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personal growth, John C Maxwell - 15 Laws of Growth (Chick-fil-A Leadercast)

John C Maxwell - 15 Laws of Growth (Chick-fil-A Leadercast)

hi i'm michael hyatt backstage at the

chick-fil-a Leadercast with my good

friend john maxwell John I can't get

enough of you I'm glad to have to dinner

with you last night I told your wife

Gayle last night that there are some

people of life that you just don't get

to spend enough time with you're one of

them well thank you I mean a lot many

times when I'm not with you I think oh I

wish I had just another hour you know

with you we've had some good times on

have we've had some fantastic some great

time especially sometimes on the golf

course yeah we sure have yeah but let's

not talk about our golf game let's not

talk about that yeah let's look people

to a higher level that's right okay

so you haven't spoken yet but just give

us a preview because the people that are

listening in on the web will not be here

to hear this sure so what are you going

to talk about well I'm going to talk

about my next book that comes out in

October the 15 laws of personal growth

about a year ago Mike awakened about

3:30 in the morning and it was just this

doesn't happen often I knew immediately

what I wanted to write put on the

bathrobe went downstairs to my office

and from 3:30 to noon I laid out these

laws of growth and I'm so passionate

about this book because if anybody has

ever heard me they realized that I have

been for many many years on a mission to

grow and to learn and to stretch myself

and get out of my own comfort zone great

example of that well I do my best and

and I would say I'm as passionate about

personal growth as I am about leadership

and when you really think about it your

personal your personal growth is going

to determine how well you lead I mean if

is there anything worse than a non

growing leader who basically is telling

you something they've been telling you

for the last ten years you know nobody's

home nothing to do so I began to write

these personal these personal growth

laws down and as you know because I

published these books with you when I

did the 21 irrefutable laws of

leadership basically there's these are

laws that always work in leading then

when I did the 17 laws of teamwork these

are laws that work in teamwork can

building well these 15 laws they just

work in helping a person develop and

grow so today of course in my time a lot

I don't I'll do two or three of them hey

I won't do it won't do 15 so he has to

get the book oh oh can't quite get done

but the book will finish it off give us

a couple of them just as a sample well

I'm gonna talk about the law of

intentionality and the law of

intentionality basically just says


doesn't quote just happen yeah so I've

served many people who they just somehow

think that if they get up every day and

go to work and that they'll grow

automatically and I know that problem

because fruit as a young person that's

what I felt

until I had a man literally intersect my

life and asked me what my plan for

personal growth was and Mike and and I

didn't have a personal growth plan and

didn't have a clue and kind of stammered

around a little bit and and then he told

me said growth is not an automatic

process you're gonna have to do this

intentionally so I'm going to talk about

intentional growth and what does that

mean to for me to say I am committed to

developing myself and to grow myself

iii-i'll talked about the law of

environment and which basically says

that teaches that that we need to create

an environment conducive for growth I'm

convinced that most people don't live in

a growth environment we live in a you

know most people most people they don't

lead their lives they accept their lives

and so every day we whatever happens to

us is kind of what happens to us and

instead of us creating an environment

where we can learn and growth and be

intentional and have people around us to

challenge us and and help us to grow if

we let it just happen

it won't really just happen and then if

I have time if I have time I'm going to

talk I'm gonna talk about the law of

awareness which says you have to know

yourself to grow yourself and I don't

hear many people talk about that and

what we're talking to the to them about

the fact that the goal is not to grow in

every area the goal is to grow in the

area where you're where you're gifted

and oh you're strong and so you have to

know what that is before you determine

what areas are going to grow in and so

I'm going to talk to them about how do

you discover how how do you become aware

about what you do well so that you can

really work on that and really grow that

area to really go up to a whole new

level okay I want to probe a little bit

deeper on this because I just talked to

Marcus Buckingham that's just here and

we talked about strengths of oh of

course see and you just talked about

