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Novellas, Hotel for Dogs by Lois Duncan ch 10-1

Hotel for Dogs by Lois Duncan ch 10-1


The day the puppies ate a whole can of dog food and whined for more, Bruce pronounced them old enough to leave their mother.

“You'd better line up some homes for them fast, before they start eating the wallpaper,” he told Andi.

Although she had known all along that such a time was inevitable, Andi was heartbroken.

“It's too soon,” she mourned to Debbie as they walked to school together.

“I never should have taught them to eat out of a dish. If they couldn't do that, Bruce wouldn't make us get rid of them.” “I wish I could take one,” Debbie said wistfully.

She was spending much of her spare time at the hotel and had become very fond of the puppies. “That little Hairy is such a darling.

I'd much rather have him than Mom's stupid cat.” “It's not fair,” Andi said.

“If we have to send somebody away, why couldn't it be Red Rover? He eats ten times as much as those tiny puppies. But, no, Red is special, because Bruce and Tim are boys and they like big dogs better than little ones.” Despite her feelings, she kept her promise and posted a notice about the puppies on the school bulletin board.

She printed it in the tiniest letters possible in the hope that no one would notice it crammed in among all the other announcements. She soon realized, however, that this had been a bad mistake. The fact that the writing was so small that it could not be read easily made everyone who saw it curious about what it said. A small group gathered around the board, and other passersby pushed their way in to see what was so interesting.

Before long, the hallway in front of the bulletin board was jammed with students struggling to make out the message: FREE PUPPIES, BROWN AND WHITE



“Free puppies!” One girl let out a little squeal.

“What fun! I wonder if my mother would let me have one.” “It's my brother's birthday next Monday,” another girl said.

“He'll be seven years old. I bet he'd love to have a puppy.” “My dog was hit by a car a couple of months ago,” a boy said sadly.

“When that happened I felt like I'd never want another pet. But now — I don't know — when you're used to having a dog around, it gets kind of lonesome without one.” When the bell rang for recess, Andi found four people waiting for her in the hall outside the classroom.

The girl with the little brother and the boy whose dog had been run over were definite about wanting puppies. Andi agreed to deliver them the next day. The other girl wanted to know how big they were, and, when Andi told her, she said that she liked small dogs and was almost sure she would take one but would have to check first to get her parents' permission. The fourth person was from Andi's class, although she didn't know her very well.

She was a thin, quiet, brown-haired girl named Tiffany Tinkle. Andi had always thought of Tiffany as a little beige mouse. Now the mouse spoke.

“I saw your ad on the board,” Tiffany said in a wispy voice.

“I guess everybody did,” Andi said.

As usual, when speaking to someone she did not know well, she heard her voice sounding cold and snippy, even though she did not mean for it to be that way. “I'm sorry, but you're too late to get one. They've already been promised.” “All of them?” Tiffany exclaimed.

“Every single one of them? That's incredible! Our dog, Ginger, had five puppies a couple of months ago, and we haven't been able to find homes for any of them. Ginger's a purebred Airedale, but her husband was a bulldog. That's kind of a funny combination.” “All puppies are cute, no matter who their parents are,” Andi said.

“You're lucky if you can't find homes for them. I wish I could keep Friday's puppies and watch them grow up.” “Oh, there's no chance of our keeping them,” Tiffany said.

“My father says one dog in the family is plenty. If we don't find homes for the pups soon, he's going to drown them.” “He's going to do what?” Andi was so horrified that she forgot to be stiff and awkward.

She could not believe her ears. “Your father must be a horrid, unfeeling monster!” “He's very strict,” Tiffany agreed, looking more like a mouse than ever.

“He was hoping Ginger would have Airedale puppies so we could sell them for a lot of money. When she fell in love with the bulldog next door, Daddy got furious. He says he doesn't want a lot of half-breed mutts around the place.” “He sounds like exactly the sort of man Jerry Gordon will be when he grows up,” Andi said.

“My dad's strict too, but he'd die before he'd hurt a helpless little puppy. You aren't going to let him do that, are you, Tiffany? Can't you do something?” “I don't know what,” Tiffany said forlornly.

“When Daddy makes up his mind, that's that. Do you know anyone who would take a puppy?” “I've used up all the people I know,” Andi said.

“What about putting an ad on the bulletin board the way I did? I bet you get homes for all the pups right away.” “Do you really think so?” Tiffany brightened.

“That would be wonderful. What should I say?” “Don't say they're part bulldog,” Andi advised her.

“Let people figure that out for themselves. If you have to say anything, you can say they're a large part Airedale.” Tiffany looked doubtful.

“They're not, though. They're just half Airedale.” “Don't be so picky,” Andi said impatiently.

“That's a large enough part.” Grabbing Tiffany's hand, she dragged her down the hall to the bulletin board.

This time there was no group standing in front of it.

There was just one person, Mr. Strode, the school principal. He had taken down Andi's notice and was holding it close to his eyes, squinting as he struggled to read it without his glasses.

