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Thomas Frank Study Tips, 4 Mindset Changes That Massively Improved My Life

4 Mindset Changes That Massively Improved My Life

- Hey, what's going on, guys?

So this week's video is going to be a little bit different

than most the other videos that I've done on this channel,

because for the most part, the videos that I do

have a pretty set-in-stone topic.

I try to keep a pretty narrow focus

on whatever I'm talking about.

But for the last four months,

I've been keeping a note in Evernote

just called five self-improvement tips.

And I put that number there arbitrarily.

But I came up with something

that I thought was interesting to me.

There was just something that I felt

was, like, a mindset change I made a long time ago,

and it's really improved my life.

And it gave me an idea for a video

where I would just sort of list out

some of the subtle or maybe not-so-subtle mindset changes

that I've made over the last decade or so

since I graduated high school

that have really improved things for me on a daily basis.

And I was gonna wait until I had a longer list

to do a video on these sort of mindset hacks,

but I think the four that I have now,

which I just sort of added over time

as I thought about them, make up a pretty good list.

So today we're gonna go over four mindset hacks

or mindset changes that I've made slowly

over the past 10 or so years

that have really improved my life.

And if you can adopt even just one of these

into your own life, I think you're gonna notice

a marked improvement as well, so let's get into it.

Mindset hack number one is to become okay

with being the worst person in the room,

and by that I mean, like, the worst person

at whatever skill you're trying out.

This fear of being labeled as the worst person in the room

or of looking bad in comparison to everyone else

keeps people from pursuing the things they want to do,

or it keeps them from increasing the difficulty

or moving to the next level

in something they're already pursuing.

And if you can become okay with being

bad at something or comparatively bad,

or if you become okay with being worse

than everyone else in your peer group,

then you start to compete in a higher league.

And when you are the worst person in the room,

that means that there's nowhere for you to go but up.

And everyone else around you

is somebody who you can learn from.

So the example of putting this mindset into action

that immediately comes to mind for me

is from last summer when I started

doing downhill mountain biking,

Now downhill mountain biking,

especially the lift access version

where you literally put your bike

and yourself on a ski lift,

and you go up to the top of a mountain

and then ride down is a pretty difficult

and risky discipline in mountain biking.

In fact, my friend Martin actually broke his finger

doing it back in the fall.

I started this in the summer,

and I started off being pretty bad.

I noticed that all these people

kept passing me up on the trails.

And I kind of felt self-conscious

about my abilities at first.

Then I realized that if I just challenged myself

to follow these people who were better than me,

I actually would get better more quickly.

And I found that this actually did happen.

I was more afraid to do things like go off jumps

or take trails at higher speed when I was alone,

but when I was following somebody,

there was, like, this competitive instinct that kicked in.

I found myself pushing myself a little bit further

and really challenging myself to keep pace

with this other person who was better than me.

And this mindset actually paid off

on the very first day that I went mountain biking,

'cause I went with my cousin

to a bike park in Boulder, Colorado,

and there was a jump that I just could not get myself to do.

Every single time I would go up to the jump,

I would hit the brakes; I would stop.

Then I'd have to take my bike, lift it up,

and walk down past the jump.

I was just too scared to do it.

And my cousin, who was a little bit better

at mountain biking than I was,

not a ton, but a little bit,

said, "all right, this time we're gonna go.

"You're gonna follow me.

"I'm going to hit this jump,

"and you are going to hit it with me."

And watching him do it,

and knowing there was this expectation

that I was going to have to rise to the challenge

because he was doing it as well forced me to do it.

And I actually hit that jump,

and afterwards it became easy.

So again, if you can become comfortable

with being the worst person in the room,

even if it's a self-perception kind of thing,

then you are going to allow yourself

to compete in a higher league.

You're gonna expose yourself to people

who are more skilled

and who can bring you up to speed more quickly.

And one last thing that I do want to note

when it comes to this mindset

is that for the most part

people are kind of self-absorbed.

So say if you go to the gym and you are out of shape,

or you are lifting

the least amount of weight out of the gym,

people aren't going to make fun of you,

because they're there to do their own thing.

They aren't there to judge you.

So just keep that in mind when you start a new hobby

or you start trying to improve yourself in any way.

If you're around other people who are doing the same thing,

they're probably focused on their own goals

and their own efforts.

All right, mindset hack number two

is to treat real-life goals kind of like video game levels.

And the reason that I have this on the list

is that when we play video games,

at least when I play video games,

I am 100% okay with dying or failing,

because I know that in just a few seconds after dying,

I am going to restart the level.

I'm going to try again.

And the process of dying over and over and over again

in some cases is part of the experience.

It's part of the fun.

One of my absolute favorite video games

in the world is called Celeste, which is,

in my opinion, one of the best platformers ever made.

And if you go look at my death stats

for every level in the game, they are ridiculous.

In fact, I think in one of the levels

I have over 1,000 deaths.

But because I've gone through that level

and died 1,000 times,

I can now basically speed-run it,

and the process of doing so looks really cool,

and it's really fun to do.

And I know that all those deaths

are part of the learning process.

Every single time I made a mistake,

I got a little bit better,

I got a little bit more knowledgeable

about what to do in that situation.

I made an adjustment.

Now in real life, a lot of times

we feel like we have to get things right the first time,

whether it be out of embarrassment,

or whether it be out of the fear of wasting too much time.

But that's not how things are.

It's just like a video game.

If we can treat things as a learning process,

even if they're failures,

then we become more open

to going through that learning process,

and we become more able to gain those skills.

The fear of failure is something

that really holds people back.

So if you can start viewing yourself

as a video game character,

at least insofar as you're allowed to fail certain things,

maybe not allowed to fall into pits of spikes,

but if you can fail certain things,

then you're going to sort of move past

that mental roadblock.

Mindset hack number three is to become okay

with confronting harsh realities or bad news.

And this is a mindset hack that I got from the book

Good to Great by Jim Collins.

This is a fantastic business book.

I think anybody who is in the professional world

or an entrepreneur should read this book.

And there is a quote from an executive

of the company Pitney Bowes, his name is Fred Purdue,

that really stuck with me after I read this book.

In fact, I think this might be the concept

that stuck with me more than any other from this book.

And I want to read the quote to you here.

The quote goes, "When you turn over rocks

"and look at all the squiggly things underneath,

"you can either put the rock down

"or you can say, "my job is to turn over rocks

""and look at the squiggly things,"

"even if what you see can scare the hell out of you."

The sad thing is, a lot of people

would rather avoid looking at bad news,

avoid looking at harsh realities than confront them.

And this causes a lot of problems.

Some people know they probably didn't do well on the test,

so they avoid looking at the test results

until they realize they've been kicked out of school.

Or some people know their bank account balance

is probably a little bit lower than they'd like it to be,

so they just don't look at it until there's an overdraft

or until there's a bill that isn't paid.

In our quest to avoid pain, we often avoid looking

at things that cause us mental pain,

just because they are, like, the bearer of bad news,

the harbinger of bad news to come.

But the people who are truly successful

are the ones who can confront these harsh realities,

because when you do, when you don't shy away from them

or pretend they don't exist, then you can,

after you get over the emotional pain,

the shock of seeing them,

formulate a plan for dealing with them.

So become okay with confronting these harsh realities.

Yes, it's tough.

Yes, you kind of never really get totally used to it,

'cause you always have that little part of your brain

that just sort of wants to go do something else,

but you have to become able to push through

that mental resistance.

Finally, I want to talk about the one mindset hack

that I think has improved my life more than any other.

And it's simply building

a sort of background loop in my head

that constantly asks where am I wrong

or how am I wrong?

I'm always looking for my own blind spots.

This mindset hack was kind of forced upon me

when I was a teenager

when a girlfriend of mine actually broke up with me,

and she told me the reason that she left me

was that I always had to be right.

