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Thomas Frank Study Tips, How to Be a Genius: Leonardo da Vinci's 5 Rules

How to Be a Genius: Leonardo da Vinci's 5 Rules

- I don't know about you but I have always had a problem

sticking with just one interest.

I wanna do everything

and I don't just want to do everything,

I want to get good at everything.

Now normally this is a pretty poor strategy

for building skills.

If you jump between things too frequently,

you never put in the number of hours needed

to get truly good at any one thing.

But given enough time, energy, and let's be honest here,

unhealthy obsession, one can become a Renaissance person.

Now one such Renaissance person,

probably the OG Renaissance person was Leonardo da Vinci.

You might have heard of him before

from this little-known project of his called the Mona Lisa,

or through his much more impressive accomplishment

of being immortalized as a ninja turtle.

More recently though he was also immortalized

in a huge biographical tome

called Simply Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson.

This book gives us some fascinating insights

into what made Leonardo the man that he was.

And today I want to share some of those insights with you

so that you can use them to become more powerful

than you could possibly imagine or you know

at least a little bit more productive in your daily life.

So here are five lessons from the life of da Vinci,

or as my best friend Martin likes to call him.

- My boy, Leo DV.

- Lesson number one, present yourself

based on what you would like to become,

not just on what you are right now

or what you have been in the past.

Many of us know da Vinci as the mastermind

behind the Mona Lisa or his painting The Last Supper

but there were actually periods in Leonardo's life

where he didn't even want to look at a paintbrush.

During one of these episodes when he was looking

for a new patron in Milan, he drafted a letter

describing his various talents

mostly in engineering and military endeavors.

The letter he drafted lists 10 specific areas

in which he might be of service

before mentioning painting at all

of which he writes, likewise in painting,

I can do everything possible.

Basically this is an early example

of a custom-tailored resume which Leonardo wrote

to get the job that he wanted.

So here's what you can take with this,

when you're presenting yourself to others

whether it be in the form of a resume or even a Twitter bio,

don't talk about things that you don't want

to be known about or that you don't want to be doing

in the near future.

Instead work to highlight your current interests,

if you have to pad things out with your past experience,

you might need to do that

but don't put them first and foremost.

But on the other hand, don't list things

that you can't actually do yet

just because you want to do them.

You actually do have to be able to deliver to some degree.

As it turns out, Leonardo actually hadn't done

many of the things that he listed in his letter.

A lot of them were just ambitions or ideas

but because he had this genius ability to innovate

usually things worked out pretty well for him

but today things are a lot more competitive

and people don't want to waste time

with somebody who really doesn't have experience.

So make sure that you can back up what you're talking about,

make sure you have at least some of the skills

and experience that you want to present to the world.

Now that isn't to say that you need years of experience

in a particular discipline before you can present it

because many things can actually be learned

in a very short period of time.

For example, one of our friends was applying for a job

a few years ago in which having experience

with a LAMP Stack which is a web hosting stack

consisting of Apache, MySQL, and PHP all running on Linux

would have been very beneficial

so in just one weekend, he taught himself how to set this up

because it's a pretty easy skill to learn actually

and that experience actually helped him to land the job.

Lesson number two, become a T-shaped person

and luckily I've got a head start on this

because my name starts with T, for the rest of you guys,

you may have to put a little bit more work into this

but it's worth it.

Leonardo's willingness to shift his focus

to entirely new things is part of what made him great.

He didn't get caught up in past identities,

and he didn't limit himself based

on what he was already good at.

Instead, he relentlessly followed his curiosity

wherever it led him and he filled notebook after notebook

with constant observations and questions and thoughts.

And due to this constant practice,

he not only made himself familiar

with many different disciplines

but he became quite knowledgeable in several of them,

human anatomy, optics, military engineering,

hydrodynamics, and theatrical productions

just to name a few.

Oh yes and painting as well.

And it was partially due to this variety

that he was able to excel in so many talents.

His creativity and understanding was bolstered heavily

by his ability to see and apply patterns

from one discipline to another.

For just one example,

let's take a look at the Mona Lisa's smile.

The greatness of this smile in the painting

was not an accident,

it was informed by obsessive anatomical studies

and a desire to understand each of the muscles

that control facial expressions.

Without this extra layer of learning to pull from,

the greatness of the painting overall would have suffered.

Lesson number three, know when you are wrong.

Leonardo thought deeply and critically

about almost everything which means that he was bound

to be wrong at one point or another.

Now in some circles the practice of sticking to your guns

is seen as a good thing and people who change their mind

from one position to another

are often labeled flip-floppers but this kind of a mindset

can really keep you from growing

and reaching your highest potential.

An important part of what made Leonardo who he was

was his willingness to adjust his beliefs

to fit new information, not the other way around.

And he did this even with beliefs and theories

that he held dear.

