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INSPIRING & MOTIVATING, 1.13b Reading: Steve Jobs Video, Part 2B

1.13b Reading: Steve Jobs Video, Part 2B

And the theme of the campaign is is think difference is the people honoring the people who think different and who move this world forward and it's it is what we are about it touches the soul of this company so I'm gonna go ahead and roll it and I hope that you feel the same way about it I do years to the crazy ones The Misfits rebels troublemakers the round pegs in the square holes ones who see things differently they're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo you can quote them disagree with them glorify or vilify them about the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things they push the human race forward and while some may see them as the crazy ones we see genius because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do so that puts it out there that puts us out there saying this is who we are this is what we stand for I don't you like it yeah yeah good I I know that some people will criticize us for you know not talking about all those things about why we have better plug-and-play but we've got to let people know who Apple is and why it's still relevant in this world and I think this will do a pretty good job we are breaking this campaign this Sunday in a rather poetic way the wonderful world of Disney is restarting on ABC and the first thing they're showing this Sunday night I believe it's at 7:00 o'clock is the network premiere of Toy Story and we we're going to have two 60-second spots this commercial will run twice once in the first hour and once in the second hour we are then going to break some newspaper ads in the journal The Times the mercury The Examiner USAToday really stating the manifesto the words and then I'm going to show you what's going to break within two weeks we got some phenomenal prints this ad will run throughout most of October on television and we're breaking some phenomenal print within a few weeks mostly on the back covers of magazines some on the inside we're got some incredible billboards and we're even painting some giant walls in in about five or six major cities before I show you the stuff I want to let you know that in this day and age to use any of these people whether alive or dead you need major permission from them either themselves if they're alive or they're our state's representatives if they're dead almost all of these people have never appeared in an advertisement before and never would until we asked them I mean I got permission from Yoko Ono a few days ago to use John and it's been an incredibly moving experience for me that these people both living and dead their estates have felt so strongly about Apple that they were willing to let us do this I don't think there is another company on earth that could have done this campaign and that to me is is something very special so I got a videotape here of some of the prints and the outdoor stuff and if we could just run that I want you to get a feel for that this is an example of a print ad you might see in the back of a magazine this was an image owned by by Time Warner that they've never released before Martha Graham Thomas Edison Alfred Hitchcock you can't see it on the video but these these images are just stunning look at this outdoor Muhammad Ali all this stuff is going up in the next two weeks you know that is Rosa Parks there'll be five buses running around five major cities like that so that's what we're doing and you're working pretty hard to wrap this up the last few days and nights but it's um it's the best work I've seen it off a long time I think it's the best work Apple has ever done now advertising is is not everything and we've got some incredibly exciting product announcements coming up soon some incredibly exciting things in general are going to be happening over the next 90 120 days and I really deeply appreciate all of the commitment that's in this room and with the people not in this room to turning this company around this company is absolutely going to turn around as a matter of fact I think the question now is is is is not can we turn around Apple I think that's the booby prize I think it's can we make Apple really great again so thank you for your time