Every time we'd get into an argument

or even just a conversation,

I always had to be the person with the last word.

I didn't really realize this at the time,

but when that happened, the pain of being dumped

was so great that I was forced to look at my actions,

to look at the way that I thought.

And I realized that, yes, I did have

this implicit assumption that I was right in all things,

even if I would have never admitted it even to myself.

And I think a lot of people are like this,

especially people who are generally successful

at a lot of the things they do.

There's this sort of hubris or pride

that develops in the back of our minds

and sort of squashes any humility we have.

And it causes us to miss a lot of our blind spots

or to assume things that aren't true.

So even though that experience was very painful,

I count it as a blessing,

because it sort of forced me to develop this assumption

that I'm probably wrong in a lot of areas.

Even when I think that I'm right about something,

there might be a blind spot.

There might be something that I'm missing.

So I ask myself, what could I possibly be missing?

And a lot of times I try to put myself in the shoes of the person that I'm talking to

and ask, what is their perspective on this?

What could they see that I might not be seeing?

Now I don't think you have to go through

a super painful experience to develop this ability.

And I would say that a lot of its refinement

came from reading books

like Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

or Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

or even some of the individual blog posts

over on LessWrong.com,

which was one of the original resources

where I started learning about human rationality,

and learning to notice my own confusion

and notice my blind spots.

Regardless of how you go about developing this ability,

once you do get better at using it

and making it more habitual,

you're gonna become a much more likable person,

because people will see you as not arrogant,

as open to noticing your own flaws and your own blind spots.

And aside from that, it's also gonna make you

a better problem solver.

As Barbara Oakley talks about

in her book A Mind for Numbers,

there's this concept called einstellung,

where the work that you've done

to learn something earlier

can sort of block the ability for you

to consider new information,

because you have these very well-worn neural patterns

that are pretty difficult to break out of.

But if you can build this metacognitive skill

of constantly challenging your beliefs

and looking for your blind spots,

you're gonna be far less susceptible to this einstellung.

So going forward, start tying

to consciously challenge your beliefs.

Start asking yourself, how could I be wrong?

And in doing so you're gonna become

a much better problem solver.

Of course, if you want to boost

those problem-solving skills even further,

then the best way to do it

is to practice problem solving on a daily basis.

And a great place to do this is at Brilliant.org.

Brilliant is an excellent learning platform

for anyone wanting to improve their skills

in math, science, and computer science.

And they take a very active approach

to building all of their courses,

meaning that whether you want

to take a course on calculus or on math

for quantitative training in finance

or on computer memory, computer algorithms,

or gravitational physics, you're gonna find yourself

immediately thrown into challenging problems

that stretch your problem-solving capabilities

and stretch that lateral-thinking ability

that we talked about in earlier videos.

Additionally, you're not gonna find yourself

bored by tons of introductory lecture material.

You're getting right into the problems right away,

so your interest in the subject

is going to remain high the entire time,

and you're gonna learn much more efficiently as well.

Now in addition to their library of in-depth courses,

they've also released a new feature called Daily Problems,

where every single day they're releasing new problems

that can whet your appetite

and get you interested in new subjects

such as how prehistoric humans tracked time

or how you can cut a Mobius strip in half.

These problems take about five minutes every single day,

so you can build them into a habit.

And not only do they improve

your problem-solving abilities even further,

they can get you interested in new topics

that you hadn't considered before.

So if you want to try out that Daily Problems feature,

or you want to dig into one of their more in-depth courses

and start learning right now,

you can go over to Brilliant.org/thomasfrank

to start learning for free.

And if you're one of the first 83 people

to sign up with that link,

you're also gonna get 20% off

your annual premium subscription.

Big thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video

and being a big supporter of my channel.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video.

If you did, definitely give it a like.

You can also subscribe right there

to get new videos every single week on this channel.

Plus go right there to get a free copy

of my book on how to earn better grades.

You can also follow me on Instagram @tomfrankly

or last but not least, click right here

to get one more video on this channel.

Thanks so much for watching,

and I will see you in the next one.

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4 Mindset Changes That Massively Improved My Life |||大幅度地||| |||enorm verbessert||| |||greatly||| |||enormemente||| 4 Veränderungen in der Denkweise, die mein Leben massiv verbessert haben 4 Mindset Changes That Massively Improved My Life 4 cambios de mentalidad que mejoraron mi vida de forma masiva 4 changements d'état d'esprit qui ont considérablement amélioré ma vie 4 cambiamenti di mentalità che hanno migliorato enormemente la mia vita 4 mudanças de mentalidade que melhoraram enormemente minha vida 4 изменения мышления, которые значительно улучшили мою жизнь 4 förändringar i tankesätt som massivt förbättrade mitt liv Hayatımı Büyük Ölçüde İyileştiren 4 Zihniyet Değişikliği 4 种心态的改变极大地改善了我的生活 4 種思維方式的改變極大地改善了我的生活

- Hey, what's going on, guys? - Hey, was ist hier los, Leute? - Ei, o que está acontecendo, pessoal? - Эй, что происходит, ребята? - Ne oluyor çocuklar?

So this week's video is going to be a little bit different ||今週の||||||||| ||desta semana||||||||| Das Video dieser Woche wird also ein wenig anders sein Então o vídeo dessa semana vai ser um pouco diferente Так что видео на этой неделе будет немного другим

than most the other videos that I've done on this channel, als die meisten anderen Videos, die ich auf diesem Kanal gemacht habe, do que a maioria dos outros vídeos que fiz neste canal,

because for the most part, the videos that I do porque na maior parte, os vídeos que faço потому что по большей части видео, которые я делаю

have a pretty set-in-stone topic. ||||en|| |||정해진||| |||setto||| |||певна||незмінна| |||||石の| habe ein ziemlich in Stein gemeißeltes Thema. tem um tema bem definido. иметь довольно избитую тему. 有一个非常固定的主题。

I try to keep a pretty narrow focus ||||||вузький| Eu tento manter um foco bem estreito Я стараюсь держать довольно узкий фокус

on whatever I'm talking about. |будь-якому||| no que eu estou falando. о чем бы я ни говорил.

But for the last four months, Mas nos últimos quatro meses,

I've been keeping a note in Evernote ||||||Evernote ||||||エバーノート ||||||Evernote Tenho mantido uma nota no Evernote Я вел заметку в Evernote 我一直在 Evernote 中记笔记

just called five self-improvement tips. acabei de chamar cinco dicas de autoaperfeiçoamento. только что назвал пять советов по самосовершенствованию.

And I put that number there arbitrarily. ||||||randomly ||||||arbitrariamente ||||||willkürlich ||||||임의로 ||||||випадковим чином ||||||適当に И я поставил это число там произвольно. 我随意把这个数字放在那里。

But I came up with something ||생각해냈어||| Но я придумал кое-что 但我想出了一些东西

that I thought was interesting to me. que achei interessante para mim. что мне показалось интересным.

There was just something that I felt Havia apenas algo que eu senti Было что-то, что я чувствовал

was, like, a mindset change I made a long time ago, foi uma mudança de mentalidade que fiz há muito tempo, было изменение мышления, которое я сделал давным-давно,

and it's really improved my life. e realmente melhorou minha vida. и это действительно улучшило мою жизнь.

And it gave me an idea for a video И это дало мне идею для видео

where I would just sort of list out onde eu meio que listaria где я бы просто перечислил

some of the subtle or maybe not-so-subtle mindset changes |||subtle||||||| |||미묘한||||||| |||微妙な||||||| |||тонкі|||||не дуже явні|| ||||||||algumas das mudanças de mentalidade sutis ou talvez não tão sutis|| algumas das mudanças de mentalidade sutis ou talvez não tão sutis некоторые тонкие или, может быть, не очень тонкие изменения мышления 一些微妙或可能不那么微妙的心态变化

that I've made over the last decade or so que fiz na última década ou mais что я сделал за последнее десятилетие или около того

since I graduated high school з тих пір||закінчив|| так как я закончил среднюю школу

that have really improved things for me on a daily basis. that have really improved things for me on a daily basis. que realmente melhoraram as coisas para mim diariamente. которые действительно улучшали мои вещи на ежедневной основе.

