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Easy Reading, 92. I Want to Swim

92. I Want to Swim

"When will you teach me how to swim?

she asked. "I am afraid of drowning. I am afraid of deep water. I am afraid of going on boats. I am afraid of flying in planes over the ocean. I want to learn how to swim." "You don't need to learn how to swim," her husband said. "All you need to learn is how to float. Floating is so easy. It's especially easy for women, because women have more fat than men. Let me give you a quick lesson. To float, lie on your back. Look up at the sky. Spread your arms and legs. Breathe normally. That's it." "Yes, that sounds easy," she said. "But I want to learn how to swim. Swimming is good exercise. Swimming will help me lose weight. Floating will not help me lose weight. If I float for a day, I won't lose any weight at all." "Okay," he said. "I will teach you how to swim this weekend. It will take only a couple of hours. By Saturday night you will be able to swim like a fish.

92. I Want to Swim 92. Ich möchte schwimmen 92. I Want to Swim 92. Quiero nadar 92. Quero Nadar

"When will you teach me how to swim? 「いつ泳ぎ方を教えてくれますか?

she asked. 彼女は尋ねた。 "I am afraid of drowning. 「溺れることを恐れています。 I am afraid of deep water. 深層水が怖いです。 I am afraid of going on boats. 船に乗るのが怖いです。 Mi-e frică să merg pe bărci. 我害怕坐船。 I am afraid of flying in planes over the ocean. 飛行機で海を飛ぶのが怖いです。 I want to learn how to swim." 泳ぎ方を学びたい」と語った。 "You don’t need to learn how to swim," her husband said. 「泳ぐ方法を学ぶ必要はない」と彼女の夫は言った。 "All you need to learn is how to float. 「あなたが学ぶ必要があるのは、浮く方法です。 Floating is so easy. フローティングはとても簡単です。 It’s especially easy for women, because women have more fat than men. 女性は男性よりも脂肪が多いため、女性にとっては特に簡単です。 Let me give you a quick lesson. 簡単なレッスンをさせてください。 To float, lie on your back. 浮くには、仰向けになります。 Pentru a pluti, întinde-te pe spate. Look up at the sky. 空を見上げる。 Spread your arms and legs. 腕と脚を広げます。 Breathe normally. 普通に呼吸してください。 That’s it." それでおしまい。" "Yes, that sounds easy," she said. 「はい、それは簡単に聞こえます」と彼女は言った。 "But I want to learn how to swim. 「しかし、私は泳ぎ方を学びたいです。 Swimming is good exercise. 水泳は良い運動です。 Înotul este un exercițiu bun. Swimming will help me lose weight. 水泳は私が体重を減らすのに役立ちます。 Floating will not help me lose weight. フローティングは体重を減らすのに役立ちません。 If I float for a day, I won’t lose any weight at all." 1日浮かぶと、まったく体重が減らない」と語った。 "Okay," he said. 「そうだ」と彼は言った。 "I will teach you how to swim this weekend. It will take only a couple of hours. ほんの数時間かかります。 By Saturday night you will be able to swim like a fish. 土曜日の夜までには、魚のように泳ぐことができます。 Până sâmbătă seara vei putea înota ca un pește.