你 微笑 时 很 美 EP11
你 看 我
(Look at me.)
看到 你 有 危险 第一 时间 赶过来
(I came here the moment I saw you in danger.)
你 一辈子 不 来 上路
(But you never came to the top lane, ever.)
来来来 你 看 我 挑 他
(Look at how I'm baiting him.)
我 挑 他 挑
(Look at me.)
我 死 了
(I'm dead.)
挑战 他 继续 挑 啊
(I thought you were baiting him? Go ahead. Do it again.)
你 不 爱 我 了
(You don't love me anymore.)
小心 小心
(Be careful!)
对面 打野 去 你们 那边 了
(Their Jungler is going to your lane!)
草草 草
(The bush!)
你 骂谁
(Who are you scolding?)
我 说 草草 草草 草
(I said the bush!)
哎呀 我 又 死 了
(My goodness! I'm dead again!)
你 敢 蹲 我
(How dare you camp for me?)
我 让 你 蹲 我
(Who told you to camp for me?)
你 敢 蹲 你 胖 爷爷 我
(How dare you camp me, the mighty Fatty?)
我 让 你 看看 我 俏丽 吗
(I'll show you the consequences!)
喵 了 个 咪
(Dog my cats.)
打打 打打 打打 打
快快 快快 快 一波 漂亮
(-Hurry! Push!) (-Nice!)
一波 快 一波 了
(We're almost there!)
一 波一波 一波 能 杀 能 杀 能 杀
(-End it!) (-We can kill him!)
打 完 回去 吃饭
(Let's have dinner once we finish this match.)
打打 打打 打打 打
嗨 起来 啊
(Get high!)
嗨 起来 诚哥 呢
(-Come on, get high!) (-Where's Brother Cheng?)
诚哥 你 去 哪儿
(Brother Cheng, where are you going?)
诚哥 诚哥 漂亮
(-Brother Cheng!) (-Nice!)
诚哥 你 怎么 不 说话 了
(Brother Cheng, why aren't you talking?)
不愧 是 学前班
(You're a preschooler indeed.)
头炸 了
(My head is going to burst.)
I feel like pooping.
好 现在 双方 的 兵线 已经 出动 了
Alright, the first creep wave of both sides has spawned.
我们 来看 中路
Let's take a look at the mid lane.
中路 选 的 是 一个 荒
Their Mid is Susabi.
荒是 一个 游走 型 刺客 式 神
Susabi is an assassin Shikigamia who's good at ganking.
虽然 说
前期 线上 的 能力 不是 特别 强 啊
it isn't too strong during the laning phase,
但是 人家 有 控制 有 位移 还有 伤害
it can dash, it has crowd control, and it can dish out a huge amount of damage.
那 这样 一个 式 神 选出 来
So, with Susabi,
如果说 前期 不 能够 好好 针对 一下
if you don't deal with him in the early game,
后期 给 他 发育 起来
it'll be hard to deal with him
就 会 特别 难 打 了 呀
when he's farmed during the late-game stage.
说实话 啊
队友 们
honestly speaking,
对面 的 打野 是 我 的 前男友
their Jungler is my ex-boyfriend.
就是 不 和平 分手 的 那种
And we didn't break up in peace.
我 估计 他 一会儿 就要 来 砍 我 了
I guess he's going to gank me later.
那个 老 K
这 把 你 要是 真的 不来 帮 我 的话
if you don't help me out this time,
我 就 死 给 你 看
I'm going to die in front of you.
真 死 那种
I will die for real this time.
我 是 打野
I'm the Jungler.
该来 的 时候 自然 会 来
I will visit your lane when I'm supposed to.
你们 的 电 竞 白蛇传 的 帖子
the post regarding the e-sports' version of the Legend of White Snake
脑 洞开 得 真的 让 我 欲罢不能 啊
has made me astounded.
哪里 好笑
How is that funny?
人 不犯 我 我 不 犯人
If you don't offend me, I won't offend you.
人若犯 我 呢
But if you do offend me...
你 是 许仙
You're Xu Xian.* (* Lit.: A character in Legend of White Snake)
You're supposed to help the weak.* (* Lit.: Xu Xian, an apprentice in a herbal medicine shop)
给 他 自愈 吧 你 看 他 多 可怜 啊
Let him regen his HP. He's so pitiful.
小胖 我们 打一波
Fatty, let's fight for a round.
你 上去 扛 一下 伤害 骗 一下 对方
Tank some damage and bait them to come.
上 上 上
小胖 的 黑 童子
Fatty's Kuro
吃 了 对方 两个 技能 只 剩下 半血
is left with half HP after tanking two of the opponent's skills.
保 一下 保 一下 能保 吗
Can someone help me out?
小胖 反手 一个 束魂
Fatty used his ultimate!
蝴蝶 被 减速
And Butterfly has been slowed.
陆思诚 上前 一套 连招
Chessman, delivering his combo,
送走 了 蝴蝶
[Seal, First Blood] has slain Butterfly!
给 我 控住 输出
Disable him so that I can hit him.
来 了 控住
I'm here. I'm disabling him.
小胖 又 控制 住 了 老王
Fatty has disabled Wang!
陆思诚 输出
[Seal, Double Kill] With Chessman's damage,
直接 拿下 双杀
he has performed a double kill!
天 哪 陆思诚 这 一波
My goodness, Chessman
打 得 对方 根本 没有 还手 之力 呀
has turned them into dust!
队长 大人 万岁 呀
Long live our captain.
