19 - En Ferran està fent una pausa a l'escola
In|Ferran|is|taking|a|break|at|the school
19 – Ferran macht eine Pause in der Schule
19 - En Ferran is taking a break at school.
19 - Ferran está haciendo una pausa en la escuela
19 - Ferran fait une pause à l'école
19 - Ferran은 학교에서 휴식을 취하고 있습니다.
19 - Ferran neemt een pauze op school
19 - Ferran está dando um tempo na escola
19 - Ферран делает перерыв в школе
19 - Ferran okula ara veriyor
19 - 费兰在学校休息
Història número dinou.
Story number nineteen.
A) En Ferran està fent una pausa a l'escola.
at||||doing||||the school
A) En Ferran is taking a break at school.
Són les dotze del migdia i és l'hora de dinar.
It is|the|twelve|of|noon|and|is|the time|of|lunch
It's twelve noon and it's lunchtime.
En Ferran no es porta el dinar de casa.
In|Ferran|does not|himself|brings|the|lunch|from|home
Ferran bringt kein Mittagessen von zu Hause mit.
En Ferran didn't bring his lunch from home.
Ha de comprar-se el dinar a l'escola.
He has|to|||the|lunch|at|the school
He has to buy his lunch at school.
Va a la cafeteria.
He goes|to|the|cafeteria
He goes to the cafeteria.
Hi veu patates fregides i una amanida.
I see|you see|fries|fried|and|a|salad
Er sieht Pommes und einen Salat.
He sees french fries and a salad.
La seva mare vol que mengi amanida.
The|his|mother|wants|that|I eat|salad
Seine Mutter möchte, dass er Salat isst.
His mother wants him to eat the salad.
Però en Ferran vol menjar-se les patates fregides.
Aber Ferran will die Pommes essen.
But En Ferran wants to eat the french fries.
S'ho pensa una estona.
He thinks about it|thinks|for a|moment
Er denkt eine Weile darüber nach.
He thinks about it for a while.
Finalment es compra i es menja les patates fregides.
Zum Schluss werden die Chips gekauft und gegessen.
Finally, he buys and eats the french fries.
B) Estic fent una pausa a l'escola.
B(1)|I am|taking|a|break|at|school
B) Ich mache eine Pause von der Schule.
B) I'm taking a break at school.
Són les dotze del migdia i és l'hora de dinar.
It is|the|twelve|of|noon|and|is|the time|of|lunch
Es ist zwölf Uhr mittags und es ist Zeit für das Mittagessen.
It's twelve noon and it's lunchtime.
Jo no em porto el dinar de casa.
Ich nehme kein Mittagessen von zu Hause mit.
I didn't bring my lunch from home.
Yo no me traigo la comida de casa.
He de comprar-me el dinar a l'escola.
Ich muss das Mittagessen in der Schule kaufen.
I have to buy my lunch at school.
Vaig a la cafeteria.
I go|to|the|cafeteria
Ich gehe in die Cafeteria.
I'm going to the cafeteria.
Hi veig patates fregides i una amanida.
Hi|I see|fries|fried|and|a|salad
Ich sehe Pommes und einen Salat.
I see french fries and a salad.
La meva mare vol que mengi amanida.
My|my|mother|wants|that|I eat|salad
My mother wants me to eat the salad.
Però jo em vull menjar les patates fregides.
But|I|myself|want|to eat|the|fries|fried
But I want to eat the french fries.
M'ho penso una estona.
I think about it|I think|for a|moment
Ich denke eine Weile darüber nach.
I think about it for a while.
Eu penso sobre isso por um tempo.
Finalment em compro i em menjo les patates fregides.
Finally, I buy and eat the french fries.
1) En Ferran està fent una pausa a l'escola.
In|Ferran|is|taking|a|break|at|the school
1) Ferran is taking a break at school.
En Ferran està treballant a l'escola?
Is|Ferran|he|working|at|the school
Is Ferran working at school?
No, ell no està treballant.
No, he is not working.
Està fent una pausa a l'escola.
He/She is|taking|a|break|at|the school
He is taking a break at school.
2) Són les dotze del migdia i és l'hora de dinar.
It is|the|twelve|of|midday|and|it is|the time|of|lunch
2) It's noon and it's lunchtime.
És l'hora de dinar?
Is|the time|of|lunch
Is it lunchtime?
Sí, és l'hora de dinar.
Yes|it is|the time|of|lunch
Yes, it's lunchtime.
Sí, es la hora de comer.
Són les dotze del migdia.
It is|the|twelve|of|noon
It's noon.
3) En Ferran no porta dinar.
3) Ferran bringt kein Mittagessen mit.
3) Ferran doesn't bring lunch.
En Ferran porta dinar?
Does Ferran bring lunch?
No, en Ferran no porta dinar.
No|in|Ferran|does not|brings|lunch
No, Ferran doesn't bring lunch.
4) En Ferran va a la cafeteria.
4) Ferran goes to the cafeteria.
En Ferran va a un restaurant?
Does Ferran go to a restaurant?
No, en Ferran va a la cafeteria.
No, Ferran goes to the cafeteria.
5) En Ferran veu una amanida i patates fregides a la cafeteria.
5) Ferran sees a salad and french fries at the cafeteria.
En Ferran hi veu una amanida?
Does Ferran see a salad?
Sí, en Ferran veu una amanida i patates fregides a la cafeteria.
Yes, Ferran sees a salad and french fries at the cafeteria.
6) La seva mare vol que ell mengi amanida, no pas patates fregides.
6) Seine Mutter möchte, dass er Salat isst, keine Pommes.
6) His mother wants him to eat salad, not fried potatoes.
La mare d'en Ferran vol que ell mengi amanida?
Does Ferran's mother want him to eat salad?
Sí, la seva mare vol que mengi amanida, no pas patates fregides.
Yes|the|his|mother|wants|that|I eat|salad|not|fried|potatoes|fries
Yes, his mother wants him to eat salad, not fried potatoes.
7) En Ferran es compra i es menja les patates fregides.
7) Ferran kauft und isst die Pommes.
7) Ferran buys and eats fried potatoes.
En Ferran es compra l'amanida?
||||the salad
Does Ferran buy salad?
No, en Ferran no es compra l'amanida.
No|in|Ferran|not|is|buys|the salad
No, Ferran does not buy salad.
Es compra i es menja les patates fregides.
Pommes werden gekauft und gegessen.
He buys and eats fried potatoes.