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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Nov 24, 2017 - Tumultuous year for NFL marked by protests, injuries and a rat...

Nov 24, 2017 - Tumultuous year for NFL marked by protests, injuries and a rat...

Tumultuous year for NFL marked by protests, injuries and a ratings drop.

Judy Woodruff:

Now, for many Americans, the traditions of Thanksgiving week include food, family and, very often, football.

But this year, the sport is, at least for the moment, struggling to find its footing. Jeffrey Brown has the story.

Jeffrey Brown:

The National Football League finds itself mired in a number of controversies this season most prominent, player protests over police mistreatment of African-Americans and the reaction from President Trump and other critics about taking a knee.

There are also continuing concerns over player safety and the status of a concussion settlement with retired players and topping it off, a recent civil war of sorts between two of the most powerful people in the league. Commissioner Roger Goodell and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. In the meantime the games do go on but ratings have fallen. Seth Wickersham covers the NFL for ESPN and joins us now.

Thanks for joining us Seth. So let's start with the player protests. How are players and teams dealing with it now and is it still boiling or do you see things calming down at all.

Seth Wickersham:

It's largely faded. I think that the number of players that are kneeling as a protest are down to two now. And you know I think that it's been an interesting moment to look at the NFL as this has happened because a lot of the owners of teams, and a lot of league executives, want a mandate that would force the players to stand. And Roger Goodell who has been accused by the players of often serving as a puppet for the billionaire ruthless owners, has backed them in their right to protest and has not backed a mandate. And so it's been a really interesting issue to watch unfold especially going back to a story that I wrote a month ago with Don Van Natta where we quoted Bob McNair the owner of the Houston Texans in an owner's meeting saying quote “We can't have the inmates running the prison,” and that has all kinds of trouble, caused a lot of stress between players. But I think that largely right now the anthem has faded as an issue. And fortunately for people like me, there are plenty of other things to write about.

Jeffrey Brown:

Well one of them of course is this question of the violence and the concussions. So it's interesting because there's what happens on the field, where there seems to be more attention to concussions, there's that long term settlement with former players. And then there's this question about how much it's affecting fans you know, how much people are maybe turned off to the game because of it. Seth Wickersham:

Where you're seeing the biggest effects from head injuries, more than concussions I think is just generally it's head injuries, is on the youth levels and that is a real problem. I think in the NFL, its ratings drop. I don't think has a lot to do with the violence of the game. And I think that there is a war right now within the NFL that's kind of playing out where there are owners who think that fans come to the NFL for violence and they don't actually want the game to get too much safer because it would sort of end up in this weird middle ground that would end up entertaining and pleasing nobody. Jeffrey Brown:

Where are things with that settlement because that's been, that's been going on a few years now. Seth Wickersham:

Yeah it's going on a few years and it is not going to end anytime soon. I think that like, right now, the settlement is mired in litigation and even the players who won settlements are being targeted by certain kinds of attorneys that you know can promise more and aren't delivering. I mean this entire thing has been, it's been a mess. Jeffrey Brown:

You think about people wanting perhaps fans who want to come and see the action and including the violence. But we also have seen a number of big stars injured. Right? I mean this is, it always happens every year but this year especially of Aaron Rodgers and others, and that really affects the quality of the games. I would think.

Seth Wickersham:

There is no question that, you know, so many of these big stars going down has had a huge impact on the game. And I think that in a weird way, it's what's elevated this battle going on right now between Jerry Jones and Roger Goodell and a few other owners over who is going to serve as commissioner next and whether that will be Roger Goodell, because the games themselves have been kind of flat and not as many people are watching them. And yet this stuff that's going on in the executive suites is really fascinating. Jeffrey Brown:

Explain that a little bit, especially for those who don't follow, especially the the internal side of this. Jerry Jones a very sort of familiar figure to football fans, and a very powerful owner, in a very unusual public spat with the commissioner.

Seth Wickersham:

Yeah Jerry Jones during Roger Goodell's 11 year tenure has been one of his most ardent supporters. I mean he supported Roger Goodell as they've gone from crisis to crisis to crises, from head injuries to the Ray Rice domestic violence dispute a couple of years ago, to all of the gates. You know Spygate, Bountygate, Deflategate.

And now we're seeing this huge public civil war breaking out with Jerry Jones leading the charge, with not many people behind him, and what he wants out of this is unclear. It's clear that he does not want Roger Goodell to continue being commissioner of the NFL under the current terms, and he doesn't want him to get much more money to do it. And that raises the question does he want someone else to do it?

Jeffrey Brown:

So come back finally to this question of the impact on the game and in particular the ratings being down. You said earlier you don't think it's because people are being turned off by the concussions and the violence. Does anyone know what is going on?

