Max Havelaar, door Multatuli - Zesde hoofdstuk
Max Havelaar, von Multatuli - Sechstes Kapitel
Max Havelaar, par Multatuli - Sixième chapitre
Max Havelaar, by Multatuli - Sixth chapter
De kontroleur Verbrugge was een goed mensch.
The controller Verbrugge was a good man.
Als men hem daar zag zitten in zyn blauw-lakenschen frak, met geborduurde eiken- en oranjetakken op kraag en mouw-opslagen, was 't moeielyk in hem den type te miskennen die voorheerscht onder de Hollanders in Indie … een menschensoort, in 't voorbygaan gezegd, die zeer onderscheiden is van de Hollanders in Holland.
If|one|him|there|saw|sitting|in|his|||frock coat|with|embroidered|oak|and|orange branches|on|collar|and|||was|it|difficult|in|him|the|type|to|misidentify|who|predominates|among|the|Dutch|in|Indies|a|human type|in|the|passing|said|who|very|distinguished|is|from|the|Dutch|in|Holland
When one saw him sitting there in his blue linen coat, with embroidered oak and orange branches on the collar and sleeve cuffs, it was difficult to misrecognize in him the type that prevails among the Dutch in the Indies... a type of human, it should be noted in passing, that is very distinct from the Dutch in Holland.
Traag zoolang er niets te doen viel, en ver van de beredderingzucht die in Europa voor yver geldt, maar yverig waar bezigheid noodig was … eenvoudig maar hartelyk voor wie tot zyn omgeving behoorden … mededeelzaam, hulpvaardig en gastvry … welgemanierd zonder styfheid … vatbaar voor goede indrukken … eerlyk en oprecht, zonder evenwel lust te voelen de martelaar van deze hoedanigheden te worden … in 't kort, hy was een man die, zooals men 't noemt, overal op zyn plaats zou wezen, zonder dat men echter op 't denkbeeld komen zou de eeuw naar hem te noemen, wat hy dan ook niet begeerde.
Slow|as long as|there|nothing|to|do|fell|and|far|from|the|desire for management|that|in|Europe|for|zeal||but|zealous|where|activity|necessary|was|simple|but|hearty|for|who|to|his|environment|belonged|communicative|helpful|and|hospitable|well-mannered|without|stiffness|susceptible|to|good|impressions|honest|and|sincere|without|however|desire|to|feel|the|martyr|of|these|qualities|to|become|in|the|short|he|was|a|man|who|as|one|it|calls|everywhere|in|his|place|would|be|without|that|one|however|on|the|idea|come|would|the|century|after|him|to|name|what|he|then|also|not|desired
Slow as long as there was nothing to do, and far from the striving that applies to zeal in Europe, but eager where work was needed... simple but heartfelt for those who belonged to his circle... communicative, helpful, and hospitable... well-mannered without stiffness... susceptible to good impressions... honest and sincere, without however feeling the desire to become the martyr of these qualities... in short, he was a man who, as they say, would be everywhere in his place, without anyone thinking of naming the century after him, which he did not desire.
Hy zat in 't midden van de pendoppo by de tafel die met een wit kleed bedekt, en met spyzen beladen was.
He sat in the middle of the pavilion at the table covered with a white cloth, laden with dishes.
Wel eenigszins ongeduldig vroeg hy van-tyd tot-tyd, met de woorden der zuster van mevrouw Blauwbaard, aan den mandoor -oppasser, dat is het hoofd van de policie- en bureaudienaren der adsistent-residentie, of er niets in aantocht was?
Well||impatiently|asked|he|of|||||the||of the|||||||||||||||||||||if|there|nothing|in|sight|was
Somewhat impatiently, he asked from time to time, with the words of Mrs. Bluebeard's sister, to the mandor - caretaker, that is the head of the police - and the office staff of the assistant residency, if there was anything on the way?
Dan stond hy eens op, beproefde vergeefs zyn sporen te doen kletteren op den gestampten kleivloer van de pendoppo , stak voor de twintigste maal zyn sigaar aan, en ging, als te-leurgesteld, weer zitten.
Then|stood|he|once|up|tried|in vain|his|footsteps|to|make|clatter|on|the|stamped|clay floor|of|the|pavilion|lit|for|the|twentieth|time|his|cigar|again|and|went|as|||again|sit
Then he stood up once, tried in vain to make his footsteps clatter on the stamped clay floor of the pavilion, lit his cigar for the twentieth time, and sat down again, disappointed.
Hy sprak weinig.
He spoke little.
En toch had hy kùnnen spreken, want hy was niet alleen.
And yet he could have spoken, for he was not alone.
Ik bedoel hiermee nu juist niet dat hy vergezeld was van de twintig of dertig Javanen, bedienden, mantries en oppassers die op den grond gehurkt in en buiten de pendoppo zaten, noch van de velen die aanhoudend uit-en inliepen, noch van 't groot aantal inlanders van verschillenden rang, dat daar buiten de paarden vasthield, of te-paard rondreed … neen, de Regent zelf van Lebak, Radhen Adhipatti Karta Natta Nagara , zat tegenover hem.
I|mean|by this|now|exactly|not|that|he|accompanied|was|by|the|twenty|or|thirty|Javanese|servants|officials|and|guards|who|on|the|ground|squatting|in|and|outside|the|pavilion|were sitting|nor|of|the|many|who|constantly|||ran in|nor|of|the|large|number|locals|of|different|rank|that|there|outside|the|horses|held|or|||rode around|no|the|regent|himself|of|Lebak|Radhen|Adhipatti|Karta|Natta|Nagara|sat|opposite|him
I do not mean to say that he was accompanied by the twenty or thirty Javanese, servants, mantries, and guards who were squatting on the ground inside and outside the pendoppo, nor by the many who were constantly coming in and out, nor by the large number of locals of various ranks who were holding the horses outside or riding around on horseback... no, the Regent himself of Lebak, Radhen Adhipatti Karta Natta Nagara, was sitting opposite him.
Wachten is altyd vervelend.
Waiting is always annoying.
Een kwartier duurt een uur, een uur een halven dag, en zoo voort.
A quarter lasts an hour, an hour half a day, and so on.
Verbrugge had wel wat spraakzamer mogen zyn.
Verbrugge|had|indeed|a bit|more talkative|might|be
Verbrugge could have been a bit more talkative.
De Regent van Lebak was een beschaafd oud man, die over veel wist te spreken met verstand en oordeel.
The Regent of Lebak was a cultured old man who knew how to speak about many things with understanding and judgment.
Men had hem slechts aantezien om overtuigd te wezen dat het meerendeel der Europeanen die met hem in aanraking kwamen, meer van hem, dan hy van hen te leeren had.
They|had|him|only|to look at|to|convinced|to|be|that|the|majority|of the|Europeans|who|with|him|in||came|more|from|him|than|he|from|them|to|learn|had
One only had to look at him to be convinced that the majority of Europeans who came into contact with him had more to learn from him than he did from them.
Zyn levendige donkere oogen weerspraken door hun vuur de vermoeidheid der trekken van zyn gelaat en de grysheid zyner haren.
His lively dark eyes contradicted the fatigue of his features and the grayness of his hair with their fire.
Wat hy zeide, was gewoonlyk lang overdacht—een eigenaardigheid trouwens die by den beschaafden Oosterling algemeen is—en wanneer men met hem in gesprek was, gevoelde men dat men zyn woorden te beschouwen had als brieven, waarvan hy de minuut in zyn archief had, om zoo noodig daarop te verwyzen.
What|he|said|was|usually|long|considered|a|peculiarity|by the way|that|among|the|civilized|Easterner|generally|is|and|when|one|with|him|in|conversation|was|felt|one|that|one|his|words|to|consider|had|as|letters|of which|he|the|minute|in|his|archive|had|in order to|so|necessary|on that|to|refer
What he said was usually long considered—a peculiarity that is common among the civilized Easterners—and when one was in conversation with him, one felt that his words should be regarded as letters, of which he had the minutes in his archive, to refer to if necessary.
Dit nu moge onaangenaam schynen voor wie niet gewoon is aan den omgang met javaansche grooten, 't is niet moeielyk alle onderwerpen van gesprek die aanstoot geven kunnen, te vermyden, vooral daar zy van hùn kant nooit op bruske wyze aan den loop van 't onderhoud een andere richting geven zullen, omdat dit naar oostersche begrippen in-stryd wezen zou met den goeden toon.
This|now|may|unpleasant|seem|for|who|not|accustomed|is|to|the|interaction|with|Javanese|nobles|it|is|not|difficult|all|subjects|of|conversation|that|offense|give|can|to|avoid|especially|since|they|from|their|side|never|in|brusque|manner|to|the|course|of|it|conversation|a|different|direction|give|will|because|this|according to|Eastern|concepts|||be|would|with|the|good|tone
This may seem unpleasant for those who are not accustomed to dealing with Javanese nobles; it is not difficult to avoid all subjects of conversation that may cause offense, especially since they will never abruptly change the course of the conversation, as this would be contrary to Eastern notions of good manners.
Wie dus oorzaak heeft het aanroeren van een bepaald punt te vermyden, behoeft slechts over onbeduidende zaken te spreken, en hy kan verzekerd zyn dat een javaansch hoofd hem niet, door een onbegeerde wending in 't gesprek, zal voeren op een terrein dat hy liever niet betrad.
Thus, anyone who has reason to avoid touching on a certain point need only speak about trivial matters, and he can be assured that a Javanese noble will not lead him into a territory he would rather not enter with an unwanted turn in the conversation.
Over de beste wijze van omgang met die hoofden, bestaan overigens verschillende meeningen.
There are different opinions about the best way to deal with those heads.
Het komt my voor dat eenvoudige oprechtheid, zonder streven naar diplomatische voorzichtigheid, de voorkeur verdient.
It|seems|to me|that|simple|straightforward|honesty|without|striving|for|diplomatic|caution|the|preference|deserves
It seems to me that simple sincerity, without striving for diplomatic caution, deserves preference.
Hoe dit zy, Verbrugge begon met een banale opmerking over 't weêr en den regen.
Be that as it may, Verbrugge started with a banal remark about the weather and the rain.
—Ja, mynheer de kontroleur, het is westmoesson.
Yes|sir|the|inspector|it|is|west monsoon
—Yes, sir the inspector, it is the west monsoon.
Dit nu wist Verbrugge wel: men was in Januari.
Verbrugge knew this well: it was January.
[23] Maar wat hy over den regen gezegd had, wist de Regent ook.
But|what|he|about|the|rain|had said|had|knew|the|Regent|also
[23] But what he had said about the rain, the Regent also knew.
Hierop volgde weder eenig zwygen.
This was followed by some silence again.
De Regent wenkte met een nauw zichtbare beweging van 't hoofd, een der bedienden die neergehurkt zaten aan den ingang der pendoppo .
The|Regent|beckoned|with|a|closely|visible|movement|of|the|head|one|of the|servants|who|squatting|were|at|the|entrance|of the|pavilion
The Regent beckoned with a clearly visible movement of his head to one of the servants who were squatting at the entrance of the pendoppo.
Een kleine jongen, allerliefst gevat in een blauw-fluweelen buis, witten pantalon, met gouden lyfband die zyn kostbaren sarong , vasthield om de lenden, en op 't hoofd den behagelyken kain kapala , waaronder zyn zwarte oogen zoo ondeugend te-voorschyn kwamen, kroop hurkende tot aan de voeten des Regents, zette de gouden doos neder, die de tabak, de kalk, de sirie , de pinang , en de gambier bevatte, maakte den slamat , door beide handen saamgevoegd opteheffen tot aan het diep neergebogen voorhoofd, en bood daarop zyn heer de kostbare doos aan.
A|little|boy|most adorable|dressed|in|a|||shirt|white|trousers|with|golden|belt|that|his|precious|sarong|held|around|the|waist|and|on|the|head|the|pleasing|cloth|cap|under which|his|black|eyes|so|mischievously|||came|crawled|crouching|up to|to|the|feet|of the|Regent|set|the|golden|box|down|which|the|tobacco|the|lime|the|betel nut|the|areca nut|and|the|gambier|contained|made|the|greeting|by|both|hands|joined|raised|to|to|the|deep|bowed down|forehead|and|offered|thereafter|his|lord|the|precious|box|to
A small boy, charmingly dressed in a blue velvet jacket, white trousers, with a golden waistband holding his precious sarong around his waist, and wearing the pleasing kain kapala on his head, under which his black eyes appeared so mischievously, crawled crouching to the feet of the Regent, set down the golden box that contained the tobacco, lime, sirih, pinang, and gambier, made the slamat by raising both hands together to his deeply bowed forehead, and then offered the precious box to his lord.
—De weg zal moeielyk zyn na zooveel regen, zei de Regent, als om 't lang wachten verklaarbaar te maken, terwyl hy een betelblad met kalk bestreek.
The|road|will|difficult|be|after|so much|rain|said|the|Regent|as|to|the|long|waiting|explainable|to|make|while|he|a|betel leaf|with|lime|covered
—The road will be difficult after so much rain, said the Regent, as if to make the long wait understandable, while he smeared a betel leaf with lime.
—In 't Pandeglangsche is de weg zoo slecht niet, antwoordde Verbrugge die, als hy ten-minste niets stuitends wilde aanroeren, dit antwoord wel wat ondoordacht gaf.
In|the|Pandeglang|is|the|road|so|bad|not|answered|Verbrugge|who|if|he|||nothing|objectionable|wanted|to touch|this|answer|well|somewhat|thoughtless|gave
—In Pandeglang, the road is not so bad, replied Verbrugge, who, if he at least did not want to touch on anything controversial, gave this answer somewhat thoughtlessly.
Want hy had moeten bedenken dat een Regent van Lebak niet gaarne de wegen van Pandeglang hoort roemen, al zyn die dan ook werkelyk beter dan in 't Lebaksche .