Hotel for Dogs by Lois Duncan ch 10-1 路易斯·邓肯 (Lois Duncan) 的《狗旅馆》 ch 10-1


The day the puppies ate a whole can of dog food and whined for more, Bruce pronounced them old enough to leave their mother.

“You’d better line up some homes for them fast, before they start eating the wallpaper,” he told Andi.

Although she had known all along that such a time was inevitable, Andi was heartbroken.

“It’s too soon,” she mourned to Debbie as they walked to school together.

“I never should have taught them to eat out of a dish. If they couldn’t do that, Bruce wouldn’t make us get rid of them.” “I wish I could take one,” Debbie said wistfully.

She was spending much of her spare time at the hotel and had become very fond of the puppies. “That little Hairy is such a darling.

I’d much rather have him than Mom’s stupid cat.” “It’s not fair,” Andi said.

“If we have to send somebody away, why couldn’t it be Red Rover? He eats ten times as much as those tiny puppies. But, no, Red is special, because Bruce and Tim are boys and they like big dogs better than little ones.” Despite her feelings, she kept her promise and posted a notice about the puppies on the school bulletin board.

She printed it in the tiniest letters possible in the hope that no one would notice it crammed in among all the other announcements. She soon realized, however, that this had been a bad mistake. The fact that the writing was so small that it could not be read easily made everyone who saw it curious about what it said. A small group gathered around the board, and other passersby pushed their way in to see what was so interesting.

Before long, the hallway in front of the bulletin board was jammed with students struggling to make out the message: FREE PUPPIES, BROWN AND WHITE



“Free puppies!” One girl let out a little squeal.

“What fun! I wonder if my mother would let me have one.” “It’s my brother’s birthday next Monday,” another girl said.

“He’ll be seven years old. I bet he’d love to have a puppy.” “My dog was hit by a car a couple of months ago,” a boy said sadly.

“When that happened I felt like I’d never want another pet. But now — I don’t know — when you’re used to having a dog around, it gets kind of lonesome without one.” When the bell rang for recess, Andi found four people waiting for her in the hall outside the classroom.

The girl with the little brother and the boy whose dog had been run over were definite about wanting puppies. Andi agreed to deliver them the next day. The other girl wanted to know how big they were, and, when Andi told her, she said that she liked small dogs and was almost sure she would take one but would have to check first to get her parents' permission. The fourth person was from Andi’s class, although she didn’t know her very well.

She was a thin, quiet, brown-haired girl named Tiffany Tinkle. Andi had always thought of Tiffany as a little beige mouse. Now the mouse spoke.

“I saw your ad on the board,” Tiffany said in a wispy voice.

“I guess everybody did,” Andi said.

As usual, when speaking to someone she did not know well, she heard her voice sounding cold and snippy, even though she did not mean for it to be that way. “I’m sorry, but you’re too late to get one. They’ve already been promised.” “All of them?” Tiffany exclaimed.

“Every single one of them? That’s incredible! Our dog, Ginger, had five puppies a couple of months ago, and we haven’t been able to find homes for any of them. Ginger’s a purebred Airedale, but her husband was a bulldog. That’s kind of a funny combination.” “All puppies are cute, no matter who their parents are,” Andi said.

“You’re lucky if you can’t find homes for them. I wish I could keep Friday’s puppies and watch them grow up.” “Oh, there’s no chance of our keeping them,” Tiffany said.

“My father says one dog in the family is plenty. If we don’t find homes for the pups soon, he’s going to drown them.” “He’s going to do what?” Andi was so horrified that she forgot to be stiff and awkward.

She could not believe her ears. “Your father must be a horrid, unfeeling monster!” “He’s very strict,” Tiffany agreed, looking more like a mouse than ever.

“He was hoping Ginger would have Airedale puppies so we could sell them for a lot of money. When she fell in love with the bulldog next door, Daddy got furious. He says he doesn’t want a lot of half-breed mutts around the place.” “He sounds like exactly the sort of man Jerry Gordon will be when he grows up,” Andi said.

“My dad’s strict too, but he’d die before he’d hurt a helpless little puppy. You aren’t going to let him do that, are you, Tiffany? Can’t you do something?” “I don’t know what,” Tiffany said forlornly.

“When Daddy makes up his mind, that’s that. Do you know anyone who would take a puppy?” “I’ve used up all the people I know,” Andi said.

“What about putting an ad on the bulletin board the way I did? I bet you get homes for all the pups right away.” “Do you really think so?” Tiffany brightened.

“That would be wonderful. What should I say?” “Don’t say they’re part bulldog,” Andi advised her.

“Let people figure that out for themselves. If you have to say anything, you can say they’re a large part Airedale.” Tiffany looked doubtful.

“They’re not, though. They’re just half Airedale.” “Don’t be so picky,” Andi said impatiently.

“That’s a large enough part.” Grabbing Tiffany’s hand, she dragged her down the hall to the bulletin board.

This time there was no group standing in front of it.

There was just one person, Mr. Strode, the school principal. He had taken down Andi’s notice and was holding it close to his eyes, squinting as he struggled to read it without his glasses.