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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Graded Reader), Chapter 3. A Meeting with a King

Chapter 3. A Meeting with a King

We go slowly down the river in the night. When the sun comes up the next morning, we leave the canoe by the riverbank and cover it with branches. We sit on the riverbank and watch the rafts and steamboats go up and down the river all day, and we talk and talk.

Every night we get in the canoe and go a little more down the river. We fish and talk. Sometimes we swim in the river and sometimes we look at the stars. Every night we pass towns. Sometimes we stop at the town and I find a chicken or something else to eat. On the fifth night we pass St. Louis. There are lots of lights but everybody is asleep.

One night there's a big storm and we see a steamboat stuck on the rocks. I want to go and look inside but Jim says no.

“There are things inside we can take,” I tell Jim. “Let's go and see.”

I want an adventure. Jim thinks for a minute then says it's alright to go. So we get on the steamboat.

But on the steamboat we hear people speaking. Jim is scared. He goes back to the canoe but I stay. I want to see what's happening, just like Tom Sawyer. I see a man on the floor and two men standing over him. One has a gun. I listen. Then I get scared too and go back to Jim. We go down the river but soon there's another storm. We pass more towns and have lots more adventures.

Jim and I stay many days on the river, fishing and talking. We talk about everything, about kings and princes, speaking French and saying silly things.

We go to Cairo, where the Ohio River comes in. We decide to sell the canoe and get a steamboat, to make things easier for us. But the fog comes down and we can't see anything. One day a strong current takes us away from each other and I can't find Jim anywhere. The next morning, Jim is back and we have even more adventures. We continue down the river but we never get to Cairo, so we cook fish, swim in the river and watch the stars. Then one day everything changes.

One morning I am looking for some fruit when I see two men running towards me.

“Help! Help!” they say. “Some men and dogs are chasing us!”

“Jump on the raft with me so the dogs can't find you,” I tell them.

We wait, then we hear some men and dogs running by. They don't see us. We go up the river. Everything is quiet. We're safe now.

One of the men is about seventy years old. He's bald and has a grey beard, a hat and a stick. The other man is about thirty years old and is well-dressed.

They have breakfast with us and we talk. We don't think they know each other. Jim and I listen to their stories and adventures. Then the young one says: “I must tell you that I'm really a Duke!” We're amazed when we hear this.

“Really? !” says the old man.

“Yes,” says the young man. “My great-grandfather was the eldest son of the Duke of Bridgewater so I'm now the Duke of Bridgewater. But here I'm lost, tired and hunted by men.”

Jim feels sad for him, and so do I. We want to help him. He tells us that we must speak to him in a special way and call him “Your Grace”, or “Bridgewater”. Then he says one of us has to serve him dinner. So that's easy, we think.

But the old man is silent. After some time he says, “Look, Bridgewater, you aren't the only person to have troubles like that.”

“Ah no?” he replies.

“No, you aren't. I'm the King of France!” he cries.

Jim and I look at the old man. We're even more surprised.

He says, “Call me Your Majesty.” So we do, and we give him his meals first and help him with everything. But the Duke isn't very happy.

Some time later, I realise that the Duke and King are just fraudsters but I don't say anything. They are on the run like me and Jim. They ask us lots of questions, so I make up stories because I don't want to tell them the truth.

We travel down the river together at night.

The King and the Duke whisper to each other. I know they are planning how to cheat money out of people.

In each new town, they do something different. In one town, the King preaches to people in a church and tells them about some bad people who robbed him. They believe him when he starts crying and give him some money! Later, we count the money – there are eighty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents.

One day, they make a poster. There's a picture of a runaway slave and “$200 reward” in words. The description of the slave is just like Jim. The Duke says this way we can run during the daytime too. We think it's a good idea.

In another town, they plan a show. The Duke takes people's money at the door and when the curtain goes up, the King comes onto the stage in a strange costume. He jumps around doing something from Shakespeare and then runs off. When the crowd realises the men are fraudsters, they're very angry.

We run back to the raft. The King and the Duke count their money and laugh.

The next day, the King and the Duke talk about new ideas to make money but they can't think of a good plan. So the King decides to go into town. He tells me to put on my new clothes and take him to the steamboat. We get in the canoe and go down the river. After some time, we meet a young man sitting by the river.

“Where are you going, young man?” asks the King.

“I'm getting the steamboat to New Orleans ,” he replies.

“Come with us. We're going too. My servant, Adolphus, can help you with your bags,” he says looking at me. They talk as we go down the river.

“Are you Mr Wilks?” asks the young man.