developing your strengths yes

what about weaknesses as a leader what's

your own philosophy of dealing with your

weaknesses well I know you do have a

philosophy that yes I do

well let me just say this in areas of

choice you need to work on your

weaknesses for example let's say I let's

say I am I'm lazy that scenario choice

that's I mean I'm not naturally lazy I'm

just lazy it's a choice so I need to

work on that because I in areas of

choices you can make vast improvement

and you can make fast and prove I've

never heard this distinction but yeah

yeah yeah actually helpful oh yeah in

choices so attitude does this have a

lousy attitude one day I wake up I say

this isn't getting me anywhere

I gotta have a good attitude you can go

from a zero to a ten I mean oh well also

don't you see people that you just say

my gosh overnight they just ya got good

and happy you don't say okay that's a

choice vast fast growth in choices in

giftedness DNA wiring your growth is

very very small and it's very slow so I

think for example a person can maybe

increase their giftedness skill set

maybe two numbers Wow so if I'm a if I'm

a little bit above average I was six if

I really work hard I can get become an

eight but but an eight is powerful yeah

eight has a huge return so what I tell

people is in in areas of giftedness

that's where you have to work on your

strengths if if I'm a two in something

I'm very weak in a skill if I worked

hard I could only become a force to be

but I tell people you gotta ask yourself

is going to give me the return so in the

area of strengths you've got to pour

yourself into the things that you're

already good at because that don't

really set you apart from average yeah

but in areas of choices go for those

weaknesses because you're not don't you

know people that are highly skilled but

they have a lousy attitude or they're

not soft

they're not self discipline attitude and

they're never gonna they're never gonna

they're never gonna get anywhere and

they're not going to get anywhere

because they didn't so in areas of

choices work on your weaknesses but in

areas of strengths and skills just work

on your strengths very helpful okay

another question is something I've


your life is you seem to be very clear

about who are you add value and where

you don't and you extricated if we can

use that word yes from all those pretty

big word for me too

yeah so you've removed yourself yes oh

thank you oh thank you thanks for coming

down to my level oh dear God that was


so you remove yourself from all these

areas where you don't feel like you add

value but talk about your philosophy

about that because I think most leaders

feel like they got to do it all well

well you can't do it all and I did what

most leaders do in the beginning I try

to do it all and I began to understand

doing it all basically means doing

nothing well at all and and and so I had

to go back to say okay what am I good at

and what I discovered all myself Mike is

I'm bad at a lot more things that I'm

good at it's good for everybody

oh I think it's true for yeah well

especially for non gifted people like

myself I know works 95% of the stuff I

do can be done better by someone else

now that's all humbling but it's reality

so if 95% of what I can do can be done

by somebody better than myself then the

question is why would I do it

yeah because it's it's not going to make

any difference it's not going to add

value to people so I think to be good at

leadership and to be successful you have

to be very honest with your weaknesses

and then begin to find people that

really do excel in those weaknesses and

be very secure about the people I have

around me you know and well you know

we're their male circle I've had them

for 10 15 20 years they're so much

better at what I don't do that they do

and they just do it and when I say they

do it they do it all I have no desire to

get in their life and and tell them how

to do it it's just because I won't help

them so they they run with that and then

they let me do just a few things

what are those of you think well I I

lead well so when it comes to leadership

and direction and that kind of vision

yeah I want to be there I want to be at

the table because I'm gonna be there

communication connecting with people

relating with people oh I want to be

there because I can i I know I know

I know how to do that knew how to do

that well and then creativity whether

whether it's writing or opportunity or

what could happen if we did this

together I'm a very creative person in

fact probably that maybe my greatest

strengths and I think people don't

realize it because it's kind of the the

underpins a lot of stuff I do so so on

those three things I want to be right in

the middle but on everything else I I

have no desire to be there right there

many many things my team does for me

they don't even consult with me on

because they they know that what I need

and and we've had a trust relationship

