Jetiji su najgori
les jetis||les pires
die Jetis|sind|die Schlimmsten
Yetis are the worst
Napisao i ilustrovao Alex Willan
||illustré|Alex Willan|Willan
Written and illustrated by Alex Willan
Strogo povjerljivo
Top secret
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Gilbertovo tajno skrovište
de Gilbert|secret|cache secrète
Gilbert's secret hideout
Gilberts geheime schuilplaats
Jeste li znali da mi goblini možemo biti prilično tajnoviti?
Did you know that we goblins can be pretty secretive?
Wist je dat wij goblins behoorlijk geheimzinnig kunnen zijn?
Pojavljujemo se na neočekivanim mjestima.
nous apparaissons|||inattendues|endroits
we appear|||unexpected|
We appear in unexpected places.
We verschijnen op onverwachte plaatsen.
Vrebamo u sjenama.
nous guettons||les ombres
We lurk||the shadows
We lurk in the shadows.
Wij schuilen in de schaduw.
Mi smo majstori prerušavanja!
Nous||les maîtres|de déguisement
We are masters of disguise!
(To sam ja, Gilbert.)
(It's me, Gilbert.)
(Ik ben het, Gilbert.)
Pa ipak, čini se da ljude interesuje jedno neobično stvorenje više od bilo kojeg drugog...
||il semble||||intéresse||inhabituel|créature|||||
well|still|it seems|||||||creature|||||
And yet, people seem to be interested in one unusual creature more than any other...
En toch lijken mensen meer geïnteresseerd te zijn in het ene ongewone wezen dan in enig ander...
Koliko ih postoji?
How many are there?
Hoeveel zijn er?
Kome odgovaraju?
Who do they answer to?
Aan wie geven ze antwoord?
Jeti + farba za kosu = Bigfoot?
Yeti + hair dye = Bigfoot?
Yeti + haarverf = Bigfoot?
Je li Kokoš umiješana u to?
||la poule|mêlée||
||the chicken|mixed||
Is Kokos involved in it?
Is Kokoš erbij betrokken?
Šta mi ne govori?
What is he not telling me?
Wat vertelt hij mij niet?
Da li oni prave snijeg?
Do they make snow?
Maken ze sneeuw?
Ili su možda napravljeni od snijega?
Or maybe they are made of snow?
Of zijn ze misschien van sneeuw gemaakt?
E sad, znam šta ćete reći…
||||vous allez|
Now, I know what you're going to say...
Nu weet ik wat je gaat zeggen...
Jetiji su tako cool i misteriozni.
Yetis are so cool and mysterious.
Yeti's zijn zo cool en mysterieus.
I tako dalje, i tako dalje…
And so on, and so on...
En zo verder, enzovoort...
Ali mnoge stvari su jednako misteriozne koliko i jetiji.
But many things are just as mysterious as the yeti.
Maar veel dingen zijn net zo mysterieus als de yeti.
Najmisterioznije stvari:
les plus mystérieuses|
The most mysterious things:
Na primjer zubić vila.
For example the tooth fairy.
Bijvoorbeeld de tandenfee.
Šta ona radi sa svim tim zubima?
||||tous|ces dents|dents
What is she doing with all those teeth?
Wat doet ze met al die tanden?
Les gnomes
Kako drže svoje šešire tako šiljaste?
How do they keep their hats so pointy?
Hoe houden ze hun hoeden zo puntig?