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1.13b Reading: Steve Jobs Video, Part 2B 1|Reading|Steve|Jobs|Video|Part 1| |||Jobs||| 1.13b Lectura: Vídeo Steve Jobs, Parte 2B 1.13b 読書スティーブ・ジョブズのビデオ、パート2B 1.13b 읽기: 스티브 잡스 비디오, 파트 2B 1.13b Leitura: Vídeo de Steve Jobs, Parte 2B 1.13b Okuma: Steve Jobs Videosu, Bölüm 2B

And the theme of the campaign is is think difference is the people honoring the people who think different and who move this world forward and it's it is what we are about it touches the soul of this company so I'm gonna go ahead and roll it and I hope that you feel the same way about it I do years to the crazy ones The Misfits rebels troublemakers the round pegs in the square holes ones who see things differently they're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo you can quote them disagree with them glorify or vilify them about the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things they push the human race forward and while some may see them as the crazy ones we see genius because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do so that puts it out there that puts us out there saying this is who we are this is what we stand for I don't you like it yeah yeah good I I know that some people will criticize us for you know not talking about all those things about why we have better plug-and-play but we've got to let people know who Apple is and why it's still relevant in this world and I think this will do a pretty good job we are breaking this campaign this Sunday in a rather poetic way the wonderful world of Disney is restarting on ABC and the first thing they're showing this Sunday night I believe it's at 7:00 o'clock is the network premiere of Toy Story and we we're going to have two 60-second spots this commercial will run twice once in the first hour and once in the second hour we are then going to break some newspaper ads in the journal The Times the mercury The Examiner USAToday really stating the manifesto the words and then I'm going to show you what's going to break within two weeks we got some phenomenal prints this ad will run throughout most of October on television and we're breaking some phenomenal print within a few weeks mostly on the back covers of magazines some on the inside we're got some incredible billboards and we're even painting some giant walls in in about five or six major cities before I show you the stuff I want to let you know that in this day and age to use any of these people whether alive or dead you need major permission from them either themselves if they're alive or they're our state's representatives if they're dead almost all of these people have never appeared in an advertisement before and never would until we asked them I mean I got permission from Yoko Ono a few days ago to use John and it's been an incredibly moving experience for me that these people both living and dead their estates have felt so strongly about Apple that they were willing to let us do this I don't think there is another company on earth that could have done this campaign and that to me is is something very special so I got a videotape here of some of the prints and the outdoor stuff and if we could just run that I want you to get a feel for that this is an example of a print ad you might see in the back of a magazine this was an image owned by by Time Warner that they've never released before Martha Graham Thomas Edison Alfred Hitchcock you can't see it on the video but these these images are just stunning look at this outdoor Muhammad Ali all this stuff is going up in the next two weeks you know that is Rosa Parks there'll be five buses running around five major cities like that so that's what we're doing and you're working pretty hard to wrap this up the last few days and nights but it's um it's the best work I've seen it off a long time I think it's the best work Apple has ever done now advertising is is not everything and we've got some incredibly exciting product announcements coming up soon some incredibly exciting things in general are going to be happening over the next 90 120 days and I really deeply appreciate all of the commitment that's in this room and with the people not in this room to turning this company around this company is absolutely going to turn around as a matter of fact I think the question now is is is is not can we turn around Apple I think that's the booby prize I think it's can we make Apple really great again so thank you for your time ||theme|of||campaign||||||||honoring|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||szacunek|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||będzie||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||os