Sharon het baie mense in haar familie.
Sharon has many people in her family.
Sy het ‘n broer, ‘n suster, en baie niggies en nefies.
She has a brother, a sister, and many nieces and nephews.
Sharon se broer is ouer as sy.
Sharon's brother is older than her.
Hy is ook luider en snaakser as Sharon.
He is also louder and funnier than Sharon.
Sharon se suster is jonger as sy.
Sharon's sister is younger than her.
Sharon se suster is ook korter en meer uitgaande.
Sharon's sister is also shorter and more outgoing.
Sharon se suster hou meer daarvan om met mense te praat as Sharon.
Sharon|'s|sister|likes|more|of it|to|with|people|to|talk|than|Sharon
Sharon's sister likes talking to people more than Sharon.
Al het Sharon baie ouer niggies en nefies, ken sy hulle nie baie goed nie.
Although|has|Sharon|many|older|female cousins|and|male cousins|knows|she|them|not|very|well|not
Although Sharon has many older nieces and nephews, she does not know them very well.
Hulle woon verder weg as haar broer en suster.
They live further away than her brother and sister.
Hier is dieselfde storie, op ‘n ander manier vertel.
Here|is|the same|story|in||different|way|told
Here is the same story, told in a different way.
Ek het baie mense in my familie.
I have many people in my family.
Ek het ‘n broer, ‘n suster, en baie niggies en nefies.
I have a brother, a sister, and many nieces and nephews.
My broer is ouer as ek.
My brother is older than me.
Hy is ook luider en snaakser as ek.
He is also louder and funnier than me.
My suster is jonger as ek.
My sister is younger than me.
My suster is ook korter en meer uitgaande.
My sister is also shorter and more outgoing.
My suster hou meer daarvan om met mense te praat as ek.
My|sister|likes|more|of it|to|with|people|to|talk|than|I
My sister likes talking to people more than I do.
Al het ek baie ouer niggies en nefies, ken ek hulle nie baie goed nie.
Although|have|I|much|older|female cousins|and|male cousins|know|I|them|not|very|well|not
Even though I have many older nieces and nephews, I don't know them very well.
Hulle woon verder weg as my broer en suster.
They live further away than my brother and sister.
Een: Sharon het baie mense in haar familie.
One: Sharon has many people in her family.
Het Sharon ‘n groot familie?
Does Sharon have a big family?
Ja, Sharon het baie mense in haar familie.
Yes, Sharon has many people in her family.
Twee: Sharon het een broer.
Two: Sharon has one brother.
Hoeveel broers het Sharon?
How many|brothers|does|Sharon
How many brothers does Sharon have?
Sharon het een broer.
Sharon has one brother.
Drie: Sharon se broer is ouer as sy.
Three: Sharon's brother is older than her.
Wie is ouer, Sharon of haar broer?
Who is older, Sharon or her brother?
Sharon se broer is ouer as sy.
Sharon's brother is older than her.
Vier: Sharon se broer is luider as sy.
Four: Sharon's brother is louder than her.
Wie is luider, Sharon of haar broer?
Who is louder, Sharon or her brother?
Sharon se broer is luider as sy.
Sharon's brother is louder than her.
Vyf: Sharon se suster is jonger as sy.
Five: Sharon's sister is younger than her.
Wie is jonger, Sharon of haar suster?
Who is younger, Sharon or her sister?
Sharon se suster is jonger as sy.
Sharon's sister is younger than her.
Ses: Sharon se suster is meer uitgaande as Sharon, so sy hou meer daarvan om met mense te praat as sy.
Says|Sharon|her|sister|is|more|outgoing|than||so|she|likes|more|of it|to|with|people|to|talk|than|she
Six: Sharon's sister is more outgoing than Sharon, so she likes talking to people more than she does.
Wie hou meer daarvan om met mense te praat, Sharon of haar suster?
Who|likes|more|of it|to|with|people|to|talk|Sharon|or|her|sister
Who likes talking to people more, Sharon or her sister?
Sharon se suster is meer uitgaande as Sharon, so sy hou meer daarvan om met mense te praat.
Sharon|'s|sister|is|more|outgoing|than||so|she|likes|more|of it|to|with|people|to|talk
Sharon's sister is more outgoing than Sharon, so she likes talking to people more.
Sewe: Sharon het baie ouer niggies en nefies.
Seven|Sharon|has|many|older|female cousins|and|male cousins
Seven: Sharon has many older nieces and nephews.
Het Sharon net ‘n paar niggies en nefies?
Does Sharon only have a few nieces and nephews?
Nee, Sharon het baie ouer niggies en nefies.
No|Sharon|has|much||female cousins|and|male cousins
No, Sharon has many older nieces and nephews.
Agt: Sharon se broer en suster woon nader aan haar as haar niggies en nefies.
Eight: Sharon's brother and sister live closer to her than her nieces and nephews.
Wie woon nader, Sharon se niggies en nefies, of Sharon se broer en suster?
Who|lives|closer|Sharon|'s (possessive)|nieces|and|nephews|or|||brother||sister
Who lives closer, Sharon's nieces and nephews, or Sharon's brother and sister?
Sharon se broer en suster woon nader aan haar as haar niggies en nefies.
Sharon's brother and sister live closer to her than her nieces and nephews.