what that allows me to do is that allows

me to specialize so when people say John

how do you write 70 books only do a few

things you know you can't write 70 books

and do 70 things you you know and let me

just say that my father was great my

father taught my brother who's older by

middle my century younger my father when

we were very young I'm talking about in

elementary school would say to us let's

find out what you do real well and

whatever that is we're gonna really work

on that and my dad really helped create

an environment when he found out my

brother had a business mind I had more

of a relational kind of a mind and he

immediately put us books in our hands

and things like that that would enhance

that strength and he really understood

that the you to succeed you really need

to settle in on strengths and stay there

and not go not go why that was very

forward-thinking for a long time I think

it was major because so many parents

focus on the weaknesses let's shore up

the law yes oh yeah yeah and point that

out yeah what are you the most excited

about right now in terms of your own

personal growth what are you learning

well you know the thing about when

you're always growing and you're always

learning you're excited about the latest

thing that you're learning I serves so

what I learned along when people ask me

what am I most excited about I said that

that's easy I can tell you but it won't

excite you probably because you're not

on that learning curve but what I found

out is that when you're enjoying what

you're learning and you tell somebody

else what you're learning and you pass

it on to them then they begin to catch

on and it becomes contagious nothing's

more contagious than a new idea or

or a new thought or something that is

stretching you or developing you and as

you know in this last year I started a

coaching company tell me about that well

this is I've watched it kind of from

afar but well I I'm 65 couple years ago

I really celled settled in on this issue

of legacy and I asked myself who really

has impacted my life as far as books and

training and Dale Carnegie stood above

everybody else now there are a lot of

writers who wrote more books than Dale

Carnegie I mean he had one classic book

and then a few others but he didn't have

a large tablet books but the reason that

Dale Carnegie lives today is because of

his training programs he said I'm not

even gonna write this book but I'm going

to teach people to train this material

and all of a sudden hit me I need to go

gets developed a coaching company I need

to I need to get a lot of em I and I

Minnie Maxwell's who love my stuff

practice those values who are going to

say look let me teach you how to do this

let me let me let me let me coach you

so I started coaching company a year and

just here a few months ago we have 1,800

coaches now around the world and they

are taking my books and they're

beginning to train with them and teach

them and they have what they call

mastermind groups and learning lunches

and and in fact at the chick-fil-a

Leadercast I've met a dozen I'm already

here who've totally what they're

teaching what they're training and so

what it's doing this is taking my stuff

and it's letting it live through other

voices and through other teachers and

it's just multiplying and and and I'm

just absolutely loving it now where does

somebody go to get more information

about that that if they're interested in

becoming a Maxwell coach well they can

go just a John Maxwell team and on the

web and get it John Maxwell team yeah or

they can go to the John Maxwell company

and just and it's the John Maxwell team

that is the coaching what we do is we we

teach them how to coach we teach them

how to communicate speak and we really

teach them how to lead and we teach of

those three distinct things and they go

through I think about 50 hours online

training then they go three days come

down to West Palm Beach where I and the

faculty teach them these things but when

we finish with all that we all of them

establish a webpage we I certify them as

a John Maxwell

coach and a fella I just was talking to

right before I did the interview with

Angela and he came up to me said John

you have no idea how many doors you've

open up to and he began to talk to me

where he was going in and talking to a

couple companies and and he said you

know the name has opened the door now I

can open the door for somebody you know

Mike as well as I do you can open the

door for somebody but they gotta be good

to stay all right so what I do for the

coaches is I train them and then I open

doors and then they tell the rest of the

story it's got to be very satisfying to

use the legal to see this being

replicated at a level that while books

are great this goes deeper this goes

deeper in fact on the Leadercast today

we have hundreds of our coaches all

across the country hosting Leadercast

today I mean I mean they when they found

those Leadercast they said where's the

