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My application video

My application video

Hey Steve and hello to all the Lingq members and welcome to my video I am shooting in the beautiful and sunny city of Melbourne, Australia!

My name is Tamas Ferencz a hungarian student and traveller studying , working in Australia and exploring it. This video is a part of my application letter for the exceptional job and study opportunity at the headquartel of Lingq.

So the main question that this video is all about is why I think you at Lingq should include me in the program.

I have read in several interview know-how guides that it is always recommended to answer this qestion in a way that appeals to the interviewer and explains how I am gonna give value to the company but I hink that you also want to know my motivation and why this opportunity really inspired me so I am gonna talk about this either. So lets start it!

First of all let me tell you a few words about my life. Altough I already did it in the email where I answered the questions Steve asked, still I think that this little background information is important particularly for the Lingq members to understand the whole story.

I was born in Budapest, Hungary and I lived an absolutely ordinary life as a child. I sorrounded myself with good friends and things I enjoyed, but I always liked exciting adventures and to challenge myself in every aspect of life.

As my teenage years went I tried quite a few things seeking something I really can do passionately but I did not find lasting satisfaction. When I finished highschool I realised that one thing which really can help me finding myself is if I achieve something independently so I travelled to Spain and accomplished the El Camino de Santiago which is a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. It really opened my eyes and it was followed by many other challenges and adventures as I learned that with every challenge in my life I will be a bit stronger and I will learn a bit more about life. Still my biggest challenge is living here in Australia. By now it seems that I more or less figoured out myself and it tends to standing out where my life is going and what I want to achieve in the future.

So after a short background story let me break down why I believe you should include me in this program, what I can give and hopefully help the company with and why I am really enthusiastic about this opportunity.

1. So first of all i want to start a tech business, a startup as I was always interested in tech related fields and I really admire this kind of businesses because here different qualities such as creativity, logic, hard work and psychology comes together and it is a really exciting challenge.So I can honestly say that I would be as passionate as just possible for the work

2. Secondly I am into psychology and it played an important role in my life so I am convinced that I can provide useful ideas when it comes to for example social media marketing or user onboarding.

3. thirdly there is a similarity that I always wanted to help people as you do at Lingq and I am still figouring out how to use my qualities and ambitions in the best way in order to give value to the society.

4. I got to a few places around the world some of that showed an absolute other point of view of the world which knew before and I learned a lot from this experience. I believe that as a global international language learning system, Lingq can really profit from my experience.

5. Similarly as a foreign student in Australia, I heard from my fellow class members all the struggle they went through while studying and living in Australia so it might be helpful when it comes to help Lingq with my potential ideas.

For me, working at the headquartel of Lingq and working on any project would be a dream. The whole idea just ticks all the boxes for me because it mixes all the segments of my interest and I can learn so much here which will help me in the future.

The fact that I would study and work in En glish is just the icing of the cake. During my stay here in Australia I already worked in English but not in tech related field but as I mentioned I am planning to start a techrelated start-up so English here is inevitable.

In addition spending 3 months in this beautiful country, Canada would be absolutely awesome, not only one friend of mine have been there and went into raptures about it. Not to mention, one of my favourite Hungarian psychologists Andrew Feldmar also lives in Vancouver who I want to visit.

When I signed in two weeks ago into my mailbox and opened Steve's email I invited all of my good friends to use the opportunity of this project. But at that time I already knew that I am going to apply for this job so as you can see now, I actually did it.

All in all I really want to take part of this program and I am honestly believe that this would be beneficial to both Lingq and me, of course.

Thank you for your attention and I am looking forward to see you soon hopefully at the at the headquartel of Lingq!

Thank you!


My application video

Hey Steve and hello to all the Lingq members and welcome to my video I am shooting in the beautiful and sunny city of Melbourne, Australia!

My name is Tamas Ferencz a hungarian student and traveller studying , working in Australia and exploring it. This video is a part of my application letter for the exceptional job and study opportunity at the headquartel of Lingq.

So the main question that this video is all about is why I think you at Lingq should include me in the program.

I have read in several interview know-how guides that it is always recommended to answer this qestion in a way that appeals to the interviewer and explains how I am gonna give value to the company but I hink that you also want to know my motivation and why this opportunity really inspired me so I am gonna talk about this either. So lets start it!

First of all let me tell you  a few words about my life. Altough I already did it in the email where I answered the questions  Steve asked, still I think that this little background information is important particularly for the Lingq members to understand the whole story.

I was born in Budapest, Hungary and I lived an absolutely ordinary life as a child. I sorrounded myself with good friends and things I enjoyed, but I always liked exciting adventures and to challenge myself in every aspect of life.

As my teenage years went I tried quite a few things seeking something I really can do passionately but I did not find lasting satisfaction. When I finished highschool I realised that one thing which really can help me finding myself is if I achieve something independently so I travelled to Spain and accomplished the El Camino de Santiago which is a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. It really opened my eyes and it was followed by many other challenges and adventures as I learned that with every challenge in my life I will be a bit stronger and I will learn a bit more about life. Still my biggest challenge is living here in Australia. By now it seems that I more or less figoured out myself and it tends to standing out where my life is going and what I want to achieve in the future.

So after a short background story let me break down why I believe you should include me in this program, what I can give and hopefully help the company with and why I am really enthusiastic about this opportunity.

1\\. So first of all i want to start a tech business, a startup as I was always interested in tech related fields and I really admire this kind of businesses because here different qualities such as creativity, logic, hard work and psychology comes together and it is a really exciting challenge.So I can honestly say that I would be as passionate as just possible for the work

2\\. Secondly I am into psychology and it played an important role in my life so I am convinced that I can provide useful ideas when it comes to for example social media marketing or user onboarding.

3.        thirdly there is a similarity that I always wanted to help people as you do at Lingq and I am still figouring out how to use my qualities and ambitions in the best way in order to give value to the society.

4\\. I got to a few places around the world some of that showed an absolute other point of view of the world which knew before and I learned a lot from this experience. I believe that as a global international language learning system, Lingq can really profit from my experience.

5\\. Similarly as a foreign student in Australia, I heard from my fellow class members all the struggle they went through while studying and living in Australia so it might be helpful when it comes to help Lingq with my potential ideas.

For me, working at the headquartel of Lingq and working on any project would be a dream. The whole idea just ticks all the boxes for me because it mixes all the segments of my interest and I can learn so much here  which will help me in the future.

The fact that I would study and work in En glish is just the icing of the cake. During my stay here in Australia I already worked in English but not in tech related field but as I mentioned I am planning to start a techrelated start-up so English here is inevitable.

In addition spending 3 months in this beautiful country,  Canada would be absolutely awesome, not only one friend of mine have been there and went into raptures about it. Not to mention, one of my favourite Hungarian  psychologists Andrew Feldmar also lives in Vancouver who I want to visit.

When I signed in two weeks ago into my mailbox and opened Steve's email I invited all of my good friends to use the opportunity of this project. But at that time I already knew that I am going to apply for this job so as you can see now, I actually did it.

All in all I really want to take part of this program and I am honestly believe that this would be beneficial to both Lingq and me, of course.

Thank you for your attention and I am looking forward to see you soon hopefully at the at the headquartel of Lingq!

Thank you!