For|he|had|to have to|realize|that|a|regent|of|Lebak|not|gladly|the|roads|of|Pandeglang|likes to hear|praised|although|are|those|then|also|really|better|than|in|the|Lebak region
For he should have considered that a Regent of Lebak does not like to hear praises of the roads of Pandeglang, even if they are indeed better than those in Lebak.
De Adhipatti beging de fout van een te snel antwoord niet.
The Adhipatti did not make the mistake of a hasty answer.
De kleine maas [25] was reeds al hurkend achterwaarts teruggekropen tot aan den ingang der pendoppo , waar hy onder zyn makkers plaats nam … de Regent had reeds zyn lippen en weinige tanden bruinrood geverwd met het speeksel zyner sirie , voor hy zeide:
The|little|maas|was|already|already|crouching|backwards|crawled back|to|at|the|entrance|of the|pendoppo|where|he|among|his|companions|place|took|the|Regent|had|already|his|lips|and|few|teeth|brown-red|dyed|with|the|saliva|his|sirie|before|he|said
The little maas had already crawled back squatting to the entrance of the pendoppo, where he took his place among his companions... the Regent had already stained his lips and few teeth brown-red with the saliva of his sirie, before he said:
—Ja, er is veel volk in Pandeglang .
—Yes, there are many people in Pandeglang.
Voor wien den Regent en den kontroleur kende, voor wien de toestand van Lebak geen geheim was, had het duidelyk kunnen blyken dat het gesprek reeds een stryd was geworden.
For those who knew the Regent and the controller, for those who were aware of the situation in Lebak, it could have been clear that the conversation had already become a struggle.
Een toespeling namelyk op den beteren staat der wegen in een naburige afdeeling, scheen het vervolg te wezen op vergeefsche pogingen om ook in Lebak dusdanige betere wegen te doen aanleggen, of de bestaande beter te onderhouden.
A|reference|namely|to|the|better|condition|of the|roads|in|a|neighboring|district|seemed|it|continuation|to|be|on|futile|attempts|to|also|in|Lebak|such|better|roads|to|have|constructed|or|the|existing|better|to|maintain
A reference namely to the better state of the roads in a neighboring district seemed to be a continuation of futile attempts to also construct such better roads in Lebak, or to better maintain the existing ones.
Doch hierin had de Regent gelyk, dat Pandeglang dichter bevolkt was, vooral in verhouding tot de veel kleinere oppervlakte, en dat dus dáár de arbeid aan de groote wegen, door vereende krachten ligter viel dan in 't Lebaksche , een afdeeling die op honderde palen oppervlakte, slechts zeventigduizend inwoners telde.
But|in this|had|the|Regent|right|that|Pandeglang|denser|populated|was|especially|in|relation|to|the|much|smaller|area|and|that|thus|there|the|work|on|the|great|roads|by|united|forces|easier|fell|than|in|the|Lebak|a|district|which|on|hundreds|square|area|only|seventy thousand|inhabitants|counted
However, the Regent was right in that Pandeglang was more densely populated, especially in relation to the much smaller area, and that therefore the work on the major roads there, through combined efforts, was easier than in Lebak, a district that had only seventy thousand inhabitants over hundreds of square kilometers.
—Dat is waar, zei Verbrugge, we hebben weinig volk hier, maar …
—That is true, said Verbrugge, we have few people here, but …
De Adhipatti zag hem aan, als wachtte hy een aanval af.
The Adhipatti looked at him, as if waiting for an attack.
Hy wist dat er na dat "maar" iets volgen kon, dat onaangenaam zou te hooren zyn voor hem, die sedert dertig jaren Regent van Lebak geweest was.
He|knew|that|there|after|that|but|something|could follow|could|that|unpleasant|would|to|hear|be|for|him|who|since|thirty|years|Regent|of|Lebak|had been|was
He knew that after that "but" something could follow that would be unpleasant for him, who had been Regent of Lebak for thirty years.
Het scheen dat Verbrugge op dit oogenblik geen lust had den stryd voorttezetten.
It|seemed|that|Verbrugge|at|this|moment|no|desire|had|the|struggle|to continue
It seemed that Verbrugge at that moment had no desire to continue the fight.
Althans hy brak 't gesprek af, en vroeg weder aan den mandoor -oppasser of hy niets komen zag?
At least|he|broke|the|conversation|off|and|asked|again|to|the|supervisor|caretaker|if|he|nothing|coming|saw
At least he broke off the conversation and asked the mandoor attendant again if he saw anything coming?
—Ik zie nog niets van den kant van Pandeglang , mynheer de kontroleur, maar daar-ginds aan de andere zyde rydt iemand te-paard … het is de toewan kommendaan .
I|see|not yet|nothing|from|the|direction|of|Pandeglang|sir|the|inspector|but|||on|the|other|side||someone|||it|is|the|officer|commander
—I don't see anything from the direction of Pandeglang, sir the controller, but over there on the other side someone is riding on horseback... it is the coming commander.
—Welzeker, Dongso , zei Verbrugge naar buiten starende, dat is de kommandant!
—Certainly, Dongso, said Verbrugge staring outside, that is the commander!
Hy jaagt in deze buurt, en is vanmorgen vroeg reeds uitgegaan.
He|hunts|in|this|neighborhood|and|is|this morning|early|already|gone out
He is hunting in this area and left early this morning.
Hé, Duclari … Duclari!
Hey, Duclari ... Duclari!
—Hy hoort u al, mynheer, hy komt hierheen.
He|hears|you|already|sir|he|is coming|here
—He can hear you already, sir, he is coming this way.
Zyn jongen rydt achter hem, met een kidang [26] achter zich over 't paard.
His boy rides behind him, with a kidang [26] behind him on the horse.
— Pegang koedahnja toewan kommendaan [27] gebood Verbrugge aan een der bedienden die buiten zaten.
Take|his coat|to|command|ordered|Verbrugge|to|one|of the|servants|who|outside|were sitting
— Pegang koedahnja toewan kommendaan [27] commanded Verbrugge to one of the servants who were sitting outside.
Bonjour, Duclari!
Hello, Duclari!
Ben je nat?
Are you wet?
Wat heb je geschoten?
What did you shoot?
Kom binnen!
Come in!
Een krachtig man van dertigjarigen leeftyd en flinke militaire houding, hoewel van uniform geen spoor was, trad de pendoppo in.
A powerful man of thirty years old with a strong military posture, although there was no trace of a uniform, entered the tent.
Het was de eerste-luitenant Duclari, kommandant van 't kleine garnizoen te Rangkas-Betoeng .
It was First Lieutenant Duclari, commander of the small garrison at Rangkas-Betoeng.
Verbrugge en hy waren bevriend, en hun gemeenzaamheid was te grooter, daar Duclari sedert eenigen tyd de woning van Verbrugge betrokken had in afwachting der voltooiing van een nieuw fort.
Verbrugge|and|he|were|friends|and|their|companionship|was|too|greater|because|Duclari|since|some|time|the|residence|of|Verbrugge|occupied|had|in|anticipation|of the|completion|of|a|new|fort
Verbrugge and he were friends, and their camaraderie was even greater since Duclari had recently taken up residence in Verbrugge's home while waiting for the completion of a new fort.
Hy drukte dezen de hand, groette den Regent beleefd, en ging zitten onder de vraag: "wel, wat heb je al zoo hier?"
He|pressed|this|the|hand|greeted|the|Regent|politely|and|went|to sit|under|the|question|well|what|have|you|already|so|here
He shook his hand, greeted the Regent politely, and sat down with the question: "Well, what have you been up to here?"
—Wil je thee, Duclari?
—Do you want tea, Duclari?
—Wel neen, ik ben warm genoeg!
—No, I'm warm enough!
Heb je geen klapperwater?
Have|you|no|coconut water
Don't you have coconut water?
[28] Dat is frisscher.
[28] That's fresher.
—Dat laat ik je niet geven.
That|will let|I|you|not|give
—I won't let you have that.
Als men warm is, houd ik klapperwater voor heel nadeelig.
If|one|warm|is|consider|I|coconut water|to be|very|disadvantageous
When it's warm, I find coconut water very disadvantageous.
Je wordt er styf en jichtig van.
It makes you stiff and rheumatic.
Zie eens de koelies die zware vrachten over de bergen dragen: zy houden zich vlug en lenig door heet water te drinken, of koppi dahoen .
See|once|the|coolies|who|heavy|loads|over|the|mountains|carry|they|keep|themselves|quick|and|agile|by|hot|water|to|drink|or|coffee|to drink
Just look at the coolies who carry heavy loads over the mountains: they stay quick and agile by drinking hot water, or koppi dahoen.
Maar gemberthee [29] is nog beter …
But|ginger tea|is|even|better
But ginger tea [29] is even better ...
Koppi dahoen , thee van koffibladen?
cup|drink|tea|from|coffee leaves
Koppi dahoen, tea made from coffee leaves?
Dat heb ik nog nooit gezien.
I've never seen that before.
—Omdat je niet op Sumatra gediend hebt.
—Because you haven't served in Sumatra.
Daar is 't de gewoonte.
There it is the custom.
—Laat me dan maar thee geven … maar niet van koffibladen, en ook niet van gember.
Let|me|then|but|you|give|but|not|from|coffee leaves|and|also|not|from|ginger
—Then just let me have tea... but not from coffee leaves, and also not from ginger.
Ja, je bent op Sumatra geweest … en de nieuwe adsistent-resident ook, niet waar?
Yes|you|have been|in|Sumatra|been|and|the|new|||also|not|true
Yes, you have been to Sumatra... and the new assistant resident too, right?
Dit gesprek werd in 't hollandsch gevoerd, een taal die de Regent niet verstond.
This conversation was conducted in Dutch, a language that the Regent did not understand.
Hetzy Duclari gevoelde dat er iets onbeleefds in lag, hem hierdoor van 't onderhoud uittesluiten, hetzyd-i hiermee een andere bedoeling had, op-eenmaal ging hy, zich tot den Regent wendende, in 't maleisch voort:
Hetzy|Duclari|felt|that|there|something|impolite|in|was|him|thereby|from|the|conversation|excluding|||with this|another|other|intention|had|||went|he|himself|to|the|Regent|turning|in|the|Malay|forward
Hetzy Duclari felt that there was something impolite in excluding him from the conversation, especially since he had another intention; suddenly he turned to the Regent and continued in Malay:
—Weet mynheer de Adhipatti , dat m'nheer de kontroleur den nieuwen adsistent-resident kent?
Does know|sir|the|Adhipatti|that|my sir|the|controller|the|new|||knows
—Does Mr. Adhipatti know that Mr. the controller knows the new assistant-resident?
—Wel neen, dát heb niet gezegd, ik heb hem nooit gezien.
—Well no, I did not say that, I have never seen him.
Hy diende eenige jaren vóór my op Sumatra.
He served a few years before me in Sumatra.
Ik heb je maar gezegd dat ik daar veel over hem heb hooren spreken, anders niet!
I only told you that I have heard a lot about him there, nothing more!
—Nu, dit komt op 'tzelfde neer.
Now|this|comes|to|the same|down
—Well, this amounts to the same.
Men behoeft iemand juist niet te zien om hem te kennen.
One|needs|someone|exactly|not|to|see|in order to|him|to|know
One does not need to see someone to know them.
Hoe denkt m'nheer de Adhipatti hierover?
How|thinks|my lord|the|Adhipatti|about this
What does Mr. Adhipatti think about this?
De Adhipatti had juist noodig een bediende te roepen.
The Adhipatti actually needed to call a servant.
Er verliep dus wat tyd voor hy zeggen kon: "dat hy met den heer kommandant instemde, maar dat het toch dikwyls noodig was iemand te zien voor men hem beoordeelen kon."
It|took|so|some|time|before|he|to say|could|that|he|with|the|Mr|commander|agreed|but|that|it|still|often|necessary|was|someone|to|see|before|one|him|to judge|could
So some time passed before he could say: "that he agreed with the commander, but that it was often necessary to see someone before one could judge him."
—Over 't geheel genomen is dit misschien waar, ging nu Duclari in 't hollandsch voort—hetzy omdat deze taal hem gemeenzamer was en hy meende genoeg gedaan te hebben voor de beleefdheid, hetzy omdat hy alleen door Verbrugge verstaan wilde worden—dit moge in 't algemeen waar zyn, maar omtrent Havelaar heeft men waarachtig geen persoonlyke kennismaking noodig … hy is een gek!
Overall|it|whole|taken|is|this|perhaps|true|went|now|Duclari|in|the|Dutch|continued|perhaps|because|this|language|him|more familiar|was|and|he|thought|enough|done|to|have|for|the|politeness|perhaps|because|he|only|by|Verbrugge|understood|wanted|to be|this|may|in|the|general|true|be|but|regarding|Havelaar|has|one|truly|no|personal|acquaintance|necessary|he|is|a|mad
—Overall, this may be true, Duclari continued in Dutch—either because this language was more familiar to him and he thought he had done enough for politeness, or because he only wanted to be understood by Verbrugge—this may generally be true, but regarding Havelaar, one truly does not need any personal acquaintance... he is a madman!
—Dat heb ik niet gezegd, Duclari!
—I didn't say that, Duclari!
—Neen, jy hebt dat niet gezegd, maar ik zeg het na al wat je my van hem verteld hebt.
—No, you didn't say that, but I'm saying it after all you've told me about him.
Ik noem iemand die in 't water springt om een hond te redden van de haaien, een gek.
I|call|someone|who|in|the|water|jumps|to|a|dog|to|save|from|the|sharks|a|crazy person
I call someone who jumps into the water to save a dog from sharks a fool.
—Nu ja, verstandig is 't zeker niet.
—Well, it's certainly not wise.
Maar …
But ...
—En, hoor eens, dat versje tegen den generaal Vandamme … 't kwam niet te-pas!
