believe it. It's like my channel is somehow cleared
do ideja. Baš kad sam sama.
to ideas. Just when I'm alone.
Probajte, možda vam to bude korisno.
Try it, you might find it useful.
I osmislite jednostavno svoj način
And simply design your own way
kako vi želite da provedete date sami sa sobom
how you want to spend your days with yourself
ja sam vam samo dala ove dve ideje
I just gave you these two ideas
možete odmah da odbacite i smislite neku treću, nije važno,
you can immediately reject it and come up with a third one, it doesn't matter,
vaš život je vaša stvar
your life is your business
vaš date sa samim sobom, vaša stvar.
your date with yourself, your thing.
I drugi date koji bih stvarno od srca preporučila da
||||||||empfehlen würde|
And other dates that I would really recommend from the bottom of my heart
obavezno imate u svom kalendaru
you must have in your calendar
da stoji je date sa svojim partnerom.
to stand is given with your partner.
Toliko brakova propada da je to
So many marriages fail because of that
stvarno je tužno. Zato što ljudi više i ne pričaju,
it's really sad. Because people don't even talk anymore,
niti jedni s drugima provode vreme,
nor do they spend time with each other,
niti više znaju šta partner razmišlja, šta ga boli,
they no longer know what their partner is thinking, what hurts him,
šta ga muči... Nema se više vremena,
what's bothering him... There's no more time,
samo se funkcioniše, samo je neka zajednica
it just works, it's just a community
funkcionisanja. Gde će deca, šta ćemo s decom,
functioning. Where will the children go, what will we do with the children,
ko vozi, ko dovozi, ko razvozi...
who drives, who delivers, who delivers...
ko radi ovo, ko donosi ovo, ko ide u nabavku...
||||bringt|||||Einkauf machen
who does this, who brings this, who goes to purchase...
Znači, više se uopšte ljudi ne zbližavaju...
So, people don't get close at all anymore...
I onda polako vremenom
And then slowly over time
počne da bledi to zajedništvo
that togetherness begins to fade
bude kao neka interesna zajednica
be like some community of interest
koja funkcioniše ili ne funkcioniše više.
which works or no longer works.
Zato je moj predlog drage dame: budite pametne.
So my suggestion, dear ladies: be smart.
Napravite date sa svojim mužem.
Make dates with your husband.
Ja, na primer, sa mojim Milanom redovno imam dates.
Verovatno sam i pričala u nekom videu,
I probably talked in some video,
ali ovde želim još jednom da vas podsetim
but here I want to remind you once again
znači redovno. Mi se dogovorimo
|bedeutet regelmäßig|||
means regularly. We make an agreement
mi imamo date. Ja sam to u početku inicirala, a kasnije
we have dates I initially initiated it, and later
se Milanu dopalo, pa i on kaže:
Milan liked it, so he also says:
"Hej ljubavi, ja hoću da te izvedem na ručak"
"Hey love, I want to take you out to lunch"
"tu i tu. Kad možemo? Kad imaš vremena?"
"here and there. When can we? When do you have time?"
I ja kažem: "Mogu tad i tad" i stavim u kalendar tako da
And I say: "I can then and then" and put it in the calendar so that
je to blokirano, ne može ni
it's blocked, it can't even
niko od mojih saradnika nešto sad tu da ubaci.
none of my associates can add anything here now.
Ne, to je naš ručak, to je naše vreme.
No, it's our lunch, it's our time.
I ranije smo iz Beograda stalno dolazili
We used to come from Belgrade all the time
na primer, u Novi Sad
for example, in Novi Sad
na Tvrđavu, na primer, volimo da
on the Fortress, for example, we like to
imamo kasni ručak ili večeru na tvrđavi. To nam je neki date.
we have a late lunch or dinner at the fort. That's what you gave us.
Ili smo dolazili na piknik i tako
Or we came for a picnic and so on
negde gde nam je lepo, gde mi volimo,
somewhere where we feel good, where we love,
sad živimo u Novom Sadu, pa nam je još lakše i još bolje,
now we live in Novi Sad, so it's even easier and better for us,
ali vama predlažem da vi
but to you I suggest that you
odete možda sa svojim suprugom u
maybe you go with your husband to
omiljeni restoran. Ostavite decu negde.
favorite restaurant. Leave the kids somewhere.