For instance, he really liked finding comparisons

between the human body and the earth

and one theory that he held for a while

was that the earth's waters might circulate

similarly to that of the human body's blood vessels

but as meaningful as this analogy was to him,

as beautiful as it seemed,

once he realized that it did not fit the facts,

he dropped it and went looking for a new theory that did.

So follow in Leonardo's footsteps in this area.

Don't hold yourself to your past beliefs

if they do not fit the facts.

Use the facts to find a more accurate theory to live by.

Lesson number four is to collaborate with others.

Popular culture often sees genius as a lonely trait

but genius doesn't always hide out in solitude

just waiting for inspiration to strike.

Inspiration often comes from working with others

and even when genius comes up with an idea on its own,

a team is often needed to realize and perfect that vision.

For example, Terry Pratchett came together with Neil Gaiman

to write Good Omens.

All the engineers and technicians at NASA

put their collective heads together to get us to space

and of course where would Lil Jon be

without The East Side Boyz?

In da Vinci's time, paintings were often done

collaboratively in studio and because of this

determining whether or not a work is an original Leonardo

is difficult because many of his works weren't done alone.

Even if the original vision was his,

the work itself was often done by a team

both early in his career in his mentor Verrochio's studio

and then later on in his own studio.

Now this might seem crazy to think about at first

but given the time it's really not that different

than multiple people working together today

to create an animated character in a movie or a video game.

Most 3D characters are created by multiple artists,

some work on textures, others work on rigging,

and still others study reference material

to make sure the animation itself is realistic.

And even putting painting aside,

many of the other great ideas da Vinci had

were inspired by his conversations and his work with others.

Others whose names have been forgotten

but whose contributions live on.

As the Jesuit priest Father Strickland once said,

"A man may do an immense deal of good

"if he does not care who gets the credit for it."

Today we seem to have this particularly strong fixation

with building a personal brand both online and offline.

We wanna make sure that our work has our name on it

but if you can get away from this temptation a bit,

if you can embrace collaboration

and be quick to credit people

for their ideas and contributions,

you're gonna get a lot farther

because your work will be better.

Also, somewhat ironically, people will tend to like you more

if you're quick to credit others

because well you won't look selfish.

That brings us to lesson number five

which is to be wary of perfectionism.

Looking at Leonardo's accomplishments in retrospect

can make him look almost superhuman in his brilliance

but while he was still alive,

it wasn't the only thing he was known for.

The same perfectionism that drove him to new heights

also kept him from being very reliable to others.

He rarely finished anything including some large projects

that he had been paid to do and had agreed to finish.

After procrastinating in what could have been

one of his greatest achievements,

a mural commemorating The Battle of Anghiari,

eventually getting a new contract with a later deadline,

failing that deadline as well,

and then eventually just abandoning

the entire project altogether,

he never again received a public commission.

And not only did this trait make it difficult

for Leonardo to find work

compared to his more flexible peers,

it also didn't seem to sit well with Leonardo himself

as he obsessed with leaving a legacy while simultaneously

leaving project after project unfinished,

he repeatedly scrawled in his notebooks.

Tell me if anything was ever done.

Tell me, tell me, tell me if I ever did a thing.

Tell me if anything was ever made.

Hundreds of years later, Leonardo may now be more respected

for his unwillingness to produce work

that was just good enough

and you may well respect him for that yourself

but it's also important to know when to just be done.

It is okay to simply finish something

to the best of your ability right now and move forward

and it's far better than just not finishing it at all.

And this is especially true

because regardless of what you view as perfection right now,

what you're gonna be able to produce in the future

will be far better.

Every single time you finish a project,

you gain new skills, you gain new insight,

and you become more capable

of creating better and better work.

Now perfectionism is a big problem

so let me imperfectly solve it here with just one quick tip.

Give your perfectionism constraints,

don't say I'm going to set out to make the best thing ever

as that's impossible, you could always put more time

and energy and effort into it,

instead say I'm gonna make the best thing

that I can reasonably make within this timeframe

and this set of constraints.

In the long term, just remember that trying new things

and making mistakes is a large part

of how we improve ourselves.

Much like Frieza, you have to lose a few times

in order to reach your final form.

And the faster and more often you can embrace imperfection,

the faster and closer you'll get

to your highest potential in any area.

Your version of perfect.

So to quickly summarize,

first present yourself based on what you want to become.

Second, become a T-shaped person.

Third, know when you're wrong.

Fourth, collaborate with other people,

and fifth, be wary of perfectionism.

Now in the intro for this video

I mentioned that all the lessons we just talked about

were inspired by Walter Isaacson's

biography of Leonardo da Vinci

which was simply titled Leonardo da Vinci

and if you'd like to experience this book for yourself

and also start learning a bit more about his life,

you can actually start listening to it today for free

on Audible by going over to audible.com/Thomas

or by texting Thomas to 500-500 on your phone

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and get a free audiobook download of your choosing.

