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Friends S02, Friends S02E012 7d

Friends S02E012 7d

Sometimes men love women Sometimes men love men Then there are bisexuals Though some just say They're kidding themselves This is exciting! I haven't seen my monkey in a year. What, you never look down in the shower? I'm not allowed to make one joke in the "monkey is penis" genre? Back up, please. Back up. Come on. Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? I'm sorry. It's a closed set. I'm sorry, you don't understand. I'm a friend of his. We used to live together. And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. There he is! Hey! Buddy! Marcel! Marcel! In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight Excuse me, this is a Closed set. We know. But we're friends with the monkey. Good morning. Look who I brought! Your old friend, Harry Elafonte! Whoa, dude. Burn! I don't get it. He seemed so happy to see me yesterday. Don't take it personal. He's under pressure, starring in a movie and all. How big of a star is Marcel? In human terms?

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Friends S02E012 7d Freunde S02E012 7d フレンズ S02E012 7d 프렌즈 S02E012 7d 老友记 S02E012 7d

Sometimes men love women Sometimes men love men Then there are bisexuals Though some just say They're kidding themselves This is exciting! Іноді чоловіки люблять жінок Іноді чоловіки люблять чоловіків Бувають бісексуали Хоча деякі просто кажуть, що обманюють себе Це захоплююче! I haven't seen my monkey in a year. What, you never look down in the shower? I'm not allowed to make one joke in the "monkey is penis" genre? Мені не можна пожартувати в жанрі "мавпа - це пеніс"? Back up, please. Back up. Come on. Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? I'm sorry. It's a closed set. I'm sorry, you don't understand. I'm a friend of his. We used to live together. And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. А ще у нас з Фліппером є таймшер у Поконос. There he is! Hey! Buddy! Marcel! Marcel! In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight Excuse me, this is a Closed set. У джунглях могутній лев спить сьогодні вночі У джунглях могутній лев спить сьогодні вночі У джунглях могутній лев спить сьогодні вночі Вибачте, це закритий набір. We know. But we're friends with the monkey. Good morning. Look who I brought! Поглянь, кого я привела! Your old friend, Harry Elafonte! Whoa, dude. Ого, чувак. Burn! Гори! I don't get it. Я не розумію. He seemed so happy to see me yesterday. Don't take it personal. He's under pressure, starring in a movie and all. Він під тиском, знімається у фільмі і все таке. How big of a star is Marcel? Наскільки великою зіркою є Марсель? In human terms? Людською мовою?