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INSPIRING & MOTIVATING, 1.01 (V) 01.01 - Welcome

1.01 (V) 01.01 - Welcome

Welcome to Becoming a Visionary Leader. In this course, you're going to learn how to create and communicate a vision for your team, a vision that creates a shared understanding of where you're going in your team, a direction for your team. To begin, I want to share with you a short video of a voice that I expect you will recognize. This is Seve Jobs back in 1997, approximately eight weeks after rejoining Apple, the firm he founded and ultimately has taken to the firm that we know today. I want you to imagine you're in the crowd, an employee in Apple listening to Jobs about where he sees the future of Apple going. I want you to pay attention to the language he uses, the words he chooses to use. And I want you to put yourself in their position and think about, is this a vision that I could get behind, and try to understand why this is either an effective or ineffective articulation of where Jobs sees the company going. Let's look at this short video, and then we'll talk about our thoughts and reflections on what we take away from what he says to the Apple employees who were in the room that day.

1.01 (V) 01.01 - Welcome 1.01 (V) 01.01 - Powitanie

Welcome to Becoming a Visionary Leader. 先見性のあるリーダーになることを歓迎します。 In this course, you're going to learn how to create and communicate a vision for your team, a vision that creates a shared understanding of where you're going in your team, a direction for your team. このコースでは、チームのビジョンを作成して伝達する方法、チームのどこに行くのか、チームの方向性を共有するビジョンを学びます。 To begin, I want to share with you a short video of a voice that I expect you will recognize. 始めるために、私はあなたが認識すると期待する声の短いビデオをあなたと共有したいと思います。 This is Seve Jobs back in 1997, approximately eight weeks after rejoining Apple, the firm he founded and ultimately has taken to the firm that we know today. ||Steve|||||||||||||||||||||||| これは1997年にAppleに帰ってからおよそ8週間後のSeve Jobsです。彼が設立した会社は、今日私たちが知っている会社に最終的に連れて行っています。 Este é Seve Jobs em 1997, cerca de oito semanas depois de ter regressado à Apple, a empresa que fundou e que acabou por transformar na empresa que conhecemos atualmente. I want you to imagine you're in the crowd, an employee in Apple listening to Jobs about where he sees the future of Apple going. アップルの従業員が、アップルの将来をどこから見ているのかを聞いて、群衆にいると想像してほしい。 I want you to pay attention to the language he uses, the words he chooses to use. 彼が使用する言語、彼が使用することを選んだ言葉に注意を払ってほしい。 And I want you to put yourself in their position and think about, is this a vision that I could get behind, and try to understand why this is either an effective or ineffective articulation of where Jobs sees the company going. そして、私はあなたが自分の立場に立って考えて、これが私が後にすることができるビジョンであると考えています。なぜこれがJobsが会社を見ている場所の効果的でないか非効率的な表現であるのか理解しようとします。 E quero que se coloquem no lugar deles e pensem se esta é uma visão que eu poderia apoiar, e tentem perceber porque é que esta é uma articulação eficaz ou ineficaz do rumo que Jobs vê para a empresa. Let's look at this short video, and then we'll talk about our thoughts and reflections on what we take away from what he says to the Apple employees who were in the room that day. ||||||||||||||reflexões|||||||||||||||||||| 1997年、Appleに再加入して約8週間後の求人 Vamos ver este pequeno vídeo e depois falaremos sobre os nossos pensamentos e reflexões sobre o que retiramos do que ele diz aos funcionários da Apple que estavam na sala nesse dia.