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Additionally, they have a really well designed app

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So once again, if you wanna start listening

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head over to audible.com/Thomas

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Big thanks as always to Audible for sponsoring this video

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Otherwise you can watch one more video

on this channel right here

or listen to our podcast episode

on lessons from Leonardo da Vinci's life

which is a lot more in-depth

than this video right over here.

Thanks as always for watching

and I'll see you in the next video.

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How to Be a Genius: Leonardo da Vinci's 5 Rules ||||||Give permission|da Vinci's| |||||||de Vinci| Wie man ein Genie wird: Die 5 Regeln von Leonardo da Vinci Cómo ser un genio: Las 5 reglas de Leonardo da Vinci Comment devenir un génie : Les 5 règles de Léonard de Vinci Come essere un genio: Le 5 regole di Leonardo da Vinci 天才になる方法:レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの5つのルール Como ser um génio: As 5 regras de Leonardo da Vinci Как стать гением: 5 правил Леонардо да Винчи Nasıl Dahi Olunur? Leonardo da Vinci'nin 5 Kuralı 如何成为天才:达芬奇的 5 条规则

- I don't know about you but I have always had a problem - Quanto a si, não sei, mas eu sempre tive um problema

sticking with just one interest. com apenas um interesse|||| sticking with just one interest. ceñirse a un solo interés. mantendo apenas um interesse.

I wanna do everything Eu quero fazer tudo

and I don't just want to do everything, e eu não quero apenas fazer tudo,

I want to get good at everything. Eu quero ficar bom em tudo.

Now normally this is a pretty poor strategy Normalmente, esta é uma estratégia muito pobre

for building skills. para desenvolver competências.

If you jump between things too frequently, Se você alternar entre as coisas com muita frequência,

you never put in the number of hours needed você nunca coloca o número de horas necessárias

to get truly good at any one thing. para ficar realmente bom em qualquer coisa.

But given enough time, energy, and let's be honest here, Mas com tempo e energia suficientes, e vamos ser honestos aqui,

unhealthy obsession, one can become a Renaissance person. нездоровая||||||человек Ренессанса| |การหมกมุ่น|||||คนยุคฟื้นฟู| obsessão doentia, pode-se tornar uma pessoa renascentista.

Now one such Renaissance person, Agora uma dessas pessoas renascentistas,

probably the OG Renaissance person was Leonardo da Vinci. ||оригинальный|||||| ||||||||"from Vinci" ||ต้นฉบับ|||||| ||provavelmente|||||| ||originale|||||| おそらくOGルネサンスの人はレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチでした。 provavelmente a pessoa mais importante do Renascimento foi Leonardo da Vinci.

You might have heard of him before Talvez já tenha ouvido falar dele antes

from this little-known project of his called the Mona Lisa, |||||||||famous painting| deste seu projecto pouco conhecido chamado "Mona Lisa",

or through his much more impressive accomplishment หรือ|||||| ou através de sua realização muito mais impressionante

of being immortalized as a ninja turtle. ||увековечен как|||| ||เป็นอมตะ|||| ||como sendo imortalizado como uma tartaruga ninja|||de ser imortalizado como uma tartaruga ninja.| ||увічнити|||| de ser imortalizado como uma tartaruga ninja.

More recently though he was also immortalized Mais recentemente, embora ele também tenha sido imortalizado

in a huge biographical tome |||биографическом|том ||||lengthy book ||||เล่มใหญ่ |||em um enorme tomo biográfico|em um enorme tomo biográfico num enorme volume biográfico

called Simply Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson. |||||||Walter Isaacson |||||||Isaacson chamado Simply Leonardo da Vinci de Walter Isaacson.

This book gives us some fascinating insights |эта книга||||| Este livro dá-nos alguns conhecimentos fascinantes

into what made Leonardo the man that he was. no que fez de Leonardo o homem que ele era.

And today I want to share some of those insights with you E hoje eu quero compartilhar alguns desses insights com você

so that you can use them to become more powerful para que as possas utilizar para te tornares mais poderoso

than you could possibly imagine or you know do que possas imaginar ou saber

at least a little bit more productive in your daily life. pelo menos um pouco mais produtivo na sua vida quotidiana.

So here are five lessons from the life of da Vinci, Eis cinco lições da vida de Da Vinci,

or as my best friend Martin likes to call him. ou como o meu melhor amigo Martin gosta de lhe chamar.

- My boy, Leo DV. |||Domestic Violence |||DV - Meu filho, Leo DV.

- Lesson number one, present yourself - Lição número um, apresente-se

based on what you would like to become, com base no que você gostaria de se tornar,

not just on what you are right now não apenas no que você está agora

or what you have been in the past. ou o que você foi no passado.