And I was gonna wait until I had a longer list And I was gonna wait until I had a longer list そして、もっと長いリストができるまで待とうと思っていました E eu ia esperar até ter uma lista mais longa И я собирался подождать, пока у меня не будет более длинного списка

to do a video on these sort of mindset hacks, |||||||||Geisteshaltung-Tricks |||||||||해킹 |||||||||ハック |||||||||хитрощі |||||||||strategies to do a video on these sort of mindset hacks, これらのマインドセットハックについて動画を作るために、 para fazer um vídeo sobre esse tipo de hacks de mentalidade, сделать видео о таких лайфхаках,

but I think the four that I have now, but I think the four that I have now, しかし、今ある4つで十分だと思います、 но я думаю, что те четыре, которые у меня есть сейчас,

which I just sort of added over time |||||追加した||時間 which I just sort of added over time 私はそれをちょっとずつ加えていった que eu meio que adicionei com o tempo который я просто добавил со временем

as I thought about them, make up a pretty good list. as I thought about them, make up a pretty good list. 彼らについて考えると、かなり良いリストができる。 como eu pensei sobre eles, faça uma lista muito boa. как я думал о них, составить довольно хороший список.

So today we're gonna go over four mindset hacks ||||||||хитрощі ||||||||truques So today we're gonna go over four mindset hacks 今日は4つのマインドセットハックを紹介します Então, hoje vamos analisar quatro hacks de mentalidade Итак, сегодня мы пройдемся по четырем лайфхакам.

or mindset changes that I've made slowly or mindset changes that I've made slowly ou mudanças de mentalidade que fiz lentamente или изменения мышления, которые я сделал медленно

over the past 10 or so years over the past 10 or so years за последние 10 или около того лет

that have really improved my life. that have really improved my life. которые действительно улучшили мою жизнь.

And if you can adopt even just one of these ||||embrace||||| ||||усвідомити||||| E se você puder adotar pelo menos um desses И если вы можете принять хотя бы один из этих

into your own life, I think you're gonna notice em sua própria vida, acho que você vai notar в свою жизнь, я думаю, ты заметишь

a marked improvement as well, so let's get into it. |顕著な|||||||| |помітне|||||||| uma melhoria acentuada também, então vamos entrar nisso. заметное улучшение, так что давайте углубимся в это.

Mindset hack number one is to become okay |hack|||||| Mindset hack número um é ficar bem Хитрость мышления номер один — стать в порядке

with being the worst person in the room, sendo a pior pessoa na sala, быть худшим человеком в комнате,

and by that I mean, like, the worst person e com isso eu quero dizer, a pior pessoa и под этим я подразумеваю худшего человека

at whatever skill you're trying out. |||||試している |будь-якому|||| em qualquer habilidade que você esteja tentando. в любом навыке вы пытаетесь.

This fear of being labeled as the worst person in the room ||||позначеним||||||| ||||rotulado||||||| ||||レッテルを貼られる||||||| Esse medo de ser rotulado como a pior pessoa da sala Этот страх быть названным худшим человеком в комнате

or of looking bad in comparison to everyone else ||||in comparison|comparison||| ou parecer mal em comparação com todos os outros или выглядеть плохо по сравнению со всеми остальными

keeps people from pursuing the things they want to do, |||追求する|||||| 人々がやりたいことを追求するのを妨げ、 impede as pessoas de seguirem o que desejam fazer, мешает людям заниматься тем, чем они хотят заниматься,

or it keeps them from increasing the difficulty ||그것은||하는 것을||| |||||||難易度 またはそれは彼らが難易度を上げるのを防ぎます ou os impede de aumentar a dificuldade или это удерживает их от увеличения сложности

or moving to the next level または次のレベルに移動 или переход на следующий уровень

in something they're already pursuing. 彼らがすでに追求しているもので。 em algo que eles já estão buscando. в чем-то, что они уже преследуют.

And if you can become okay with being E se você pode ficar bem em ser

bad at something or comparatively bad, ||||relatively| ||||比較的| ruim em algo ou comparativamente ruim, плохой в чем-то или сравнительно плохой,

or if you become okay with being worse ou se você ficar bem por ser pior или если вы станете в порядке с тем, чтобы быть хуже

than everyone else in your peer group, |||||同じ年齢の| |||||do seu grupo de pares| do que todos os outros membros do seu grupo, чем все остальные в вашей группе сверстников,

then you start to compete in a higher league. 次に、あなたはより高いリーグで競い始めます。 então você começa a competir em uma liga superior. затем вы начинаете соревноваться в высшей лиге.

And when you are the worst person in the room, そして、あなたが部屋で最も劣っている人の場合、 E quando você é a pior pessoa na sala,

that means that there's nowhere for you to go but up. それは、あなたが上に行く以外に行く場所がないことを意味します。 isso significa que não há outro lugar para você ir além. это означает, что вам некуда идти, кроме как вверх.

And everyone else around you И все вокруг тебя

is somebody who you can learn from. 誰かから学ぶことができる人です。 кто-то, у кого вы можете учиться.

So the example of putting this mindset into action この考え方を行動に移す例として Então, o exemplo de colocar essa mentalidade em ação Итак, пример воплощения этого мышления в жизнь

that immediately comes to mind for me 私の頭にすぐに浮かぶことです que imediatamente me vem à mente что мне сразу приходит в голову

is from last summer when I started

doing downhill mountain biking, |||Mountainbiken im Downhill |ダウンヒル|| |descendo|| заниматься скоростным спуском на горном велосипеде,

Now downhill mountain biking, ||バイク| Agora, mountain bike em declive,

especially the lift access version ||リフト|| 特にリフトアクセス版 especialmente a versão de acesso por elevador особенно версия с доступом к лифту

where you literally put your bike |||||自転車 自分の自転車を文字通り置く場所 onde você literalmente coloca sua bicicleta

and yourself on a ski lift, ||||スキー| そして、自分自身をスキーリフトに乗せる e você mesmo em um teleférico, и себя на подъемнике,

and you go up to the top of a mountain e você vai até o topo de uma montanha и ты поднимаешься на вершину горы

and then ride down is a pretty difficult e depois descer é bem difícil а потом спускаться довольно сложно

and risky discipline in mountain biking. |危険な|競技||| e disciplina arriscada no mountain bike. и рискованная дисциплина в горном велосипеде.

In fact, my friend Martin actually broke his finger ||||マーティン|||| На самом деле, мой друг Мартин сломал палец.

doing it back in the fall. 秋にそれをやっていました。 fazendo isso de volta no outono. делал это еще осенью.

I started this in the summer, 夏にこれを始めました。 Comecei isso no verão,

and I started off being pretty bad. ||began|||| そして、私は最初はかなり下手でした。 e eu comecei a ser muito ruim. и я начал быть довольно плохим.

I noticed that all these people Notei que todas essas pessoas Я заметил, что все эти люди

kept passing me up on the trails. ||||||paths ||||||道を |проходити||||| continuou me passando nas trilhas. продолжал проходить мимо меня на тропах.

And I kind of felt self-conscious і|||||себе| E eu meio que me senti constrangida И я как бы чувствовал себя застенчивым

about my abilities at first. ||能力|| о моих способностях в первую очередь.