And|listen|once|that|little poem|against|the|general|Vandamme|it|came|not||
—And, listen, that poem against General Vandamme ... it wasn't appropriate!
—'t Was geestig …
—It was funny ...
—Tot je dienst!
—At your service!
Maar een jong mensch mag niet geestig zyn tegen een generaal.
But a young person should not be witty against a general.
—Je moet in 't oog houden dat hy nog zeer jong was … het is veertien jaar geleden.
—You must keep in mind that he was still very young... it was fourteen years ago.
Hy was toen maar twee-en-twintig jaar oud.
He was only twenty-two years old then.
—En dan de kalkoen dien hy stal!
—And then the turkey that he stole!
—Dat deed hy om den generaal te plagen.
—He did that to tease the general.
Een jong mensch mag geen generaal plagen, die bovendien, als civiel gouverneur, zyn chef was.
A young person should not tease a general, who was also, as a civil governor, his superior.
Dat andere versje vind ik aardig, maar … dat eeuwige duelleeren!
I find that other verse nice, but ... that eternal dueling!
—Hy deed het gewoonlyk voor een ander.
—He usually did it for someone else.
Hy trok altyd party voor den zwakste.
He always favored the weakest.
—Wel laat ieder voor zichzelf duelleeren, als men het dan volstrekt doen wil!
well|let||for|himself|learn to duel|if|one|it|then|absolutely|do|wants
—Well, let everyone duel for themselves, if they really want to do it!
Ik voor my geloof dat een duel zelden noodig is.
As for me, I believe that a duel is rarely necessary.
Waar 't onvermydelyk was, zou ook ik een uitdaging aannemen, en in zekere gevallen zelf uitdagen, maar om daarvan dagelyksch werk te maken … dank je!
Where|it|unavoidable|was|would|also|I|a|challenge|accept|and|in|certain|cases|myself|challenge|but|to|from that|daily|work|to|make|thanks|you
Where it was unavoidable, I would also take on a challenge, and in certain cases even challenge myself, but to make it a daily task... thank you!
Het is te hopen dat hy veranderd is op dit punt.
It is to be hoped that he has changed on this point.
—Wel zeker, daar is geen twyfel aan!
—Certainly, there is no doubt about that!
Hy is nu zooveel ouder, daarby sedert langen tyd getrouwd, en adsistent-resident.
He|is|now|so much|older|besides|for|long|time|married|and||
He is now so much older, and besides, he has been married for a long time and is an assistant resident.
Bovendien, ik heb altyd gehoord dat zyn hart goed was, en dat hy een warm gevoel had voor recht.
Moreover, I have always heard that his heart was good, and that he had a warm feeling for justice.
—Nu, dat zal hem te-pas komen in Lebak !
—Now, that will come in handy for him in Lebak!
Daar is me juist iets voorgekomen, dat … zou de Regent ons verstaan?
There|is|to me|just|something|occurred|that|would|the|Regent|us|understand
Something just happened to me that... would the Regent understand us?
—Ik geloof 't niet.
—I don't believe so.
Maar toon my iets uit je weitasch, dan denkt hy dat we dáárover spreken.
But|show|me|something|from|your|backpack|then|thinks|he|that|we|about that|are talking
But show me something from your bag, then he thinks we are talking about that.
Duclari nam zyn weitasch, haalde daaruit een paar boschduiven, en die vogels betastende als sprak hy over de jacht, deelde hy Verbrugge mede dat hy zoo-even in 't veld was nageloopen door een Javaan, die hem gevraagd had of hy niet iets doen kon tot verligting van den druk waaronder de bevolking zuchtte?
Duclari|took|his|bag|took out|from it|a|pair|forest doves|and|those|birds|touching|as|he spoke|he|about|the|hunt|shared|he|Verbrugge||that|he|||in|the|field|was|chased|by|a|Javanese|who|him|asked|had|if|he|not|anything|do|could|for|relief|of|the|pressure|which|the|population|suffered
Duclari took his bag, pulled out a couple of wood pigeons, and while handling those birds he spoke about the hunt, informing Verbrugge that he had just been chased in the field by a Javanese who had asked him if he could do something to alleviate the pressure under which the population was suffering?
—En, ging hy voort, dit is zeer sterk, Verbrugge!
—And, he continued, this is very strong, Verbrugge!
Niet dat ik me verwonder over de zaak zelf.
Not that I am surprised about the matter itself.
Ik ben lang genoeg in 't Bantamsche om te weten wat hier voorvalt, maar dat de geringe Javaan, gewoonlyk zoo omzichtig en terughoudend waar 't zyn hoofden geldt, zoo-iets vraagt aan iemand die er niets mee te maken heeft, dit bevreemdt my!
I|am|long|long enough|in|the|Bantam region|to|to|know|what|here|happens|but|that|the|petty|Javanese|usually|so|cautious|and|reserved|where|it|their|heads|concerns|||asks|to|someone|who|there|nothing|with|to|do|has|this|surprises|me
I have been in Bantamsche long enough to know what is going on here, but that the humble Javanese, usually so cautious and reserved when it concerns their leaders, would ask something like this from someone who has nothing to do with it, this astonishes me!
—En wat heb je geantwoord, Duclari?
—And what did you answer, Duclari?
—Wèl, dat het me niet aanging!
—Well, that it was none of my business!
Dat hy tot u moest gaan, of tot den nieuwen adsistent-resident, als die zou aangekomen zyn te Rangkas-Betoeng , en dáár zyn klachten uiten.
That|he|to|you|had to|go|or|to|the|new|||if|he|would|arrived|be|in|||and|there|his|complaints|express
That he had to go to you, or to the new assistant resident, if he had arrived in Rangkas-Betoeng, and express his complaints there.
— Ienie apa toewan-toewan datang!
— Ienie what the gentlemen are coming!
riep op-eenmaal de oppasser Dongso .
cried the caretaker Dongso all of a sudden.
Ik zie een mantrie die met zyn toedoeng wuift.
I see a man waving with his toedoeng.
Allen stonden op.
Everyone stood up.
Duclari, die niet door zyn tegenwoordigheid in de pendoppo den schyn wilde aannemen als ware ook hy aan de grenzen ter verwelkoming van den adsistent-resident, die wel zyn meerdere doch niet zyn chef, en bovendien een gek was, steeg te-paard, en reed door zyn bediende gevolgd, heen.
Duclari|who|not|by|his|presence|in|the|pavilion|the|appearance|wanted|to assume|as|were|also|he|at|the|borders|for|welcoming|of|the|||who|well|his|superior|but|not|his|chief|and|moreover|a|fool|was|mounted|||and|rode|by|his|servant|followed|away
Duclari, who did not want to give the impression by his presence in the pavilion that he was also at the borders to welcome the assistant-resident, who was indeed his superior but not his chief, and moreover a madman, mounted his horse and rode off, followed by his servant.
De Adhipatti en Verbrugge stelden zich aan den ingang van de pendoppo , en zagen een door vier paarden getrokken reiswagen naderen, die weldra vry bemodderd by 't bamboezen gebouwtje stilhield.
The Adhipatti and Verbrugge positioned themselves at the entrance of the pavilion and saw a travel carriage drawn by four horses approaching, which soon came to a stop, quite muddy, by the bamboo building.
Het zou moeielyk geweest zyn te raden wat er zich al zoo in dien wagen bevond, voor Dongso , geholpen door de loopers en een tal van bedienden die tot het gevolg van den Regent behoorden, al de riemen en knoopsels hadden losgemaakt, die het voertuig hielden ingesloten met een zwart lederen foedraal dat aan de diskretie herinnerde, waarmee in vroeger jaren leeuwen en tygers de stad inkwamen, toen de zoölogische tuinen nog reizende dierenspellen waren.
It|would|difficult|been|to be|to|guess|what|there|himself|already|so|in|that|wagon|was|before|Dongso|helped|by|the|runners|and|a|number|of|servants|who|to|the|entourage|of|the|Regent|belonged|all|the|straps|and||had|unfastened|that|the|vehicle|kept|enclosed|with|a|black|leather|case|that|to|the|discretion|reminded|with which|in|earlier|years|lions|and|tigers|the|city|entered|when|the|zoological|gardens|still|traveling|animal shows|
It would have been difficult to guess what was already in that carriage, before Dongso, assisted by the runners and a number of servants who belonged to the Regent's entourage, had loosened all the straps and fastenings that kept the vehicle enclosed in a black leather case that reminded one of the discretion with which lions and tigers entered the city in earlier years, when the zoos were still traveling animal shows.
Leeuwen of tygers nu waren er in den wagen niet.
There were no lions or tigers in the carriage now.
Men had alles maar zoo zorgvuldig gesloten omdat het westmoesson was, en men dus op regen moest bedacht zyn.
They|had|everything|but|so|carefully|closed|because|the|west monsoon|was|and|one|therefore|for|rain|had to|prepared|be
Everything had been so carefully closed because it was the west monsoon, and one had to be prepared for rain.
Nu is 't uitstappen uit een reiswagen waarin men lang over den weg gehotst heeft, niet zoo gemakkelyk als iemand die nooit of weinig gereisd heeft, zich verbeelden zou.
Now|is|the|getting out|from|a|travel vehicle|in which|one|long|over|the|road|hurried|has|not|so|easy|as|someone|who|never|or|little|traveled|has|himself|imagine|would
Now, getting out of a travel carriage in which one has been jolted along the road for a long time is not as easy as someone who has never or rarely traveled might imagine.
Nagenoeg als de arme Sauriers uit de voorwereld, die door lang wachten ten-laatste een integreerend deel uitmaken van de klei, waarin ze aanvankelyk niet gekomen waren met het plan om er te blyven, heeft er ook by reizigers die wat nauw op-één gedrukt en in gedwongen houding, te lang in een reiswagen gezeten hebben, iets plaats, wat ik u voorstel assimilatie te noemen.
almost|like|the|poor|Saurians|from|the|pre-world|who|through|long|waiting|||an|integrating|part|make up|of|the|clay|in which|they|originally|not|come|were|with|the|plan|to|there|to|stay|has|there|also|by|travelers|who|somewhat|closely|||pressed|and|in|forced|posture|too|long|in|a|travel wagon|sat|have|something|place|what|I|you|propose|assimilation|to|call
Almost like the poor dinosaurs from the prehistoric world, who, after a long wait, ultimately become an integral part of the clay, in which they initially did not come with the plan to stay, there is also something in travelers who have been pressed closely together and have sat too long in a carriage, which I propose to call assimilation.
Men weet eindelyk niet juist meer waar 't lederen kussen van den wagen ophoudt, en waar de ikheid aanvangt, ja, het denkbeeld is me niet vreemd dat men in zulk een wagen kiespyn of kramp hebben kan, die men voor mot in 't laken aanziet, of omgekeerd.
One|knows|finally|not|exactly|anymore|where|the|leather|cushion|of|the|carriage|ends|and|where|the|I-ness|begins|yes|the|idea|is|me|not|strange|that|one|in|such|a|carriage|toothache|or|cramp|can have|can|which|one|for|fly|in|the|linen|sees|or|vice versa
One ultimately does not know exactly where the leather cushion of the carriage ends, and where the self begins; indeed, the idea is not foreign to me that one can have toothache or cramp in such a carriage, which one mistakes for a bug in the fabric, or vice versa.
Er zyn weinig omstandigheden in de stoffelyke wereld, die den denkenden mensch geen aanleiding geven tot het maken van opmerkingen op verstandelyk gebied, en zoo heb ik myzelf dikwyls afgevraagd of niet veel dwalingen die onder ons kracht van wet hebben, veel "scheefheden" die wy voor "recht" houden, hieruit voortvloeien, dat men te lang met hetzelfde gezelschap in denzelfden reiswagen heeft gezeten?
There|are|few|circumstances|in|the|material|world|that|the|thinking|human|no|reason|give|to|the|making|of|remarks|on|intellectual|field|and|so|have|I|myself|often|wondered|if|not|many|errors|that|among|us|power|of|law|have|many|discrepancies|that|we|for|right|hold|from this|arise|that|one|too|long|with||company|in|the same|carriage|has|sat
There are few circumstances in the material world that do not give the thinking person reason to make observations in the intellectual realm, and so I have often wondered whether many of the errors that hold power among us, many "distortions" that we consider "right," stem from having sat too long with the same company in the same carriage?
Het been dat ge daar links uitsteken moest, tusschen de hoededoos en 't mandje met kersen … de knie die ge tegen 't portier gedrukt hield, om de dame tegenover u niet te doen denken dat ge een aanval in den zin hadt op krinoline of deugd … de gelikdoornde voet die zoo bang was voor de hakken van den commis-voyageur naast u … de hals dien ge zoo lang links moest wenden, omdat het drupt aan de rechterzyde.. zie, dat worden zoo alle ten-laatste halzen, en knieën, en voeten, die iets verdraaids bekomen.
The|leg|that|you|there|left|stick out|had to|between|the|hat box|and|the|little basket|with|cherries|the|knee|that|you|against|the|door|pressed|held|to|the|lady|across from|you|not|to|make|think|that|you|an|attack|in|the|mind|had|on|crinoline|or|virtue|the|well-groomed|foot|that|so|afraid|was|of|the|heels|of|the|||next to|you|the|neck|that|you|so|long|left|had to|turn|||drips|on|the|right side|see|that|become|so|all|||necks|and|knees|and|feet|that|something|twisted|receive
The leg that you had to stick out there on the left, between the hatbox and the basket of cherries... the knee that you pressed against the door, so as not to make the lady opposite you think that you had an attack in mind on crinoline or virtue... the foot that was so afraid of the heels of the traveling salesman next to you... the neck that you had to turn left for so long, because it dripped on the right side... see, that ultimately becomes all necks, and knees, and feet that acquire something twisted.
Ik houd het voor goed, van tyd tot-tyd eens te wisselen van wagens, zitplaats en medereizigers.