Many of us know da Vinci as the mastermind ||||||||геній ||||||||gênio Muitos de nós conhecemos da Vinci como o mentor

behind the Mona Lisa or his painting The Last Supper |||||||||The Last Supper detrás de la Mona Lisa o su cuadro La Última Cena por trás da Mona Lisa ou de sua pintura A Última Ceia

but there were actually periods in Leonardo's life ||||||Leonardo da Vinci's| ||||||da vida de Leonardo| mas houve de facto períodos na vida de Leonardo

where he didn't even want to look at a paintbrush. |||||||||пензель |||||||||pincel onde ele nem mesmo queria olhar para um pincel.

During one of these episodes when he was looking Durante um desses episódios, quando ele estava olhando

for a new patron in Milan, he drafted a letter |||||the city|||| |||||||redigiu|| para un nuevo mecenas en Milán, redactó una carta para um novo patrono em Milão, ele redigiu uma carta

describing his various talents descrição dos seus vários talentos

mostly in engineering and military endeavors. |||||efforts or projects |||||sforzi |||||ความพยายาม principalmente en ingeniería y actividades militares. principalmente em engenharia e empreendimentos militares.

The letter he drafted lists 10 specific areas A carta que ele redigiu lista 10 áreas específicas

in which he might be of service em que ele possa ser útil в чем он может быть полезен

before mentioning painting at all antes de mencionar pintura

of which he writes, likewise in painting, de la que escribe, igualmente en la pintura, do qual ele escreve, também na pintura,

I can do everything possible. Eu posso fazer todo o possível.

Basically this is an early example Basicamente, este é um exemplo inicial

of a custom-tailored resume which Leonardo wrote ||индивидуально подобранное||||| |||на замовлення|||| de un currículum hecho a la medida que escribió Leonardo de um currículo personalizado que Leonardo escreveu

to get the job that he wanted. para conseguir o emprego que queria.

So here's what you can take with this, Então aqui está o que você pode fazer com isso,

when you're presenting yourself to others quando se está a apresentar aos outros

whether it be in the form of a resume or even a Twitter bio, seja na forma de um currículo ou até mesmo uma biografia do Twitter,

don't talk about things that you don't want não fale sobre coisas que você não quer

to be known about or that you don't want to be doing ser conhecido ou o que você não quer fazer

in the near future. num futuro próximo.

Instead work to highlight your current interests, Em vez disso, trabalhe para destacar seus interesses atuais,

if you have to pad things out with your past experience, si tienes que rellenar las cosas con tu experiencia pasada, se você tiver que preencher as coisas com sua experiência anterior,

you might need to do that talvez seja necessário fazer isso

but don't put them first and foremost. ||||||principal mas não os coloque em primeiro lugar.

But on the other hand, don't list things Mas por outro lado, não liste coisas

that you can't actually do yet que você ainda não pode fazer

just because you want to do them. só porque você quer fazê-los.

You actually do have to be able to deliver to some degree. |||||||||||в какой-то степени En realidad, tienes que ser capaz de entregar hasta cierto punto. Você realmente tem que ser capaz de entregar em algum grau. На самом деле, вам действительно нужно хоть в какой-то степени уметь это выполнять.

As it turns out, Leonardo actually hadn't done Acontece que Leonardo não tinha feito Как оказалось, Леонардо на самом деле не выполнил

many of the things that he listed in his letter. muitas das coisas que ele listou em sua carta. многие из тех вещей, которые он перечислил в своем письме.

A lot of them were just ambitions or ideas Muitos deles eram apenas ambições ou ideias

but because he had this genius ability to innovate ||||||||інновувати mas porque ele tinha essa habilidade genial de inovar

usually things worked out pretty well for him normalmente as coisas funcionavam muito bem para ele

but today things are a lot more competitive mas actualmente as coisas são muito mais competitivas

and people don't want to waste time e as pessoas não querem perder tempo

with somebody who really doesn't have experience. com alguém que realmente não tem experiência.

So make sure that you can back up what you're talking about, Portanto, certifique-se de que você pode fazer backup do que está falando,

make sure you have at least some of the skills certifique-se de ter pelo menos algumas das habilidades

and experience that you want to present to the world. e experiência que você deseja apresentar ao mundo.

Now that isn't to say that you need years of experience Agora, isso não quer dizer que você precise de anos de experiência

in a particular discipline before you can present it em uma disciplina particular antes que você possa apresentá-la

because many things can actually be learned porque muitas coisas podem ser aprendidas

in a very short period of time. num período de tempo muito curto.