Neće ništa strašno da se desi ako
Nothing terrible will happen if
deca budu negde
children be somewhere
sat vremena ili sat i po.
an hour or an hour and a half.
Vi budete sami sa svojim partnerom.
You will be alone with your partner.
Deca cvetaju
|Kinder gedeihen
Children are blooming
kada ljubav roditelja cveta.
when parents' love blooms.
Pobrinite se da ljubav cveta, tako što ćete
Make sure love blooms by doing it
imati date sa svojim suprugom.
have dates with your spouse.
Napravite možda neki lep
večernji event ili možete kod kuće, znate,
evening event or you can at home, you know,
kažete: ovo je naš date. Deca nisu kod kuće,
you say: this is our date. The children are not at home.
uzmete možda neku lepu flašu vina,
maybe grab a nice bottle of wine,
ako imate ili neki divan čaj mirisni,
if you have or some wonderful fragrant tea,
napravite neku lepu večeru,
make a nice dinner,
ali samo za vas dvoje, da budete sami.
but just for the two of you, to be alone.
Isključite televizor, isključite telefone,
Turn off the TV, turn off the phones,
sve... Samo vas dvoje.
everything... Just the two of you.
Kao nekad. I uživajte u razgovoru
As once. And enjoy the conversation
pokrenite razgovor. Pročitajte
Beginnen Sie das Gespräch.||
start a conversation. Read
evo tu ću vam staviti link za moj blog
here I will give you a link to my blog
da je razgovor melem za ljubav
that conversation is a balm for love
i onda postupite po tome.
||und dann handeln||
and then act on it.
Možda vam to da par dobrih ideja.
Maybe that will give you some good ideas.
I treći date koji predlažem da
And the third date I suggest
vi sebi ulepšate život i da
you make your life better and yes
se jednostavno osećate živo i
you simply feel alive and
prisutno i možda srećnije,
present and perhaps happier,
je da napravite date sa prijateljima koji su
is to make dates with friends who are
pozitivni, koji vas vole, koji vas podržavaju,
positive, loving, supportive,
i koji vam žele uspeh i napredak.
and who wish you success and progress.
Zato što vrlo često čujem od žena da se
Because I often hear from women that
druže sa nekim ženama koje su negativne
Freunde dich an||||||
hang out with some women who are negative
kukaju... Zašto se družite s njima?
|||sich treffen||
whining... Why do you hang out with them?
Ali dobro, ako su nekako tu, pa ne možete da ih izbegnete...
But well, if they're somehow there, then you can't avoid them...
Ali svako ima nekoga ko je
But everyone has someone who is
pozitivan, ko vam želi dobro,
positive, who wishes you well,
ko vam želi napredak, a dešava se da se s takvim ljudima
who wishes you progress, and it happens to be with such people
retko viđamo. I zato,
we rarely see. And that's why,
predlažem da razmislite: napravite spisak
I suggest you think: make a list
divnih ljudi koji vas okružuju koji vas vole,
wonderful people surrounding you who love you,
koji vam žele dobro ili koji
who wish you well or who
vas jednostavno inspirišu na neki način,
||einfach inspirieren|||
they just inspire you in some way,
našli bi se s vama na neki date, na kafu, na nešto,
we would meet with you on a date, for coffee, for something,
i uzmite svoj kalendar i pozovite ih.
and get your calendar and call them.
I kažite: "Hej, kad imaš vremena da popijemo kafu?"
|||||||trinken gehen|
And say, "Hey, when do you have time to have coffee?"
"Hajde da zakažemo, baš bih volela da se vidimo".
"Let's make an appointment, I would really like to see you".
I onda se družite s ljudima koji vam čine dobro.
And then hang out with people who do you good.
Koji vas inspirišu, koji vas motivišu, koji vas pokreću...
Who inspire you, who motivate you, who move you...
S namerom to radite. Nemojte da prepuštate slučaju.
You are doing it on purpose. Don't leave it to chance.
Zato što to onda može mesecima
Because then it can take months
da se ne desi, nego da se okružujete stalno
not to happen, but to surround yourself constantly
ljudima koji uopšte nisu inspirativni,
naprotiv, koji vas vuku na dole.
on the contrary, which drag you down.