Tong Yao,
可惜 一血 不是 你 前任 啊
it's a pity that I didn't get your ex-boyfriend for the first blood.
好 的 中路 的 童谣 发育 得 也 不错
Alright, Smiling is farming well in the mid lane.
但是 小花 看起来 似乎 有些 着急 呀
But Little Flower seems a bit anxious.
这一波 被 消耗 得 太 不值 了
The exchange is not worth it.
阳神 到 中路 了
God Yang is at the mid lane now.
抓 还是 不 抓 呢
Do they gank her or not?
好 阳神 上 了
Alright, God Yang is attacking her!
老 K
来 了
阳神 你 咋 回事 啊
God Yang, what's wrong with you?
童谣 打 得 不错
Smiling isn't doing too bad.
我们 要 改变 打法
We need to change our strategy.
我们 改变 打法
Let's change our strategy.
简阳 是不是 要来 蹲 上路 了
Is Jian Yang trying to gank the top lane now?
老猫 被 阳神 带走 了
[Defeated] Lao Mao was killed by God Yang.
那 我们 现在 看到 呢
刚刚 这一波 失误
with this mistake,
可能 要 打 一波 石距团 了
they might take the Ryujin.
这 只 石距
I guess
ZGDX 战队 应该 是 要 放 了 的 呀
Team ZGDX will have no choice but to let go of the Ryujin.
我们 看到 阳神 发育 得 还 不错
We can see that God Yang is doing quite well.
他 放弃 了 中路 和 下路 之后 呢
After he gave up on the mid and bot lane,
两次 去 上路 抓人 都 拿到 了 人头
he has killed Lao Mao twice.
发育 是 很 好 的 呀
He's farming very well.
但 其实 这个 最 棘手 的
But actually, both the mid and bot lane
也 就是 中下路 了
are suppressed by their opponents.
陆思诚 这边 已经 把 蝴蝶
Chessman has given Butterfly
压制 得 毫无 还手 之力 了
tremendous pressure.
下路 好 了 没有
Is the bot lane ready?
我来 了 我 来 了
I'm coming.
我们 打一波
Let's fight.
童谣 去 下路 了 下路 已经 开打 了
Smiling is at the bot lane now. They're clashing.
童谣 从 草丛 上 放出 大招
Smiling has used her ultimate from the bush.
陆思诚 大招 直接 输出 命中 了
[Defeated] Chessman has hit the target with his ultimate.
给 我 一个 人头 啊
Give me the kill.
我 辛辛苦苦 跑 来 下路
I came all the way from mid lane.
你 把 我 人头 抢 了
Yet you took my kill.
我 再也 不要 跟 你 同路 了
I don't want to gank your lane anymore.
再 吵 小心 拉 裤子 上
You'll poop in your pants if you continue to complain.
你 就 不能 忘记 这件 事 吗
Can't you just forget about that?
At least you shouldn't remind me about it.
那 至少 别 提醒 我
刚才 这波 童谣 功劳 很大 啊
[Fierce and swift] Smiling contributed a lot to the kill.
出其不意 攻其不备
She caught them by surprise.
最后 CK 下路 完全 被 打 崩 了 呀
Team CK's bot lane is done for.
赢 了 赢 了
They won!
你 看 我 女儿 赢 了
Look! My daughter won the battle!
什么 就 赢 了 呀
What do you mean by they won?
这 赢 了 怎么 还 在 打 呀
Why are they still fighting if they've won?
只不过 是 给 陆思诚
She just assisted Chessman
拿 了 个人 头 而已 啊
in getting the kill.
别 激动
Calm down.
那 也 不 容易 啊
That's a feat as well.
你们 这 一前一后 真的 挺舒服 啊
You guys are having it fun, huh?
你 知不知道 咱们 这 游戏
Do you guys know
还 一个 路 叫 上路
that there's a thing called top lane in the game?
对面 就是 好运来
And my opponent is Lucky.
一 开局 拿 了 个 增益
He got a buff from the start of the game.
压得 我 贼 难受
I can't do anything against him.
áp lực tôi rất khó chịu
我 这 怎么 打 呀
How can I continue with this game?
老 K 平时 在 基地 的 时候
K, when we were in our base camp,
你 跟 我 打 得 那 是 缠缠绵绵
you and I are glued together.
一打 比赛 来 都 不来
But now, you didn't even visit my lane.
真是 个 狗东西
You're such a dog.
我们 又 不是 连体婴 儿
We aren't a pair of Siamese twins.
好 行
Alright, fine.
下波 去 上 下波 去 上
I'll go to the top lane next.
好 我 现在 就 来
Alright, I'm coming.
老 K 你 和 老猫
K, push the first tower
去 把 上路 一塔 推 了
on the top lane with Lao Mao.
这个 时候 好运来 的 般若 没有 大招
At this moment, the ultimate of Lucky's Hannya is still on cooldown.
还脆 着
He's fragile.
ZGDX 战队 的 时机 抓得 很准
Team ZGDX has been accurate with their timings.
但是 小花 和 阳神 也 支援 到 了 上路
But Little Flower and God Yang have reached the top lane as well.
双方 中 上野
[Dominating] Three players
在 上路 爆发 了 小规模 团战
from both teams have started a clash on the top lane.
老猫 二 技能 开团 控住 了 好运来
[Dominating] Lao Mao used his second skill to stun Lucky.
童谣 二三 连招 直接 开启 了 大招
Smiling used her two-three combo, combined with her ultimate,
好运来 被 击杀
and Lucky was slain!