“No, my name's Blodgett – Reverend Alexander Blodgett,” says the King. “I hope Mr Wilks comes soon.”

“Yes, because, you see, his brother Peter is dead. We hope Harvey comes for Peter's funeral.”

“And then there's his brother William,” he continues. “He's deaf and dumb - about thirty, he is. There's another brother too, George. He and his wife are dead. Harvey and William are the only ones left. Then there are George's daughters - Mary Jane, the red-headed one. She's a kind girl. You see, there's a letter for Harvey telling him where Peter's money is and who he wants to give his property to.”

“Where does Harvey live?” asks the King, suddenly interested in the man's story.

“In England,” he replies.

“And is Peter Wilks a wealthy man?” the King continues.

“Oh yes, quite wealthy. He has houses and land, and about three or four thousand dollars. The funeral's tomorrow.”

“Well, it's a really sad story,” says the King as the young man gets on the steamboat. We don't get on.

“Go back and get the Duke,” the King tells me. I know what his plan is now.

Chapter 3. A Meeting with a King 第3章 王との会見|会見|王との会合|王との会見|一つの|王様との会合 Kapitel 3. Ein Treffen mit einem König Κεφάλαιο 3. Μια συνάντηση με έναν βασιλιά Capítulo 3. Encuentro con un rey Chapitre 3. Une rencontre avec un roi Capitolo 3. L'incontro con il re 第3章.王との出会い 3장. 왕과의 만남 Rozdział 3. Spotkanie z królem Capítulo 3. Um encontro com um rei Глава 3. Встреча с королем Bölüm 3. Kral ile Bir Görüşme Розділ 3. Зустріч з королем 第3章 与国王的会面 第 3 章会见国王

We go slowly down the river in the night. 私たち|進む|ゆっくりと|下って|その|川|夜に|その|夜に When the sun comes up the next morning, we leave the canoe by the riverbank and cover it with branches. 日の出の時|その|太陽|昇る|昇る|その|次の|翌朝|私たち|置いていく|その|カヌー|川岸に|その|川岸|そして|覆う|それ|枝で|枝葉 Wenn am nächsten Morgen die Sonne aufgeht, lassen wir das Kanu am Ufer liegen und decken es mit Ästen ab. Quando o sol nasce na manhã seguinte, deixamos a canoa na margem do rio e cobrimo-la com ramos. We sit on the riverbank and watch the rafts and steamboats go up and down the river all day, and we talk and talk. 私たち|座る|川岸に|その|川岸|そして|見ます|その|筏(いかだ)|そして|蒸気船|行き来する|上流へ|そして|下って|その|川|一日中|一日中|そして|私たち|話をする|そして|話す Sentamo-nos na margem do rio e vemos as jangadas e os barcos a vapor a subir e a descer o rio durante todo o dia, e conversamos e conversamos.

Every night we get in the canoe and go a little more down the river. 毎晩|毎晩|私たち|乗り込む|乗る|その|カヌーに乗って|そして|進む|少し|少し|さらに|下流へ|その|川 Jeden Abend steigen wir in das Kanu und fahren ein Stück weiter den Fluss hinunter. We fish and talk. 私たち|釣りをする|そして|話す Sometimes we swim in the river and sometimes we look at the stars. 時々|私たち|泳ぎます|川で|その|川|そして|時々|私たち|見る|見る|その|星空 Every night we pass towns. 毎晩|毎晩|私たち|通り過ぎる|町々 Jede Nacht passieren wir Städte. Todas as noites passamos por cidades. Sometimes we stop at the town and I find a chicken or something else to eat. 時々|私たち|止まる|で|その|町|そして|私が|見つける|一羽の|鶏肉|または|何か他のもの|他のもの|食べるための|食べるための Manchmal halten wir in der Stadt und ich finde ein Huhn oder etwas anderes zu essen. On the fifth night we pass St. 5番目の|その|5番目の|5日目の夜|私たち|通過する|聖 In der fünften Nacht passieren wir St. Louis. ルイ。 There are lots of lights but everybody is asleep. そこには|あります|たくさんの|の|ライト|しかし|みんな|眠っている|眠っている Es gibt viele Lichter, aber alle schlafen.