Then I realized that if I just challenged myself |||||||挑戦した| Тогда я понял, что если бы я просто бросил себе вызов

to follow these people who were better than me, 私よりも優れているこれらの人々を追いかけるために、 seguir essas pessoas que eram melhores que eu, следовать за этими людьми, которые были лучше меня,

I actually would get better more quickly. 実際に私はもっと早く上達することができた。 Na verdade, eu melhoraria mais rapidamente. На самом деле я бы поправился быстрее.

And I found that this actually did happen. そして、実際にこれが起こったことがわかりました。 E descobri que isso realmente aconteceu. И я обнаружил, что это действительно произошло.

I was more afraid to do things like go off jumps ||||||||||Sprünge machen ||||||||||ジャンプ ||||||||||saltos 私はジャンプを越えるようなことをするのがもっと怖かった。 Eu estava com mais medo de fazer coisas como saltar Я больше боялся делать такие вещи, как прыжки

or take trails at higher speed when I was alone, |||||速さ|||| ou fazer trilhas em alta velocidade quando eu estava sozinho, или идти по тропе на большей скорости, когда я был один,

but when I was following somebody, mas quando eu estava seguindo alguém, но когда я следовал за кем-то,

there was, like, this competitive instinct that kicked in. |||||||activated| |||||本能||| |havia|||competitivo|||entrou| houve esse instinto competitivo que entrou em ação. как будто сработал инстинкт соперничества.

I found myself pushing myself a little bit further Eu me vi empurrando um pouco mais Я обнаружил, что толкаю себя немного дальше

and really challenging myself to keep pace ||||||speed ||||||ペース ||||||ritmo e realmente me desafiando a manter o ritmo и действительно бросаю себе вызов, чтобы идти в ногу

with this other person who was better than me. com essa outra pessoa que era melhor que eu. с этим другим человеком, который был лучше меня.

And this mindset actually paid off ||||was beneficial| ||||valió la pena| і||||| |||||実を結んだ そしてこの考え方は実際に効果がありました E essa mentalidade realmente valeu a pena И это мышление действительно окупилось Ve bu zihniyet aslında işe yaradı

on the very first day that I went mountain biking, 私が初めてマウンテンバイクに行ったその日のことです、 no primeiro dia em que fui andar de bicicleta de montanha, в самый первый день, когда я катался на горном велосипеде,

'cause I went with my cousin |||||いとこ いとこと一緒に行ったからです porque eu fui com meu primo

to a bike park in Boulder, Colorado, |||||Boulder, Colorado|Colorado ||||||コロラド |||||Boulder|em um parque de bicicletas em Boulder, Colorado,

and there was a jump that I just could not get myself to do. e houve um salto que eu simplesmente não consegui fazer. и был прыжок, который я просто не мог заставить себя сделать.

Every single time I would go up to the jump, Toda vez que eu subia no salto, Каждый раз, когда я поднимался на прыжок,

I would hit the brakes; I would stop. ||||ブレーキ||| ||frearia||freios||| ブレーキをかけるだろう;止まるだろう。 Eu pisaria no freio; Eu pararia. я нажимал на тормоза; Я бы остановился.

Then I'd have to take my bike, lift it up, それから自転車を持ち上げて、 Então eu teria que pegar minha bicicleta, levantá-la, Тогда мне придется взять свой велосипед, поднять его,

and walk down past the jump. ジャンプを過ぎて歩き下る必要がある。 и спуститесь мимо прыжка.

I was just too scared to do it. Eu estava com muito medo de fazê-lo. Я просто был слишком напуган, чтобы сделать это.

And my cousin, who was a little bit better E meu primo, que era um pouco melhor И мой двоюродный брат, который был немного лучше

at mountain biking than I was, em mountain bike do que eu era,

not a ton, but a little bit, ||たくさん|||| não uma tonelada, mas um pouco, не тонна, а чуть-чуть,

said, "all right, this time we're gonna go. disse: "tudo bem, desta vez vamos. сказал: «Хорошо, на этот раз мы пойдем.

"You're gonna follow me. "Ты пойдешь за мной.

"I'm going to hit this jump, "このジャンプを飛ぶつもりだ、 "Eu vou acertar esse salto, «Я собираюсь совершить этот прыжок,

"and you are going to hit it with me." "そして君も一緒に飛ぶんだ。" "e você vai acertar comigo."

And watching him do it, 彼がそれをするのを見ると、 E vendo ele fazer isso, И наблюдая, как он это делает,

and knowing there was this expectation |||||期待 そして、その期待があることを知っている e sabendo que havia essa expectativa и зная, что было это ожидание

that I was going to have to rise to the challenge 私がその挑戦に立ち向かわなければならないこと que eu teria que enfrentar o desafio что мне придется принять вызов

because he was doing it as well forced me to do it. 彼もそれをしていたので、私もそれをせざるを得なかった。 porque ele estava fazendo isso também me forçou a fazê-lo. потому что он делал это также заставил меня сделать это.

And I actually hit that jump, E eu realmente bati naquele salto, И я действительно совершил этот прыжок,

and afterwards it became easy. e depois ficou fácil. а потом стало легко.

So again, if you can become comfortable Então, novamente, se você pode se sentir confortável

with being the worst person in the room,

even if it's a self-perception kind of thing, |||||self-image||| |||||인식||| |||||自己認識||| mesmo que seja um tipo de autopercepção, даже если это что-то вроде самовосприятия,

then you are going to allow yourself então você vai se permitir тогда ты позволишь себе

to compete in a higher league. para competir em uma liga superior. выступать в высшей лиге.

You're gonna expose yourself to people ||reveal||| ||さらけ出す||| あなたは自分を他の人にさらけ出すことになります Ты собираешься разоблачить себя перед людьми

who are more skilled |||熟練した よりスキルが高い人たちに quem é mais habilidoso кто более умелый

and who can bring you up to speed more quickly. そして彼らはあなたをより迅速に成長させることができます。 e quem pode levá-lo a acelerar mais rapidamente. и кто может ввести вас в курс дела быстрее.

And one last thing that I do want to note И последнее, что я хочу отметить

when it comes to this mindset quando se trata dessa mentalidade когда дело доходит до этого мышления

is that for the most part é que na maior parte это по большей части

people are kind of self-absorbed. |||||self-centered |||||자기중심적 |||||自己中心的 as pessoas são meio auto-absorvidas. люди какие-то самоуверенные.

So say if you go to the gym and you are out of shape, |||||||||||||体調 Digamos que, se você for à academia e estiver fora de forma, Так что скажите, если вы идете в спортзал и вы не в форме,

or you are lifting ou você está levantando или ты поднимаешь

the least amount of weight out of the gym, ジムの外で最も少ない重量を持つこと、 a menor quantidade de peso fora da academia, наименьшее количество веса вне тренажерного зала,

people aren't going to make fun of you, 人々はあなたを嘲笑しないでしょう、 as pessoas não vão tirar sarro de você, люди не собираются смеяться над вами,

because they're there to do their own thing. なぜなら彼らは自分のことをするためにそこにいるからです。 porque eles estão lá para fazer suas próprias coisas. потому что они там, чтобы делать свое дело.

They aren't there to judge you. ||||判断する| Eles não estão lá para julgá-lo. Они не здесь, чтобы судить вас.

So just keep that in mind when you start a new hobby |||||||||||趣味 Portanto, lembre-se disso quando iniciar um novo hobby Так что просто имейте это в виду, когда вы начинаете новое хобби

or you start trying to improve yourself in any way. ou você começa a tentar melhorar a si mesmo de qualquer maneira. или вы начинаете пытаться улучшить себя каким-либо образом.

If you're around other people who are doing the same thing, Se você estiver com outras pessoas que estão fazendo a mesma coisa, Если вы находитесь рядом с другими людьми, которые делают то же самое,

they're probably focused on their own goals eles provavelmente estão focados em seus próprios objetivos они, вероятно, сосредоточены на своих собственных целях

and their own efforts. そして彼ら自身の努力。 e seus próprios esforços. и собственные усилия.