closest one we're gonna go in there we

running to support it we're gonna help

people to get into it and in fact I was

talking to Jeremy the other day next

year we're gonna come as a conservative

plan we're gonna have our a lot of our

coaches literally become hosts and

satellite in Leadercast sites and so

anyway it's just it's another way to

carry on the vision of values that I

have that's what it is

okay last question a lot of people may

not know who are just tuning in

do you actually founded the Leadercast

what ten twelve years ago eleven years

ago eleven years ago how is it becomes

something different than maybe you

imagined it oh my oh my food if you had

a vision at the beginning well I did but

it is nothing like it I let me tell you

I'm so proud of what they've done with

with chick-fil-a and giant and what the

leader cast people have done it's this

is amazing it's so much bigger you know

when I started here was my original

intent you know I came out of the church

world as a pastor and I wanted to

connect the church world with the

business world and be in and I'm over

here in the business world and I'm

saying boy these people need to meet and

so the Leadercast started as a way a

bridge I wanted to do business stuff

kind of maybe in some settings in the

beginning we did only in church settings

you follow I mean it facilities and so I

wanted to bring them together and

Bridget so that the two could meet and

the two could benefit from each other

and so that was my intent and we started

off and I think the first year we had Oh

maybe a couple hundred sites and you

know maybe not bad not bad at all first

start and and and in the first two or

three years it was a little slow it was

it was a new idea and technology was new

and you know the satellites and you know

we had technology troubles and some

sites didn't come up and you know you

can imagine but as technology got better

and it's the idea got better and then we

developed better teams etc this

everything is better now today wavy

unbelievable I mean look what's

happening yeah and I get thanked the

giant people that chick-fil-a people

people like you we've got a great team

now but it wasn't I didn't put together

if I had to do a goal-setting seminar

with integrity I just have to say can't

do it because Mike this is almost trying

everything in my life I I think I'm I

think I'm a good dreamer and I think I'm

a decent creator but almost everything

of my life ended up better and bigger

then I thought it would you told me that

at dinner last night and I loved just

hearing that I don't know there's just

something innocent and precious um yeah

III effect I let me say this I mean I

think of equipped when I started

crippled one to train a million liters

now we trained five million liters were

in 155 countries I can't think of one

thing that I ever started that I had a

dream for that that didn't come out

better than what a dream for and and I

say that's the well I'm a person face

I'm not trying to put that on everybody

but I think that's God but but I think

it's also the fact that that I'm always

learning and growing and I'm always


and I'm always ready to bring other

people around me i I've been really

blessed with a lot of better people than

me who came around on the team you know

I'm saying who kind of helped me an

added value to me so it's been a total

team effort but this is that's awesome

bigger than life well thank you for

being a mentor to me hey my leadership

has gone to another level because you've

been a mentor to me too it's I think I

think that's a two-way street except in

golf we don't help each other yeah no

we're not good we just kind of pray lie

thanks we'll be back in a few minutes

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John C Maxwell - 15 Laws of Growth (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) John C. Maxwell - Die 15 Gesetze des Wachstums (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) John C Maxwell - 15 νόμοι της ανάπτυξης (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) John C Maxwell - Las 15 leyes del crecimiento (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) John C Maxwell - 15 Hukum Pertumbuhan (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) John C Maxwell - 15 leggi della crescita (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) ジョン・C・マクスウェル - 成長の15の法則(Chick-fil-A Leadercast) 존 맥스웰 - 15가지 성장의 법칙(칙필레 리더캐스트) John C Maxwell - 15 Leis do Crescimento (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) Джон Максвелл - 15 законов роста (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) Джон Максвелл - 15 законів зростання (Chick-fil-A Leadercast) 约翰·C·麦克斯韦尔 - 15 条成长法则 (Chick-fil-A Leadercast)

hi i'm michael hyatt backstage at the ||||за кулисами||

chick-fil-a Leadercast with my good |фил||Лидеркаст||| chick-fil-a Leadercast с моим хорошим

friend john maxwell John I can't get другом джоном максвеллом Джон, я не могу насытиться