I|keep|it|for|good|from|time|||once|to|change|of|cars|seat|and|fellow travelers
I think it's good to occasionally change vehicles, seats, and travel companions.
Men kan dan zyn hals eens anders wenden, men beweegt nu-en-dan zyn knie, en misschien zit er eens een juffrouw naast ons met dansschoenen, of een jongetje wiens beentjes den grond niet raken.
One|can|then|his|neck|once|differently|turn|one|moves||and|||||maybe|sits|there|once|a|lady|next to|us|with|dance shoes|or|a|little boy|whose|legs|the|ground|not|touch
One can then turn their neck differently, move their knee now and then, and perhaps there is a young lady next to us with dancing shoes, or a little boy whose feet don't touch the ground.
Men heeft dan meer kans om recht te zien en recht te loopen, zoodra men weer vasten grond onder de voeten krygt.
One|has|then|more|chance|to|straight|to|see|and|straight|to|walk|as soon as|one|again|firm|ground|under|the|feet|gets
One has a better chance of seeing straight and walking straight as soon as they get solid ground under their feet again.
Of er ook in den wagen, die nu voor de pendoppo stilhield, zich iets verzette tegen de "oplossing der continuiteit" weet ik niet, maar zeker is 't dat het lang duurde voor er iets te voorschyn kwam.
If|there|also|in|the|car|which|now|in front of|the|bus|stopped|himself|something|resisted|against|the|solution|of|continuity|know|I|not|but|certain|is|it|that|it|long||before|there|something|to|light|came
Whether there was anything resisting the "solution of continuity" in the carriage that just stopped in front of the station, I do not know, but it certainly took a long time before anything appeared.
Er scheen een stryd van hoffelykheid gevoerd te worden.
There seemed to be a contest of elegance taking place.
Men vernam de woorden: "als 't u belieft, mevrouw!"
One heard the words: "if it pleases you, madam!"
en "resident!"
and "resident!"
Hoe dit zy, eindelyk stapte er een heer uit, die in houding en voorkomen wel iets vertoonde dat denken deed aan de Sauriers waarvan ik zoo-even gesproken heb.
How|this|is|finally|stepped|there|a|gentleman|out|who|in|demeanor|and|appearance|well|something|showed|that|thought|made|to|the|Saurians|of whom|I|||spoken|have
Be that as it may, finally a gentleman stepped out, who in posture and appearance bore some resemblance to the Saurians I just mentioned.
Daar wy hem later zullen weerzien, wil ik u maar terstond zeggen dat zyn onbewegelykheid niet uitsluitend moest geweten worden aan de assimilatie met den reiswagen, want dat hy, ook als er op mylen afstands geen voertuig in de buurt was, een kalmte, een langzaamheid en een voorzichtigheid aan den dag leî, die menigen Saurier jaloersch maken zou, en die in de oogen van velen de kenmerken zyn van deftigheid, bezadigdheid en wysheid.
Since|we|him|later|will|see again|want|I|you|but|immediately|to tell|that|his||not|exclusively|should|known|be|to|the|assimilation|with|the|carriage|for|that|he|also|if|there|at|miles||no|vehicle|in|the|vicinity|was|a|calmness|a|slowness|and|a|caution|to|the|day|exhibited|which|many|Saurian|envious|would make|would|and|which|in|the|eyes|of|many|the|characteristics|are|of|dignity|sobriety|and|wisdom
Since we will see him again later, I want to tell you right away that his immobility should not solely be attributed to the assimilation with the carriage, for even when there was no vehicle nearby for miles, he displayed a calmness, a slowness, and a caution that would make many a dinosaur envious, and which in the eyes of many are the characteristics of dignity, composure, and wisdom.
Hy was, zooals de meeste Europeanen in Indie, zeer bleek, hetgeen echter in die streken geenszins voor een blyk van minder goede gezondheid wordt gehouden, en hy had fyne trekken die wel getuigden van verstandelyke ontwikkeling.
He|was|like|the|most|Europeans|in|India|very|pale|which|however|in|those|regions|by no means|for|a|sign|of|less|good|health|is|considered|and|he|had|fine|features|that|well|testified|of|intellectual|development
He was, like most Europeans in India, very pale, which, however, is by no means considered a sign of poor health in those regions, and he had fine features that testified to intellectual development.
Alleen was er iets kouds in zyn blik, iets wat u denken deed aan een logarithmentafel, en hoewel zyn voorkomen over 't geheel niet onbehagelyk of terugstootend was, kon men zich toch niet onthouden van de verdenking dat zyn vry groote magere neus zich op dat gelaat verveelde, omdat er zoo weinig op voorviel.
Only|was|there|something||in|his|gaze|something|that|you|thought|made|to|a|logarithm table|and|although|his|appearance|overall|it|whole|not|unpleasant|or|repulsive|was|could|one|oneself|still|not|refrain|from|the|suspicion|that|his|quite|large|thin|nose|himself|on|that|face|bored|because|there|so|little|on|happened
Only there was something cold in his gaze, something that made you think of a logarithm table, and although his appearance was not unpleasant or repulsive overall, one could not help but suspect that his quite large thin nose was bored on that face, because there was so little happening.
Met beleefdheid bood hy zyn hand aan een dame, om haar by het uitstygen behulpzaam te zyn, en nadat deze van een heer die nog in den wagen zat, een kind had aangenomen, een klein blond jongetje van een jaar of drie, traden zy de pendoppo in.
With|politeness|offered|he|his|hand|to|a|lady|to|her|at|the|exiting|helpful|to|be|and|after|she|from|a|gentleman|who|still|in|the|carriage|sat|a|child|had|taken|a|small|blonde|boy|of|a|year|of|three|entered||the|covered wagon|in
With politeness, he offered his hand to a lady to assist her in disembarking, and after she had taken a child from a gentleman who was still in the carriage, a small blonde boy of about three years old, they entered the pavilion.
Daarop volgde die heer zelf, en wien op Java bekend was, zou het als een byzonderheid in 't oog gevallen zyn, dat hy by 't portier wachtte om 't uitstygen gemakkelyk te maken aan een oude javaansche baboe .
Then the gentleman himself followed, and for those known in Java, it would have stood out as a particularity that he waited at the porter to make it easier for an old Javanese nanny to disembark.
[32] Een drietal bedienden hadden zichzelf verlost uit het wasleêren kastje, dat achter den wagen was vastgeplakt als een jonge oester op den rug van zyn mama.
[32] A trio of servants had freed themselves from the washing cabinet, which was stuck behind the carriage like a young oyster on the back of its mother.
De heer die het eerst was uitgestegen, had den Regent en den kontroleur Verbrugge de hand geboden, die zy met eerbied aannamen, en in hun geheele houding was te bespeuren dat zy gevoelden zich in de tegenwoordigheid te bevinden van een gewicht persoon.
The gentleman who had disembarked first had offered his hand to the Regent and the controller Verbrugge, which they accepted with respect, and in their entire demeanor, it was evident that they felt they were in the presence of an important person.
Het was de resident van Bantam , de groote landstreek waarvan Lebak een afdeeling, een regentschap, of, zooals men officieel zegt, een adsistent-residentie is.
It|was|the|resident|of|Bantam|the|large|region|of which|Lebak|a|division|a|regency|or|as|one|officially|says|an|||
It was the resident of Bantam, the large region of which Lebak is a division, a regency, or, as it is officially called, an assistant residency.
By 't lezen van verdichte verhalen, heb ik my meermalen geërgerd over den weinigen eerbied der schryvers voor den smaak van 't publiek, en vooral was dit het geval, waar zy blyk gaven iets te willen voortbrengen dat koddig of burlesk heeten moest, om nu niet van humor te spreken, een eigenaardigheid die byna doorgaande allerjammerlykst wordt verward met het komieke .
By|the|reading|of|condensed|stories|I have|I||several times|annoyed|about|the|little|respect|of the|writers|for|the|taste|of|the|public|and|especially|was|this|the|case|where|they|apparent|gave|something|to|want|produce|that|funny|or|burlesque|called|had to|to|now|not|of|humor|to|speak|a|peculiarity|that|almost|continuously|most sadly|is|confused|with|the|comical
By reading condensed stories, I have often been annoyed by the little respect the writers have for the taste of the public, and especially this was the case when they showed a desire to produce something that had to be called funny or burlesque, not to mention humor, a peculiarity that is almost continuously and lamentably confused with the comic.
Men voert een persoon sprekende in, die de taal niet verstaat of slecht uitspreekt, men laat een franschman zeggen: "ka kauw na de krote krak" of "krietje kooit keen kare kroente kraak wek."
They introduce a speaking character who does not understand the language or pronounces it poorly, they let a Frenchman say: "ka kauw na de krote krak" or "krietje kooit keen kare kroente kraak wek."
By-gebrek aan een franschman, neemt men iemand die stamelt, of men "schept" een persoon die zyn stokpaardje maakt van een paar telkens wederkeerende woorden.
||of|a|Frenchman|one takes|one|someone|who|stutters|or|one|creates|a|person|who|his|hobby|makes|of|a|few|each time|recurring|words
In the absence of a Frenchman, they take someone who stutters, or they "create" a character who makes a hobby horse out of a few repeatedly recurring words.
Ik heb een allerzotste vaudeville zien "réusseeren" omdat daarin iemand voorkwam, die gedurig zeide: " myn naam is Meyer ."
I|have|a|most ridiculous|vaudeville|see|succeed|because|in it|someone|appeared|who|constantly|said|my|name|is|Meyer
I have seen the craziest vaudeville "succeed" because it featured someone who kept saying: "my name is Meyer."
My komen zulke geestigheden wat goedkoop voor, en, om de waarheid te zeggen, ik ben boos op u als ge zoo-iets grappig vindt.
Such witticisms seem rather cheap to me, and, to tell the truth, I am angry with you for finding something so funny.
Maar nu heb ikzelf u iets dergelyks voortestellen.
But|now|have|myself|you|something|similar|to propose
But now I have something similar to propose to you.
Ik moet van-tyd tot-tyd iemand ten-tooneele voeren—ik zal 't zoo weinig mogelyk doen—die inderdaad een manier van spreken had, welke my doet vreezen verdacht te worden van een mislukte poging om u te doen lachen, en hierom moet ik u uitdrukkelyk verzekeren dat het niet myn schuld is, als de hoogstdeftige resident van Bantam, van wien hier de rede is, iets zóó eigenaardigs vertoonde in zyn wyze van spreken, dat het me moeielyk valt dat weertegeven, zonder den schyn op me te laden dat ik effekt van geestigheid zoek in een tic .
From time to time, I must bring someone on stage—I will do it as little as possible—who indeed had a way of speaking that makes me fear being suspected of a failed attempt to make you laugh, and for this reason, I must expressly assure you that it is not my fault if the most high and dignified resident of Bantam, of whom the speech is here, displayed something so peculiar in his manner of speaking that I find it difficult to convey it without giving the impression that I am seeking the effect of wit in a tic.
Hy sprak namelyk op een toon, alsof achter elk woord een punt stond, of zelfs een lang rustteeken, en ik kan de ruimte tusschen zyn woorden niet beter vergelyken dan by de stilte die er volgt op het "amen" na een lang gebed in de kerk, hetwelk zooals ieder weet, een sein is dat men den tyd heeft tot verzitten, hoesten of neussnuiten.
He|spoke|namely|in|a|tone|as if|behind|each|word|a|period|stood|or|even|a|long|pause|and|I|can|the|space|between|his|words|not|better|compare|than|by|the|silence|that|there|follows|after|the|amen|after|a|long|prayer|in|the|church|which|as|everyone|knows|a|signal|is|that|one|the|time|has|for|sitting|coughing|or|blowing nose
He spoke namely in a tone as if there were a period after each word, or even a long pause, and I can best compare the space between his words to the silence that follows the "amen" after a long prayer in church, which, as everyone knows, is a signal that one has time to sit still, cough, or blow one's nose.
Wat hy zeide, was gewoonlyk goed overdacht, en wanneer hy zich die ontydige rustpunten had kunnen afwennen, zouden zyn zinsneden, uit een redekunstig oogpunt althans, meestal een gezond aanzien gehad hebben.
What|he|said|was|usually|well|thought out|and|when|he|himself|those|untimely|points of rest|had|been able to|rid himself of|would|his|sentences|from|a|rhetorical|perspective|at least|usually|a|healthy|appearance|had|had
What he said was usually well thought out, and if he could have rid himself of those untimely pauses, his phrases would have had a healthy appearance from a rhetorical point of view.
Maar al dat afbrokkelen, dat stooterige en hobbelige, maakte het aanhooren lastig.
But all that crumbling, that stuttering and bumpiness, made it difficult to listen.
Men viel er dan ook dikwyls over.
People often stumbled over it.
Want gewoonlyk, als men begonnen was te antwoorden in de goedige meening dat de zin uit was, en dat hy de aanvulling van 't ontbrekende aan de scherpzinnigheid van zyn toehoorder overliet, kwamen de nog ontbrekende woorden als trainards van een geslagen leger achteraan, en deden u gevoelen dat ge hem in de rede waart gevallen, wat altyd onaangenaam is.
For|usually|when|one|had begun|was|to|answer|in|the|good|intention|that|the|sentence|out|was|and|that|he|the|completion|of|the|missing|to|the|sharpness|of|his||left|came|the|still|missing|words|like|stragglers|of|a|defeated|army|behind|and|made|you|feel|that|you|him|in|the|interruption|were|fallen|what|always|unpleasant|is
For usually, when one had begun to respond in the good-natured belief that the sentence was finished, and that he left the completion of the missing part to the sharpness of his listener, the still missing words would come trailing behind like the remnants of a defeated army, making you feel that you had interrupted him, which is always unpleasant.
Het publiek der hoofdplaats Serang , voor-zoo-ver men niet in dienst stond van 't gouvernement—een verhouding die den meesten iets omzichtigs geeft—noemde zyn gesprekken "slymerig."