All right, mindset hack number two さて、マインドセットハックの2つ目は Tudo bem, mentalidade hack número dois Хорошо, лайфхак номер два

is to treat real-life goals kind of like video game levels. 実生活の目標をビデオゲームのレベルのように扱うことです。 é tratar objetivos da vida real, como níveis de videogame. заключается в том, чтобы относиться к реальным целям как к уровням видеоигр.

And the reason that I have this on the list

is that when we play video games,

at least when I play video games, по крайней мере, когда я играю в видеоигры,

I am 100% okay with dying or failing, ||||||失敗する Я на 100% согласен умереть или потерпеть неудачу,

because I know that in just a few seconds after dying,

I am going to restart the level. ||||再起動する||

I'm going to try again.

And the process of dying over and over and over again И процесс умирания снова и снова и снова

in some cases is part of the experience. в некоторых случаях является частью опыта.

It's part of the fun.

One of my absolute favorite video games |||favorite||| Одна из моих самых любимых видеоигр

in the world is called Celeste, which is, |||||auf der Welt|| |||||Celeste|| |||||セレステ|| |||||no mundo é chamada Celeste, que é,||

in my opinion, one of the best platformers ever made. |||||||Plattformspiele|| |||||||platform games|| |||||||アクションゲーム||

And if you go look at my death stats ||||||||統計 И если вы посмотрите на мою статистику смерти

for every level in the game, they are ridiculous. ||||||||absurd для каждого уровня в игре они смешны.

In fact, I think in one of the levels Na verdade, acho que em um dos níveis На самом деле, я думаю, на одном из уровней

I have over 1,000 deaths. |||死 Eu tenho mais de 1.000 mortes. У меня более 1000 смертей.

But because I've gone through that level Но поскольку я прошел этот уровень

and died 1,000 times,

I can now basically speed-run it, ||||スピード|| 基本的にスピードランできるようになりましたが、 Теперь я могу в основном ускорить его,

and the process of doing so looks really cool,

and it's really fun to do. и это действительно весело делать.

And I know that all those deaths

are part of the learning process.

Every single time I made a mistake, Каждый раз, когда я ошибался,

I got a little bit better, Мне стало немного лучше,

I got a little bit more knowledgeable ||||||賢くなった Я стал немного более осведомленным

about what to do in that situation. о том, что делать в такой ситуации.

I made an adjustment. |||change Я сделал корректировку. Bir ayarlama yaptım.

Now in real life, a lot of times

we feel like we have to get things right the first time, 私たちは最初から物事を正しくやらなければならないと感じています。 sentimos que precisamos acertar as coisas da primeira vez, мы чувствуем, что должны сделать все правильно с первого раза,

whether it be out of embarrassment, |||||Verlegenheit |||||당황 |||||恥ずかしさ それが恥ずかしさから来るものであれ、 seja por vergonha, то ли от смущения, то ли

or whether it be out of the fear of wasting too much time. あるいは、あまりにも多くの時間を無駄にすることへの恐れから来るものであれ。 ou seja por medo de perder muito tempo. или из-за боязни потерять слишком много времени.

But that's not how things are. Mas não é assim que as coisas são. Но это не так.

It's just like a video game.

If we can treat things as a learning process, Se pudermos tratar as coisas como um processo de aprendizado, Если мы сможем рассматривать вещи как процесс обучения,

even if they're failures, |||失敗 mesmo que sejam falhas, даже если они неудачники,

then we become more open então nos tornamos mais abertos тогда мы становимся более открытыми

to going through that learning process, para passar por esse processo de aprendizagem, к прохождению этого процесса обучения,

and we become more able to gain those skills. и мы становимся более способными приобретать эти навыки.

The fear of failure is something O medo do fracasso é algo Страх неудачи — это что-то

that really holds people back. que realmente retém as pessoas. что действительно сдерживает людей.

So if you can start viewing yourself Então, se você pode começar a se ver

as a video game character, ||||キャラクター ||||personagem de <como um personagem de videogame> como personagem de videogame,

at least insofar as you're allowed to fail certain things, ||soweit||||||| ||~하는 한||||||| ||少なくとも||||||| ||to the extent||||||| pelo menos na medida em que você pode falhar em certas coisas, по крайней мере, в той мере, в какой вам позволено ошибаться в определенных вещах,

maybe not allowed to fall into pits of spikes, ||||||holes|of|spikes ||||||罠|| ||||cair||talvez não seja permitido cair em buracos de espinhos,||talvez não seja permitido cair em buracos de espinhos, talvez não seja permitido cair em poços de espinhos, может не дать упасть в ямы шипов,

but if you can fail certain things, mas se você pode falhar em certas coisas, но если вы можете потерпеть неудачу в определенных вещах,

then you're going to sort of move past 次に、あなたはそのように進んでいくでしょう então você vai meio que passar тогда вы собираетесь пройти мимо

that mental roadblock. ||bloqueio ||das mentale Hindernis ||障害 ||bloqueo ||перешкода その精神的な障害を超えて。 esse obstáculo mental. этот ментальный блокпост.

Mindset hack number three is to become okay マインドセットハックの三つ目は、大丈夫になることです Mindset hack número três é ficar bem Третий лайфхак для мышления — стать в порядке

with confronting harsh realities or bad news. |mit konfrontiert||||| |직면하는||||| |||現実||| |facing||||| em enfrentar realidades duras ou más notícias. со столкновением с суровой реальностью или плохими новостями.

And this is a mindset hack that I got from the book E esse é um truque que recebi do livro

Good to Great by Jim Collins. |||||Collins |||||Jim Collins |||||コリンズ |||||Collins Bom a ótimo por Jim Collins.

This is a fantastic business book.

I think anybody who is in the professional world Eu acho que qualquer um que esteja no mundo profissional

or an entrepreneur should read this book. ou um empreendedor deve ler este livro.

And there is a quote from an executive E há uma citação de um executivo И есть цитата из руководителя

of the company Pitney Bowes, his name is Fred Purdue, |||Pitney Bowes|von Bowes|||||Fred Purdue |||Pitney Bowes|Pitney Bowes||||Fred Purdue|Fred Purdue |||ピットニー||||||パーデュー |||da empresa|da empresa Pitney Bowes, o nome dele é Fred Purdue|||||da empresa Pitney Bowes, seu nome é Fred Purdue

that really stuck with me after I read this book. que realmente ficou comigo depois que li este livro. что действительно запало мне в душу после прочтения этой книги.

In fact, I think this might be the concept Na verdade, acho que esse pode ser o conceito На самом деле, я думаю, что это может быть концепция

that stuck with me more than any other from this book. que ficou comigo mais do que qualquer outro deste livro. которая запомнилась мне больше, чем любая другая из этой книги.

And I want to read the quote to you here. E eu quero ler a citação para você aqui. И я хочу прочитать цитату для вас здесь.

The quote goes, "When you turn over rocks the quote|||When|you (the reader)|flip|| |||||뒤집다|| |||||||石 |||||volteas|| この引用は言います、「石をひっくり返すとき、 A citação diz: "Quando você vira pedras Цитата гласит: «Когда вы переворачиваете камни

"and look at all the squiggly things underneath, |||||curvy||beneath |||||ondulado|| |||||"krakelig"|| |||||구불구불한|| |||||криві|| |||||うねうねした|| |||||onduladas|| その下にいるクネクネしたものを見ると、 "e veja todas as coisas rabiscadas por baixo, "и посмотри на все волнистые вещи внизу,

"you can either put the rock down |||||stone| |||||石| あなたはその石を置くことができます "você pode colocar a pedra no chão «Вы можете либо положить камень

"or you can say, "my job is to turn over rocks ||||||||перевернути|| "または、こう言うこともできます、「私の仕事は岩をひっくり返すことです」 "ou você pode dizer", meu trabalho é virar pedras "или вы можете сказать, "моя работа состоит в том, чтобы переворачивать камни

""and look at the squiggly things," і||||| ""そして、うねうねしたものを見ることです、" "" e veja as coisas rabiscadas ",

"even if what you see can scare the hell out of you." mesmo||||||||||| "たとえあなたが見るものがあなたを非常に怖がらせるものであっても." "당신이 보는 것이 당신을 겁나게 할 수 있더라도." "mesmo que o que você vê possa assustar você." «Даже если то, что ты видишь, может напугать тебя до чертиков».