One night there's a big storm and we see a steamboat stuck on the rocks. ある晩|ある夜|ある|蒸気船|大きな|嵐|そして|私たち|目にする|蒸気船|蒸気船|立ち往生|ある夜|その|岩礁 ある夜、大嵐が来て、蒸気船が岩の上で立ち往生しているのが見えた。 Uma noite, há uma grande tempestade e vemos um barco a vapor preso nas rochas. I want to go and look inside but Jim says no. 私|行きたい|に|行く|そして|見てみる|中に|でも|ジム|言う|いいえ

“There are things inside we can take,” I tell Jim. そこに|あります|物|中に|私たち|取れる|取る|私|言う|ジム “Let's go and see.” 行こう|行こう|行って見ましょう|見に行く "Lass uns nachsehen."

I want an adventure. 私は|冒険が欲しい|一つの|冒険が欲しい。 Ich will ein Abenteuer. Jim thinks for a minute then says it's alright to go. ジム|考える|の間|大丈夫だ|1分間|それから|言う|大丈夫だ|大丈夫だ|行ってもいい|行く Jim denkt kurz nach und sagt dann, es sei in Ordnung zu gehen. So we get on the steamboat. それで|私たち|乗る|乗る|その|蒸気船 Então entramos no barco a vapor.

But on the steamboat we hear people speaking. しかし|蒸気船で|その|蒸気船|私たち|聞こえる|人々|話している Aber auf dem Dampfer hören wir Menschen sprechen. Jim is scared. ジム|です|ジムは怖がっている。 O Jim está assustado. He goes back to the canoe but I stay. 彼|戻る|戻る|へ|その|カヌー|しかし|私|残る Er geht zurück zum Kanu, aber ich bleibe. Ele volta para a canoa, mas eu fico. I want to see what's happening, just like Tom Sawyer. 私|見たい|に|見る|何が|起こっていること|ちょうど|のように|トム・ソーヤ|トム・ソーヤのように Ich will sehen, was passiert, genau wie Tom Sawyer. Quero ver o que está a acontecer, tal como o Tom Sawyer. I see a man on the floor and two men standing over him. 私|見ます|一人の|男の人|床の上|その|床の上|そして|二人の|男たち|立っている|上に|彼 Ich sehe einen Mann auf dem Boden und zwei Männer, die über ihm stehen. One has a gun. 一人|持っている|一人|銃を持っている I listen. 私は|聞く Ich höre zu. Then I get scared too and go back to Jim. それから|私も|怖くなる|怖くなって|も|そして|戻る|戻る|も|ジムのところへ Dann bekomme ich auch Angst und gehe zurück zu Jim. We go down the river but soon there's another storm. 私たち|行く|下る|その|川|しかし|すぐに|または|もう一つの|嵐 Wir fahren den Fluss hinunter, aber bald gibt es einen weiteren Sturm. Descemos o rio, mas logo há outra tempestade. We pass more towns and have lots more adventures. 私たち|通り過ぎる|もっと|町々|そして|持ちます|たくさんの|もっと|冒険 Wir passieren weitere Städte und erleben viele weitere Abenteuer. Passamos por mais cidades e vivemos muitas outras aventuras.

Jim and I stay many days on the river, fishing and talking. ジム|と|私|滞在する|たくさんの|日々|川で|その|川|釣りをする|と|話をする Jim und ich verbringen viele Tage am Fluss, angeln und unterhalten uns. We talk about everything, about kings and princes, speaking French and saying silly things. 私たち|話す|について|すべてのこと|について|王様たち|そして|王子たち|フランス語を話し|フランス語|および|言うこと|馬鹿げたこと|こと Falamos de tudo, de reis e de príncipes, falamos francês e dizemos coisas disparatadas.

We go to Cairo, where the Ohio River comes in. 私たち|行く|へ|カイロ|どこに|その|オハイオ川|オハイオ川|合流する|合流する Wir fahren nach Cairo, wo der Ohio River mündet. We decide to sell the canoe and get a steamboat, to make things easier for us. 私たち|決める|ために|売る|その|カヌー|そして|手に入れる|カヌーを売る|蒸気船|ために|楽にするため|物事|簡単にするため|ために|私たち Wir beschließen, das Kanu zu verkaufen und uns ein Dampfboot zuzulegen, um uns die Arbeit zu erleichtern. But the fog comes down and we can't see anything. しかし|その|霧|降りてくる|降りてくる|そして|私たち|見えない|見る|何も見えない Mas o nevoeiro desce e não conseguimos ver nada. One day a strong current takes us away from each other and I can't find Jim anywhere. ある日|ある日|ある日|強い|流れ|連れ去る|私たち|離れ離れに|から|お互い|他の場所|そして|私|見つけられない|見つける|ジム|どこにも Eines Tages reißt uns eine starke Strömung auseinander, und ich kann Jim nirgendwo finden. Um dia, uma forte corrente afasta-nos um do outro e não consigo encontrar o Jim em lado nenhum. The next morning, Jim is back and we have even more adventures. 次の|次の|翌朝|ジム|戻っている|戻っている|そして|私たち|持っている|さらに|さらに|冒険 Am nächsten Morgen ist Jim wieder da und wir erleben noch mehr Abenteuer. We continue down the river but we never get to Cairo, so we cook fish, swim in the river and watch the stars. 私たち|進み続ける|下って|その|川|しかし|私たち|決して|到着する|まで|カイロ|だから|私たち|料理する|魚を料理します|泳ぐ|で|その|川|そして|星を眺める|その|星空 Wir fahren weiter flussabwärts, aber wir kommen nie in Kairo an, also kochen wir Fisch, schwimmen im Fluss und beobachten die Sterne. Then one day everything changes. その時|ある日|ある日|すべてが変わる|変わる Doch eines Tages ändert sich alles.