The audience of the capital Serang, as far as they were not in the service of the government—a relationship that gives most a certain caution—called his conversations "sly."
Ik vind dit woord niet zeer smaakvol, doch moet erkennen dat het de hoofdeigenschap van des residents welsprekendheid vry juist uitdrukte.
I|find|this|word|not|very|tasteful|but|must|acknowledge|that|it|the|main characteristic|of|the|residents|eloquence|quite|accurately|expressed
I do not find this word very tasteful, but I must admit that it accurately expressed the main characteristic of the resident's eloquence.
Ik heb van Max Havelaar en zyn vrouw—want dit waren de beide personen die na den resident met hun kind en de baboe uit den wagen gekomen waren—nog niets gezegd, en misschien ware het voldoende, de kenschetsing van hun voorkomen en karakter aan den loop der gebeurtenissen en des lezers eigen verbeelding overtelaten.
I|have|of|Max|Havelaar|and|his|wife|for|this|were|the|both|people|who|after|the|resident|with|their|child|and|the|nanny|out|the|carriage|come|were|still|nothing|said|and|perhaps|would be|it|sufficient|the|description|of|their|appearance|and|character|to|the|course|of|events|and|the|reader's|own|imagination|to leave to
I have not yet said anything about Max Havelaar and his wife—because these were the two people who, after the resident, had come out of the carriage with their child and the nanny—and perhaps it would be sufficient to leave the description of their appearance and character to the course of events and the reader's own imagination.
Daar ik evenwel nu eenmaal aan 't beschryven ben, wil ik u zeggen dat mevrouw Havelaar niet schoon was, dat zy echter in blik en spraak iets zeer lieftalligs bezat, en door de gemakkelyke ongedwongenheid van haar manieren het onmiskenbaar teeken gaf, dat zy in de wereld was geweest, en in de hoogere klassen der maatschappy te-huis behoorde.
Since|I|nevertheless|||at|the|describing|am|want|I|you|to tell|that|Mrs|Havelaar|not|beautiful|was|that|she|however|in|gaze|and|speech|something|very|charming|possessed|and|through|the|easy|naturalness|of|her|manners|it|unmistakably|sign|gave|that|she|in|the|world|had|been|and|in|the|higher|classes|of|society|||belonged
However, since I am describing, I want to tell you that Mrs. Havelaar was not beautiful, but that she possessed something very charming in her gaze and speech, and by the easy naturalness of her manners, she unmistakably indicated that she had been in the world and belonged to the higher classes of society.
Zy had niet dat styve en onbehagelyke van 't burgerlyk fatsoen dat, om voor "gedistingeerd" doortegaan, zich en anderen meent te moeten plagen met gêne , en ze hechtte dan ook niet aan veel uiterlyks wat voor sommige andere vrouwen waarde schynt te hebben.
She|had|not|that|stiff|and|uncomfortable|of|the|bourgeois|decorum|that|in order to|to be seen as|distinguished|go through life|herself|and|others|thinks|to|must|bother|with||and|she|attached|then|also|not|to|much|outwardly|what|for|some|other|women|value|seems|to|have
She did not have that stiff and uncomfortable aspect of bourgeois decorum that, in order to appear 'distinguished', feels the need to torment herself and others with embarrassment, and she did not attach much importance to many outward appearances that seem to have value for some other women.
Ook in haar kleeding was zy een voorbeeld van eenvoudigheid.
Even in her clothing, she was an example of simplicity.
Een wit baadjoe van moesselien, met blauwe cordelière —ik geloof dat men in Europa zulk een kleedingstuk peignoir noemen zou—was haar reiskleed.
A|white|bathrobe|made of|muslin|with|blue|sash|I|believe|that|one|in|Europe||a|article of clothing|peignoir|would call|would|was|her|travel dress
A white baadjoe made of muslin, with a blue cord —I believe such a garment would be called a peignoir in Europe— was her travel outfit.
Om den hals had zy een dun zyden koordje, waaraan twee kleine medaljons, die ge echter niet te zien kreegt, daar ze verscholen waren in de plooien voor hare borst.
Around|the|neck|had|she|a|thin|silk|cord|to which|two|small|medallions|which|you|however|not|to|see|got|there|they|hidden|were|in|the|folds|in front of|her|chest
Around her neck, she wore a thin silk cord, to which two small medallions were attached, but you could not see them as they were hidden in the folds of her chest.
Overigens, de haren à la chinoise , en een kransje melatti in den kondeh … ziedaar al haar toilet.
by the way|the|hair|in|the|Chinese style|and|a|small wreath|jasmine|in|the|bun|there is|all|her|grooming
By the way, the hair à la chinoise, and a little crown of melatti in the kondeh... there you have all her attire.
Ik zeide dat ze niet schoon was, en toch wilde ik niet gaarne dat ge haar voor het tegendeel hieldt.
I said that she was not beautiful, and yet I did not want you to think the opposite.
Ik hoop dat ge haar schoon vinden zult, zoodra ik gelegenheid zal hebben haar voortestellen, gloeiend van verontwaardiging over wat zy de "miskenning van 't genie" noemde, als haar aangebeden Max in 't spel was, of wanneer haar een denkbeeld bezielde, dat in-verband stond met het welzyn van haar kind.
I|hope|that|you|her|beautiful|will find|will|as soon as|I|opportunity|will|have|her|introduce|glowing|with|indignation|about|what|she|the|misunderstanding|of|the|genius|called|when|her|adored|Max|in|the|game|was|or|when|her|a|idea|inspired|that|||stood|with|the||of|her|child
I hope you will find her beautiful as soon as I have the opportunity to introduce her, glowing with indignation over what she called the "neglect of genius," when her adored Max was in the game, or when an idea inspired her that was related to the well-being of her child.
Te dikwyls reeds is er gezegd dat het gelaat de spiegel der ziel is, om nog prys te stellen op de portretwaarde van een onbewegelyk gezicht, dat niets heeft aftespiegelen omdat er geen ziel in weerschynt.
To|often|already|is|there|said|that|the|face|the|mirror|of the|soul|is|to|still|price|to|place|on|the|portrait value|of|a|immovable|face|that|nothing|has|reflected|because|there|no|soul|in|reflects
Too often it has been said that the face is the mirror of the soul, to still place value on the portrait worth of an immobile face, which reflects nothing because there is no soul shining through.
Welnu, zy had een schoone ziel, en wel moest men blind zyn, om niet ook haar gelaat voor schoon te houden als die ziel daarop te lezen stond.
Well, she had a beautiful soul, and one must be blind not to also consider her face beautiful as that soul was written all over it.
Havelaar was een man van vyf-en-dertig jaren.
Havelaar was a man of thirty-five years.
Hy was slank, en vlug in zyn bewegingen.
He was slender and quick in his movements.
Buiten zyn korte en bewegelyke bovenlip, en zyn groote flauw-blauwe oogen die, als hy in kalme stemming was, iets droomerigs hadden, maar vuur schoten als een groot denkbeeld hem beheerschte, viel er in zyn voorkomen niets byzonders optemerken.
Besides|his|short|and|mobile|upper lip|and|his|large|||eyes|which|when|he|in|calm|mood|was|something|dreamy|had|but|fire|shot|when|a|great|idea|him|dominated|fell|there|in|his|appearance|nothing|particularly|to notice
Apart from his short and mobile upper lip, and his large pale blue eyes that, when he was in a calm mood, had a dreamy quality, but shot fire when a grand idea took hold of him, there was nothing particularly remarkable about his appearance.
Zyn blonde haren hingen sluik langs de slapen, en ik begryp zeer goed dat weinigen, hem voor 't eerst ziende, op het denkbeeld komen zouden iemand voor zich te hebben, die wat hoofd en hart beide aangaat tot de zeldzaamheden behoorde.
His|blonde|hair|hung|straight|along|the|temples|and|I|understand|very|well|that|few|him|for|the|first|seeing|on|the|idea|would come|would|someone|in front of|himself|to|have|who|both|mind|and|heart|both|concerns|among|the|rarities|belonged
His blonde hair hung sleekly along his temples, and I understand very well that few, seeing him for the first time, would come to the idea that they were in the presence of someone who, in terms of both head and heart, belonged to the rarities.
Hy was een "vat vol tegenstrydigheids."
He|was|a|barrel|full|of contradictions
He was a "barrel full of contradictions."
Scherp als een vlym, en zacht als een meisje, voelde hyzelf altyd het eerst de wonde die zyn bittere woorden geslagen hadden, en hy leed daaronder meer dan de gekwetste.
Sharp|as|a|knife|and|soft|as|a|girl|felt|himself|always|the|first|the|wound|that|his|bitter|words|struck|had|and|he|suffered|under it|more|than|the|injured
Sharp as a knife, and soft as a girl, he always felt first the wound that his bitter words had inflicted, and he suffered from it more than the injured party.
Hy was vlug van begrip, vatte terstond het hoogste, het ingewikkeldste, speelde gaarne met de oplossing van moeielyke vragen, had daarvoor alle moeite, alle studie, alle inspanning veil … en dikwyls toch begreep hy de eenvoudigste zaak niet, die een kind hem had kunnen uitleggen.
He|was|quick|of|understanding|grasped|immediately|the|highest|the|most complicated|played|gladly|with|the|solution|of|difficult|questions|had|for that|all|effort|all|study|all|exertion|available|and|often|still|understood|he|the|simplest|matter|not|that|a|child|him|had|could|explain
He was quick to understand, immediately grasped the highest, the most complicated, liked to play with the solution of difficult questions, had all the effort, all the study, all the exertion at his disposal... and yet often he did not understand the simplest matter, which a child could have explained to him.
Vol liefde voor waarheid en recht, verwaarloosde hy menigmaal zyn eenvoudigste naastbyliggende verplichtingen, om een onrecht te herstellen dat hooger of verder of dieper lag, en dat door de vermoedelyk grootere inspanning van den stryd hem meer aanlokte.
Full|love|for|truth|and|justice|neglected|he|many times|his|simplest|nearby|obligations|to|an|injustice|to|rectify|that|higher|or|further|or|deeper|lay|and|that|by|the|presumably|greater|effort|of|the|struggle|him|more|tempted
Full of love for truth and justice, he often neglected his simplest nearby obligations to rectify an injustice that was higher or further or deeper, and which, due to the presumably greater effort of the struggle, attracted him more.
Hy was ridderlyk en moedig, maar verspilde, als die andere Don Quichot, zyn dapperheid dikwyls op een windmolen.
He was chivalrous and brave, but wasted, like that other Don Quixote, his bravery often on a windmill.
Hy gloeide van onverzadelyke eerzucht die hem alle gewone onderscheiding in 't maatschappelyk leven, als nietig deed voorkomen, en toch stelde hy zyn grootst geluk in een kalm huiselyk vergeten leven.
He burned with insatiable ambition that made all ordinary distinctions in social life seem insignificant, and yet he found his greatest happiness in a calm, forgotten domestic life.
Dichter in den hoogsten zin van 't woord, droomde hy zich zonnestelsels by een vonk, bevolkte die met schepsels van zyn maaksel, voelde zich heer van een wereld die hyzelf had in 't leven geroepen … en kon toch zeer goed terstond daarop zonder de minste droomery een gesprek voeren over den prys van de ryst, de regels der taal, of de oekonomische voordeelen eener egyptische hoenderbroeiery.
Poet|in|the|highest|sense|of|the|word|dreamed|he|himself|solar systems|by|a|spark|populated|them|with|creatures|of|his|making|felt|himself|lord|of|a|world|that|he himself|had|in|the|life|called|and|could|yet|very|well|immediately|thereupon|without|the|slightest|daydreaming|a|conversation|hold|about|the|price|of|the|rice|the|rules|of the|language|or|the|economic|advantages|of an|Egyptian|poultry breeding
Poet in the highest sense of the word, he dreamed himself solar systems by a spark, populated them with creatures of his own making, felt himself lord of a world that he himself had brought to life... and could yet very well immediately thereafter conduct a conversation about the price of rice, the rules of language, or the economic advantages of an Egyptian chicken breeding.
Geen wetenschap was hem geheel vreemd.
No science was entirely foreign to him.
Hem ahnde wat hy niet wist, en hy bezat in hooge mate de gaaf om 't weinige dat hy wist—ieder weet weinig, en hy, misschien meer wetende dan sommige anderen, maakte op dezen regel geen uitzondering—om dat weinige aantewenden op een wys die de maat zyner kennis vermenigvuldigde.
Him|understood|what|he|not|knew|and|he|possessed|in|high|degree|the|gift|to|the|little|that|he|knew|everyone|knows|little|and|he|perhaps|more|knowing|than|some|others|made|on|this|rule|no|exception|to|that|little|apply|in|a|way|that|the|measure|of his|knowledge|multiplied
He was aware of what he did not know, and he possessed to a high degree the gift of applying the little that he knew—everyone knows little, and he, perhaps knowing more than some others, was no exception to this rule—in a way that multiplied the measure of his knowledge.
Hy was stipt en ordelyk, en daarby buitengewoon geduldig, doch juist omdat stiptheid, orde en geduld hem moeielyk vielen, daar zyn geest iets wilds had.
He was punctual and orderly, and moreover extraordinarily patient, yet precisely because punctuality, order, and patience were difficult for him, as his mind had something wild about it.
Hy was langzaam en omzichtig in 't beoordeelen van zaken, hoewel dit niet zoo scheen aan wie hem zoo haastig zyn slotsommen hoorden uiten.
He|was|slow|and|cautious|in|the|judging|of|matters|although|this|not|so|seemed|to|those who|him|so|hastily|his|conclusions|heard|express
He was slow and cautious in judging matters, although this did not seem so to those who heard his conclusions expressed so hastily.