The sad thing is, a lot of people O triste é que muitas pessoas Печально то, что многие люди

would rather avoid looking at bad news, prefere evitar olhar más notícias, предпочел бы не смотреть на плохие новости,

avoid looking at harsh realities than confront them. ||||||face head-on| |||ความจริงที่โห|||| 厳しい現実を直視するよりも、避けること。 evite olhar para realidades severas do que confrontá-las. избегайте смотреть на суровые реалии, чем противостоять им.

And this causes a lot of problems. そして、これが多くの問題を引き起こします。 E isso causa muitos problemas. И это вызывает много проблем.

Some people know they probably didn't do well on the test, ある人々は、テストでうまくいかなかったとおそらく知っています。 Algumas pessoas sabem que provavelmente não foram bem no teste, Некоторые люди знают, что они, вероятно, плохо справились с тестом,

so they avoid looking at the test results そのため、彼らはテスト結果を見ないように避けます。 para evitar olhar para os resultados do teste поэтому они избегают смотреть на результаты теста

until they realize they've been kicked out of school. 自分が学校を追い出されたことに気づくまで。 até eles perceberem que foram expulsos da escola. пока не поймут, что их выгнали из школы. okuldan atıldıklarını anlayana kadar.

Or some people know their bank account balance あるいは、一部の人は自分の銀行口座の残高を知っています。 Ou algumas pessoas sabem o saldo da sua conta bancária Или некоторые люди знают баланс своего банковского счета

is probably a little bit lower than they'd like it to be, provavelmente é um pouco menor do que eles gostariam que fosse, вероятно, немного ниже, чем они хотели бы,

so they just don't look at it until there's an overdraft ||||||||||Überziehung ||||||||||overdraw ||||||||||借り越し ||||||||há||saldo negativo ||||||||||овердрафт então eles não olham até que haja um cheque especial поэтому они просто не смотрят на это, пока не будет овердрафта

or until there's a bill that isn't paid. ou até que haja uma fatura que não seja paga. или пока не будет неоплаченного счета.

In our quest to avoid pain, we often avoid looking ||探求||||||| ||busca||||||| Em nossa busca para evitar a dor, muitas vezes evitamos olhar В нашем стремлении избежать боли мы часто избегаем смотреть

at things that cause us mental pain, em coisas que nos causam dor mental, на вещи, которые причиняют нам душевную боль,

just because they are, like, the bearer of bad news, ||||||portador||| ||||||Überbringer||| ||||||messenger||| ||||||伝達者||| |||||os|portador||| ただ彼らが、まあ、悪い知らせの運び手だからといって、 só porque eles são portadores de más notícias, только потому, что они, типа, несут плохие новости,

the harbinger of bad news to come. |omen||||| |presságio||||| |Vorbote||||| |전조||||| |предвісник||||| |前兆||||| |presagio||||| 来るべき悪い知らせの前触れだから。 o prenúncio de más notícias por vir. предвестник плохих новостей.

But the people who are truly successful ||||||bem-sucedidas しかし、本当に成功している人々は Mas as pessoas que são verdadeiramente bem-sucedidas

are the ones who can confront these harsh realities, ||||||these|| são os que conseguem enfrentar essas duras realidades,

because when you do, when you don't shy away from them なぜなら、そうすることで、それらから逃げないとき、 porque quando você faz, quando você não se coíbe deles потому что когда ты это делаешь, когда ты не уклоняешься от них

or pretend they don't exist, then you can, または、それらが存在しないふりをするとき、あなたは、 ou fingir que eles não existem, então você pode, или сделать вид, что их не существует, тогда можно,

after you get over the emotional pain, 感情的な痛みを乗り越えた後、 depois de superar a dor emocional, после того, как вы преодолеете эмоциональную боль,

the shock of seeing them, o choque de vê-los, шок от их увиденного

formulate a plan for dealing with them. einen Plan formulieren|||||| create or devise|||||| 策定する|||||| formular um plano para lidar com eles. составить план борьбы с ними.

So become okay with confronting these harsh realities. これらの厳しい現実に confront することを受け入れてください。 Então fique bem em enfrentar essas duras realidades.

Yes, it's tough. はい、難しいです。 Sim, é difícil. Да, это тяжело.

Yes, you kind of never really get totally used to it, はい、完全に慣れることはあまりないですね。 Sim, você nunca se acostuma totalmente a isso, Да, ты как бы никогда не привыкнешь к этому полностью,

'cause you always have that little part of your brain porque você sempre tem essa pequena parte do seu cérebro потому что у тебя всегда есть эта маленькая часть твоего мозга

that just sort of wants to go do something else, que meio que quer fazer outra coisa, что просто хочет заняться чем-то другим,

but you have to become able to push through mas você precisa ser capaz de avançar но вы должны стать в состоянии протолкнуть

that mental resistance. essa resistência mental. это психическое сопротивление.

Finally, I want to talk about the one mindset hack Finalmente, eu quero falar sobre o único truque de mentalidade

that I think has improved my life more than any other. que acho que melhorou minha vida mais do que qualquer outra.

And it's simply building E é simplesmente construir И это просто строительство

a sort of background loop in my head ||||Schleife||| ||||루프||| ||||repetitive thought||| uma espécie de loop de fundo na minha cabeça какая-то фоновая петля в моей голове

that constantly asks where am I wrong 常に自分がどこで間違っているのかを問いかける que constantemente pergunta onde estou errado который постоянно спрашивает, где я не прав

or how am I wrong? あるいは自分がどう間違っているのか? ou como eu estou errado? или как я ошибаюсь?

I'm always looking for my own blind spots. 私はいつも自分の盲点を探しています。 Estou sempre procurando meus próprios pontos cegos. Я всегда ищу свои слепые пятна.

This mindset hack was kind of forced upon me |||||||onto me| Esse truque mental foi meio que me forçado Этот лайфхак был навязан мне

when I was a teenager Quando eu era adolescente

when a girlfriend of mine actually broke up with me, quando uma namorada minha realmente terminou comigo, когда моя девушка на самом деле рассталась со мной,

and she told me the reason that she left me

was that I always had to be right. 私が常に正しくなければならなかったということです。 era que eu sempre tinha que estar certa.

Every time we'd get into an argument 私たちが議論になったときはいつでも、 Toda vez que entramos em uma discussão Каждый раз, когда мы вступали в спор

or even just a conversation, あるいはただの会話でさえ、 ou mesmo apenas uma conversa, или даже просто разговор,

I always had to be the person with the last word. 私はいつも最後の言葉を持つ人でなければなりませんでした。 Eu sempre tive que ser a pessoa com a última palavra. Я всегда должен был быть человеком с последним словом.

I didn't really realize this at the time, 当時は本当にこれを実感していませんでしたが、 Eu realmente não percebi isso na época,

but when that happened, the pain of being dumped ||||||||abandonada ||||||||ended a relationship ||||||||振られる ||||a||||terminado しかし、それが起こったとき、振られたときの痛み mas quando isso aconteceu, a dor de ser despejada но когда это случилось, боль от того, что тебя бросили

was so great that I was forced to look at my actions, foi tão bom que fui forçado a olhar para minhas ações, был настолько велик, что я был вынужден смотреть на свои действия,

to look at the way that I thought. |||||||pensamento para olhar para o que eu pensava. посмотреть на то, как я думал.