One morning I am looking for some fruit when I see two men running towards me. ある朝|ある朝|私|います|探している|探して|いくつかの|果物|ときに|私は|見る|二人|男の人|走っている|こちらに向かって|私に向かって Eines Morgens bin ich auf der Suche nach Obst, als ich zwei Männer auf mich zulaufen sehe.

“Help! 助けて! Help!” they say. 「助けて!」と彼らは言う。|彼らは|言う Hilfe!", sagen sie. “Some men and dogs are chasing us!” いくつかの|男性たち|と|犬たち|追っている|追いかけている|私たち "Ein paar Männer und Hunde jagen uns!" "Alguns homens e cães estão a perseguir-nos!"

“Jump on the raft with me so the dogs can't find you,” I tell them. 筏に乗って|上に|その|いかだ|一緒に|私と一緒に|そうすれば|その|犬たち|見つからないように|見つける|あなたたち|私が言う|言う|彼らに "Springt mit mir auf das Floß, damit die Hunde euch nicht finden können", sage ich ihnen.

We wait, then we hear some men and dogs running by. 私たち|待つ|それから|私たち|聞こえる|何人かの|男たち|および|犬たち|走っている|通り過ぎる Wir warten, dann hören wir einige Männer und Hunde vorbeilaufen. Esperamos, depois ouvimos alguns homens e cães a passar. They don't see us. 彼ら|見ていない|見ている|私たち Sie sehen uns nicht. We go up the river. 私たち|行く|上流へ|川|川を上る Wir fahren den Fluss hinauf. Subimos o rio. Everything is quiet. すべてが|です|すべてが静か Alles ist ruhig. Tudo está calmo. We're safe now. 私たちは|私たちは安全です|今 Wir sind jetzt in Sicherheit. Agora estamos a salvo.

One of the men is about seventy years old. 一人|の中の|その|男性の一人|です|およそ|70歳ぐらい|歳|年老いた Einer der Männer ist etwa siebzig Jahre alt. He's bald and has a grey beard, a hat and a stick. 彼は|禿げている|そして|持っている|帽子と杖|灰色の|ひげ|帽子と杖|帽子|そして|帽子と杖|杖 Er hat eine Glatze, einen grauen Bart, einen Hut und einen Stock. É careca e tem uma barba cinzenta, um chapéu e um pau. The other man is about thirty years old and is well-dressed. その|もう一人|男性|です|およそ|30歳ぐらい|歳|歳くらい|そして|です|よく|身なりの良い Der andere Mann ist etwa dreißig Jahre alt und gut gekleidet. O outro homem tem cerca de trinta anos e está bem vestido.

They have breakfast with us and we talk. 彼らは|持つ|朝食|と一緒に|私たちと|そして|私たち|話をする Sie frühstücken mit uns und wir unterhalten uns. Eles tomam o pequeno-almoço connosco e conversamos. We don't think they know each other. 私たち|思っていない|思う|彼ら|知っている|お互い|お互い Wir glauben nicht, dass sie sich kennen. Achamos que eles não se conhecem. Jim and I listen to their stories and adventures. ジム|と|私|聞く|に|彼らの|物語|と|冒険談 Jim und ich lauschen ihren Geschichten und Abenteuern. O Jim e eu ouvimos as suas histórias e aventuras. Then the young one says: “I must tell you that I'm really a Duke!” We're amazed when we hear this. その時|その|若者|若者|言う|私|しなければならない|伝える|あなたに|そのこと|私は|本当に|若者が|公爵|私たちは|驚いた|その時|私たち|聞く|これ Dann sagt der junge Mann: "Ich muss euch sagen, dass ich wirklich ein Herzog bin", und wir sind erstaunt, als wir das hören. Então o jovem diz: "Tenho de vos dizer que sou mesmo um Duque!" Ficamos espantados quando ouvimos isto.