打一波 大蛇
Let's take the Orochi.
来 了
老 K 把 降伏 留住
K, save your Subdue.
小胖 把 大留 着
Fatty, save your ultimate.
我 怎么 觉得 今天 的 陆思诚
It seems that Chessman
带队 打 的 节奏 这么 快 呀
is leading his team at a rapid pace today.
我 的 天太快 了
My goodness! That was fast!
刚才 简直 眼花缭乱 呀
I couldn't even react to it in time.
稳 了 稳 了
We have the advantage now.
来 接着 打 接着 打
集合 中路 推 高地
Gather at the mid lane and push their highland.
好 的 收到
Okay, got it.
中路 一波 推过去
Let's push mid.
走走 走 上 上 上
Let's go!
ZGDX 已经 开始 中 推 了
Team ZGDX has begun their assault on the mid lane.
这么 快 就要 一波 了 吗
Are they going to end the game now?
ZGDX 已经 推上 了 高地
Team ZGDX has reached their highland!
他们 上 了 高地
They're in their base right now!
You guys can do it.
You guys can do it.
点 基地
爆 了
It's destroyed!
太快 了 漂亮
-That was so quick! -Nice!
A 爆 了
比赛 结束 了
End of the match!
让 我们 恭喜 ZGDX
Let's congratulate Team ZGDX
取得 了 揭幕 赛 的 首场 胜利
for winning the opening match!
陆思诚 太帅 了 呀
Chessman, that was so cool!
童谣 小姐姐 这 一把 打 得
Smiling did a beautiful job
也 真的 是 极其 地 亮眼
during the last match as well.
不愧 是 国服 第一 玉藻 前
She's the top Tamamo-no-Mae indeed.
没事 没事
It's fine.
下 把 好好 打
Let's do a better job next time.
谁 为 你 到来
♪The people who came for you♪
就 当为 朝圣 而 来
♪Treat it as if a show of respect♪
这 局 简阳 死得 好惨
Jian Yang was so pitiful in this match.
我们 会 成为 你 的 英雄
♪We will be your hero♪
我们 会 成为 你 的 英雄
♪We will be your hero♪
阳神 你 怎么回事
God Yang, what's wrong with you just now?
刚刚 那场 比赛 你 完全 不在 状态 呀
You weren't yourself at all during the last match.
你 不是 反应 慢半拍
It's either you were too slow,
就是 完全 抓 不到 队友 的 信号
or you didn't get your teammates' signals.
人头 跟 不要 钱 似的 往 对方 手里 送
You've been feeding the enemy team.
完全 没有 按照
the strategy we planned before the match at all.
咱们 赛前 制定 的 战略 去 操作
对不起 教练
I'm sorry, Coach.
我要 的 不是 你 对不起
I don't want your apology.
我要 的 是 下场比赛
I want you
你 给 我 好好 打起精神 来
to pull yourself together for the next match.
For the last match,
ZGDX 用 了 快节奏 打法
Team ZGDX played the game in a quick manner.
我 观察 上场比赛
According to my observation,
陆思诚 的 状态 也 不太好
Chessman wasn't at his best form either.
所以 下场比赛
So, for the next match,
我们 拖住 他们 打 后期
we'll delay the game until the late-game stage.
好 吗
知道 了
Little Flower.
God Yang,
被 老 对手 和 前女友 联手 打爆 的 感觉
you were defeated by your old rival and your ex-girlfriend.
是不是 像 自家 白菜 被 猪 拱 了 一样
I guess it was a terrible experience for you.
心痛 啊
Do you feel heartbroken?
是 心肌梗塞
I feel like I'm having a heart attack.
这个 我 看过
I've seen this before.
结束 啦
你 看 微博 了 吗
Have you read your Weibo?
竞圈 养殖场 说
E-Sports Farm is saying
ZGDX 现在 有 两条
that there are two wild dogs that couldn't be controlled
拉 都 拉 不住 的 疯狗
on Team ZGDX.
是 吗
I don't read Weibo.
我 从来不 看微博 的
这太逗 了
This is hilarious.
你 不 看 微博 化妆 干吗 呀
why are you applying makeup then?
都 在 看 游戏 呢
Everyone is watching the replay.
没人 看 你
No one has time for you.
作为 一条 备受 关注 的 疯狗
As one of the wild dogs of the team,
我 更 要 美美 的
I need to be beautiful.
你 现在 偶像 包袱 比诚哥 都 重 了
you're caring about your image more than Brother Cheng now.
我 看 你 呀
I think
就是 被 老 K 同化 了
you've been influenced by K.
说 疯狗 就 说 疯狗
We're talking about the wild dog here.
别提 我 啊
Don't try to drag me into this.
我 提 你 怎么 啦
What's wrong with that?
诚哥 你 发烧 了
Brother Cheng, you're having a fever?
那 就 尽快 速战速决
We need to end this swiftly.
Are you serious?
这诚哥 发烧
Brother Cheng is having a fever,
童谣 翔意 盎然
and Tong Yao keeps taking poops.
下局 比赛 可 怎么办 呢
What should we do about the next match?
我 怎么 感觉 陆思诚 这 把 操作
Why do I think Chessman
他 状态 不太对 呀
is out of form for this match?
是 的 是 的 确实 不如 上 一把
Yes, he's not doing as well as in the previous match.
这个 前期 就 一直 在 被 蝴蝶 压着 打
He has been pressured by Butterfly since the early game.