For example, one of our friends was applying for a job Por exemplo, um dos nossos amigos estava a candidatar-se a um emprego

a few years ago in which having experience alguns anos atrás em que ter experiência

with a LAMP Stack which is a web hosting stack |||||||веб|хостинг| con una pila LAMP que es una pila de alojamiento web WebホスティングスタックであるLAMPスタックを使用 com uma pilha LAMP, que é uma pilha de hospedagem na web

consisting of Apache, MySQL, and PHP all running on Linux ||Web server software||||||| ||Apache|MySQL||||||Linux consistindo em Apache, MySQL e PHP, todos em execução no Linux

would have been very beneficial teria sido muito benéfico

so in just one weekend, he taught himself how to set this up então, em apenas um fim de semana, ele aprendeu sozinho como configurar isso

because it's a pretty easy skill to learn actually porque é uma habilidade muito fácil de aprender, na verdade

and that experience actually helped him to land the job. e essa experiência realmente o ajudou a conseguir o emprego.

Lesson number two, become a T-shaped person |||||T(1)-образный|| Lição número dois, torne-se uma pessoa em forma de T

and luckily I've got a head start on this e felizmente eu tenho uma vantagem neste

because my name starts with T, for the rest of you guys, porque meu nome começa com T, para o resto de vocês,

you may have to put a little bit more work into this você pode ter que trabalhar um pouco mais nisso

but it's worth it. mas vale a pena.

Leonardo's willingness to shift his focus A vontade de Leonardo de mudar seu foco

to entirely new things is part of what made him great. a coisas inteiramente novas é parte do que o tornou grande.

He didn't get caught up in past identities, 彼は過去のアイデンティティにとらわれず、 Ele não foi pego em identidades passadas,

and he didn't limit himself based e ele não se limitou com base

on what he was already good at. no que ele já era bom.

Instead, he relentlessly followed his curiosity ||невпинно||| ||incessantemente||| En cambio, siguió implacablemente su curiosidad. Em vez disso, ele seguiu implacavelmente sua curiosidade

wherever it led him and he filled notebook after notebook dondequiera que lo llevó y llenó cuaderno tras cuaderno aonde quer que isso o levasse e ele enchia caderno após caderno

with constant observations and questions and thoughts. com observações, perguntas e pensamentos constantes.

And due to this constant practice, E devido a esta prática constante,

he not only made himself familiar ele não só se tornou familiar

with many different disciplines com muitas disciplinas diferentes

but he became quite knowledgeable in several of them, mas tornou-se bastante conhecedor de vários deles,

human anatomy, optics, military engineering, ||óptica|| anatomia humana, óptica, engenharia militar,

hydrodynamics, and theatrical productions ||การแสดงละคร| hidrodinâmica||teatral|produções hidrodinâmica e produções teatrais

just to name a few. só para citar alguns.

Oh yes and painting as well. Ah, sim, e também a pintura.

And it was partially due to this variety E foi parcialmente devido a esta variedade

that he was able to excel in so many talents. que ele foi capaz de se destacar em tantos talentos.

His creativity and understanding was bolstered heavily |||||поддержана| |||||strengthened significantly| |||||підтримувалася| Su creatividad y comprensión se vieron fuertemente reforzadas A sua criatividade e compreensão foram fortemente reforçadas

by his ability to see and apply patterns pela sua capacidade de ver e aplicar padrões

from one discipline to another. de uma disciplina para outra.

For just one example, Só para dar um exemplo,

let's take a look at the Mona Lisa's smile. |||||||of the Mona Lisa| |||||||sorriso da Mona Lisa| vamos dar uma olhada no sorriso da Mona Lisa.

The greatness of this smile in the painting A grandeza desse sorriso na pintura

was not an accident, não foi um acidente,

it was informed by obsessive anatomical studies ||||การศึกษาอย่างหมกมุ่น|| foi informado por estudos anatômicos obsessivos

and a desire to understand each of the muscles e um desejo de compreender cada um dos músculos

that control facial expressions. que controlam as expressões faciais.

Without this extra layer of learning to pull from, Sem essa camada extra de aprendizado para extrair,

the greatness of the painting overall would have suffered. a grandeza da pintura como um todo teria sofrido.

Lesson number three, know when you are wrong. Lição número três: saiba quando você está errado.

Leonardo thought deeply and critically Leonardo pensou profunda e criticamente

about almost everything which means that he was bound sobre casi todo lo que significa que estaba obligado sobre quase tudo, o que significa que ele estava vinculado

to be wrong at one point or another. estar errado em um ponto ou outro.