Zyn indrukken waren te levendig, dan dat men ze voor duurzaam houden durfde, en toch bewees hy dikwyls dat ze duurzaam waren.
His|impressions|were|too|vivid|than|that|one|them|for|lasting|to keep|dared|and|yet|proved|he|often|that|they|lasting|were
His impressions were too vivid to dare to consider them lasting, and yet he often proved that they were lasting.
Al wat groot en verheven was, lokte hem aan, en tegelyker-tyd was hy onnoozel en naïf als een kind.
All that was great and elevated attracted him, and at the same time he was innocent and naive like a child.
Hy was eerlyk, vooral waar eerlykheid in 't grootmoedige overging, en zou honderden die hy schuldig was, onbetaald laten omdat hy duizenden had weggeschonken.
He|was|honest|especially|where|honesty|in|the|magnanimous|transcended|and|would|hundreds|those|he|owed|was|unpaid|let|because|he|thousands|had|given away
He was honest, especially where honesty turned into magnanimity, and would leave hundreds he owed unpaid because he had given away thousands.
Hy was geestig en onderhoudend wanneer hy gevoelde dat zyn geest begrepen werd, maar anders stug en teruggetrokken.
He was funny and entertaining when he felt that his spirit was understood, but otherwise stiff and withdrawn.
Hartelyk voor zyn vrienden, maakte hy—wat te snel soms—zyn vriend van al wat leed.
Warm-hearted towards his friends, he made—sometimes too quickly—his friend of all that suffered.
Hy was gevoelig voor liefde en aanhankelykheid … trouw aan zyn gegeven woord … zwak in kleinigheden, maar standvastig tot hoofdigheid toe, waar 't hem de moeite waard scheen karakter te toonen … nederig en welwillend voor wie zyn geestelyk overwicht erkenden, doch lastig wanneer men poogde zich daartegen te verzetten … rondborstig uit trots, en by vlagen achterhoudend, waar hy vreesde dat men zyn oprechtheid zou aanzien voor onverstand … evenzeer vatbaar voor zinnelyk als voor geestelyk genot … beschroomd en slecht bespraakt waar hy meende niet begrepen te worden, maar welsprekend als hy gevoelde dat zyn woorden op willigen bodem vielen … traag als hy niet werd aangespoord door eenigen prikkel die voortkwam uit zyn eigen ziel, maar yverig, vurig, en doortastend waar dit wel het geval was … voorts, vriendelyk, beschaafd in zyn manieren, en onberispelyk van gedrag: ziedaar nagenoeg Havelaar!
He|was|sensitive|to|love|and|dependence|true|to|his|given|word|weak|in|trivialities|but|steadfast|to|pride|to|where|it|him|the|effort|worth|seemed|character|to|show|humble|and|benevolent|towards|who|his|spiritual|superiority|acknowledged|but|troublesome|when|one|tried|oneself|against that|to|resist|open-hearted|out of|pride|and|by|fits|reserved|where|he|feared|that|one|his|sincerity|would|regard|as|foolishness|equally|susceptible|to|sensual|as|to|spiritual|pleasure|shy|and|poorly|spoken of|where|he|believed|not|understood|to|be|but|eloquent|as|he|felt|that|his|words|on|willing|ground|fell|slow|as|he|not|was|spurred|by|any|stimulus|that|came|from|his|own|soul|but|diligent|fiery|and|decisive|where|this|well|the|case|was|furthermore|friendly|civilized|in|his|manners|and|irreproachable|of|behavior|there is|nearly|Havelaar
He was sensitive to love and dependence… faithful to his given word… weak in trivial matters, but steadfast to the point of being proud, where it seemed worth the effort to show character… humble and benevolent towards those who acknowledged his spiritual superiority, yet troublesome when one tried to resist it… open-hearted out of pride, and at times reserved, where he feared that people would mistake his sincerity for foolishness… equally susceptible to sensual as to spiritual pleasure… shy and poorly spoken when he felt misunderstood, but eloquent when he felt that his words fell on willing ground… slow when not spurred by some stimulus that came from his own soul, but eager, fiery, and decisive when that was the case… furthermore, friendly, polite in his manners, and irreproachable in behavior: there you have almost Havelaar!
Ik zeg: nagenoeg.
I say: almost.
Want indien reeds alle bepalingen moeyelyk zyn, geldt dit vooral van de beschryving van een persoon die zeer ver van den dagelykschen grondvorm afwykt.
For|if|already|all|provisions|possibly|are|applies|this|especially|of|the|description|of|a|person|who|very|far|from|the|daily|base form|deviates
For if all provisions are already difficult, this is especially true for the description of a person who deviates greatly from the daily archetype.
Het zal dan ook wel hierom wezen, dat romandichters hun helden gewoonlyk tot duivels of engelen maken.
It|will|then|also|probably|for this reason|be|that|novel poets|their|heroes|usually|into|devils|or|angels|make
It will therefore likely be for this reason that novelists usually make their heroes into devils or angels.
Zwart of wit laat zich gemakkelyk schilderen, maar moeielyker is 't juist weergeven van schakeeringen die daartusschen liggen, wanneer men aan waarheid gebonden is en dus noch te donker noch te licht mag kleuren.
Black|or|white|lets|oneself|easily|be painted|but|more difficult|is|it|accurately|representing|of|shades|that|in between|lie|when|one|to|truth|bound|is|and|thus|neither|too|dark|nor|too|light|may|color
Black or white can be easily painted, but it is much more difficult to accurately depict the shades that lie in between, when one is bound to truth and thus may not color too dark or too light.
Ik gevoel dat de schets die ik van Havelaar trachtte te geven, hoogst onvolkomen is.
I feel that the sketch I attempted to give of Havelaar is highly incomplete.
De bouwstoffen die voor me liggen, zyn van zoo uiteenloopenden aard, dat ze my door overmaat van rykdom in myn oordeel belemmeren, en ik zal dus wellicht daarop, onder het ontwikkelen der gebeurtenissen die ik wensch meetedeelen, ter-aanvulling terugkomen.
The|building materials|that|in front of|me|lie|are|of|so|diverse|nature|that|they|me|by|excess|of|wealth|in|my|judgment|hinder|and|I|will|thus|perhaps|on that|during|the|unfolding|of the|events|that|I|wish|to share|||to return
The materials before me are of such a diverse nature that they hinder me due to an excess of richness in my judgment, and I will therefore perhaps return to this, as I develop the events that I wish to share, for further elaboration.
Dit is zeker, hy was een ongewoon mensch, en wel de moeite van 't bestudeeren waardig.
This is certain, he was an unusual man, and certainly worthy of study.
Ik bemerk nu reeds dat ik verzuimd heb als een zyner hoofdtrekken optegeven, dat hy de belachelyke en de ernstige zyde der dingen met dezelfde snelheid en te-gelykertyd opvatte, aan welke eigenschap zyn wyze van spreken, zonder dat hyzelf dit wist, een soort van humor ontleende, die zyn toehoorders gedurig in twyfel bracht, of ze getroffen waren door 't diep gevoel dat in zyn woorden heerschte, of dat ze te lachen hadden over de koddigheid die op-eenmaal den ernst daarvan afbrak.
I|notice|now|already|that|I|neglected|have|to|a|his|main characteristics|to indicate|that|he|the|ridiculous|and|the|serious|side|of|things|with|the same|speed|and|to||||||||||||||||||||which||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||the|seriousness|of that|broke
I already notice that I have failed to mention as one of his main traits that he perceived the ridiculous and the serious sides of things with the same speed and simultaneously, to which property his way of speaking, without him knowing it, derived a kind of humor that constantly left his listeners in doubt as to whether they were touched by the deep feeling that prevailed in his words, or whether they had to laugh at the absurdity that suddenly broke the seriousness of it.
Opmerkelyk was 't dat zyn voorkomen, en zelfs zyn aandoeningen, zoo weinig sporen droegen van zyn doorgebracht leven.
It was remarkable that his appearance, and even his emotions, bore so few traces of his past life.
Het roemen op ondervinding is een belachelyke gemeenplaats geworden.
The praise of experience has become a ridiculous commonplace.
Er zyn lieden die vyftig of zestig jaren lang meedreven met het stroompje, waarin ze beweren te zwemmen, en die van al dien tyd weinig anders zouden kunnen verhalen dan dat ze verhuisd zyn van de A-gracht naar de B-straat.
There|are|people|who|fifty|or|sixty|years|long|drifted along|with|the|stream|in which|they|claim|to|swim|and|who|of|all|that|time|little|else|would|be able to|to tell|than|that|they|moved|are|from|the|||to|the||
There are people who have drifted along with the current for fifty or sixty years, claiming to swim in it, and who could tell little else during all that time than that they have moved from the A-canal to the B-street.
Niets is gewoner dan op ervaring te hooren bogen, juist door hen die hun gryze haren zoo gemakkelyk verkregen.
Nothing|is|more common|than|on|experience|to|hear|boast|just|by|them|who|their|gray|hairs|so|easily|obtained
Nothing is more common than to hear experience praised, especially by those who have so easily acquired their gray hairs.
Anderen weer meenen hun aanspraken op ondervinding te mogen gronden op werkelyk ondergane lotwisseling, zonder dat echter uit iets blykt dat ze door die veranderingen werden aangegrepen in hun zieleleven.
Others|again|believe|their|claims|on|experience|to|may|base|on|truly|undergone|change of fortune|without|that|however|from|anything|appears|that|they|by|those|changes|were|affected|in|their|spiritual life
Others believe they can base their claims to experience on actual changes in fortune, without it being evident that they were affected by those changes in their inner lives.
Ik kan me voorstellen dat het bywonen, of ondergaan zelfs, van gewichtige gebeurtenissen weinig of geen invloed heeft op zeker soort van gemoederen, die niet zyn toegerust met de vatbaarheid om indrukken optevangen en te verwerken.
I can imagine that witnessing, or even undergoing, significant events has little or no influence on a certain type of temperament, which is not equipped with the susceptibility to receive and process impressions.
Wie hieraan twyfelt, vrage zich af of men ondervinding zou mogen toekennen aan al de bewoners van Frankryk, die veertig of vyftig jaren oud waren in 1815?
Who|to this|doubts|should ask|himself|whether|if|one|experience|would|may|grant|to|all|the|inhabitants|of|France|who|forty|or|fifty|years|old|were|in
Anyone who doubts this should ask themselves whether one could attribute experience to all the residents of France who were forty or fifty years old in 1815?
En zy allen waren toch personen die 't belangryk drama dat in 1789 aanving, hadden zien opvoeren niet alleen, maar die zelfs in meer of min gewichtige rol, dat drama hadden meegespeeld.
And they were all individuals who had not only witnessed the important drama that began in 1789, but who had also played a more or less significant role in that drama.
En, omgekeerd, hoe velen ondergaan een reeks van aandoeningen, zonder dat de uiterlyke omstandigheden hiertoe schenen aanleiding te geven.
And|conversely|how|many|undergo|a|series|of|conditions|without|that|the|external|circumstances|to this|seemed|reason|to|give
And conversely, how many undergo a series of emotions, without the external circumstances seeming to give rise to them.
Men denke aan de Crusoë-romans, aan Silvio Pellico's gevangenschap, aan 't allerliefste Picciola van Saintine, aan den stryd in de borst eener "oude vryster" die haar geheel leven door, één liefde koesterde, zonder ooit door een enkel woord te verraden wat er omging in haar hart, aan de aandoeningen van den menschenvriend die, zonder uiterlyk in den loop der gebeurtenissen betrokken te zyn, vurig belang stelt in 't welzyn van medeburger of medemensch.
One||of|the|||of|Silvio|Pellico's|imprisonment|of|the|dearest|Picciola|by|Saintine|of|the|struggle|in|the|breast|of an|old|maid|who|her|entire|life|through|one|love|cherished|without|ever|by|a|single|word|to|betray|what|there|was going on|in|her|heart|of|the|affections|of|the|philanthropist|who|without|outwardly|in|the|course|of|events|involved|to|be|fervent|interest|places|in|the|well-being|of|fellow citizen|or|fellow human
One thinks of the Crusoe novels, of Silvio Pellico's imprisonment, of the dearest Picciola by Saintine, of the struggle in the heart of an "old sister" who cherished one love throughout her entire life, without ever revealing through a single word what was going on in her heart, of the feelings of the philanthropist who, without being outwardly involved in the course of events, fervently cares about the well-being of fellow citizens or fellow humans.
Men stelle zich voor, hoe hy beurtelings hoopt en vreest, hoe hy elke verandering gadeslaat, zich opwindt voor een schoon denkbeeld, en gloeit van verontwaardiging, als hy het ziet wegdringen en vertrappen door de velen die, voor een oogenblik althans, sterker waren dan schoone denkbeelden.
One|should|himself|imagine|how|he|alternately|hopes|and|fears|how|he|every|change|observes|himself|gets excited|for|a|beautiful|idea|and|glows|with|indignation|when|he|it|sees|pushing away|and|trampling|by|the|many|who|for|a|moment|at least|stronger|were|than|beautiful|ideas
One can imagine how he alternately hopes and fears, how he observes every change, gets excited about a beautiful idea, and burns with indignation when he sees it being pushed aside and trampled by the many who, at least for a moment, were stronger than beautiful ideas.
Men denke aan den wysgeer die van uit zyn cel aan 't volk tracht te leeren wat waarheid is, als hy bemerken moet dat zyn stem overschreeuwd wordt door piëtistische huichelary of gewinzoekende kwakzalvers.
One||of|the|philosopher|who|from|out|his|cell|to|the|people|tries|to|teach|what|truth|is|when|he|must notice|must|that|his|voice|drowned out|is|by|pietistic|hypocrisy|or|profit-seeking|quacks
One thinks of the philosopher who, from his cell, tries to teach the people what truth is, when he must notice that his voice is drowned out by pietistic hypocrisy or profit-seeking quacks.
