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The Yellow Sticker Girl (Graded Reader), Chapter 2. Happy Saturdays

Chapter 2. Happy Saturdays

The Yellow Sticker Girl. That was my new nickname at school. It wasn't a nice nickname like ‘Meggie' or ‘Meg' or even ‘Meggie-Moo' (which was quite embarrassing at my age! ), it was horrible. Kyla posted my photo at the supermarket all over social media with the hashtag #theyellowstickergirl. All my classmates saw the photo and some people even left nasty comments like ‘They're a family of tramps,' and ‘They look in rubbish bins for their tea as well.' What is wrong with these people? Don't they know that just because we haven't got a lot of money at the moment, we're still just a normal family? Other kids at school laughed at me when I walked down the corridor and no one wanted to sit next to me at lunchtime. Thanks, Kyla! I can't believe she was my best friend at primary school.

Anyway, school was a nightmare and I couldn't wait for the bell to ring at the end of every day and go home. One day, I was walking home on my own when I saw a sign in the bakery window.

It was for a ‘Saturday Girl'. Hmmm ... a part time job? I looked in through the bakery window. There were a couple of ladies standing behind the counter, putting bread and cakes into paper bags. Cake! Yum! There was carrot cake, egg custards, iced fingers and lots more too! The shop was full of customers in a long queue, but everyone was smiling and waiting patiently. I decided to be brave and go in. As soon as I opened the door I was hit by the amazing smell of freshly baked bread. I have to work here! Suddenly, a loud voice shouted out from round the back.

‘The muffins are out of the oven. Get your muffins!'

And then, the owner of the voice appeared. Mr Turner was a large, round man (I suppose that's what happens when you eat delicious cakes every day) with an equally round smiley face. Ok, Meghan, you can do it. Ask him about the job.

‘Excuse me, Sir,' I shouted. ‘I saw the ad in the window for a Saturday girl.'

‘Ah yes,' replied Mr Turner as he came to the front of the counter.

‘Do you have any experience?' he asked.

‘Erm … no … but I LOVE cake,' I replied hopefully.

Mr Turner laughed.

‘Well, I suppose that is the main requirement for someone who wants to work in a bakery,' he said. ‘Can you start next week?'

‘Yes!!! Sorry, I mean yes, please. Thank you,' I laughed nervously.

There was one thing I had to tell Mr Turner though before I left.

‘Mr Turner?'

‘Yes, dear,' he answered.

‘Do you know that you can't advertise for a Saturday Girl? We're in the 21st century now, you have to advertise for a Saturday Person. I'm sure there are boys who like cake too,' I laughed.

‘You're absolutely right, dear,' replied Mr Turner. He went to the shop window, took the sign down, crossed out ‘girl' and wrote ‘person'.

‘I need another Saturday PERSON,' he said. ‘This is a very busy bakery'.

Mr Turner gave me my uniform, some FREE CAKE (Leah is going to love my new job!) and I went home feeling super-happy! Finally, there was some good news!

On the Saturday morning I was really nervous. I went downstairs for breakfast and there was a surprise waiting for me: a full English breakfast. Dad was putting everything onto a big plate.

‘You're a worker now,' he said. ‘You need a good breakfast.'

‘Thanks, dad,' I smiled back.

Leah came into the kitchen then with mum. There was bacon and eggs for her too but mum and dad just had a cup of tea.

‘Where's your breakfast?' I asked but they just shook their heads and said, ‘We're not hungry this morning, love. Eat up!'

Leah is too young to understand and happily ate her breakfast but I was already thinking about the first thing I wanted to buy with my wages: bacon and eggs for everyone!

After breakfast, I went upstairs and got my uniform on. The red skirt and red and white striped blouse made me feel very important - I have a real job! - but I wasn't too sure about the white hat. Mum, dad and Leah all thought I looked great of course.

‘You look beautiful,' said mum.

‘Yes, and so professional too,' added dad.

‘CUTE!!! !' laughed Leah.

I walked to the bus stop feeling happy and confident. The 204 bus came on time and ten minutes later I was in town. I had butterflies in my tummy but I was excited too. While I was walking to the bakery I saw Kyla and some of the other girls but luckily they didn't see me. I decided to go straight to the bakery. A run in with Kyla before my new job? No thanks! I was a few minutes early but Mr Turner was just happy to see me.

‘Come on in, Kyla dear,' he welcomed me. ‘We're busy this morning. Get your hat on!'

