10. V práci, Dialog 4
10. Aan het werk, Dialoog 4
10. W pracy, dialog 4
10. At work, Dialogue 4
c: Dobrý den.
c: Good day.
Hledám pana Lee.
||Herr Lee
I am looking for|Mr|Lee
I am looking for Mr. Lee.
Měl by to byt tiskový atašé.
||||de presă|
Nó phải là một tùy viên báo chí.
He should be the press attaché.
A: Pan Lee tady teď není.
|Mr|Lee|here|now|is not
A: Mr. Lee is not here right now.
Bude tu dnes odpoledne asi ve dvě hodiny.
He will be|here|today|afternoon|around|at|two|o'clock
He will be here this afternoon around two o'clock.
c: To je smůla.
|That|is|bad luck
c: That's too bad.
Já s ním nutně potřebuju mluvit.
I|with|him|urgently|need|to talk
Tôi thực sự cần nói chuyện với anh ấy.
I really need to talk to him.
Víte co, já si odpoledne kolem druhé zavolám, jestli už tady je.
You know|what|I|myself|in the afternoon|around|two|will call|if|already|here|is
|||||||voi suna||||
You know what, I'll call around two in the afternoon to see if he is already here.
A: Dobře, já mu to vyřídím.
|Okay|I|to him|it|will take care of
|||||voi rezolva
A: Alright, I'll let him know.
c: Dobré odpoledne.
c: Good afternoon.
Pan Lee už se vrátil?
Has Mr. Lee returned?
A: Nezlobte se, pan Lee tady ještě není.
|nu te supăra||||||
|don't be angry|yourself|Mr|Lee|here|yet|is not
A: I'm sorry, Mr. Lee is not here yet.
Zkuste si zavolat tak za půl hodiny.
Try|yourself|to call|in about|in|half|hour
||a suna||||
Try calling back in about half an hour.
c: Dobře.
c: Alright.
A: Nashledanou.
A: Goodbye.
c: Dobré odpoledne.
c: Good afternoon.
To jsem opět já.
It's me again.
Pan Lee už je přítomen?
Is Mr. Lee already present?
A: Ne, pan Lee tady ještě není.
|No|Mr|Lee|here|yet|is not
A: No, Mr. Lee is not here yet.
c: A kdy se tedy vrátí?
|And|when|reflexive pronoun|then|will he/she/it return
c: And when will he return?
Už jsou tři hodiny.
Already|it is|three|o'clock
It's already three o'clock.
A: To nevím.
|I|don't know
A: I don't know.
Měl se vrátit už ve dvě hodiny.
He should|himself|return|already|at|two|o'clock
He was supposed to return by two o'clock.
c: Ať mi určitě zavolá, když se vrátí.
||||să mă sune|||
c: He should definitely call me when he gets back.
Moje číslo je 25 58752.
My number is 25 58752.
A: Dobře.
A: Alright.
Já mu to vyřídím.
I|to him|it|will take care of
|||voi rezolva
I will take care of it for him.
c: Nashledanou.
c: Goodbye.
A: Moment, počkejte, pan Lee se právě vrátil.
|Just a moment|wait|Mr|Lee|himself|just|returned
A: Wait a moment, Mr. Lee has just returned.
Hned vás spojím.
Right away|you|I will connect
imediat||voi conecta
I will connect you right away.
c: To jsem rád.
c: I'm glad to hear that.
Thank you
Thank you.
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