enough of you I'm glad to have to dinner тобой, рад пригласить тебя на ужин

with you last night I told your wife с тобой прошлой ночью я сказал твоей жене

Gayle last night that there are some |||||hay| Гейл прошлой ночью, что есть некоторые

people of life that you just don't get люди в жизни, которые ты просто не понимаешь

to spend enough time with you're one of проводить достаточно времени с одним из вас

them well thank you I mean a lot many им спасибо, я имею в виду много раз

times when I'm not with you I think oh I когда я не с тобой, я думаю, ох, я

wish I had just another hour you know жаль, что у меня нет еще одного часа, ты знаешь

with you we've had some good times on с тобой у нас было много хороших моментов

have we've had some fantastic some great у нас были фантастические, замечательные моменты

time especially sometimes on the golf

course yeah we sure have yeah but let's курс да, у нас точно есть да, но давайте

not talk about our golf game let's not не будем говорить о нашей игре в гольф, давайте не будем

talk about that yeah let's look people говорить об этом, давайте посмотрим на людей

to a higher level that's right okay на более высокий уровень, верно, хорошо

so you haven't spoken yet but just give поэтому вы еще не говорили, но просто дайте

us a preview because the people that are ||предварительный просмотр||||| нам предварительный просмотр, потому что люди, которые есть

listening in on the web will not be here

to hear this sure so what are you going слышать это, конечно, так о чем ты собираешься говорить

to talk about well I'm going to talk я собираюсь говорить

about my next book that comes out in о моей следующей книге, которая выйдет в

October the 15 laws of personal growth 15 октября законы личностного роста

about a year ago Mike awakened about |||||проснулся| около года назад Майк проснулся около

3:30 in the morning and it was just this 3:30 утра, и это было просто это

doesn't happen often I knew immediately это не часто случается, я сразу знал

what I wanted to write put on the что я хотел написать, надел

bathrobe went downstairs to my office bata||||| халат и спустился вниз в свой офис

and from 3:30 to noon I laid out these и с 3:30 до полудня я изложил эти

laws of growth and I'm so passionate ||||||страстно законы роста, и я так увлечен

about this book because if anybody has этой книгой, потому что если кто-то имеет

ever heard me they realized that I have никогда не слышали меня, они поняли, что я имею

been for many many years on a mission to много лет нахожусь на миссии, чтобы

grow and to learn and to stretch myself ||||||расширить| развиваться, учиться и развивать себя