I spent the next four hours serving bread and cake, smiling at customers and trying to resist the temptation to eat a strawberry tart! Everyone was so nice and the morning passed really quickly. At the end of my shift Mr Turner came to talk to me.

‘Well done, Meghan,' he complimented me. ‘You worked really hard, you're smart and the customers love you.' ‘Wow, thanks Mr Turner,' I replied. Then he gave me an envelope with my wages in and a bag of bread and cakes. ‘We don't like to waste food,' he said. I love my job! I went to the bakery every week. Saturday was my favourite day of the week. There was even a new Saturday Boy . I used my wages to buy treats for all the family. I didn't need to ask mum and dad to top up my mobile phone anymore either, I used my money. Saturdays were my escape from the nightmare of school until, one day, I saw Kyla and some other girls at the bus stop. I was waiting for the bus to go to work when I heard ‘Hey! Yellow Sticker Girl!' Oh no! Not here as well! I looked over the road and Kyla was taking another photo of me … in my uniform. ‘Nice clothes,' she shouted. ‘Yeah, so trendy,' added one of the other girls laughing. Great! What will the next hashtag be? !

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Chapter 2. Happy Saturdays Kapitel 2. Fröhliche Samstage Capítulo 2. Sábados felices فصل 2. شنبه های شاد Chapitre 2. Les samedis heureux Capitolo 2. I sabati felici 第2章.幸せな土曜日 2장. 행복한 토요일 2 skyrius. Laimingi šeštadieniai Rozdział 2. Szczęśliwe soboty Capítulo 2. Sábados felizes Глава 2. Счастливые субботы Kapitel 2. Lyckliga lördagar Bölüm 2. Mutlu Cumartesiler Розділ 2. Щасливі суботи 第 2 章 周六快乐 第二章:快乐星期六快乐星期六

The Yellow Sticker Girl. That was my new nickname at school. It wasn't a nice nickname like ‘Meggie' or ‘Meg' or even ‘Meggie-Moo' (which was quite embarrassing at my age! ), it was horrible. Kyla posted my photo at the supermarket all over social media with the hashtag \#theyellowstickergirl. All my classmates saw the photo and some people even left nasty comments like ‘They're a family of tramps,' and ‘They look in rubbish bins for their tea as well.' What is wrong with these people? |||||||||||mean|||||||homeless people|||||garbage|||||||||||| 我所有的同學都看到了這張照片,有些人甚至留下了「他們是流浪漢一家人」、「他們也在垃圾桶裡找茶」之類的惡毒評論。這些人怎麼了? Don't they know that just because we haven't got a lot of money at the moment, we're still just a normal family? 難道他們不知道,我們現在還沒有很多錢,只是一個普通的家庭嗎? Other kids at school laughed at me when I walked down the corridor and no one wanted to sit next to me at lunchtime. ||||||||||||hallway||||||||||| 當我走在走廊上時,學校裡的其他孩子嘲笑我,午餐時間沒有人願意坐在我旁邊。 Thanks, Kyla! 謝謝,凱拉! I can't believe she was my best friend at primary school. 我不敢相信她是我小學時最好的朋友。

Anyway, school was a nightmare and I couldn't wait for the bell to ring at the end of every day and go home. 不管怎樣,學校是一場惡夢,我每天都迫不及待地等著放學的鈴聲響起然後回家。 One day, I was walking home on my own when I saw a sign in the bakery window. ||||||||||||||||bake shop| 有一天,我獨自走在回家的路上,看到麵包店櫥窗上的一個標誌。

It was for a ‘Saturday Girl'. 這是為“週六女孩”準備的。 Hmmm ... a part time job? 嗯……兼職工作? I looked in through the bakery window. |||||baking shop| There were a couple of ladies standing behind the counter, putting bread and cakes into paper bags. 櫃檯後面站著幾個女士,把麵包和蛋糕裝進紙袋裡。 Cake! 蛋糕! Yum! There was carrot cake, egg custards, iced fingers and lots more too! |||||egg custards|||||| 還有胡蘿蔔蛋糕、奶凍、冰手指等等! The shop was full of customers in a long queue, but everyone was smiling and waiting patiently. 店裡擠滿了顧客,排隊,但每個人都面帶微笑,耐心等待。 I decided to be brave and go in. 我決定勇敢地進去。 As soon as I opened the door I was hit by the amazing smell of freshly baked bread. 一打開門,我就聞到了新鮮出爐的麵包的香味。 I have to work here! 我必須在這裡工作! Suddenly, a loud voice shouted out from round the back. 突然,一道洪亮的聲音從背後傳來。

‘The muffins are out of the oven. |baked goods||||| 「鬆餅已經從烤箱裡出來了。 Get your muffins!' 拿你的鬆餅來!