Seth Wickersham:

It's a problem and even people within the NFL aren't able to get clear answers on it. Clearly a lot of it has to do with viewer habits changing. I think a lot of it has to do with people being turned off by the NFL, maybe not totally because of head injuries, but because of the way that they've handled things. A small percentage of them maybe these anthem protests, but college football ratings are up. So America is not losing its appetite for football as much as people seem, as people seem to think. But there is a problem with the NFL and it's a perception problem, and I think that that's what Jerry Jones on top of everything else is worried about, is that there are these systemic forces that are coming at the NFL right now, and he's asking has Roger Goodell shown the ability to navigate the league through these things enough to the point that we trust him to navigate the league going forward and end up in a stronger place. Jeffrey Brown:

You know it's still worth saying though that the NFL is still America's biggest and most lucrative sport. Right? That hasn't changed. Seth Wickersham:

It hasn't changed a bit. You know, baseball sets their records in World Series ratings and the NBA has set NBA Finals ratings lately. And you know, look, the Super Bowl still draws well over 100 million people a year that's multiple, multiple times the amount that those other sports draw at their peak. Jeffrey Brown:

All right Seth Wickersham of ESPN, thanks very much.

Seth Wickersham:

Thank you.

Nov 24, 2017 - Tumultuous year for NFL marked by protests, injuries and a rat... 24. November 2017 - Ein turbulentes Jahr für die NFL, geprägt von Protesten, Verletzungen und einer... Nov 24, 2017 - Tumultuous year for NFL marked by protests, injuries and a rat... Nov 24, 2017 - Año tumultuoso para la NFL marcado por protestas, lesiones y un rat... Nov 24, 2017 - Une année tumultueuse pour la NFL marquée par des protestations, des blessures et un rat... 24 novembre 2017 - Un anno tumultuoso per la NFL, segnato da proteste, infortuni e... 2017年11月24日 - NFLにとって、抗議活動、怪我、そしてネズミに象徴される激動の1年でした。 24 listopada 2017 r. - Burzliwy rok dla NFL naznaczony protestami, kontuzjami i... 24 de nov de 2017 - Ano tumultuoso para a NFL marcado por protestos, lesões e um rato... Nov 24, 2017 - Бурный год для НФЛ ознаменовался протестами, травмами и... 24 Kasım 2017 - NFL için protestolar, sakatlıklar ve bir sıçanın damgasını vurduğu çalkantılı bir yıl... 24 листопада 2017 р. - Бурхливий рік для НФЛ відзначився протестами, травмами та щурячим... 2017 年 11 月 24 日 - 以抗议、伤病和老鼠为标志的 NFL 动荡的一年... 2017 年 11 月 24 日 - 美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)经历了以抗议、伤病和...

Tumultuous year for NFL marked by protests, injuries and a ratings drop. Année tumultueuse pour la NFL marquée par des protestations, des blessures et une baisse des notes.

Judy Woodruff:

Now, for many Americans, the traditions of Thanksgiving week include food, family and, very often, football.

But this year, the sport is, at least for the moment, struggling to find its footing. Mais cette année, le sport peine, du moins pour le moment, à trouver sa place. Jeffrey Brown has the story.

Jeffrey Brown:

The National Football League finds itself mired in a number of controversies this season most prominent, player protests over police mistreatment of African-Americans and the reaction from President Trump and other critics about taking a knee. La Ligue nationale de football se retrouve embourbée dans un certain nombre de controverses les plus importantes cette saison, les protestations des joueurs contre les mauvais traitements infligés par la police aux Afro-Américains et la réaction du président Trump et d'autres critiques à propos de se mettre à genoux.

There are also continuing concerns over player safety and the status of a concussion settlement with retired players and topping it off, a recent civil war of sorts between two of the most powerful people in the league. Il existe également des inquiétudes persistantes concernant la sécurité des joueurs et le statut d'un règlement de commotion cérébrale avec des joueurs à la retraite et, pour couronner le tout, une sorte de guerre civile récente entre deux des personnes les plus puissantes de la ligue. Commissioner Roger Goodell and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. Le commissaire Roger Goodell et le propriétaire des Dallas Cowboys Jerry Jones. In the meantime the games do go on but ratings have fallen. En attendant, les jeux continuent mais les notes ont chuté. Seth Wickersham covers the NFL for ESPN and joins us now.

Thanks for joining us Seth. So let's start with the player protests. How are players and teams dealing with it now and is it still boiling or do you see things calming down at all. Comment les joueurs et les équipes gèrent-ils cela maintenant et est-ce encore en ébullition ou voyez-vous les choses se calmer du tout.