“Really? 本当ですか? "A sério? !” says the old man. 言う|その|老人|老人

“Yes,” says the young man. 「はい」と若者は言う。|言う|その|「若い」|「青年」 “My great-grandfather was the eldest son of the Duke of Bridgewater so I'm now the Duke of Bridgewater. 私の|曾曾|曾祖父|でした|その|長男|息子|の|その|公爵|の|ブリッジウォーター公|それで|私は|今や|その|公爵|の|ブリッジウォーター公 "O meu bisavô era o filho mais velho do Duque de Bridgewater, por isso agora sou o Duque de Bridgewater. But here I'm lost, tired and hunted by men.” しかし|ここでは|私は|迷っている|疲れ果てた|そして|追われている|によって|男たち Aber hier bin ich verloren, müde und von Männern gejagt." Mas aqui estou perdido, cansado e perseguido por homens".

Jim feels sad for him, and so do I. We want to help him. ジム|感じる|悲しい|彼の|彼を|そして|私もです|私もです|私もです|私たち|助けたい|ために|助けたい|彼を Jim ist traurig über ihn und ich auch. Wir wollen ihm helfen. He tells us that we must speak to him in a special way and call him “Your Grace”, or “Bridgewater”. 彼|言う|私たちに|そのこと|私たち|しなければならない|話す|に|彼に|で|彼を|特別な|方法で|そして|呼ぶ|彼に|あなたの|閣下|または|ブリッジウォーター Er sagt uns, dass wir ihn auf besondere Weise ansprechen und ihn "Euer Gnaden" oder "Bridgewater" nennen sollen. Diz-nos que devemos falar com ele de uma forma especial e tratá-lo por "Vossa Graça", ou "Bridgewater". Then he says one of us has to serve him dinner. それから|彼が|言う|一人|の中の|私たち|持っている|に|夕食を出す|彼に|夕食を出す Dann sagt er, einer von uns müsse ihm das Abendessen servieren. Depois diz que um de nós tem de lhe servir o jantar. So that's easy, we think. それで|それは|簡単|私たち|思います Das ist also einfach, denken wir. Portanto, é fácil, pensamos nós.

But the old man is silent. しかし|その|老人|老人|です|黙っている Aber der alte Mann schweigt. Mas o velho está calado. After some time he says, “Look, Bridgewater, you aren't the only person to have troubles like that.” しばらくして|しばらく|しばらくして|彼|言った|見て|ブリッジウォーター|君|ではない|その|唯一の|人|に対して|持つ|悩み事|ような|そのようなこと Nach einiger Zeit sagt er: "Sieh mal, Bridgewater, du bist nicht der Einzige, der solche Probleme hat." Passado algum tempo, diz: "Olha, Bridgewater, não és a única pessoa a ter problemas como este".

“Ah no?” he replies. 「ああ」|「いや」|彼が|返事する "Ach nein?", antwortet er. "Ah não?", responde ele.

“No, you aren't. いいえ|いいえ、あなたは違います。|違います "Nein, bist du nicht. I'm the King of France!” he cries. 私は|その|王様|の|フランスの王|彼は|叫ぶ Ich bin der König von Frankreich!", schreit er. Sou o rei de França!", grita.

Jim and I look at the old man. ジム|と|私|見ます|を見ている|その|年老いた|老人 Jim und ich sehen den alten Mann an. We're even more surprised. 私たちは|さらに|さらに|さらに驚いた Wir sind noch mehr überrascht.

He says, “Call me Your Majesty.” So we do, and we give him his meals first and help him with everything. 彼|言う|呼ぶ|私を|陛下|陛下|それで|私たち|そうします|そして|私たち|与える|彼に|彼の|食事|最初に|そして|手伝う|彼に|と一緒に|すべてのこと Er sagt: "Nennt mich Eure Majestät", und das tun wir auch, und wir geben ihm zuerst seine Mahlzeiten und helfen ihm bei allem. Ele diz: "Chama-me Vossa Majestade". E assim fazemos, damos-lhe as refeições primeiro e ajudamo-lo em tudo. But the Duke isn't very happy. しかし|その|公爵|ではありません|あまり|しかし、公爵はあまり満足していない。 Aber der Herzog ist nicht sehr glücklich. Mas o Duque não está muito contente.