And then, the owner of the voice appeared. 然後,聲音的主人就出現了。 Mr Turner was a large, round man (I suppose that's what happens when you eat delicious cakes every day) with an equally round smiley face. |||||||||||||||||||||||happy expression| 特納先生是一個又高又圓的男人(我想這就是當你每天吃美味的蛋糕時會發生的事情),有一張同樣圓的笑臉。 Ok, Meghan, you can do it. 好吧,梅根,你能做到的。 Ask him about the job. 向他詢問工作狀況。

‘Excuse me, Sir,' I shouted. 「對不起,先生,」我喊道。 ‘I saw the ad in the window for a Saturday girl.' “我在櫥窗裡看到了周六女孩的廣告。”

‘Ah yes,' replied Mr Turner as he came to the front of the counter. 「啊,是的,」特納先生來到櫃檯前回答。

‘Do you have any experience?' he asked. “你有什麼經驗嗎?”他問。

‘Erm … no … but I LOVE cake,' I replied hopefully. 「呃……不……但我喜歡蛋糕,」我滿懷希望地回答。

Mr Turner laughed. 特納先生笑了。

‘Well, I suppose that is the main requirement for someone who wants to work in a bakery,' he said. 「嗯,我想這是對想在麵包店工作的人的主要要求,」他說。 ‘Can you start next week?' “你可以下週開始嗎?”

‘Yes!!! '是的! Sorry, I mean yes, please. 抱歉,我的意思是,請。 Thank you,' I laughed nervously. 謝謝你。

There was one thing I had to tell Mr Turner though before I left. 不過,在我離開之前,我必須告訴特納先生一件事。

‘Mr Turner?' “特納先生?”

‘Yes, dear,' he answered. 「是的,親愛的,」他回答。

‘Do you know that you can't advertise for a Saturday Girl? 「你知道你不能為週六女郎做廣告嗎? We're in the 21st century now, you have to advertise for a Saturday Person. 現在我們已經進入了 21 世紀,你必須為星期六的人做廣告。 I'm sure there are boys who like cake too,' I laughed. 我確信有些男孩也喜歡蛋糕。

‘You're absolutely right, dear,' replied Mr Turner. 「親愛的,你說得完全正確,」特納先生回答。 He went to the shop window, took the sign down, crossed out ‘girl' and wrote ‘person'. 他走到商店櫥窗前,取下標牌,劃掉“女孩”,寫上“人”。

‘I need another Saturday PERSON,' he said. 「我需要另一個星期六人,」他說。 ‘This is a very busy bakery'. 「這是一家非常繁忙的麵包店」。

Mr Turner gave me my uniform, some FREE CAKE (Leah is going to love my new job!) 特納先生給了我制服和一些免費蛋糕(莉亞會喜歡我的新工作!) and I went home feeling super-happy! 我回家的時候感覺超高興! Finally, there was some good news! 最後,有一些好消息!

On the Saturday morning I was really nervous. 星期六早上我真的很緊張。 I went downstairs for breakfast and there was a surprise waiting for me: a full English breakfast. 我下樓吃早餐,有個驚喜在等著我:全套英式早餐。 Dad was putting everything onto a big plate. 爸爸把所有的東西都放在一個大盤子裡。

‘You're a worker now,' he said. 「你現在是一名工人了,」他說。 ‘You need a good breakfast.' “你需要一頓豐盛的早餐。”

‘Thanks, dad,' I smiled back. 「謝謝,爸爸,」我微笑著回應。

Leah came into the kitchen then with mum. 莉亞和媽媽一起走進廚房。 There was bacon and eggs for her too but mum and dad just had a cup of tea. ||cooked pork||||||||||||||| 也為她準備了培根和雞蛋,但爸爸媽媽只喝了一杯茶。

‘Where's your breakfast?' I asked but they just shook their heads and said, ‘We're not hungry this morning, love. “你的早餐在哪裡?”我問了,但他們只是搖搖頭說:『親愛的,我們今天早上不餓。 Eat up!' 吃吧!