And I realized that, yes, I did have E eu percebi que sim, eu tinha И я понял, что да, у меня был

this implicit assumption that I was right in all things, |unspoken|belief||||||| |暗黙の|||||||| essa suposição implícita de que eu estava certo em todas as coisas, это неявное предположение, что я был прав во всем,

even if I would have never admitted it even to myself. たとえ自分自身にさえ認めることはなかったとしても。 mesmo que eu nunca tivesse admitido isso para mim mesma. даже если бы я никогда не признался в этом даже себе.

And I think a lot of people are like this, そして、私は多くの人がこうだと思います、 E acho que muitas pessoas são assim,

especially people who are generally successful 特に一般的に成功している人々。 особенно люди, которые в целом успешны

at a lot of the things they do. em muitas coisas que eles fazem. во многих вещах, которые они делают.

There's this sort of hubris or pride ||||excessive pride||hubris ||||гордість|| existe|existe esse tipo de arrogância ou orgulho|||orgulho|| ||||Überheblichkeit oder Stolz|| ||||오만|| ||||ความหยิ่งยโ|| ||||傲慢|| ||||hubris|| Existe esse tipo de arrogância ou orgulho Есть такая гордыня или гордость

that develops in the back of our minds |||||||心の中 que se desenvolve no fundo de nossas mentes что развивается в глубине нашего сознания

and sort of squashes any humility we have. |||zerquetscht|||| |||diminishes||modesty|| |||押しつぶす|||| |||aplastar|||| e meio que esmaga qualquer humildade que temos. и вроде раздавливает любое смирение, которое у нас есть.

And it causes us to miss a lot of our blind spots そして、それは私たちが多くの盲点を見逃す原因となります。 E isso nos faz perder muitos dos nossos pontos cegos И это заставляет нас упускать из виду многие наши слепые зоны.

or to assume things that aren't true. あるいは、真実でないことを前提としてしまうこともあります。 ou assumir coisas que não são verdadeiras. или предполагать вещи, которые не соответствуют действительности.

So even though that experience was very painful, Obwohl diese Erfahrung sehr schmerzhaft war, だから、その経験は非常に痛ましいものであったとしても、 Então, mesmo que essa experiência tenha sido muito dolorosa, Поэтому, несмотря на то, что этот опыт был очень болезненным,

I count it as a blessing, |||||gift or benefit |||||恵み Eu considero isso uma bênção, Я считаю это благословением,

because it sort of forced me to develop this assumption weil es mich irgendwie gezwungen hat, diese Annahme zu entwickeln porque meio que me forçou a desenvolver essa suposição потому что это как бы заставило меня развить это предположение

that I'm probably wrong in a lot of areas. que provavelmente estou errado em muitas áreas. что я, вероятно, ошибаюсь во многих областях.

Even when I think that I'm right about something, Mesmo quando penso que estou certo sobre alguma coisa, Даже когда я думаю, что я прав в чем-то,

there might be a blind spot. pode haver um ponto cego. может быть слепое пятно.

There might be something that I'm missing. Pode estar faltando algo. Может быть что-то, что я упускаю.

So I ask myself, what could I possibly be missing? Então eu me pergunto, o que eu poderia estar perdendo? Поэтому я спрашиваю себя, что я мог упустить?

And a lot of times I try to put myself in the shoes of the person that I'm talking to そして、私はよく話している相手の立場になろうとします E muitas vezes eu tento me colocar И много раз я пытаюсь поставить себя на место человека, с которым разговариваю.

and ask, what is their perspective on this? そして、彼らの視点はこれについてどうだろうかと尋ねます。 no lugar da pessoa com quem estou falando и спросите, какова их точка зрения на это?

What could they see that I might not be seeing? 彼らが見えることは、私が見えていないことかもしれない。 e pergunte: qual é a perspectiva deles sobre isso? Что они могли видеть, чего я мог не видеть?

Now I don't think you have to go through O que eles viram que eu talvez não estivesse vendo? Теперь я не думаю, что вам нужно пройти через

a super painful experience to develop this ability. Agora eu acho que você não precisa passar супер болезненный опыт для развития этой способности.

And I would say that a lot of its refinement |||||||||refinement ||할|||||||세련됨 |||||||||洗練 uma experiência super dolorosa para desenvolver essa habilidade. И я бы сказал, что много его изысканности

came from reading books E eu diria que muito do seu refinamento пришло из чтения книг

like Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality |||||||Rationalität |Harry James Potter|Harry Potter|||||Logical thinking ||ポッター||||| |Harry|Potter||||| veio da leitura de livros как Гарри Поттер и методы рационального мышления

or Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman |||||||Kahneman ||||||Kahneman|Kahneman |||||||カーネマン ||||||ou Pensando, Rápido e Devagar por Daniel Kahneman|ou Pensando, Depressa e Devagar por Daniel Kahneman como Harry Potter e os Métodos da Racionalidade

or even some of the individual blog posts |||||||投稿 |||||||postagens ou pensando rápido e devagar por Daniel Kahneman или даже некоторые из отдельных сообщений в блоге

over on LessWrong.com, ||LessWrong| ||LessWrong|.com ||LessWrong| ||no LessWrong.com| ou até mesmo algumas das postagens individuais do blog на LessWrong.com,

which was one of the original resources em LessWrong.com, который был одним из исходных ресурсов

where I started learning about human rationality, que era um dos recursos originais где я начал изучать человеческую рациональность,

and learning to notice my own confusion ||||||confusion onde comecei a aprender sobre a racionalidade humana, и научиться замечать собственное замешательство

and notice my blind spots. e aprendendo a perceber minha própria confusão и заметьте мои слепые пятна.

Regardless of how you go about developing this ability, e observe meus pontos cegos. Независимо от того, как вы будете развивать эту способность,

once you do get better at using it Independentemente de como você desenvolve essa capacidade, как только вы научитесь лучше его использовать

and making it more habitual, ||||habit-forming и сделать его более привычным,

you're gonna become a much more likable person, ||||||sympathischer| ||||||likable| ||||||魅力的な| ||||||agradable| あなたはもっと好かれる人になるでしょう、 ты станешь гораздо более симпатичным человеком,

because people will see you as not arrogant, |||||||傲慢 |||||||หยิ่ง なぜなら人々はあなたを傲慢ではないと見るからです、 потому что люди увидят, что ты не высокомерный,

as open to noticing your own flaws and your own blind spots. ||||||defectos||||| ||||||ข้อบกพร่อง||||| ||||||falhas||||| 自分の欠点や盲点に気づくことができるオープンな人として。 открыты для того, чтобы замечать собственные недостатки и слепые пятна.

And aside from that, it's also gonna make you |in addition||||||| aberto a perceber suas próprias falhas e seus próprios pontos cegos. Кроме того, это также заставит вас

a better problem solver. лучшее решение проблем.

As Barbara Oakley talks about ||Barbara Oakley|| |Barbara Oakley|Oakley|| ||オークレー|| ||Barbara Oakley|| um melhor solucionador de problemas. Как говорит Барбара Окли

in her book A Mind for Numbers, Como Barbara Oakley fala sobre

there's this concept called einstellung, ||||mental set ||||einstellung ||||Einstellungseffekt ||||настройка ||||アインシュタイン ||||einstellung em seu livro A Mind for Numbers, есть такая концепция под названием einstellung,

where the work that you've done existe esse conceito chamado einstellung, где работа, которую вы сделали

to learn something earlier onde o trabalho que você fez научиться чему-то раньше

can sort of block the ability for you |||block|||| aprender algo mais cedo может блокировать способность для вас

to consider new information, pode bloquear a capacidade para você учитывать новую информацию,

because you have these very well-worn neural patterns |||||||neural| |||||||神経の| ||||||gastos|neurais| considerar novas informações, потому что у вас есть эти очень изношенные нейронные паттерны

that are pretty difficult to break out of. porque você tem esses padrões neurais muito desgastados из которых довольно сложно вырваться.