Now in some circles the practice of sticking to your guns Ahora, en algunos círculos, la práctica de apegarse a sus armas Agora, em alguns círculos, a prática de se ater a suas armas

is seen as a good thing and people who change their mind é visto como uma coisa boa e as pessoas que mudam de ideia

from one position to another de uma posição para outra

are often labeled flip-floppers but this kind of a mindset ||обозначаются|||||||| ||||перевертні|||||| |||são frequentemente rotulados como indecisos, mas esse tipo de mentalidade||||||| a menudo se etiquetan como flip-floppers, pero este tipo de mentalidad sont souvent étiquetés flip-floppers mais ce genre d'état d'esprit são frequentemente rotulados de flip-floppers, mas este tipo de mentalidade

can really keep you from growing pode realmente impedir você de crescer

and reaching your highest potential. e alcançar o seu potencial mais elevado.

An important part of what made Leonardo who he was Uma parte importante do que fez de Leonardo quem ele era

was his willingness to adjust his beliefs ||disposição|||| foi sua vontade de ajustar suas crenças

to fit new information, not the other way around. para ajustar novas informações, e não o contrário.

And he did this even with beliefs and theories E ele fez isso mesmo com crenças e teorias

that he held dear. que él apreciaba. que ele amava.

For instance, he really liked finding comparisons Por exemplo, ele realmente gostava de encontrar comparações

between the human body and the earth entre o corpo humano e a terra

and one theory that he held for a while e uma teoria que ele defendeu durante algum tempo

was that the earth's waters might circulate era que as águas da terra circulassem

similarly to that of the human body's blood vessels semelhante ao dos vasos sanguíneos do corpo humano

but as meaningful as this analogy was to him, mas por muito significativa que esta analogia fosse para ele,

as beautiful as it seemed, tão bonito quanto parecia,

once he realized that it did not fit the facts, quando se apercebeu que não correspondia aos factos,

he dropped it and went looking for a new theory that did. ele abandonou-a e foi à procura de uma nova teoria que o fizesse.

So follow in Leonardo's footsteps in this area. Por isso, siga os passos de Leonardo neste domínio.

Don't hold yourself to your past beliefs Не|||||| Não se prenda às suas crenças passadas

if they do not fit the facts. se não corresponderem aos factos.

Use the facts to find a more accurate theory to live by. Используйте факты||||||||||| Utilize os factos para encontrar uma teoria mais correcta para viver.

Lesson number four is to collaborate with others. A quarta lição é colaborar com os outros.

Popular culture often sees genius as a lonely trait ||||||||черта ||||||||ลักษณะเด่น La cultura popular a menudo ve el genio como un rasgo solitario. A cultura popular vê frequentemente o génio como uma característica solitária

but genius doesn't always hide out in solitude |||||||being alone |||||||ความโดดเดี่ยว pero el genio no siempre se esconde en la soledad mas o génio nem sempre se esconde na solidão

just waiting for inspiration to strike. просто||||| esperando a que llegue la inspiración. só estou à espera que a inspiração chegue.

Inspiration often comes from working with others A inspiração vem muitas vezes do trabalho com os outros

and even when genius comes up with an idea on its own, e mesmo quando o génio tem uma ideia por si só,

a team is often needed to realize and perfect that vision. é frequentemente necessária uma equipa para concretizar e aperfeiçoar essa visão.

For example, Terry Pratchett came together with Neil Gaiman ||a person's name|Terry Pratchett||||Neil Gaiman|Neil Gaiman |||Pratchett|||||Gaiman Por exemplo, Terry Pratchett juntou-se a Neil Gaiman

to write Good Omens. |||Signs or portents |||прикмети |||presságios para escrever Good Omens.

All the engineers and technicians at NASA Todos os engenheiros e técnicos da NASA

put their collective heads together to get us to space juntaram as suas cabeças colectivas para nos levar ao espaço

and of course where would Lil Jon be |||||Little Jon|| |||||e é claro, onde estaria Lil Jon|| e, claro, onde estaria o Lil Jon

without The East Side Boyz? ||||group of men ||||sem os East Side Boyz sem os The East Side Boyz?

In da Vinci's time, paintings were often done No tempo de Da Vinci, as pinturas eram frequentemente feitas

collaboratively in studio and because of this Together in studio|||||| colaborativamente|||||| colaborativamente em estúdio e por isso

determining whether or not a work is an original Leonardo determinar se uma obra é ou não um original Leonardo

is difficult because many of his works weren't done alone. é difícil porque muitas das suas obras não foram feitas sozinhas.

Even if the original vision was his, Mesmo que a visão original fosse dele,

the work itself was often done by a team o trabalho em si era frequentemente realizado por uma equipa

both early in his career in his mentor Verrochio's studio ||||||||Verrocchio's studio| ||||||||no início de sua carreira no estúdio de seu mentor Verrochio| ambos no início da sua carreira no atelier do seu mentor Verrochio

and then later on in his own studio. e, mais tarde, no seu próprio estúdio.

