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A long time ago, robots belonged to science fiction. Children loved looking at movies with robots. Today, robots are real, and they are helping us. In the future, we will all have robots. They will vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, perhaps even drive our cars. I even think one day we'll have robot friends. In Japan today, robot engineers are making robots to help old people and to keep them company. It's still early days. I'd say we are another 20 to 30 years away from robots being everywhere in our lives. What will happen to us when the world is full of robots? There'll be no jobs. McDonalds will be full of smiling robots. Maybe one day we won't be able to tell robots and humans apart. Maybe they'll take over the world.


A long time ago, robots belonged to science fiction. Children loved looking at movies with robots. Today, robots are real, and they are helping us. In the future, we will all have robots. They will vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, perhaps even drive our cars. I even think one day we'll have robot friends. In Japan today, robot engineers are making robots to help old people and to keep them company. 今日の日本では、ロボットエンジニアが高齢者を助け、彼らを会社に留めておくためのロボットを作っています。 It's still early days. まだ初期の段階です。 I'd say we are another 20 to 30 years away from robots being everywhere in our lives. 私たちは、ロボットが私たちの生活のあらゆる場所に存在することからさらに20〜30年離れていると思います。 What will happen to us when the world is full of robots? There'll be no jobs. McDonalds will be full of smiling robots. Maybe one day we won't be able to tell robots and humans apart. いつの日か、ロボットと人間を区別することができなくなるでしょう。 Maybe they'll take over the world. 多分彼らは世界を引き継ぐでしょう。