Some time later, I realise that the Duke and King are just fraudsters but I don't say anything. しばらくして|しばらくして|しばらくして|私|気づく|そのこと|その|公爵|と|王様|である|ただの|詐欺師たち|しかし|私|言わない|言わない|何も言わない Einige Zeit später wird mir klar, dass der Herzog und der König nur Betrüger sind, aber ich sage nichts. Passado algum tempo, apercebo-me de que o Duque e o Rei não passam de uns aldrabões, mas não digo nada. They are on the run like me and Jim. 彼ら|いる|逃走中|その|逃走中|のように|私|と|ジム Sie sind auf der Flucht wie ich und Jim. They ask us lots of questions, so I make up stories because I don't want to tell them the truth. 彼らは|尋ねる|私たちに|たくさんの|の|質問|だから|私は|作る|作り話をする|作り話|ので|私は|言いたくない|たくない|ので|教える|彼らに|その|真実 Sie stellen uns viele Fragen, also erfinde ich Geschichten, weil ich ihnen nicht die Wahrheit sagen will. Fazem-nos muitas perguntas e eu invento histórias porque não quero contar-lhes a verdade.

We travel down the river together at night. 私たち|川を下る|下って|その|川|一緒に|夜に|夜に Wir fahren nachts gemeinsam den Fluss hinunter.

The King and the Duke whisper to each other. その|王様|と|その|公爵|ささやく|に|お互いに|お互いに Der König und der Herzog flüstern sich gegenseitig etwas zu. I know they are planning how to cheat money out of people. 私は|知っている|彼らが|している|計画している|どのように|方法で|だます|お金|から騙し取る|の|人々 Ich weiß, dass sie planen, wie sie die Menschen um ihr Geld betrügen können. Sei que estão a planear a forma de enganar as pessoas.

In each new town, they do something different. 各新しい町で|それぞれの|新しい|町|彼らは|行う|何か|異なる In jeder neuen Stadt machen sie etwas anderes. In one town, the King preaches to people in a church and tells them about some bad people who robbed him. ある町で|ある町で|町の中|その|王様|説教する|に|人々|一つの町で|一部の|教会|そして|話します|彼らに|について|いくらかの|悪い|人々|悪者たち|盗んだ|彼から奪った In einer Stadt predigt der König in einer Kirche zu den Menschen und erzählt ihnen von bösen Leuten, die ihn bestohlen haben. Numa cidade, o Rei prega às pessoas numa igreja e fala-lhes de algumas pessoas más que o roubaram. They believe him when he starts crying and give him some money! 彼らは|信じる|彼を|彼が泣き出すと|彼|泣き始める|泣き始めると|そして|お金をあげる|彼を|いくらかの|お金 Sie glauben ihm, als er zu weinen beginnt, und geben ihm Geld! Acreditam nele quando começa a chorar e dão-lhe algum dinheiro! Later, we count the money – there are eighty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents. 後で|私たち|数える|その|お金|あります|あります|八十|87|ドル|および|70|五|セント Später zählen wir das Geld - es sind siebenundachtzig Dollar und fünfundsiebzig Cents.

One day, they make a poster. ある日|ある日|彼ら|作る|ある日|ポスター Eines Tages machen sie ein Plakat. Um dia, fazem um cartaz. There's a picture of a runaway slave and “$200 reward” in words. あります|1人の|絵|の|1枚の|逃亡者|逃亡奴隷|および|報奨金|に|文字 Es gibt ein Bild von einem entlaufenen Sklaven und "200 Dollar Belohnung" in Worten. Há uma fotografia de um escravo fugitivo e "$200 de recompensa" por extenso. The description of the slave is just like Jim. その|説明|の|その|奴隷の描写はジムのようだ。|です|まるで|のような|ジム Die Beschreibung des Sklaven ist genau wie Jim. The Duke says this way we can run during the daytime too. その|公爵|言う|このように|この方法で|私たち|できる|走る|昼間に|その|昼間|も Der Herzog sagt, dass wir auf diese Weise auch tagsüber laufen können. 公爵は、こうすれば昼間も走れると言う。 O Duque diz que assim também podemos correr durante o dia. We think it's a good idea. 私たち|考えます|それは|一つの|良い|アイデア Achamos que é uma boa ideia.