下路 可以 打 集中 点
We can focus on the bot lane.
可以 可以 可以
陆思诚 人 好像 都 不在 状态
Seems like Chessman isn't at his best condition right now.
诚哥 往 后退 我 帮 你
Brother Cheng, get back. I'll support you.
下路 来 一下
Come to the bot lane.
上 阳神 的 雪 童子 也 跟上
-Go! -God Yang is following up with his Yuki Doji.
收割 了 陆思诚 的 人头
He has slain Chessman.
小胖 的 一目 连残血 瞬步 逃跑
Fatty's Ichimokuren escaped with a sliver of his HP.
这波 CK 的 下野 配合 相当 默契 呀
Seems like Team CK is doing a great job.
-Not bad at all. -Nice.
可以 可以 漂亮 漂亮
队长 你 没事 吧
Leader, are you okay?
I'm fine.
小胖 你 去 支援 别的 路
Fatty, help out the other lanes.
我 下路 发育
I'll try to farm in the bot lane.
好 那 你 小心 啊
Alright, you should be careful then.
过来 把 蛇 开 了
Come, let's take the Orochi.
好 可以 可以 可以 来 了
-Alright. -Coming.
你 说 CK 战队 这波 是 要 打大蛇 吗
So, is Team CK going to take the Orochi?
现在 开会 不会 有 危险 哪
Won't it be risky for them?
应该 还好
It should be okay.
你 看 陆思诚 这边 刚刚 复活
Chessman has just respawned.
而且 CK 下路 的 兵线 也 非常 的 好 啊
And Team CK's creep waves are pushing the bot lane.
他们 在 开大蛇
They're taking the Orochi.
你 先别 去 等 我们 一起
Don't go for now. Wait for us.
而 这边 CK 如果 想要 开团 的话
If Team CK wishes to fight them,
五打 四 根据 数据 来看 呢
it's five versus four. According to the statistics,
ZGDX 富贵 险中求 啊
Team ZGDX has to risk it in order to have a chance of winning.
童谣 这 是 要 去 哪儿
Where is Smiling going?
难道 想要 一打 五 吗
Don't tell me she's going to fight 1v5?
上 了 上 了
童谣 已经 冲上去 了
Smiling has engaged the enemies!
小心 来 人
边上 边上 边上
To the side!
小心 小心 蝴蝶
-Be careful. -Butterfly, be careful!
童谣 预判 到 蝴蝶 的 位移 位置
[ZGDX. Go for it.] Smiling has predicted Butterfly's escape.
开启 大招
She's using her ultimate!
蝴蝶 被 命中 倒地
Butterfly was slain!
老猫 你们 快点 过来
Lao Mao, guys, come quickly.
这条 蛇 我们 可以 接手
We can take over the Orochi.
好 嘞 我 现在 过来 了
Alright, I'm coming.
来 了
我 也 在 路上 了
I'm on my way as well.
过来 了 扎 死守 住
come here, hold on
老猫 开大 冲进 了 蛇 坑
[Defeated] Lao Mao has rushed into the pit with his ultimate.
三 技能 晕住 了 阳神
He stunned God Yang with his third skill.
童谣 的 一个 技能 直接 带走 小花
Smiling has slain Little Flower with her first skill!
完成 双杀
She has a double kill!
继续 打 继续 打
Take the Orochi now!
Wang has used his ultimate!
老王 开启 大招
简阳 和 好运来 位移 冲向 了 童谣
Jian Yang and Lucky are targeting Smiling right now!
童谣 瞬步 躲开 了 一个 技能
Smiling has evaded one of their skills!
却 被 好运来 击中
But Lucky got her with his skill.
关键时刻 小胖 冲 了 出来
Fatty has come to the rescue in time.
童谣 安全 了
[Seal, Triple Kill] Smiling is safe!
好运来 被 减速 三杀
Lucky is slowed! Triple kill!
这是 干吗 呢
What are you guys doing?
好运来 被 减速 三杀
Lucky is slowed! Triple kill!
撤 吧 撤 吧 撤 吧
Let's retreat.
小姐姐 也 太 厉害 了 吧
Missy, you're amazing!
我 的 天
My goodness.
我们 回去 打大蛇
Let's go back to take the Orochi.
好 嘞 来
Alright, let's go.
CK 这边 陆续 死掉
Members of Team CK have been slain one by one.
这一波 零换 三
It's a three for zero.
ZGDX 战队 打得 可 真的 漂亮 啊
Team ZGDX did a beautiful job during the last fight.
对 啊 尤其 是 童谣
Yeah, especially Smiling.
真的 凶
She was really fierce.
一言不合 就 开干
She attacked them without hesitation.
而且 大招 的 预判 非常 的 完美
And she landed her ultimate perfectly.
一 波一波 一波
Let's end this with one push.
我们 可以 直接 推塔 了
We can push the tower.
好 的 来 了
Alright. Coming.
诚哥 我 可以 去 卖 一波 吗
Brother Cheng, can I go and bait them?
胖子 有没有 大
Fatty, is your ultimate ready?
Five seconds.
可以 那 我 去 卖 一波
Alright, I'll go and bait them then.
三 二 一
Three, two, one.
拉开 位置 拉开 位置
Spread out.
别着急 别着急
Calm down.
ZGDX 战队 看来 是 想 一波
Seems like Team ZGDX wants to end this in one go.
我 先往 后撤 一点
I'll pull back for now.
