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Freedom is a funny thing. It seems to mean different things in different countries. People in my country say they have freedom, but I don't think so. We have to go to school, we have to pay tax, we have to work, we have to do lots of things. That's not freedom. I'd say we have more freedom than people in other countries. There are many countries in the world where people are like slaves. They can't leave the country, can't get a passport, and have to work 16 hours a day. I wonder what a society would be like if everyone was totally free to do anything they wanted. It would probably be a total mess. No one would work. I suppose freedom means having some rules to follow.


Freedom is a funny thing. It seems to mean different things in different countries. People in my country say they have freedom, but I don't think so. We have to go to school, we have to pay tax, we have to work, we have to do lots of things. That's not freedom. I'd say we have more freedom than people in other countries. 私たちは他の国の人々よりも自由があると思います。 There are many countries in the world where people are like slaves. They can't leave the country, can't get a passport, and have to work 16 hours a day. I wonder what a society would be like if everyone was totally free to do anything they wanted. 誰もが自由に自分のやりたいことができるとしたら、社会はどのようなものになるのだろうか。 It would probably be a total mess. それはおそらく完全に混乱するでしょう。 No one would work. I suppose freedom means having some rules to follow. 自由とは、従うべきいくつかのルールを持つことを意味すると思います。