Zato sebi obezbedite date sa
So provide yourself with dates
divnim ljudima i budite pametni da to radite
wonderful people and be smart to do it
zaista ciljano, planirano i stavite u kalendar.
really targeted, planned and put on the calendar.
I verujem da će onako malo po malo
And I believe that it will, little by little
na primer, vi to možete raditi jednom u dve nedelje,
zum Beispiel|||||||||
for example, you can do it once every two weeks,
ili jednom mesečno, nema veze.
or once a month, it doesn't matter.
I sve ove dates možete da rasporedite koliko možete,
And you can spread out all these dates as much as you can,
ali uradite ciljano, znači, nemojte
but do it purposefully, so don't
se odricati druženja sa divnim ljudima
give up company with wonderful people
odricati se druženja, vremena sa svojim
give up socializing, time with your own
partnerom ili se odricati
partner or renounce
druženja sami sa sobom.
socializing with yourself.
Jer ipak, zauvek ćete ostati sami sa sobom
Because after all, you will remain with yourself forever
i divno je da imate malo vremena za sebe.
and it's great to have some time to yourself.
A obično sebe stavimo na poslednje mesto.
And we usually put ourselves last.
Zato vas pozivam da eksperimentišete
That's why I invite you to experiment
da probate koliko možete.
to try as much as you can.
Nemojte mi reći: "Jao, ja ne mogu, ja nemam vremena".
Don't tell me: "Oh, I can't, I don't have time".
Možete se organizovati!
You can get organized!
Ne daj Bože, da se desi nešto,
God forbid something happens
vi biste odmah sve ostavili i otišli.
you would immediately leave everything and go.
Ostavite isto tako sve i uradite
Just leave everything and do
nešto dobro za sebe.
something good for yourself.
Naravno, ne mislim sad da ostavite decu na ulici, nego
Of course, I don't mean to leave the children on the street, but
da razmislite gde možete da ih ostavite
to think about where you can leave them
i da date sebi dvadesetak minuta
and give yourself twenty minutes
pola sata nedeljno
half an hour a week
vašoj vezi da date
to your relationship to give
pola sata - sat
half an hour - an hour
ne znam, koliko možete nedeljno,
I don't know how much you can do per week
i dobrim, prijatnim, podržavajućim ljudima u vašem životu
and to the good, pleasant, supportive people in your life
da napravite prostor za to.
to make room for it.
I nakon mesec dana, kad uradite
And after a month, when you do
nešto od ovoga, slobodno mi pišite. Baš me zanima
any of these, feel free to write to me. I'm really interested
da li vam je bilo prijatno, koliko vam je to značilo
whether it was pleasant for you, how much it meant to you
kako se to na vaš život odrazilo
how it affected your life
to što ste odvojili
that you separated
makar malo vremena za sebe, svog partnera,
at least a little time for yourself, your partner,
i za divne ljude.
and for wonderful people.
Ako vam se ovaj video dopao i ako vam je koristan,
If you liked this video and found it useful,
ako vas je naveo na razmišljanje, pritisnite like
if it made you think, hit like
a možete da se prijavite i u našu besplatnu Facebook grupu
and you can also join our free Facebook group
gde imate puno fantastičnih predavanja
||||fantastische Vorlesungen
where you have a lot of fantastic lectures
mojih i mojih kolega iz NLP Instituta
mine and my colleagues from the NLP Institute
i Milana takođe,
and Milan too,
i gde će ih biti svakog meseca još više.
and where there will be even more of them every month.
Ovog meseca i dalje radimo na temi komunikacija i odnosi,
This month we continue to work on the topic of communication and relationships,
sledećeg meseca je tema
next month's topic
karijera, budite pametni, pridružite nam se.
career, be smart, join us.
Grupa se zove na Facebook-u: "Jer nam se može",
The group's name on Facebook is: "Because we can".
zato što vam se može, besplatno je, a možete predavanja da gledate
because you can, it's free, and you can watch the lectures
kad god je vama zgodno, jako su korisna
whenever it is convenient for you, they are very useful
jako su motivišuća, inspirišuća
||sehr motivierend|inspirierend
they are very motivating, inspiring
i verujem da će napraviti razliku u vašem životu.
and I believe it will make a difference in your life.
Vidimo se tamo.
See you there.
Sve vas ljubim!
I love you all!