你们 快去 顶一下
You guys should tank the damage for me.
别急 别急
Calm down.
我 这边 扛 伤害 你们 随便 输出
I'll tank the damage, you guys can push.
两秒钟 两秒钟
Two seconds.
我们 等 你
We'll wait for you.
守塔 守塔守塔
塔 重要
The tower is more important!
上 老 K 跟上
-Go! K, follow up! -Go!
往下 跑 往 下 跑 保住 射手 保住 射手
-Go to the bot lane. -Protect our ADC.
双杀 童谣 又 打出 了 一次 双杀
Double kill! Smiling has done it again!
直接 打 直接 打
Let's end this.
不要 把 战线 拉 那么 开
Don't stand too far apart.
大家 近 一点
Get closer.
退回 泉水
[Super Savior] He's trying to return to the fountain,
但 老 K 紧追 其后
but K is chasing after him.
童谣 开启 大招
Tong Yao is using her ultimate!
Triple kill!
漂亮 点塔点 塔
-Nice! -Attack the tower!
直接 点掉 他们 高地
Destroy their highland.
团团 团 团 过去
Let's go!
恭喜 ZGDX 战队 取得胜利
Let's congratulate Team ZGDX for winning the match!
咸鱼 少女 今天 咸鱼 大 翻身 了
Salted Fish Maiden has proved her worth today.
漂亮 童谣 打 得 真的 是 太凶了
-Yes! -Smiling was so fierce!
在 陆思诚 状态 不好 的 情况 下
Even though Chessman wasn't at his best,
依然 展现出 了 超强 的 战斗力
has come up at the top once again!
所以 说玉藻 前 不愧 是 玉藻 前
The top Tamamo-no-Mae isn't a joke!
真的 是 太棒了 这一波
She did a great job!
真的 是 太秀 了
She was amazing!
She's amazing!
这才 叫 赢 了 呢
This is the true victory.
女儿 赢 了 老童
Tong, our daughter has won.
我 女儿 真棒
My daughter is amazing.
那 是 必须 的
But of course.
也 不 看看 是 谁 的 女儿
She's my daughter.
不 反对 了
Are you finally accepting her now?
行 了 行 了
吃 你 的 吧
Just finish your snack.
You were amazing!
Tong Yao.
老 K
我 今天 太紧张 了 就
I was too nervous today...
我 是 想 说
I was trying to say
你 打 得 不错
that you did great today.
Thank you.
走 吧
Let's go.
Let go of me.
你 变强 了
You became stronger.
是 啊
所以 以后 会 经常 跟 你 握手
I will shake your hands more often in the future,
直到 你 退役 为止
until the day you retire from the scene.
You're so rude.
没 礼貌
下一场 比赛 见
See you in the next match.
Good luck.
童谣 童谣
Smiling! Smiling!
让 我们 欢迎 陆思诚 和 童谣
Let's welcome Chessman and Smiling
来到 我们 采访 区 现场
to the interviewing area.
欢迎 童谣 欢迎 诚哥
Let's welcome Tong Yao and Brother Cheng.
那 今天 的话
两位 也 是 连续 拿下 了
they're the MVPs of the team
两局 的 全场 最佳
twice in a row.
那 我 想 问 一下 童谣
Tong Yao, I have a question for you.
今天 听说
I heard
你 在 开赛 之前 已经 紧张 得
that you were so nervous before the match
口不择言 到 上赛 时 语录 了
that you blundered a quote of the match for us.
是 真的 吗
Is that true or not?
乡下 孩子 第一次 进城
It's normal for a country kid
紧张 是 正常 的
to be nervous about her first competition.
那想 问 一下 诚哥 啊
Brother Cheng, I have something to ask.
今天 速战速决
Did you end the match early today
是 为了 报 春季 赛 的 决赛 之仇 吗
in order to avenge your team's defeat at the Spring Playoffs?
并 没有
Not at all.
正常 比赛 而已
It's just a normal match.
If so, Brother Cheng,
请 你 评价 一下 新 中路 童谣
please rate the performance
在 今天 揭幕 赛上 的 表现
of your new Mid, Smiling, for the opening match.
今天 第二场 她 就 拿下 了 全场 最佳
She was the MVP of the second match.
符合 你 对 她 的 预期 吗
Did she meet your expectation?
还行 吧
I guess so.
好 感谢 两位 接受 采访
Alright, thank you both for the interview.
谢谢 诚哥 谢谢 童谣
Thank you, Brother Cheng and Tong Yao.
Thank you.
感谢 各位 记者 朋友 今天 的 到场
Everyone, thank you for coming here today.
今天 的 全场 最佳 采访 到此结束 了
Our interview for the MVPs has ended.
最后 那波团 对面 上路 四个 人
For the last fight, there were four people on the top lane.
最后 那波团 对面 上路 四个 人
I rushed in straight away...
我 直接 进去
你 可算来 了
You're finally back.
就 等 你 了
We were waiting for you.
你 说 你 幼 不 幼稚
没 我 能 赢 诚哥 呢
-You couldn't win without me. -Where's Brother Cheng?
诚哥 感冒 先回去 了
Brother Cheng went back early as he caught a cold.
你 赶紧 收拾 一下
Pack up your things.
一会儿 嘉年华 活动 别 迟到 了
This is no fun at all.
怎么 了
What's wrong?
瑞哥 晚上 那个 什么 活动
Brother Rui, can I skip
我能 不能 也 不 去 了
tonight's event as well?