provocadores|||pinos|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vilipendiar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||estreia|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||anúncio|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||prêmio de consolação||||||||||||||||| A motywem kampanii jest myślenie inaczej i czczenie ludzi, którzy myślą inaczej i którzy posuwają ten świat naprzód. To jest tym, czym się zajmujemy, dotyka duszy tej firmy, więc przystąpię do rzeczy i mam nadzieję, że poczujesz to samo co ja. Lata dla szalonych, dla buntowników, rozrabiaków, dla okrągłych kołków w kwadratowych dziurach, dla tych, którzy widzą rzeczy inaczej. Nie lubią zasad i nie mają szacunku dla status quo. Możesz ich cytować, nie zgadzać się z nimi, gloryfikować lub oczerniać, ale jedyną rzeczą, której nie możesz zrobić, to ich zignorować, ponieważ zmieniają rzeczy, popychają ludzką rasę do przodu. I choć niektórzy mogą ich postrzegać jako szalonych, my widzimy geniusz, ponieważ ludzie, którzy są wystarczająco szaleni, aby sądzić, że mogą zmienić świat, to ci, którzy to robią. To stawia sprawę jasno, pokazując, kim jesteśmy i za czym stoimy. Nie podoba ci się? Tak, tak, dobrze. Wiem, że niektórzy ludzie będą nas krytykować za to, że nie rozmawiamy o wszystkich tych rzeczach, dlaczego mamy lepsze plug-and-play, ale musimy dać ludziom znać, kim jest Apple i dlaczego wciąż jest istotne w tym świecie i myślę, że to zrobi dobrą robotę. Rozpoczynamy tę kampanię w tę niedzielę w dość poetycki sposób. Cudowny świat Disney'a wznawia na ABC, a pierwszą rzeczą, którą pokażą w tę niedzielę o 19:00, jest premierowy pokaz Toy Story. Mamy zamiar wyemitować dwa spoty reklamowe trwające 60 sekund. Ta reklama będzie emitowana dwa razy, raz w pierwszej godzinie, a raz w drugiej godzinie. Następnie zamierzamy zamieścić kilka ogłoszeń w gazetach, takich jak The Journal, The Times, The Mercury, The Examiner, USAToday, naprawdę przedstawiając manifest, słowa, a potem pokażę ci, co wprowadzi się w ciągu dwóch tygodni. Mamy fenomenalne wydruki, ta reklama będzie emitowana przez większość października w telewizji, a w ciągu kilku tygodni zamieścimy kilka fenomenalnych wydruków, głównie na tylnych okładkach magazynów, niektóre w środku. Mamy niesamowite billboardy i nawet malujemy ogromne ściany w około pięciu lub sześciu dużych miastach. Zanim pokażę ci te materiały, chcę, żebyś wiedział, że w dzisiejszych czasach, aby użyć któregokolwiek z tych ludzi, czy żywych, czy martwych, potrzebujesz ich zgody, albo od nich samych, jeśli żyją, albo od przedstawicieli ich majątków, jeśli są martwi. Prawie wszyscy ci ludzie nigdy nie występowali w reklamach wcześniej i nigdy by nie wystąpili, aż zapytaliśmy ich. Otrzymałem zgodę od Yoko Ono kilka dni temu, aby użyć Johna i to była niesamowicie poruszająca chwila dla mnie, że ci ludzie, zarówno żyjący, jak i martwi, czuli się tak silnie związani z Apple, że byli skłonni na to pozwolić. Nie sądzę, aby istniała inna firma na ziemi, która mogłaby przeprowadzić tę kampanię, a to dla mnie jest czymś bardzo wyjątkowym. Mam tutaj nagranie wideo z niektórymi wydrukami i reklamami na zewnątrz, i jeśli moglibyśmy to puścić, chcę, żebyś poczuł atmosferę. To jest przykład reklamy drukowanej, którą możesz zobaczyć na tylnej okładce magazynu. To obraz na własność Time Warner, który nigdy wcześniej nie został wydany: Martha Graham, Thomas Edison, Alfred Hitchcock. Nie możesz tego zobaczyć na wideo, ale te obrazy są po prostu oszałamiające. Zobacz to – Muhammad Ali, wszystko to pojawi się w ciągu następnych dwóch tygodni. Wiesz, to jest Rosa Parks, będą jeździć pięć autobusów po pięciu dużych miastach. Więc to jest to, co robimy, i pracujesz ciężko, aby to zakończyć w ostatnich dniach i nocach. Ale to jest najlepsza praca, jaką widziałem od dłuższego czasu. Myślę, że to najlepsza praca, jaką Apple kiedykolwiek wykonało. Reklama to nie wszystko i mamy wiele niesamowicie ekscytujących zapowiedzi produktów, które wkrótce nadejdą. W ciągu najbliższych 90-120 dni wydarzy się wiele niesamowitych rzeczy. Naprawdę głęboko doceniam wszystkie zaangażowanie, które jest w tym pokoju oraz zaangażowanie tych, którzy nie są w tym pokoju, aby odwrócić oblicze tej firmy. Ta firma absolutnie się odmieni. W rzeczy samej, myślę, że pytanie teraz brzmi: czy możemy uczynić Apple naprawdę wielkim jeszcze raz. Dziękuję za twój czas.