Leah is too young to understand and happily ate her breakfast but I was already thinking about the first thing I wanted to buy with my wages: bacon and eggs for everyone! 莉亞還太小,不懂事,高興地吃著早餐,但我已經在想我想用我的薪水買的第一件事:為每個人買培根和雞蛋!

After breakfast, I went upstairs and got my uniform on. 吃完早餐,我就上樓穿上製服。 The red skirt and red and white striped blouse made me feel very important - I have a real job! ||||||||top garment|||||||||| 紅色的裙子和紅白條紋的襯衫讓我感覺自己很重要——我有一份真正的工作! - but I wasn't too sure about the white hat. Mum, dad and Leah all thought I looked great of course. 當然,媽媽、爸爸和莉亞都認為我看起來很棒。

‘You look beautiful,' said mum. 「你看起來很漂亮,」媽媽說。

‘Yes, and so professional too,' added dad. 「是的,而且也很專業,」爸爸補充道。

‘CUTE!!! '可愛的! !' laughed Leah. !莉亞笑道。

I walked to the bus stop feeling happy and confident. 我走到公車站,心情愉快又自信。 The 204 bus came on time and ten minutes later I was in town. 204號公車準時到達,十分鐘後我就到了城裡。 I had butterflies in my tummy but I was excited too. |||||stomach||||| 我心裡七上八下,但我也很興奮。 While I was walking to the bakery I saw Kyla and some of the other girls but luckily they didn't see me. 當我走向麵包店時,我看到凱拉和其他一些女孩,但幸運的是她們沒有看到我。 I decided to go straight to the bakery. 我決定直接去麵包店。 A run in with Kyla before my new job? 在我新工作之前與凱拉發生衝突? No thanks! 不,謝謝! I was a few minutes early but Mr Turner was just happy to see me. 我早到了幾分鐘,但特納先生很高興見到我。

‘Come on in, Kyla dear,' he welcomed me. 「進來吧,親愛的凱拉,」他歡迎我。 ‘We're busy this morning. “今天早上我們很忙。 Get your hat on!' 戴上你的帽子!

I spent the next four hours serving bread and cake, smiling at customers and trying to resist the temptation to eat a strawberry tart! ||||||||||||||||||urge to indulge|||||dessert pastry 接下來的四個小時裡,我一直在提供麵包和蛋糕,對顧客微笑,並試圖抵制吃草莓派的誘惑! Everyone was so nice and the morning passed really quickly. 每個人都很好,早上過得很快。 At the end of my shift Mr Turner came to talk to me. 下班後,特納先生來找我談話。

‘Well done, Meghan,' he complimented me. ||||praised| 「幹得好,梅根,」他稱讚我。 ‘You worked really hard, you're smart and the customers love you.' ‘Wow, thanks Mr Turner,' I replied. “你工作非常努力,你很聰明,顧客都很喜歡你。” 「哇,謝謝特納先生,」我回答。 Then he gave me an envelope with my wages in and a bag of bread and cakes. 然後他給了我一個信封,裡面裝著我的薪水和一袋麵包和蛋糕。 ‘We don't like to waste food,' he said. 「我們不喜歡浪費食物,」他說。 I love my job! I went to the bakery every week. 我每週都會去麵包店。 Saturday was my favourite day of the week. 星期六是我一週中最喜歡的一天。 There was even a new Saturday Boy . 甚至還有一個新的週六男孩。 I used my wages to buy treats for all the family. ||||||snacks or goodies|||| 我用我的薪水買禮物給全家人。 I didn't need to ask mum and dad to top up my mobile phone anymore either, I used my money. 我也不再需要讓爸爸媽媽幫我的手機儲值了,我用的是我的錢。 Saturdays were my escape from the nightmare of school until, one day, I saw Kyla and some other girls at the bus stop. 星期六是我逃離學校噩夢的地方,直到有一天,我在公車站看到凱拉和其他一些女孩。 I was waiting for the bus to go to work when I heard ‘Hey! 我正在等公車去上班,突然聽到『嘿! Yellow Sticker Girl!' Oh no! 黃色貼紙女孩!不好了! Not here as well! 這裡也不一樣! I looked over the road and Kyla was taking another photo of me … in my uniform. 我向馬路望去,凱拉正在幫我拍另一張照片…穿著我的製服。 ‘Nice clothes,' she shouted. ‘Yeah, so trendy,' added one of the other girls laughing. ||fashionable||||||| 「是啊,太時髦了。」其他女孩笑著補充。 Great! 偉大的! What will the next hashtag be? 下一個標籤是什麼? !