Seth Wickersham:

It's largely faded. I think that the number of players that are kneeling as a protest are down to two now. And you know I think that it's been an interesting moment to look at the NFL as this has happened because a lot of the owners of teams, and a lot of league executives, want a mandate that would force the players to stand. Et vous savez, je pense que cela a été un moment intéressant pour regarder la NFL car cela s'est produit parce que beaucoup de propriétaires d'équipes et beaucoup de dirigeants de la ligue veulent un mandat qui obligerait les joueurs à se tenir debout. And Roger Goodell who has been accused by the players of often serving as a puppet for the billionaire ruthless owners, has backed them in their right to protest and has not backed a mandate. Et Roger Goodell qui a été accusé par les joueurs de servir souvent de marionnette aux propriétaires impitoyables milliardaires, les a soutenus dans leur droit de manifester et n'a pas soutenu de mandat. And so it's been a really interesting issue to watch unfold especially going back to a story that I wrote a month ago with Don Van Natta where we quoted Bob McNair the owner of the Houston Texans in an owner's meeting saying quote “We can't have the inmates running the prison,” and that has all kinds of trouble, caused a lot of stress between players. Et donc ça a été un problème vraiment intéressant à regarder se dérouler, en particulier en revenant à une histoire que j'ai écrite il y a un mois avec Don Van Natta où nous avons cité Bob McNair, le propriétaire des Texans de Houston lors d'une réunion des propriétaires en disant: «Nous ne pouvons pas avoir les détenus qui dirigent la prison », et qui ont toutes sortes de problèmes, ont causé beaucoup de stress entre les joueurs. But I think that largely right now the anthem has faded as an issue. Mais je pense qu'en ce moment, l'hymne s'est estompé en tant que problème. And fortunately for people like me, there are plenty of other things to write about.

Jeffrey Brown:

Well one of them of course is this question of the violence and the concussions. So it's interesting because there's what happens on the field, where there seems to be more attention to concussions, there's that long term settlement with former players. C'est donc intéressant parce qu'il y a ce qui se passe sur le terrain, où il semble y avoir plus d'attention aux commotions cérébrales, il y a cet accord à long terme avec les anciens joueurs. And then there's this question about how much it's affecting fans you know, how much people are maybe turned off to the game because of it. Et puis il y a cette question de savoir à quel point cela affecte les fans que vous connaissez, combien de personnes sont peut-être découragées du jeu à cause de cela. Seth Wickersham:

Where you're seeing the biggest effects from head injuries, more than concussions I think is just generally it's head injuries, is on the youth levels and that is a real problem. Là où vous voyez les effets les plus importants des blessures à la tête, plus que les commotions cérébrales, je pense que ce sont généralement les blessures à la tête, c'est chez les jeunes et c'est un vrai problème. I think in the NFL, its ratings drop. Je pense que dans la NFL, ses notes baissent. I don't think has a lot to do with the violence of the game. And I think that there is a war right now within the NFL that's kind of playing out where there are owners who think that fans come to the NFL for violence and they don't actually want the game to get too much safer because it would sort of end up in this weird middle ground that would end up entertaining and pleasing nobody. Et je pense qu'il y a une guerre en ce moment au sein de la NFL qui se joue en quelque sorte là où il y a des propriétaires qui pensent que les fans viennent à la NFL pour la violence et ils ne veulent pas vraiment que le jeu devienne trop sûr parce que ça trierait de se retrouver dans cet étrange terrain d'entente qui finirait par divertir et plaire à personne. Jeffrey Brown:

Where are things with that settlement because that's been, that's been going on a few years now. Où en sont les choses avec ce règlement parce que ça dure, ça dure depuis quelques années maintenant. Seth Wickersham:

Yeah it's going on a few years and it is not going to end anytime soon. I think that like, right now, the settlement is mired in litigation and even the players who won settlements are being targeted by certain kinds of attorneys that you know can promise more and aren't delivering. Je pense qu'en ce moment, le règlement est embourbé dans les litiges et même les joueurs qui ont gagné les règlements sont ciblés par certains types d'avocats qui, vous le savez, peuvent promettre plus et ne tiennent pas. I mean this entire thing has been, it's been a mess. Je veux dire que tout cela a été, c'est un gâchis. Jeffrey Brown:

You think about people wanting perhaps fans who want to come and see the action and including the violence. But we also have seen a number of big stars injured. Right? I mean this is, it always happens every year but this year especially of Aaron Rodgers and others, and that really affects the quality of the games. I would think.