In another town, they plan a show. 別の町で|別の|別の町で|彼らは|計画する|計画する|ショー In einer anderen Stadt planen sie eine Show. The Duke takes people's money at the door and when the curtain goes up, the King comes onto the stage in a strange costume. その|公爵|取る|人々の|お金|で|その|入口で|そして|カーテンが上がると|その|幕が上がる|上がる|上がる|その|王様|来る|上に|その|舞台|で|王様|奇妙な|衣装 Der Herzog nimmt an der Tür das Geld der Leute, und wenn der Vorhang aufgeht, kommt der König in einem seltsamen Kostüm auf die Bühne. O Duque recebe o dinheiro das pessoas à porta e, quando a cortina sobe, o Rei entra em cena com um traje estranho. He jumps around doing something from Shakespeare and then runs off. 彼は|飛び跳ねる|周りで|何かをして|何かを|からの|シェイクスピアの何か|そして|それから|走り去る|走り去る Er springt herum, macht etwas von Shakespeare und rennt dann davon. Ele salta de um lado para o outro a fazer algo de Shakespeare e depois foge. When the crowd realises the men are fraudsters, they're very angry. 群衆が詐欺師だと気づいた時|その|群衆|気づく|その|男たち|である|詐欺師たち|彼らは|とても|怒っている Quando a multidão se apercebe que os homens são burlões, fica muito zangada.

We run back to the raft. 私たち|走る|戻って|へ|その|いかだ Corremos de volta para a jangada. The King and the Duke count their money and laugh. その|王様|と|その|公爵|数える|彼らの|お金|と|笑う Der König und der Herzog zählen ihr Geld und lachen. O Rei e o Duque contam o seu dinheiro e riem-se.

The next day, the King and the Duke talk about new ideas to make money but they can't think of a good plan. 次の|次の|翌日|次の|王様|と|次の日|公爵|話し合う|について|新しい|アイデア|に|稼ぐ|お金|しかし|彼ら|思いつかない|考える|の|次の日|良い|計画 So the King decides to go into town. それで|その|王様|決める|町へ|行く|町へ|町に行くことにする He tells me to put on my new clothes and take him to the steamboat. 彼|言う|私に|に|着る|着る|私の|新しい|服|そして|連れて行く|彼を|に|その|蒸気船 Er sagt mir, ich solle meine neuen Kleider anziehen und ihn zum Dampfer bringen. Ele diz-me para vestir as minhas roupas novas e levá-lo para o barco a vapor. We get in the canoe and go down the river. 私たち|乗る|カヌーに|その|カヌー|そして|進む|下る|その|川 Metemo-nos na canoa e descemos o rio. After some time, we meet a young man sitting by the river. しばらくして|しばらくして|しばらくして|私たち|出会う|若者|若い|若者|座っている|そばに|その|川のそば Nach einiger Zeit treffen wir einen jungen Mann, der am Fluss sitzt.

“Where are you going, young man?” asks the King. どこへ|いますか|あなた|行く|若者|若者|尋ねる|その|王様

“I'm getting the steamboat to New Orleans ,” he replies. 私は|乗る|その|蒸気船|へ|ニューオーリンズ|ニューオーリンズ|彼は|答える "Ich nehme das Dampfschiff nach New Orleans", antwortet er.

“Come with us. 来てください|一緒に|私たち We're going too. 私たちも|行きます|も行きます Wir gehen auch hin. My servant, Adolphus, can help you with your bags,” he says looking at me. 私の|召使い|アドルファス|できる|手伝う|あなたを|持って|あなたの|荷物|彼が|言う|見つめながら|アドルファスが|私を Mein Diener Adolphus kann Ihnen mit Ihrem Gepäck helfen", sagt er und sieht mich an. O meu criado, Adolphus, pode ajudar-vos com as malas", diz olhando para mim. They talk as we go down the river. 彼らは|話す|~ながら|私たち|行く|川を下る|その|川を下る Sie reden, während wir den Fluss hinunterfahren.

“Are you Mr Wilks?” asks the young man. ですか|あなたは|ウィルクスさん|ウィルクスさん|尋ねる|その|若い|若者 "Sind Sie Herr Wilks?", fragt der junge Mann.

“No, my name's Blodgett – Reverend Alexander Blodgett,” says the King. いいえ|私の|名前は|「ブラジェット」|牧師|アレクサンダー|ブロジェット|言った|その|王様 "Não, o meu nome é Blodgett - Reverendo Alexander Blodgett", diz o Rei. “I hope Mr Wilks comes soon.” 私|望む|ウィルクスさん|ウィルクスさん|来る|すぐに

“Yes, because, you see, his brother Peter is dead. はい|なぜなら|あなた|わかる|彼の|兄弟のピーター|ピーター|です|亡くなった "Ja, denn sein Bruder Peter ist tot. We hope Harvey comes for Peter's funeral.” 私たち|望む|ハーヴィー|来る|ために|ピーターの|葬式 Esperamos que o Harvey venha ao funeral do Peter".

