Mira in Ema želita shujšati.
Mira|and|Ema|want|to lose weight
Mira und Ema wollen abnehmen.
Mira and Ema want to lose weight.
Želita iti v fitnes.
They want to go to the gym.
Ampak, iti v fitnes je drago.
But going to the gym is expensive.
Zato se odločita, da bosta telovadili doma.
поэтому||решат||будут|заниматься спортом|
Therefore|themselves|decide|to|they will|exercise|at home
So they decide to exercise at home.
Mira poskuša teči, Ema pa dviguje uteži.
Mira|tries|to run|Ema|but|lifts|weights
Mira tries to run and Ema lifts weights.
Mira ne mara teka.
Mira|does not|likes|running
Mira doesn't like running.
In Ema ni zelo močna.
Ema is|Ema|not|very|strong
And Ema is not very strong.
Poleg tega sta zelo zasedeni.
In addition|this|they are|very|busy
They are also very busy.
Nimata veliko časa za telovadbo.
They do not have|much|time|for|exercise
Sie haben nicht viel Zeit, sich zu bewegen.
They don't have much time to exercise.
Morda lahko poskusita znova naslednji teden.
Maybe|you (two) can|try|again|next|week
Maybe they can try again next week.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Now the same story told in a different way.
Ema in jaz želiva shujšati.
Ema|and|I|want|to lose weight
Ema and I want to lose weight.
Želiva iti v fitnes.
We want to go to the gym.
Ampak, iti v fitnes je drago.
But going to the gym is expensive.
Zato se odločiva, da bova telovadili doma.
поэтому|мы|решаем||будем|заниматься спортом|дома
Therefore|ourselves|we decide|that|we will|exercise|at home
So we decide to exercise at home.
Jaz poskušam teči, Ema pa dviguje uteži.
I|try|to run|Ema|but|lifts|weights
I try to run and Ema lifts weights.
Meni se ne dopade tek.
I|(reflexive pronoun)|not|like|running
I don't feel like running.
In Ema ni zelo močna.
Ema is|Ema|not|very|strong
And Ema is not very strong.
Poleg tega sva zelo zasedeni.
In addition to||we are|very|busy
Plus, we're very busy.
Nimava veliko časa za telovadbo.
у нас нет|много|||спорт
We don't have|much|time|for|exercise
Wir haben nicht viel Zeit, um Sport zu treiben.
We don't have much time to exercise.
Morda lahko poskusiva znova naslednji teden.
Maybe|we can|try|again|next|week
Maybe we can try again next week.
Ena: Mira in Ema želita telovaditi v fitnesu.
|||||заниматься спортом||фитнесе
One|Mira|and|Ema|want|to exercise|in|the gym
One: Mira and Ema want to work out at the gym.
Ali Mira in Ema želita telovaditi?
||||хотят|заниматься спортом
Da, želita telovaditi v fitnesu.
Yes|they want|to exercise|in|the gym
Yes, they want to work out at the gym.
Dva: Iti v fitnes je drago.
Two: Going to the gym is expensive.
Ali je iti v fitnes poceni?
Ne, ni poceni.
Nein, es ist nicht billig.
Iti v fitnes je drago.
Tri: Odločita se, da bosta telovadili doma, ker je fitnes predrag.
|решат|решат||они|заниматься спортом|дома|потому что|||слишком дорог
They|They decide|reflexive pronoun|that|they will|exercise|at home|because|is|gym|too expensive
Three: they decide to exercise at home because the gym is too expensive.
Ali se odločita, da bosta telovadili doma?
Do they decide to exercise at home?
Da, odločita se, da bosta telovadili doma, ker je fitnes predrag.
|||||||потому что|||
Yes|they decide|reflexive pronoun|that|they will|exercise|at home|because|is|gym|too expensive
Štiri: Mira ne mara tekanja.
Four: Mira doesn't like running.
Ali Mira rada teče?
Does Mira like to run?
Ne, Mira ne mara tekanja.
No, Mira doesn't like running.
Pet: Ema poskusi dvigovanje uteži, a ni zelo močna.
Ema||tries|lifting|weights|but|is not|very|strong
Five: Ema tries weightlifting, but she is not very strong.
Ali Ema poskusi tudi tek?
Ne, Ema poskusi dvigovanje uteži.
Šest: Ema ni močna.
Six|Ema|is not|strong
Ali je Ema močna?
Ne, Ema ni močna.
Sedem: Mira in Ema sta zelo zasedeni, zato nimata veliko časa za telovadbo.
Seven|Mira|and|Ema|are|very|busy|so|they do not have|much|time|for|exercise
Seven: Mira and Ema are very busy, so they don't have much time for exercise.
Ali sta Mira in Ema zelo zasedeni?
Are Mira and Ema very busy?
Da, sta zelo zasedeni, zato nimata veliko časa za telovadbo.
Yes|you (plural)|very|busy|so|they do not have|much|time|for|exercise