and get out of my own comfort zone great

example of that well I do my best and

and I would say I'm as passionate about

personal growth as I am about leadership

and when you really think about it your

personal your personal growth is going

to determine how well you lead I mean if |определить|||||||

is there anything worse than a non

growing leader who basically is telling

you something they've been telling you

for the last ten years you know nobody's

home nothing to do so I began to write

these personal these personal growth

laws down and as you know because I

published these books with you when I

did the 21 irrefutable laws of

leadership basically there's these are

laws that always work in leading then

when I did the 17 laws of teamwork these

are laws that work in teamwork can

building well these 15 laws they just

work in helping a person develop and

grow so today of course in my time a lot

I don't I'll do two or three of them hey

I won't do it won't do 15 so he has to

get the book oh oh can't quite get done

but the book will finish it off give us

a couple of them just as a sample well

I'm gonna talk about the law of

intentionality and the law of

intentionality basically just says


doesn't quote just happen yeah so I've

served many people who they just somehow

think that if they get up every day and

go to work and that they'll grow

automatically and I know that problem

because fruit as a young person that's

what I felt

until I had a man literally intersect my

life and asked me what my plan for

personal growth was and Mike and and I

didn't have a personal growth plan and

didn't have a clue and kind of stammered |||||||balbuceó

around a little bit and and then he told

me said growth is not an automatic

process you're gonna have to do this

intentionally so I'm going to talk about

intentional growth and what does that

mean to for me to say I am committed to ||||||||comprometido|

developing myself and to grow myself

iii-i'll talked about the law of

environment and which basically says

that teaches that that we need to create

an environment conducive for growth I'm

convinced that most people don't live in

a growth environment we live in a you

know most people most people they don't

lead their lives they accept their lives

and so every day we whatever happens to

us is kind of what happens to us and

instead of us creating an environment

where we can learn and growth and be

intentional and have people around us to

challenge us and and help us to grow if

we let it just happen

it won't really just happen and then if

I have time if I have time I'm going to

talk I'm gonna talk about the law of

awareness which says you have to know

yourself to grow yourself and I don't

hear many people talk about that and

what we're talking to the to them about

the fact that the goal is not to grow in

every area the goal is to grow in the

area where you're where you're gifted

and oh you're strong and so you have to

know what that is before you determine

what areas are going to grow in and so

I'm going to talk to them about how do

you discover how how do you become aware

about what you do well so that you can

really work on that and really grow that

area to really go up to a whole new

level okay I want to probe a little bit

deeper on this because I just talked to

Marcus Buckingham that's just here and

we talked about strengths of oh of

course see and you just talked about

developing your strengths yes

what about weaknesses as a leader what's

your own philosophy of dealing with your

weaknesses well I know you do have a

philosophy that yes I do

well let me just say this in areas of

choice you need to work on your

weaknesses for example let's say I let's

say I am I'm lazy that scenario choice

that's I mean I'm not naturally lazy I'm

just lazy it's a choice so I need to

work on that because I in areas of

choices you can make vast improvement

and you can make fast and prove I've

never heard this distinction but yeah

yeah yeah actually helpful oh yeah in

choices so attitude does this have a

lousy attitude one day I wake up I say

this isn't getting me anywhere

I gotta have a good attitude you can go

from a zero to a ten I mean oh well also

don't you see people that you just say

my gosh overnight they just ya got good

and happy you don't say okay that's a

choice vast fast growth in choices in

giftedness DNA wiring your growth is ||схема|||

very very small and it's very slow so I

think for example a person can maybe

increase their giftedness skill set

maybe two numbers Wow so if I'm a if I'm

a little bit above average I was six if

I really work hard I can get become an

eight but but an eight is powerful yeah

eight has a huge return so what I tell

people is in in areas of giftedness

that's where you have to work on your

strengths if if I'm a two in something

I'm very weak in a skill if I worked

hard I could only become a force to be

but I tell people you gotta ask yourself

is going to give me the return so in the

area of strengths you've got to pour ||||||vertir

yourself into the things that you're

already good at because that don't

really set you apart from average yeah

but in areas of choices go for those

weaknesses because you're not don't you

know people that are highly skilled but

they have a lousy attitude or they're

not soft

they're not self discipline attitude and

they're never gonna they're never gonna

they're never gonna get anywhere and

they're not going to get anywhere

because they didn't so in areas of

choices work on your weaknesses but in

areas of strengths and skills just work

on your strengths very helpful okay

another question is something I've


your life is you seem to be very clear

about who are you add value and where

