1-14 - Na pošte - YouTube
at the|post office|
1-14 - Auf dem Postamt - YouTube
1-14 - At the Post Office - YouTube
1-14 - Op het postkantoor - YouTube
1-14 - Na poczcie - YouTube
1-14 - Nos Correios - YouTube
1-14 - На почте - YouTube
1-14 - На пошті - YouTube
Ahoj, Anna, kam ideš?
||where|are you going
Hey, Anna, where are you going?
Idem na poštu. Ideš so mnou?
|||are you going|with|me
I'm going to the post office. Are you coming with me?
Áno, aj ja potrebujem poslať list.
Yes, I need to send a letter too.
Ja chcem poslať rodičom pohľadnicu zo Slovenska. Aha, pozri, kúpila som dve. Ktorá sa ti páči?
||send|to my parents|postcard|||Aha|look|I bought|I|two|which|to|you|you like
I want to send my parents a postcard from Slovakia. Oh, look, I bought two. Which one do you like?
Táto je veľmi pekná. Ale ani tá druhá nie je zlá.
this|||||not even|that|second|||
This one is very nice. But the other one is not bad either.
A ty? Komu chceš poslať list?
||to whom|do you want|send|letter
And you? Who do you want to send a letter to?
Kamarátke do Ruska.
To a friend in Russia.
Hovoríš aj po rusky?
do you speak|also|in|Russian
Do you also speak Russian?
Ešte nie veľmi dobre.
not yet|not|very|well
Not very well yet.
A ako rozumieš?
A|how|do you understand
And how do you understand?
S Natašou si píšeme listy v esperante a ona ma učí po rusky.
Natasha and I write letters in Esperanto and she teaches me Russian.
Aha, už rozumiem. Ku ktorému okienku musím ísť?
|already||to|which|window|I have to|go
Oh, I see. Which window do I have to go to?
K číslu tri, to je listová priehradka.
On number three, that's the letterbox.
Tam môžeš poslať listy, pohľadnice, môžeš si kúpiť poštové známky a obálky.
there|you can|send|letters|postcards|you can|yourself|buy|postal|stamps||envelopes
There you can send letters, postcards, buy stamps and envelopes.
Môžeš tam aj poslať balík?
can you|there|also|send|package
Can you send a package there?
Nie, musíš ísť k balíkovej priehradke.
|you must|go||the parcel|counter
No, you have to go to the parcel drop.
Dobrý deň, čo si prajete?
Hello, what do you want?
Chcem poslať list prvou triedou.
||||erster Klasse
|||first|first class
I want to send a letter first class.
Za koľko dní príde list do Ruska?
in|how many|days|will arrive|letter|to|Russia
How many days before the letter arrives in Russia?
Prvou triedou príde list za päť až osem dní. Jedno euro, prosím.
first|class|comes|letter|in|five|up to|eight|days|one|euro|please
The first class letter will arrive in five to eight days. One euro, please.
Niech sa páči.
Thank you.