Men stelle zich Sokrates voor—niet als hy den gifbeker ledigt, want ik bedoel hier de ondervinding van 't gemoed, en niet die welke rechtstreeks door uiterlyke omstandigheden veroorzaakt wordt—hoe bitter bedroefd zyn ziel moet geweest zyn, toen hy die 't goede en ware zocht, zich hoorde noemen "een bederver der jeugd en een verachter der goden."
One|should|himself|Socrates|imagine|not|as|he|the|cup of poison|empties|for|I|mean|here|the|experience|of|the|mind|and|not|that|which|directly|by|external|circumstances|caused|is|how|bitter|saddened|his|soul|must|have been|his|when|he|who|the|good|and|true|sought|himself|heard|called|a||of||||||gods
One can imagine Socrates—not as he empties the cup of poison, for I mean here the experience of the soul, and not that which is directly caused by external circumstances—how bitterly sorrowful his soul must have been when he, who sought the good and the true, heard himself called "a corrupter of youth and a despiser of the gods."
Of beter nog: men denke aan Jezus, waar hy zoo treurig staart op Jeruzalem, en zich beklaagt "dat het niet gewild heeft."
Or better yet: one thinks of Jesus, as he sadly gazes upon Jerusalem, and laments "that it would not have."
Zulk een kreet van smart—vóór gifbeker of kruishout—vloeit niet uit een ongedeerd hart.
such|a|cry|of|sorrow|before|cup of poison|or|cross wood|flows|not|from|a|unhurt|heart
Such a cry of sorrow—before the cup of poison or the cross—does not flow from an unscathed heart.
Dáár moet geleden zyn, veel geleden, daar is ondervonden !
There must have been suffering there, much suffering, there is experience!
Deze tirade is me ontsnapt … ze staat er nu eenmaal, en blyve.
This|tirade|is|to me|escaped|it|stands|there|now|once|and|will remain
This tirade has escaped me... it is there now, and will remain.
Havelaar had veel ondervonden.
Havelaar had experienced a lot.
Wilt ge iets dat opweegt tegen de verhuizing van de A-gracht!
Do you want|you|something|that|weighs up|against|the|move|of|the||
Do you want something that weighs against the move of the A-canal!
Hy had schipbreuk geleden, meer dan eens.
He had suffered shipwreck, more than once.
Hy had brand, oproer, sluikmoord, oorlog, duëllen, weelde, armoede, honger, cholera, liefde en "liefden" in zyn dagboek staan.
He had fire, riots, assassination, war, duels, wealth, poverty, hunger, cholera, love, and "loves" in his diary.
Hy had vele landen bezocht, en omgang gehad met lieden van allerlei ras en stand, zeden, vooroordelen, godsdienst en gelaatskleur.
He|had|many|countries|visited|and|interaction|had|with|people|of|all kinds of|race|and|social class|customs|prejudices|religion|and|skin color
He had visited many countries and interacted with people of all races and classes, customs, prejudices, religions, and skin colors.
Wat dus de levensomstandigheden aangaat, kon hy veel ondervonden hebben.
What|therefore|the|living conditions|concerns|could|he|much|experienced|have
As for the living conditions, he could have experienced a lot.
En dat hy werkelyk veel ondervonden hàd, dat hy 't leven niet was doorgegaan zonder de indrukken optevangen die 't hem zoo ruimschoots aanbood, daarvoor moge ons de vlugheid van zyn geest borg wezen, en de ontvankelykheid van zyn gemoed.
And|that|he|really|much|experienced|had|that|he|the|life|not|was|gone on|without|the|impressions|receiving|which|it|him|so|abundantly|offered|for that|may|us|the|quickness|of|his|mind|surety|be|and|the|receptiveness|of|his|spirit
And that he had indeed experienced a lot, that he had not gone through life without absorbing the impressions that it so abundantly offered him, may be guaranteed by the quickness of his mind and the receptiveness of his spirit.
Dit nu wekte verwondering van allen die wisten of gissen konden hoeveel hy had bygewoond en geleden, dat hiervan zoo weinig op zyn gelaat te lezen was.
This|now|aroused|wonder|from|all|who|knew|or|guessing|could|how much|he|had|attended|and||that|from this|so|little|on|his|face|to|read|was
This now aroused the wonder of all who knew or could guess how much he had witnessed and suffered, that so little was to be read on his face.
Wel sprak er uit zyn trekken iets als vermoeienis, doch dit deed eer denken aan vroegrype jeugd dan aan naderenden ouderdom.
Well|spoke|there|from|his|features|something|like|fatigue|but|this|made|rather|thought|of|early ripening|youth|than|to|approaching|old age
Well, there was something like fatigue in his features, but this reminded more of early ripe youth than of approaching old age.
En naderende ouderdom had het toch moeten zyn, want in Indiën is de man van vyfendertig jaar niet jong meer.
And|approaching|old age|had|it|nevertheless|should|be|for|in|India|is|the|man|of|thirty-five|years|not|young|anymore
And it should have been approaching old age, for in India, a man of thirty-five is no longer young.
Ook zyn aandoeningen, zeide ik, waren jong gebleven.
Also, his affections, I said, had remained young.
Hy kon spelen met een kind, en als een kind, en meermalen klaagde hy dat "kleine Max" nog te jong was om vliegers optelaten, omdat hy "de groote Max" daarvan zoveel hield.
He|could|play|with|a|child|and|like||||many times|complained|he|that|little|Max|still|too|young|was|to|kites|fly|because|he|the|big|Max|of that|so much|loved
He could play with a child, and like a child, and he often complained that "little Max" was still too young to fly kites, because he loved "big Max" so much.
Met jongens sprong hy "haasjen-over" en hy teekende heel gaarne een patroon voor 't borduurwerk van de meisjes.
With boys, he played "hopscotch" and he was very fond of drawing a pattern for the girls' embroidery.
Zelfs nam hy dezen meermalen de naald uit de hand, en vermaakte zich met dat werk, ofschoon hy dikwyls zei dat ze wel wat beters konden dan dat "machinale steken tellen."
Even|took|he|this|several times|the|needle|from|the|hand|and|amused|himself|with|that|work|although|he|often|said|that|they|well|something|better|could|than|that|mechanical|stitches|counting
He even took the needle out of their hands several times and amused himself with that work, although he often said that they could do something better than "counting machine stitches."
By jongelieden van achttien jaren was hy een jong student, die gaarne zyn Patriam canimus zong, of Gaudeamus igitur … ja, ik ben niet geheel zeker, dat hy niet nog zeer kort geleden, toen hy met verlof te Amsterdam was, een uithangbord heeft afgebroken, dat hem niet behaagde omdat er een neger op geschilderd was, geboeid aan de voeten van een Europeaan met een lange pyp in den mond, en waaronder natuurlyk te lezen stond: de rookende jonge koopman .
By|young people|of|eighteen|years|was|he|a|young|student|who|gladly|his|homeland|we sing|sang|or|Let us rejoice|therefore|yes|I|am|not|entirely|sure|that|he|not|yet|very|shortly|ago|when|he|with|leave|in|Amsterdam|was|a|signboard|has|broken off|that|him|not|pleased|because|there|a|black man|on|painted|was|bound|at|the|feet|of|a|European|with|a|long|pipe|in|the|mouth|and|under which|naturally|to|read|stood|the|smoking|young|merchant
At eighteen, he was a young student who liked to sing his Patriam canimus, or Gaudeamus igitur... yes, I am not entirely sure that he did not very recently, when he was on leave in Amsterdam, tear down a sign that displeased him because it depicted a black man bound at the feet of a European with a long pipe in his mouth, and underneath it naturally read: the smoking young merchant.
De baboe die hy uit den wagen had geholpen, geleek op alle baboes in Indie, als ze oud zyn.
The baboo he had helped out of the carriage resembled all babus in India when they are old.
Wanneer ge deze soort van bedienden kent, behoef ik u niet te zeggen hoe zy er uitzag.
When you know this kind of servants, I need not tell you what she looked like.
En als gy ze niet kent, kan ik het u niet zeggen.
And if you do not know them, I cannot tell you.
Dit alleen onderscheidde haar van andere kindermeiden in Indie, dat ze zeer weinig te doen had.
This alone distinguished her from other nannies in India, that she had very little to do.
Want mevrouw Havelaar was een voorbeeld van zorg voor haar kind, en wat er voor of met de kleine Max te doen viel, deed zyzelf, tot groote verwondering van veel andere dames, die niet goedkeurden dat men zich maakte tot "slavin van zyn kinderen."
For Mrs. Havelaar was an example of care for her child, and whatever needed to be done for or with little Max, she did herself, to the great astonishment of many other ladies, who disapproved of making oneself a "slave to one's children."
Diplomatische voorzichtigheid in den omgang met Inlandsche Hoofden .
Diplomatic caution in dealings with Indigenous Leaders.
Men vergeet gewoonlyk dat wyzelf voor 'n groot deel oorzaak zyn van de dubbelhartigheid die wy de javaansche Grooten verwyten.
One|forget|usually|that|we ourselves|for|a|large|part|cause|are|of|the|duplicity|which|we|the|Javanese|Great Ones|blame
One usually forgets that we ourselves are largely the cause of the duplicity that we blame the Javanese Nobles for.
Onder hen is de spreuk in omloop: valsch, als 'n Christen .
Among them, the saying is in circulation: deceive, like a Christian.
En deze kwalifikatie klinkt zoo ongegrond niet, als men de slenters en streken opmerkt, waarmee we, van Houtman af tot heden toe, ons hebben weten staande te houden.
And|this|qualification|sounds|so|unfounded|not|if|one|the|slanders|and|tricks|notices|with which|we|from|Houtman|onwards|until|present|time|ourselves|have|been able|standing|to|hold
And this qualification does not sound so unfounded, when one notices the slouches and tricks with which we, from Houtman until now, have managed to hold our ground.
Wat my betreft, ik heb over 't algemeen de Inlandsche Hoofden niet geveinsder gevonden dan Europeanen.
As|for me|concerns|I|have|in|the|general|the|indigenous|leaders|not|more deceitful|found|than|Europeans
As far as I'm concerned, I have not found the Indigenous Chiefs to be more disingenuous than Europeans in general.
En waarom zou dit ook?
And why would this be?
Het diplomatisch axioom que la parole est donnéé à l'homme pour déguiser sa pensée , is niet van aziatischen oorsprong.
The diplomatic axiom that speech is given to man to disguise his thoughts is not of Asian origin.
Of 't waar is dat Talleyrand die bêtise gezegd heeft— en ne déguisant nullement sa pensée alors , en dus nogal dom van z'n eigen standpuntje bezien!
if|it|true|is|that|Talleyrand|that|foolishness|said|has|and|not|disguising|in the least|his|thought||and|so|quite|stupid|from|his|own|little viewpoint|viewed
If it is true that Talleyrand said that nonsense— and not disguising his thoughts at all then, and thus quite foolish from his own little standpoint!
—laat ik daar.
—I will leave that there.
De ware diplomatie bestaat in oprechtheid.
True diplomacy consists of sincerity.
Westmoesson .
West monsoon
West monsoon.
De regentyd duurt op Java van Oktober tot Maart.
The|rainy season|lasts|in|Java|from|October|to|March
The rainy season lasts from October to March in Java.
In de Noord van Sumatra evenwel zyn de saizoenen andersom.
In the north of Sumatra, however, the seasons are reversed.
Daar brengen stormen uit het Westen hevige regens aan, juist in den tyd dat op Java de gansche Natuur smacht naar wat vocht.
There, storms from the west bring heavy rains, precisely at the time when all of nature in Java longs for some moisture.
Opmerkelyk is 't, dat de Regeering te Buitenzorg blyk gaf dit niet te weten.
It is remarkable that the Government in Buitenzorg seemed not to know this.
Zy zond de befaamde eerste expeditie naar Atjeh , op 'n tydstip toen Horsburgh's Indian Directory —en elke scheepsjongen van 'n kustvaartuig!—haar had kunnen zeggen dat de Westkust van Sumatra zeer gevaarlyk was.
He|sent|the|famous|first|expedition|to|Atjeh|at|a||when|Horsburgh's|Indian|Directory|and|every|ship boy|of|a|coastal vessel|it|had|been able to|say|that|the|West Coast|of|Sumatra|very|dangerous|was
They sent the famous first expedition to Aceh at a time when Horsburgh's Indian Directory —and every cabin boy of a coastal vessel!— could have told them that the west coast of Sumatra was very dangerous.
Al weer 'n staaltje van de gevolgen der kommiezery.
Already|again|a|example|of|the|consequences|of the|petty bureaucracy
Once again a sample of the consequences of bureaucracy.
Dat wil oorlog voeren, en kent de eigenaardigheden van z'n eigen land niet!
That|wants|war|to wage|and|knows|the|peculiarities|of|his|own|country|not
It wants to wage war, yet does not know the peculiarities of its own country!
Wat overigens dat verschil van saizoenen aangaat, op 't zuidwestelyk deel van Sumatra schynen de jaargetyden in elkander te loopen.
What|moreover|that|difference|of|seasons|concerns|in|the|southwestern|part|of|Sumatra|seem|the|yearly seasons|in|each other|to|run
As for the difference in seasons, in the southwestern part of Sumatra, the seasons seem to blend into each other.
Te Padang , byv.
At|Padang|by the way
In Padang, for example.
kan men niet op standvastig-periodieke winden, noch alzoo op de daarvan af hangende regens of droogte staat maken.
One cannot rely on stable periodic winds, nor on the rains or droughts that depend on them.
Betel nut
Slamat .
De drie eerste woorden duiden de bestanddeelen aan die, met tabak en kalk , den voor den Javaan onmisbaren bétel -pruim vormen.
The first three words indicate the components that, along with tobacco and lime, form the indispensable betel nut for the Javanese.
In sommige gewesten van Insulinde ontmoette ik personen die niet pruimden, maar op Java zelden of nooit, de vrouwen niet uitgezonderd.