But if you can build this metacognitive skill ||||||metakognitive Fähigkeit| ||||||metacognitive| ||||||メタ認知| que são muito difíceis de romper. Но если вы можете развить этот метакогнитивный навык

of constantly challenging your beliefs ||challenging|| 自分の信念を常に疑うこと Mas se você pode criar essa habilidade metacognitiva постоянно бросать вызов своим убеждениям

and looking for your blind spots, そして自分の盲点を探すことによって、 de desafiar constantemente suas crenças и ищу свои слепые пятна,

you're gonna be far less susceptible to this einstellung. |||||more vulnerable|||attitude |||||影響を受けやすい||| あなたはこのエインシュタイン状況に対してはるかに影響を受けにくくなるでしょう。 e procurando seus pontos cegos, вы будете гораздо менее восприимчивы к этому einstellung.

So going forward, start tying ||||結ぶ você será muito menos suscetível a esse einstellung. Итак, приступайте к вязанию

to consciously challenge your beliefs. 自分の信念に意識的に挑戦すること。 Então, daqui para frente, comece a amarrar сознательно бросить вызов своим убеждениям.

Start asking yourself, how could I be wrong? 自分に問いかけを始めてください、どうすれば間違っているか? desafiar conscientemente suas crenças. Начните спрашивать себя, как я могу ошибаться?

And in doing so you're gonna become そうすることで、あなたは成長するでしょう。 Comece a se perguntar, como eu poderia estar errado? И при этом ты станешь

a much better problem solver. E ao fazer isso, você se tornará

Of course, if you want to boost um solucionador de problemas muito melhor. Конечно, если вы хотите повысить

those problem-solving skills even further, Claro, se você quiser aumentar эти навыки решения проблем еще больше,

then the best way to do it essas habilidades de resolução de problemas ainda mais, тогда лучший способ сделать это

is to practice problem solving on a daily basis. これは毎日問題解決を練習することです。 então a melhor maneira de fazer isso

And a great place to do this is at Brilliant.org. これを行うのに素晴らしい場所はBrilliant.orgです。 é praticar a resolução de problemas diariamente.

Brilliant is an excellent learning platform Brilliantは優れた学習プラットフォームです。 E um ótimo lugar para fazer isso é no Brilliant.org.

for anyone wanting to improve their skills

in math, science, and computer science. para quem quer melhorar suas habilidades

And they take a very active approach em matemática, ciências e ciência da computação. И они используют очень активный подход

to building all of their courses, E eles adotam uma abordagem muito ativa для создания всех своих курсов,

meaning that whether you want para construir todos os seus cursos, это означает, что хочешь ли ты

to take a course on calculus or on math significando que se você quer пройти курс исчисления или математики

for quantitative training in finance |numerical||| |定量的||| para fazer um curso de cálculo ou matemática для количественного обучения в области финансов

or on computer memory, computer algorithms, あるいはコンピュータのメモリ、コンピュータアルゴリズム、 para treinamento quantitativo em finanças или в компьютерной памяти, компьютерных алгоритмах,

or gravitational physics, you're gonna find yourself |gravity-related||||| |重力の||||| あるいは重力物理学、あなたは自分が ou na memória do computador, algoritmos de computador, или гравитационная физика, ты найдешь себя

immediately thrown into challenging problems |faced with||| すぐに難しい問題に投げ込まれることになる ou física gravitacional, você vai se encontrar сразу бросается в сложные задачи

that stretch your problem-solving capabilities |||||Fähigkeiten |||||能力 imediatamente jogado em problemas desafiadores которые расширят ваши возможности решения проблем

and stretch that lateral-thinking ability |||laterale Denkleistung|| |||sideways thinking|| |||横の|思考| |||бічного|| que ampliam seus recursos de solução de problemas и растянуть эту способность нестандартного мышления

that we talked about in earlier videos. о которых мы говорили в предыдущих видео.

Additionally, you're not gonna find yourself さらに||||| sobre as quais falamos em vídeos anteriores. Кроме того, вы не найдете себя

bored by tons of introductory lecture material. ||||入門的な|| Além disso, você não vai se encontrar надоели тонны вступительного лекционного материала.

You're getting right into the problems right away, entediado com toneladas de material de aula introdutório. Вы сразу переходите к проблемам,

so your interest in the subject так что ваш интерес к теме

is going to remain high the entire time, |||remain|||| então seu interesse no assunto будет оставаться высоким все время, залишатиметься високим весь цей час,

and you're gonna learn much more efficiently as well. ||||||effizienter|| ||||||効率的に|| vai permanecer alto o tempo todo, и вы будете учиться намного эффективнее.

Now in addition to their library of in-depth courses, ||||||||深い| e você aprenderá muito mais eficientemente também. Теперь в дополнение к своей библиотеке углубленных курсов,

they've also released a new feature called Daily Problems, Agora, além de sua biblioteca de cursos detalhados, они также выпустили новую функцию под названием «Ежедневные проблемы»,

where every single day they're releasing new problems |||||出している|| eles também lançaram um novo recurso chamado Daily Problems, где каждый божий день они выпускают новые проблемы

that can whet your appetite ||den Appetit anregen|| ||stimulate||desire for food ||そそる|| ||estimular|| ||aumentar|| あなたの食欲をそそることができる это может подогреть ваш аппетит

and get you interested in new subjects そして新しいテーマに興味を持たせる и заинтересовать вас новыми предметами bu iştahınızı kabartabilir

such as how prehistoric humans tracked time |||ancient times||| |||先史時代の||| 例えば、先史時代の人間がどのように時間を追跡したかなど e interessá-lo por novos assuntos например, как доисторические люди отслеживали время

or how you can cut a Mobius strip in half. ||||||Mobius strip|strip|| ||||||メビウス||| ||||||fita de Möbius|tira|| あるいは、どのようにメビウスの帯を半分に切ることができるか。 como como os humanos pré-históricos rastreavam o tempo или как разрезать ленту Мебиуса пополам.

These problems take about five minutes every single day, これらの問題は毎日約5分かかります。 ou como você pode cortar uma tira Mobius ao meio.

so you can build them into a habit. そうすれば、それを習慣にすることができます。 так что вы можете превратить их в привычку.

And not only do they improve para que você possa transformá-los em um hábito. И не только улучшают

your problem-solving abilities even further, E eles não apenas melhoram ваши способности решать проблемы еще больше,

they can get you interested in new topics suas habilidades de resolução de problemas ainda mais, они могут заинтересовать вас новыми темами

that you hadn't considered before. eles podem interessá-lo por novos tópicos что вы раньше не считали.

So if you want to try out that Daily Problems feature, que você não tinha considerado antes. Итак, если вы хотите попробовать эту функцию ежедневных задач,

or you want to dig into one of their more in-depth courses Portanto, se você quiser experimentar o recurso Problemas diários, или вы хотите изучить один из их более углубленных курсов

and start learning right now, ou você deseja se aprofundar em um de seus cursos mais aprofundados и начните учиться прямо сейчас,

you can go over to Brilliant.org/thomasfrank вы можете перейти на Brilliant.org/thomasfrank

to start learning for free.

And if you're one of the first 83 people

to sign up with that link, E se você é uma das primeiras 83 pessoas

you're also gonna get 20% off para se inscrever com esse link,

your annual premium subscription. ваша годовая премиальная подписка.

Big thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video Большое спасибо Brilliant за спонсорство этого видео

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