你 又 怎么 了
What's wrong with you again?
你 要 给 诚哥 殉葬 啊
Are you going to suffer together with Brother Cheng?
我 裤子 脏 了
I dirtied my pants.
你 拉 裤子 上 了
Did you poop in your pants?
我 亲戚 来 了
I'm having my period.
正好 我 刚才 用 滴滴
It's lucky
叫 了 一辆 专车 送诚哥 回去
that I used DiDi to call a cab for Brother Cheng.
估计 还 没 走 远
I guess they haven't gone far.
我 现在 叫 他 回来
I'll call him to return here.
师傅 对 对 对 是 我
Mister? Yes, it's me.
可能 麻烦 您 得 回来 一趟
Can you please return here?
我们 这边 呢 又 有 一位 阵亡 了
Another member of ours needs to return to our base camp.
对 对 对 不好意思 啊
Yes, I'm really sorry for this.
马上 来 再 等 一下
He'll be here soon. Wait a moment.
谢谢 瑞哥
Thank you, Brother Rui.
怎么 了
What's wrong?
你们 经理 说 回来 接 个人
Your manager told me to pick up another member.
怎么 了
What's wrong?
看 你 不 舒服 特别 申请 来 照顾 你
I'm here to take care of you since you're not feeling well.
我 是 发烧 了
I know I'm having a fever,
但是 我 没 烧坏 脑子
but it hasn't damaged my brain.
What's going on?
裤子 脏 了
I dirtied my pants.
拉 裤子 上 了
Did you poop in your pants?
那 你 离 我 远 一点
Stay away from me.
你 鼻塞 你 又 闻 不到
You can't smell it since your nose is stuck.
辣 眼睛 行不行
It hurts my eye.
别忘了 系 安全带 啊
please strap on your seat belt.
李师傅 怎么 是 你 啊
Mr. Li? Why are you here?
这么 巧
What a coincidence.
你 这 滴滴 专车
Have you ever considered
要 不要 考虑 成为 我 的 私家车 啊
being my chauffeur?
其实 呢
it doesn't matter if you buy a car or not right now.
现在 人买 不 买车 都 无所谓 了
有 了 咱们 这个 专车
With Di Di service,
你 就 相当于 有 了 一辆 私家车
it's like you're owning a car.
不但 环保 绿色
Not only are we protecting the environment with this,
而且 呢 还 节约 了 停车费 对 吧
but you don't need to pay the parking fees either.
是 的 是 的
喂 今阳
Hello, Jin Yang?
谣谣 我 跟 你 说
你 今天 太 英俊 了
You were so cool today.
你 在 哪儿 呢
Where are you right now?
怎么 一转眼 不见 人 了 呀
Why did you disappear all of a sudden?
亲戚 来 了
I'm having my period.
急 着 回家 看 它 呢
I need to deal with it immediately.
先不说 了
I'll hang up now.
二位 坐 好
Guys, buckle up.
准备 开车 了
We'll depart now.
今天 去 现场 看 了 全国 联赛 揭幕 赛
(I went to witness the opening match of the National Championship.)
比赛 完 握手 环节
(After the match, they were shaking hands with each other.)
阳神 的 手
(God Yang)
一直 不肯 放开 童谣 的 手 啊
(wasn't willing to let go of Smiling.)
我 在 第一排 看 得 清清楚楚
(I saw everything as I was in the first row.)
阳神 童谣
(God Yang and Smiling!)
送 我 上去 快快 快
(Come on, put my comment at the top!)
看着 诚哥 吃药
(Make sure Brother Cheng takes his medicine.)
多 大人 了
(He's an adult.)
自己 不会 吃 喔
(Can't he just take his medicine by himself?)
你 让 他 自己 吃 他 肯定 不会 吃 的
(He will never take it if you ask him to take them alone.)
没 办法 担待 着 点 吧
(We have no choice. Please help us out.)
病死 了 咱们 就 没 队长 了
(We'll be out of the leader if he dies right now.)
扶持 佞臣 小胖 上位
(We can ask Fatty to take over his spot.)
那 你 和 陆岳 吵架 的 时候
(If so, no one will help you out)
就 没人 帮 你 了
(when you argue with Lu Yue.)
小胖 管不住 陆岳
(Fatty can't deal with Lu Yue.)
最近 他 因为 蜜汁 愧疚
(Lately, he has been serving Lu Yue)
对 陆岳 千依百顺 的
(as he felt somehow guilty towards him.)
吃个 饭 还要 给 他 夹菜
(He even passed food to Lu Yue during mealtime.)
医药箱 在 哪
(Where's the first-aid kit?)
队长 大人 吃药 了
Leader, time to take your medicine.
你 鬼鬼祟祟 来 我 房间 干什么
Why did you sneak into my room?
小瑞说 让 我 看 你 吃 完药
Xiao Rui wants me to monitor you as you take your medicine.
你 放 那 吧 我 一会儿 自己 吃
Leave it over there. I'll take it later.
你 吃 完 再 睡 吧
You can sleep after you're done taking it.
水太烫 了 重新 倒
It's too hot. Get me a new cup of water.
你 知道 吗
Do you know this?
女人 每个 月 那 几天 的 痛
The period pain we suffer every month,
加 三倍 就 相当于 是 分娩 时候 的 痛
it'll be as painful as the pain we suffer during childbirth if we multiply it by three.
你 知道 女人 生 孩子 有多痛 吧
Do you know how painful it is for a woman during childbirth?