Seth Wickersham:

There is no question that, you know, so many of these big stars going down has had a huge impact on the game. Il ne fait aucun doute que, vous savez, la chute de tant de ces grandes stars a eu un impact énorme sur le jeu. And I think that in a weird way, it's what's elevated this battle going on right now between Jerry Jones and Roger Goodell and a few other owners over who is going to serve as commissioner next and whether that will be Roger Goodell, because the games themselves have been kind of flat and not as many people are watching them. Et je pense que d'une manière étrange, c'est ce qui a élevé cette bataille en cours en ce moment entre Jerry Jones et Roger Goodell et quelques autres propriétaires sur qui va servir de commissaire ensuite et si ce sera Roger Goodell, parce que les jeux eux-mêmes ont été un peu plats et peu de gens les regardent. And yet this stuff that's going on in the executive suites is really fascinating. Et pourtant, ce qui se passe dans les suites exécutives est vraiment fascinant. Jeffrey Brown:

Explain that a little bit, especially for those who don't follow, especially the the internal side of this. Jerry Jones a very sort of familiar figure to football fans, and a very powerful owner, in a very unusual public spat with the commissioner. Jerry Jones, une sorte de personnage familier pour les fans de football et un propriétaire très puissant, dans une prise de bec publique très inhabituelle avec le commissaire.

Seth Wickersham:

Yeah Jerry Jones during Roger Goodell's 11 year tenure has been one of his most ardent supporters. I mean he supported Roger Goodell as they've gone from crisis to crisis to crises, from head injuries to the Ray Rice domestic violence dispute a couple of years ago, to all of the gates. Je veux dire qu'il a soutenu Roger Goodell alors qu'ils sont passés de crise en crise en crise, des blessures à la tête au conflit de violence domestique de Ray Rice il y a quelques années, à toutes les portes. You know Spygate, Bountygate, Deflategate.

And now we're seeing this huge public civil war breaking out with Jerry Jones leading the charge, with not many people behind him, and what he wants out of this is unclear. Et maintenant, nous voyons cette énorme guerre civile publique éclater avec Jerry Jones en tête, avec peu de monde derrière lui, et ce qu'il veut en sortir n'est pas clair. It's clear that he does not want Roger Goodell to continue being commissioner of the NFL under the current terms, and he doesn't want him to get much more money to do it. Il est clair qu'il ne veut pas que Roger Goodell continue d'être commissaire de la NFL dans les conditions actuelles, et il ne veut pas qu'il reçoive beaucoup plus d'argent pour le faire. And that raises the question does he want someone else to do it?

Jeffrey Brown:

So come back finally to this question of the impact on the game and in particular the ratings being down. You said earlier you don't think it's because people are being turned off by the concussions and the violence. Vous avez dit plus tôt que vous ne pensiez pas que c'était parce que les gens étaient rebutés par les commotions cérébrales et la violence. Does anyone know what is going on?

Seth Wickersham:

It's a problem and even people within the NFL aren't able to get clear answers on it. Clearly a lot of it has to do with viewer habits changing. Il est clair que cela a beaucoup à voir avec l'évolution des habitudes des téléspectateurs. I think a lot of it has to do with people being turned off by the NFL, maybe not totally because of head injuries, but because of the way that they've handled things. Je pense que cela a beaucoup à voir avec les gens qui sont rebutés par la NFL, peut-être pas totalement à cause de blessures à la tête, mais à cause de la façon dont ils ont géré les choses. A small percentage of them maybe these anthem protests, but college football ratings are up. Un petit pourcentage d'entre eux peut-être ces protestations contre l'hymne, mais les cotes de football universitaire sont en hausse. So America is not losing its appetite for football as much as people seem, as people seem to think. But there is a problem with the NFL and it's a perception problem, and I think that that's what Jerry Jones on top of everything else is worried about, is that there are these systemic forces that are coming at the NFL right now, and he's asking has Roger Goodell shown the ability to navigate the league through these things enough to the point that we trust him to navigate the league going forward and end up in a stronger place. Mais il y a un problème avec la NFL et c'est un problème de perception, et je pense que c'est ce qui inquiète Jerry Jones en plus de tout le reste, c'est qu'il y a ces forces systémiques qui arrivent à la NFL en ce moment, et il demande Roger Goodell a-t-il montré sa capacité à naviguer dans la ligue à travers ces choses au point que nous lui faisons confiance pour naviguer dans la ligue à l'avenir et se retrouver dans un endroit plus fort. Jeffrey Brown:

You know it's still worth saying though that the NFL is still America's biggest and most lucrative sport. Vous savez, cela vaut toujours la peine de dire que la NFL est toujours le sport le plus important et le plus lucratif d'Amérique. Right? That hasn't changed. Seth Wickersham:

It hasn't changed a bit. You know, baseball sets their records in World Series ratings and the NBA has set NBA Finals ratings lately. Vous savez, le baseball établit ses records dans les classements des World Series et la NBA a récemment établi les classements des finales de la NBA. And you know, look, the Super Bowl still draws well over 100 million people a year that's multiple, multiple times the amount that those other sports draw at their peak. Et vous savez, regardez, le Super Bowl attire toujours bien plus de 100 millions de personnes par an, c'est plusieurs, plusieurs fois le montant que ces autres sports attirent à leur apogée. Jeffrey Brown:

All right Seth Wickersham of ESPN, thanks very much.

Seth Wickersham:

Thank you.