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Easy Reading, 153. Hot Chocolate

153. Hot Chocolate

Donna got dressed. It was cold outside. She put on a warm jacket. She put on a warm hat. She put on some warm gloves. She walked outside. It was cold. She could see her breath. She could see everyone's breath. She walked to the corner. She went to the house on the corner. She knocked on the door. Mrs. White opened the door. "Hi, Donna," she said. "Come in, dear. It's so cold outside. Let me make you a cup of hot chocolate." Donna went in. She drank two cups of hot chocolate. Then she said goodbye to Mrs. White. She walked to the next corner. She went to the house on the corner. She knocked on the door. Mrs. Brown opened the door. "Hi, Donna," she said. "Come in, dear. It's so cold outside. Let me make you a cup of hot chocolate." Donna said, "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Brown."

153. Hot Chocolate 153. Chocolate caliente

Donna got dressed. It was cold outside. She put on a warm jacket. She put on a warm hat. She put on some warm gloves. She walked outside. It was cold. She could see her breath. She could see everyone’s breath. She walked to the corner. She went to the house on the corner. She knocked on the door. Mrs. White opened the door. "Hi, Donna," she said. "Come in, dear. It’s so cold outside. Let me make you a cup of hot chocolate." ホットチョコレートを作りましょう。」 Donna went in. She drank two cups of hot chocolate. Then she said goodbye to Mrs. White. She walked to the next corner. She went to the house on the corner. She knocked on the door. Mrs. Brown opened the door. "Hi, Donna," she said. "Come in, dear. It’s so cold outside. Let me make you a cup of hot chocolate." Donna said, "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Brown."