“And then there's his brother William,” he continues. そして|それから|「そして彼の兄ウィリアムがいる」|彼の|兄弟|ウィリアム|彼は|続けて言う "Und dann ist da noch sein Bruder William", fährt er fort. “He's deaf and dumb - about thirty, he is. 彼は|耳が聞こえない|そして|耳が聞こえず話せない|およそ|30歳ぐらい|彼|です "Er ist taubstumm - etwa dreißig Jahre alt. "Ele é surdo e mudo - tem cerca de trinta anos. There's another brother too, George. もう一人|もう一人|もう一人の兄弟|もまた|ジョージ Es gibt auch noch einen anderen Bruder, George. He and his wife are dead. 彼|と|彼の|彼の妻|です|彼と彼の妻は死んでいる。 Harvey and William are the only ones left. ハーヴィー|と|ウィリアム|いる|その|唯一の|者たち|残っている Harvey und William sind die Einzigen, die noch übrig sind. O Harvey e o William são os únicos que restam. Then there are George's daughters - Mary Jane, the red-headed one. それから|そこに|いる|ジョージの|娘たち|メアリー|メアリー・ジェーン|その|赤毛の|赤毛の|赤毛の娘 Dann gibt es noch Georges Töchter - Mary Jane, die rothaarige. Depois, há as filhas de George - Mary Jane, a ruiva. She's a kind girl. 彼女は|彼女は|優しい|彼女は親切な女の子です。 Ela é uma rapariga simpática. You see, there's a letter for Harvey telling him where Peter's money is and who he wants to give his property to.” あなた|分かる|あります|手紙|手紙|のための|ハーヴィー|伝える|彼に|どこに|ピーターの|お金|あります|そして|誰に|彼|望んでいる|に渡す|渡す|彼の|財産|に渡す Siehst du, da ist ein Brief für Harvey, der ihm sagt, wo Peters Geld ist und wem er sein Eigentum geben will." Há uma carta para o Harvey que lhe diz onde está o dinheiro do Peter e a quem é que ele quer dar a sua propriedade".

“Where does Harvey live?” asks the King, suddenly interested in the man's story. どこに|住んでいる|ハーヴィー|住んでいる|尋ねる|その|王様|突然|興味を持った|中に|その|男の|物語 "Wo wohnt Harvey?", fragt der König, der sich plötzlich für die Geschichte des Mannes interessiert.

“In England,” he replies. 「イギリスで」|「イギリスで」と彼は答える。|彼は|「答える」

“And is Peter Wilks a wealthy man?” the King continues. そして|ですか|ピーター|ウィルクス|「そして」|裕福な|男性|その|王様|続ける "Und ist Peter Wilks ein reicher Mann?", fährt der König fort. "E Peter Wilks é um homem rico?", continua o Rei.

“Oh yes, quite wealthy. ああ|ええ、かなり裕福です。|かなり|「ああ、かなり裕福です。」 "Oh ja, ziemlich wohlhabend. "Oh sim, bastante rico. He has houses and land, and about three or four thousand dollars. 彼|持っている|家屋|および|土地|および|およそ|三つほど|または|四千ドル|千ドル|ドル Tem casas e terras, e cerca de três ou quatro mil dólares. The funeral's tomorrow.” その|葬式は明日です。|明日 Die Beerdigung ist morgen." O funeral é amanhã".

“Well, it's a really sad story,” says the King as the young man gets on the steamboat. 「さて」|それは|「まあ」|本当に|悲しい|物語|言う|その|王様|として|その|若者|若者|乗り込む|乗る|その|蒸気船 "Nun, das ist eine wirklich traurige Geschichte", sagt der König, als der junge Mann das Dampfschiff betritt. "Bem, é uma história muito triste", diz o Rei quando o jovem entra no barco a vapor. We don't get on. 私たち|合わない|うまくいかない|うまくいく Wir verstehen uns nicht. Não nos damos bem.

“Go back and get the Duke,” the King tells me. 戻る|戻る|そして|連れてくる|公爵を|公爵|その|王様|言う|私に "Geh zurück und hol den Herzog", sagt der König. "Volta e vai buscar o Duque", diz-me o Rei. I know what his plan is now. 私は|知っている|何か|彼の|計画|である|今では Ich weiß jetzt, wie sein Plan aussieht. Agora sei qual é o plano dele.