In|some|regions|of|Insulinde|I met|I|people|who|not|chewed betel nut|but|in|Java|rarely|or|never|the|women|not|excepted
In some regions of the Indonesian archipelago, I encountered people who did not chew, but in Java, rarely or never, including the women.
Het bruine sap van den tabak, iets rooder gekleurd nog door de gambier , verft aller lippen en tanden.
The brown sap of the tobacco, slightly reddened by the gambier, stains all lips and teeth.
Fraai staat dit niet, doch 't wordt voor zeer mondzuiverend gehouden.
This does not look nice, but it is considered very mouth-cleansing.
Het gebruik van sirie —met toebehooren dan—is zoo algemeen, dat het europeesch begrip: drinkpenning , in Indie wordt uitgedrukt door 't woord wang sirih , d.i.
The|use|of|sirih|—with|accessories|then|is|so|common|that|the|European|concept|drinking money|in|India|is|expressed|by|the|word|cheek|sirih||
The use of sirih —with accessories then—is so common that the European concept: drink token, is expressed in India by the word wang sirih, i.e.
sirih money.
De Sirie is 't blad van een rank, niet veel zwaarder dan onze erwtenplanten, en die zóó op 'n peperboompje gelykt, dat de onkundige deze beide gewassen niet gemakkelyk van elkander onderscheiden kan.
The|Sirie|is|the|leaf|of|a|vine|not|much|heavier|than|our|pea plants|and|it|so|on|a|pepper tree|resembles|that|the||these|both|crops|not|easily|from||distinguished|can
The Sirih is the leaf of a vine, not much heavier than our pea plants, and it resembles a pepper tree so much that the untrained eye can hardly distinguish these two crops from each other.
Ik geloof dan ook dat ze tot dezelfde botanische familie behooren, al mocht het zyn dat vakgeleerden die graag wat vreemds verkondigen—een leeuw is 'n kat, en de walvisch mag geen visch heeten!—in die overeenkomst reden vinden om sirie en peper heel ver van elkaar te zetten.
I|believe|then|also|that|they|to|the same|botanical|family|belong|although|might|it|be|that|experts|who|gladly|something|strange|proclaim|a|lion|is|a|cat|and|the|whale|may|no|fish|be called|in|that|agreement|reason|find|to|curry|and|pepper|very|far|from|each other|to|place
I also believe that they belong to the same botanical family, although it may be that specialists who like to proclaim something foreign— a lion is a cat, and the whale should not be called a fish!—find reason in that similarity to place sirih and pepper very far apart.
Het verwondert me dat er in de tandheelkunde zoo weinig gebruik van de sirie gemaakt wordt.
I am surprised that there is so little use of the sirie in dentistry.
Me dunkt dat de zuiverende samentrekkende werking van dat blad—en de smaak is niet onaangenaam—daartoe aanleiding geven zou.
it|seems|that|the|purifying|astringent|effect|of|that|leaf|and|the|taste|is|not|unpleasant|to that|reason|give|would
It seems to me that the purifying astringent effect of that leaf—and the taste is not unpleasant—would give reason for that.
Ik meen dat men aan de gambier wèl 'n plaatsje toekent in de europesche pharmakopee, maar weet niet of dit almede 't geval is met de pinang of areka .
I believe that gambier is indeed given a place in the European pharmacopoeia, but I do not know if this is also the case with pinang or areka.
Dit is 'n noot uiterlyk niet zeer ongelyk aan de muskaat.
This is a nut that is outwardly not very unlike nutmeg.
Doch de boom waaraan ze groeit, behoort tot de palmsoorten.
But|the|tree|to which|it|grows|belongs|to|the|palm species
But the tree to which it grows belongs to the palm species.
Het woord slamat beteekent: groet , en in dit geval het zeer eigenaardig kompliment —samenvouwing—dat in den tekst beschreven wordt.
The word slamat means: greeting, and in this case the very peculiar compliment —contraction—that is described in the text.
Vrage: is er verband tusschen 't maleische slamat, selamat , en 't woordeke Sela dat zoo vaak in de psalmen voorkomt?
Question|is|there|connection||the|Malay|selamat||and|the|little word|Selah|that|so|often|in|the|psalms|occurs
Question: is there a connection between the Malay slamat, selamat, and the word Sela that appears so often in the psalms?
Men weet dat volgens de riten van het Oosten, godsdienstige oefeningen bestaan uit gebeden en gezangen, telkens afgebroken door velerlei gebaren en komplimenten .
One|knows|that|according to|the|rites|of|the|East|religious|exercises|consist|of|prayers|and|chants|each time|interrupted|by|various|gestures|and|compliments
It is known that according to the rites of the East, religious practices consist of prayers and songs, each interrupted by various gestures and compliments.
Zoo-iets geschiedde misschien ook by 't voordragen der psalmen, en deze gissing wordt versterkt door 'n opmerking over de vermoedelyke nadere beteekenis van 't woord slamat of selamat .
||happened|perhaps|also|during|the|recitation|of the|psalms|and|this|guess|is|strengthened|by|a|remark|about|the|probable|further|meaning|of|the|word|slamat|or|selamat
Something like this may have also happened during the recitation of the psalms, and this guess is reinforced by a remark about the probable further meaning of the word slamat or selamat.
In-verband gebracht met Slam of Islam —door letterverzetting verwant met mosl, muzl : muzelman—zou misschien de oorspronkelyke zin kunnen geweest zyn: de plechtstatige of ritueele groet; en dit zou volkomen beantwoorden aan de beteekenis die 't woord Sela in de psalmen gevoegelyk kan gehad hebben.
Connected with Slam or Islam —related through letter rearrangement to mosl, muzl: muzelman—could perhaps the original meaning have been: the solemn or ritual greeting; and this would completely correspond to the meaning that the word Sela could have had in the psalms.
Maar ik geef de opmerking om beter.
But I make the remark for better.
Maas : adelyke titel die lager staat dan Radhen , doch soms ook met dat woord tezamen gebruikt wordt: Radhen Maas .
Maas: a noble title that ranks lower than Radhen, but is sometimes used together with that word: Radhen Maas.
't Woord annak maas beteekent een slaaf die niet gekocht maar in 't huis zyns meesters geboren is, en heeft dus met den titel Maas niet te maken.
The word 'anak maas' means a slave who was not bought but born in the house of his master, and thus has nothing to do with the title Maas.
Kidang : middelsoort hert.
medium-sized deer|medium-sized|deer
Kidang: a medium-sized deer.
Veel kleiner, en niet grooter dan 'n middelmatige hond, zyn de kandjiels , hertjes die uitmunten door vlugheid en bevalligheid.
Much smaller, and no larger than a medium-sized dog, are the kandjiels, deer that excel in speed and grace.
Men beweert dat ze in opgesloten staat niet in 't leven kunnen gehouden worden.
It is claimed that they cannot be kept alive in captivity.
De kidang echter schynt, evenals de meeste soorten van onze herten, zich makkelyk te schikken in 'n omheind kamp.
The kidang, however, seems to adapt easily to an enclosed camp, like most species of our deer.
Pegang koedahnja toewan kommendaan : hou 't paard van m'nheer den kommandant vast!
Hold|the horse|of|Mr Commander|keep|the|horse|of|my lord|the|commander|tight
Hold the horse of my lord the commander tight!
Klapperwater .
coconut water
Dit is 't vocht dat men in Holland "kokosmelk" noemt.
This|is|the|liquid|that|one|in|Holland|coconut milk|calls
This is the moisture that is called "coconut milk" in Holland.
Het is koel en frisch, maar wordt zelden gedronken.
It is cool and fresh, but is rarely drunk.
De klappa , kelappa of kokos wordt, meestal geraspt, by 't bereiden van spys in de keuken hoofdzakelyk echter tot het slaan van olie, maar zelden als ooft , en nooit als spys gebruikt.
The klappa, kelappa or coconut is usually grated, primarily used in cooking for making oil, but rarely used as fruit, and never used as food.
De vertellingen die in kinderboekjes en in geleerde verhandelingen van vakmannen (zie Album der Natuur ) over den klapper in omloop zyn, klinken koddig in de ooren van iemand die in Indie geleefd heeft.
The|stories|that|in|children's books|and|in|learned|treatises|by|experts|(see|Album|of|Nature|about|the|coconut|in|circulation|are|sound|funny|in|the|ears|of||who|in|India|lived|has
The stories that circulate in children's books and in scholarly treatises by professionals (see Album der Natuur) about the coconut sound amusing to the ears of someone who has lived in India.
Of de kokos in West-Indie 'n andere rol speelt dan in Insulinde, is my onbekend.
Whether the coconut plays a different role in the West Indies than in the Malay Archipelago is unknown to me.
Met den banaan —insulindisch: pisang —is dit zeker 't geval, daar hy op de surinaamsche plantages aan de negers tot voedsel wordt gegeven.
With|the|banana|in the Insulin language|banana|is|this|certainly|the|case|because|it|on|the|Surinamese|plantations|to|the|black people|for|food|is|given
With the banana —in Indonesian: pisang —this is certainly the case, as it is given as food to the blacks on the Surinamese plantations.
Dit is dan ook 'n zeer grove soort van 'n paar voet lang.
This is also a very coarse type, a couple of feet long.
De middelbare soort in Oost -Indie haalt slechts zes duim, en een der kleinste—de pisang maas of goud-pisang , 'n fyn vruchtje—is niet veel grooter dan een kinderpink, en zeer smakelyk.
The|medium|species|in|East|Indies|reaches|only|six|inches|and|one|of the|smallest|the|banana|water|or|||a|fine|little fruit|is|not|much||than|a|child's pinky|and|very|tasty
The medium type in East India only reaches six inches, and one of the smallest—the pisang maas or gold-pisang, a fine little fruit—is not much larger than a child's pinky, and very tasty.
Gemberthee : aftreksel van aan gemberwortel, dat zoo heet mogelyk moet gedronken worden … ter verkoeling.
Ginger tea|infusion|from|the|ginger root|which|as|hot|possible|must|drunk|be|for|cooling
Ginger tea: an infusion of ginger root, which should be drunk as hot as possible... for cooling.
In India heerscht de meening dat koude dranken, en vruchten die in den mond een verfrisschende werking doen, 't lichaam verhitten.
In|India|prevails|the|belief|that|cold|drinks|and|fruits|that|in|the|mouth|a|refreshing|effect|have|the|body|heat up
In India, there is a belief that cold drinks and fruits that have a refreshing effect in the mouth heat the body.
Volgens 'n gelyksoortige stelling werken de spaansche-pepersoorten tjabeh en lombok —westindisch: cayenne —verkoelend.
According to|a|similar|statement|work|the|Spanish|pepper varieties|tjabeh|and|lombok|West Indian|cayenne|cooling
According to a similar statement, the Spanish pepper varieties tjabeh and lombok — West Indian: cayenne — have a cooling effect.
Voor-zoo-ver ik in de praktyk heb kunnen nagaan, zyn die meeningen niet ongegrond, maar vaak speelt in zulke zaken de verbeelding haar rol.
|||I|in|the||have|been able to|verify|are|those|opinions|not|unfounded|but|often|plays|in|such|matters|the|imagination|its|role
As far as I have been able to verify in practice, these opinions are not unfounded, but often imagination plays a role in such matters.
Vraag van een inlander aan den luitenant Duclari .
Question from a local to Lieutenant Duclari.
De heer Collard —thans sedert lang hoofdofficier, en misschien gepensionneerd—zal, des gevraagd, wel zoo goed zyn te erkennen dat ik ook hier de waarheid zeg.
The|Mr|Collard|now|since|long|chief officer|and|perhaps|retired|will|when|asked|well|so|good|be|to|acknowledge|that|I|also|here|the|truth|say
Mr. Collard—who has long been the chief officer, and may now be retired—will, if asked, be so kind as to acknowledge that I am also speaking the truth here.
Ienie apa toewan-toewan datang : daar komen de heeren aan!
Ienie|what|||are coming|there|come|the|gentlemen|arriving
Ienie apa toewan-toewan is coming: here come the gentlemen!
De toedoeng is het in den vorm van een grooten ronden schotel gevlochten hoofddeksel van den Javaan, en beschut zoowel tegen de zon, als tegen den regen waarvoor de inlander bespottelyk bang is.
The|toedoeng|is|it|in|the|form|of|a|large|round|plate|woven|headgear|of|the|Javanese|and|protects|both|against|the|sun|as|against||rain|for which|the|native|ridiculously|afraid|is
The toedoeng is a large round dish-shaped woven headdress of the Javanese, providing protection against both the sun and the rain, which the locals are ridiculously afraid of.
Zeker soort van tuinhoeden die onlangs by onze dames in de mode waren, geleken precies op toedoengs .
Certainly|kind|of|garden hats|that||on|our|ladies|in|the|fashion|were|looked|exactly|like|toedoengs
A certain type of garden hats that were recently in fashion among our ladies looked exactly like toedoengs.
Baboe : inlandsche kindermeid.
native nanny|native|child maid
Baboe: indigenous nanny.
Kondeh : het op 't achterhoofd in 'n wrong vereenigd haar, dat echter nooit door 'n afzonderlyk lint of koord wordt samengehouden, maar steeds in 'n lus of strik van 't haar zelf hangt.
the hair knot|it|on|the|back of the head|in|a|wrong|united|hair|that|however|never|by|a|separate|ribbon|or|cord|is|held together|but|always|in|a|loop|or|knot|of|the|hair|self|hangs
Kondeh: the hair gathered at the back of the head in a wrong manner, which is never held together by a separate ribbon or cord, but always hangs in a loop or knot made of the hair itself.
Indien 't woord chignon uitsluitend op valsch haar doelt, is de kondeh géén chignon .
If the word chignon exclusively refers to false hair, then the kondeh is not a chignon.
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