就 像是 把 你 下 嘴唇 掀起 来
It's like forcing your lower lip
盖住 整个 脑袋 一样
to stretch and cover your entire head.
大概 就是 这么 痛
It's that painful.
所以 每当 这个 时候
So, every time when I'm having my period,
就算 是 哥斯拉 入侵 地球
even if Godzilla were to invade Earth,
我 也 能 一脚 把 它 踹 回 海里
I can drive it back into the sea with just one kick.
就是 因为 它
it's interrupting me when I'm trying to be a quite beautiful girl.
打扰 我 做 一个 安静 的 美少女
所以 喝水 吃药
So, drink your water and take your medicine.
Don't push your luck.
再 喝 一口
Drink more of it.
生病 就是 要 多 喝 热水
You need to drink more warm water when you're sick.
对 了
Oh yeah,
不能 空腹吃 药 的
you can't take medicine on an empty stomach.
我点 外卖 你 要 吃 什么
I'll order some deliveries. What do you want?
我 想 死
I want to die.
你 要死 也 不是 不 可以
It's not that I'm not allowing you to die.
只是 现在 还 不是 时候
But this is not the time for it.
陛下 你 要死 也 要死 在
Your Majesty, even if you want to die,
陆岳 这个 乱臣贼子 之后 吧
you need to die after you get rid of the rebel, Lu Yue.
你 想 吃 什么
What do you want to eat?
黄焖 鸡 米饭 麻辣 香锅
Braised chicken rice, hot-spicy pot,
日本料理 还是 韩国菜 啊
Japanese cuisine, or Korean dishes?
不许 说 不 可以
You're not allowed to say no.
你 怎么 肚子痛 胃口 还 那么 好 啊
Why do you still have a great appetite when you have a stomachache?
还有 肚子痛 吃 日料 是 什么 鬼
You're having Japanese cuisine when you have a stomachache?
我 是 给 你 点 的
I'm ordering them for you.
我 想 喝粥
I want some porridge.
我 也 想 喝粥
I want some porridge as well.
我 想 喝 白粥
I want white porridge
加 红糖 那种
with brown sugar.
叫外卖 吧
Just order for deliveries.
红糖 厨房 里 有
We have brown sugar in the kitchen.
粥 到 了 自己 喝
I'll drink the porridge by myself when it's here.
怎么 了
What's wrong?
这些 粥 店 都 没有 白粥
They don't sell white porridge.
唯一 有 的 几家 评价 还 不太好
The shops with white porridge weren't highly rated.
算了 自己 煮 吧
Forget about it. I'll cook them myself.
正好 我 也 喝 不惯 外面 煮 的 粥
Since I'm not used to the porridge cooked in the shops.
你 先 睡 会儿 吧
You should take a nap first.
一会儿 粥 好 了 我 再 叫 你
I'll wake you up when the porridge is done.
基地 老弱病残 还 能 不能 好 了
Will we ever get better?
你 干吗
What are you doing?
你 怎么 下来 了
Why did you come downstairs?
你 想 喝水 的话 发个 微信 给 我
Just send me a message if you need water.
我 给 你 送上去 啊
I'll bring them to you.
Move aside.
怎么回事 啊
What's going on?
哥斯拉 入侵 地球 的 时候
When Godzilla is invading the earth,
女人 不能 碰水
women can't touch any water.
煮 好 了 告诉 我
Tell me when it's done.
我 先上去
I'll go upstairs now.
你 干吗 突然 回头
Why did you turn your head back?
你 干吗 跟着 我 啊
Why are you following me?
诚哥 你 是不是 有 女朋友 了
Brother Cheng, do you have a girlfriend?
我 也 没 那么 好奇 了
I wasn't curious.
我 就是 随便 问问
I'm just asking.
你 不想 说
You don't feel like telling me?
It's not that.
读书 的 时候 在 家里 住
我妈 每个 月 都 有 固定 那么 几天
My mother will order me around
对 我 使唤 来 使唤 去
for a certain period in a month.
所以 我 从小 被 灌输 了 一个 思想
So, since young, I've learned
女人 有 权利 在 每个 月 的 某 几天
that women have the right to do anything they want
可以 作天作 地
for a certain period every month.
是 哦
Is that so?
那 你 应该 还 挺 辛苦 的
I guess it must've been tough on you.
所以 后面 就 住校 了
That's why I chose to stay in the dorm after that.
夏天 热死 也 不 回家
I didn't return home even though it was hot during summer.
那 你 真的 很棒 了
You're really a great man.
我 不会 轻易 找人 谈恋爱
I won't get into a relationship easily.
是 哦
Is that so?
你 看上去
You don't look like
也 不 像是 喜欢 人类 的 样子
you like humans.
你 说 什么
What did you say?
我 不是 不 喜欢 人类
It's not that I don't like humans.
我 喜欢 游戏
I just like games better than humans.
如果 要 我 谈恋爱
If I had to get into a relationship,
我 希望 找 游戏 打得 比 我 好 的 人
I wish my partner would be better than me at gaming.
比陆思诚 游戏 打得 好 的 人类
(A human who's better at gaming than Chessman?)
(And a woman?)
有没有 搞错
(Is he out of his mind?)
完 了
I'm done for.
诚哥 要么 是 不 喜欢 女人
It's either he dislikes women
要么 就是 不 喜欢 人类
or he dislikes humans.
What do you mean?
他 说 他 要 找 一个
He said he's only going to date someone
打游戏 比 他 好 的 人 谈恋爱
who's better at gaming than him.