you don't and you extricated if we can ||||extricó|||

use that word yes from all those pretty

big word for me too

yeah so you've removed yourself yes oh

thank you oh thank you thanks for coming

down to my level oh dear God that was


so you remove yourself from all these

areas where you don't feel like you add

value but talk about your philosophy

about that because I think most leaders

feel like they got to do it all well

well you can't do it all and I did what

most leaders do in the beginning I try

to do it all and I began to understand

doing it all basically means doing

nothing well at all and and and so I had

to go back to say okay what am I good at

and what I discovered all myself Mike is

I'm bad at a lot more things that I'm

good at it's good for everybody

oh I think it's true for yeah well

especially for non gifted people like

myself I know works 95% of the stuff I

do can be done better by someone else

now that's all humbling but it's reality

so if 95% of what I can do can be done

by somebody better than myself then the

question is why would I do it

yeah because it's it's not going to make

any difference it's not going to add

value to people so I think to be good at

leadership and to be successful you have

to be very honest with your weaknesses

and then begin to find people that

really do excel in those weaknesses and

be very secure about the people I have

around me you know and well you know

we're their male circle I've had them

for 10 15 20 years they're so much

better at what I don't do that they do

and they just do it and when I say they

do it they do it all I have no desire to

get in their life and and tell them how

to do it it's just because I won't help

them so they they run with that and then

they let me do just a few things

what are those of you think well I I

lead well so when it comes to leadership

and direction and that kind of vision

yeah I want to be there I want to be at

the table because I'm gonna be there

communication connecting with people

relating with people oh I want to be

there because I can i I know I know

I know how to do that knew how to do

that well and then creativity whether

whether it's writing or opportunity or

what could happen if we did this

together I'm a very creative person in

fact probably that maybe my greatest

strengths and I think people don't

realize it because it's kind of the the

underpins a lot of stuff I do so so on sustenta|||||||||

those three things I want to be right in

the middle but on everything else I I

have no desire to be there right there

many many things my team does for me

they don't even consult with me on

because they they know that what I need

and and we've had a trust relationship

what that allows me to do is that allows

me to specialize so when people say John

how do you write 70 books only do a few

things you know you can't write 70 books

and do 70 things you you know and let me

just say that my father was great my

father taught my brother who's older by

middle my century younger my father when

we were very young I'm talking about in

elementary school would say to us let's

find out what you do real well and

whatever that is we're gonna really work

on that and my dad really helped create

an environment when he found out my

brother had a business mind I had more

of a relational kind of a mind and he

immediately put us books in our hands

and things like that that would enhance

that strength and he really understood

that the you to succeed you really need

to settle in on strengths and stay there

and not go not go why that was very

forward-thinking for a long time I think

it was major because so many parents

focus on the weaknesses let's shore up

the law yes oh yeah yeah and point that

out yeah what are you the most excited

about right now in terms of your own

personal growth what are you learning

well you know the thing about when

you're always growing and you're always

learning you're excited about the latest

thing that you're learning I serves so

what I learned along when people ask me

what am I most excited about I said that

that's easy I can tell you but it won't

excite you probably because you're not

on that learning curve but what I found

out is that when you're enjoying what

you're learning and you tell somebody

else what you're learning and you pass

it on to them then they begin to catch

on and it becomes contagious nothing's

more contagious than a new idea or

or a new thought or something that is

stretching you or developing you and as

you know in this last year I started a

coaching company tell me about that well

this is I've watched it kind of from

afar but well I I'm 65 couple years ago

I really celled settled in on this issue

of legacy and I asked myself who really

has impacted my life as far as books and

training and Dale Carnegie stood above

everybody else now there are a lot of

writers who wrote more books than Dale

Carnegie I mean he had one classic book

and then a few others but he didn't have

a large tablet books but the reason that

Dale Carnegie lives today is because of

his training programs he said I'm not

even gonna write this book but I'm going

to teach people to train this material

and all of a sudden hit me I need to go

gets developed a coaching company I need

to I need to get a lot of em I and I

Minnie Maxwell's who love my stuff

practice those values who are going to

say look let me teach you how to do this

let me let me let me let me coach you

so I started coaching company a year and

just here a few months ago we have 1,800

coaches now around the world and they

are taking my books and they're

beginning to train with them and teach

them and they have what they call