Now this might seem crazy to think about at first Isto pode parecer uma loucura à primeira vista

but given the time it's really not that different mas, com o tempo, não é assim tão diferente

than multiple people working together today do que várias pessoas a trabalhar em conjunto actualmente

to create an animated character in a movie or a video game. para criar uma personagem animada num filme ou num jogo de vídeo.

Most 3D characters are created by multiple artists, A maior parte das personagens 3D são criadas por vários artistas,

some work on textures, others work on rigging, |||текстуры||||анимация персонажей |||||||setting up animations |||||||анімування |||texturas||||rigging alguns trabalham em texturas, outros trabalham em equipamentos,

and still others study reference material e outros ainda estudam material de referência

to make sure the animation itself is realistic. ให้||||||| para garantir que a animação é realista.

And even putting painting aside, E até mesmo deixar a pintura de lado,

many of the other great ideas da Vinci had muitas das outras grandes ideias que da Vinci teve

were inspired by his conversations and his work with others. foram inspirados pelas suas conversas e pelo seu trabalho com os outros.

Others whose names have been forgotten Outros cujos nomes foram esquecidos

but whose contributions live on. mas cujos contributos perduram.

As the Jesuit priest Father Strickland once said, |||||отец Стрикленд|| ||Catholic religious order|||Father Strickland|| |||||Strickland|| Como dijo una vez el sacerdote jesuita Padre Strickland, Como disse um dia o padre jesuíta Padre Strickland,

"A man may do an immense deal of good |||||มากมาย||| "Um homem pode fazer muito bem "Человек может сделать огромное количество добра"

"if he does not care who gets the credit for it." "그가 신용을 얻는 사람을 신경 쓰지 않으면." "se ele não se importa com quem fica com os louros". "если ему все равно, кто получит за это признание."

Today we seem to have this particularly strong fixation ||||||||фиксированность Hoy parece que tenemos esta fijación particularmente fuerte Actualmente, parece que temos uma fixação particularmente forte Сегодня у нас, похоже, есть это особенно сильное фиксирование

with building a personal brand both online and offline. com a construção de uma marca pessoal, tanto em linha como fora de linha.

We wanna make sure that our work has our name on it Queremos certificar-nos de que o nosso trabalho tem o nosso nome

but if you can get away from this temptation a bit, mas se conseguires fugir um pouco a esta tentação,

if you can embrace collaboration si puedes abrazar la colaboración se conseguir abraçar a colaboração

and be quick to credit people e ser rápido a dar crédito às pessoas

for their ideas and contributions, pelas suas ideias e contribuições,

you're gonna get a lot farther vais chegar muito mais longe

because your work will be better. porque o vosso trabalho será melhor.

Also, somewhat ironically, people will tend to like you more Além disso, ironicamente, as pessoas tenderão a gostar mais de si

if you're quick to credit others se é rápido a dar crédito aos outros

because well you won't look selfish. porque assim não parecerá egoísta.

That brings us to lesson number five Isto leva-nos à lição número cinco

which is to be wary of perfectionism. ||||cautious about|| ||||ระมัดระวัง|| que é ter cuidado com o perfeccionismo.

Looking at Leonardo's accomplishments in retrospect |||||em retrospectiva ||||ในภายหลัง|มุมมองย้อนหลัง Olhando para as realizações de Leonardo em retrospectiva

can make him look almost superhuman in his brilliance pode fazê-lo parecer quase sobre-humano no seu brilhantismo

but while he was still alive, mas enquanto ele ainda estava vivo,

it wasn't the only thing he was known for. não era a única coisa pela qual ele era conhecido.

The same perfectionism that drove him to new heights O mesmo perfeccionismo que o levou a novos patamares

also kept him from being very reliable to others. também o impedia de ser muito fiável para os outros.

He rarely finished anything including some large projects Raramente terminava alguma coisa, incluindo alguns grandes projectos

that he had been paid to do and had agreed to finish. que lhe tinha sido pago para fazer e que tinha concordado em terminar.

After procrastinating in what could have been |deixar para depois||||| Depois de procrastinar no que poderia ter sido

one of his greatest achievements, uma das suas maiores realizações,

a mural commemorating The Battle of Anghiari, |wall painting|honoring||||The Battle of Anghiari |จิตรกรรมฝาผนัง|เพื่อรำลึกถึง|||| |мурал||||| ||uma pintura mural comemorando a Batalha de Anghiari||||uma muralha comemorativa da Batalha de Anghiari um mural comemorativo da Batalha de Anghiari,

eventually getting a new contract with a later deadline, acabando por obter um novo contrato com um prazo mais alargado,

failing that deadline as well, não cumprindo também esse prazo,

and then eventually just abandoning e depois, eventualmente, abandonando

the entire project altogether, todo o projecto,

he never again received a public commission. nunca mais recebeu uma comissão pública.