俄罗斯 方块 阴阳师
How about TETRIS, Onmyoji,
陈情 令手 游行 不行
or the Untamed?
又 没 指定 说 要 哪个 游戏 打得 好
He didn't say which kind of game, am I right?
肚子 不 舒服
My tummy isn't feeling well.
躺 会儿 喝点 热水 啊
Lie down for a while, have some warm water.
你 怎么 来 啦
Why are you here?
不再 多 睡 会儿
You should sleep longer.
粥 还 没 好 呢
The porridge isn't done yet.
你 在 干什么
What are you doing?
我 在 看 直播
I'm watching live streams.
是不是 我 这个 直播 太吵 了
Is the live stream too noisy?
吵到 你 了
Did I interrupt you?
不好意思 啊
I'm sorry.
我 把 声音 关小 一点
I'll lower the volume.
你 再 去 睡 会儿 吧
No need for that.
不用 了
我 以为 你 被 粥 烫 到 了
I thought you were scalded by the hot porridge.
怎么 可能
How is that possible?
我 哪 有 那么
I'm not that...
自己 不会 弄个 热水袋
Don't you know to make yourself a hot water bag?
我 怎么 知道 基地 有 热水袋
How should I know if there's any hot water bag in our base camp?
你 不问 怎么 知道 没有
How would you know if you didn't ask in the first place?
在 这 等 我
Wait for me.
身为 电竞 男神
(As the god of e-sports,)
诚哥 在 比赛 里 的话 是 真的 不 多
(Brother Cheng doesn't speak much during our matches.)
除了 必要 的 指挥
(He usually does his own things)
大多数 情况 下
他 都 是 安静 做 自己 的 事
(it's necessary to take command.)
听 队友 在 那 闲不住 地 废话 讲 相声
(With so many useless talks going on between them,)
也 有 可能 开启 了 自动 屏蔽 功能
(I guess he has learned how to filter them out.)
根本 没 在 听 他们 废话 什么
(Maybe he wasn't listening to them)
也 说不定
(at all.)
This is...?
粉丝 给 的
你 刚才 怎么 就 可以 这样
How could you touch a young lady's tummy
突然 摸 少女 的 肚子
just like that?
老虎 肚子 摸 不得
What, you think you're a cat?
放在 古代 你 这样 是 要 娶 我 的
You have to marry me if we were living in the ancient era.
我 以为 我 在 做好事
I thought I was doing a kind deed.
为什么 要 接受 这样 的 惩罚
Why should I be punished for that?
放在 古代 我 都 娶 你 八百 回
If we were living in the ancient era, I would've married you 800 times.
然后 又 休 你 八百 回
After that, I would've divorced you 800 times.
娶 了 又 休
Divorce me after marrying me
然后 再 重复 八百 回
for 800 times?
难道 不是 贱得 慌
Don't you think you're being too much?
不 知道
I don't know.
可能 是 我 间歇性 眼瞎 吧
Maybe it's because I became blind once in a while.
Brother Cheng,
I'm sorry.
说好 是 我 照顾 你 的
I was supposed to take care of you.
结果 变成 你 照顾 我 了
In the end, you're the one who's taking care of me.
什么 时候
you were taking care of me?
你 跟 谁 说好 了 照顾 我
明明 就是 因为 你 自己 肚子痛
You came back because
死皮赖脸 跟着 回来 的
you had a stomachache.
怎么 烧 还 没退 啊
Why hasn't your fever subsided yet?
你 以为 你 给 我 吃 的
Do you think
是 什么 神丹妙药 啊
the medicine you brought me was a miraculous pill?
走走 走 换 我 照顾 你
Let's go. It's my turn
to take care of you.
你 肚子 不痛 了
痛 啊
It does hurt.
痛 就算 了
I don't want a person with a stomachache
我 不想 一个 面色 铁青 的 人
在 我 房间 地毯 上 滚来滚去
to roll on my carpet later.
可 你 需要 被 照顾
But you have to be taken care of.
我 不 需要
I don't need that.
你 需要
我 不 需要
I don't need that.
你 需要
You do.
走 吧 走 吧 走 吧
Let's go.
需要 不 需要
-I don't need that. -You do.
你 需要 需要 需要
You do need someone to take care of you.
我 真的 不 需要
I don't need that.
不 接受 反驳
Your objection doesn't matter.
走走 走
Let's go.
我 不 需要
I don't need that.
你 需要
不 需要
I don't need that.
你 需要
You do.
不 需要
I don't need that.
说 了 你 需要
I told you so.
回来 了
We're back!
来 啦 我们 回来 啦
-We're back. -We're back!
给 你们 带 了 好吃 的
We brought some delicacies for you guys.
人 呢
Where are they?
不会 吃 完 药都 睡着 了 吧
Don't tell me both of them fell asleep after taking their medicine...
我 得 去 看看 诚哥 他们
I need to see how Brother Cheng and Tong Yao are doing.
God Ming.
干什么 你
What are you doing?
见鬼 啦
Did you see a ghost?
上 上去
When I went upstairs, they...
不会 是 我哥 病死 了 吧
It couldn't be that my brother died, could it?
真的假 的 去 看看
-Are you serious? -Let's take a look.
干吗 呢 你
What are you doing?
怎么 了
What's wrong?
见鬼 了
Did you see a ghost?
比鬼 还 恐怖
It's more terrifying than a ghost.
啥 呀
What is it?