mastermind groups and learning lunches

and and in fact at the chick-fil-a

Leadercast I've met a dozen I'm already

here who've totally what they're

teaching what they're training and so

what it's doing this is taking my stuff

and it's letting it live through other

voices and through other teachers and

it's just multiplying and and and I'm

just absolutely loving it now where does

somebody go to get more information

about that that if they're interested in

becoming a Maxwell coach well they can

go just a John Maxwell team and on the

web and get it John Maxwell team yeah or

they can go to the John Maxwell company

and just and it's the John Maxwell team

that is the coaching what we do is we we

teach them how to coach we teach them

how to communicate speak and we really

teach them how to lead and we teach of

those three distinct things and they go

through I think about 50 hours online

training then they go three days come

down to West Palm Beach where I and the

faculty teach them these things but when

we finish with all that we all of them

establish a webpage we I certify them as

a John Maxwell

coach and a fella I just was talking to

right before I did the interview with

Angela and he came up to me said John

you have no idea how many doors you've

open up to and he began to talk to me

where he was going in and talking to a

couple companies and and he said you

know the name has opened the door now I

can open the door for somebody you know

Mike as well as I do you can open the

door for somebody but they gotta be good

to stay all right so what I do for the

coaches is I train them and then I open

doors and then they tell the rest of the

story it's got to be very satisfying to

use the legal to see this being

replicated at a level that while books

are great this goes deeper this goes

deeper in fact on the Leadercast today

we have hundreds of our coaches all

across the country hosting Leadercast

today I mean I mean they when they found

those Leadercast they said where's the

closest one we're gonna go in there we

running to support it we're gonna help

people to get into it and in fact I was

talking to Jeremy the other day next

year we're gonna come as a conservative

plan we're gonna have our a lot of our

coaches literally become hosts and

satellite in Leadercast sites and so

anyway it's just it's another way to

carry on the vision of values that I

have that's what it is

okay last question a lot of people may

not know who are just tuning in

do you actually founded the Leadercast

what ten twelve years ago eleven years

ago eleven years ago how is it becomes

something different than maybe you

imagined it oh my oh my food if you had

a vision at the beginning well I did but

it is nothing like it I let me tell you

I'm so proud of what they've done with

with chick-fil-a and giant and what the

leader cast people have done it's this

is amazing it's so much bigger you know

when I started here was my original

intent you know I came out of the church

world as a pastor and I wanted to

connect the church world with the

business world and be in and I'm over

here in the business world and I'm

saying boy these people need to meet and

so the Leadercast started as a way a

bridge I wanted to do business stuff

kind of maybe in some settings in the

beginning we did only in church settings

you follow I mean it facilities and so I

wanted to bring them together and

Bridget so that the two could meet and

the two could benefit from each other

and so that was my intent and we started

off and I think the first year we had Oh

maybe a couple hundred sites and you

know maybe not bad not bad at all first

start and and and in the first two or

three years it was a little slow it was

it was a new idea and technology was new

and you know the satellites and you know

we had technology troubles and some

sites didn't come up and you know you

can imagine but as technology got better

and it's the idea got better and then we

developed better teams etc this

everything is better now today wavy

unbelievable I mean look what's

happening yeah and I get thanked the

giant people that chick-fil-a people

people like you we've got a great team

now but it wasn't I didn't put together

if I had to do a goal-setting seminar

with integrity I just have to say can't

do it because Mike this is almost trying

everything in my life I I think I'm I

think I'm a good dreamer and I think I'm

a decent creator but almost everything

of my life ended up better and bigger

then I thought it would you told me that

at dinner last night and I loved just

hearing that I don't know there's just

something innocent and precious um yeah

III effect I let me say this I mean I

think of equipped when I started

crippled one to train a million liters

now we trained five million liters were

in 155 countries I can't think of one

thing that I ever started that I had a

dream for that that didn't come out

better than what a dream for and and I

say that's the well I'm a person face

I'm not trying to put that on everybody

but I think that's God but but I think

it's also the fact that that I'm always

learning and growing and I'm always


and I'm always ready to bring other

people around me i I've been really

blessed with a lot of better people than

me who came around on the team you know

I'm saying who kind of helped me an

added value to me so it's been a total

team effort but this is that's awesome

bigger than life well thank you for

being a mentor to me hey my leadership

has gone to another level because you've

been a mentor to me too it's I think I

think that's a two-way street except in

golf we don't help each other yeah no

we're not good we just kind of pray lie

thanks we'll be back in a few minutes