And not only did this trait make it difficult E não só esta característica dificultava

for Leonardo to find work para Leonardo encontrar trabalho

compared to his more flexible peers, em comparação com os seus pares mais flexíveis,

it also didn't seem to sit well with Leonardo himself também não parece ter sido bem aceite pelo próprio Leonardo

as he obsessed with leaving a legacy while simultaneously ||||оставлением||наследие|| ||หมกมุ่น|||||| enquanto ele estava obcecado em deixar um legado e ao mesmo tempo

leaving project after project unfinished, ||||незавершеним deixando projecto após projecto inacabado,

he repeatedly scrawled in his notebooks. ||rabiscava||| garabateaba repetidamente en sus cuadernos. que escrevia repetidamente nos seus cadernos.

Tell me if anything was ever done. Diz-me se alguma vez foi feita alguma coisa.

Tell me, tell me, tell me if I ever did a thing. Diz-me, diz-me, diz-me se eu alguma vez fiz alguma coisa.

Tell me if anything was ever made. Diga-me se alguma vez foi feita alguma coisa.

Hundreds of years later, Leonardo may now be more respected Centenas de anos depois, Leonardo pode agora ser mais respeitado

for his unwillingness to produce work ||небажання||| pela sua falta de vontade de produzir trabalho

that was just good enough foi suficientemente bom

and you may well respect him for that yourself e pode muito bem respeitá-lo por isso

but it's also important to know when to just be done. mas também é importante saber quando é que se deve acabar.

It is okay to simply finish something Não há problema em terminar algo

to the best of your ability right now and move forward o melhor que pode fazer neste momento e seguir em frente

and it's far better than just not finishing it at all. e é muito melhor do que não o acabar de todo.

And this is especially true E isto é especialmente verdade

because regardless of what you view as perfection right now, porque, independentemente do que consideramos perfeição neste momento,

what you're gonna be able to produce in the future o que será capaz de produzir no futuro

will be far better. será muito melhor.

Every single time you finish a project, Sempre que se termina um projecto,

you gain new skills, you gain new insight, adquire-se novas competências, adquire-se uma nova visão,

and you become more capable e tornamo-nos mais capazes

of creating better and better work. de criar um trabalho cada vez melhor.

Now perfectionism is a big problem Agora o perfeccionismo é um grande problema

so let me imperfectly solve it here with just one quick tip. por isso, deixem-me resolver imperfeitamente o problema com uma dica rápida.

Give your perfectionism constraints, |||ข้อจำกัด Dê restrições ao seu perfeccionismo,

don't say I'm going to set out to make the best thing ever não digam que me vou propor a fazer a melhor coisa de sempre

as that's impossible, you could always put more time se isso não for possível, pode sempre dedicar mais tempo

and energy and effort into it, e energia e esforço para o fazer,

instead say I'm gonna make the best thing em vez de dizer que vou fazer a melhor coisa

that I can reasonably make within this timeframe |||||||временные рамки que eu possa razoavelmente fazer dentro deste prazo

and this set of constraints. e este conjunto de restrições.

In the long term, just remember that trying new things A longo prazo, lembre-se que experimentar coisas novas

and making mistakes is a large part e cometer erros é uma grande parte

of how we improve ourselves. de como nos melhoramos a nós próprios.

Much like Frieza, you have to lose a few times ||face setbacks||||||| Tal como Frieza, é preciso perder algumas vezes

in order to reach your final form. para chegar à sua forma final.

And the faster and more often you can embrace imperfection, |||||||||недостаток E quanto mais depressa e com mais frequência aceitarmos a imperfeição,

the faster and closer you'll get mais depressa e mais perto chegará

to your highest potential in any area. para atingir o seu potencial máximo em qualquer área.

Your version of perfect. A sua versão de perfeito.

So to quickly summarize, Para resumir rapidamente,

first present yourself based on what you want to become. primeiro, apresente-se com base naquilo em que se quer tornar.

Second, become a T-shaped person. Em segundo lugar, tornar-se uma pessoa em forma de T.

Third, know when you're wrong. Terceiro, saber quando se está errado.

Fourth, collaborate with other people, Em quarto lugar, colaborar com outras pessoas,

and fifth, be wary of perfectionism. e, em quinto lugar, ter cuidado com o perfeccionismo.

Now in the intro for this video Agora, na introdução deste vídeo

I mentioned that all the lessons we just talked about Mencionei que todas as lições de que acabámos de falar

were inspired by Walter Isaacson's ||||Walter Isaacson's work ||||de Isaacson foram inspirados no livro de Walter Isaacson

biography of Leonardo da Vinci

which was simply titled Leonardo da Vinci que se intitulava simplesmente Leonardo da Vinci

and if you'd like to experience this book for yourself e se quiser experimentar este livro por si próprio

and also start learning a bit more about his life, e também começar a saber um pouco mais sobre a sua vida,

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